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Palaeogeography of the western Sandomierz Basin in Late Neogene and Early Quaternary times (Carpathian Foredeep, South Poland)
Brud, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Early Pleistocene
sub-Quaternary surface
coarse-clastic fluvial sediments
sub-Carpathian Furrow
Sandomierz Basin
Carpathian Foredeep
The sub-Quaternary topography of the western Sandomierz Basin has been compared to variable thicknesses of Quaternary sediments and geomorphology of the area. The lithology and age of the top of Miocene strata have been determined. The Witów Series has been interpreted as a sequence of a braided river that used to flow into the retreating marine basin, forming a fan delta whose age, according to macrofloristic determinations, has been assigned to the Late Miocene. Lower Quaternary gravels cap the remnants of a planated surface situated at 240-250 m a.s.l. The Błonie gravel horizon occurring at a similar altitude was deposited by a river active in Narevian and/or Nidanian glacial stages, and its top underwent reworking during the Sanian-2 stage. Deposits infilling the fossil sub-Carpathian Furrow have been mapped and dated to the Cromerian s.l. interglacial stage. The final alluviation of this segment of the furrow took place during the Sanian-2 stage. Reconstruction of the drainage pattern during the Eopleistocene, South-Polish glaciations, and Masovian inter- glacial stage has been proposed as well.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2004, 74, No 1; 63-93
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kresťanstvo u Germánov v Karpatskej kotline v 6. storočí
Christianity among Germanic tribes in the Carpathian Basin in the sixth century
Bystrický, Peter
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
German tribes
early middle ages
Carpathian Basin
The fourth century saw the beginning of spreading Christianity among Germanic people. The mission of bishop Ulfi las, however, ended in 348 and persecuted Christian Goths fl ed to the territory of the Roman Empire. After the destruction of Gothic kingdoms, the fl eeing Goths were allowed by the Roman emperor Valens to cross the Danube, probably only on condition that they would adopt new faith. Since the emperor himself was an Arian and Arianism preferred theological teaching in the Roman Empire, the Goths, and later other East Germanic tribes, adopted this doctrine instead of Nicene Creed. Germanic people learned only the basic principles of faith and then just continued with their beliefs. Moreover, Jesus was deemed not the only God, but one of many gods. The second part of the study offers a survey of written sources on the Christianity among Germanic tribes in the Carpathian Basin in the sixth century – Rugians, Heruls, Gepids and Lombards. The Rugians led by the king Feletheus (Feva) and his Arian wife Giso dwelt on the left bank of the Danube, opposite the Roman province of Noricum, where at that time St. Severinus preached Christianity, established monasteries, organised defence or evacuation, redeemed captives, procured corn for the starving and healed the sick. Humble and pious Severinus won himself such a reputation that even barbarian kings respected him and listened to his advice and prophecies. The neighbouring Heruls, however, were pagans and sometimes invaded barely defended provinces of Noricum and Pannonia. Though their king received baptism in 528, many of them remained pagans and, according to Procopius, they were the wickedest people in the whole world. The Gepids, like Goths, converted to Arianism. The most signifi cant traces of Gepid Christianity are found in the territory of Pannonia II, especially near the Roman town of Sirmium. Sirmium was one of the most important centres of early Christianity and in the late sixth century, the town having become a seat of Gepid Arian bishop. On the other hand, Lombard Arianism is very problematical. The fi rst mention of their orthodox faith comes from Procopius. Paganism, however, was retained not only by the majority of the tribe, but also by the king and his retinue, even at the time 568 invasion in Italy. Arianism among Lombards probably gained strength only in Italy, where a number of subjugated Gepids accompanied them and where remnants of Arian Goths continued to live. From Alboin to Aripert (altogether 9 rulers) only two kings are mentioned as Arians and only two as Catholics. Though these Germanic tribes adopted Christianity in the Carpathian Basin, they did not stay there long enough to become true Christians. With Slavs and Avars replacing them, the Christianisation of Central Europe had to start from scratch.
