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Nazwy miejscowe w strukturze inskrypcji nagrobnych na wiejskich nekropoliach historycznego Podola
Havryliuk, Olena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
parafie katolickie
wiejskie cmentarze
inskrypcje nagrobne
nazwy miejscowe
Catholic parishes
village cemeteries
tombstone inscriptions
local names
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu są nazwy miejscowe w inskrypcjach nagrobnych, które zachowały się na wiejskich cmentarzach katolickich historycznego Podola. Celem jest ich analiza przez pryzmat klasyfikacji zaproponowanej przez Kazimierza Długosza. Inskrypcje nagrobne, traktowane jako „teksty kultury”, ukazują relacje społeczne dawnego Podola jako terenu pogranicza, kwestie tożsamościowe, a także przemiany kulturowe i gospodarcze.
The subject of this article are local names in tombstone inscriptions that have survived in the rural Catholic cemeteries of historical Podolia. The aim is to analyze tchem through the prism of the classification proposed by Kazimierz Długosz. Tombstone inscriptions, treated as “texts of culture”, show the social relations of the former Podolia as a border area, identity issues, as well as cultural and economic changes.
Zeszyty Wiejskie; 2021, 27; 193-208
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Struktury kościelne zachodniej Korony po pierwszym rozbiorze w świetle Szkiców Karola Perthéesa
Church Structures of the Western Crown After the First Partition in the Light of Charles Perthées’ Sketches
Borek, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Karol Perthées
struktury kościelne
XVIII wiek
parafie katolickie
Charles Perthées
church structures
18th century
Catholic parishes
Szkice opracowane przez Karola Perthéesa stanowiły dla niego podstawę do przygotowania w końcu XVIII wieku map województw zachodniej Korony w granicach po pierwszym rozbiorze. Informacje w Szkicach pochodziły z ankiet parafialnych przygotowanych przez plebanów. Szkice zawierają wiadomości o strukturach terytorialnych Kościoła katolickiego. Ze względu na ich pośrednie pochodzenie od instytucji kościelnych można próbować je wykorzystać do rekonstrukcji struktur terytorialnych Kościoła. Ewaluacja informacji ze Szkiców na ten temat wskazuje jednak, że źródło to jest pod tym względem nierówne. Wynika to z faktu, że tylko informacje o parafiach i ich przynależności dekanalnej pochodzą zawsze bezpośrednio od Perthéesa (przez niego z ankiet parafialnych), a informacje o jednostkach wyższego rzędu często od osoby, która po śmierci Pertheesa opracowywała ten materiał, osoba ta nie posiadała jednak odpowiednich do tego kompetencji. Za wiarygodne w Szkicach można uznać informację o ponad 2050 parafiach, a te o jednostkach wyższego rzędu należy konfrontować z innymi źródłami.
The Sketches of Charles Perthées were for him the basis for the preparation of the maps of the western Crown after the First Partition of Poland at the end of the 18th century. The information in Sketches came from parish questionnaires prepared by parsons. The Sketches include information about the territorial structures of the Catholic Church. Due to their indirect church provenience, we can assume that they can be used to study the territorial structures of the Church. Evaluation of the information from the Sketches, however, shows that the source is unequal in this matter. Only information about parishes and their affiliation to deaneries always come from Perthées, and information about higher administrative units often from the person who developed Sketches after Perthées’ death, however, this person lacked competence. Information about more than 2050 parishes can be considered credible, and those about higher units should be confronted with other sources.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2022, 70, 2; 101-115
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inwentarz parafii Świętego Michała Archanioła w Iwieńcu z 1939 roku
Żurek, Waldemar Witold
Data publikacji:
Instytut Teologiczno-Pastoralny im. św. bpa Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
the history of the Church in Poland
the history of Borderlands
Roman Catholic parishes in the East
historia Kościoła w Polsce
historia Kresów
rzymskokatolickie parafie na Wschodzie
On the basis of the inventory of April 1939, prepared by Rev. Wincenty Franckiewicz, who gave St. Michael the Archangel’s parish church in Iwieniec to his successor Hilary Pracz – Franciscan, we gain information on a brief history of the baroque church and the Franciscan monastery in the borderlands town of Iwieniec. On this occasion, we also learn about the history of the first Roman Catholic parish of the Holy Trinity in Iwieniec, dating back to the mid-sixteenth century. After the Partitions of Poland, Tsarist Russia held dominion over these areas, and Catholic parishes in these areas were often dissolved due to repression after uprisings. Such a fate befell the parishes and churches of Iwieniec, and they were given to the Orthodox Church by the decision of the tsarist government. Only after the First World War, when Poland regained independence, the church in Iwieniec was restored to Roman Catholics. The inventory of the parish of Iwieniec presents the condition of the parish, including pastoral work, church property, the condition of religious buildings and outbuildings, the parish archive, and the activity of the parish office.
