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Оптимизация процесса обучения иностранному языку студентов музыкальных вузов
Optimization of teaching a foreign language to musical university students
Шляпникова, Екатерина
Data publikacji:
Some aspects of teaching process optimization are disclosed in the paper. They mainly refer to teaching a foreign language to musical higher school students. The aspects under study are: effectiveness and intensification of education, optimal allocation of study hours in the process of training foreign language, working with special professional literature and terms, developing motivation of students to a foreign language.
General and Professional Education; 2011, 3; 52-54
Pojawia się w:
General and Professional Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Організація освітнього простору в зарубіжних Монтессорі-школах
Organization of Learning Environment in Foreign Montessori Schools
Прибора, Тетяна
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
М. Монтессорі
освітній простір
освітня програма
зона практичного життя
зона сенсорного розвитку
зона мовленнєвого розвитку
зона математичного розвитку
космічна зона
зона культури
Maria Montessori
Montessori school
learning environment
a practical life zone
a zone of sensory development
a speech learning zone
a Math zone
a cosmic zone
a culture zone
The article presents the look into Montessori schools whose aim is to provide care, development, upbringing and teaching of children from 8 weeks to 18 years old in correspondence with Maria Montessori’s theory and philosophy of education. In modern pedagogical literature there is no single distinct classification of Montessori schools though in Western European countries and the USA Montessori educational establishments are distinguished by the curriculum they use and the age of children studying there. Thus, there has been made an attempt to generalize and summarize their distinctive features and make up an age-curriculum Motnessori schools classification which includes: 1) infant schools, whose curriculum focuses on the holistic development of children from 8 weeks to 18 months old, 2) toddler schools aiming at sensory development of 18 to 36-month-old kids and their acquisition of practical life, language, Math and writing readiness skills, 3) primary schools for 3-to-6- year-olds with the curriculum in correspondence with all areas of formal curriculum, 4) elementary schools (6–11 y.o.) with multi-age school curriculum which contributes to social dynamics and facilitates pupils favorable inclusion in collective learning peculiar of this age group, develops their academic interest and curiosity and based on intellectual exercises supports their easy and natural transition to abstract thinking, 5) middle schools whose curriculum is specially composed to develop 11–14 years old children academically, socially and emotionally. More detailed attention is paid to the creation of learning environment in the early childhood and primary educational establishments. It is stated that the main aim of the created learning environment is to sustain and strengthen the child’s feeling of independence and form their motivation to seek knowledge. Having analyzed the work of modern foreign Montessori schools, it’s for the first time that three kinds of the learning environment have been distinguished among them school area developmental learning environment, in-school and classroom learning environments. As it has been found out, learning environment in modern Montessori schools is based on the initial rules of formation the “prepared” environment by Maria Montessori. It can be conditionally divided into zones which correspond with the chapters of curriculum for each age group taking into account children sensory development stage. These zones include a practical life zone, a zone of sensory development, a speech learning zone, a Math zone and a cosmic or culture zone. In each of them learning materials are easy to reach and ordered from the simplest to more complex so that the children could pick up the ones which satisfy their current needs.
