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Contemporary Catholic Studies in a Secular University: Friend or Foe?
Briliute, Birute
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Contemporary Catholic studies
hermeneutics, religious education
secular university
development of identity
Through the introduction of a new hermeneutical model of communication in RE, this article intends to explore an innovative approach to developing Christian identity in a secular university. The author holds a joint lectureship in religious education, catechesis and pastoral theological education. Religious education and catechesis are concerned with all aspects of the teaching of religion in schools, within the parish and any other pastoral setting. pastoral theological education is concerned with the place of learning within religious communities and the larger society. This distinction has resulted in this research proceeding along two parallel routes: the institutional educational environment, religious communities and society as a background influencing our value change as well as the way we do RE in schools. The main concern of the author is to develop practical ways of enhancing the Catholic religious identity and theological literacy of students in the state secondary schools and universities in the UK, on the basis of contemporary theological anthropology and educational theoretical foundations. This article is an investigation into a new understanding of the development of Catholic identity and new models of RE used in a contemporary secular university.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2018, 8, 1
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The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wektory przemian życia polonijnego w USA
Vectors of changes of the life of the Polish community in the USA
Chodubski, Andrzej Jan
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
Kościół rzymskokatolicki
tożsamość narodowa
national identity
Polish diaspora
Roman Catholic Church
Okres masowej emigracji polskiej do USA przypada na II poł. XIX i pocz. XX w. Dominowała społeczność ubogich chłopów, która miała trudności z wejściem w środowiska amerykańskie. Było to okazją do tworzenia swoistej mitologii, której celem była poprawa polskiego wizerunku. Chętnie odwoływano się do Polaków, którzy odcisnęli piętno na historii amerykańskiej, np. Tadeusza Kościuszki, czy Kazimierza Pułaskiego. Na utrzymywanie tożsamości polskiej miały wpływ działające w USA organizacje polonijne oraz polskie duszpasterstwo rzymskokatolickie. Czasem przyspieszonych przemian w środowisku Polaków zamieszkujących w USA był okres po II wojnie światowej. Charakteryzował się on mobilnością oraz wyraźną poprawą położenia materialnego społeczności polskiej. Awans ekonomiczny połączony był z przejmowaniem amerykańskiego stylu życia.
The period of mass Polish emigration to the USA falls on the second half of the XIX and the beginning of the XXc. Peasant community, coming from material poverty marked circles, dominated. Its entrance into American groups was not without problems. The problems revealed became an occassion for creating peculiar mythology about the Polish community living in the USA., in the frames of which figures of Poles, who set marks in American history, for example Tadeusz Kościuszko or Kazimierz Puławski, were exposed. Polish community institutions acting in the USA. And Polish Roman catholic ministry influenced the keeping of Polish identity. The time of hastened changes among the Polish circles living in the USA. Was the period after the World War II. It was characterized by mobility and distinct material conditions of the Polish community. Economic promotion was combined with adopting American life style. With the passage of years, starting with the third generation, activities to find Polish roots were undertaken.
Studia Gdańskie; 2011, 29; 259-273
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pop-nostalgie, przekaz religijny a tożsamość nastolatka w świetle współczesnej prozy niemieckiej
Pop nostalgia, religious transfer and teenager identity as reflected in contemporary German prose
Chylewska-Tölle, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
autobiographical novel
pop culture
Catholic boarding school
powieść autobiograficzna
katolicki internat
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie o związki między popkulturą a wychowaniem religijnym w katolickim internacie w świetle współczesnej prozy niemieckiej nacechowanej autobiograficznie. W centrum rozważań znajdują się uchwycone w niej zmiany w podejściu do edukacji odwołującej się do wartości chrześcijańskich i realizowanej obok lub też za pomocą przekazu popkulturowego. Główne pytanie dotyczy kwestii, w jaki sposób przebiega proces konstruowania tożsamości na styku religia–popkultura, jakie czynniki na niego oddziałują, a jakie ograniczają bądź też blokują.
