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„Fabrica ecclesiae kalinoviensis” w II połowie XVIII wieku i na początku XIX wieku
“Fabrica Ecclesiae Kalinoviensis” from the Second Half of the 18th Century to the Beginning of the 19th Century
Kakareko, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
parish in Kalinówka Kościelna
church construction
church consecration
fire in the rectory
establishment of a cemetery
parish records
parafia w Kalinówce Kościelnej
budowa kościoła
konsekracja kościoła
pożar plebanii
założenie cmentarza
parafialne księgi metrykalne
The Catholic church in Kalinówka Kościelna, Poland, belongs to one of the oldest parishes in the Archdiocese of Białystok, which used to be a part of the (Arch)diocese of Vilnius. The parish was established in 1511 when Mikołaj Radziwiłł built a church that stood until the Swedish Deluge. The current sanctuary is made of larch wood and is the third of three churches erected by Fr. A. Świerzbiński. While the precise year and circumstances in which the sanctuary was built are unknown, records show that it was consecrated in 1777 by Fr. A. Świerzbiński’s successor, Fr. W. Klimaszewski, who also oversaw a series of renovations and changes to the rectory and the pastors’ homestead. Fr. Szymon Szyszko founded the new cemetery, which is located outside of Kalinówka, in 1811. This article includes a copy of the document that authorized the establishment of the cemetery as well as many other original sources pertaining to the parish in Kalinówka Kościelna and the priests who have served there.
Parafia katolicka w Kalinówce Kościelnej została założona w 1511 r. i należy do najstarszych parafii w Archidiecezji Białostockiej, będącej dawniej częścią (Archi)Diecezji Wileńskiej. W tymże roku Mikołaj Radziwiłł zbudował tu kościół, który przetrwał do czasów potopu szwedzkiego. Obecna świątynia z drzewa modrzewiowego jest trzecim z kolei kościołem pobudowanym przez ks. A. Świerzbińskiego. Dokładana data i okoliczności jej budowy nie są dokładnie znane. Świątynia została konsekrowana w 1777 r. za kolejnego proboszcza ks. W. Klimaszewskiego. On też przeprowadził szereg innych prac budowlanych i remontowych na plebanii i w gospodarstwie proboszcza. Natomiast nowy cmentarz grzebalny, położony poza Kalinówką, został założony w 1811 r. przez ks. Szymona Szyszko. Transumpt dokumentu zezwalającego na jego założenie został zamieszczony w niniejszym artykule, jak też szereg innych zapisów źródłowych, dotyczących parafii oraz kapłanów w niej posługujących.
Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej; 2018, 17, 3; 273-286
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Moje przodki żyli zdies’ kak Poljaki…”. Współczesne inskrypcje nagrobkowe cmentarza na Grzywie w Dyneburgu jako przyczynek do rozważań nad kryteriami tożsamości narodowej
Zawisza, Robert
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
national and religious identity
Contemporary tombstone inscriptions in the Griva cemetery in Daugavpils as inspiration for a scientific research on national identityThe memorial inscriptions found in the Griva cemetery in Daugavpils [Latvia] are a valuable source for scientific research on borderland communities. As well as being a multilingual region the Daugavpils area is characterized by mixed marriages, particularly between people of Polish and Russian origin. The religion of those who have deceased is of the most lasting importance; that which is understood as passed down from generation to generation. The language used in the inscriptions is the result of a complex decision-making process. This takes into account not only religious and national identity but also the will of the deceased, their place of burial and local traditions.
Adeptus; 2013, 2
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„To, czego pragnąłem, spłonęło w ogniu”. Hebrajski epigraf z Józefowa
„All that I needed had burnt in fire’” The Hebrew epigram from Józefów
Trzciński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Akademia Zamojska
Józefów Biłgorajski
Na cmentarzu żydowskim w Józefowie Biłgorajskim zachowała się macewa, położona nad zakopanymi zwojami Tory, zniszczonymi w pożarze w 1864 roku. Autor, uznając inskrypcję za artefakt pola kultury żydowskiej, opisuje ją w następujących aspektach: 1) prawo i zwyczaje judaizmu; 2) analiza napisu pod względem treści jako przykład literatury cmentarnej; 3) zajęcie krytycznego stanowiska w stosunku do treści napisu z uwzględnieniem historii miejsca.