Historia Slavorum Occidentis; 2014, 1(6); 13-41
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Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienność cech fizycznych i chemicznych wód źródlanych w zlewni Zagórzańskiego Potoku (Pogórze Spisko-Gubałowskie)
Variability of physical and chemical properties of spring water in the Zagórzański Stream catchment (Spisko-Gubałowskie Foothills)
Czarny, Gabriela
Pociask-Karteczka, Joanna
Nieckarz, Zenon
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
tuf wapienny
zbiorowiska Cratoneurion
wody gruntowe
izotopy promieniotwórcze
ochrona przyrody
calcareous tufa
Cratoneurion commutati
radioactive isotops
nature protection
Podhale Basin
Carpathian Mountains
The aim of the paper is to examine the variability of physical and chemical characteristics of two springs located in the Zagórzański Stream catchment (Spisko-Gubałowskie Foothills, Podhale region). Calcareous tufa occurs at one of the investigated springs. Field studies were conducted once a month from 25th March 2017 to 28thFebruary 2018. Water of the studied springs represents the bicarbonate-calcium-magnesium type during almost the whole year. The chemical composition of both springs is characterized by seasonal variability. The highest concentrations of most ions occurred in the summer, when the rainfall was the lowest and during winter drought; while the lowest concentration - in the period of increased rainfall. The variability of physical and chemical parameters of the spring with tufa is smaller than the other one. The spring with calcareous tufa stands out by the higher concentration of Mg2+ and SO42- and the presence of radon. The unique landscape values of the surroundings and hydrogeochemical features of the spring with calcareous tufa favour this place as an interesting hydro-tourism attraction in the Bukowina Tatrzańska region.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2021, 69, 3; 150--160
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rhinoceros exploitation at Érd (Hungary). What a place for the megaherbivores in the Neanderthal diet in Hungary?
Daschek, Éva J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Middle Palaeolithic
rhinoceros exploitation
mammoth exploitation
Carpathian Basin
The Hungarian Transdanubian site of Érd, where a Mousterian industry and abundant osteological material were discovered in the early 1960s is well known to prehistorians. The remains of megaherbivores (Mammuthus primigenius, Coelodonta antiquitatis) are re-examined here under the taphonomic and archaeozoological components in order to complete the Hungarian and European s.l. data and reassess the potential exploitation of these two pachyderms in the Neanderthal diet and economy. The cut marks, the intense activity of carnivores/hyenas and the skeletal profiles indicate a mixed origin of the carcasses. Mortality patterns of rhinoceros are characterized by the presence of young, subadult and adults, and suggest multiple acquisition by active scavenging and/or hunting with quick access. Skeletal profiles suggest a selective transport of rich/nutritive elements by humans to the site. The cut marks and fracturing of some elements (in situ butchery treatment) confirm that Neanderthals consumed these species on site and that they had at least partial primary access. The mode of acquisition seems active with rapid access for a young mammoth. Érd confirms the Neanderthal exploitation of rhinos and mammoths in their steppic environment during the Middle Palaeolithic. Érd is currently the only Hungarian Middle Palaeolithic site with a proven exploitation and consumption of these megaherbivores.
Acta Archaeologica Carpathica; 2021, 56; 13-66
Pojawia się w:
Acta Archaeologica Carpathica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sekwencje depozycyjne w utworach miocenu autochtonicznego w rejonie Brzeska
Depositional sequences of autochthonous Miocene strata in the Brzesko area
Drozd, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
zapadlisko przedkarpackie
miocen autochtoniczny
stratygrafia sekwencji
elementy szelfowej architektury depozycyjnej
Carpathian Foreland Basin
sequence stratigraphy
shelf-margin delta
Stratygrafia sekwencji jest multikompontentowym narzędziem służącym do odwzorowywania architektury depozycyjnej, środowisk sedymentacji, litofacji i ich przestrzennego rozmieszczenia. Podstawową jednostką wyróżnianą w tej metodzie jest sekwencja depozycyjna, definiowana jako genetyczne następstwo powiązanych ze sobą warstw, ograniczone w spągu i stropie poprzez subaeralne niezgodności lub ich korelatywne zgodności (granic sekwencji), które są wynikiem zmian względnego poziomu morza, towarzyszących wypełnianiu basenów sedymentacyjnych. Przedstawiona próba interpretacji materiałów sejsmicznych, obejmująca mioceńską sukcesję nadewaporatową w rejonie Brzeska, na podstawie założeń tej metodyki i przy wykorzystaniu pomiarów geofizyki otworowej i ich wzajemnym dowiązaniu, pozwoliła na zidentyfikowanie 11 granic sekwencji (SB) i 9 powierzchni maksimum zalewu (MFS). W obrębie tych sekwencji, w zapisie sejsmicznym, karotażowym i w oparciu o dane literaturowe, zinterpretowano elementy architektury depozycyjnej zdominowane litofacją piaskowcową, deponowaną głównie w trakcie niskiego stanu WMP. Zostały one zinterpretowane jako nasypy przyujściowe/bary piaszczyste oraz fragmenty wciętych dolin w strefie szelfu.
