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Sytuacja finansowa w sektorze przedsiębiorstw w 2013 roku
Financial Situation in the Enterprise Sector in 2013
Mościbrodzka, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
wyniki finansowe przedsiębiorstw
enterprise financial performance
Opracowanie stanowi raport z badania kondycji finansowej przedsiębiorstw, bazujący przede wszystkim na danych sprawozdawczych GUS, kwartalnych danych makroekonomicznych, finansach przedsiębiorstw niefinansowych, opracowaniach GUS: Wyniki finansowe przedsiębiorstw niefinansowych, oraz Wyniki finansowe podmiotów gospodarczych w 2013 r. W badaniu zanalizowano zmiany w przychodach z całokształtu działalności i kosztów uzyskania tych przychodów oraz rentowności w poszczególnych kwartałach 2013 r. oraz oceny tych zmiennych w porównaniu z odpowiednich kwartałów 2012 r. i lat wcześniejszych. Wykazano, że realna dynamika przychodów w poszczególnych kwartałach 2013 r. była ujemna, ale także uległa obniżeniu dynamika kosztów. Zatem wskaźnik udziału kosztów w przychodach w dwóch pierwszych kwartałach 2013 r. uległ obniżeniu, co spowodowało wzrost rentowności obrotu brutto i netto. Analizie poddano składowe wyniku finansowego przedsiębiorstw, wskazujące na poprawę wyników w stosunku do osiągniętych w 2012 r., ale nie dorównujących wynikom z 2011 r. Na podstawie danych pochodzących z opracowania GUS pt. Wyniki finansowe podmiotów gospodarczych w 2013 r., oceniono zmiany, które zachodziły w rentowności i płynności oraz nakładach inwestycyjnych w przedsiębiorstwach o różnej wielkości ze względu na kryterium zatrudnienia. Ogólnie w 2013 r. sytuacja finansowa dużych firm zaczęła się pogarszać, a małych i średnich – polepszać. Zbadano nakłady inwestycyjne oraz kapitał pracujący i rotacje majątku. W nakładach inwestycyjnych absolutny największy wzrost zanotowano w dużych firmach, ale relatywnie największy wzrost uzyskano w średnich firmach (o 6,9%). W małych firmach nastąpił nominalnie spadek nakładów inwestycyjnych (o 0,06%). Kapitał pracujący uległ pomniejszeniu w dużych firmach, a rósł w małych i średnich. Rotacja majątku uległa obniżeniu we wszystkich grupach firm. Oceniono także procesy upadłościowe firm, wskazując na zahamowanie procesu upadłości firm oraz odniesiono się do aktywności eksportowej firm na podstawie danych NBP. Ogółem ta aktywność poprawiała się w zakresie wzrostu liczebności eksporterów, ale malał udział eksportu w przychodach ze sprzedaży. Wskazano na polityczne uwarunkowania stabilizacji ekonomicznej krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, w związku z kryzysem ukraińsko–rosyjskim, mającym wpływ na sytuację ekonomiczną przedsiębiorstw i osiągane wyniki finansowe.
The paper is a report on a survey of enterprises’ financial standing based, first of all, on the CSO’s reporting data, quarterly macroeconomic data, finance of non-financial enterprises, CSO’s elaborations: Financial results of non-financial enterprises and Financial results of economic entities in 2013. In the survey, there were analysed the changes in revenues from total activity and tax-deductible expenses related to those revenues and profitability in individual quarters of the year 2013 as well as assessment of those variable vis-à-vis relevant quarters of the year 2012 and earlier years. There was exhibited that the real dynamics of revenues in particular quarters of 2013 was negative, though there also decreased the cost dynamics. Therefore, the cost-to-sales ratio in the first two quarters of 2013 declined, what caused growth of gross and net turnover profitability rate. The analysis covered the components of financial result of enterprises indicating improvement of results against those achieved in 2012, though lagging behind the results of the year 2011. Based on the data from the CSO’s elaboration entitled Financial results of economic entities in 2013, the author assessed the changes, which were taking place in profitability and liquidity as well as in investment expenditure at enterprises of different size in terms of the employment criterion. In general, in 2013, the financial standing of large firms began to deteriorate, while that of small and medium-sized – to improve. There were surveyed investment outlays as well as working capital and asset turnover. In investment outlays, the absolute highest growth was noted in large firms, though relatively the biggest growth was gained in medium-sized firms (by 6.9%). In small firms, there took place a nominal drop of investment expenditure (by 0.06%). Working capital decreased in large firms and it was growing in small and medium-sized. Asset turnover decreased in all groups of firms. The author also assessed the firms’ bankruptcy processes, indicating a setback of the process of firms going bankrupt as well as she referred to firms’ export activity based on the NBP’s data. In general, this activity improved as regards growth of the number of exporters, albeit there was declining the share of exports in sales revenues. There were indicated the political determinants of the economic stabilisation of the Central and Eastern European countries, due to the Ukrainian and Russian crisis that affects the economic standing of enterprises and the achieved financial results.
Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula; 2014, 37/2014 Raport o stanie finansowym państwa 2013-2014; 53-79
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zombies or Still Alive. Who Took Advantage of COVID-19 State Aid?
Wiśniewski, Tomasz
Adamczyk, Adam
Franek, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
public aid
financial performance
Theoretical background: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has caused violent reactions from the governments of almost all countries in the world. The attempt to contain a pandemic by restricting the mobility of society has had a huge impact on people and some businesses. As a result of COVID-19 restrictions, it became necessary to introduce special state aid programs for those businesses that were most affected by these restrictions. This was also the case in Poland. We based our analysis on welfare economics (Harberger, 1971), in which government support for enterprises is legitimized when their situation would have been worse without these interventions.Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to assess the impact of public aid granted to large companies in Poland on their financial condition. The research problem is to answer the question whether the companies that received the aid needed it. In assessing the appropriateness of aid, liquidity, debt level and profitability indices were used, which directly resulted from the objectives of COVID-19 aid granted in Poland. The added value of the study is combining the analysis of data from financial statements with information on state aid published by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK).Research methods: The research sample consisted of 1,201 large Polish enterprises from the non-financial sector. The study used non-parametric statistical tests and quartile analysis.Main findings: The results show that the aid went to entities that were already in a worse financial situation before the pandemic. At the same time, it was demonstrated that the aid did not distort the market mechanism, i.e. it neither excessively improved the situation of supported entities nor significantly worsened the situation of entities that did not benefit from the aid.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia; 2022, 56, 2; 149-163
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Distinctive determinants of financial indebtedness: evidence from Slovak and Czech enterprises
Valaskova, Katarina
Kliestik, Tomas
Gajdosikova, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
financial performance
construction sector
Research background: Indebtedness indicators are used to monitor the structure of corporate financial resources. The company's share of its own and foreign resources affects the financial stability of the company. A high share of own re-sources makes the company stable, and independent. With a low share, on the contrary, the company is unstable, market fluctuations and credit uncertainty can have serious consequences. However, foreign capital is cheaper, and too high indebtedness ratios can jeopardize the existence of enterprises. Purpose of the article: In general, the economic recession worsens the capital structure of enterprises, especially their debt management. Thus, the paper aims to apply the set of 13 indebtedness ratios to a sample of 779 Slovak and Czech enterprises from the construction sector to determine key microeconomic determinants that may influence the level of indebtedness. Methods: A non-parametric one-way analysis of variance ? the Kruskal-Wallis test ? was used to determine whether the set of indebtedness ratios is the same across countries, districts, and sizes. For analyzing the specific sample pair of stochastic dominance, the pairwise comparison was realized using the Dunn'stest with Bonferonni correction. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the differences in the set of indebtedness ratios between two independent groups of enterprises, based on their legal form and country. Findings & value added: The level of total indebtedness ratio and the self-financing ratio depends on the region as well as on the size of the enterprise and the legal form. In the case of credit indebtedness and debt-to-cash-flow indebted-ness, their dependence on the size of the enterprise and the legal form is obvious. The importance of the region and the legal form of enterprises, vice versa, affect the level of the financial independence ratio. These outputs are relevant for au-thorities, policy makers, or financial institutions to identify financial constraints that construction enterprises face and, as a result, make a long-term contribution to theory in this field.
