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"Czeski błąd" i polski "Kret". O różnych filmowych obliczach lustracji
Kawasaki’s Rose and The Mole. Two Film Faces of Lustration
Pomostowski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
modern history
The Mole
Kawasaki's Rose
Polish and Czech societies
Central European cinematographies
Jan Hřebejk
Rafael Lewandowski
kino czeskie
historia najnowsza
kino środkowoeuropejskie
The issue of settling accounts with modern history is a topic often taken up in contemporary Polish cinematography. The delicate and intriguing problems of lustration, memory, guilt, and forgiveness are, however, not only a Polish concern. In 2009, Kawasaki’s Rose, directed by Jan Hřebejku, was presented during the Berlinale. Almost a year later, Rafael Lewandowski’s debut film The Mole was released in Polish cinemas. Both the Czech and the Polish productions constitute attempts at facing the embarrassing problem faced by Poles and Czechs in terms of the problems mentioned above. A closer look at the phenomenon, viewed from two different perspectives (Polish in The Mole and Czech in Kawasaki’s Rose), provides a particularly interesting angle for analyzing this subject. In the article, the works of Rafael Lewandowski and Jan Hřebejk are compared in an effort to answer the question of what image of society emerges from these films. How do different historical and cultural conditions influence the process of shaping people’s attitudes in the face of similar problems. The author performs a film study analysis on these works, based on interviews with their authors and important reviews of them. Literary works that are topically connected with them, including Revised Edition by Péter Esterházy and The Curtain by Milan Kundera, constitute an essential context. 
Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication; 2012, 11, 20; 83-92
Pojawia się w:
Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Jesteśmy blisko i coraz więcej o sobie wiemy”. Komentarz do bibliografii za lata 2007—2013
„Jsme blízko a stále více a více o sobě víme”. Komentovaná bibliografie z let 2007—2013
„We are close and we know more and more about each other”. A commentary to the bibliography for the years 2007—2013
Żygadło‑ Czopnik, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
literatura polska i czeska
polská a česká literatura
Polish and Czech literature
Komentovaná bibliografie z let 2007—2013 bezesporu je jedním z nejvíce cenných sbírkových aktivit v oblasti překladu do českého a polského jazyka. Retrospektivní bibliografie je dobrým zdrojem bibliografických informací o překladů české a polské literatury z let 2007—2013 a zároveň o českém a polském písemnictví. Publikace obsahuje bibliografii snažící se podat pokud možno úplný obraz knižní a časopisecké produkce vydané na území České republiky a Polska. Bibliografie překladů podává souhrnný materiál k pohledu na vývoj české a polské poezie, prózy a dramatu v posledních letech. Možno říci, že jsme obohaceni o knihu, které se podařilo zpracovat rozvoj překladatelské činnosti v Polsku a České republice, nejen pro odborníky filology a literární historiky, jimž umožní celkový pohled na českou a polskou literaturu v překladu, ale i přístupně pro široký okruh zájemců o kulturu českého a polského národa. V tom je hlavní význam díla „Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich”, které představuje zajímavou práci v Polsku.
The discussed here bibliography for the years 2007—2013 is without any doubt one of the most important publications on the subject of translations into Czech and Polish languages. The retrospective bibliography is a very good source for bibliographical information about Polish and Czech literature translation in the years 2007—2013, as well as for the Polish and Czech writing in general. The publication includes a bibliography which makes an attempt to present, if it’s possible, a full picture of the book and periodical production, which were published on the territories of Poland and the Czech Republic. The translations bibliography constitutes a general material for an overview of the development of the Czech and Polish prose, poetry and drama in the recentyears. It can be said that we are richer for a book, in which the author was able to elaborate on the development of the translating activity in Poland and the Czech Republic. This work proves to be valuable not only for the highly specialized experts in the fields of philology and literary history, who have now an access to a comprehensive overview of the Czech and Polish literature in translation, but also is a great introductory material for a wide circle of people interested in the culture of the Polish and Czech nations. In this lies the main importance of the work The Slavic Literature Translations, which is a very interesting work in Poland.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 5, 2; 89-106
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Dedykacja trzem Królestwom" – opis i znaczenie siedemnastowiecznego pansoficznego manuskryptu Jana Amosa Komeńskiego dla rozwoju nauki
Hampl, Lubomír
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
Jan Amos Comenius
manuscripts Dedicatio ad tria regna and Europae Lumina
Finspong manuscript
De Rerum humanarum Emendatione Consultatio Catholica ad Genus Humanum i.e. General Consultation on an Improvement of Human Affaire – Pannuthesia (Chapter XII)
development of science
Latin, Czech and Polish
The author presents to the Polish-speaking reader a little-known work by Jan Amos Comenius, titled Latin Dedicatio ad tria regna – Czech Dedikace třem královstvím – Polish Dedykacja trzem Królestwom – English Dedication to the Three Kingdoms. It acquaints us not only with its structure, composition and layout, but also with the main theses and assumed plans. It introduces us to a large extent to the subject matter of „repairing human things”. We see how Jan Amos Comenius persistently and with unprecedented persistence decidedly pursued the honorable goal that he set for himself – the panophilic repair of all human things. A picture of Comenius' hopes for these three European countries, ie Poland, Sweden and Great Britain, was also presented. We also learn how this manuscript in question was gradually modified by him over the course of the seventeenth century. An important fact is also that the described work is important for modern science, especially in historical, social, pedagogical, philological and theological disciplines.
