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„Lubelski” księgozbiór Bolesława Prusa
The “Lublin” book collection of Bolesław Prus
„Люблинское” книжное собрание Болеслава Пруса
Radwan, Marlena
Data publikacji:
Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna im. Hieronima Łopacińskiego w Lublinie
Bolesław Prus
Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna im. Hieronima Łopacińskiego w Lublinie
pisarze polscy
book collection
Hieronim Łopaciński Regional Public Library in Lublin digitalisation
Polish writers
Болеслав Прус
книжное собрание
Люблинская Воеводская Публичная Библиотека им. Иеронима Лопацинского
польские писатели
„Lubelski” księgozbiór Bolesława Prusa, jako jeden z cenniejszych zbiorów Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej im. H. Łopacińskiego od dawna zasługiwał na odrębne powtórne opracowanie. Książki towarzyszyły Prusowi niemal całe życie. Na początku były to podręczniki szkolne dotyczące przyrody, filozofii, logiki oraz uwielbianej przez Prusa matematyki. Systematyczne gromadzenie książek Prus rozpoczął w 1874 r., co było związane z podjęciem pracy w „Kurierze Warszawskim”. Od tego momentu prywatna biblioteka pisarza z roku na rok się powiększała. Księgozbiór znajdujący się w lubelskiej książnicy jest tylko częścią biblioteki pisarza. Jego ulokowanie w Lublinie zawdzięczamy przyjacielowi autora Lalki dr. A. Jaworowskiemu. Pierwotnie, zgodnie z testamentem Prusa, całość zbiorów bibliotecznych miała zostać przekazana do Biblioteki Warszawskiej. Dzięki staraniom A. Jaworowskiego ustalono, że książki po przejęciu przez Bibliotekę Warszawską i sprawdzeniu ich pod względem dubletów, zostaną ofiarowane Lublinowi. Przekazanie nastąpiło pod koniec 1914 r. Obecnie w Bibliotece w Lublinie znajduje się 200 tytułów książek z księgozbioru B. Prusa w 247 woluminach. Większość zachowanych tytułów to dzieła jednotomowe. Z uwagi na język można wyodrębnić cztery grupy. Najliczniej reprezentowane są książki napisane w języku polskim, następnie: francuskim, rosyjskim i niemieckim. Pod względem zawartości merytorycznej można wyodrębnić dzieła dotyczące następujących dziedzin: literatura, nauki społeczne, nauki matematyczno-przyrodnicze, historia z geografią, filozofia, psychologia i logika, religia oraz inne. Równocześnie z opracowaniem „lubelskiego” księgozbioru Prusa prowadzone są prace digitalizacyjne.
The “Lublin” book collection of Bolesław Prus, as one of the more-valuable collections of the Hieronim Łopaciński Regional Public Library in Lublin, has deserved a separate repeated narrative for a long time. Books accompanied Bolesław Prus almost throughout his entire life. At first these were school textbooks on nature, philosophy, logic, and the subject adored by Prus – mathematics. Bolesław Prus started to collect books in 1874, which was associated with his commencement of work at “Kurier Warszawski”. From that moment on the private library of the writer continued to grow with each year. The book collection located in the library in Lublin is only part of the writer’s collection. We owe its location in Lublin to a friend of the author of The Doll, A. Jaworowski, MD. Originally, in accordance with Prus’s last will, the entirety of his book collections was meant to be transferred to the Warsaw Library. Owing to the efforts of A. Jaworowski it has been established that the books, once they are received by the Warsaw Library and checked for duplicate copies, will be donated to Lublin. They were transferred at the end of 1914. The Library in Lublin currently holds 200 titles from the book collection of B. Prus, in 247 volumes. Most of the preserved titles are single-volume works. They can be divided into four groups in terms of language. The most numerous are the books written in Polish, and then French, Russian and German. In terms of content one can isolate works concerning the following fields: literature, social sciences, mathematical and natural sciences, history and geography, philosophy, psychology and logic, religion and others. Digitalisation work is being conducted simultaneously with the development of the “Lublin” book collection of Bolesław Prus.
