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J. Łosowski, Dokumentacja w życiu chłopów w okresie staropolskim: Studium z dziejów kultury, Wydawnictwo Olech, Lublin 2013, 400 s.
Janusz Łosowski, Documentation in the Lifes of Peasants in Old-Polish Period. Culture History Study, Olech Publishing House, Lublin 2013, 400 p.
Fokt, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
legal culture
The Crown of the Kingdom of Poland
early modern period
The reviewed book of Janusz Łosowski attempts to investigate the importance of written documentation in the life of peasants in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th–18th centuries, especially in the lands of the Polish Crown, basing mostly on the sources concerning Lesser Poland (Małopolska). The study of Łosowski has been based upon extensive and thorough archive query, including very interesting groups of sources (some of them excerpted in the annexes). It attempts to deepen the knowledge of early modern legal culture and mentality of peasant societies.
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa; 2014, 7, 3; 541-544
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opieka nad nieletnimi w rodzinach szlacheckich w Koronie w XVII wieku. Zarys problematyki i perspektywy badawcze
Guardianship of Minors in the Gentry Families in the Crown in the 17th Century. An Introduction to the Problem and Research Prospects
Pielas, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
legal guardianship
gentry family
Crown of the Kingdom of Poland
17th century
The article outlines the problems and research prospects of one of the most common legal institution that was typical of the old-Polish gentry families – the guardianship of minors, which has not been researched in the historical literature so far. The author reminds that in the ancient Polish law there were four ways of establishing the guardianship of minors, which were called: paternal, natural, official and autocratic. Each one of the four might commence only when the previous one had ceased. The author presents the most important findings made by law historians and underlines that they treat with the practical functioning of the guardianship in the reality of the 17th-century gentry of the Crown only superficially. We might familiarise with that practice thanks to other than normative sources, massive in character, namely the old-Polish last wills. In addition to establishing the guardianship, they contain many hints on how to educate and bring up minors. Undoubtedly, the most interesting question is what the guardians were actually doing. And here the essential question is whether their guardianship was good enough, whether they took care of the child (upkeep, upbringing, education) and of the child’s property. One of the objectives of the author of this article will be to present the most common activities undertaken by guardians, that is to say the ‘model’ behaviour of guardians. At the same time – wherever it is possible – it is worth attempting to present the reaction of the children to their guardians’ actions. In this context, there appears a fundamental problem of the scale and kinds of the abuses committed by the guardians, first of all concerning the minors’ land properties, including delaying the people they were in charge of entering into marriage in order to extend the period of their running their land property. An exceptionally important function of the institution of guardianship in the life of the gentry family combined with the research possibilities included in the 17th-century sources offer optimistic prospects for a comprehensive study, which would present the guardianship in gentry families and facilitate a better understanding of how the gentry family functioned in the Crown in the modern times.
Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski; 2015, 37, 1; 93-106
Pojawia się w:
Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Komputerowa mikrosymulacja sieci krewniaczej a wzorce współmieszkania: rzecz o demograficznych uwarunkowaniach rodziny chłopskiej w okresie staropolskim
A Computer Micro-Simulation of the Relative Network and the Patterns of Co-Habitation: on the Demographic Determinants of the Peasant Family in the Old-Polish Period
Szołtysek, Mikołaj
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
network of relatives
Crown (of the Kingdom of Poland)
17th–18th centuries
Resuming the threads that appeared in the book recently published Rethinking East-Central Europe: Family Systems and Co-Residence in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Bern et al., Peter Lang, 2015) the author of this article presents the application of a computer micro-simulation of kin sets in the research on the demographic determinants of the structure of the residential family and the patterns of co-residence in the old-Polish era for the first time in the Polish literature. The first part of the article contains a review of the methods concerning the demographic determinants of the structure of the residential family and the patterns of co-habitation, and the essence of the experiment of demographic simulation, as well as some selected examples of its application in historical demography. For some time now this question has been widely discussed abroad (Laslett, Ruggles, Oeppen), but in the Polish literature there is no a single study dealing with that. The second part presents the source basis of the article; it is the database of the nominative censuses of 26,652 peasant households from the territories of the Crown, Lithuania and Ukraine from the end of the 18th century (CEURFAMFORM Database). The methodology of the applied micro-simulation model has also been discussed. A lot of space has been devoted to the question of the choice of outside parameters and the validation of the model, as a way to a better structuralisation of regional research on the old-Polish demography. It would be quite useful if the efforts of researchers might concentrate on fixing the necessary minimum programme for future analyses in microscale family reconstitution, so that their results would have a wider applicability in research of a higher rank (not only the one in which simulation modelling is used), and so that they would satisfy the basic requirements of comparative analysis. The third part deals with the applicability potential of the used methodology to analyse the influence of demographic factors on the co-residence patterns for old-Polish populations taken from the database CEURFAMFORM. The problem has been illustrated by presenting two current questions that are essential for historical demography of the family: the process of leaving the family house and co-habitation of various generations. The analysis shows how the combined impact of fertility, mortality and the generational overlap in their regional configurations, determining the number and category of the relatives in a given population, shaped the dominant patterns of co-habitation in the territories that have been researched. The conclusions should be treated as innovative, yet future investigations might verify that. For the time being they constitute a convenient map that indicates directions for further investigations, both quantitative and qualitative in nature.
Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski; 2015, 37, 1; 107-161
Pojawia się w:
Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Герб роду панів Гербуртів ХІІІ-початку XVII ст.
Herburt Coat of Arms from the 13th Century to the Early 17th Century
Herb rodowy Herburtów od XIII do początku XVII wieku
Однороженко, Олег
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Herburtowie z Felsztyna
herb Herburt
ziemie ruskie Korony Królestwa Polskiego
modyfikacje herbów
Herburts from Felsztyn
Herburt coat of arms
Russian lands of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland
changes in coats of arms
coat of arms
Herb rodowy Herburtów od połowy XIII do początku XVII wieku przedstawiał się na‑ stępująco: na tarczy jabłko przebite trzema mieczami. Jednak od przełomu XVI-XVII wieku poszczególni przedstawiciele rodu uzupełniali tę kompozycję figurą krzyża umieszczoną nad jabłkiem. Jednocześnie możemy zaobserwować znaczną kolorystyczną odmienność różnych figur herbu, głównie w zawartości emblematów hełmów. Pomimo faktu, że w klejnotach her‑ bów rodu Herburtów znajdujemy zwykle pawie lub strusie pióra, różnica w ich liczbie i ko‑ lorze (wraz ze zmianą koloru labr i figur na tarczy) natychmiast umożliwia rozpoznanie 19 odmian herbu używanego przez różnych przedstawicieli rodu. Taka zmienność drugorzędnych elementów ogólnego emblematu była charakterystyczna zarówno dla czesko-morawskich, jak i ruskich gałęzi rodu. W tym drugim przypadku obserwowana zmienność była swoistą kon‑ tynuacją tradycji charakterystycznych dla herbów szlacheckich na ziemiach Korony Czeskiej.
Średniowiecze Polskie i Powszechne; 2019, 11; 220-261
Pojawia się w:
Średniowiecze Polskie i Powszechne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Features of the Biblical Translations Made on the Territory of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th Century
Osobliwości tłumaczeń biblijnych z terenów Królestwa Polskiego i Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w XVI wieku
Kozhynava, Ala
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
biblical translations
the 16th century
the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland
the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
the Book of Ecclesiastes
tłumaczenia biblijne
XVI wiek
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
Księga Koheleta
бiблейскiя пераклады
XVI стагодзе
Рэч Паспалiтая
Вялiкае княства Лiтоўскае
Кніга Еклесіяста
The article provides an overview of biblical translations created in the 16th century on the territory of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. On the example of verses 1.5–7 from the Book of Ecclesiastes a specific translation technique and the reasons for the differences between the original and translated text are considered. The study uses the method of textological analysis. The author comes to the following conclusions. Firstly, it can be a clash of different language systems, since the original language and the language of biblical translation refer not only to different language groups, but also to different language families. Secondly, a strong opposition to the accuracy of the translation is a different understanding of the text, due to differences in religion. By the time of the creation of most Slavic translations, Christian exegetics was fundamentally different both from the ancient understanding of sacred texts and from the interpretation adopted in the rabbinical tradition. Thirdly, intertextual differences may be due to differences in culture that have nothing to do with the religious system. Fourthly, the difference between the original and the translation is due to the fact that not all translators were equally gifted linguists; they didn’t know the original language and the subject in question equally well. Therefore, in the textual structure of the translation, we can meet with various kinds of deviations from the essence and form of the original, up to language and substantial mistakes.