The objective of this article is to look at the relation between pop culture and religious instruction in Catholic boarding schools as reflected in contemporary German autobiographical prose. The focus is set on the delineation of the impact on an education approach based on Christian values yet influenced by – and sometimes taking advantage of – pop culture. The main question is about the way of identity construction on the edge between religion and pop culture, i.e. about the influencing, limiting or even blockading factors.
Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media; 2014, 3, 2; 57-70
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Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“I fear I am not in my perfect mind.” Jan Klata’s King Lear and the Crisis of Europe
Cieślak, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Jan Klata
King Lear in Poland
Catholic Church
In his Shakespearean productions Jan Klata tends to radically experiment with sets, texts, and contexts. He puts the plays in culturally and politically specific locations, experiments with bi- or multilingual productions, and incorporates other texts into the Shakespearean frame. In this way, he uses Shakespeare as a means to address contemporary problems and tensions that are vital for his geopolitical reality, exploring the issues of national identities, the cultural legacy of Europe and its nations, as well as past conflicts and present crises. Klata’s King Lear (Narodowy Teatr Stary, Kraków, 2014), set in the religious context of the Catholic Church and using mostly Polish language, with only decorative additions in foreign languages, does not engage in European politics with the same directness and force as his earlier productions. And yet, as I wish to argue, this performance is also strongly concerned with European identity, and may, therefore, be seen as a valid voice in the discussion on how Shakespearean productions help to understand our current-day reality.
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance; 2019, 19, 34; 107-117
Pojawia się w:
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Religijność polskich katolików w Londynie. Zarys problematyki
Czura, Tomasz
Mączka, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej
wiara katolicka
catholic faith
This article is the beginning of research on the issue of emigration. It is here to investigate the state of faith of Poles living in London. For this purpose, the authors have analyzed the religious situation of London. So they made a spiritual map of the capital of England. In the rest of the article the theology of the city is analyzed. Contemporary cities are carriers of new theological content and the requirements to work out new paradigms. The elaboration of theology of the city will allow to properly illustrate the problem of the faith of Polish Catholics living in London. The authors of the article, using the elements of theology of city, briefly presented the purpose of the research, the method and the expected results of the research. The article can therefore be considered as the beginning of research. It is also an incentive for other researchers.
Polonia Journal; 2017, 5-6; 57-71
Pojawia się w:
Polonia Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Internet jako pole tworzenia powiązań transnarodowych polskich misjonarzy na Białorusi
The Internet as a field of transnational networking of Polish missionaries in Belarus
Dworzecka, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Kościół katolicki na Białorusi
tożsamość misjonarzy
Catholic Church in Belarus
missionaries’ identity
The concept of transnationalism created by Nina Glick Schiller, Linda Basch and Cristina Szanton-Blanc seems to be useful to present the importance of the Internet for Polish missionaries in Belarus. They define transnationality as multiple relationships which are established by immigrants with the country of origin and the host country. This is particularly evident on the example of new media. Four types of transnational relations can be distinguished: political, economic, social and cultural ones. Currently in Belarus there is a population of nearly 1.5 million Catholics, of which over 60% is considered to be Polish. Some of them are the so-called church Poles. This creates a specific cultural situation of Catholics, which is reflected even in the materials posted on the Internet. Catholicism is linked with Poland, especially with Polish language. Bilingual and transnational activity of the church is visible on the website. However, not all information appears in the two languages. Observing the presence of Polish missionaries on the Internet, we can distinguish three levels: informational, communication and economic. For that reason they use different tools: portals, blogs, pages and instant messaging services, establishing contact with parishioners and friends in the host country and abroad. They are both senders and recipients. Thanks to new media it is possible to reconcile their belonging to different countries, so it can be said that priests have a hybrid identity, in this case Polish and Belarusian. Thanks to websites priests can inform about