„Люблинское” книжное собрание Болеслава Пруса, как одна из самых ценных коллекций Люблинской Воеводской Публичной Библиотеки им. Иеронима Лопацинского, давно заслуживалo на отдельную повторную обработку. Книги сопутствовали Б. Прусу почти всю жизнь. В начале это были школьные учебники по природоведению, философии, логике и любимой им математике. Систематическое коллекционирование книг Б. Прус начал в 1874 г., что было связано с началом работы в „Курьере варшавском”. С этого момента частная библиотека писателя с года в год только увеличивалась. Собрание книг, хранящихся в люблинской книжнице, является только частью библиотеки писателя. Его размещение в Люблине стало возможным благодаря другу автора Куклы д-ру А. Яворовскому. Изначально, согласно завещанию Б. Пруса, всё библиотечное собрание должно было быть передано библиотеке города Варшавы. Благодаря стараниям А. Яворовского принято решение, что книги после их передачи в варшавскую библиотеку и проверки на предмет наличия дублетов, будут переданы в Люблин. Передача имела место в конце 1914 г. Сегодня в библиотеке в Люблине хранится 200 наименований книг из книжного собрания Б. Пруса в 247 томах. Большинство из них – это однотомные книги. С точки зрения языка можно выделить четыре группы. Больше всего книг написанных на польском языке, дальше – французском, русском и немецком. С точки зрения содержания можно выделить работы относящиеся к следующим областям науки: литературе, социальным наукам, математическим и естественным наукам, истории с географией, философии, психологии и логике, религии и другим. Одновременно с обработкой „люблинского” книжного собрания Б. Пруса ведутся работы по её оцифровке.
Bibliotekarz Lubelski; 2017, 60; 81-124
Pojawia się w:
Bibliotekarz Lubelski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Humane Paradigm as the Conceptual Core of Education in the Age of Information Society
Topuzov, Oleh M.
Saukh, Petro Yu.
Saukh, Irina V.
Ogrodzka-Mazur, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
humane paradigm
digitalisation of education
risks of digitalisation
standardised personality
new humanism
The article, based on a systematic analysis of the problems of national education in the age of information society and digitalised education, reveals the significance of the human paradigm, which is the conceptual core and the major platform for the educational process under the regime of aggravation. The convergence of education and information technology produces not only new areas of knowledge, pedagogical tools and teaching methods but also large-scale transformations in social practice. Like any social change, the digitalisation of education has a variety of consequences - from positive to negative ones. It is shown that the digitalisation of education, which meets great hopes not only in Ukraine and Poland, can be productive only if an anthropocentric algorithm is dealt with. Along with the huge and not much-studied possibilities of digitalisation of education, it is proved that many problems and risks are associated with the total introduction of the “digital” in the educational system. These are social, psychological, health, organisational and methodological risks, and some problems with the reduced quality of education. However, the ethics-related risks are perhaps the most dangerous among them. As regards this, it is proved that the humane paradigm, as a paradigm of the integrity of knowledge that provides values and goals of education, is a guarantor of the harmonisation in many processes related to translating information and knowledge into a digital form. The humane paradigm is the basis of the genetic connection of knowledge, skills, digital literacy, moral imperatives, and life values, which in a synergetic algorithm contribute to students’ effective development, systematic thinking, and socialisation. The three most important blocks of educational problems in the discourse on modern cyber-socialisation (transformation of the worldview component of education, reconstruction of the content of education, imbalance of educational and didactic processes) are outlined, and the ways and mechanisms of solving them are suggested. Implementing integrated strategies within the humane paradigm (which is the nourishing source of each of these blocks) might result in the idea of the so-called “new humanism” in education.
The New Educational Review; 2022, 68; 60-69
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adaptation to Industry 4.0 in the Visegrád Group
Nurzyńska, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
Visegrád Group
Industry 4.0
4th industrial revolution
Motivation: The concept of Industry 4.0 is widely recognised, since technological development is an inseparable factor of the modern organisations functioning. Due to this, the interest in the subject of the 4th industrial revolution has grown in recent years. However, far too little attention has been paid to the measurement of readiness and implementation of key attributes in Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Aim: The major objective of this study was to investigate the adaptation to Industry 4.0 in the Visegrád Group. Consequently, in the theoretical part both a historical context and a description of the main components of Industry 4.0 was introduced, which was the basis for the evaluation of the V4 transition toward Industry 4.0 in the empirical section. Materials and methods: Both quantitative (basic statistical analysis) and qualitative (critical analysis of the subject literature) methods were used in this investigation. The research data was drawn mainly from institutional reports and Eurostat database. Results: The investigation indicated that the transition towards Industry 4.0 in V4 countries is less advanced than in other European regions and need particular attention. Despite the relatively good results achieved in the field of robotisation, especially in the foreign-owned automotive industry, in general the Group lags behind the majority of Western and Baltic countries in terms of already adapted technologies, innovations and digital skills.