У статті досліджуються Монтесорі-заклади, які спрямовані на догляд, розвиток, виховання і навчання дітей від 8 тижнів до 18 років відповідно до положень педагогічної моделі М. Монтессорі. Подається класифікація Монессорі-закладів відповідно до освітніх програм: 1) іnfant – програма спрямована на холістичний розвиток дитини від 8 тижнів – 18 місяців; 2) toddler– в основі освітньої програми лежить сенсорне навчання, спрямоване на розвиток практичних, мовленнєвих, математичних навичок і навичок підготовки до письма дітей від 18 місяців – 36 місяців; 3) primary school – освітня програма для дітей 3–6 років, яка ґрунтується на всіх сферах офіційної навчальної програми: наука, математика, література, розвиток мови, практичні навички життя, музика, рух, мистецтво; 4) elementary school – мультивікова освітня програма сприяє спільному навчанню, притаманному для цієї вікової групи, і створює соціальну динаміку, яка підтримує зростання доброзичливої та інклюзивної спільноти учнів, виховує інтерес та допитливість, сприяє природньому переходу до абстрактного мислення і дозволяє дітям тренуватися на основі інтелектуальних вправ, необхідних для академічного поступового навчання учнів 6–11 років; 5) middle school – освітня програма, розроблена спеціально для розвитку академічних, соціальних та емоційних потреб дітей від 11–14 років. Детальна характерника приділяється організації освітнього простору тільки в двох із них: «Раннє дитинство» та «Початкова школа». Досліджено, що мета підготовленого освітнього простору полягає в підтриманні та зміцненні почуття самостійності дитини та формуванні мотивації прагнення до знань. Вперше на основі аналізу діяльності сучасних іноземних Монтессорі-закладів виділено три види освітнього простору в них: освітньо-розви- вальне зовнішньошкільне середовище закладу, внутрішньошкільне середовище закладу, освітньо-розвивальне середовище класу. З’ясовано, що у сучасних Монессорі-закладах освітній простір ґрунтується на правилах організації «підготовленого» середовища, запропонованих ще М. Монтессорі. Він умовно поділяється на зони, які відповідають розділам програми кожної вікової групи, враховуючи сенситивні періоди розвитку дитини: 1) зона практичного життя; 2) зона сенсорного розвитку; 3) зона мовленнєвого розвитку; 4) зона математичного розвитку; 4) космічна зона або зона культури. У кожній з цих зон навчальні матеріали легкодоступні і розташовані в послідовності від найпростіших до найскладніших, щоб вихованці могли вибрати матеріали, які відповідають їхнім потребам.
Viae Educationis; 2022, 2; 51-59
Pojawia się w:
Viae Educationis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Нове програмске тенденције у васпитно-образовном раду... Предшколски програм у Републици Србији
The New Curricular Trends in Educational Work. The Preschool Curriculum of the Republic of Serbia
Мићић, Вишња
Вукомановић Растегорац, Владимир
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
preschool curriculum
project approach
speech development
critical review
предшколски курикулум
пројектни приступ
развој говора
критички осврт
Полазећи од промишљања постструктуралистичког приступа курикулуму, концеп- туализације детета и терминолошких недоумица, потом проматрајући карактеристи- ке и недоумице у вези са применом пројектног приступа у предшколском васпитању и местом развоја говора у њему, текст указује на кључне промене у предшколском сис- тему у Републици Србији. Анализа на поменутим нивоима показаће основне врлине и евентуалне недостатке програма у покушају да конструктивно учествује у његовој успешнијој примени и конкретизацији.
The focus of this text is set on the concept of educational work that was presented within the recently adopted Fundamentals of the preschool curriculum ‘The years of ascension’ (2018). The emphasis is put on the analysis of theoretical foundations, terminology, educational tendencies, and the question of the initial education of preschool teachers in Serbia. This recently adopted curriculum is based on the contemporary curricular theories, theoreti- cal principles of the pedagogical and developmental psychology, sociology, anthropology, and other disciplines. The concept of childhood, and mainly of the child, is based on the sociocultural theories and poststructuralism. Even though this approach can be seen as modern in the context of educational work in Serbia, the curriculum seems to lack a stronger demonstration of the scope and limitations of foundations that are based on poststructuralism, as well as the socio-political conditionality that supports the designation of these foundations. In this respect, even the framework that this programme is based on (the UN and the EU documents) is not supported with the critical insight into the particularity of the national framework it was created for. The significant part of the curriculum is dedicated to the representation of socio-cultural conceptions of childhood. The children are seen as the ‘the playful beings’ and the game as their natural relationship with the world. The project approach and the complex definition of the concept of child’s wellbeing are the core of ‘The years of ascension’. The important characteristic of the new curriculum is the introduction of a large number of new terms that can be regarded as an update and a starting point for new approaches to the problem. The possible drawbacks of the mentioned viewpoints pertain to: 1) the insufficiently specified awareness that the idea of the child represented in the curriculum is only one of many possible ideas, (2) the contradicting definition of the idea of wellbeing (with the accent on the problem with defining the correlation between safety and flexibility in educational work), (3) the possible doubts regarding the usage of certain terms (we studied the idea of authenticity, as well as the strong opposition to spontaneity in co-construction of knowledge in the process of planning the learning situations).The presence