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Amarna w innych czasach
Jędraszek, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Tell el-Amarna; Kom el-Nana, Late Roman period
Tell el-Amarna; Kom el-Nana, późny Rzym
The archaeological remains of Tell el-Amarna (a site in Middle Egypt, which was rediscovered in the early 19th century) are not limited only to the New Kingdom period. Human activity from Middle/Upper Palaeolithic is attested in flint scatters on the desert plain. From the Old Kingdom period fragments of pottery suggest the site served a settlement at this date, probably connected with the Hatnub alabaster (travertine) quarries. The most substantial reoccupation of the site, before the present day, dates to the Late Roman period, when buildings and cemeteries were inserted among the ruins of the New Kingdom city: most notably, the monastery at Kom el-Nana was located in the southern part of the Main City on the line of the Royal Road. In the same period, at Amarna the North Rock Tombs were reoccupied and assigned a new purpose as a settlement for a Christian community.
Archeologiczne pozostałości Tell el-Amarny (stanowiska znajdującego się w Środkowy Egipcie, ponownie odkrytego na początku XIX wieku) nie ograniczały się jedynie do okresu Nowego Państwa. Aktywność osadnicza w rejonie kamieniołomu trawertynu w Hatnub została potwierdzona na postawie zabytków krzemiennych już dla czasów Środkowego i Górnego Paleolitu. Najbardziej znaczący ponowny wzrost osadnictwa całego obszaru, przed okresem współczesnym przypada na czasy późnego okresu rzymskiego, wówczas to w ruinach miasta z okresu Nowego Państwa powstawały domy oraz cmentarze. Na południu od Głównego Miasta, na stanowisku Kom el-Nana, tuż przy tzw. Drodze Królewskiej wzniesiony został klasztor. W tym samym okresie przekształcono oraz przystosowano do nowych potrzeb część przestrzeni Północnych Grobowców Skalnych, dla osiadłej w tym rejonie wspólnoty wczesnochrześcijańskiej.
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia; 2018, 64; 21-30
Pojawia się w:
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielka świątynia Atona – wybrane problemy interpretacyjne
The Great Aten Temple – Selected Interpretative Problems
Jędraszek, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Tell el-Amarna
Tell el-Aamrna
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie interpretacji prawdziwej natury tego, co zostało zbudowane w miejscu Wielkiej Świątyni Atona w Amarnie (Tell el-Amarna) i pokazanie, że król Achenatona miał szerszą i bardziej zróżnicowaną wizję ideologiczną i kultową niż powszechnie się mu przypisuje, w której każdy mógł docenić naturę boga Atona. Jego wizja religijna była ukierunkowane na cele intelektualne i ideologiczne, mając także kontekst ekonomiczny. Wyniki ostatnich prac archeologicznych w miejscu Wielkiej Świątyni Aten („Dom Atona”), w opinii prof. Barry’ego Kempa sugerujące istnienie „świątyni ludu”, co wyjaśnia wiele z tego, co odkrywają wykopaliska.
The aim of this article is to present an interpretation of the true nature of what was built at the site of the Great Aten Temple at Amarna (Tell el-Amarna), and to show that king Akhenaten had a wider and more varied ideological and cultic vision than he is commonly credited with, in which everyone could appreciate the nature of the god Aten. His religious vision was directed towards intellectual and ideological goals, but also had an economic context. The results of latest archaeological work at the site of Great Temple of Aten (‘House of the Aten’), in the opinion of Professor Barry Kemp suggest the existence of a ‘people’s temple’, which explains much of what the excavations are uncovering.