Catallaxy; 2021, 6, 2; 35-48
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of customisation and personalisation in digital solutions of the non-life insurance market: a case study of Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian e-sales platforms
Baranauskas, Gedas
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Białostocka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej
mass customisation
mass personalisation
Baltic insurance market
masowa kastomizacja
masowa personalizacja
bałtycki rynek ubezpieczeń
The Baltic non-life insurance market has not only continued recording a dynamic premium growth in the past three years but also has shown a significant transition to digital technologies and solutions. Here, the development of customised insurance products and systems, assessment of claims, and creation of personalised customer experience can be considered best practices in the application of theoretical concepts and, accordingly, require continuous studies from a scientific point of view. Therefore, the following research aims to present an as-is status of existing solutions of digital insurance platforms in Baltic countries and to clarify their compatibility with customisation, personalisation, and value co-creation features at the practical product and functional levels. Accordingly, a case-study method following a combination of a descriptive embedded single-case design and the state-of-the-art method was applied in the analysis of the non-life insurance market, its e-channel environment, and platforms of three Baltic countries — Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The multidimensional assessment matrix has been designed to present the results of the case study analysis on the practical product and functional levels. Research results refer to an assumption that ideas and methods of Mass Customisation and Mass Personalisation concepts, as well as their combination with digital solutions, penetrate the analysed part of the non-life insurance market in the Baltic countries and result in a mutually useful outcome for insurance companies and end-users. The paper contributes to further theoretical investigation of digitalisation and digital transformation of the non-life insurance market in the Baltic countries, as well as the development of practical knowledge in combined management and IT solutions application.
Engineering Management in Production and Services; 2021, 13, 2; 68-82
Pojawia się w:
Engineering Management in Production and Services
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Budowa polskiej gospodarki internetowej w warunkach członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej
The Creation of the Polands Internet Economy during the EU Membership
Talar, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Polski Instytut Ekonomiczny
gospodarka internetowa
strategie rozwoju
Internet economy
development strategies
Celem opracowania jest ocena wpływu członkostwa w UE na rozwój Polski poprzez pełne wykorzystanie potencjału Internetu. Integracja europejska na obecnym etapie jej zaawansowania obliguje kraje członkowskie do koordynacji wewnętrznej polityki gospodarczej, co oznacza konieczność uwzględnienia w polityce prowadzonej na szczeblu krajowym celów zapisanych w ogólnoeuropejskich strategiach wzrostu społeczno-gospodarczego (np. Europa 2020). Artykuł ma charakter badawczy i poza wyjaśnieniem istoty gospodarki internetowej obejmuje krytyczną analizę najważniejszych strategii rozwoju Polski mających przedstawiać wizję (kierunki) rozwoju i priorytety polityki państwa w długo- i średniookresowej perspektywie, analizę porównawczą obecnie realizowanej koncepcji wykorzystania potencjału Internetu z koncepcją gospodarki internetowej, ocenę skuteczności osiągania przez Polskę wyznaczonych celów, a także ocenę działań samej UE podejmowanych w tym zakresie. UE ułatwia od strony regulacyjnej i finansowej rozwój w Polsce infrastruktury internetowej i zwiększenie jej wykorzystania, ale równocześnie utrudnia tworzenie własnych wizji i planów rozwoju.
The aim of this paper is an appraisal of EU membership influence on the development of Poland through full unleashing of Internet capacity. European integration at this stage requires Member States to coordinate their internal economic policy and means that national policy needs to take into account the targets of EU strategies (e.g. Europe 2020). This paper is a study which, in addition to the Internet economy nature explanation, contains a critical analysis of Polish main long-term and mid-term development strategies, comparative analysis of current approach to Internet potential using and the heart of Internet economy, evaluation of the progress made by Poland against the targets that have been set in Digital Agenda for Europe and finally, assessment of the EU policy in this area. The EU facilitates investment in the Internet infrastructure and regulation framework revision in Poland, but, at the same time, it hinders creation of own vision and plans of development.