of binary simplifications in the curriculum carries with itself a possibility that every attempt to reassess and relativize the values of opposing elements can easily be marked as regressive (even if it is not), if one element has a positive value and the other one has a negative value (which is often the case in the curriculum). Little significance given to the proper preparation of pre-school teachers is regarded as a serious problem. Moving the focus away from the concrete knowledge and professional care for the developmental aspects of child’s character could easily be interpreted as the abandonment of these concepts rather than their perception in a new light – the light of decomposition and co-construction of knowledge. The newly adopted concept of foundations suggests that the competence of preschool teachers will expand and include a series of pedagogical and psychological skills and knowledge at the expense of the foundation of their competence in those sciences that form the basis of development areas (that should be encouraged with children). In contrast to this attitude, we should not forget that the academic knowledge of preschool teachers, as well as their own inquisitiveness and their willingness to learn and to explore, represents the foundation for the creative approach to preschool educational practice that aspire to timely answer the children’s inquisitiveness and to encourage their interest in better understanding of themselves and the world around them. The long-term intention of preschool education should be to develop the need for education as the integral part of both the children’s and the teachers’ characters, and keeping up with these directions (speaking competence, early literacy, etc) would increase if the key aspect of children’s character development would be operationalised and defined with standards.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia; 2020, 11, 315; 217-227
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Как Cоломон Pабинович спасал русскую литературу
How Solomon Rabinovich saved Russian literature
Глотов, Александр
Data publikacji:
Akademia Zamojska
Ukrainian culture
high school
kultura ukraińska
program nauczania
szkoła średnia
Analiza naukowego i metodologicznego podejścia do tworzenia korpusu tekstów literatury obcej w programie nauczania dla wyższych klas szkół średnich na Ukrainie wykazała dominację tradycyjnych metod selekcji dzieł literackich. Większość tekstów należy do kultury eurocentrycznej: francuskiej, niemieckiej, angielskiej, rosyjskiej. Jednocześnie są autorzy, których trudno zaliczyć do jakiejkolwiek literatury narodowej, jeśli porzuci się ogólnie przyjęte kryteria: język, narodowość, państwo. Historia kultury ukraińskiej przeplata się z historią wielu innych narodów Europy, dlatego proponuję stworzyć dla takich autorów specjalną kategorię historyczno-literacką: „Literatura ludów Ukrainy”.
The analysis of the scientific and methodological approach to the foreign literature texts corpus formation in the curriculum for the upper grades of secondary schools in Ukraine has shown the prevalence of traditional methods of literary works selection. Most of the texts belong to the Eurocentric culture: French, German, English, Russian. At the same time, there are authors who can hardly be attributed to any national literature if we proceed from generally accepted criteria: language, nationality, state. Since the history of Ukrainian culture is intertwined with the history of many other European peoples, I suggest creating a special historical and literary category for such authors: “Literature of the peoples of Ukraine”.
Studia Żydowskie. Almanach; 2021, 11, 11; 25-34
Pojawia się w:
Studia Żydowskie. Almanach
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena jakości nauczania chirurgii w Pomorskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym w latach 2015-2017
Żyluk, Andrzej
Szlosser, Zbigniew
Puchalski, Piotr
Walaszek, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
Surgical education
university curriculum assessment
surgery clerkship
Celem pracy była ocena jakości kształcenia w dziedzinie chirurgii w Pomorskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym w latach 2015–2017. Materiał i metody: Ankietę przeprowadzono w grupie 100 polskich studentów VI roku Wydziału Lekarskiego, przed końcowym egzaminem testowym z chirurgii. Tematyka pytań dotyczyła opinii na określone zagadnienia w kontekście ich potencjalnej przydatności dla przyszłej praktyki lekarskiej, uzyskanych umiejętności manualnych, wiedzy zdobywanej na poszczególnych latach studiów oraz tzw. upraktycznienia kształcenia chirurgii. Wyniki: Za najbardziej przydatną dla przyszłej pracy studenci ocenili wiedzę z chirurgii ogólnej i onkologicznej. Za najbardziej wartościowy element prowadzenia zajęć – naukę umiejętności manualnych, z których najczęściej wykonywali szycie na modelu świńskiej nogi. Ten aspekt był także uważany jako najbliższy pojęciu „upraktycznienia” nauczania chirurgii. Najwięcej wiedzy chirurgicznej studenci przyswoili sobie na ostatnim roku studiów, a większość z nich uważała, że czas przeznaczony na nauczanie chirurgii jest adekwatny do zakresu przekazywanej wiedzy, ale jego wykorzystanie nie jest optymalne. Przeprowadzono krytyczną analizę uzyskanych wyników w odniesieniu do wcześniejszych badań i piśmiennictwa. Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki pokazują, jakie są oczekiwania studentów w zakresie nauczania chirurgii w trakcie studiów medycznych, a także jaki jest stopień ich realizacji. Wiedza ta może przyczynić się do modyfikacji programu i metod nauczania chirurgii na studiach medycznych.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2018, 90, 4; 16-21
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Enhancing empathy through virtual reality: developing a universal design training application for students
Zwoliński, Grzegorz
Kamińska, Dorota
Haamer, Rain E.