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy; 2021, 16, 3; 639-659
Pojawia się w:
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sytuacja ekonomiczno-finansowa sektora przedsiębiorstw w 2014 roku
Economic and Financial Situation of the Sector of Enterprises in 2014
Mościbrodzka, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
wyniki finansowe przedsiębiorstw
enterprises’ financial performance
W opracowaniu przedstawiono sytuację finansową przedsiębiorstw w 2014 roku jako wynik kontynuacji procesów gospodarczych z 2013 roku z podkreśleniem, jak osiągane wyniki w 2013 roku, a szczególnie sytuacja majątkowa i kapitałowa (o których pełne informacje uzyskano dopiero pod koniec 2014 roku w Bilansowych wynikach finansowych przedsiębiorstw) mogły rzutować na to, co się działo z przedsiębiorstwami w badanym roku. Wyniki osiągane w 2014 roku, jak też w latach wcześniejszych będą miały wpływ na działalność przedsiębiorstw i ich możliwości rozwojowe w 2015 roku. Badanie prowadzone było dla całego sektora przedsiębiorstw niefinansowych zatrudniających powyżej 10 osób, jak też w podziale na małe, średnie i duże przedsiębiorstwa, według kryterium liczby zatrudnionych. W badaniu bazowano na danych finansowych pochodzących z opracowań GUS, wykorzystano także informacje z NBP i GPW. Wnioski są optymistyczne – sektor przedsiębiorstw w Polsce wyróżnia się dobrą płynnością finansową, prowadzi działalność bezpiecznie, nie jest nadmiernie zadłużony, posiada silne podstawy kapitałowe i majątkowe wypracowane w latach poprzednich, w latach pokryzysowych. Mimo trudności zewnętrznych, utrzymuje wysoką rentowność i notuje wzrost wydajności pracy. Zahamowano wzrost upadłości przedsiębiorstw, która na tle innych państw europejskich kształ-tuje się na niskim poziomie. W 2014 roku wystąpiły także zjawiska niepokojące, osłabienie wyników dużych przedsiębiorstw związane z pogorszeniem rentowności obrotu brutto, pogorszeniem wskaźnika udziału kosztów w przychodach, niską dynamiką przychodów z całokształtu działalności oraz stagnacją w wyniku ze sprzedaży produktów, towarów i materiałów, a także stagnacją w wyniku netto.
In her study, the author presented enterprises’ financial situation in 2014 as a result of continuance of economic processes of the year 2013 with an emphasis how the achieved results in 2013, and particularly asset and equity standing (the full information on which were only received at the end of 2014 in the Balance Sheet Financial Performance of Enterprises might have affected what there was happening with enterprises in the year in question. The results achieved in 2014, as well as in the earlier years, will have their influence on enterprises’ activity and their developmental possibilities in 2015. The survey was carried out for the whole sector of non-financial enterprises employing more than 10 persons as well as divided into small, medium and large enterprises, by the criterion of the number of employees. In the survey, an emphasis was put on the financial data taken from CSO’s studies; there was also used information from the National Bank of Poland (NBP) and the Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW). Conclusions are optimistic – the sector of enterprises in Poland distinguishes with good financial liquidity, carries out activities securely, is not overleveraged, has solid capital and assets grounds earned in previous, post-crisis years. Despite the external difficulties, it maintains high profitability and notes growth of labour productivity. There was inhibited the growth of enterprise bankruptcy, which, vis-à-vis other European countries, is at a low level. In 2014, there also took place alarming phenomena, weakening of performance of large enterprises connected with aggravation of gross turnover profitability, aggravation of the cost-to-revenue ratio, low dynamics of revenues from activities as a whole, and stagnation in profit from sales of products, goods and materials as well as stagnation in profit after taxation.
Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula; 2015, 43(5) Ekonomia VIII. Raport o stanie finansowym państwa 2014-2015; 68-95
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Patents and Financial Performance of Firms - Evidence From Polish Manufacturing Companies
Prędkiewicz, Katarzyna
Prędkiewicz, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Upowszechniająca Wiedzę i Naukę Cognitione
financial performance
economic slowdown
This article is a contribution to the discussion on innovation activity and its influence on financial performance of companies. The authors employ a simple measure of innovativeness, which was also used in other studies, and the division of companies into two groups (innovative and non-innovative) was based on the fact whether they obtained a patent (patents) or not. In this paper, we compare the rates of return and revenue growth achieved by innovative versus non-innovative companies operating in the manufacturing industry in Poland, in the years 2006 to 2012. Financial and qualitative data for testing the hypotheses were taken from the Amadeus database provided by Bureau van Dijk. The sample consisted of 4004 enterprises, of which 681 were owners of at least one patent. T-Student test, ANOVA and OSL models were used to verify the working assumptions. The study tests the following three research hypotheses. H1: “Innovative companies achieve higher rates of return than the non- innovative ones.” That hypothesis was confirmed in relation to the EBITDA margin and ROS (return on sale), but not to ROA (return on assets) and ROE (return on equity). The fact of belonging to a group of innovative companies had an impact on an average EBITDA margin increase by 0.83 p.p. in 2007, 0.78 p.p. in 2009 and 0.73 p.p. in 2012, ceteris paribus. The difference between ROE was found statistically insignificant in most analysed periods (except 2007 and 2009), however, non-innovative companies have achieved a higher return on equity than innovative companies. It can be associated with higher operational risk in innovative companies which restrict access to external capital, leading such companies to expand their businesses through their own equity. The second tested hypothesis is: “An innovative activity has higher impact on financial performance in medium-sized companies than in large and very large ones.” During the research, it was found out that having obtained a patent is important determinant of EBITDA margin for medium-sized companies, increasing it by 0.76 p.p., ceteris paribus. In large companies, it contributed to an increase of 0.71 p.p., and for very large ones – by only 0.19 p.p., with the slope for the latter group at a number other than zero found to be statistically insignificant. In relation to third tested hypothesis:” Innovative companies are more sensitive in terms of revenue dynamics to economic slowdown than the non-innovative ones.” it was found out that in the period of time from 2006 to 2012 the dynamics of revenue growth in innovative companies was generally higher than in the non-innovative ones, except in the year 2009, when all companies showed a significant decline in revenues, but for innovative companies, the decline amounted to 6.39%, and for the remaining ones it was found at 4.98%. Based on those findings it was confirmed that innovative companies are characterized by a greater sensitivity to economic slowdown.
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation; 2014, 10, 4; 115-142
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The impacts of innovative and competitive abilities of SMEs on their different financial risk concerns: System approach
Civelek, Mehmet
Krajčík, Vladimír
Fialova, Vendula
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
financial risk management
financial performance
Research background: The lack of financial resources of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) make them face high financial risk. Their entrepreneurial abilities that belong to Resource-based View (RBV), such as innovativeness and competitiveness, might reduce SMEs' financial risk because those entrepreneurial abilities increase the financial performance of businesses. Purpose of the article: This paper aims to investigate the effects of the innovativeness and competitiveness of SMEs on their financial concerns based on financial risk, including bankruptcy, financial performance, and financial risk management. Methods: The authors use a method of data analysis and synthesis, including advanced knowledge and digital processing of background studies. This paper examines 1221 SMEs from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. Those firms are chosen by random sampling method from Cribis and the Budapest Chamber of Commerce databases. Then the researchers directed an online questionnaire to collect the research data from the randomly selected firms. The researchers use Ordinal Logistic Regression Test for analysis purposes. Findings & value added: This paper's results indicate that SMEs' competitiveness does not impact SMEs' bankruptcy prediction, financial performance, or financial risk management. On the other hand, while more innovative SMEs are less likely to face bankruptcy issues than less innovative SMEs, less innovative SMEs indicate better financial performance than their more innovative counterparts. Since this paper focuses on the influences of intangible assets of SMEs (such as characteristics based on RBV and Entrepreneurial Orientation) on their tangible assets (financial performance etc.) and puts emphasis on this fact from an International perspective, this paper makes a significant contribution to the literature. Furthermore, analyzing multiple relationships between SMEs' different entrepreneurial characteristics and various financial risk concerns is another important fact that might draw prospective readers' attention.
