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Ku pamięci Niezłomnym : 17 maja 2009 r. odsłonięty i poświęcony został pomnik katyński na cmentarzu św. Wojciecha w Chicago przez Prymasa Polski, Kardynała Józefa Glempa
Jaworski, Jan.
Seweryn, Wojciech M.
Rodowód II 2009, nr 19, s. 73-74
Data publikacji:
Glemp Józef
Autorem rzeźby i inicjatorem budowy był Wojciech M. Seweryn, którego ojciec zginął w Kozielsku.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Pomnik katyński w Chicago : historia : na Cmentarzu Świętego Wojciecha stanął pomnik upamiętniający Polaków wymordowanych w Katyniu
Zychowicz, Piotr.
Seweryn, Wojciech M.
Rzeczpospolita 2009, nr 117, s. A8
Data publikacji:
Glemp Józef
Uroczystość poświęcenia pomnika w której uczestniczył krd. Józef Glemp. Autorem rzeźby i inicjatorem budowy był Wojciech M. Seweryn-jego ojca zamordowano w Kozielsku.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Przestrzeń miasta a niedostosowanie
The city space and maladjustment
Sawicki, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
niedostosowanie społeczne
przestrzeń miasta
szkoła Chicago
juvenile delinquency
urban space
Chicago school
W tekście dokonano analizy założeń teoretycznych oraz wyników badań amerykańskich socjologów i kryminologów, w których starano się wskazać środowiskowe prawidłowości warunkujące niedostosowanie społeczne. W interpretacji terminu „środowisko” skupiono się na jego przestrzennym charakterze. Przeanalizowano sposoby definiowania terminu środowisko oraz terminów pokrewnych („środowisko lokalne”, „środowisko wychowawcze”). Analizując czynniki kryminogenne środowiska odniesiono się do wymiaru infrastrukturalnego od szkoły Chicago po współczesność. Poza koncepcjami teoretycznymi wskazano również możliwe sposoby działania z zakresu profilaktyki i resocjalizacji realizowane w środowisku otwartym.
The text examines the theoretical assumptions of the analysis and research of American sociologists and criminologists which describe the environmental determinants of juvenile delinquency. The interpretation of the term “environment” is focused on its spatial character. The various ways in which the term environment, and related terms (“local environment” and “educational environment”), can be defined are analyzed. In describing the criminal influences of an environment, references are made ranging from the Chicago School to the present day. Besides theoretical concepts other possible modes of action for prevention and rehabilitation that are to be carried out in the open environment are also presented.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2014, 7; 71-83
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social factors conditioning the tourist activity and destinations of Chicago Polonia
Ziółkowska-Weiss, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
social factors
tourist activity
Staying in social groups is inseparably connected with the process of socialization and upbringing. Educational environments play a significant role in shaping human attitudes, including those towards tourist activity. Family and school are part of those educational environments whose impact is of a special nature. The main objective is to present the social factors conditioning tourist activity and destinations among Chicago Polonia. Among these factors, the family situation, family patterns, a lack of family tradition, membership of an organization, an individual desire to discover new places and a lack of free time have been distinguished. The aim is to check whether affiliation to an organization influences a greater frequency of tourist trips of Chicago Polonia and whether it has an impact on the choice of tourist destination.
Turyzm; 2017, 27, 2; 113-121
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czynniki społeczne warunkujące aktywność i destynacje turystyczne chicagowskiej Polonii
Ziółkowska-Weiss, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
czynniki społeczne
aktywność turystyczna
Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie czynników społecznych warunkujących aktywność oraz destynacje turystyczne chicagowskiej Polonii. Wśród tych czynników wyróżniono takie aspekty, jak: sytuacja rodzinna, wzorce rodzinne, brak tradycji rodzinnej, przynależność do organizacji, indywidualna chęć wyjazdu/poznawanie nowych miejsc oraz brak wolnego czasu. Celem badania było również sprawdzenie, czy przynależność do organizacji wpływa na większą częstotliwość wyjazdów turystycznych Polonii chicagowskiej w ciągu roku oraz czy ma ona wpływ na wybór kierunku wyjazdu turystycznego.