Siedleckie Zeszyty Komeniologiczne. Seria pedagogika; 2021, 8; 129-140
Pojawia się w:
Siedleckie Zeszyty Komeniologiczne. Seria pedagogika
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
[Rev.:] Evropská dimenze česke a polské literatury. Europejski wymiar literatury czeskiej i polskiej. Sborník příspěvků z literárněvědné konference konané v Opavé ve dnech 10.-11.11.2010, edtor Libor Martinek, Slezská Univerzita v Opavé, Filozoficko-Přírodovědecká Fakulta, Ústav Bohemistiky a Knihovnictví, Kabinet Literárněvědné Komparatistiky, Opava 2011, 336, [2] s.
The European Dimension of Czech and Polish Literature. Proceedings of the Literary Conference held in Opava on 10-11.11.2010
Tytko, Marek Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
Polish literature
Czech literature
the Bible
Religious and sacred poetry
religious literary culture
European literature
The review contains a short descriptions of the content of a book entitled European dimension of Czech and Polish literature, edited by Libor Martinek from the Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic). A reviewer shows problems (problematique) of this international book, that concern olad and contemporary literatures of these two nations.There are twenty eights papers written by different authors from Poland and Czech Republic. Some of them involve motifs of old Czech and Polish religious poetry or old religious literary culture, eg. Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski), Tomaš Halik and the Bible of Brześć.
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 1(1); 133-136
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Akademia Umiejętności (1872–1918) i jej czescy członkowie
The Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow (1872–1918) and its Czech members
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Akademia Umiejętności
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
czescy uczeni
Towarzystwo Naukowe Krakowskie
Królewskie Czeskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Czeska Akademia Umiejętności
Academy of Arts and Sciences
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Czech humanists
Czech scientists
Krakow Learned Society
Royal Czech Society of Sciences
Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie wpływu, jaki słowianofilstwo czeskie wywierało na kształtowanie się składu osobowego Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie. Obejmuje on okres, kiedy odrodzony naród czeski poszukiwał wspólnoty z innymi narodami słowiańskimim i to przede wszystkim było czynnikiem sprawczym wzmożonego zainteresowania czeskich uczonych filologiami słowiańskimi, własną historią oraz historią Europy Środkowo- wschodniej, naukami społecznymi, prawnymi itd. Z analizy sprawozdań z działalności Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie od początku jej funkcjonowania (1872) aż do przekształcenia w Polską Akademię Umiejętności (1919) wynika, że ten rozkwit ukierunkowanej wspólnotowo czeskiej humanistyki spotkał się z pozytywnym oddźwiękiem ze strony krakowskiego środowiska naukowego. Jednym z dowodów na to jest fakt, iż czescy humaniści tworzyli najliczniejszą grupę wśrod wszystkich cudzoziemskich członków Akademii w Krakowie. Pismo cesarza Franciszka Jozefa I z dnia 2 maja 1871 roku, adresowane do ministra wyznań i oświaty Josefa Jirečka, było formalnym początkiem organizowania w Krakowie Akademii Umiejętności. Na jej protektora cesarz wyznaczył arcyksięcia Karola Ludwika. Członkami Akademii byli uczeni ze wszystkich ziem polskich i Polacy na emigracji. Fundusze pochodziły z dotacji państwowej oraz od prywatnych sponsorow. Akademia prowadziła dużą działalność wydawniczą. Akademia miała trzy wydziały: I. Filologiczny, II. Historyczno‑Filozoficzny, III. Matematyczno‑Przyrodniczy. W ich skład wchodzili członkowie krajowi i zagraniczni. Wśród tych drugich liczną grupę stanowili czescy uczeni. Członkami Wydziału I byli: Josef Jireček – filolog, etnograf, historyk; Vaclav Štulc – ksiądz katolicki, pisarz, poeta, tłumacz; Jan Gebauer – twórca nowej gramatyki czeskiej; Zikmund Winter – historyk; Jan Kvičala – filolog klasyczny, pedagog i polityk; Vaclav Vondrak – slawista. Do Wydziału II należeli: František Palacky – historyk, polityk; Antonin Randa – historyk; Vaclav Vladivoj Tomek – historyk, pedagog, polityk; Jaroslav Goll – historyk, poeta; Karel Kadlec – prawnik, historyk prawa, tłumacz; Emil Ott – prawnik; Jaromir Čelakovsky – prawnik, polityk. W skład Wydziału III wchodzili: Karl von Rokitansky – anatomopatolog; Bohuslav Brauner – chemik; František Vejdovsky – zoolog.