Oeconomia Copernicana; 2023, 14, 1; 327-354
Pojawia się w:
Oeconomia Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of international experts on company financial performance
Kravchenko, Grygorii
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce
corporate governance
international experts
company financial performance
Objective: The article aims to evaluate the influence of international supervisory board experts on firm financial performance, based on the impact of international experts’ characteristics, such as their knowledge, experience, independence, and connections. Methodology/research approach: The empirical study is based on a unique handcollected dataset covering a final sample of 256 companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) and which operated on the market during the observation period 2010- 2015. The Generalized Least Squares (GLS) regression model with a random effect is employed to test the hypotheses. Findings: The findings strongly suggest that the presence of supervisory board members with an outside perspective and international experience may exert a positive impact on companies’ operational outcomes. Research limitations/implications: The research has practical implications for Polish governmental agencies, as it verifies the usefulness of the recommendations for supervisory board composition presented in the Best Practices for WSE Listed Companies. Originality/value: The study contributes to the existing literature on the factors that affect company performance. Consequently, great value is added to the research on supervisory board characteristics that are crucial for effective monitoring and advisory roles, enhancing the quality of corporate governance.
Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości; 2021, 45(3); 203-232
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Financial Performance of Polish Public Hospitals Owned by Local and Regional Governments
Wójtowicz, Katarzyna
Wójtowicz, Jan
Ujazda, Damian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
financial performance
public hospitals
COVID-19 pandemic
Theoretical background: The COVID-19 pandemic has put a great strain on healthcare systems and hospitals. Although the effects of COVID-19 have affected almost all aspects of the economies and health systems of most countries around the world, relatively little research has been done on the consequences of the pandemic on the financial performance of hospitals around the world. This literature gap is mainly the result of a short research period and difficulties in obtaining reliable and good quality empirical data. The review of the literature shows that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial performance of hospitals is ambiguous. Most of them focused primarily on the first year of the pandemic and were mostly based on fragmentary financial data and sometimes only on the case study method.Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial performance of the largest public hospitals owned by local and regional governments. The research, covering mainly the years 2019–2021, was carried out based on financial statements obtained from 40 public hospitals in the form of independent public healthcare institutions (SPZOZ).Research methods: To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial performance of Polish hospitals, a ratio analysis was carried out. Due to the specificity of public health facilities, ratios included in the Ministry of Health Regulation of 12 April 2017 were used, which refer mainly to independent public healthcare facilities.Main findings: The research revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the deterioration of the financial performance of Polish public hospitals owned by local and regional governments. However, the impact was not dramatic, but only intensified the financial difficulties experienced by Polish hospitals before.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia; 2022, 56, 3; 187-204
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of the crop insurance performance in Haryana
Ocena efektów działania programu ubezpieczeń upraw w stanie Haryana
Sheoran, Vandana
Kait, Rohtas
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
crop insurance
risk mitigation
physical performance
financial performance
Subject and purpose of the work: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the overall physical and financial performance of the crop insurance schemes in Haryana. Materials and methods: The study was purely based on secondary data collected from the Department of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare Union of Haryana. The compound annual growth rate and the percentage method have been used to analyse the performance of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. Results: The compound annual growth rate of benefited farmers was higher in the Rabi crop (28%), and in the same way, the overall area covered (1.4%) was also higher in the Rabi crop. The non-loanee farmers adopted Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) without any kind of loan in any scheme such as the Kisan credit card. The growth rates of non-loanee farmers of Rabi and Kharif crops were observed at 143.2% and 184.3% which was highly satisfactory. Loanee farmers were already large in number since the commencement of PMFBY. Conclusions: It was found that the parameters such as area covered, loanee, non-loanee farmers and the number of beneficiaries of Rabi and Kharif crops increased and had a significant effect on the farmer’s coverage over the years. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana gives a positive assurance to farmers. As the number of beneficiaries of this scheme increases and farmers have the assurance that if their crop is damaged due to natural calamities their claim will be settled, they will use a high-yielding variety of seeds, pesticides, herbicides, and new technology, thus production and productivity will increase. They play a vital role in the coverage of cultivated area and will ultimately decide to participate in crop insurance. Hence, this scheme has proved effective in maintaining the farmer’s interest in crop insurance and ensuring the timely settlement of claims, which has been the main driving force in retaining farmers under crop insurance.