A matzevah remained at the Jewish cemetery in Józefów Biłgorajski, set over buried Torah’s scrolls, damaged in the fire of 1864. The author, considering the inscription as the artifact of the Jewish culture’s field, describes it in the following aspects: 1) the religious law and the customs of Judaism; 2) analysis of the inscription in terms of the content as an example of the cemetery literature; 3) taking a critical stance in relation to the inscription’s content taking into consideration the history of the place.
Studia Żydowskie. Almanach; 2011, 1, 1; 11-16
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Studia Żydowskie. Almanach
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Zgasły nasze imiona, lecz nasze czyny jaśnieją” (Tarnowskie nekropolie Heinricha Scholza)
“Our names faded away, but our deeds shine bright” (Tarnów necropolises of Heinrich Scholz)
Osiński, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
Heinrich Scholz
architektura cmentarna
cemetery architecture
Rozprawa traktuje o eminentnej personie Heinricha Scholza, znakomitego rzeźbiarza wiedeńskiego, określanego przez Jaroslava Haska ironicznym mianem „dekującego się ochotnika”. Podczas I wojny światowej Scholz pełnił funkcję kierownika artystycznego VI Tarnowskiego Oddziału Grobów Wojennych na terenie dawnej Galicji Zachodniej. Scholz był artystą wszechstronnym, który potrafi pracować w kamieniu i drewnie, a ponadto posiadał doskonałe wyczucie materiału. Jego niespełna trzyletnia praca zaowocowała powstaniem ponad 40 realizacji cmentarnych, które odznaczają się nadzwyczajnym dopracowaniem szczegółów, precyzją wy- konania oraz doskonale wpisują się w otaczający krajobraz. Cmentarze Scholza, tworząc pod względem estetycznym stosunkowo zwartą grupę, mieszczą się w szerokim nurcie „dwudziestowiecznego klasycyzmu”. Modus ten odznacza się symetrią, prostotą, horyzontalizmem, oszczędnością środków wyrazu, powagą i osiowością. Poszczególne rozwiązania, z uwagi na różnorodność zastosowanych przez artystę motywów architektonicznych i dekoracyjnych, emblematów i rzeźb, są unikalne i zakorzeniają tę twórczość w najwartościowszych wytworach klasycyzmu, a poprzez estetykę przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku, wiążą ją wprost z artystyczną spuścizną śródziemnomorskich cywilizacji antycznych. Plastyczność, przestrzenność, mistrzowskie operowanie perspektywą i planami, umiejętność wkomponowania nekropolii w najbardziej wydawałoby się niesprzyjające warunki terenowe i optymalne wykorzystanie walorów rzeźbiarskich szczególnie predestynują te budowle do ekspozycji w pełnym słońcu, kiedy ostre promienie wydobywają z najdrobniejszego detalu zdumiewającą grę światła i cieni. Efekty takie osiągał Scholz zarówno w przypadku skromnych powierzchniowo mogił zbiorowych, jak i ogromnych założeń cmentarnych, nawiązujących do idei parku krajobrazowego i rozciągających się na przestrzeni kilku bądź kilkunastu hektarów. W grupie tych ostatnich sytuuje się cmentarz wojenny nr 193 w Dąbrówce Szczepanowskiej, ulokowany na powierzchni nieomal 1800 m2 i zaprojektowany z uwzględnieniem naturalnego ukształtowania terenu. O nadzwyczajnym znaczeniu tego założenia świadczy fakt, iż w jego obręb inkorporowano cały sąsiadujący teren ze wszystkimi zmianami spowodowanymi przez Wielką Wojnę (w ostatnich latach zrekonstruowano część rosyjskich rowów strzeleckich i schronów). Pierwotnie liczył on ponad 4 ha i był ogrodzony płotem z siatki na betonowych słupach. Mogiły poległych walczących armii zostały zgrupowanie w dwóch odrębnych zespołach grobowych, pomiędzy którymi ulokowano majestatyczny pomnik centralny z podniosłymi inskrypcjami pióra kapitana Hansa Hauptmanna, poety i oficera w krakowskim Wydziale Grobów Wojennych. I oto w granicach tego kompleksu doszło ostatnio do marnej inwestycji, urągającej pamięci pochowanych tu poległych, a także podważającej międzynarodową rangę tak unikalnego wojennego zbytku. O jej rozmiarach świadczą przedłożone zdjęcia.