current events, investments, hours of services, send Christmas wishes or call for support. On the level of communication the internet is undoubtedly an important medium supporting missionaries’ contacts, but not the most important one. Still a telephone prevails as the most reliable and quite direct solution - unfortunately a payable one. The Internet is also used as a tool for raising funds for the church. Priests on the websites inform readers about their activities and ask for donations. This results in financial dependence of the church in the East. Currently both Poles and Belarusians need a visa to cross the Polish-Belarusian border. This means that a state permit is required to take actions in those two nations. In this situation the internet is an effective medium of particular importance as it surpasses state and economic restrictions.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2014, 23, 1; 25-30
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska i białoruska tożsamość Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego na Białorusi. Historia a współczesne dylematy
Dworzecka, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
national identity, Catholic Church, Belarutenization, Polonization, Belarusian Catholics
tożsamość narodowa, Kościół katolicki na Białorusi, białorutenizacja, polonizacja, białoruscy katolicy
нацыянальная ідэнтычнасць, каталіцкая царква на Беларусі, бела- русізацыя, паланізацыя, беларускія католікі
This article discusses the complex identity of the Catholic Church in Belarus. It constitutes a response to the voices of several researchers postulating that the local Catholic Church declare itself part of the Polish nation. The author reflects on the possibility itself of a religion – whether as an institution or as a community of believers – having a national identity, and on how this issue is present in Belarus. Based on different theories regarding social identity, and on anthropological field research, conducted among priests and Belarusian Catholics in the years 2013–2017, she attempts to prove the coexistence of two non-exclusive national identities of the Church in Belarus, i.e. Belarusian and Polish. The author thus stands up to the critical voices blaming the ecclesial institutions for either the Belarutenization or the Polonization of their believers. According to the author, the perception of identity as variable and complex, i.e. composed of numerous affiliations, is a prerequisite for the reconciliation of the Polish and Belarusian identities of the Church without the necessity of choosing one of them – a concept compatible with the main attribute of the Catholic Church being its universality.
Artykuł porusza problem złożonej tożsamości Kościoła katolickiego na Białorusi. Jest on odpowiedzią na głosy niektórych polskich badaczy domagających się, aby Kościół lokalny opowiedział się za przynależnością do narodu polskiego. Autorka rozważa w nim, czy w ogóle możliwe jest posiadanie przez konfesję traktowaną jako instytucję, ale także wspólnotę wiernych, tożsamości narodowej oraz w jaki sposób problem ten obecny jest w Kościele na Białorusi. Odwołując się do różnych teorii społecznych tożsamości, a także antropologiczne badania terenowe, które prowadziła wśród kapłanów i białoruskich katolików w latach 2013–2017, stara się dowieść, iż na omawianym terenie miała okazję obserwować występowanie dwóch niewykluczających się tożsamości narodowych Kościoła: białoruskiej i polskiej. Tym samym przeciwstawia się krytycznym głosom, oskarżającym instytucje kościelne o białorutenizację lub polonizację wiernych. Według autorki dopiero skorygowanie sposobu postrzegania tożsamości jako zmiennej i złożonej z licznych przynależności pozwala pogodzić polską i białoruską tożsamość Kościoła bez konieczności dokonywania wyboru jednej z nich, co jest zgodne z głównym atrybutem Kościoła, za jaki uznano jego powszechność.
Артыкул разглядае праблему складанай ідэнтычнасці каталіцкага касцёла на Беларусі. Гэта рэакцыя на выказванні некаторых польскіх даследчыкаў, якія патрабуюць, каб мясцовы касцёл заявіў пра сваю прыналежнасць да польскага народа. Аўтар разважае, ці наогул магчыма, каб канфесія як інстытуцыя, але адначасова і супольнасць вернікаў, магла мець нацыянальную ідэнтычнасць, а таксама ў якой ступені гэтая праблема датычыць касцёла на Беларусі. На падставе розных тэорый ідэнтычнасці, а таксама ўласных антрапалагічных палявых даследаванняў, якія праводзіліся сярод святароў і беларускіх католікаў у перыяд 2013–2017 гг., аўтар прагне даказаць, што на даследаванай тэрыто- рыі суіснуюць дзве нацыянальныя ідэнтычнасці каталіцкіх вернікаў, яны не выключаюць сябе ўзаемна: беларуская і польская. Такім чынам, вынікі даследавання абвяргаюць крытычныя меркаванні, у якіх інстытуцыя касцёла абвінавачваецца ў беларусіфікацыі або паланізацыі католікаў. Паводле аўтара, толькі карэкта спосабу разумення ідэнтычнасці як зменнай і складзенай са шматлікіх элементаў прыналежнасці дазваляе прыняць адначасова польскую і беларускую ідэнтычнасць касцёла без неабходнасці абавязкова выбіраць адну сярод іх. Выказаная выснова адпавядае галоўнай характэрнай рысе Царкве ўвогуле, менавіта, яе ўсеагульнасці.