Pinto-Coelho, Luis
Anbarjafari, Gholamreza
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
virtual reality
universal design
surveys and questionnaires
computer simulation
The lack of empathy towards disability is a significant societal issue that hampers inclusivity and understanding. Many struggle to comprehend the daily challenges and experiences faced by people with disabilities, leading to ignorance, prejudice, and exclusion. However, empathy plays a pivotal role in addressing this problem and serves as the foundation for developing and creating better products, services, and environments. This article explores the potential of developing virtual reality (VR) applications to enhance students’ empathy towards individuals with disabilities. By increasing empathy levels, students are expected to gain significant qualifications in universal design (UD). The full application development process covers the most suitable head-mounted display (HMD) set. The implementation methodology using the Unity programming platform, the approach adopted for conducting classes using the developed VR application, and the deployment stage. Testing was successfully conducted on a student population, receiving positive user feedback. Through the integration of VR technology, the authors thoroughly describe how to address the empathy gap and equip students with essential skills for inclusive and accessible design. The findings presented in this study provide valuable guidance for educators and developers interested in harnessing VR’s potential to foster empathy and advance universal design practices. With the presented methodology and proposed application, the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of VR applications in elevating students’ empathy levels, consequently enhancing their qualifications in universal design.
Medycyna Pracy. Workers’ Health and Safety; 2023, 74, 3; 199-210
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy. Workers’ Health and Safety
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Physical Education in Norway
Zoglowek, Herbert
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Opolska. Wydział Wychowania Fizycznego i Fizjoterapii
educational system
physical activities
educational competence
curriculum 2006
superordinated goals
physical education teacher
Physical Education has a long tradition in the Norwegian Educational system, which is based on different rationales and arguments for legitimation. After a brief historical description and a status presentation the focus will be leaded the main three perspectives, which are emphasized through the actual curriculum. The explanation and discussion of these perspectives is summarized with some comments about new perspectives in the physical Education teacher training.
Journal of Physical Education & Health - Social Perspective; 2012, 1, 2; 17-25
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Physical Education & Health - Social Perspective
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Language discourse in curriculum development – comparative perspective from Romania, Poland and Croatia
Žnidarec Čučković, Ana
Czyżewska, Monika
Simut, Ciprian
Dąbrowa, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej. Language and Society Research Committee
curriculum development
national core/school curriculum
school curriculum in comparative perspective
curriculum in school systems
curriculum discourse language in comparative perspective
The article analyzes the language of legislation relating to the core curriculum in 3 countries: Croatia, Poland and Romania, which, freed from socialism, since the 1990s have been building their education systems in an evolutionary way. In particular, the factors of effective teaching are considered. Some other selected aspects of the education system, relevant to the implementation of the curriculum assumptions and contents will also be discussed. The research questions we posed were ‘what language is used in educational legislation for indicators for effective teaching and what is the role of the language?’ For analysis curriculum discourse language was used in comparative perspective. The research indicates the differences in the core curriculum and the language in all three countries. Understanding the context for teaching and understanding the needs of teachers and learners seem to be leading in Croatia. In Romania there is a gap between the language of the official texts and the classroom realities. The need for change of the practical aspects of teaching in the classroom becomes fundamental. While in Poland the language of the curriculum becomes more formal and subordinated to exam requirements, which not so much limits its understanding, but rather stiffens the teaching and learning process.
