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Wspomnienia ks. Wiktora Markiewicza
Markiewicz, Wiktor
Data publikacji:
Agencja Wydawnicza “PDN”
ksiądz Wiktor Markiewicz
Księża lwowscy w diecezji gorzowskiej
Rev. Wiktor Markiewicz was born 5 September 1908 in Odessa. He was ordained 25 June 1935 in Krakow. Following the forcible deportation in 1945, he came to the Recovered Territories in order to do pastoral work among the Poles who arrived from the Eastern Borderlands. And this period is covered in his memoirs, which were published by Rev. Józef Anczarski, The Lviv Priests in the Diocese of Gorzów, 1988, pp. 126-135 ( the typescript is held in the editorial office).
Adhibenda; 2018, 5; 237-248
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biostratigraphy of Quaternary lacustrine deposits in Chojna (NW Poland)
Czepiec, I.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika. Wydział Biologii i Ochrony Środowiska. Stowarzyszenie Malakologów Polskich
lacustrine deposit
Chojna town
Folia Malacologica; 1999, 07, 4
Pojawia się w:
Folia Malacologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Concept and its implementation during the reconstruction of the church of blessed virgin Mary in Chojna
Koncepcja i jej realizacja w trakcie odbudowy kościoła pw. NMP w Chojnie
Płotkowiak, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
St. Mary's parish church
kościół farny
odbudowa kościoła
St. Mary's parish church in Chojna was erected at the turn of XIV and XVc. in a shape of three aisles, hall church without transept, completed from the west with a single tower and from the east with polygonal presbytery with an ambulatory attached. The convergence of characteristic structural and decorative features with employed ones in medieval churches being attributed to Hinrich Brunsberg's fabric resulted in such a way, that also authorship of St. Mary in Chojna was assigned to this legendary architect and master builder of late Middle Ages period. The church was destroyed by fire during WWII in February 1945 and since then had remained as an open ruin. In 1997 reconstruction procedure of the church was begun under the leadership of the author and it still continues. This text consists of the sum of experiences connected with confronting design ideas and solutions with their executions on the site during construction works.
Kościół farny pw. NMP w Chojnie wzniesiono z cegły na przełomie XIV i XVw., na miejscu starszego obiektu, jako trójnawową, beztranseptową halę zamkniętą od strony zachodniej pojedynczą wieżą, a po stronie wschodniej poligonalnym prezbiterium z obejściem. Zbieżność charakterystycznych form konstrukcji z wciągniętymi do wnętrza przyporami oraz cech wystroju plastycznego elewacji artykułowanych dekoracyjnymi lizenami z występującymi w obiektach łączonych z działalnością warsztatu Henryka Brunsberga spowodowały, że autorstwo chojeńskiej fary przypisano temu legendarnemu architektowi i mistrzowi budowlanemu późnego średniowiecznego. Kościół został zniszczony przez pożar 16 lutego 1945 r. i pozostawał w stanie otwartej ruiny. Zachowały się murowane ściany obwodowe wraz ze sklepieniami obwodowych: kaplic i empory zlokalizowanych pomiędzy wciągniętymi do wnętrza przyporami w korpusie nawowym i ambicie oraz konstrukcja wieży do wysokości ok. 80 m nad otaczającym terenem. Począwszy od 1997 r. obiekt poddawany jest stopniowej odbudowie pod kierunkiem autora. Tekst niniejszy stanowi zapis doświadczeń z konfrontacji koncepcji działania i szczegółowych rozwiązań projektowych z wynikami ich realizacji na budowie.