Sequence stratigraphy is a multi-component tool for mapping the depositional architecture, sedimentary environments, lithofacies and their spatial distribution. The basic unit of distinction in this method is a depositional sequence, defined as a genetic consequence of interconnected layers, limited in the bottom and top by unconformities or corelative conformities (sequences borders). They are the result of changes in relative sea level that accompanies filling sedimentary basins. The study area included upper Badenian-lower Sarmatian (Miocen) strata in the region of Brzesko. Methodology used in conjunction with well logs and geological data allowed identification in the seismic 11 sequence boundaries (SB) and 9 of the maximum flooding surface (MFS). Within the sequence the elements of depositional architecture were interpreted. They were dominated by sandstone facies that had been deposited mainly during the low state of relative sea level.
Nafta-Gaz; 2017, 73, 12; 928-934
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The evolution of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin during the latest Badenian and Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) : inferences from micropalaeontological data
Dumitriu, Simina Dumitrita
Dubicka, Zofia
Loghin, Sergiu
Melinte-Dobrinescu, Mihaela Carmen
Paruch-Kulczycka, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Middle Miocene
Carpathian Foredeep Basin
Seven Middle Miocene (Upper Badenian to Lower Sarmatian) sedimentary sections of the Central Paratethys, two from the Polish Carpathian Foredeep Basin (PCFB) and five from the Eastern Carpathian Foreland Basin (ECFB) of Romania and the Republic of Moldova have been analysed micropalaeontologically to better constrain the Badenian-Sarmatian Extinction Event, characterized by significant taxonomic impoverishment of both foraminifers and ostracods. Ourstudies show significant palaeoenvironmental changes in the basin including depth, salinity, oxygenation, and organic matter flux. The occurrence of moderately diverse planktonic foraminifera (Globigerina, Globigerinita, Globorotalia, Trilobatus, Orbulina, Velapertina) in the Upper Badenian deposits of the PCFB as well as in the ECFB and their rarity in the lowermost Sarmatian indicate an almost fully marine environment during the latest Badenian, followed by a significant regression and possible appearance of much more restricted marine conditions across the boundary. The taxonomic composition of the Sarmatian foraminifera, ostracoda and calcareous nannofossils indicate that during this interval the salinity fluctuated strongly, with the water regime varying from brackish to normal marine. In addition, the identified micropalaeontological assemblages identified show palaeoenvironmental similarity across different basins of the Central Paratethys. This supports a hypothesis of possible connections during the latest Badenian between different areas of the Central Paratethys, as well as of the existence of a gateway between the Central Paratethys and the Mediterranean realm.
Geological Quarterly; 2020, 64, 4; 1004--1022
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Production and characterization of tissue cultures of four crocus species from the Carpathian Basin
Freytag, Csongor
Pabar, Sándor Attila
Demeter, Zita
Simon, Ádám
Resetár, Anna
Molnár V., Attila
Sramkó, Gábor
Máthé, Csaba
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
carpathian basin
plant regeneration
We aimed to produce tissue cultures and plant regeneration from endangered Crocus species: C. scepusiensis, C. tommasinianus, C. vittatus (“Verni” series of the genus) and C. banaticus. For initiation of cultures we used a plant growth regulator (PGR) combination used for in vitro culture of saffron and its relatives: 10 mg L-1 α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 1 mg L-1 6-benzyladenine (BA). Shoot tips of young seedlings (C. scepusiensis) and corms (for the rest of species) were used as explants. C. scepusiensis explants developed into organogenic calli. On media with decreased NAA and with or without increased BA concentration, calli produced stigma-like structures and/or shoots and whole plants. In the other species, callus initiation medium induced callus formation with abundant somatic embryos. In C. tommasinianus, embryos developed shoots when auxin content of medium was decreased. In C. banaticus, a decrease of auxin with or without an increase in cytokinin content led to shoot or whole plant regeneration, as in C. scepusiensis. In the case of C. vittatus and C. banaticus, initiation and/or maintenance of cultures on indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and increased sucrose concentration stimulated whole plant regeneration and in vitro cormlet development. C. scepusiensis and the rest of cultures (organogenic vs. embryogenic) differed at the biochemical level: C. scepusiensis cultures had higher (yet still low) enzymatic antioxidant (catalase, peroxidase) activities. With respect to catalase isoenzyme patterns, C. banaticus was different from the rest of cultures, demonstrating its distinct taxonomical position. Besides germplasm preservation use of the present cultures, they have a potential biotechnological value.
