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Cele edukacyjne Strategii Europa 2020 a Polska
The educational goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy in the context of Poland
Sulmicka, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Strategia Europa 2020
cele i wskaźniki edukacyjne Strategii Europa 2020
Europe 2020
Europe 2020 objectives and indicators
W ramach nowej strategii rozwoju UE „Europa 2020” państwa członkowskie same określiły swoje krajowe pułapy realizacji wspólnych celów UE - w dostosowaniu do indywidualnych uwarunkowań i możliwości. Z porównania zarówno pozycji wyjściowych, jak i zamierzeń docelowych krajów członkowskich dotyczących celów Strategii Europa 2020 wynika, że w przypadku Polski obszarem, w którym nasza pozycja zdecydowanie plasuje nas na ponadprzeciętnej pozycji w stosunku do innych krajów UE 27 jest edukacja. Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie pozycji Polski w dziedzinie edukacji na tle innych krajów członkowskich UE, trendów w tym obszarze oraz ocena trafności przyjętych wskaźników edukacyjnych i realistyczności zadeklarowanych poziomów ich realizacji w perspektywie do roku 2020.
The new European Union development strategy „Europe 2020” allowed Member States to set their national target levels of the common European strategy objectives by themselves – in line with their individual circumstances and possibilities. The comparison of the member states' starting positions and planned achievements for the final year of the new European strategy shows that the area in which Poland stands out is education. The purpose of the article is to present the Polish situation in the field of education and compare it with that of other member states, set it against trends in this field and to evaluate the relevance of the European education indicators to the Polish situation as well as the probability of the declared levels being achieved.
Prace i Materiały Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH; 2014, 94: Polityka gospodarcza jako gra w wyzwania i odpowiedzi rozwojowe; 185-207
Pojawia się w:
Prace i Materiały Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Agenda na Rzecz Zrównoważonego Rozwoju 2030 i jej wpływ na wybrane polityki Unii Europejskiej
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Its Impact on Selected European Union’s Policy
Latoszek, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Centrum Europejskie
Europe 2020,
Sustainable Development,
Sustainable Europe,
Agenda 2030,
Horizon 2020
The article addresses the issues related to the implementation of the European Union’s actions for sustainable development policy and the implementation of the 17 UN Development Goals through Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) being key tools for moving the world towards a sustainable development. In September 2015 the UN accepted a new global Agenda 2030 on the Sustainable Development with its tools – Sustainable Development Goals. Putting them into life should contribute to shifting the economic and political relations between developing, emerging and developed countries. According to the Agenda motto “ no one will be left behind”. To achieve this aim by EU not only a significant rethinking of its external policy must take place but also its domestic actions must be changed. A fundamental tool to achieve this goal and implement the Agenda should be STI which allows the transition of EU and its underdeveloped partners to new sustainable ways of their economies and societies development.
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs; 2017, 3; 97-116
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Employment or underemployment in the context of “Europe 2020” strategy implementation
Zatrudnienie czy zatrudnienie nieadekwatne w kontekście realizacji strategii „Europa 2020”
Skórska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
employment rate
“Europe 2020” strategy
In formulated long-term strategy “Europe 2020” attention is focussed on problems in the sphere of employment. Therefore one of the objectives of the strategy is to reach the employment rate on the level of 75% for women and men aged 20 to 64 by 2020. In National Reform Programs; individual EU member states adjusted their employment objectives to local needs while considering situations on their labour markets and practical probability of changes. Due to differences in social and economic situation in EU-28; and consequences of economic crisis particularly noticeable in individual countries; these objectives are diversified. Achieving the high level of this indicator does not reflect the full situation on the labour market because of rising unemployment and underemployment. Underemployment in the form of over-education; under-qualification or involuntary part-time jobs refers to a growing number of social group; particularly women and young people. The questions that naturally arise from these considerations apply not only to the employment rates; but also to the scale of labour underutilisation; the consequences of this phenomenon for the economy; society; both on micro and macro level. The main research questions are: “What is the scale and dynamics of employment and underemployment in the European Union?”; “How big are disparities across UE?”; “Is there a relationship between high employment and low underemployment?”; “What are the chances to achieve employment objectives in 2020?” Considering the aforementioned conditions; the goal of the paper is to present a diversity in employment and underemployment rate in EU-28 between 2008 and 2014 and to assess a potential probability of achievement of employment objectives by individual member states in the perspective of 2020. The execution of the goal formulated in this way imposed the structure of the paper that includes: 1) definition of underemployment; 2) review of employment objective in “Europe 2020” strategy; 3) analysis of the changes of employment and underemployment in EU-28 between 2000 and 2014; 4) presentation of employment objectives formulated in National Reform programs; and the assessment of their implementation.