Language, Discourse & Society; 2023, 11, 1; 27-46
Pojawia się w:
Language, Discourse & Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Edukacja środowiskowa młodzieży na przykładzie programów nauczania religii rzymskokatolickiej
Environmental Education of the Youth on the Example of the Roman Catholic Religious Education Curricula Collection CEJSH
Zellma, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
teaching religion
environmental education
middle school
high school
methods of environmental education
religious education curriculum
nauczanie religii
edukacja środowiskowa
szkoła gimnazjalna
szkoła ponadgimnazjalna metody edukacji środowiskowej
program nauczania religii
A contemporary young man witnesses the continuous strengthening of the relations and the integration between states, communities and cultures. He participates in the processes of globalization and the notions such as national state and “small homelands” are becoming obsolete. Considering the above, systematic environmental education of the young generation by all teachers, including religion teachers, seems essential.The analyses undertaken in the article seek answers to the question of the scope of environmental education in teaching religion to the youth. The following issues are discussed in more detail: definition of environmental education, environmental education program framework in teaching religion to youth, methods of environmental education included in religion lessons. Reference is made to the religion teaching curriculum in Polish schools. New educational challenges are also indicated.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2014, 28; 243-253
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poglądowość jako zasada działania edukacyjnego nauczyciela religii – analizy w kontekście nowych dokumentów programowych
The use of visual materials in teaching as a principle of educational activities of religion teachers – analyses in the context of new curricula
Zellma, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Religious education
state school
visual methods
teaching standards
core curriculum
The use of visual materials and methods in teaching so as to appeal to students’ senses is one of the earliest defined and most commonly accepted (especially in the twentieth century) principles governing the activities of religion teachers and students in religion lessons. In order to adhere to this principle one needs a detailed knowledge of teaching norms and methodological guidelines set down under the new religion curricula. In this article, an attempt will be made at describing the use of visual materials as a principle on which the teacher’s educational activities are based in the context of the amended “Core curriculum of the Catholic Church catechesis in Poland” and “Curriculum of RomanCatholic religion teaching”, approved in 2010 by the Commission for Catholic Education of the Polish Episcopal Conference. One shall begin with the understanding of the use of visual materials in general and catechetic didactics. Then, one shall analyse the issues related to this rule as a principle on which the religion teacher’s educational activities are based as proposed in the new, abovementioned curricula. In the conclusion, one describes catechetic suggestions for the authors of new series of textbooks and religion education materials as well as for religion teachers.
Studia Elbląskie; 2011, 12; 437-449
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szkolne nauczanie religii rzymskokatolickiej jako miejsce motywowania młodzieży do chrześcijańskiego działania
School Teaching of the Roman Catholic Religion as a Means of Motivating Young People to Christian Action
Zellma, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
teaching the Roman Catholic religion
motivating young people
Christian action
middle school
high schools
curriculum documents for religious education
nauczanie religii rzymskokatolickiej
motywowanie młodzieży
chrześcijańskie działanie
szkoła gimnazjalna
szkoła ponadgimnazjalna
dokumenty programowe edukacji religijnej
edukacja religijna
The teaching of the Roman Catholic religion at school involves a variety of didactic, educational and evangelizing measures. Among them special care is taken to support students in developing motivation for Christian action. The scope of this catechetical activity has been clearly defined in curriculum documents for religious education, referred to in the core curriculum of catechesis and the religious education syllabus.The paper analyzes the teaching of the Roman Catholic religion at school as a means conducive to motivating young people to Christian action. First, the nature of the teaching of the Roman Catholic religion in middle school and high schools is indicated. In this context, attention is drawn to the core curriculum in the aspect of motivating young people to Christian action. The following factors are presented in a sequence: goals, objectives and content of religious education as well as guidance how to achieve the objectives of the curriculum related to the above-mentioned are of work of the religion teacher. A brief concluding section includes, besides a synthesis of the discussed points, indications concerning empirical research.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2013, 27; 231-242
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
What we should teach and what we teach – a consideration of educational illusions
Zawadzka-Bartnik, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Collegium Novum. Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne
educational illusions
goals and their current implementation
education of foreign language teachers
“hidden curriculum”
educational effectiveness
złudzenia edukacyjne
cele a ich realizacja
kształcenie nauczycieli języków obcych
„ukryty program”
efektywność edukacji
The aim of this article is to point out significant differences between the planned goals of education and their current implementation as indicated by research in schools (by students and teachers) and in institutions of further education which prepare future teachers for the profession. I refer to the notion of the “hidden curriculum” and its influence on students and teachers, which are (among others): an instrumental approach to the teaching and learning process, curricular and organizational inadequacies, and our unconscious attitudes, which are the essential cause of educational illusions. The article ends with suggestions on how to improve effectiveness in education.