Unia; 2014, 6; 18-24
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes Concerning Cash Registers as a Manifestation of Measures to Tighten the Tax System
Adamczyk-Kaczmara, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
cash registers
online cash registers
turnover recording
tightening the tax system
It has been several years since the search for solutions that would improve and increase the supervision and control of tax authorities over the taxable persons’ turnover made from selling to natural persons started. The legislative activities currently undertaken in this domain (especially the implementation of online registers) are oriented towards the increasing digitalisation of the process in question, supplementing the already existing solutions (such as the obligation to file electronic VAT return forms and SAF-T [PL: JPK] files).
Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia nad Prawem; 2019, 11, 2; 27-39
Pojawia się w:
Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia nad Prawem
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka i opracowanie zbioru archiwalnych negatywów w Bibliotece Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Gdańsku*
The description and the treatment of the collections of archive negatives in the Library of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
Giziński, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Gdańsku
Czesław Bojarski
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Sztuk Plastycznych w Gdańsku
Witold Węgrzyn
Józefa Wnukowa
The Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
The State Institution of Higher Education of Visual Arts in Gdańsk
The purpose of the article is to present a method of the treatment of the collection of archive negatives of the State Institution of Higher Education of Visual Arts in Gdańsk by the library of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. The article discusses the author’s own experience in the work on the photographical material and the relevant problems which were experienced by the library staff. One applied an experimental method in research. The experiences which were collected and described in the article may serve the task of the development of one’s own methods and may prompt librarians to engage in the treatment of photographical collections in their libraries. The process of the digitalisation of photographs sparked a great interest of the users of the library. When one initiates the scanning of materials, one may encounter logistic problems (e.g. the setting up of a workroom), financial problems (e.g. the purchase of a scanner and the relevant materials), also the methodology itself may become an obstacle. It is necessary to make a comprehensive inventory of photographs so that eventually they may be rendered accessible to the users of a reading room. This will contribute to the enhancement of the familiarisation with the history of the University and its influence upon the development of art in the region, and it may also influence the enhancement of the prestige of the scholarly institution. The treatment of a photograph is an interesting and also a difficult task, which requires a great deal of humility, dedication and patience on the part of the researcher
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie metody opracowania zbioru archiwalnych negatywów Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Sztuk Plastycznych w Gdańsku przez Bibliotekę Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Gdańsku. Zostały opisane własne doświadczenia z prac nad materiałem fotograficznym oraz wymienione problemy, z jakimi zetknęli się pracownicy Biblioteki. W badaniach zastosowano metodę doświadczalną. Doświadczenia te mogą posłużyć do wypracowania własnych metod i nakłonienia bibliotekarzy do opracowania zbiorów fotograficznych w swoich bibliotekach. Projekt digitalizacji fotografii spotkał się z ogromnym zainteresowaniem ze strony użytkowników Biblioteki. Przystępując do skanowania materiałów, należy liczyć się z wystąpieniem licznych problemów logistycznych (np. zorganizowanie pracowni), finansowych (np. zakup skanera, materiałów) oraz metodologicznych. Konieczne jest dokładne zewidencjonowanie fotografii, aby na końcu móc je udostępnić użytkownikom czytelni. Przyczyni się to do lepszego poznania historii uczelni i jej wpływu na rozwój sztuki w regionie, może także wpłynąć na podniesienie prestiżu placówki naukowej. Opracowywanie fotografii jest zadaniem interesującym, a jednocześnie trudnym, wymagającym od badacza dużo pokory, poświęcenia i cierpliwości.