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica; 2017, 59, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dinoflagellate cysts and palynofacies from the upper Badenian (Middle Miocene) of the Roztocze area at Józefów and Żelebsko (Carpathian Foredeep Basin, Poland) : palaeoenvironmental implications
Gedl, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
dinoflagellate cysts
Palaeogene substratum
Carpathian Foredeep Basin
The post-evaporitic upper Badenian (Middle Miocene) succession of the Roztocze (marginal zone of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin) consists of shallow-marine sands and organodetrital deposits. The latter, although predominantly coarse-grained, include very rare and usually very thin intercalations of fine-grained, loamy material. A few such clay layers were sampled for their palynological content in quarries at Józefów (Józefów and Pardysówka) and Żelebsko. The clay samples yielded palynological organic matter, in contrast to organodetrital limestone samples, which were barren. The palynofacies composition, both presence/absence of land-derived material and the specific composition of aquatic material, are useful for the palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of sedimentary settings. During late Badenian time, the sedimentary setting of the deposits studied was characteri- zed by proximity to the shoreline, which, however, supplied limited input of terrestrial matter, and by restricted marine conditions caused by increased salinity. During the latest Badenian, water salinity presumably underwent a further increase, leading to the collapse of the dinoflagellate floras. The frequent occurrence of reworked Palaeogene dinoflagellate cysts in upper Badenian samples and their absence from the uppermost Badenian indicate variable intensity of erosion of the epicontinental Palaeogene strata during the Middle Miocene at Roztocze.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2016, 86, 3; 273-289
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Artesian origin of a cave developed in an isolated horst: a case of Smocza Jama (Kraków Upland, Poland)
Gradziński, M.
Motyka, J.
Górny, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Carpathian foreland basin
The cave of Smocza Jama located in the centre of Kraków is developed in the Wawel Horst built of Upper Jurassic limestone and surrounded by grabens with Miocene clays. The cave is composed of two series: the old one has been known for ages and the new one was discovered when an artificial shaft was mined in 1974. The new series comprises small chambers separated by intervening thin walls while the old series consists of three connected together spatial chambers. The cave abounds in extensively developed solution cavities – cupolas and ceiling pockets. The internal fine-grained deposits, predominantly representing clay fraction are built of illite, mixed layer illite-smectite, kaolinite and iron oxides. They are probably the residuum after dissolution of Jurassic limestone. The cave originated in phreatic condition due to water input from below. The new series represents juvenile stage of cave evolution. The water rose through fissure-rifts located in chamber bottoms, circulated convectionally within particular chambers, finally led to bleaching of intervening walls, and hence to connection of the neighbouring chambers. The evolution of the old series is far more advanced. The rounded solution cavities imply that the cave was formed by water of elevated temperature. The lack of coarse-grained fluvial deposits, Pleistocene mammal remains and Palaeolithic artefacts prove that the cave was isolated since its inception till Holocene time. The cave originated due to artesian circulation, when the Wawel Horst was covered by imper- meable Miocene clays. A foreland basin with carbonate basement, filled with fine-grained molasse-type deposits seems to be particularly favourable for the development of artesian caves.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2009, 79, No 2; 159-168
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A lost carbonate platform deciphered from clasts embedded in flysch: Štramberk-type limestones, Polish Outer Carpathians
Hoffmann, Mariusz
Kołodziej, Bogusław
Kowal-Kasprzyk, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Štramberk Limestone
Silesian Ridge
Carpathian Basin
