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Late-Glacial cladoceran succession in three lakes of the Chełm Hills Region ( Łęczna-Włodawa Lake Group, SE Poland)
Suchora, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Late-Gla cial
subfossil Cladocera
Łęczna-Włodawa Lake Group
Chełm hills
High res o lu tion stud ies on subfossil Cladocera from three closely lo cated lakes of the Che³m Hills Re gion – Lake S³one, Syczyñskie, and Pniówno, ev i denced a strong zoo plank ton re sponse to the well-known cli ma tic changes of the Late-Gla cial and early-Ho lo cene. The gen eral changes in the cladoceran com mu nity struc ture re sem ble those de - scribed from other Pol ish and Eu ro pean lakes. Cer tain im por tant dif fer ences were iden ti fied, how ever, which can be at trib uted to the pe cu liar ity of the en vi ron men tal con di tions of the re gion, re gard ing: the deep char ac ter of the lakes stud ied al ready in the ini tial phase of their de vel op ment (Older Dryas), an in ten sive eutrophication pro cess in duced by the Alleröd cli mate warm ing with a pe ri od i cal low er ing of the trophic sta tus, and the char ac ter of the Youn ger Dryas cool ing less se vere than in some other re gions. The chro nol ogy of the palaeoenvironmental changes iden ti fied by means of subfossil Cladocera anal y sis was based on the re sults of palaeobotanical anal y sis, and con firmed by ra diocar bon dat ing avail able for two pro files. Tak ing ad van tage of the close lo ca tion of the study sites, their morphometric and geo log i cal sim i lar i ties, and the high res o lu tion of sam pling, an at tempt was made to use cladoceran suc ces sion in or der to es tab lish the strati graphic di vi sion for Lake Pniówno, lack ing palynological and ra dio car bon data.
Studia Quaternaria; 2012, 29; 9-21
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Development of the Kubłowo palaeolake, central Poland, during the Eemian Interglacial as against subfossil Cladocera analysis – preliminary results
Niska, Monika
Roman, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Cladocera anal y sis
Eemian Inter gla cial
cen tral Po land
The re sults of anal y sis of Cladocera oc cur rence in lac us trine sed i ments from the Kub³owo site have been pre sented. Lac us trine and peat de pos its found there have been pre vi ously an a lyzed for pol len con tent (depth of 11.1–3.8 m) and rep re sent a lon gest con tin u ous Eemian–Vistulian suc ces sion in cen tral Po land (Ro man and Balwierz, 2010). Cladocera anal y sis was car ried out on 25 sam ples from the depth of 9.20–10.5 m of an Eemian age sec tion. The sec tion con - sists of fine or ganic sand, silt with or ganic mat ter and gyttja. Iden ti fied were 19 spe cies of subfossil Cladocera and five zones of fauna de vel op ment were dis tin guished. In the early and mid-Eemian low fre quency zoo plank ton in the palaeolake has been found. Best con di tions for zoo plank ton de vel op ment oc curred in the late Eemian (R PAZ E6, E7). At the end of the Eemian a sig nif i cant change of cli mate in a de te ri o ra tion of en vi ron men tal con di tions and de creased pres ence of zoo plank ton has been noted. Cladocera re sults and the pol len data en able a re con struc tion of the cli ma tic and en vi ron men tal changes in the Kub³owo palaeolake.
Studia Quaternaria; 2014, 31; 31-37
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vegetation and stratigraphy of the Mazovian (Holsteinian) Ineterglacial sections from Dobropol and other new sites in western Polesie Region, south-eastern Poland
Hrynowiecka, Anna
Żarski, Marcin
Winter, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Mazovian Inter gla cial
paleobotanical stud ies
West Polesie Re gion
SE Po land
Geo log i cal map ping in east ern Po land re sulted in new find of or ganic de pos its near W³odawa. Pol len and plant macrofossils anal y ses at the Dobropol site proved de po si tion dur ing the Mazovian (Holsteinian) Inter gla cial (MIS 11). Pol len spec tra in di cated strong pre dom i nance of Carpinus in the op ti mum phase (pol len pe riod III), sug gest ing in ten - sive in flu ence of con ti nen tal cli mate in this part of Po land. The paleolake Dobropol was shal low, with many spe cies of rushes in a lit to ral zone. Dur ing the Liviecian (MIS 10) and the Krznanian (MIS 8) Glaciations the res er voir was oc cupied by an ice-dam lake, in which silt and clay de po si tion pre vailed. The Mazovian Inter gla cial or ganic de pos its were also re corded in im me di ate sur round ings of the study area. Based on geo log i cal and paleobotanical ex am i na tion of the Dobropol site, the ice sheet of the Krznanian Gla ci ation seemed to have reached at least the south ern part of Włodawa. The ice sheet has not cov ered pre sum ably the whole study area as its ad vance oc curred in sev eral lobes. The sur roundings of W³odawa in the West Polesie Re gion are the third larg est Mazovian paleo-lakeland area in Po land, apart from the vi cin i ties of Biała Podlaska and the £uków Plain.