Neofilolog; 2015, 44/2; 139-153
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jak Walijczycy reformują swoją oświatę?
How do the Welsh reform their education?
Zawadowska, Janina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
European programme Leonardo da Vinci
Project „New ideas in rural education - A Small School and a Small Kindergarten”
education reform in Wales
the document „Wales: the Learning Country”
holistic education
core curriculum
teacher education
The article contains a description of the experience of the representatives of the Federation of Educational Initiatives and the Association for the Development of Educational Initiatives at a study visit in Wales which took place in October 2008 under the European Programme Leonardo da Vinci, project: “New ideas in rural education: A Small School and a Small Kindergarten”. Its aim was to familiarize the participants with the process of introduction of a reform of education which had been initiated by the drafting of a document “Wales: the Learning Country”. My comments are on the planned changes in methods, core curriculum, and teacher education (for example, Trinity College in Carmarthen).
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji; 2014, 26, 3; 137-143
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czytelnicy zaangażowani na lekcji języka polskiego
Engaged readers in Polish language lessons
Zasacka, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
reading engagement
reader’s response in the classroom
Polish didactics
Polish language curriculum
research on children’s and youth reading habits and attitudes
zaangażowanie czytelnicze
szkolny odbiór literatury
dydaktyka polonistyczna
program nauczania języka polskiego
badania czytelnictwa dzieci i młodzieży
Artykuł, wychodząc od wyników badań empirycznych śledzących motywacje czytelnicze uczniów w relacji do osiągnięć edukacyjnych, analizuje właściwości zaangażowania czytelniczego. Rozpatrywane są okoliczności sprzyjające zaangażowaniu czytelniczemu jako postawie niwelującej nierówności edukacyjne. Poddane zostały dyskusji możliwe działania dydaktyczne, które pozwoliłyby na rozwijanie motywacji czytelniczych uczniów. Wśród najistotniejszych przesłanek wskazujących na okoliczności budujące taką postawę jest ciekawość, zainteresowanie czytanym tekstem oraz umiejętność czerpania satysfakcji z recepcji złożonych narracji, także fikcjonalnych. Synergia między lekturami szkolnymi i pozaszkolnymi może stanowić taką szansę. Dyskusja na lekcji języka polskiego to najlepszy sposób uruchomienia społecznego wymiaru motywacji czytelniczych – relacje rówieśnicze mogą zostać wykorzystane do budowania zaangażowania czytelniczego.
Starting from the results of empirical research on students’ reading motivations in relation to educational achievements, this article analyzes the properties of reading engagement. The circumstances conducive to reading engagement are considered as an attitude that eliminates educational inequalities. Possible didactic activities that would allow to develop students’ reading motivations were discussed. Among the most important premises indicating the circumstances building such an attitude is curiosity, interest in the text being read and the ability to derive satisfaction from the reception of complex narratives, including fictional ones. Synergy between school and beyond school duties reading can be such an opportunity. Discussion in a Polish language lesson is the best way to activate the social dimension of reading motivations – peer relationships can be used to build reading engagement.
Polonistyka. Innowacje; 2022, 15; 103-116
Pojawia się w:
Polonistyka. Innowacje
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wychowanie fizyczne w szkołach – metody prowadzenia edukacji zdrowotnej
Physical Education at Schools – Methods of Health-Oriented Education
Zaleski-Ejgierd, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
physical education
health-oriented education
Four years ago, the curriculum of physical education was changed and the organisation of physical education classes was modified. Now, the basic curriculum of physical education is presented in the form of requirements that should be treated as personal development indicators. Connections between physical education classes and health-oriented education are clearly presented. However, as NIK’s recent audit shows, qualitative changes can hardly ever be observed. Physical education classes are held on the basis of outdated curriculums, and disregard the new didactical contents of the new basic curriculum. Moreover, the number of classes and the division into groups during classes do not comply with the legal requirements.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2014, 59, 5 (358); 39-54
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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