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Diminished expression of ICOS, GITR and CTLA-4 at the mRNA level in T regulatory cells of children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes
Łuczyński, Włodzimierz
Wawrusiewicz-Kurylonek, Natalia
Stasiak-Barmuta, Anna
Urban, Remigiusz
Iłendo, Elżbieta
Urban, Mirosława
Hryszko, Marek
Krętowski, Adam
Górska, Maria
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases in children. T regulatory cells (Tregs) modulate response to autoantigens and probably play a role in pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes (T1DM). The aim of the present study was the assessment of T regulatory cells including their percentages and expression of critical genes in these cells in children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. The examined group consisted of 50 children with T1DM. A flow cytometric analysis of T-cell subpopulations was performed using the following markers: anti-CD4, anti-CD25 and anti-CD127 (=IL-7R). Additionally, T regulatory cells were isolated for assessment of mRNA levels for chosen genes with the real-time RT-PCR technique. The percentages of CD4+CD25highCD127dim/- were very low and did not differ between T1DM and control children. We did not observe any statistically significant differences between healthy and diabetic children in mRNA expression for FoxP3, IL-7R (CD127), IL-8RA, IL-10RA, IL-12A, IL-2RA (CD25), IL-21, STAT1, STAT3, SOCS2, SOCS3, TGF-β1-R1, TGF-β-R2 and TBX-21 genes. Interestingly the mRNA level for CTLA-4, ICOS1, IL-23, IL-27, SMAD3 and GITR were lower in Treg cells of children with diabetes compared to the control patients. No disturbances in the percentages of T regulatory cells in patients with diabetes but diminished expression of some elements important in Treg function could be the result of an immunologic imbalance accompanying the onset of the diabetes. The results of our study should be used in future research in the field of immunotherapy in pediatric diabetes.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2009, 56, 2; 361-370
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena ekspresji Foxp3 i RORgamma t w jednojądrzastych komórkach krwi obwodowej u chorych z rakiem krtani jako wskaźników zaawansowania zmian nowotworowych — badania wstępne
Expression of Foxp3 and RORgamma t in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with laryngeal carcinoma as indicators of tumor stage – preliminary study
Papież, Paweł
Bryś, Magdalena
Lewy-Trenda, Iwona
Stasikowska, Olga
Woś, Jan
Papierz, Wielisław
Starska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
laryngeal carcinoma
RORgamma t
peripheral blood mononuclear cells
The degree of activation of cells involved in cellular immune re-sponse against tumor antigens (cytotoxic lymphocytes Te) as well as efficiency of the mechanisms which promote immunosuppression (Treg — regulatory cells CD4±CD25±Foxp3±) may determine the course of the neoplastic disease. The aim of this study was to assess the function of autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) involved in the immunological processes on the basis of expression of Foxp3 and RORgamma t molecules as well as analysis of the relationships with clinical and morphological features of the tumor (pT and pN stage, G feature, degree of invasiveness according to the TFG classification) in laryngeal carcinoma. Materia! and methods: The analysis included a group of 59 patients with verified squamous celt carcinoma of the larynx. In the pathologic evaluation pTNM classification criteria, depth of invasion and degree of histological dif-ferentiation were used. Expression levels of mRNA for Foxp3 and RORgamma t in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by quantitative analysis of the amplified product in real time (real-time RT2-PCR) were evaluated. The level of Foxp3 and RORgamma t protein expression by Western blot analysis was determined. Results: In squamous celt carcinomas of the larynx, with the highest tumor aggressiveness the significantly highest level of mRNA and protein expres-sion for Foxp3 molecule were observed. The severity of Foxp3 expression at both gene and protein level were positively linearly correlated with the degree of local extent of the tumor (pT3-4), depth of invasion (invasion of cartilage) and the degree of histological differentiation (low-differentiated tumors G3). In the study group of laryngeal cancers significantly lower level of RORgamma t expression in carcinomas with less invasive changes (pT1-2, high-differentiated tumors G1, carcinomas with microinvasion without evi-dence of invasion beyond the lamina propria) was also noted. Conclusions: The study results indicate the important role of immune celt activity as indicators of advancement of clinical and morphological changes in squamous celt carcinoma of the larynx.