The work presents the eminent personage of Heinrich Scholz, a superb Viennese sculptor, ironically described by Jaroslav Hasek as “a scrimshanking volunteer”. During World War I, Scholz was the artistic director of VI Tarnow Unit of War Graves in the area of old Western Galicia. Scholz was a many-talented artist, who could work in wood and stone, and possessed a perfect sense of material. His three-year long work resul- ted in creating over 40 cemetery realizations, characterised by unusual care for detail, precision workmanship, and fitted perfectly into the surrounding landscape. Scholz’s cemeteries, by constituting a relatively compact group from the aesthetic point of view, fit into the vast trend of the “twentieth-century classicism”. That mode is characterized by symmetry, simplicity, horisontalism, frugality in means of expression, solemnity and axiality. Particular designs, because of the variety of architectonic and decorative motifs, emblems and sculptures used by the artist, are unique and root his output among the most valuable creations of classicism, and via the aesthetics of the turn of the 18th and 19th century connect it directly to the artistic inheritance of the antique civilizations of the Mediterranean. Plasticity, spatiality, mastery in using perspective and planes, ability to integrate the necropoles into the seemingly most unfavourable landscape conditions and optimum use of advantages of sculpting, particularly predestine those buildings to be exhibited in bright sunlight, when harsh sun- rays enhance the amazing play of light and shade on the smallest detail. Scholz achieved such effects both in cases of spatially modest mass graves, and enormous cemetery complexes alluding to the idea of landscape parks and stretching over the area from a few to several hectares. Military cemetery no 193 in Dąbrówka Szczepanowska, covering the area of almost 1800 m2 and designed with consideration for the natural landform features, belongs to the latter group. The unique significance of this complex has been confirmed by the fact that the whole neighbouring, area with all the alterations caused by the Great War, has been incorporated into the site (in recent years some of the Russian trenches and bunkers have been reconstructed). Originally it covered over 4 ha and was surrounded with a wire fence on concreto posts. The graves of the fallen from the fighting armies were grouped in two separate grave complexes between which a majestic central monument with solemn inscriptions by Captain Hans Hauptmann, a poet and officer in Krakow Department of War Graves, was situated. However, recently a poor investment has been made within the boundaries of the complex, which insults the memory of the fallen soldiers buried here and undermines the international rank of such a unique war memorial, as can be seen in the enclosed photographs.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2009, 25; 114-121
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Postmodern Thanatic Triad: Crisis, Pornography and Renaissance of Death
Zakowicz, Ilona
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
postmodernism, images of death, crisis, pornography, renaissance of death, cemetery, virtual, media
In every age we can find a different attitude of man towards the end of life, instanced in varied stances and imaginations regarding death. In postmodernism, which makes a broader context for this work, it is impossible to present one unified image of death, because the attitude of contemporary men towards death and the visual forms of it are greatly varied. The subject of my analysis is a presentation of death shown in three occurrences the crisis, the pornography and the renaissance of death which combine to form the postmodern thanatic triad.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2011, 2, 1; 59-72
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aby pamięć nie zginęła
Bazarnik, Teresa.
Dziennik Polski (Londyn) 2004, nr 159, s. 12
Data publikacji:
Portsmouth (Wielka Brytania) Kingston Cemetery Pomnik Powstańców Listopadowych uroczystości 2004 r.
Pomniki i tablice pamiątkowe Wielka Brytania
Powstanie listopadowe (1830-1831)
Odsłonięcie pomnika żołnierzy powstania listopadowego na Kingston Cemetery w Portsmouth.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Administracyjnoprawna ochrona zabytkowych nekropolii jako miejsc dziedzictwa kulturowego
Administrative and legal protection of historic necropolises as cultural heritage sites
Mazurek, Anna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
opieka nad zabytkami
zabytkowe cmentarze
dobra kultury
gminna ewidencja zabytków
cmentarz jako muzeum
cmentarz wojenny
zabytkowy grób
miejsca pamięci
dziedzictwa kulturowego
guardianship of monuments
historic cemeteries
municipal inventory of monuments
cemetery as a museum
war cemetery
historic grave
memorial sites
respect for cultural
W artykule skonfrontowano obowiązujące przepisy prawa ze stanem faktycznym opieki nad zabytkowymi cmentarzami. Niniejsze opracowanie przedstawia analizę norm prawnych w zakresie ochrony zabytkowych nekropolii; koncentruje się na charakterystyce zabytkowych obiektów – cmentarzy oraz wskazuje na normy prawne, których zadaniem jest ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego. Zwrócono uwagę na kwestie postępowania i opis procedur związanych z objęciem ochroną zabytkowych nekropolii, a także wyszczególniono instytucje odpowiedzialne za sprawowanie tej ochrony i zakres ich zadań. Podkreślono znaczenie ochrony zabytkowych obiektów – cmentarzy jako ochrony wartości, jakimi są dziedzictwo narodowe oraz tożsamość narodowa, prawna opieka nad zabytkowymi cmentarzami nie skupia się bowiem wyłącznie na ochronie miejsc pochówku ze względu na poszanowanie zwłok i w hołdzie zmarłym zasłużonym ojczyźnie, ale na równi dba o dziedzictwo kulturowe i otacza ochroną zabytkowe obiekty nekropolii o dużej wartości artystycznej, historycznej i kulturowej. Nie pominięto również problematyki opieki nad zabytkowymi polskimi cmentarzami położonymi poza granicami Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, a także źródeł finansowania renowacji zabytkowych obiektów oraz charakterystyki cmentarzy, które pełnią rolę wyjątkowych muzeów.