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2018, 12
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Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Erb, Heather M.
Data publikacji:
International Étienne Gilson Society
Catholic Modernism
Catholic identity
perennial philosophy
speculative truth
Pius X
Pius XII
John Paul II
Aeterni Patris
Dei Filius
Humani Generis
Fides et Ratio
mystical theology
Vatican Synod on the Family
Philosophical forces gathered in late nineteenth and early twentieth century Catholic Modernism have crystallized into theological views which permeate the antinomian atmosphere in the Church today, resulting in an ongoing Catholic identity problem, both within the Church and in relation to the world. In place of the perennial philosophy and its contemplative ideal, many now welcome the incoherence of broad philosophical and theological pluralism, while pastoral practice is infused with the fruits of pragmatism and the rhetoric of false dichotomies (justice/mercy, intellectual/pastoral, tradition/living faith, speculative truth/charity, for example). To reverse this anti-intellectual course, rehabilitation of Aquinas’s positions on the primacy of the speculative order and contemplative charism, his integration of natural, revealed and mystical wisdoms, and his sense of objective worship, is needed. A brief account of the robust role of philosophy in the Church’s mission and of Gilson’s nuanced position on the encounter of Thomism and Modernism supports this assertion.
Studia Gilsoniana; 2015, 4, 3; 251-283
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gilsoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Some considerations of the Spanish bishops against the laws relating to personal identity, family and education
Wybrane spostrzeżenia biskupów hiszpańskich względem ustaw dotyczących tożsamości jednostki, rodziny i edukacji
Gérman Zurriarián, Roberto
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Catholic Church
individual identity
The paper discusses the opinions of Spanish bishops concerning a number of selected laws passed in Spain with respect to the identity of an individual, family, and education.
Studia Europaea Gnesnensia; 2016, 13; 163-172
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europaea Gnesnensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola Kościoła katolickiego oraz polonijnych organizacji w USA w kształtowaniu świadomości narodowej młodego pokolenia Polaków
Roman Catholic Church and Polish organizations in the USA, their role in creating and upholding the national spirit
Gołębiewski, Walter Wiesław
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Kościół rzymsko-katolicki
duch narodowy
tożsamość narodowa
demokratyczne rządy
gościnność narodowa
trendy kulturowe
agresja sowiecka
komunistyczne władze
Roman Catholic Church
national spirit
national identity
democratic governance
national hospitality
cultural trends
Bolshevik aggression
communist authorities
A national spirit derives directly from a sense of national identity, a sense of having a common language, culture, traditions and history. A national spirit also encompasses religious values as in this case the Roman Catholic Church. This religion is the very foundation of the national identity as it identifies the beginning of the Polish nation in 966 AD and has remained the common thread throughout the last 1050 years of our history. Over this millennium the nation has been exposed to numerous challenges but three national characteristics seem to dominate throughout – democratic governance, national hospitality to strangers and a respect for the deceased. National identity, as opposed to the national spirit, is rooted more in current cultural interpretations and is subject to manipulation by such factors as cultural trends, current governments or external pressures from abroad. Three distinct periods can be recognized in the development of the national spirit in the last 100 years. In 1914–1944 there was the rush to statehood, a brief independence and defeat at the hands of our two neighbors. In 1944–1989, the Polish People’s Republic era, Soviet dominated government unrepresentative of its people and actively fighting against the national spirit, for example the Catholic religion. 