Ekonomia XXI Wieku; 2015, 4 (8); 30-46
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia XXI Wieku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Measuring the Progress in Realizing the Strategy “Europe 2020” in 2010-2016 in 28 European Union Member States
Siemiątkowski, Piotr
Jankowska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Europe 2020
taxonomic analysis
synthetic measure
The paper presents the results of the research over the measurement of the progress in the realization of the objectives specified in “Europe 2020 - a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth” in 2016 in comparison with 2010. The analysis availed itself of the statistical data of Eurostat which describes the main indicators of the strategy for all member states of the European Union. The available empirical data allowed for constructing a synthetic measure reflecting the progress in realizing the objectives specified in the Strategy. The analysis of the values that the said measure assumed became a basis for creating a rating of EU member states for two distinct years that were subject to scrutiny. Also, there was specified the variation in the value of the said measure and the changes in the positions occupied by particular states in the mentioned rating. What was also conducted was a cluster analysis, which allowed for dividing the scrutinized countries into groups in case they are described by more than one property. Except for this and as compared to all the previous works on the subject, the method of the construction of the synthetic measure was considerably sharpened.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2020, 1 (49); 11-31
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Strategia Europa 2020 – założenia i perspektywy realizacji
Europe 2020 Strategy – Assumptions and Prospects for Completion
Gasz, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Strategia Europa 2020
wskaźniki realizacji
Europe 2020
performance indicators
Istotą inicjatywy pod nazwą Europa 2020 – Strategia na rzecz inteligentnego i zrównoważo-nego rozwoju sprzyjającego włączeniu społecznemu jest stworzenie w krajach Unii Europejskiej warunków dla długotrwałego i zrównoważonego wzrostu gospodarczego. Osiągnięciu tego celu sprzyjać ma budowa gospodarki opartej na wiedzy, promującej przyjazne środowisku tech-nologie, przy jednoczesnej dbałości o zachowanie spójności społecznej i terytorialnej. Strategia wpisuje się w szerszy kontekst działań zorientowanych na przeciwdziałanie skutkom ogólnoświa-towego kryzysu gospodarczego oraz długofalowych wyzwań związanych z globalizacją. W arty-kule podjęto próbę oceny założeń projektu pn. Europa 2020 poprzez analizę wielkości obrazują-cych stan ich realizacji. Celem artykułu jest weryfikacja hipotezy, że przedłużające się problemy gospodarcze euro-pejskich gospodarek stawiają pod znakiem zapytania powodzenie i terminowość realizacji niektó-rych priorytetów Strategii. Relatywnie wysoki poziom bezrobocia oraz niekorzystna struktura demograficzna w wielu krajach Unii, jak również polityka w sferze finansów publicznych ukie-runkowana na łagodzenie skutków kryzysu finansowego sprawiają, że powodzenie Strategii może wymagać dłuższego czasu. Znaczący postęp państw UE w obszarze ograniczania emisji gazów cieplarnianych pozwala zakładać, że cel ten może zostać zrealizowany szybciej, niż zakładano. W wielu krajach Unii widoczna jest poprawa wyników w obszarze innowacji, należy jednak zaznaczyć, że w kontekście konieczności sprostania światowej konkurencji z innych regionów świata (USA, Japo-nia, Indie, Chiny) tempo wzrostu wydatków na B+R powinno być bardziej znaczące. Dokonująca się w czasie poprawa wskaźnika osób z wykształceniem wyższym pozwala na pozytywną ocenę realizacji celu odnoszącego się do procesu budowy gospodarki bazującej na wiedzy, stwarzającej warunki do zwiększania zatrudnienia oraz wzrostu wydajności i spójności społecznej.
The essence of the initiative entitled Europe 2020 – A strategy for smart, sustainable and in-clusive growth is the creation of the European Union conditions for long-term and sustainable economic growth. To achieve this goal is to encourage such construction of knowledge-based economy, promoting environmentally friendly technologies, while being careful to preserve social and territorial cohesion. This article attempts to assess the assumptions of the project entitled 2020 by size analysis showing the status of their implementation. The purpose of this article is to test the hypothesis that prolonged economic problems of European economies into question the success and timely implementation of some of the priorities of the Strategy. The relatively high level of unemployment and unfavorable demographic structure in many EU countries, as well as policy in the sphere of public finance aimed at mitigating the effects of the financial crisis make the success of the Strategy require a longer time horizon. Many EU countries have clearly improved results in the area of innovation, it should be noted that in the context of the need to meet global competition from other regions of the world growth rate of spending on R&B should be more substantial. The increase happening with time of the rate of people with higher education allows for a positive assessment of the objective relating to the process of building knowledge-based economy, creating conditions for increasing employment and increase productivity and social cohesion.
Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy; 2014, 38; 85-97
Pojawia się w:
Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stanimir, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Katedra Ekonometrii i Statystyki
Pokolenie Y
strategia Europa 2020
Generation Y
strategy Europe 2020
Celem badania było rozpoznanie opinii osób z Pokolenia Y na temat realizacji celów strategii Europa 2020. W artykule zapre¬zentowano podstawowe założenia i cele strategii Europa 2020. Dokonano charakterystyki osób należących do pokolenia Y. Na podstawie odpowiedzi respondentów Standardowego Eurobarometru z lat 2011-2014 oceniono ważności dla Pokolenia Y realizacji celów strategii oraz kierunków zmian prowadzących do wyjścia Unii Europejskiej z kryzysu finansowego i gos-podarczego. W trakcie analizy respondentów podzielono ze względu na wiek i moment przystąpienia kraju do Unii Europejskiej.
"The aim of the study was to identify the opinion of people from Generation Y on the implementation of the objectives of the strategy Europe2020. The article presents the basic principles and objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy. The characteristics of persons belonging to the Generation Y was made. On the basis of the respondents assessments contained in Standard Eurobarometer from years 2011-2014, were assayed Generation Y opinions about the objectives of the strategy and direction of changes leading to the exit of the European Union financial and economic crisis. During the analysis, respondents were divided according to the age and the moment of the country's accession to the European Union."
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych; 2015, 16, 4; 107-116
Pojawia się w:
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Selected aspects of Austrian-Polish cooperation in the innovation of enterprises
Nowakowska-Grunt, J.
Wojtaszek, H.
Lenger, G.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
Europe 2020 Strategy
Strategia Europa 2020
The article analyses issues of innovation by small and medium-sized businesses in Poland and Austria in the context of the Europe 2020 Strategy. Polish cooperation with Austria is visible mainly in the fields of innovative solutions, nature protection, efficient production and respect for natural resources, which significantly affects sustainable economic development and job growth in both countries. In addition, the countries are connected with respect to economic growth and issues related to the exploitation of natural resources, which are key for the protection of the environment. Related decisions and actions in the near future will have a significant impact on the performance and economic cooperation of the two countries.
Organizacja i Zarządzanie : kwartalnik naukowy; 2018, 1; 117-127
Pojawia się w:
Organizacja i Zarządzanie : kwartalnik naukowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Share of renewable energy in Poland compared to EU countries
Wójcik, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
Europe 2020
renewable energy
Europa 2020
energia odnawialna
The paper analyses changes that occurred in production of renewable energy in EU countries in 2004-2017 with special focus on Poland. Forecasts of renewable energy shares in total gross energy consumption for 2020 were calculated for EU and individual member states to verify whether it is possible to achieve the goals determined in Europe 2020 strategy. It is probable that the goal for EU will be achieved, however, a lot of countries will face difficulties in meeting it, and some other countries simply have no chances to meet the goal. Unfortunately, Poland is among the last group of countries. There are also states that have achieved the goal determined for 2020 much earlier, for example Bulgaria, Estonia or Sweden. In the next step, development of the renewable energy share in final consumption in power industry, in heating and cooling, as well as in transport is analysed. Based on this, using the method of k-means, a group of countries that in 2004 and in 2017 were leaders in this sphere, but still have a lot to do to reach high level of share of renewable energy is identified. The group of leaders in 2004 and 2017 slightly changed. Estonia and Lithuania joined Denmark, Croatia, Latvia, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Finland and Sweden. Poland still has a lot to do to reach the European level of renewable energy share, however the trend of renewable energy share that has been observed since 2012 is really alarming.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2019, 139; 607-619
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Competitiveness of the European Union – expectations, reality and challenges towards 2020
Tusińska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Europe 2020
the European Union
economic governance
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to document the performance of the EU and its Member States in the light of the Europe 2020 strategy, while also painting a broader picture of the context. Its purpose is not to strictly predict whether the 2020 targets will be reached, but also to consider the consequent circumstances. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The problem of this publication is the analysis of competitiveness of the EU and its Member States. The article uses traditional literature studies, as well as an analysis of documents, reports and statistics. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The line of reasoning consists of four sections. The opening one provides a concise overview of the key definitions. Subsequently, the post-crisis instruments of building competitiveness are discussed. The third section juxtaposes the Europe 2020 targets and reality. The last part includes a reflection on the current challenges concerned mainly existing division in the UE. RESEARCH RESULTS:  Despite of having new post-crisis competitiveness tools, some of the targets will not be achieved by 2020. Moreover, there are countries which have already over-performed, whereas some of the Member States significantly fall behind their targets. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The capacity to deal effectively with the implementation of necessary policies and reforms in the EU is not enough. Heterogeneity of the Member States involves not only the level of competitiveness, but can be considered in many aspects. The failures seem to be a result not only weak economic performances, but are also determined by the crisis of solidarity. Working on this challenge ought to involve a larger reflection on psychological aspects and how to bring citizens along on the next stages of the European (economic) integration process.