Polish Journal of Otolaryngology; 2011, 65, 5; 109-116
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Otolaryngology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany w populacji limfocytów Treg podczas chemioterapii u chorych na raka jajnika
Changes in the Treg lymphocyte population levels in patients being treated for ovarian cancer with chemotherapy
Wiśniewski, Michał
Koper, Krzysztof
Łukaszewska, Ewelina
Jóźwicki, Wojciech
Windorbska, Wiesława
Dutsch-Wicherek, Magdalena
Wicherek, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
immune tolerance
ovarian cancer
immunologiczna tolerancja
limfocyty cd4+cd25+foxp3+
rak jajnika
Regulatory T lymphocytes CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ or Treg cells play a major role in immune system surveillance and tolerance. Treg cells are critical for controlling the immunological system because they inhibit the cytotoxic response. Moreover, it has been found that Treg cell recruitment into the tumor microenvironment reduces the chances of survival in cancer patients and that an increase in Treg cells in the peripheral blood correlates with the progression of ovarian cancer. In our study we addressed Treg cell population changes in cases of ovarian cancer where the patients were treated with chemotherapy. Using flow cytometry we determined the levels of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of the patients prior to chemotherapy, after 3 courses of chemotherapy, and then after 6 courses (the respective regimens were: TK – 13, CP – 1, TPT – 1 patient). We observed that the Treg lymphocyte levels of ovarian cancer patients decreased after 3 courses of chemotherapy though the difference (p=0.3) was not statistically significant. After 6 chemotherapy courses, however, levels did increase to a statistically significant degree (p=0.02). We have therefore concluded that a measurement of the Treg cell population could be helpful in estimating the impact of chemotherapy on a patient’s host immune system during the systemic treatment of ovarian cancer.
Limfocyty regulatorowe T CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ (komórki Treg) odgrywają istotną rolę w mechanizmach nadzoru i tolerancji immunologicznej, hamując odpowiedź cytotoksyczną układu odpornościowego. Wykazano, że w trakcie rozwoju choroby nowotworowej liczebność limfocytów Treg wzrasta. Obecność nacieków z limfocytów Treg w mikrośrodowisku guza wiąże się z gorszym rokowaniem, a wzrost populacji komórek Treg we krwi obwodowej koreluje z progresją raka jajnika. W niniejszym badaniu sprawdzano wpływ chemioterapii stosowanej u chorych z rakiem jajnika na liczebność populacji Treg we krwi obwodowej. W tym celu odsetek Treg we krwi oznaczano przed, po 3 oraz po 6 kursach chemioterapii (TK – 13, CP – 1, TPT – 1 chora) za pomocą cytometrii przepływowej. Podczas pierwszych 3 cykli chemioterapii zaobserwowano początkowe zmniejszenie odsetka limfocytów T CD4+CD25+ FOXP3+ wśród limfocytów T CD4+, niemniej jednak różnica ta nie była znamienna statystycznie (p=0,3). Następnie w miarę kontynuowania chemioterapii odsetek limfocytów T CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ wśród limfocytów T CD4+ wzrastał i po 6. cyklu w stosunku do aktywności po 3. cyklu chemioterapii był statystycznie znamiennie większy (p=0,02). Autorzy wnioskują, że badanie populacji Treg może być przydatne do oceny wpływu chemioterapii na układ odpornościowy gospodarza podczas leczenia systemowego chorych na raka jajnika.
Current Gynecologic Oncology; 2011, 9, 3; 139-146
Pojawia się w:
Current Gynecologic Oncology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teoria immunoedycji – sieci immunosupresyjne w mikrośrodowisku nowotworów. Nowe cele dla immunoterapii
Immune edition theory – immunosuppressive network in tumor microenvironment. New targets for immunotherapy
Sznurkowski, Jacek J.
Emerich, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
cancer immunoediting
immune escape
indoleamine 2.3-dioxygenase
rakowa immunoedycja
ucieczka immunologiczna
indoleamina 2
Immunotherapy nowadays becomes an increasingly important topic in oncology. Immunotherapeutic strategies implemented to date focused mainly on stimulation or supplementation of function of effector cells. Past decade witnessed a tremendous progress in our understanding of mechanisms whereby tumors acquire an ability to escape host’s immune surveillance. There appeared the notion of cancer-dependent “immunosuppressive network”. An indicator of immunosuppression in tumor microenvironment is the presence of regulator T lymphocytes (Tregs) of the CD4+T subgroup. Expression of FOXP3 is directly associated with suppressive function of these cells. Other studies revealed that indoleamine 2.3-dioxygenase (IDO) induces peripheral immune tolerance to tumor antigens. In physiological conditions, IDO is indispensable in creation of a microenvironment preventing destruction of selected tissues by “hyperactive” immune system. It is currently believed that IDO-dependent increase of immune suppression enables survival and proliferation of cancer cells. Analysis of expression of FOXP3 antigens and IDO will provide an insight to the extent of “immunosuppressive network” in direct neighborhood of vulvar cancer cells and in adjacent lymphatic system. Further research focused on tumor-dependent “immunosuppressive network” is of paramount importance, as it may provide entirely new targets for therapeutic intervention, this time using low-molecular-weight compounds instead of biological factors used hitherto in immune therapies. This paper explains basic concepts of immunoedition theory and describes the role of IDO and regulatory T lymphocytes (Tregs) in the escape of cancer cells from immune surveillance.