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej; 2014, 21; 503-531
Pojawia się w:
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza parafii rzymsko-katolickiej pod wezwaniem Matki Bożej Królowej Korony Polskiej w Baranowiczach
The genesis of the construction of the Roman Catholic Church dedicated to Our Lady Queen of the Polish Crown in Baranowicze
Żurek, Waldemar Witold
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Baranowicze Poleskie
historia Kościoła na Kresach Wschodnich
katolicka parafia w Baranowiczach Poleskich
the history of the Church in the Polish Eastern Borderlands
Roman Catholic parishes in Baranowicze Poleskie
In 1928, society of the thriving borderland city of Baranowicze Poleskie launched a commendable initiative, the aim of which was to create another pastoral centre in that city for the local faithful of the Roman Rite. Those initiatives were made with great care for the spiritual good of the local faithful. The Executive Committee of the Church Construction appointed for that purpose in Baranowicze, then renamed the Citizens’ Committee of the Church Construction, did not take account of church law and practice in its structure. With a lay person being in charge, it did not receive approval of the ordinary of the Diocese of Pińsk, and thus efforts to build a church could not be carried out in accordance with expectations. It was not until 1934- when the parish priest and dean of Baranowicze, Rev. Jan Borysiuk, became the president of the Committee, that the relations with the diocesan ecclesiastical authority were normalised-that authority was the one which took decisions regarding the ongoing construction work in the new pastoral centre in Baranowicze. Long-term efforts on the creation of a new parish in that town resulted in erection- on 23 January 1937- the parish dedicated to Our Lady Queen of the Polish Crown and the appointment of its first parish priest Rev.Antoni Kohutnicki.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2015, 104; 363-394
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja opieki nad dzieckiem w działalności społecznej Kościoła rzymsko-katolickiego w Łodzi w czasach I wojny światowej
The concept of childcare in charitable activities of the Roman Catholic Church in Łódźduring the World War I
Sosnowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
aid provided by Roman Catholic parishes during the World War I
social activities of the Church during the World War I
childcare in the Roman Catholic Church
parish shelters
cheap eating places for children
The aid provided by the Roman Catholic Church to residents of Łódźduring the World War I had many aspects and was a part of support provided to those who needed it by many entities of social life. Special care was provided by parish communities to Roman Catholic children, in particular those who were homeless or had been abandoned, orphans, half-orphans, or children from very poor families. Seven out of nine Roman Catholic parishes existing in Łódźin 1914-1918 conducted charitable activities in the form of providing children with meals, healthcare, shoes, clothes, all-day care, or elementary education. Shelters, orphanages, refuges, poorhouses, and cheap eating places were established in parishes. The most active entity was Towarzystwo Schronisk św. Stanisława Kostki [St. Stanislaus Kostka Association of Shelters]located in St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish (it ran 16 charitable institutions for children and the youth). A great credit in this area should also be given to shelters and cheap eating places existing at the following ŁódźRoman Catholic parishes: The Assumption Parish, St. Joseph Parish, St. Anna Parish, St. Casimir Parish, The Transfiguration Parish, and The Sweetest Jesus’ Heart Parish.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2014, 21; 230-244
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzieje parafialnych ksiąg metrykalnych w powiecie kolneńskim – przejęcie przez urzędy stanu cywilnego w 1949 roku
History of vital parish records in Kolno County – take-over by the civil registration offices in 1949
Truszkowski, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
akta stanu cywilnego, księgi metrykalne, przejęcie ksiąg, urzędy stanu cywilnego, parafie rzymsko-katolickie, władza ludowa, powiat kolneński
public registers, vital records, archives take-over, civil registration offices, Roman Catholic parishes, communist authority, Kolno County