Turyzm; 2017, 27, 2; 121-130
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chicagowska wiosna Przybosia. O Tymoteuszu Karpowiczu promującym polską awangardę
Kokoszka, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Tymoteusz Karpowicz
Julian Przyboś
Czesław Miłosz
The Norwid Society at Chicago
Towarzystwo Norwidowskie w Chicago
Tekst nawiązuje do Międzynarodowej Konferencji Przybosia zorganizowanej w dniach 8–9 kwietnia 1992 r. na University of Illinois w Chicago, ale głównym bohaterem artykułu jest Tymoteusz Karpowicz, spiritus movens tego przedsięwzięcia, poeta, dramaturg i profesor UIC . Autorka tekstu opisuje próby popularyzacji polskiej tradycji awangardowej wśród amerykańskiej Polonii. Próbuje także zbadać związek między działalnością naukową i popularno-naukową Karpowicza a jego preferencjami estetycznymi, proponowanym modelem poezji czy stosunkiem do innych poetów ( Cypriana Kamila Norwida, Bolesława Leśmiana, Juliana Przybosia czy Czesława Miłosza). Artykuł jest refleksją na temat estetycznych i etycznych wymagań Karpowicza wobec sztuki: jego zamiłowania do jednorodnych wzorców literackich oraz przekonania, że poezja jest szersza niż słowa, że twórczość i życie są nierozłączne.
The text refers to the International Conference on Przyboś organised on April 8–9, 1992, at University of Illinois at Chicago, but the main character of the article is Tymoteusz Karpowicz, spiritus movens of that undertaking, the poet, dramatist and professor at UIC. The authoress of the text describes his attempts to popularise the Polish avant-garde tradition among American Polonia. She also tries to investigate the relationship between Karpowicz’s scientific and popular science activity and his aesthetic preferences, proposed poetry model or attitude to other poets (such as Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Bolesław Leśmian, Julian Przyboś or Czesław Miłosz). The article is a reflection on Karpowicz’s aesthetic and ethical requirements to art: his passion for unimitative literature models and the conviction that poetry is broader than words, that creativity and life are inseparable.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2020, 15, 10; 282-297
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neoliberalizm szkoły chicagowskiej a kryzys gospodarczy XXI wieku w Stanach Zjednoczonych
Chicago School’s neoliberalism and the economic crisis of the 21st century in the United States
Kowalski, Damian
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
United States
neoliberalism of the Chicago trend
Motywacja: Krach na amerykańskim rynku finansowym w 2008 roku zapoczątkował kryzys o charakterze globalnym. Rozpoczęła się poważna debata nad jego przyczynami, a w niej pojawiają się głosy o istotnej roli neoliberalnych założeń nurtu chicagowskiego, postrzeganego jako koncepcja ekonomiczna i ideologia dotykająca szeroko rozumianej sfery polityczno-społecznej. Chęć przedstawienia takiej krytycznej oceny stanowiła bezpośrednią przyczynę podjęcia niniejszego tematu. Cel: Celem artykułu jest zidentyfikowanie potencjalnego wpływu neoliberalizmu szkoły chicagowskiej oraz polityki gospodarczej państwa, prowadzonej na gruncie tej doktryny na kryzys gospodarczy 2008+ w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Materiały i metody: Wykorzystano metodę krytycznej analizy literatury z zakresu teorii kryzysów gospodarczych, neoliberalizmu, neoliberalizmu szkoły chicagowskiej oraz kryzysu XXI wieku. Wyniki: Ze względu na rozbieżności, trudno jednoznacznie wskazać, czy i w jakim stopniu neoliberalizm nurtu chicagowskiego i polityka gospodarcza państwa, prowadzona na gruncie tej doktryny przyczyniły się do kryzysu gospodarczego 2008+. Ze względu na wyraźnie przeważające głosy przeciwników tej doktryny i ich refleksje, można stwierdzić istnienie takiego wpływu.
Motivation: The crash in the US financial market in 2008 resulted in a crisis of a global nature. A serious debate on its causes has begun, and in it there are voices about the important role of neoliberal assumptions in the Chicago trend, perceived as an economic concept and ideology affecting the broadly understood political and social sphere. The willingness to present such a critical evaluation was the direct cause of this topic. Aim: The aim of the article is to identify the potential impact of the Chicago School’s neoliberalism and the state’s economic policy based on this doctrine on the 2008+ economic crisis in the United States. Materials and methods: A method of critical analysis of literature in the field of economic crises theory, neoliberalism, neoliberalism of the Chicago school and the 21st century crisis was used. Results: Due to the differences, it is difficult to clearly indicate whether and to what extent the Chicago’s neoliberalism and the economic policy based on this doctrine contributed to the 2008+economic crisis. Due to the clearly prevailing voices of opponents of this doctrine and their reflections, it can be concluded that such an influence exists.