Horyzonty Polityki; 2016, 7, 21; 185-204
Pojawia się w:
Horyzonty Polityki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spójność społeczno-ekonomiczna jako idea niwelowania dysproporcji w obszarze funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw w strategii „Europa 2020” (perspektywa: Polska)
Socio-economic cohesion as an idea to close the gaps in the performance of businesses in Strategy „Europe in 2020” (the case of Poland)
Pierścieniak, Agata
Kos, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydział Ekonomii
Europe 2020
enterprise development
EU founds
The purpose of this article is to identify the actions taken by the EU in order to improve socio-economic cohesion of Europe in the context of their impact on businesses. The authors have attempted to analyze the activity planned and financed in the years 2014–2020 and identified specific areas in enterprise that will receive support in order to reduce disparities. In this discussion have highlighted the role of the system perspective on the development of enterprises, which includes not only support for the factors directly linked with an enterprise but also the development of those that can be identified in the external environment.
Przedsiębiorstwo i Region; 2014, 6; 34-45
Pojawia się w:
Przedsiębiorstwo i Region
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tax preferences for R&D activity of enterprises and implementation of Europe 2020 strategy
Ciupek, Bożena
Kania, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Europe 2020 strategy
R&D activity
tax preferences
The growth of research and development is a major driver of innovation in economies. Because the authorities of both EU and Poland fully recognize the importance of R&D, the question of their development has been addressed in the Europe 2020 strategy, as a consequence of which also Poland adopted the “Plan for Responsible Development”. R&D can be funded not only from direct increases in public expenditures, but also through the use of tax preferences aimed at the implementation of this objective. This paper investigates the scale and method of conducting R&D activity in enterprises, identifies changes in R&D expenditures in the context of the objectives set by the Europe 2020 strategy and discusses the principle, scale and significance of the income tax credit on R&D expenditures of enterprises.
Optimum. Economic Studies; 2018, 3(93); 38-50
Pojawia się w:
Optimum. Economic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Strategia „Europa 2020” a innowacyjność funduszy strukturalnych w nowej perspektywie finansowej
The „Europe 2020” Strategy and the Innovativeness of Structural Funds in the New Financial Perspective
Greta, Marianna
Tomczak-Woźniak, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
strategia „Europa 2020”
fundusze strukturalne
Strategy „Europe 2020”
structural funds
Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie celów i założeń strategii „Europa 2020” w kontekście ich wpływu na nową filozofię dotychczasowych funduszy strukturalnych w polityce regionalnej. Cel ów sugeruje wyodrębnienie dwóch części poświęconych odpowiednio: strategii „Europa 2020” i jej trzem wzrostom (wzrost inteligentny, zrównoważony i wzrost integracji społecznej) oraz funduszom strukturalnym w polityce regionalnej przyjętej na lata 2014–2020. „Nowa” polityka regionalna „na szczeblu ponadnarodowym oraz narodowym” uwzględnia cele i założenia strategii „Europa 2020” i jej programów, co szczególnie jest widoczne w „Agendzie Cyfrowej” czy „Unii Innowacji”. Programy te „dynamizują” dotychczasowe obszary wsparcia funduszy strukturalnych zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego (EFRR) oraz Euro-pejskiego Funduszu Społecznego (EFS). W ten sposób poprzez strategię „Europa 2020” i instrumenty funduszowe następuje oddziaływanie na gospodarkę opartą na wiedzy, która stała się obiektywną koniecznością urzeczywistniającą się w dobie globalizacji.