Economic and Regional Studies; 2023, 16, 1; 133-142
Pojawia się w:
Economic and Regional Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewolucja rachunku wyników w kontekście interesu właścicieli
Evolution of Income Results in the Context of Interest Holders
Emerling, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Wynik finansowy
Financial performance
Współczesny nurt rachunkowości pokazuje wiele nowych założeń, które poczynione zostały z myślą o dostarczeniu precyzyjnych informacji dla rynków finansowych. Wbrew nadrzędnej zasadzie o wyższości treści nad formą sformułowanej w koncepcyjnych założeniach raportowania finansowego często proponowane rozwiązania nie mają wytłumaczenia ekonomicznego i logicznego, powodują natomiast różne skutki finansowe i wpływ na wyniki przedsiębiorstw oraz obraz sytuacji ekonomicznej przedstawiony w sprawozdaniu finansowym. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie genezy i ewolucji bardzo ważnego sprawozdania, jakim jest rachunek zysków i strat według rozwiązań polskich i międzynarodowych oraz przedstawienie podobieństw i różnic w jego ujęciu według rozwiązań krajowych i międzynarodowych. Przyjęte w artykule metody badawcze opierają się na studiach literatury, przeglądzie aktów prawnych, zastosowaniu metody porównań oraz wnioskowaniu.
The modern trend shows a lot of new accounting assumptions that have been made in order to provide accurate information for the financial markets. Contrary to the overarching principle of reality over appearance formulated in the conceptual assumptions of financial reporting often proposed solutions do not have to explain economic and logical, but they cause different financial implications and impact on the performance of enterprises and economic picture of the situation presented in the financial statements. The aim of the article is to present the genesis and evolution of the very important report which is the income statement according to Polish and international solutions and to present the similarities and differences in the recognition at national and international solutions. Adopted in the article research methods are based on literature studies, review of legal acts, the method comparison and inference.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2015, 245; 82-91
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Financial performance and bankruptcy concerns of SMEs in their export decision
Ključnikov, Aleksandr
Civelek, Mehmet
Krajčík, Vladimír
Novák, Petr
Červinka, Michal
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
financial performance
export obstacles
Visegrad countries
Research background: Due to having lack of financial power and low amount of revenues, most of SMEs' major concerns are bankruptcy and low financial performance. Those issues are risky situations for SMEs when making for their exporting activities. Therefore, depending on their performance and bankruptcy risk, they might more intensively perceive export barriers and this fact might determine their export decisions. Purpose of the article: This paper examines whether financial performance and bankruptcy concerns of SMEs affect their perceptions of export obstacles or not. Methods: This research performs random sampling method and directs an internet-mediated questionnaire to the selected respondents who are the executives of 408 Czech, Slovakian and Hungarian SMEs. To examine the influences of firm performance and bankruptcy on the perceptions of export impediments by SMEs, this paper employs Ordinal Logistic Regression Test. Findings & value added: The results show that SMEs having less healthy financial conditions less intensively perceive cultural-linguistic export barriers in comparison with SMEs having better financial performance. Moreover, firm performance is not a predictor variable in the perceptions of export costs, legislative and tax-related barriers by SMEs. On the other hand, while SMEs having more bankruptcy concerns more intensively perceive tax-related and cultural-linguistic barriers, bankruptcy concerns of SMEs do not influence their perceptions of export costs and legislative differences. Although many studies have investigated the impacts of financial conditions of SMEs on their internationalization and exporting decisions, they are isolated with only a market or only with a financial issue. The limited extents of those studies cause a partial investigation of export and financial issues of SMEs and make readers having a narrow perspective in this specific area. By focusing on various export obstacles and financial issues that SMEs face in different markets, this research offers a detailed understanding of SMEs' perceptions regarding their financial conditions and export barriers, from a comprehensive perspective. In this regard, this is the research gap that this paper aims to fill.