By the decree of 1945, post-war non-democratic authorities in Poland created the offices that from 1946 on, would administrate civil registry files. It was an important innovation in that during the Second Republic (1918–1939), Poland did not have a unified system of civil registration and used the legal acts of former rulers. In the case of Kolno County (which used the system of the former Kingdom of Poland) the vital records were written down by rectors of the local Roman Catholic parishes and had the character of public registers. These records were necessary for the new civil registration offices, which needed them for making copies of individual certificates. Due to very bad relations between the communist authorities and The Church, and because of weakness of the new administration, the operation was delayed by 3 years. The work carried out in that period was performed carelessly and chaotically, and ended with the confiscation of most of the vital records from years 1890–1945 from all parishes in Kolno County.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2017, 16, 2; 187-206
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Początki parafii Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa w Brześciu na Grajewskim Przedmieściu
The origins of the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Brest in the Suburbof Grajewo
Żurek, Waldemar Witold
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Brześć nad Bugiem
historia Kościoła na Kresach Wschodnich
parafia rzymskokatolicka w Brześciu nad Bugiem
Brest on the Bug
the history of the Church in the Polish Eastern Borderlands
Roman Catholic parishes in Brest on the Bug
The Polish city of Brest on the Bug (the Eastern borderlands), developing after World War I, needed another Roman Catholic Church for the local faithful. Granting the requests of the faithful, the bishop of Pińsk Zygmunt Łoziński canonically erected - on 2 January 1932- the Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was the second parish in Brest, with the Parish of Elevation of the Holy Cross being the first one. Rev. Józef Moniuszko was the first parish priest and its organizer. The bishop sent one vicar to help him in parish work. Soon some parish groups of the faithful were organized: the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi, the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith, Brotherhood of the Guard of Honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Association of “ Mary’s Children”. All of those groups intensified the religious life of the parish.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2015, 104; 395-412
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wizytacja kościoła parafialnego w Dywinie w diecezji wileskiej z 1867 roku
Визитация приходского костела в Дивине Виленской епархии в 1867 г.
Візітацыя парафіяльнага касцёла ў Дзівіне Віленскай дыяцэзіі ў 1867 г.
The visitation of the parish church in Dywin of 1867
Żurek, Waldemar W.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Wydawniczy Księży Misjonarzy Redakcja "Nasza Przeszłość"
история польских Кресов Всходних
визитации храмов
имущество католических приходов
гісторыя польскіх Крэсаў Усходніх
касцельныя візітацыі
утрыманне каталіцкіх парафій.
the history of the Polish Eastern Borderlands
church visitations
the emolument of the Roman Catholic parishes
historia polskich kresów wschodnich
uposażenie parafii rzymskokatolickich
Wawrzyniec Żurawski MIC
parafia Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
Parafia pod wezwaniem Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Dywinie, która była finansowana przez polskich królów, pochodzi z XVII wieku. Na przestrzeni lat należała do różnych diecezji. Początkowo znajdowała się w diecezji łuckiej, w 1799 r. została przeniesiona do diecezji wileńskiej, a od 1925 roku do diecezji pińskiej po jej utworzeniu w tym samym roku. Prezentowana wizytacja tego kościoła z 1867 roku jest prawdopodobnie inwentarzem i historią parafii spisanym przez ostatniego proboszcza Wawrzyńca Żurakowskiego MIC, po likwidacja parafii w 1866 r. przez władze carskie. Oryginalny wydrukowany dokument jest przechowywany w Archiwum Diecezjalnym w Drohiczynie.
Приход во имя Успения Пресвятой Девы Марии в Дивине, который возник при материальной поддержке польских королей в XVI в., на протяжении своей истории принадлежал разным епархиям. Первоначально входил в состав Луцкой епархии, затем с 1799 – в состав Виленской, а в 1925 г. перешел во вновь созданную Пинскую епархию. Представленная визитация этого костела с 1867 г. является последней, так как в 1866 г. приход был ликвидирован царскими властями. Имущество и историю костела описал последний его настоятель отец Вавжинец Жураковский МІС. Оригинал печатного документа находится в Епархиальном архиве в Дрогичин.
Парафія пад тытулам Унебаўзяцця Найсвяцейшай Марыі Панны ў Дзівіне, якая паўстала пры матэрыяльнай падтрымцы польскіх каралёў у XVI ст., на працягу сваёй гісторыі змяняла дыяцэзіяльную прыналежнасць. Першапачаткова ўваходзіла ў склад Луцкай дыяцэзіі, з 1799 г. – у склад Віленскай дыяцэзіі, а ў 1925 г. перайшла ў новаўтвораную Пінскую дыяцэзію. Прадстаўленая візітацыя гэтага касцёла з 1867 г. з’яўляецца апошняй, паколькі ў 1866 г. парафія была ліквідавана царскімі ўладамі. Інвентар і гісторыю касцёла спісаў яго апошні пробашч айцец Ваўжынец Журакоўскі МІС. Арыгінал друкаванага дакумента знаходзіцца ў Дыяцэзіяльным архіве ў Драгічыне.