Nowa Biblioteka. Usługi, Technologie Informacyjne i Media; 2018, 4(31); 97-113
Pojawia się w:
Nowa Biblioteka. Usługi, Technologie Informacyjne i Media
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Competition law enforcement in Ukraine: challenges from on-line giants
Gerasymenko, Anzhelika
Mazaraki, Nataliia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
on-line platform
market definition
competition enforcement
Competition law, economics and policy are facing a regulatory metamorphosis due to the rise of the digital economy. US, China and EU jurisdictions have announced and partially introduced systemic changes to their competition law frameworks to keep pace with technological developments. The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine is following the principle of ‘three monkeys’, it sees no on-line platforms, hears no on-line platforms, speaks of no on-line platforms, so nothing has been undertaken or even announced. The paper is twofold. Firstly, it analyses the economic background and features of the digital economy and shows why the available instruments of competition enforcement are ineffective. The second part of the paper shows why the current Ukrainian competition law framework is (in)capable of dealing with challenges posed by on-line giants. Regarding the need for a recalibration of regulatory approaches in digital markets, Ukraine faces the dilemma of a proper combination of ex ante and ex post measures.
Le droit de la concurrence, l’économie et la politique sont confrontés à une métamorphose réglementaire due à l’essor de l’économie numérique. Les juridictions des États-Unis, de la Chine et de l’UE ont annoncé et introduit partiellement des changements systémiques dans leurs cadres juridiques de la concurrence pour suivre le rythme des développements technologiques. Le Comité anti-monopole de l’Ukraine suit le principe des ‘trois singes’, il ne voit aucune plate-forme en ligne, n’entend aucune plate-forme en ligne, ne parle d’aucune plate-forme en ligne. En conséquence, rien n’a été entrepris, ni même annoncé. La structure du papier est double. Premièrement, il analyse le contexte économique et les caractéristiques de l’économie numérique et montre pourquoi les instruments disponibles d’application de la concurrence sont inefficaces. La deuxième partie de l’article montre pourquoi le cadre juridique ukrainien actuel de la concurrence est (in)capable de faire face aux défis des géants en ligne. En ce qui concerne la nécessité de recalibrer les approches réglementaires sur les marchés numériques, l’Ukraine est confrontée au dilemme de la bonne combinaison ex ante et ex post.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2022, 15, 26; 57-74
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cyfryzacja i innowacje społeczne – perspektywy i zagrożenia dla społeczeństwa
Digitalisation and social innovations – perspectives and risks to the society
Grewiński, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
information technologies
social values
sharing economy
technologie informatyczne
wartości społeczne
innowacje społeczne
ekonomia współdzielenia
The process of digitalisation of the economy and social sphere that has occurred in the last decades is beyond the wildest expectations put forward by the technological pioneers. Information technologies and new possibilities of electronic communication have totally changed business, economic and social relations, as well as labour market, industries and professions. Technologies as social innovations change the way of work, forms of education and development, adherence to social networks or consumption patterns. The article also tries to prove that social innovations are not only digital technologies, but also the search for new social ideas and values, including solutions in the scope of social economy, sharing economy, a new model of welfare state. Moreover, some new social issues are revealed, together with new forms of social risk related to the development of technology and digi-talisation, which will have to be solved in the future.
Proces cyfryzacji gospodarki i sfery społecznej, jaki dokonał się w ostatnich dekadach, przerasta najśmielsze wyobrażenia, jakie towarzyszyły prekursorom technologicznym. Technologie informatyczne i nowe możliwości komunikacji elektronicznej całkowicie zmieniły relacje handlowe, gospodarcze i społeczne, a także rynek pracy, branże i profesje. Technologie jako innowacje społeczne zmieniają styl pracy, formy edukowania się i rozwoju, przynależności do sieci społecznych czy wzorce konsumpcyjne. W artykule spróbowano ukazać, że innowacje społeczne to nie tylko technologie cyfrowe, ale także poszukiwanie nowych idei i wartości społecznych, w tym rozwiązań z zakresu ekonomii społecznej, ekonomii współdzielenia, nowego modelu welfare state. Ponadto ujawniają się nowe kwestie społeczne i nowe formy ryzyka socjalnego związane z rozwojem technologii i cyfryzacji, które trzeba będzie w przyszłości rozwiązać.
Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie; 2018, 46, 1; 19-29
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cyfryzacja zarządzania migracjami w Unii Europejskiej
Digitalisation of Migration Management in the European Union.