The article shows that the Czech humanists formed the largest group among the foreign members of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow. It is mainly based on the reports of the activities of the Academy. The Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow was established by transforming the Krakow Learned Society. The Statute of the newly founded Academy was approved by a decision of the Emperor Franz Joseph I on February 16, 1872. The Emperor nominated his brother Archduke Karl Ludwig as the Academy’s Protector. The Academy was assigned to take charge of research matters related to different fields of science: philology (mainly Polish and other Slavic languages); history of literature; history of art; philosophical; political and legal sciences; history and archaeology; mathematical sciences, life sciences, Earth sciences and medical sciences. In order to make it possible for the Academy to manage so many research topics, it was divided into three classes: a philological class, a historico‑philosophical class, and a class for mathematics and natural sciences. Each class was allowed to establish its own commissions dealing with different branches of science. The first members of the Academy were chosen from among the members of the Krakow Learned Society. It was a 12‑person group including only local members, approved by the Emperor. It was also them who elected the first President of the Academy, Jozef Majer, and the Secretary General, Jozef Szujski, from this group. By the end of 1872, the organization of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow was completed. It had its administration, management and three classes that were managed by the respective directors and secretaries. It also had three commissions, taken over from the Krakow Learned Society, namely: the Physiographic Commission, the Bibliographic Commission and the Linguistic Commission. At that time, the Academy had only a total of 24 active members who had the right to elect non‑ resident and foreign members. Each election had to be approved by the Emperor. The first public plenary session of the Academy was held in May 1873. After the speeches had been delivered, a list of candidates for new members of the Academy was read out. There were five people on the list, three of which were Czech: Josef Jireček, František Palacky and Karl Rokitansky. The second on the list was – since February 18, 1860 – a correspondent member of the Krakow Learned Society, already dissolved at the time. They were approved by the Emperor Franz Joseph in his rescript of July 7, 1873. Josef Jireček (1825–1888) became a member of the Philological Class. He was an expert on Czech literature, an ethnographer and a historian. František Palacky (1798–1876) became a member of the Historico‑Philosophical Class. The third person from this group, Karl Rokitansky (1804–1878), became a member of the Class for Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The mere fact that the first foreigners were elected as members of the Academy was a perfect example of the criteria according to which the Academy selected its active members. From among the humanists, it accepted those researchers whose research had been linked to Polish matters and issues. That is why until the end of World War I, the Czech representatives of social sciences were the biggest group among the foreign members of the Academy. As for the members of the Class for Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Academy invited scientists enjoying exceptional recognition in the world. These criteria were binding throughout the following years. The Academy elected two other humanists as its members during the session held on October 31, 1877 and these were Vaclav Svatopluk Štulc (1814–1887) and Antonin Randa (1834–1914). Vaclav Svatopluk Štulc became a member of the Philological Class and Antonin Randa became a member of the Historico‑Philosophical Class. The next Czech scholar who became a member of the Academy of Arts and Scientists in Krakow was Vaclav Vladivoj Tomek (1818–1905). It was the Historico‑Philosophical Class that elected him, which happened on May 2, 1881. On May 14, 1888, the Krakow Academy again elected a Czech scholar as its active member. This time it was Jan Gebauer (1838–1907), who was to replace Vaclav Štulc, who had died a few months earlier. Further Czech members of the Krakow Academy were elected at the session on December 4, 1899. This time it was again humanists who became the new members: Zikmund Winter (1846–1912), Emil Ott (1845–1924) and Jaroslav Goll (1846–1929). Two years later, on November 29, 1901, Jan Kvičala (1834–1908) and Jaromir Čelakovsky (1846–1914) were elected as members of the Krakow Academy. Kvičala became a member of the Philological Class and Čelakovsky – a corresponding member of the Historical‑Philosophical Class. The next member of the Krakow Academy was František Vejdovsky (1849–1939) elected by the Class for Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Six years later, a chemist, Bohuslav Brauner (1855–1935), became a member of the same Class. The last Czech scientists who had been elected as members of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow before the end of the World War I were two humanists: Karel Kadlec (1865–1928) and Vaclav Vondrak (1859–1925). The founding of the Czech Royal Academy of Sciences in Prague in 1890 strengthened the cooperation between Czech and Polish scientists and humanists.
Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU; 2015, 14; 37-62
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chrzest Polski w oczach historyka języka
The Baptism of Poland from the perspective of historical linguistics
Walczak, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
baptism of Poland
Polish writing system
the emergence of the literary language
Czech and Latin influences
chrzest Polski
pisownia polska
powstanie języka literackiego
wpływy czeskie i łacińskie
W zwięzłym szkicu autor zwraca uwagę na następujące konsekwencje chrztu Polski: wzmocnienie państwa (jako głównego czynnika sprawczego powstania języka polskiego), przyjęcie pisma w postaci alfabetu łacińskiego, przyjęcie łaciny w funkcji pierwszego (chronologicznie) języka literackiego i uniwersalnego języka kultury chrześcijańskiej w jej wariancie rzymskim, przyjęcie europejskich wzorców oświatowych, rozstrzygającą rolę Kościoła w ukształtowaniu podstaw polskiego języka literackiego oraz ogólne usytuowanie Polski w kręgu kultury Zachodu.
The author of this brief article draws attention to the following consequences of the baptism of Poland: empowering of the country (as a main causative factor of the emergence of the Polish language), the adoption of the Latin alphabet for the writing system, establishing Latin as the first literary language (chronologically) and as the universal language of the Christian culture in its Roman variant, adopting European educational patterns, the crucial role of the Church in creating the foundation for the Polish literary language and the general situation of Poland in the Western cultural heritage.
Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze; 2017, 33
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czechs and Poles in Chicago: Pan-Slavism and the Origins of the Cermak Demecratic Machine, 1860-1931
Pacyga, Dominic A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
While Poles rejected Pan-Slavic ideas in Europe, especially those that saw Russia as the protector of the Slavs, in Chicago a type of Pan-Slavism quickly emerged in the years after the Civil War. Polish and Czech immigrants forged a working relationship based on their common Slavic identity and on the realities of immigration, social class, and shared space in the city’s neighborhoods. These two groups also confronted anti-immigrant and anti-working class biases in the city. Their relationship with the German American community, a politically and culturally powerful group in Chicago, often proved to be problematic. During World War One, the Slavic coalition actively attacked Chicago’s Germans in an attempt to gain more political power. This coalition eventually resulted in the creation of a political machine under the leadership of Anton Čermak, an immigrant from Bohemia, who became the city’s only foreign-born mayor in 1931.
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny; 2015, 41, 4 (158); 55-68
Pojawia się w:
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy istnieje „etyczny ład” czy „społeczny chaos” podczas przekładania różnych jednostek leksykalnych? Próba analizy językoznawczej
Hampl, Lubomir
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej
Czech and Polish translation of the Bible
new collections of modern translation units
folk terminology
czeskie i polskie tłumaczenia
nowe zbiory jednostek przekładowych
terminologia ludowa
In the article the author attempts to present the translation process associated with the concept of “the triad”: identification – interpretation – translation (and the different variations of it). The author gives examples where cultural components also play a significant role in the reception of the translated text (the method of selecting between foreignization and domestication – including folk terminology). In the study, excerpts from different domains of the Holy Scriptures serve a purpose as research materials. The author notices that translation includes the signs of creativity, which give the translator the right for inventiveness and in some cases even free interpretation, which directly corresponds with the objective thesis about ethical and social frames over translation processes of management, especially in the field of written texts.