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports; 2015, 19; 87-98
Pojawia się w:
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stare Miasto w Chojnie : problem zagospodarowania obszaru zabytkowego
Latour, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
kościół farny NMP w Chojnie
Stare Miasto w Chojnie
plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego Chojny
The earliest records referring to the town of Chojna date from the 13th century. The town developed on the site o f an earlier settlement, as indicated by remnants of a gród (circular fortified centre) and an early-mediaeval market square. The civic rights, based on the Magdeburg law, were confirmed in 1298. The town — together with its defences — was completely shaped in the 14th century. Its successful development continued until the Thirty-Year War which brought a considerable destruction in its the wake. The town’s repeated development in the 17th and 18th centuries was characterized by half-timbered construction o f the buildings raised there at time. The process of that reconstruction was interrupted by the Napoleonic war after which Chojna has never recovered its former splendour. In 1945 the town suffered again almost complete destruction. Among the ruins there have survived few dwelling houses and the walls of the most important historical monuments: St. Mary’s Church dating from the 15th century, burnt down and left in ruin, the Augustinian Church and Monastery, 14th century, already reconstructed, the Town Hall — dating from mid-15th century, partly rebuilt in the 17th, burnt in 1945, and intended for reconstruction as a seat o f the municipal library. What has also been preserved is a complete ring o f 14th century town walls, with gates and watch-towers, and the building of former caserns now adapted for dwelling purposes. Chojna, with the population of 5,656 makes at present the administrative centre o f the commune. Its principal functions are the administrative activities, those in the field of services, industrial production, agricultural production, market gardening, breeding and also in that of services for agriculture and forestry. In spite of its total destruction the Old Town district continues to be that o f supreme compositional value. This is manifest in the panorama of the town as well as in its interior where the main historical monuments — dominating by their size and attractive in their architectonic detail — spring up from the historical ground-work o f streets. The programme for revalorization, prepared in close correlation with that for the economic and regional development o f the town of Chojna and its environment, should start from the following criteria: — the Old Town makes an area valuable from the historical and compositional point of view, calling for due consideration o f the existing lay-out and the historical monuments preserved; — the building dating from the 18th and 19th centuries — especially in the neighbourhood of the monastery grouping and the town walls — should be preserved and complemented with individual buildings filling the gaps therein, stress should be laid, in particular, on the lay-out of the old market square within the boundaries of which the town hall and the parish church are situated; — the area between the said church and the market square should be intended for buildings not higher than two storeys so as to provide for a visual contact between those two historical m onuments; — transit traffic should be eliminated from the Old Town district and only the local one — o f limited range — made admissible without any change in the character o f the streets; — a promenade and green belt should be laid out around both the outer and inner side of the town walls; •— the new building should be noted for commination of the streets and pathways and emphasis laid on vertical divisions referring to the old property division; — the Old Town should be given the character o f a residential district provided with some non-onerous, basic and municipal services; i.e. the retail shops, craftsmen’s workshops, catering establishments and cultural life and tourist facilities. The reconstruction of the town, conducted in 1968—1976 did not fulfil, for the most part, the postulates above what is confirmed by the illustrations inserted in the text. Hence the urgent need for a revision of both the presently binding general plan and the detail one for revalorization o f the historical district discussed. The relevant proposals are comprised in the enclosed concept o f its revalorization and development, as expounded by Andrzej Skorupski in his M. Arch, degree-thesis, prepared under the au th o r’s direction at the Department o f Building and Architecture, Szczecin College of Science and Technology. The concept meets all the postulated mentioned above. The condition of the reconstruction work carried out so far gives the grounds to assume that the prospects o f changes in the mode of development o f the Old Town district are still feasible. The wealthy historical tradition o f the town o f Chojna, its historical monuments and lay-out and, first and foremost, the concern to ensure the best possible conditions o f life to the town’s inhabitants today and the generations to come — the conditions based on a symbiosis o f the past and the future — should all make an incentive to a quick action for the sake of implementation of the postulates and the concept herewith discussed.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1978, 2; 116-125
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Content of Cu, Zn and Mn in the eroded soils of a small arable-forest catchment of West Pomerania [The Chojna District]
Chudecka, J
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
Pomeranian region
arable-forest catchment
water erosion
Chojna district
erosion process
geochemical background
soil property
eroded soil
degraded ecosystem
anthropogenic ecosystem
heavy metal
The aim of this paper was to assess differentiation in the total content of Cu, Zn and Mn under the influence of water erosion. The present author investigated parent material, eroded soils and delluvial sediments of a small arable-forest catchment of the moraine zone in West Pomerania. The average content of heavy metals in the parent rock (boulder light loam) were assumed as geochemical backgrounds of Cu, Zn and Mn. It was found out that erosion process caused differentiation in heavy metals. Zinc was the most mobile in this transportation; Mn was not sensitive to it. Delluvial sediments from arable (drainage) depressions had a clearly lower content of Cu and Zn than the parent material. It was also noted that Cu and Zn content in the forest area was lower than in the arable area of a similar relief and soil composition. Mn content was always higher in the arable soils. Soil-forming processes influenced differentiation of heavy metals in the vertical soil profile. The humus and Bt horizons (accumulation of silicate clay) were enriched with heavy metals. A decrease of heavy metal content was noticed in the eluvial horizon (Eet - outwash of silicate clay). The humus horizon of the investigated soil had, a natural (not increased) content of Cu, Zn and Mn.