Limestones designated the Štramberk-type are the most common carbonate exotic clasts (exotics) embedded in the uppermost Jurassic–Miocene flysch deposits of the Polish Outer Carpathians. About 80% of stratigraphically determinable carbonate exotics from the Silesian, Sub-Silesian and Skole units (nappes) are of Tithonian (mostly)–Berriasian (sporadically Valanginian) age. A study of these exotics revealed eight main facies types: coral-microbial boundstones (FT 1), microencruster-microbial-cement boundstones (FT 2), microbial and microbial-sponge boundstones (FT 3), detrital limestones (FT 4), foraminiferal-algal limestones (FT 5), peloidalbioclastic limestones (FT 6), ooid grainstones (FT 7), and mudstones-wackestones with calpionellids (FT 8). Štramberk-type limestones in Poland and the better known Štramberk Limestone in the Czech Republic are remnants of lost carbonate platforms, collectively designated the Štramberk Carbonate Platform. Narrow platforms were developed on intra-basinal, structural highs (some of them are generalized as the Silesian Ridge), with their morphology determined by Late Jurassic synsedimentary tectonics. An attempt was made to reconstruct the facies distribution on the Tithonian–earliest Cretaceous carbonate platform. In the inner platform, coral-microbial patch-reefs (FT 1) grew, while the upper slope of the platform was the depositional setting for the microencruster-microbial-cement boundstones (FT 2). Microbial and microbial-sponge boundstones (FT 3), analogous to the Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian boundstones of the northern Tethyan shelf (also present among exotics), were developed in a deeper setting. In the inner, open part of the platform, foraminiferal-algal limestones (FT 5) and peloidal-bioclastic limestones (FT 6) were deposited. Poorly sorted, detrital limestones (FT 4), including clastsupported breccias, were formed mainly in a peri-reefal environment and on the margin of the platform, in a high-energy setting. Ooid grainstones (FT 7), rarely represented in the exotics, were formed on the platform margin. Mudstones-wackestones with calpionellids (FT 8) were deposited in a deeper part of the platform slope and/or in a basinal setting. In tectonic grabens, between ridges with attached carbonate platforms, sedimentation of the pelagic (analogous to FT 8) and allodapic (“pre-flysch”) Cieszyn Limestone Formation took place. The most common facies are FT 4 and FT 1. Sedimentation on the Štramberk Carbonate Platform terminated in the earliest Cretaceous, when the platform was destroyed and drowned. It is recorded in a few exotics as thin, neptunian dykes (and large dykes in the Štramberk Limestone), filled with dark, deep-water limestones. Reefal facies of the Štramberk Carbonate Platform share similarities in several respects (e.g., the presence of the microencrustermicrobial-cement boundstones) with reefs of other intra-Tethyan carbonate platforms, but clearly differ from palaeogeographically close reefs and coral-bearing facies of the epicontinental Tethyan shelf (e.g., coeval limestones from the subsurface of the Carpathian Foredeep and the Lublin Upland in Poland; the Ernstbrunn Limestone in Austria and Czech Republic). Corals in the Štramberk Limestone and Štramberk-type limestones are the world’s most diverse coral assemblages of the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition. The intra-basinal ridge (ridges), traditionally called the Silesian Cordillera, which evolved through time from an emerged part of the Upper Silesian Massif to an accretionary prism, formed the most important provenance area for carbonate exotic clasts in the flysch of the Silesian Series. They are especially common in the Lower Cretaceous Hradiště Formation and the Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene Istebna Formation. The Baška-Inwałd 204 M. HOFFMANN Et Al. In the Polish Outer Carpathians, shallow-water carbonate sedimentation is recorded only by carbonate clasts, redeposited bioclasts, and very rare, small, unrooted, poorly exposed klippen. Clasts of limestones are exotic to the dominant siliciclastic, uppermost Jurassic–Miocene flysch deposits. They were derived from extrabasinal and intra-basinal source areas of the Carpathian rocks, which periodically emerged and were destroyed. Such rocks were described as “exotic” since the 19th century (“exotischen Graniten”, “exotische Blöcke”; Morlot, 1847; Hohenegger, 1861). In the general geological literature, the term “exotic clasts” is usually used (Flügel, 2010, p. 172), whereas in the Polish geological literature, the term “exotics” (Polish “egzotyki” including also carbonate exotics), is also commonly applied. On the basis of fossils, facies and microfacies, these clasts (pebbles, rarely blocks) are mostly described as Devonian–Carboniferous (Malik, 1978, 1979; Burtan et al., 1983; Tomaś et al., 2004) and Upper Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous (the present paper and references therein), more rarely Middle Jurassic (Książkiewicz, 1935, 1956a; Barczyk, 1998; Olszewska and Wieczorek, 2001), Early Cretaceous (Oszczypko et al., 1992, 2006, 2020; Krobicki et al., 2005), Late Cretaceous (Książkiewicz, 1956a; Gasiński, 1998) and Palaeogene in age (Leszczyński, 1978; Rajchel and Myszkowska, 1998; Leszczyński et al., 2012; Minor-Wróblewska, 2017). At the beginning of these studies, the focus was on small, unrooted klippen, namely the Andrychów Klippen (called also Klippes) near Wadowice (Zeuschner, 1849; Hohenegger, 1861; Uhlig, 1904; Książkiewicz, 1935, 1971b; Nowak, 1976; Gasiński, 1998; Olszewska and Wieczorek, 2001), and in Kruhel Wielki, near Przemyśl (Niedźwiedzki, 1876; Wójcik, 1907, 1913, 1914; Bukowy and Geroch, 1956; Morycowa, 1988; Olszewska et al., 2009), now poorly exposed. Subsequently, exotic pebbles, much more common and providing data on more facies, were studied more frequently. The first attempt to describe exotics, including crystalline rocks, was presented by Nowak (1927). Jurassic–Cretaceous carbonate exotics at Bachowice, containing facies unknown at other localities in the Polish Outer Carpathians, were described by Książkiewicz (1956a). The preliminary results of studies, which encompassed the entire spectrum of carbonate exotics from the western part of the Polish Outer Carpathians, were presented by Burtan et al. (1984). Malik (1978, 1979) described both Palaeozoic and Mesozoic carbonate clasts in the Hradiště Sandstone of the Silesian Unit, but other studies were mostly concerned with the Štramberk-type limestones from selected outcrops. The studies of these limestones, if concerned with exotics at many localities, were focused on their fossil content (e.g., Kołodziej, 2003a; Bucur et al., 2005; Ivanova and Kołodziej, 2010; Kowal-Kasprzyk, 2014, 2018) or presented only the preliminary results of facies studies (e.g., Hoffmann and Kołodziej, 2008; Hoffmann et al., 2008). Carbonate platforms, the existence of which was deciphered from detrital carbonate components, are called lost carbonate platforms (e.g., Belka et al., 1996; Flügel, 2010; Kukoč et al., 2012). Clasts and other shallowwater components are, metaphorically, witnesses to lost carbonate factories (the term is taken from Coletti et al., 2015). Analyses of the age and lithology of exotic clasts have been applied in the reconstruction of the provenance areas of the clasts and their palaeogeography and the development of the sedimentary sequences of the Polish Outer Carpathians (e.g., Książkiewicz, 1956b, 1962, 1965; Unrug, 1968; Oszczypko, 1975; Oszczypko et al., 1992, 2006; Hoffmann, 2001; Krobicki, 2004; Słomka et al., 2004; Malata et al., 2006; Poprawa and Malata, 2006; Poprawa et al., 2006a, b; Strzeboński et al., 2017; Kowal-Kasprzyk et al., 2020). Štramberk-type limestones are most common among the exotics. It is a field term that refers to limestones, mostly beige in colour, that are supposed to be the age and facies equivalents of the Tithonian–lower Berriasian Štramberk Limestone in Moravia (Czech Republic; Eliáš and Eliášová, 1984; Picha et al., 2006). The Štramberk Limestone and the Štramberk-type limestones of both countries were deposited on platforms, attached to the intrabasinal ridges and margins of the basin of the Outer Carpathians. These platforms are collectively termed the Štramberk Carbonate Platform. The terms “Štramberk Limestone” and “Štramberk-type limestones” have been widely used in the area of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire for the field description of shallow-water limestones of assumed Late Jurassic age, usually occurring within flysch deposits of the Outer Carpathians. Upper Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous shallow-water limestones in Romania (commonly forming mountains or ridges, e.g., Pleş et al., 2013, 2016), in Bulgaria and Serbia (Tchoumatchenco et al., 2006), and Ukraine (Krajewski and Schlagintweit, 2018), and in Turkey (Masse et al., 2015) sometimes are referred to as the Štramberk-type limestones as well. In the Austrian-German literature similar limestones in the Alps are known as the Plassen Limestone (e.g., Steiger and Wurm, 1980; Schlagintweit et al., 2005). Biostratigraphic studies revealed that some carbonate clasts, accounting for several percent of the exotics and commonly Ridge and the Sub-Silesian Ridge were the source areas for clasts from the Silesian and Sub-Silesian units (e.g., in the Hradiště Formation), while the Northern (Marginal) Ridge was the source for clasts from the Skole Unit (e.g., in the Maastrichtian–Paleocene Ropianka Formation).