Polonia Journal; 2017, 5-6; 147-171
Pojawia się w:
Polonia Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doświadczenia z okresu dzieciństwa i ich znaczenie w dorosłości – przyczynek do badań nauczycieli przedszkoli i szkół z polskim językiem nauczania na Zaolziu w Republice Czeskiej
Childhood experiences and their significance in adulthood – a supplement to the studies among teachers from kindergartens and schools with Polish as the teaching language in Zaolzie in the Czech Republic
Szczurek-Boruta, Alina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
doświadczenia z okresu dzieciństwa
rozwój zawodowy
przedszkola i szkoły z polskim językiem nauczania na Zaolziu
Republika Czeska
childhood experiences
professional development
kindergartens and schools with Polish as the teaching language in Zaolzie
Czech Republic
The article comprises a presentation of quantitative and qualitative studies, conducted among teachers working in kindergartens and schools with Polish as the teaching language in the territory of Zaolzie in the Czech Republic. Teachers’ experiences are analysed from the perspective of both the constructivist vision of a child, present in pedagogy, and Maria Tyszkowa’s concept of structuration and restructuration of experience (considered to be a part of the constructivist current). The undertaken reflections and the research results enable the recognition of the significance of childhood experiences for the professional development of beginners in teaching careers. Those reflections and outcomes can also enhance the development of teachers’ awareness and responsibility for providing children and youth with experiences that will be of crucial importance in their later life young.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań ilościowych i jakościowych przeprowadzonych wśród nauczycieli pracujących w przedszkolach i szkołach z polskim językiem nauczania zlokalizowanych na terenie tzw. Zaolzia – w Republice Czeskiej. Doświadczenia nauczycieli poddaje analizie z perspektywy konstruktywistycznej wizji dziecka obecnej w pedagogice oraz koncepcji strukturacji i restrukturacji doświadczenia Marii Tyszkowej (zaliczanej do nurtu konstruktywistycznego). Podjęte rozważania i wyniki przeprowadzonych badań pozwalają poznać znaczenie doświadczeń z dzieciństwa dla rozwoju zawodowego początkujących nauczycieli. Mogą przyczynić się do rozwoju świadomości i odpowiedzialności nauczycieli za dostarczanie doświadczeń dzieciom i młodzieży. Doświadczenia te będą miały istotne znaczenie w późniejszym życiu dzieci i młodzieży.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2022, 16, 1; 101-118
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność EuroInstytutu Polsko-Czesko-Słowackiego w zakresie współpracy transgranicznej i międzykulturowej
The activity of Polish-Czech-Slovak EuroInstitutein the field of transfrontier and intercultural cooperation
Kocurek, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
EuroInstytut Polsko-Czesko-Słowacki
współpraca transgraniczna i międzykulturowa
działalność badawcza i naukowa
Polish-Czech-Slovak EuroInstitute
transfrontier and intercultural cooperation
research and scientific activity
W 2009 roku Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju i Współpracy Regionalnej „Olza” wraz z Institutem EuroSchola z Trzyńca powołało na pograniczu polsko- -czesko-słowackim pierwszy w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej EuroInstytutut do spraw współpracy transgranicznej. Głównymi obszarami działalności EuroInstytutu Polsko-Czesko-Słowackiego są: działalność szkoleniowo-doradcza, działalność koncepcyjna i badawcza oraz działalność edukacyjna i wydawnicza. EuroInstytut współpracuje z placówkami naukowymi i instytucjami doradczo-szkoleniowymi z kraju i zagranicy. Wydaje serię „TRANSCARPATHICA” i organizuje konferencje o wymiarze międzynarodowym, poświęcone relacjom sąsiedzkim łączącym Polaków, Czechów i Słowaków.
In 2009 the Association of Development and Regional Cooperation ‘Olza’ (PL: Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju i Współpracy Regionalnej ‘Olza’) together with the Institute EuroSchola from Trzyniec created – on the Polish-Czech-Slovakian borderline – the first in Central and Eastern Europe EuroInsitute for transfrontier cooperation. The main areas of activity of Polish-Czech-Slovak EuroInstitute are: training and consulting, expertise and research, along with educational and publishing activity. EuroInstitute cooperates with a variety of educational institutions as well as with training and consulting institutions at home and abroad. What the author intends is to publish “TRANSCARPHATHICA” and organize an international conference devoted to the relations between Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2016, 5; 149-164
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Frequencies of alleles and genotypes of the PRNP gene in Polish Red, Czech Pied and Czech Black-and-White cattle
Vrtkova, I
Filistowicz, A.