Studia Quaternaria; 2014, 31; 17-30
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Możliwości zastosowania wybranych metod oceny podatności na zmiany w środowisku gruntowo-wodnym w północno-wschodniej części Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego
The possibility of using some methods of assessment of susceptibility of the groundwater environment to mining-induced changes in the north-eastern part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin
Góra, S.
Szczepański, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Górnośląskie Zagłębie Węglowe
vulnerability assessment
Upper Silesian Coal Basin
Wieloletnia działalność górnictwa na obszarze Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego spowodowała znaczne przekształcenia środowiska naturalnego, włączając środowisko wód podziemnych. Kopalnie węgla likwidowane poprzez częściowe lub całkowite zatopienie stwarzają zagrożenie dla jakości wód podziemnych nieuwzględniane dotąd w ocenach podatności wód podziemnych na zanieczyszczenie. W artykule przedstawiono wpływ górniczych przekształceń środowiska na możliwość zastosowania wybranych metod oceny podatności w obrębie północno-wschodniej części GZW.
Long-term mining activity in the USCB caused significant transformation of the environment, including the groundwater environment. Coal mines abandoned by partial or total flooding generate hazard for groundwater quality that has not been so far taken into consideration in groundwater vulnerability assessment methods. The authors present the above-mentioned issue for the hydrogeologically out-ropped sub-region of the USCB, including consideration of coal mine abandoning and partial flooding.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2009, 436, z. 9/1; 115-119
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
History of development and terrestrialization of Lake Starowlany in the Eemian Interglacial on the basis of Cladocera analysis (Sokółka Hills, NE Poland)
Niska, Monika
Kołodziej, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Cladocera anal y sis
Eemian Inter gla cial
palaeolake de vel op ment
NE Po land
This pa per pres ents de vel op ment of the paleolake Starowlany ex ist ing in the Eemian Inter gla cial (MIS 5e) in north - east ern Po land. The lake his tory is based on Cladocera anal y sis. The paleolake Starowlany is lo cated in the cen tral part of the Sokó³ka Hills, ap prox i mately 9 km north of the town of Sokó³ka in the North Podlasie Low land. The sed i ments stud ied filled a south ern part of a tun nel val ley formed dur ing the Warta Gla ci ation. The cor ing was car ried out with a geo log i cal drill ing and con sti tuted a part of the frame work aimed at pre par ing the Sokó³ka sheet for the De tailed Geo - log i cal Map of Po land in scale 1:50 000. The core was 7 m long. Peaty silt, peats and or ganic silt were pres ent at the depth of 4.0–6.6 m, un der deluvial sands, tills and silt. Or ganic se ries was over lain by a clayey silt with no gla cial cover. Cladocera anal y sis was con ducted with 20 sam ples from a depth in ter val 6.6–4.1 m. Re mains of 17 spe cies of Cladocera were found, rep re sent ing the fam i lies: Chydoridae, Sididae and Bosminidae. A vast ma jor ity of them were the lit to ral spe cies. In the paleolake Starowlany four de vel op ment zones were dis tin guished that re flected changes as re gards tem per a ture, trophic lev els and changes of wa ter level in the lake. The paleolake ex isted from the early un til the mid dle Eemian. The high est wa ter level and the most fa vor able con di tions for zoo plank ton de vel op ment oc curred in zones SCZ I and II. The high est trophic level took place in SCZ III (mid dle Eemian). In the late Eemian the wa ter level dropped and the paleolake was trans formed into a wet land. At cer tain points, the higher wa ter level en abled ex is - tence of a few Cladocera spe cies. The rea sons for dis ap pear ance of the paleolake Starowlany in cluded a lo cal de crease in ground wa ter lev els as well as morphometric and geo log i cal char ac ter is tics of the lake.
Studia Quaternaria; 2015, 32; 43-52
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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