The article confronts the current legal regulations with the actual state of guardianship of historic cemeteries. This study presents an analysis of legal norms in the field of protection of historic necropolises; it focuses on the characteristics of historic cemetery objects and indicates the legal norms whose task is to protect cultural heritage. Attention was drawn to the issues of proceeding and description of procedures related to the protection of historic necropolises, as well as the institutions responsible for the protection and the scope of their tasks. The importance of the protection of historic cemetery objects as a protection of values such as national heritage and identity was emphasized, as the legal care of historic cemeteries is not only focused on the protection of burial sites due to the respect for the bodies and in tribute to the deceased with merits for their homeland, but also takes care of cultural heritage and protects historic necropolis objects of high artistic, historical and cultural value. The issues concerning the protection of historical Polish cemeteries located outside the borders of the Republic of Poland, as well as sources of funding for the renovation of historic buildings and the characteristics of cemeteries, which serve as exceptional museums, were also taken into account.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2020, 1; 177-193
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alexandria: Excavations and preservation work on Kom el-Dikka, seasons 2012 and 2013
Majcherek, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
late antiquity
Islamic cemetery
Archaeological research in the 2012 and 2013 seasons was focused on excavations in area U in the northwestern part of the site of Kom el-Dikka in Alexandria. Previously discovered structures of early Roman age continued to be explored. A large forica and other buildings have been found to follow an unusual, strictly geographical orientation, the reason for which has yet to be ascertained. A large group of burials belonging to three successive phases of the early Islamic cemetery (8th–12th century AD) was excavated in the same area. Additional testing in already cleared auditoria T, U and B as well as next to auditorium H helped to verify issues of stratigraphy and chronology of the academic complex to which these auditoria belonged. Preservation work focused mainly on an overhaul of the mosaic shelter (Villa of the Birds), including treatment of mosaic floors. Equally important tasks were the conservation of remains of domestic architecture in area W1N, restoration of a well in the cistern (area L), and finally preservation of auditorium RS.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean; 2015, 24(1); 29-61
Pojawia się w:
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alexandria, Kom el-Dikka. Seasons 2014–2015. Appendix: Islamic cemetery at Kom el-Dikka in Alexandria: research in the 2014 and 2015 excavation seasons
Majcherek, Grzegorz
Kulicka, Emanuela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Kom el-Dikka
medieval/Islamic cemetery
The Polish–Egyptian mission at Kom el-Dikka, ran by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, stepped up the already advanced preservation processes aimed at establishing an Archaeological Park at the site. Conservation work was carried out in the theater portico, the bath complex and the residential quarter of late Roman date in the eastern part of the excavation area. In turn, the western part was the focus of archaeological research centered on the exploration of some late Roman structures located underneath. The early medieval/Islamic cemetery overlying these remains was explored first. A detailed report from this work is appended to this article. The human skeletal remains from the cemetery were examined by anthropologists. The western gate to the bath complex, leading from the theater portico, was fully exposed. Finds from present and earlier work at the site continued to be studied: glass vessels, pottery, lamps, bone objects, painted wall plaster, and a vast collection of coins.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean; 2016, 25; 33-52
Pojawia się w:
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alleged burial mounds from the late Roman Period at leśnictwo Sacharewo site 3, Białowieża Primeval Forest
Krasnodębski, Dariusz
Olczak, Hanna
Mizerka, Jagoda
Niedziółka, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Roman Period
Białowieża Primeval Forest
Wielbark culture
post-Zarubintsy culture
The article presents results of excavations carried out at an alleged barrow cemetery located in the western part of the Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland. The site, discovered in 1996 and verified in 2016, consists of 10 mounds. In 2017, the first excavations were carried out when the mound no. 3, with a diameter of c. 9 m and a relative height of c. 0.7 m, located on the northern edge of the site, was chosen for research. In the mound 39 potsherds were found. The scarcity of ceramic material and the high degree of its fragmentation make the stylistic analysis difficult. The technological and stylistic features of the discussed pottery are typical for ceramics from a wide timespan, ranging from the Pre-Roman Period to the Late Roman Period. Their precise dating and cultural affiliation are difficult to determine due not only to the small size