Dvorak, A.
Wierzbicki, H.
Szulc, T.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish Red cow
prion protein
Czech Pied cattle
conservation programme
neurodegenerative disease
gene encoding
bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Polish Red cattle
Czech Black-and-White cattle
PRNP gene
Journal of Applied Genetics; 2001, 42, 4; 503-507
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Applied Genetics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gramatyczne germanizmy rdzennych dialektów zachodniosłowiańskich w gwarach przesiedleńczych na terenie Rosji
Grammatical Germanisms of the Ascendant Dialects in West Slavic Immigrant Patois in Russia
Skorwid, Sergiej
Data publikacji:
Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk
czeskie i polskie gwary przesiedleńcze w Rosji
germanizmy gramatyczne
predykatywy i czasowniki modalne posesywne konstrukcje rezultatywne strona bierna
zaimki wskazujące
Czech and Polish immigrant dialects in Russia
grammatical borrowings from German
modal predicatives and modal verbs possessive resultative constructions passive voice
demonstrative pronouns
The paper deals with some contact phenomena in grammar typical of the ascendant dialects, which were inherited by two Czech and one Polish immigrant patois spoken in Russia. The Czech patois are located in several villages near Novorossiysk and Anapa in the Northern Caucasus and also in the Middle Irtysh area of the Omsk Region, the Polish (Masovian) one in the Krasnoyarsk Region and in the Republic of Khakassia.These patois show relatively good preservation of their original dialectal systems, including not only old lexical borrowings from German, but also grammatical features that appeared as a result of the longtime contact of West Slavic dialects with German in central and northeastern Europe. At the same time the systems of the examined patois as a whole, as well as their elements of contact origin, have been strongly influenced by their East Slavic language surroundings, most of all by the Russian language. The author concludes that set and functioning of the analyzed borrowed units or structures and contact features in Czech and Polish dialects although partly similar, differed somewhat. It depended on the speakers’ relative tendencies to personalize and give detail; it also depended on the features sentence construction observed in both languages.
Gwary Dziś; 2015, 7; 177-189
Pojawia się w:
Gwary Dziś
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historiografia polskiej mniejszości w Czechosłowacji i Republice Czeskiej (1920–2020)
Baron, Roman
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Polish minority in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic
Polish-Czech relations
The paper deals with the development of the historiography of the Polish minority in Bohemia (since the establishment of Czechoslovakia to the present times). A broader, Polish-Czech context has been provided, including the research outcomes of Czech and Polish historiographies.
Historia Slavorum Occidentis; 2021, 2 (29); 135-153
Pojawia się w:
Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intercultural Education in Schools of the Polish-Czech Borderland: Experiences – Problems – Prospects
Ogrodzka-Mazur, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
multi- and intercultural education
Polish-Czech borderland
borderland school
European Union
What is explored in the presented text, in reference to the results of authorial studies conducted in 2005/06 and 2012/13 on teachers working in kindergartens, primary, lower- and upper-secondary schools, are the issues of the implementation of intercultural education in the Polish-Czech borderland. This is done in reference to the levels of the work of school and the teacher, outlined by Jerzy Nikitorowicz, within three major tasks of intercultural education. The empirical data based on questionnaire surveys, observation and document analysis allowed for characterizing contemporary chances and barriers of education towards interculturalism in the environment of both urban and rural school.
The New Educational Review; 2013, 34; 99-110
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
International Comparison of the Social Context of Younger Pupils’ Reading
Babiaková, Simoneta
Kasáčová, Bronislava
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
younger pupils
social context of reading
international comparison
research on Slovak
Czech and Polish pupils’ reading
The study builds on the article published by the authors in No. 3/20201.Its aim is to present further results of the international comparative analysis. The study deals with the revealed social context influencing younger pupils’ reading. Respondents’ statements were obtained through a questionnaire of own design. Items related to the social context arose from a qualitative analysis of focus interviews in the previous research phase. The research sample consisted of 693 Slovak, 254 Czech and 248 Polish pupils 9-10 years old. Findings showed differences between national groups. Pupils prefer reading with someone; mothers are the most important partners for sharing, fathers read slightly more often only to Polish pupils. Polish pupils prefer reading aloud in front of an audience the most. Teachers as partners for reading interests are the most prominent in the Polish group. The study presents findings and differences in international comparisons of the social context of younger pupils’ reading.
The New Educational Review; 2021, 63; 99-110
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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