The parish dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Dywin, which was financed by the Polish kings, dates back to the seventeenth century. It was part of different dioceses over the years. Initially, it was located in the Diocese of Lutsk, in 1799 in the diocese of Vilnius, and in 1925 it was moved to the Diocese of Pinsk, which was created the same year. The presented visitation of this church of 1867 is the last visitation, the inventory and its history, written down by its last parish priest Wawrzyniec Żurakowski MIC, after the liquidation of the parish in 1866 by the tsarist authorities. The original printed document is stored in the Diocesan Archive in Drohiczyn.
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce; 2016, 126; 265-290
Pojawia się w:
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kościół, etniczność, demokratyzacja – parafie polonijne w USA (1854–1930)
Church, Ethnicity, Democratization – Polish Ethnic Parishes in the U.S.A. (1854–1930)
Walaszek, Adam
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
American Catholic Church
Polish ethnic parishes
Parish conflicts
Interethnic relations in the USA
In America, in a new multiethnic, multilingual and strongly Protestant environment migrants had to redefine the borders of their identity and find their safe haven. Life in the US intensified and transformed ethno-religious engagement. Changes occurred amazingly fast but were often made in an atmosphere of tensions and conflicts. In the American Catholic Church a so-called „Polish problem” arose. Interestingly, it resulted from the migrants’ fervency, not from their indifference. The essay talks about some of the tensions which existed back then and tries to answer the question what were their causes, sources and how participants of these dramas (clergy, lay and American hierarchy) viewed and interpreted the events. What was happening in various parishes and towns throughout the US was a reaction to the new reality in which migrants found themselves upon their arrival in America. A rational but often dramatic reaction. The essay tries to take a bottom-up approach and in some parts uses previously undisclosed archival materials from the Secret Vatican Archives.
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny; 2015, 41, 1 (155); 5-66
Pojawia się w:
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwój struktur parafialnych i dekanalnych metropolii mohylewskiej (1783–1918)
The Development of Parish and Deanery Structures of Mogilev Metropolis (1783–1918)
Szady, Bogumił
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Kościół katolicki
metropolia mohylewska
geografia historyczna
schematyzmy diecezjalne
Catholic Church
Mogilev metropolis
historical geography
diocesan Schematisms
Artykuł w układzie chronologicznym przedstawia analizę geograficzno-historyczną rozwoju struktur parafialnych w metropolii mohylewskiej w latach 1783–1918. Główną podstawę źródłową stanowią schematyzmy diecezjalne oraz spisy duchowieństwa. Zmiany sieci parafialnej zostały ukazane w ramach jednostek administracyjnych wyższego rzędu: dekanatów oraz diecezji (mohylewskiej, wileńskiej, żmudzkiej, łucko-żytomierskiej, kamienieckiej, mińskiej, tyraspolskiej). Tekst podejmuje próbę interpretacji tych zmian przez określenie ich przyczyn i okoliczności.
The article presents, in chronological order, a geographic-historical analysis of the development of parish structures in the Mogilev metropolis in 1783–1918. The analysis has been based on two primary sources: the annual diocesan handbooks called Schematisms and registers of the clergy. The changes in the network of parishes are presented within the territorial administrative units of the higher level: deaneries and dioceses (of Mogilev, Vilnius, Samogitian diocese, and the dioceses of Lutsk and Zhytomyr, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Minsk, and Tiraspol). The paper attempts to interpret these changes by establishing their causes and circumstances.
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej; 2019, 54, 2; 5-42
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historia rozwoju katolickiej sieci parafialnej w diecezji tyraspolskiej w XIX w. na podstawie materiałów Państwowego Archiwum Obwodu Odeskiego
The history of the development of the Catholic parish network in the Diocese of Tiraspol in the 19th century based on the materials from the State Archive of the Odessa District
Dianowa, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
diecezja tyraspolska
XIX wiek
Kościół rzymskokatolicki
obwód odeski
the Diocese of Tiraspol
the 19th century
the Roman Catholic Church
the Odessa District
The article presents the documents found in the National Archive of the Odessa District. The documents concern a network of Catholic parishes and religious life. Several fonds contain archival materials referring to churches built in Odessa and clergy encouraged to work among the German settlers, and registry books of some parishes. The last ones are a valuable source for determining social origin and the countries from which the settlers arrived. Some of the materials also concern relations with the Orthodox Church, which has a dominant position in the Russian Empire. Archival materials fill in the gaps in already known sources and publications on Catholic parishes on the south coast of the Black Sea.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2015, 103; 33-38
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-11 z 11

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