1989–2017 mark a new era with governments preoccupied with a rush to globalization and integration into supranational structures such as the global markets and the European Union, actively suppressing many national characteristics in order to be more global in its image and acceptance. The role of the Catholic Church and institutions in the USA was fundamental in maintaining that national spirit, especially in the first two periods. Great Poles such as Jan Ignacy Paderewski were instrumental in returning Poland onto the world map but also the Catholic Church helped in spreading the message resulting in huge rush to the ranks of Polish volunteers, which then were able to defend the new nation against Bolshevik aggression in 1919/1920. During the second period the Catholic Church was instrumental in stressing the milestone of 1966, when Poland was celebrating a millennium of her nationhood. The communist authorities were celebrating statehood trying desperately to separate this momentous occasion from any role of the Catholic Church in its creation. It was the message of Poland and US based Polish clergy such as Cardinal Wyszynski and bishop J. Krol that stressed that it was the Roman Catholic religion that created the nation and later the state and its absolutely fundamental role. That message was then taken up by the first Polish Pope, John Paul II, who visited the USA seven times. In conclusion the role of the Catholic Church now is to preserve the national spirit when it is challenged with new ideas such as globalization and multiculturalism. Religion is progressively seen and propagated by the new social media platforms as a brake on progress of humanity and needs to be discouraged whenever possible. Poles as a nation still retain our identity and God, Honor and Fatherland are our signpost for the future.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2018, 27, 4; 45-62
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biseksualność w aktywizmie chrześcijan i chrześcijanek LGBT w Polsce
Bisexuality and the Activism of LGBT Christians in Poland
Hall, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Kościół katolicki
polityka tożsamościowa
Catholic Church
identity politics
Artykuł dotyczy biseksualności jako kategorii, która wymyka się strategiom tożsamościowego aktywizmu chrześcijan i chrześcijanek LGBT w Polsce. Ów aktywizm jest tożsamościowy z dwóch względów: po pierwsze, czerpie ze wzorców politycznej walki o uznanie prowadzonej przez organizacje LGBT, i po drugie, jawi się jako konieczny model działania w obrębie Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego, który wydaje się nie dostrzegać nienormatywnych tożsamości seksualnych, co przez katolików i katoliczki definiujących się jako geje i lesbijki odbierane jest jako umniejszające ich podmiotowość. Tożsamościowy aktywizm LGBT prowadzony w obrębie chrześcijaństwa nie jest w stanie reprezentować osób określających się jako biseksualne przede wszystkim w tej mierze, w jakiej reprodukuje on dychotomię homo–hetero. Tekst naświetla zatem specyficzną sytuację biseksualnych chrześcijan i chrześcijanek oraz mechanizmy ich wykluczania z działalności Wiary i Tęczy, jedynej ogólnopolskiej grupy, która określa się jako „chrześcijanie LGBT”. Relacjonuje on wyniki badań socjologicznych prowadzonych przez autorkę w latach 2011–2014.
The paper addresses bisexuality as a category that is omitted from the activism of LGBT Christians in Poland. This activism is identity-based for two reasons. First, it draws on patterns of political struggle for recognition conducted by LGBT organizations. Second, LGBT Christians consider the identity model to be necessary for activism within the Roman Catholic Church. To this time the Church has not recognized non-normative sexual identities – a stance that is perceived by those defining themselves as gays and lesbians as belittling their subjectivity. Identity LGBT activism within Christianity is not able to represent people describing themselves as bisexual primarily because such activism reproduces the homo-hetero dichotomy. Thus the paper highlights the specific situation of bisexual Christians and the mechanisms of their exclusion from the activities of Faith and Rainbow, the only nationwide Polish group describing itself as ‘LGBT Christians’. Findings from the author’s sociological research conducted in 2011–2014 are presented.