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia; 2021, 67; 45-55
Pojawia się w:
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Voices emerging from the border. A reading of the autobiographies by Najat El Hachmi and Saïd El Kadaoui as political interventions
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Artes Liberales
Najat El Hachmi
Saïd El Kadaoui
autobiographical writing
migrant literature
In the early 2000s, several studies anticipated that a generation of diasporic writers would emerge in the Spanish context. This prediction has been definitely fulfilled during the last decade with the publication of the works by Laila Karrouch, Najat El Hachmi and Saïd El Kadaoui, all of them based in Catalonia. These new diasporic writers, who left Morocco being kids, set a contrast with the previous representations of immigration. The process of border-crossing is lived and incorporated by them, and not only imagined and recreated as it is the case for the writers on either side of the border. Hence, the current paper proposes a reading of Jo també sóc catalana by Najat El Hachmi and Cartes al meu fill. Un català de soca-rel, gairebé by Saïd El Kadaoui, focusing particularly on how these authors position themselves at the border as a mediating space. For this purpose, I will firstly draw a brief outline of the social and historical context in which these two autobiographies are published and the literary trajectories of both El Hachmi and El Kadaoui. In this regard, it is crucial to explore the specifics of Catalonia because these may explain why this first generation of diasporic authors occurs there and not somewhere else in Spain. Secondly, I will discuss how the formal aspects of the two autobiographies contribute to conveying a message with political implications. Finally, I will analyse how El Hachmi and El Kadaoui position themselves at the border and use their intimacy as a political tool to set themselves up as referents for the next generation. From the border, they create a space of enunciation from which they can tell their story and warn their own children of the typifications that they may experience as diasporic subjects. The border becomes not just a space for public intervention but the legacy they hand over to the forthcoming generation.
Planeta Literatur. Journal of Global Literary Studies; 2014, 1. Europe - Maghreb: exchanged glances / L'Europe et le Maghreb: les regards croisés; 33-52
Pojawia się w:
Planeta Literatur. Journal of Global Literary Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Animal remains from the el-Hamra Christian complex in the el-Gaab Depression, West Dongola (Sudan)
Hamdeen, Hamad Mohamed
Fadl Tahir, Yahia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
archaeozoology in Nubia
el-Ga'ab Depression
The animal remains discussed in this paper come from three archaeological sites in the el Hamra Christian complex excavated within the frame of the el Ga'ab Depression archaeological, ethnographical and ecological project. During two seasons in 2013/2014 and 2014/2015, a team directed by Yahia Fadl Tahir collected and examined a total of 89 mammals, 5 ostrich egg and 16 Mollusca remains. The bone assemblage was divided into seven groups representing the most and least attractive parts of the carcass in terms of nutritional value. Identified species include sheep (Ovis aries) and goat (Capra hircus), while other animal remains include ostrich egg fragments, and mollusk species: Pila ovata, Melanoides tuberculata and Lanistes carinatus. Similarities can be observed in livestock husbandry and subsistence patterns in the early Christian period in the Dongola region, where the economy depended on smalls mammals like sheep and goats to provide milk and meat.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean; 2019, 28(2); 455-464
Pojawia się w:
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Arcydzieła El Greca – namalowana kontrreformacja
Materpieces of El Greco - Counter Refromation painted
Chałupniak, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
El Greco, malarstwo, teologia, kontrreformacja.
El Greco, painting, theology, the Counter Reformation.
The term “post-Tridentine” is used to describe the sacred art after the Council of Trent (1545-1563). The religious art of the 16th and 17th centuries joined the activities connected to the Counter Reformation, defending the dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church and arguing with Protestants. The article raises essential issues like: Why can the masterpieces of El Greco be classified as so called “Counter-Reformation representations”? What issues were raised and how did they speak for the faith preached by the Roman Catholic Church? To what extent was El Greco himself aware that through his masterpieces he defended, justified, and confirmed the teaching of the Church?
Termin „sztuka potrydencka” używany jest w odniesieniu do powstającej po Soborze Trydenckim (1545-1563) sztuki sakralnej. Sztuka religijna XVI i XVII wieku włączyła się w działania związane z kontrreformacją, broniąc dogmatów Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego i polemizując z protestantami. W artykule podjęto ważne pytania: Dlaczego dzieła El Greco można zaliczyć do tzw. „przedstawień kontrreformacyjnych”? Jakie tematy i w jaki sposób poruszane tematy przemawiały na rzecz wiary głoszonej przez Kościół rzymskokatolicki? Na ile sam El Greco miał świadomość, że przez swoje arcydzieła bronił, uzasadniał i potwierdzał nauczanie tego Kościoła?