Acta Agrophysica; 2001, 51; 21-28
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ruina jako obiekt turystyczny : koncepcja zabezpieczenia i udostępnienia na przykładzie kościoła NMP w Chojnie
Gruszecki, Andrzej
Widawski, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
kościół NMP w Chojnie
trwała ruina
Henryk Brunsberg
kaplica Mariacka
historia kościoła NMP w Chojnie
konserwacja ruin
angielska szkoła konserwacji ruin
zabezpieczenie przed wpływami atmosferycznymi
Le pro jet présenté dans ce compte-rendu et concernant la conservation de l’Église Notre-Dame à Chojna 'en forme de ruine permanente * constitue une solution-modèle, ayant pour but en même temps de sauver le monument e t de le ren d re accessible aux visites des touristes. Le projet fu t précédé par des recherches scientifiques. Ce sujet a été tra ité déjà avant la guerre dans un article dont l’auteur Voss considérait le bâtiment en question comme unité rep a rtie suivant les époques de sa construction, notamment en p artie orientale consacrée en 1407 et en partie-occidentale terminée en 1459. En résultat des recherches architecturales e t archéologiques effectuées sur pla ce par la Faculté de l’A rchitecture à Varsovie (Chaire de l’Architecture Polonaise) au cours des années 1960—1962 on a prouvé que l’ancienne tour é ta it probablement antérieure au corps principal de l’église et constituait un é lé ment de l’église du XlV-ème siècle connue jusqu’ici uniquement par des notes historiques. L ’église du XVe siècle fu t érigée probablement sur l’emplacement de la précédente dont la tour fu t annexée au nouvel édifice et surélevée d ’un étage au cours de son adaptation. L’église du XVe siècle se range parmi les monuments de haute valeur artistique et son architecture accuse des affinités avec les oeuvres de l’atelier d’Henri Brunsberg dont probablement elle est issue. A la fin du XVe siècle fu t annexée à cette église la chapelle St. Anne. Dans les siècles suivants la toiture de la tour a changé de forme. En 1859/61, après l’écroulement de l’an cienne tour on en éleva une autre à sa place, haute d e 95 m., néogothique, remaniée par suite ein 1932— 1933. Dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle l’inté rieu r de l’église fu t également reconstruit et en cet é ta t l’édifice est conservé jusqu’à la seconde guerre mondiale pendant laquelle les voûtes et les toitures fu re n t détruites en grande partie. Les murs quoique endommagés se sont conservés en général ju sq u ’à la corniche du couronnement. É tan t donné que l’église post-conventuelle du voisinage suffisait aux besoins du culte, il n ’y av a it aucune prémisse pour procéder à la reconstruction de l’Église Notre-Dame. Toutefois la haute valeur artistique de ce monument étant reconnue, on n e pouvait le laisser tomber en ruine sans entrep ren d re des mesures de protection. C’est pour cela qu’on adopta, en fin du compte, la solution de sa conservation à l’aspect de ruine en p ro je tan t d ’en ouvrir l’accès aux touristes. Le projet s’allie p a r sa conception à la meilleure des écoles de conservation contemporaines soit d it à l’école anglaise. Ses principes de base fu re n t su ivis de près compte tenu toutefois de certaines modifications nécessitées par des conditions spécifiques de notre climat. Donc, le principe selon lequel les murs ne doivent pas être reconstruits sauf quand l'exige l'é ta t technique de l’ensemble, n ’a pas pu ê tre suivi à la lettre. Le programme prévoyait la reconstruction p artielle des voûtes et des balustrades des tribunes pour ren d re possible les visites des touristes. On appliqua les principes anglais suivants: refection des m u rs e t des mortiers, à la surface; relèvement des planchers à leur niveau primitif; enlèvement des plantes e t de la mousse des murs, pour incruster l’ensemble de la ru in e dans le cadre de la verdure environnante. Dans le projet de l’aménagement des pelouses on introduisit certaines modifications. Compte tenu des difficultés d’en tretien d ’un gazon de verdure sans sentiers on p ro je ta de poser su r le chemin des visiteurs des dalles en béton dont les interstices seraient envahis par la mousse. Ce genre de tro tto ir semble être meilleur que les sentiers de gravier employés p ar les Anglais en prévision d’un trafic touristique animé. Le programme de l’aménagement des plantes hautes en ta n t que décor plastique de la ru in e n ’est qu’un développement de l’école anglaise selon laquelle la conception d ’un fond de verdure de plantes hautes à l'ex térieu r de la ruine ne fu t pas envisagée. Les principes anglais se trouvent complétés p a r un soulignement voulu de la ligne des interventions conservatrices, à l’aide d’un liant distinct ainsi que par une repa rtition d u bâtiment suivant la chronologie de sa construction. L ’attention fu t toutefois portée surtout à la p rép a ra tio n des services e t du mouvement touristique, dont les itinéraires fu re n t élaborés d’avance comme dans le cas des musées. On p ré para pour les touristes des postes de „prise de vue” et, pour g aran tir la continuité du mouvement to u ristique, on projeta deux cages d ’escalier supplémentaires, une en béton armé, l’au tre en acier. Outre les visites touristiques coutumières on a prévu des itinéraires spéciaux pour les historiens de l’a rt et pour les conservateurs. C’est ici que fu re n t e x posés les vestiges concernant la rép a rtitio n chronologique du bâtiment et les procédés de sa conservation. Pour principe général on adopta l’adjonction d’éléments exécutés dans un matériau nouveau de forme différenciée, quoique en harmonie avec le site historique. Comme matériau po u r les éléments nouveaux é tait prévu: le béton armé, la brique en silicate e t le fe r graphie, tandis que les délabrements dans les parties du bâtiment conservées seraient comblés p a r les matériaux récupérés.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1965, 2; 5-22
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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