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2021, 91, 3; 203-251
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Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geodynamiczne i tektoniczne uwarunkowania ewolucji basenów przedgórskich, z odniesieniami do zapadliska przedkarpackiego
Geodynamic and tectonic control on evolution of foreland basins, with references to the Carpathian Foredeep Basin
Krzywiec, P.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
basen przedgórski
system osadowy
budowa geologiczna
zapadlisko przedkarpackie
foreland basin
continental collision
fold-thrust belts
lithospheric flexure
syn-tectonic sedimentation
Carpathian Foredeep
Main geodynamic and tectonic mechanisms responsible for evolution of foreland basins and their sedimentary infill are discussed. They include flexure of the lower lithospheric plate and its extension, growth of the orogenic wedge and sedimentation / erosion within the foreland basin. Recently formulated models of foreland basin system include four major depositional zones that are characterised by various tectono-sedimentary processes. Of particular importance for evolution of foreland basins is very complex interplay of tectonics and sedimentation, and significant lateral shift of tectonic and depositional zones. Evolution of frontal part of the orogenic wedge could be deciphered using growth strata i.e. depositional sequences formed in vicinity of growing thrust-related structures. Certain aspects of Miocene (Late Badenian–Sarmatian) evolution of the Polish Carpathian foredeep basin are discussed in a context of presented models of foreland basins.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2006, 54, 5; 404-412
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Structure and evolution of the Carpathian thrust front between Tarnów and Pilzno (Pogórska Wola area, southern Poland) : results of integrated analysis of seismic and well data
Krzywiec, P.
Oszczypko, N.
Bukowski, K.
Oszczypko-Clowes, M.
Śmigielski, M.
Stuart, F. M.
Persano, C.
Sinclair, H. D.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Carpathian Foredeep Basin
Pilzno embayment
wedge tectonics
Seismic data and core from the shallow cartographic Pilzno P-7 borehole were used to construct a new model of the Carpathian orogenic front between Tarnów and Pilzno, in the Pogórska Wola area (southern Poland). The most external, frontal thrust of the orogenic wedge (the Jaśniny structure) was identified as a syn-depositional fault-propagation fold de- tached above the Upper Badenian evaporites. Its formation was controlled by the presence of mechanically weak foredeep evaporites and by the morphology of the sub-Miocene Meso-Paleozoic foreland plate (Jaśniny and Pogórska Wola palaeovalleys). The frontal zone of the Carpathian orogenic wedge (the Skole thrust sheet and the deformed foredeep deposits of the Zgłobice thrust sheet) is characterized by significant backthrusting of the foredeep succession towards the south, and by the presence of a triangle zone, with strongly deformed Upper Badenian evaporites of the Wieliczka Formation in its core. The triangle zone was formed during the latest thrusting movements of the Carpathians. An indication of the existence of the triangle zone in the vicinity of Dębica has also been provided by reinterpretation of the archive regional geological cross-section. The youngest foredeep deposits, brought to the surface above the backthrust, have been dated as Sarmatian (NN7 nannoplankton zone), which indicates that the latest thrust movements within the frontal Carpathian orogenic in the vicinity of Tarnów-Dębica took place approx. 11-10 million years ago. Thermochronological studies (AFT and AHe) indicated that the foredeep succession drilled by the Pilzno P-7 borehole has not been buried deeper than 1.5-2 km, which is compatible with reconstruction based on the seismic data.