of the collection but also to the lack of well-dated comparative materials from the Białowieża Forest and its surroundings. A 14C analysis of charcoal obtained from the embankment of the mound yielded an approximation which fits between the second half of the 3rd century and the early 6th century. The cul- tural situation of north-eastern Poland in the Pre-Roman and Roman periods remains insufficiently recognised. Excavations carried out over the past dozen years have revealed many settlements related to the local culture group of the Hatched Pottery Culture and the Wielbark Culture, with some influences flowing from the postZarubintsy circle. In the course of the excavations, no human bones were found which would unambiguously confirm the sepulchral function of the mound. The Sacharewo mound is a part of a wider category of objects known from throughout the Białowieża Forest in which no bones were discovered but only fragments of clay vessels or charcoal layers.
Światowit; 2018, 57; 89-99
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza antropologiczna szkieletów ze Stręgoborzyc, woj. małopolskie
Anthropological analysis of skeletons from Stręgoborzyce, voi. Małopolska
Mietlińska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
analiza antropologiczna
cmentarz wczesnośredniowieczny
anthropological analysis
the Early Middle Ages cemetery
This thesis is an anthropological analysis of an early-medieval population, inhabiting the area of Stręgoborzyce village, Igołomia-Wawrzeńczye commune, Małopolska province. The subjects of research were skeletons of 67 individuals, which were dug during archaeological excavations on site number 38 in Stręgoborzyce, in years 2010 and 2011. Among the 67 skeletons of different state of preservation there were isolated 22 females, 17 males, 4 children and 24 individuals of unknown sex. Basic research included determining the age and sex of the individuals and the state of preservation of skeletal remains. Author did some cranial and postextracranial skeleton measurements, which allowed doing an anthropological characterization of the population and estimating a hypothetical intravital body length of each individual. The evaluation of health conditions was taken on the basis of pathological changes in bone material, which are an expression of previous diseases and degenerative processes. The thesis also focused on the examination of the presence of non-metric characteristics of the human skeleton. At the end author tried to do a comparison analysis of the population to other groups, similar in time and geography.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 2015, 30; 277-296
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Antonii Messing twórca pomnika Panny Marii przed kościołem Reformatów i serii wzorowanych na nim nagrobków wzniesionych na cmentarzach Warszawy
Antoni Messing- co-creator of the Sacred Virgin Marys statue located in front of the Reformed Church and co-author of series of tombstones patterned after it and raised at the cemeteries of Warsaw
Wiraszka, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
The Palace of Wilanów
The Powązkowski Demetry
The Evangelical Augsburg Cemetery
The Evangelical Reformed Cemetery
The Orthodox Cemetery in Wola
Henryk Marconi
Antoni Lessing
the statue of the Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception
Antoni Messing (ca. 1821-1867) the owner of the stone workshop located in Warsaw on 6 Powązkowska Street (mtge. 27C) is currently most famous for one monument- the Statue of the Virgin Mary of Immaculate Conception which was placed in front of the Church of St Antony of Padua on Senatorska Street (1851). What made this monument different from other independently standing monuments was the use of lanterns which at evening time illuminated the statue of the Virgin (1853). The innovative idea spread not only around Warsaw, but also outside the city boundaries. References to the monument elevated by Messing were not limited to the way and form of illuminating the statue. The inventory research conducted on Warsaw cemeteries ena-ble the extraction of a group of tombstones imitating the shape and the decor of the plinth of the statue of the Virgin. The number of examples of this collection of tombstones numbers 19. Their execution dates back to the period 1853-1874 - with one exception only, all of them were elevated during the period of Antoni Messing’s ownership of the stone workshop. All of them represent the same commemoration in the form of a crucifix located on a plinth. Exam-ples can be separated into two groups. One, comprising 8 tombstones, the closest to the origi-nal, the other, comprising 11 examples preserves the architectural structure without the sculp-tural decor. The origin of the formal concept is to be traced in the project of Henryk Marconi’s garden vase designed for Wilanowski Park (ca. 1845-1851) as well as the finishing elements of the Stanisław and Antoni Potocki’s tombstones. Consequently, the contribution of Messing consists in the creation of the series of tombstones modeled on the statue of the Virgin Mary rather than the originality of the project.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2016, 23; 181-190
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Archaeological fieldwork in Berenike in 2014 and 2015: from Hellenistic rock-cut installations to abandoned temple ruins
Zych, Iwona
Sidebotham, Steven E.