W ostatnim czasie szczególnego znaczenia w onkologii nabiera immunoterapia. Dotychczasowe strategie immunoterapeutyczne skupiały się głównie na stymulowaniu lub uzupełnianiu funkcji komórek efektorowych. W ostatnim dziesięcioleciu dokonał się ogromny postęp w zrozumieniu sposobu, w jaki guzy nowotworowe nabywają zdolność do ucieczki przed układem immunologicznym. Pojawiło się pojęcie sieci immunosupresyjnej powstającej pod wpływem raka. Wykładnikiem immunosupresji w mikrośrodowisku guzów nowotworowych jest obecność regulatorowych limfocytów T (Tregs), które należą do podgrupy komórek CD4+T. Ekspresja FOXP3 jest bezpośrednio związana z supresyjną funkcją tych komórek. W innych badaniach wykazano, że indoleamina 2,3-dioksygenaza (IDO) powoduje powstawanie obwodowej tolerancji immunologicznej wobec antygenów guza. W stanie fizjologicznym IDO jest niezbędna w tworzeniu środowiska, które ogranicza zniszczenie tkanek przez „nadaktywny” układ odpornościowy. Uważa się, że zwiększanie supresji immunologicznej przez IDO umożliwia przetrwanie i wzrost komórek rakowych. Analiza ekspresji antygenów FOXP3 oraz IDO pozwoli na zbadanie, jak duża jest „sieć immunosupresyjna” w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie komórek raka sromu oraz w przyległym do nich układzie limfatycznym. Poszukiwanie „sieci immunosupresyjnych” wytwarzanych przez nowotwór wydaje się mieć ogromne znaczenie, ponieważ mogą dostarczyć całkiem nowych miejsc dla terapeutycznej interwencji, tym razem przy użyciu małych związków molekularnych zamiast stosowanych dotychczas (w immunoterapiach) czynników biologicznych. W poniższym artykule autorzy wyjaśniają podstawy teorii immunoedycji oraz opisują udział IDO i regulatorowych limfocytów T (Tregs) w ucieczce komórek nowotworowych spod nadzoru immunologicznego.
Current Gynecologic Oncology; 2009, 7, 4; 282-287
Pojawia się w:
Current Gynecologic Oncology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Significant expression of Foxp3 in murine extrathymic CD4+CD8+ double positive T cells
Gregorczyk, I.
Maślanka, T.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) T cells
Treg cells
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2017, 4; 815-817
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biochemical and molecular evidences for the antitumor potential of Ginkgo biloba leaves extract in rodents
Ahmed, Hanaa
Shousha, Wafaa
El-Mezayen, Hatem
El-Toumy, Sayed
Sayed, Alaa
Ramadan, Aesha
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Ginkgo biloba
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the deadliest primary cancers, with a 5-year survival rate of 10% or less. This study was undertaken to elucidate the underlying biochemical and molecular mechanisms in favor of N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced hepatocellular carcinoma. Furthermore, the aim of this work was extended to explore the efficacy of Ginkgo biloba leaves extract in deterioration of HCC in rats. In the current study, HCC group experienced significant downregulation of ING-3 gene expression and upregulation of Foxp-1 gene expression in liver. Treatment of HCC groups with Ginkgo biloba leaves extract resulted in upregulation of ING-3 and downregulation of Foxp-1 gene expression in liver. In addition, there was significant increase in serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and glypican-3 (GPC-3) levels in HCC group versus the negative control group. In contrast, the groups with HCC subjected to either high or low dose of Ginkgo biloba leaves extract elicited significant reduction (P<0.05) of AFP, CEA and GPC-3 in serum compared to the untreated HCC rats. Besides, histological examination of liver tissue sections of rats in HCC group revealed typical anaplasia. Interestingly, treatment with Ginkgo biloba leaves extract elicited marked improvement in the histological feature of liver tissue in HCC groups. In conclusion, this research indicated that the carcinogenic potency of N-nitrosodiethylamine targeted multiple systems on the cellular and molecular levels. In addition, the results of the current study shed light on the promising anticancer activity of Ginkgo biloba leaves extract in treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma induced chemically in the experimental model through its apoptotic and antiproliferative properties.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2017, 64, 1; 25-33
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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