Geological Quarterly; 2014, 58, 3; 409--426
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Structure and Miocene evolution of the Gdów tectonic “embayment” (Polish Carpathian Foredeep) : a new model based on reinterpreted seismic data
Krzywiec, P.
Bukowski, K.
Oszczypko, N.
Garlicki, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Carpathian Foredeep Basin
Gdów “embayment”
wedge tectonics
Analysis of previously available stratigraphic data coupled with the re-interpretation of seismic profiles calibrated by boreholes has allowed the construction of a new tectonic model of evolution of the Gdów “embayment” – a tectonic re-entrant located along the Carpathian front east of Kraków (southern Poland). This model shows that the main phase of localized fault-controlled subsidence took place in the Early Badenian and was associated with deposition of the locally overthickened Skawina Formation. Also, deposition of evaporites of the Wieliczka Formation seems to have been tectonically controlled by local basement faulting. Supra-evaporitic siliciclastic deposits have developed as a result of overall north-directed sediment progradation from the eroded Carpathian belt towards the Carpathian Foredeep. During the final stages of development of the Carpathian fold-and-thrust wedge the previously subsiding Gdów “embayment” area was uplifted and basement faults were reactivated either as reverse faults or as low angle thrust faults. Along the leading edge of this inverted structure a triangle zone developed, with backthrusting along the evaporitic level. As a result, overthickened evaporites, formed in local tectonically-controlled depressions within the area of the Gdów “embayment” area have been strongly folded and internally deformed.
Geological Quarterly; 2012, 56, 4; 907--920
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Role of land relief and structure in the formation of peat bogs in mountain areas, as exemplified by the Polish Carpathians
Łajczak, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
raised bog
Carpathian Mountains
Beskidy Mountains
Tatra Mts.
Orawsko-Nowotarska Basin
It has been often argued that the formation of peat bogs in the mountains is predominantly influenced by a humid climate. Although in many mountains precipitation during the vegetation growth season is greater than evaporation, bogs, especially of the raised type, do not cover all gently sloping areas and often develop only within certain landforms. Local hydrological conditions determined by land relief and structure are the most crucial factor in the development of bogs in such areas. Peat bogs of the Polish Carpathian Mountains demonstrate that bogs, irrespective of altitude, develop mainly in concave landforms or below convex morphological recesses, where outcrops of poorly permeable rocks offer numerous low-capacity but stable outflows of groundwater that continuously humidifies the slopes lying below thus supporting the formation of habitats for hydrophilic plants. This research project covered the parts of the Polish Carpathians having the largest number of bogs, thus allowing local-scale analysis of their location in relation to the lithological, geomorphological and hydrogeological properties of the substratum. It is assumed that an assessment of the influence of substratum on the location and formation of peat bogs is only correct when the coverage of the individual mires in the period preceding their anthropogenic degradation is known. Only then is it possible to establish what types of bedrock and which landforms are most favourable for bog formation.
Landform Analysis; 2013, 22; 61-73
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neotectonic structures of the Upper Silesian region, south Poland
Lewandowski, Józef
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
neotectonics structures
glacioisostatic movements
tectonic fracture zones
induced seismicity
Carpathian Foredeep
Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB)
Neo tec tonic struc tures of the Up per Sile sia that origi nated dur ing the last 5 Ma (Plio cene and Qua ter nary) over lap Mio cene gra bens and horsts of the Car pa thian Fore deep. They had been re ac ti vated in Plio cene as an ef fect of the young Al pine up lift of the Car pa thian Fore deep. It is pos tu lated that ice- sheet de rived com pac tion of a thick Mio cene de pos its was the most sig nifi cant agent of the de vel op ment of neo tec tonic de pres sions. Gla cioi so stasy of mo bile bed - rock struc tures was pre suma bly also an im por tant com po nent of ver ti cal move ments. The am pli tude of neo tec tonic move ments is es ti mated to 40–100 m, bas ing on DEM map analy sis, analy sis of sub- Quaternary struc tural maps, and the Pleis to cene cover thick ness. The present- day tec tonic phe nom ena are gen er ated by mining- induced seis mic ity. These are con nected with stress re laxa tion in the deep bed rock thrust zones of the Up per Sile sian Coal Ba sin.
Studia Quaternaria; 2007, 24; 21-28
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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