Hense, Martin
Rądkowska, Joanna K.
Woźniak, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Red Sea
Hellenistic fort
water storage
city gate
timber ship frame
Great Temple
Middle Kingdom stele
animal/cat cemetery
Eastern Desert survey
magnetic map
The report brings a comprehensive summary of archaeological fieldwork and survey carried out in Berenike on the Red Sea coast of Egypt and in the Eastern Desert hinterland over the course of two seasons in 2014 and 2015. The completed magnetic map of the site is discussed in some detail, assessing the potential for future excavations. The report covers the most important discoveries of the two seasons, which include fragments of Middle Kingdom Pharaonic stelae, possibly pushing back the foundation of the harbor, archaeological evidence of a rock-cut watercollection system forming part of the Hellenistic-age fortifications and two inscribed stone bases, one of which records a secretary of an aromatics warehouse at Berenike, discovered undisturbed in the courtyard of the Great Temple of Berenike (also called the Serapis Temple). A previously unknown religious(?) complex was discovered on the western outskirts of the site thanks to work with Corona satellite imagery. In turn, analysis of the magnetic mapping of the city revealed an administrative(?) complex in the northern part of the town; the later, 5th and 6th century layers were examined inside a chamber with niche forming part of this complex. Work also continued in the early Roman harbor, uncovering among others a complete timber ship frame, and a collection of garnets in subsidiary buildings in the late Roman temenos located in the entrance to the southwestern bay.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean; 2016, 25; 315-348
Pojawia się w:
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Awaria cmentarza
Cemetery breakdown
Czapliński, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
kultura pogrzebowa
cmentarz narcystyczny
cmentarz histeryczny
cmentarz nieczysty
funeral culture
narcissistic cemetery
hysterical cemetery
impure cemetery
The article discusses the breakdown of Polish cemetery culture based on the literature of the last quarter century. The cause of the “breakdown” is a model of narcissistic cemetery formed after World War II; it mainly includes the dead worthy of commemoration, or the Poles who died acceptable death, and it excludes the ethnic strangers and unworthy form of death. However, the actions taken after 1989 for the sanctification of the dead Jews proved that death with dignity may also exist outside the narcissistic cemetery. In response, the Polish funerary community creates hysterical cemetery. In this cemetery, the society incorporates odious aspects of death into the mourning culture. The “abominable” content gives the basis for the establishment of the impure cemetery, which may include the death of the excluded, but is extended to the entire living space.
Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo; 2014, 4(7); 195-208
Pojawia się w:
Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Berenike Project. Hellenistic fort, Roman harbor, late Roman temple, and other fieldwork: archaeological work in the 2012 and 2013 seasons
Sidebotham, Steven E.
Zych, Iwona
Rądkowska, Joanna K.
Woźniak, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Red Sea
Hellenistic fort
city wall
animal/cat/ cattle cemetery
Eastern Desert
Brief overview of two seasons of archaeological survey and excavation carried out in 2012 and 2013 at the site of Berenike on the Red Sea coast and in two sub-projects in the Eastern Desert: the prehistoric cattle cemetery at Wadi Khashab and the Roman-era emerald mines at Sikait and Nugrus. Highpoints of the work at Berenike included discovery of the Hellenistic fort and fortifications that mark the original settlement of the site in the third quarter of the 3rd century BC, continued clearance of harbor-related structures in the southwestern bay interpreted as the early Roman harbor of Berenike and the uncovering of an earlier phase of the late Roman harbor temple (so-called Lotus Temple) of the 5th–6th century AD in the harbor.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean; 2015, 24(1); 297-324
Pojawia się w:
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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