Wyligała, Helena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
zarządzanie migracjami
Unia Europejska
migration management
European Union
Celem artykułu jest sprawdzenie jak głęboko cyfryzacja wkracza w proces zarządzania migracjami w Unii Europejskiej. Rodzi to pytanie o etap rozwoju istniejących i tworzenia nowych narzędzi w tym obszarze. Na tle pojęcia cyfryzacji i procesów wzmacniania bezpieczeństwa strefy Schengen, z wykorzystaniem analizy źródeł prawa Unii Europejskiej, przedstawiona zostanie modernizacja 3 głównych systemów stosowanych w polityce migracyjnej UE: SIS II, VIS, Eurodac oraz 3 nowych: EES, ETIAS, ECRIS-TCN. Ich rozwój przyspieszył w ostatnich kilku latach, kryzys migracyjny z lat 2015-2016 unaocznił bowiem potrzebę wypełnienia luk bezpieczeństwa poprzez integrację tych systemów. Wykorzystanie wielkoskalowych baz komputerowych stanowi więc wyzwanie dla zapewniania bezpieczeństwa w UE, wyzwala jednak pytania o tempo i skalę zmian oraz ich wpływ na ochronę danych osobowych.
The aim of this article is to illustrate how deeply digitalisation is entering the process of managing migration in the EU. It raises the question of the stage of development of existing and new tools in this area. Against the background of the processes of digitilisation and strengthening the internal security of the Schengen area, using an analysis of the sources of European Union law, the modernisation of the  three main systems used in EU migration policy will be presented: SIS II, VIS, Eurodac and 3 new systems: EES, ETIAS, ECRIS-TCN. Their development has accelerated in the last few years, as the migration crisis of 2015-2016 has highlighted the need to fill the security gaps by integrating these systems. The use of large-scale computer databases is therefore a challenge to ensuring security in the EU, but it raises the question of the pace and scale of change and its impact on the protection of personal data.
Rocznik Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego; 2019, 13, 2; 100-129
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Digitalisation of public procurement: The case study of Ukraine
Synyutka, Nataliya
Kurylo, Oksana
Bondarchuk, Mariya
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
public spending
public procurement
e-procurement platform ProZorro
Theoretical background: There is an ongoing global acceleration of automation and digitalisation in financial processes, which points to significant changes in public spending policies. After an analysis of several scientific studies, fundamental approaches have been elaborated to understand public consumption and the system of state purchases. The basic hypothesis for this research was to study the possible impact of the electronic procurement market ProZorro on state purchases in Ukraine. Possible directions are: increasing competitiveness, optimising state expenditures and saving the budget funds of public services based on innovative digital technology.Purpose of the article: The main goal is to investigate the impact of the electronic public procurement system ProZorro on corruption and bureaucracy in the public sector of Ukraine. The study object is an analysis of the volume and structure of the public procurement market, the number of procedures and participants in a bidding process, and the savings amounts in ProZorro’s public purchases during the study period in Ukraine.Research methods: The following methods were used during the research of the Ukrainian electronic procurement system: dialectical method; analysis and synthesis method – for a comparison of certain types of public procurement; subthreshold and suprathreshold statistical methods – for analysing the dynamics of indicators of the domestic system of public procurement during the period under research for a comparison of the indicators of public consumption of certain ministries and departments, different regions and territorial entities; structural and logical analysis – for generalising the theoretical and methodological principles of building a public consumption system in Ukraine. The main source of data was the data and analytical base of the ProZorro electronic public procurement system.Main findings: Effects of the innovative digital paradigm on the transparency and efficiency of public procurement are determined. Considerable attention is paid to the implementation of the electronic public procurement system ProZorro in Ukraine. The expediency is substantiated for its implementation in the national practice of budget expenditures, and the principles and procedures of implementation are analysed. The practice and dynamics of the public procurement market in Ukraine are summarised. The conclusions of the advantages of electronic system are provided, including transparency and impartiality, stimulation of competition and non-discrimination of bidding participants, reduction of corruption and the effect of reducing the savings of budget funds. Potential risks, threats and disadvantages of the ProZorro system in Ukraine are highlighted. Among them are: a high proportion of non-competitive procedures; possible latent conflict regarding the participants’ interests; unreasonable time spent on individual procedures; the justification of the procurement procedure to one participant due to a dubious “urgent need”; unreasonable application of the procurement procedure to one participant due to the falsification of conditions or the division of the procurement subject; the existence of discriminatory requirements in the documentation of competitive bidding; and a lack of efficiency in the complaints handling mechanism.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia; 2019, 53, 3; 61-71
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Digitalisation of supply chain management system for customer quality service improvement
Shevtshenko, Eduard
Maas, Rene
Murumaa, Lea
Karaulova, Tatjanja
Raji, Ibrahim Oluwole
Popell, Janek
Data publikacji:
Wrocławska Rada Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych
customer service quality
The main idea of the current research is to apply customer satisfaction level Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for supply chain reliability improvement. The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model-based KPI metrics increase the quality of product/service by monitoring, visualising, and digitalising directly involved processes. In the long run, the solution will ultimately help reduce/eliminate the number of customer reclamations in the supply chain. An industry-oriented performance measurement model based on SCOR can be easily adapted for different sectors. The approach proposed in the current research is based on identifying key factors of supply chain performance of the SCOR model connected with the predictive and diagnostic capability of Bayesian Believe Networks. The difference in performance can be reached via applying the best practices to processes, affecting the performance on a larger scale.