The aim of the study is to present the purposes and assumptions of the “Europe 2020” strategy in the context of its influence on the new philosophy of existing structural funds in regional policy. Such an aim suggests distinguishing two appropriately devoted areas: (1)„Europe 2020” strategy and its’ three areas of growth (intelligence, sustainability and social integration) and (2) structural funds in the regional policy for years 2014–2020. The “new” regional policy „on the supranational and national level” considers the aims and assumptions of the „Europe 2020” strategy and its’ programs which is peculiarly visible in the „Digital Europe” and „Innovation Union” programs. These programs are “dynamizing” the current areas of support by structural funds especially with reference to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (EFS). In this way through the „Europe 2020” strategy and fund’s instruments has an influence on the knowledge based economy which has become an objective obligation apparent in the era of globalization.
Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy; 2015, 44 cz. 2; 7-19
Pojawia się w:
Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Perspektywy rozwoju przedsiębiorczości w krajach Unii Europejskiej w kontekście strategii „Europa 2020”. Implikacje dla Polski
Prospects for the Development of Entrepreneurship in the European Union in the Context of the Strategy Europe 2020. Implications for Poland
Jablońska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Centrum Europejskie
Europe 2020,
Innovation Union,
The main factor in improving the level of socio-economic development of the region, its competitiveness and investment attractiveness, in addition to the endogenous growth factors, environmental sustainability and openness of the region, is a dynamically functioning business sector, which is the core of each of the regional economy – especially the SME sector. Modern economics is based on the paradigm of enterprise economy guardian of the diversity of production, technological progress and innovation. The basis for the economic development of this concept are those small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the source of competitiveness and changes in the environment and social-economic. The European Union has set a concrete plan, which has lead to the implementation over the period 2010–2020 fi ve specifi c purposes including: innovation, education, employment, social inclusion and climate change/energy. In each of these areas, all Member States have designated, in turn, their own national targets. The Strategy Europe 2020 is equipped with appropriate instruments, which are to contribute to the development of entrepreneurship in the EU. The purpose of this article is therefore to analyze and assess the development of entrepreneurship in selected EU countries after the implementation of the Strategy Europe 2020.
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs; 2017, 4; 119-139
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zielona gospodarka w dokumentach strategicznych Unii Europejskiej
The transition towards the green economy in European Union`s strategic documents
Ryszawska, B.
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
zielona gospodarka
Strategia "Europa 2020"
green economy
strategy Europe 2020
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji zielonej gospodarki i zidentyfikowanie jej obecności w głównych dokumentach strategicznych Unii Europejskiej, które zakreślają ramy problemowe dla polityk szczegółowych i programów działania oraz stanowią wytyczne dla krajów członkowskich, pokazując jednocześnie drogę transformacji gospodarki.
The global financial crisis influenced the content of the new European Union`s strategy Europe 2020. The strategy emphasizes sustainable development and green economy as an engine of future development.. The green economy has a significant role in the structural changes in European economies. Horizontal, environmental and sectorial strategies support the transition to green economy.
Ekonomia i Środowisko; 2013, 3; 26-37
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia i Środowisko
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Increasing the European Union’s Innovative Potential by Supporting Social Innovation as a Source of Global Competitiveness within EU’s Public Policy
Wiktorska-Święcka, Aldona
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
social innovation
European Union
public policy
Europe 2020
In recent decades  in  the European Union’s development, strengthening  innovation has been viewed as  a desirable direction for further development  trends,  which can be seen as an opportunity to increase the EU’s global competitiveness. Achieving this goal will not be possible without taking into account the requirement of understanding innovation in the far broader context than the purely technological one. In recent years, social innovation boldly entered into the mainstream debate on public management, public governance and public policy. Its popularity  is due  to  the complex changes taking place in the model of development of states, societies and economies. Social innovations are a part of multidimensional  thinking about  the ongoing social changes taking place in a globalised society and have led to the creation of flexible solutions with a high potential for adaptation and modernization.  The aim of the paper  is to  introduce the phenomenon of social innovation, including in the light of other innovation’s concepts, as a chance to increase the innovation potential of the European Union  in relation to global competition. An  important element that needs to be considered is the importance of the role of public policy in shaping and creating space for social innovation. The main intention is to point out the basic directions of European Union’s activities while strenghtening social innovation planned for the coming years, the implementation of which may be an answer to the global challenges of development.
Horyzonty Polityki; 2015, 6, 17; 65-87
Pojawia się w:
Horyzonty Polityki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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