Catallaxy; 2019, 4, 2; 95-101
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestrzenne rozmieszczenie Polonii w Wielkiej Metropolii Chicagowskiej
Spatial Distribution of the Polonia in the Large Chicago Metropolitan Area
Ziółkowska-Weiss, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Amerykanie o polskich korzeniach stanowią jedną z najliczniejszych grup narodowościowych zarówno w samym mieście, jak i w Wielkiej Metropolii Chicagowskiej (zaraz po Meksykanach). Stawiając pytanie, ilu Amerykanów polskiego pochodzenia mieszka w Chicago lub na przedmieściach, na ogół nie znajduje się takich samych odpowiedzi. Dysproporcje biorą się stąd, że nie ma konkretnego kryterium, kogo można bądź należy zaliczyć do polskiej grupy narodowościowej, jak również stąd, że nie wszyscy biorą udział w ogólnym spisie ludności. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie rozmieszczenia przestrzennego Polonii zamieszkującej Wielką Metropolię Chicagowską w latach 1980, 1990, 2000 i 2010, oraz analiza zjawiska rozprzestrzeniania się Polonii poza granice miasta Chicago, do innych hrabstw. Analizie poddana została również koncentracja Polaków zamieszkujących poszczególne dzielnice miasta Chicago w roku 1980 i 2010 oraz omówienie zjawiska migrowania przez Polonię ze starych dzielnic śródmiejskich do bogatszych, dalej oddalonych od centrum.
Americans with Polish roots constitute one of the largest ethnic groups, both in the city itself as well as in the Larger Chicago Metropolitan Area (just aft er Mexicans). When trying to answer the question of how many Americans of Polish origin live in Chicago or surrounding areas, the same answers are generally never found twice. Th e reason for such disproportions is that there is no particular criterion who can or should be included in the Polish ethnic group and not all people take part in the general population census as well. Th e objective of the article is to present the spatial distribution of the Polonia in the Larger Chicago Metropolitan Area in the following years: 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010 as well as to analyse the phenomenon of the spreading of the Polonia beyond the boundaries of the city to other counties. Th e concentration of Poles living in specifi c districts of the city of Chicago in the years 1980 and 2010 as well as the discussion of the phenomenon of migration of the Polonia from Inner-city districts to richer ones located further from the centre are also the subject of analysis.
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny; 2018, 44, 1 (167); 49-68
Pojawia się w:
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
God and Man at the University of Chicago: Religious Commitments of Three Economists
Hammond, Daniel
Data publikacji:
International Étienne Gilson Society
Milton Friedman
Frank H. Knight
John U. Nef
Chicago School
academic community
American society
University of Chicago
The purpose of this paper is to examine how three very different Chicago economists, Milton Friedman, Frank H. Knight, and John U. Nef, Jr., handled the question of God and religion. The author shows that for each of these three figures, their stance on reli-gion set limits on the effectiveness of their intellectual efforts in the public sphere of their university, the larger academic community, and American society.
Studia Gilsoniana; 2021, 10, 5; 1183-1217
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gilsoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Agnostic Interactionism and Sensitizing Concepts in the 21st Century: Developing Shaffirian Theory-Work in Ethnographic Research
Kelly, Benjamin
Adorjan, Michael
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Qualitative Methods
Chicago School
Symbolic Interactionism
Sensitizing Concepts
In this paper, we reflect upon our experiences taking a graduate qualitative methodology course with Dr. William (Billy) Shaffir. We highlight Billy’s approach to ethnographic research and his declaration to “just do it.” Rather than just absorbing theoretical knowledge from the literature, Billy taught us to be wary of the dangers of a prior theorization and how it can distort rather than shed light on empirical investigations. Despite his belief that sociological theory is far too often abstract and removed from real-world contexts, he nevertheless provided us with a latent theoretical commitment to concept formation, modification, and testing in the field that guides our research to this day. We explore Shaffir’s agnostic and at times ironic approach to theory and demonstrate how his specific type of theory-work, derived from Everett Hughes’ and Howard Becker’s interactionist perspective on “people doing things together,” influenced how many of his students study occupations and organizations via sensitizing concepts. Billy managed to get us to think differently about how we theorize in the field and how to cultivate a playful and healthy skeptical attitude towards its application. This type of agnostic-interactionism does not dismiss theory outright, but is always vigilant and mindful of how easy it is for practitioners of theory to slip into obfuscation and reification. We conclude with a Shaffir inspired theory-work that argues for the continuing significance of an agnostic stance towards ethnographic and qualitative inquiry; one that continues to sensitize the researcher to generic social processes through which agency-structure is mediated and accomplished.   