Studia Oecumenica; 2019, 19; 97-115
Pojawia się w:
Studia Oecumenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Polish archaeological survey in the north-eastern part of the Nile Delta (season 2010) – the pottery from Tell el-Murra and Tell Abu el-Halyat
Jucha, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Instytut Archeologii
Tell el-Murra
Tell Abu el-Halyat
Nile Delta
Naqada III
Old Kingdom
The recent research in the North-Eastern Nile Delta proves that a great quantity of sites existed here during Naqada III period. These sites undoubtedly played an important role both in the developing contacts between Egypt and Canaan, as well as in the processes which led to the formation of the Egyptian state. Further data concerning the Naqada III settlements in the Nile Delta have been obtained recently, during the Polish Archaeological Survey in Ash-Sharqiyyah Governorate. Most of the work in 2010 concentrated at Tell el-Murra and Tell Abu el-Halyat and this article focuses on the pottery found at these two sites. The occurrence of potsherds dated to the Protodynastic, Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom periods at Tell el-Murra points at the fact that the latest occupation at that site should be dated to the latter. Moreover, potsherds were also found decorated with a zig-zag pattern, which are quite characteristic of the Predynastic-Lower Egyptian Culture. Most of the pottery from Tell Abu el-Halyat is dated to the Early Dynastic period, but the occurrence of several fragments which could belong both to the earlier and later forms may indicate that it was probably inhabited also during the Protodynastic as well as Old Kingdom (?) periods.
Recherches Archéologiques Nouvelle Serie; 2011, 3; 179-194
Pojawia się w:
Recherches Archéologiques Nouvelle Serie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A record of the transport of stone blocks on ostrakon DeB/F.608
Barwik, Miroslaw
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Deir el-Bahari
hieratic ostrakon
Ostrakon DeB/F.608 was found in the area of the Temple of Tuthmosis III at Deir el-Bahari. There are good reasons, however, to link it to the building of the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut and more precisely to the transport of stone blocks by a crew of eight men. Five of them can be identified as foreigners, presumably Asiatic slaves brought to Egypt as a result of military campaign(s) in the early Eighteenth Dynasty.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean; 2019, 28(2); 329-341
Pojawia się w:
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ekskluzywizm w religii Achenatona?
Jędraszek, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze
Tell el-Amarna
33,000 years ago, 15,000 people, or perhaps 20,000 or a little more, following their king, began to settle a wide and hitherto unoccupied desert portion on the Nile in Middle Egypt. This place, a place of sunrise, was later termed Achet-Aton ‘Horizon of the Sun-disk’, a sacred territory dedicated to the sun god Aten, by Akhenaten (‘devoted to the Aten’) otherwise Amenhotep IV (1347-1332 BC). The focus of this article is to engage with the controversy surrounding the exclusivism of the god Aten. We will propose that King Achenaten intended to create a sacred space for the god Aten, confining the new religion to the site of Akhet-Aten. Akhet-Aten was not conceived of as a typical city (in the modern sense), but was essentially a royal residence with a tract of sacred land attached, with a new style of ceremonial architecture, as for example The Long Temple, the field of offering-tables, and a string of courts open to the sky, where many ceremonies were held in the open sunlight. The huge enclosure the Great Aton Temple was surely designed to accommodate large crowds of people.         In the context of the territory surrounding the city, the positions of the boundary stelae make it clear that the sacred territory took was not only determined by the King’s religious vision. The visual arts, and in particular the architecture, were embedded in a sacred geography and landscape. The complex became an extraordinary tool to dramatize Akhenaten’s authority.
Przegląd Religioznawczy; 2020, 4/278; 13-28
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Religioznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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