Niniejszy artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy, jest poświęcony tłumaczeniom biblijnym, które powstały w XVI w. na terenie Rzeczpospolitej i Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. W tekście na przykładzie wierszy 1.5–7 z Księgi Koheleta rozpatruje się konkretną technikę translatorską oraz przyczyny różnic między tekstem oryginalnym i przetłumaczonym na inny język. W badaniu zastosowano metodę analizy tekstologicznej. Autor dochodzi do następujących wniosków. Po pierwsze, może to być konflikt różnych systemów językowych, ponieważ język oryginalny i język tłumaczenia biblijnego odnoszą się nie tylko do różnych grup, ale także do różnych rodzin językowych. Po drugie, dokładności tłumaczenia może przeszkadzać odmienne rozumienie tekstu z powodu różnic religijnych. W czasie stworzenia większości słowiańskich tłumaczeń biblijnych chrześcijańska egzegetyka zasadniczo różniła się zarówno od starożytnego rozumienia świętych tekstów, jak i od interpretacji przyjętej w tradycji rabinicznej. Po trzecie, różnice intertekstualne mogą wynikać z różnic kulturowych, które nie mają nic wspólnego z systemem religijnym. Po czwarte, różnica między oryginałem a tłumaczeniem wynika z faktu, że nie wszyscy tłumacze byli równie utalentowanymi lingwistami, znali dobrze język oryginalny. Dlatego w strukturze tekstowej tłumaczenia możemy się spotkać z różnego rodzaju odchyleniami od treści i formy oryginału, aż po błędy językowe i merytoryczne.
У артыкуле даецца агульнае ўяўленне пра біблейскія пераклады, створаныя ў XVI ст. на тэрыторыі Рэчы Паспалітай і Вялікага княства Лiтоўскага, а таксама на прыкладзе вершаў 1.5–7 з Кнігі Еклесіяста разглядаецца канкрэтная тэхніка перакладу і прычыны адрозненняў паміж арыгінальным і перакладным тэкстам. Для даследавання выкарыстоўваецца метад тэксталагічнага аналізу. Аўтар прыходзіць да наступных высноў. Па-першае, гэта можа быць сутыкненне розных моўных сістэм, паколькі мова арыгінала і мова біблейскага перакладу належаць не толькі да розных моўных групаў, але і да розных моўных сем’яў. Па-другое, моцным процідзеяннем на шляху да дакладнасці перакладу аказваецца рознае разуменне тэксту, абумоўленае адрозненнем у веравызнанні. У час стварэння большасці славянскіх перакладаў хрысціянская экзегетика каардынальна адрознівалася як ад старажытнага разумення святых тэкстаў, так і ад тлумачэння, прынятага ў раввнистической традыцыі. Па-трэцяе, міжтэкставые адрозненні могуць быць абумоўленыя адрозненнямі ў культуры, якія не маюць ніякага дачынення да сістэмы веравызнання. Па-чацвёртае, адрозненне арыгінала ад перакладу абумоўліваецца тым, што не ўсе перакладчыкі былі аднолькава адоранымі лінгвістамі, аднолькава добра ведалі мову арыгінала і прадмет, пра які ідзе гаворка. Таму ў тэкставай структуры перакладу мы можам сустрэцца з рознага роду адхіленнямі ад сутнасці і формы арыгінала, якiя прыводзяць да моўных і змястоўных памылак.
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2020, 14; 235-247
Pojawia się w:
Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inwentarz skarbca koronnego z 1515 roku
The inventory of the Crown Treasury of 1515
Nalewajek, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
skarbiec Królestwa Polskiego
regalia polskie
insygnia koronacyjne
królów polskich
ród Szydłowieckich
treasury of the Kingdom of Poland
Polish regalia
crown insignia of Polish kings
Szydłowiecki family
The paper presents the inventory of the Crown Treasury of 1515 whose original has been preserved in the Central Public Archives (AGAD, parchment nr 4460). The inventory was written down on 5 November 1515, after the office of the Treasurer of the Kingdom of Poland was taken by Mikołaj Szydłowiecki. It contains a detailed description of three Polish royal crowns: the Crown which was used for the coronation of Polish kings (Corona Aurea Regni Poloniae), the Queen’s Crown (Corona Reginalis Maiestatis), and the Homagial Crown (Corona Homagialis), as well as the other insignia of the king’s power, also a list of the objects kept in the Crown Treasury: objects of religious cult with their description, objects that contained Christological relics, things with protective properties and objects having historical value as well as other precious objects collected there. The review of the Crown Treasury was done on King Sigismund I’s order and was carried out by his closest associates, Deputy Chancellor of the Treasury Piotr Tomicki, Chancellor Krzysztof Szydłowiecki and Jan Boner.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2013, 61, 2; 63-81
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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