Studia Socjologiczne; 2016, 3(222); 79-99
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chrzest Polski
The Baptism of Poland
Jędraszewski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Chrzest Polski
Mieszko I
państwo polskie
Kościół katolicki
tożsamość narodowa
Baptism of Poland
Catholic Church
national identity
This paper is a historical reflection concerning the origins of the statehood of Poland. The author refers to a number of scientific studies and shows the meaning of baptism for the unity of the State of Mieszko I. It can be said that in the history there is no pre-Christian Poland, because it is this religion which became the bond of national identity of Polish people. In his study the author pointed out political sensitivity of the first sovereign of Poland. However, the decision to adopt the Christian religion was probably not motivated by political calculations but was the result of the personal conversion of the prince of the Western Polans. This statement seems to be rooted not only in the written sources but also in the non-verbal national tradition, expressed – for example – in some eminent artistic works. The author emphasizes that Christian Poland from the very beginning was distinguished from its neighbours by three essential elements: catholicity, republicanism and latinism. Those elements ensured that Christian universalism became one of the main characteristics of Poland. In the last part of the study the author focuses on mutual relations between the Church and Polish statehood and on the role which the Catholic faith played in the maintenance of the Polish national identity.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2017, 26, 2; 7-19
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
‘White Dress, Guests and Presents’: Polish Migrant Families’ Practice of First Communion and Negotiation of Catholic Identities in Wales
Kaczmarek-Day, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish migrants
Catholic identity
First Communion ritual
This article examines how migration to Wales modifies Polish Catholic families’ religious practices. It focuses on how the First Communion ceremony is performed. Within the Polish migrant community I witnessed three distinct ways of arranging this. Some families travelled to Poland to their parish churches of origin. Of those who celebrated it in Wales, some did so in a Polish church, others in their children’s Catholic school’s church. These choices had different effects. Holding First Communion in Poland confirmed children’s Polish identity and home-country bonds. It exemplified both the fluidity of the families’ intra-European migration experience and the strength of transnational networking. Holding it in the local Polish parish reinforced both families’ and childrens’ identification as Polish Catholics. In the school’s church, it strengthened migrant families’ negotiations of belonging and their children’s integration into the Welsh locality. Mothers’ active involvement in all settings led some to contest Polish religious customs and revealed emerging identifications related to children’s wellbeing and belonging. Unlike arrangements traditional in Poland, families’ religious practices in Wales seem to have become more individual, less collective.
Central and Eastern European Migration Review; 2018, 7, 2; 165-183
Pojawia się w:
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Entering into sponsorship agreements. Perspectives for charitable works of the Church in Poland
Kaleta, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Finansowanie dzieł charytatywnych Kościoła
umowy sponsorship
zachowanie katolickiej tożsamości
etyczne dyrektywy
Financing of charity works in the Church
sponsorship agreements
preservation of Catholic identity
ethics directives
This study explores the usage of sponsorship agreements as new forms of governance and funding in the delivery of educational and social welfare services which are struggling to support themselves. Sponsorship agreements were developed by religious institutes in the North America which founded charity entities. Significant changes affecting healthcare delivery, led leaders and managers of Catholic healthcare institutions to draw up appropriate sponsorship agreements so as to assure their Catholic identity and the charism of their works. This article aims to show the ways in which a sponsorship agreement may be drawn up in order to enable a church entity to carry out its charitable works effectively. The author commences with great focus on canon law and the legal definition of “sponsorship” in order to further determine the necessary requirements to establish public juridic persons for healthcare ministry. The requirements of Catholic healthcare agreements provide the crucial part of the text. This includes the following elements: 1) Catholic mission; 2) Catholic identity; 3) compliance with canon law; 4) ownership; and 5) reserved powers. These elements should be taken into account especially when sponsorship agreements involve non Catholic parties. The analysis of sponsorship agreements is based on the new legal arrangements developed in the U.S.A. and in Canada. Its purpose is to provide practical guidance for sponsorship agreements in Poland, which is yet unknown both in civil and canon law. This article provides practical guidance for sponsorship agreements that are constantly affected by numerous social and economic changes.