Oeconomia Copernicana; 2022, 13, 3; 867-890
Pojawia się w:
Oeconomia Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Proposal of a causal model measuring the impact of an ISO 9001 certified Quality Management System on financial performance of Moroccan service-based companies
El Moury, Ibtissam
Hadini, Mohamed
Chebir, Adil
Ali Mohamed, Ben
Adil, Echchelh
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
financial performance
organisational performance
Quality Management System (QMS)
ISO 9001 certification
Implemented by an increasing number of organisations worldwide, the ISO 9001 standard for quality management received considerable attention in the existing literature. Researchers worldwide have found positive, negative and even mixed effects of ISO 9001 certification on firms’ performance, while in Morocco this issue has been rarely examined. It is the combination of these observations that led to this study. The aim of this paper is to test and validate a causal model designed to measure the performance of an ISO 9001 certified Quality Management System (QMS) and its impact on a company’s financial performance. By means of this causal analysis/model, the study examines the relationship between: - QMS and the financial performance of 41 companies based in Morocco; - the management responsibility process and all the QMS processes; - the management resources process and all the QMS processes; - the organisational and financial performance of the studied companies. All of the considered firms are part of the service industry and range from medium-sized to large companies. The data gathered in this study have been instrumental in devising actionable insights. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was the statistical software platform that enabled the use of a linear regression analysis to prove the positive correlation between the above-mentioned elements.
Statistics in Transition new series; 2023, 24, 2; 159-184
Pojawia się w:
Statistics in Transition new series
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Państwowe przedsiębiorstwo pocztowe, telegraficzne i telefoniczne w II Rzeczypospolitej
Sobień, Karol
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Postal services, Commercialization of state-owned enterprises, Financial performance
The article presents an analysis of one of the main companies in pre-war Poland. The author describes how the activities of postal, telegraph and telephone services were organized and the importance of state telecommunications company for organizing social and economic life, particularly through monolithic approach to distribution of information in Poland. This is followed by description of commercialization of the company and its further development, particularly during the Great Depression.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2017, 3; 169-191
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neutralność jako ważna cecha sprawozdania finansowego?
Neutrality as an Important Characteristic of Financial Statement?
Wójtowicz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Polityka rachunkowości
Sprawozdanie finansowe
Wynik finansowy
Accounting policy
Financial performance
Financial statements
The aim of the paper is to give the answer to the question whether neutrality is practically attainable and its critical evaluation as an element of faithful representation. The question is if possible lack of neutrality means earnings management? Estimation of value is an inevitable element of financial statement preparation and quality of estimation done by the manager depends on his or her information, professional experience, attitude toward risk and many other factors. It means that income earned by the business unit, as an accrual category, is always managed to some extent. Since estimation of income is inevitable, markets are not perfect and not fully efficient neutral income does not exist. Accounting income is the basis for evaluation of economic profitability. It seems that neutrality proposed by IASB and FASB is impossible to achieve and even may harm some stakeholders.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2014, 201; 424-432
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ luki informacyjnej na modyfikacje ujawnień informacji o wyniku finansowym- wyniki badań brytyjskich spółek publicznych należących do indeksu FTSE 100
The Impact of the Information Gap on the Modifications of the Financial Result Disclosures - the Results of Empirical Studies on FTSE 100
Śnieżek, Ewa
Wiatr, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Asymetria informacji
Sprawozdawczość finansowa
Wynik finansowy
Asymmetric information
Financial performance
Financial reporting
The asymmetry of information, considered in the context of financial reporting, is reflected in the formation of a number of assessment' gaps, which together are known as the information gap. Modern methods of the financial results' presentation intensify the formation of that kind of information gap. The research among FTSE 100 companies showed that public companies listed on one of the major stock market in the world leads the new trails in financial reporting in the scope of additional disclosures on the financial result. Some disclosures comes from the timeless German balance sheet theories, which is exemplified by the Wilhelm Osbahr' balance sheet theory
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2014, 201; 250-262
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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