Journal of Machine Engineering; 2022, 22, 3; 78--90
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Machine Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Disinformation – and what else?
Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
The fundamental element of safety and of the presence of a sense of security is their being communicated to the public, which precedes development based on common perceptions and interpretations of the surrounding reality. With the development of societies, the progress of digitalisation in the field of communication, and the smooth transmission of information and data, the individualisation and specialisation of communications leading to completely new forms of activity, and social media and messages which are not addressed to the public, have become increasingly important. This refers to all events and phenomena in the public sphere, and its impact on civic life, the manner of its assessment, and the narrative which arises, and which is considered to be true by certain social groups or societies, as they can identify themselves with it, and, finally, treat it as their own – post truth.
Cybersecurity and Law; 2021, 6, 2; 9-19
Pojawia się w:
Cybersecurity and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Disinformation in Polish Society in 2021 – Trends, Topics, Channels of Transmission
Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz, Katarzyna
Soler, Urszula
Makuch, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
information security
information warfare
information digitalisation
A questionnaire-based study conducted in October 2021 provided analytical material on the degree and sources of disinformation in Polish society. The material has representative qualities and is the first comprehensive research project in Poland to cover issues regarding information security in such breadth and detail. The paper aims to analyse and present a study on disinformation in Polish society conducted on a representative group of Poles in 2021. The project's key research questions are: How receptive is the Polish public to disinformation content? What are the channels of information provided to Poles? Is the notion of disinformation familiar to the Polish audience, and do the recipients of media content search for methods to verify disinformation? The analysis and interpretation of the results identified some important features of the Polish disinformation map. The concept of disinformation is now commonly familiar to the Polish public (86%), and the sensitivity to content credibility can be regarded as high; the respondents were found to verify information, actively searching through various sources. Disinformation is rife in climate, energy (52%), and health (44%).
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2023, 1(52); 93-107
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Does demonetisation in India achieve its objectives?
Czy demonetyzacja w Indiach osiąga swoje cele?
Azeez, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
counterfeit currency
black money
cash-to- GDP ratio
Subject and purpose of work: The demonetisation exercise in India aimed to tackle the problems of black money, fake currency, corruption, and terror funding. The drying-up of cash due to demonetisation initially led to a significant increase in digital payment methods. However, large underprivileged informal Indians still prefer cash for their daily needs. The restoration of currency in circulation and increasing cash–to–GDP ratio in the following years questioned the success of digitalisation. Demonetisation has been noted to increase the tax base, tax collection and taxpayers. But this does not compensate for the negative impacts of demonetisation on the economy. Therefore, this paper tries to answer the question whether all of the stated goals will be achieved. Materials and methods: For the purpose of analysis, secondary data were drawn from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) and Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). Results: The study found that, except in certain areas, demonetisation has failed to achieve its claimed key objectives. Only minimal short-term gains have resulted from demonetisation and at the same time, it wreaked havoc and harmed the economy. Conclusions: The efficiency of demonetisation as a strategy for combating black money is still up for dispute. If the government had done its homework before executing demonetisation, all of the mayhem could have been avoided. It was a badly thought-out, poorly planned, poorly implemented, and disastrously executed.
Economic and Regional Studies; 2022, 15, 3; 335-349
Pojawia się w:
Economic and Regional Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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