Prawo Kanoniczne; 2019, 62, 1; 83-104
Pojawia się w:
Prawo Kanoniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Identity of Local and Particular Catholic Churches. Methodological Outline
Tożsamość Kościołów lokalnych i partykularnych. Zarys metodologiczny
Kaucha, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Kościół lokalny
Kościół partykularny
eklezjologia katolicka
tożsamość Kościoła
teologiczna tożsamość Kościoła
historyczna tożsamość Kościoła
etyczno-moralna tożsamość Kościoła
kulturowa tożsamość Kościoła
local Church
particular Church
Catholic ecclesiology
identity of the Church
theological identity of the Church
historical identity of the Church
ethical-moral identity of the Church
cultural identity of the Church
Przez wiele ostatnich dekad akademicka eklezjologia katolicka była skoncentrowana głównie na Kościele powszechnym. Nadszedł czas by „odkryła” obecność Boga także w Kościołach lokalnych i partykularnych, ich historii, wyjątkowych osobach (świętych, błogosławionych, męczennikach), wkładzie w kulturę, życie społeczne i moralne. Katolicka eklezjologia powinna otworzyć oczy na wyjątkowość i tożsamość lokalnych i partykularnych Kościołów. Dotychczas pojęcie „tożsamość” w języku eklezjologicznym było zarezerwowane do Kościoła powszechnego i rozumiane jako jego statyczna natura oraz przymioty. Niniejszy artykuł jest metodologicznym zarysem rozumienia tożsamości Kościołów lokalnych i partykularnych. Inicjuje go wprowadzenie do właściwego, nieredukcyjnego, rozumienia pojęcia „tożsamość Kościoła”, po czym omówione zostały główne tychże Kościołów rodzaje tożsamości wraz z ich komponentami: tożsamość teologiczna (tożsamość w Bogu, tożsamość eklezjologiczna, teologiczna auto-tożsamość, tożsamość personalistyczna, pastoralna, tożsamość w znakach wiarygodności, tożsamość w kontekście aktualnych wyzwań), tożsamość historyczna (geneza, główne okresy dziejów, tożsamość stanowiona, ogólna tożsamość historyczna, aktualna tożsamość historyczna), tożsamość etyczno-moralna, tożsamość kulturowa i inne (tożsamość religijna, aktualna auto-tożsamość, tożsamość komparatywna). Autor ma nadzieję, że nowa metodologiczna perspektywa, ukazana w artykule, może wzbogacić eklezjologię, uczynić ją bardziej realistyczną, „żywą” oraz otworzyć ją na nowe sposoby uzasadniania wiarygodności Kościoła.
According to the Catholic faith the Church established by Jesus Christ subsistit in the Catholic Church as the Universal Church (Ecclesia universalis, Catholica). This Church is also communio Ecclesiarum and subsistit in local and particular Churches, and in community among them. Joseph Ratzinger, following the teaching of the Catholic Church, reminds that a local Church (Ecclesia localis) means a patriarchy or a `specific community of traditions and rites' and a particular Church (Ecclesia particularis) means a community of believers subjected to one bishop (a diocese). Post-conciliar Catholic ecclesiology has been mostly focused on the Universal Church. Such `universal' ecclesiology earned mature methodologies. But meantime, the Universal Church has also been present in local and particular Churches which are making their own history and identity day by day. For example, in 2016 the Catholic Church in Poland celebrated 1050th Jubilee which itself offered an opportunity to describe its main dimensions and identity. So-called young Churches are on their way to establish their identity. By no means, in our times and eyes the `identity' becomes one of the key-words in theological refection on the Church. The more secular the modern world and culture become, the more clearly one can see the difference between them and the Church. This paper offers a methodological outline of the identity of local and particular Catholic Churches. Its purpose is to name and shortly describe main kinds of such identity (theological, historical, ethical-moral, cultural) and their components. But first, making some remarks as introduction is very much required.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2017, 64, 9; 45-58
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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