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2020, 16, 2; 76-91
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aktywność polityczna uchodźców „Solidarności” w Chicago w latach 1980–1989
Political Activism among Solidarity Refugees in Chicago, 1980–1989
Erdmans, Mary Patrice
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
uchodźcy „Solidarności”, Polonia w Chicago, ruchy społeczne, sieć
Social movements emerge from established networks, and movement participation strengthens existing solidarities and alters identities. How do these solidarities survive the disruption of emigration? This paper focuses on the activities of Solidarity refugees in Chicago during the 1980s, and, in particular, the organizations Freedom for Poland and Solidarnosc Wspolnota Rozproszonych /Brotherhood of Dispersed Solidarity Members, as well as organizations formed around the 1989 elections and the economic and political changes in its aftermath. Data were collected through participant observation, interviews, organizational archives, and surveys. This case study shows that there were strong concrete and ideological ties between Solidarity refugees in Chicago and the opposition in Poland. In sum, while emigration dispersed refugees, commitment (to the movement), pre-existing networks (to Poland), and renewed networks (in the U.S.) helped Solidarity refugees reconstitute on foreign soil and continue “to fight the good fight” from abroad.
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2014, 2(24); 423-445
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chicago: Where Polygraph Becomes a Science
Slowik, Stanley M.
Horvath, Frank S.
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
History of polygraph
polygraph in Chicago
John E. Reid
In the 1920’s, earlier work on polygraph instrumentation and procedure in Europe and the United States came together in Chicago where John Reid and Fred Inbau at the Scientific Crime Laboratory applied extensive field observations in real life criminal cases to create the Comparison Question and semi-objective scoring technique, the factors that allowed polygraph to achieve scientific status. While Chicago was not the first place the instrumental detection of deception was attempted, it was the place where the contemporary, comparison question technique was first developed and polygraph became a science. This fortuitous development was the result of the unlikely assemblage of a remarkable group of polygraph pioneers and a ready supply of criminal suspects. It is impossible to pinpoint when people first began noticing the relationship between lying and observable changes in the body. The early Greeks founded the science of physiognomy in which they correlated facial expressions and physical gestures to impute various personality characteristics. The ancient Asians noted the connection between lying and saliva concluding that liars have a difficult time chewing and swallowing rice when being deceptive. Clearly, behavioral detection of deception pre-dates instrumental detection of deception which, it is equally clear, is European in origin. By 1858 Etienne-Jules Marey, the grandfather of cinematography recently feted in Martin Scorsese’s film Hugo, and Claude Bernard, a French physiologist, described how emotions trigger involuntary physiological changes and created a “cardiograph” that recorded blood pressure and pulse changes to stimuli such as nausea and stress (Bunn, 2012). Cesare Lombroso, often credited as the founder of criminology, published the first of five editions of L’uomo delinquente in 1876 in which he postulated that criminals were degenerates or throwbacks to earlier forms of human development. Lombroso later modified his theory of “born criminals” by creating three heretical classes of criminals: habitual, insane and emotional or passionate (Lombroso, 1876). By 1898, Hans Gross, the Austrian jurist credited with starting the field of criminalistics, rejected the notion of “born criminals” and postulated that each crime was a scientific problem that should be resolved by the best of scientific and technical investigative aides (Gross, 2014). In 1906, Carl Jung used a galvanometer and glove blood pressure apparatus with a word association test and concluded that the responses of suspected criminals and mental perverts were the same (Jung, 1907). In order to appreciate the important polygraph contributions that occurred in Chicago, one needs to first consider what was happening at Harvard University and in Berkeley, California at the beginning of the 2oth Century.
European Polygraph; 2019, 13, 1(47); 7-23
Pojawia się w:
European Polygraph
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie działalności polskich biur podróży w Chicago
Ziółkowska-Weiss, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
travel agencies
Polish people
biuro podróży
Celem artykułu jest omówienie specyfiki działalności polskich biur podróży w Chicago, które niewątpliwie wpływają na wybierane destynacje turystyczne mieszkańców tego miasta. Autorka pragnie przedstawić dane, które zostały zebrane od 16 z 27 biur podróży działających na terenie objętym badaniem, dzięki przeprowadzonym wywiadom pogłębionym z pracownikami oraz właścicielami biur podróży. Badania prowadzone były w 2014 roku. Dzięki danym z biur podróży przedstawione zostaną destynację najczęściej wybierane przez Polaków, liczba klientów, ilość wydawanych przez nich pieniędzy oraz specyfika funkcjonowania polskich biur podróży w Chicago. Dokonana zostanie dokładna charakterystyka największych i najprężniej działających polskich biur podróży w Chicago takich jak: RekTravel, Saint Bernard Travel, Alma Travel Agency oraz Exotica Travel. Z badań sondażowych przeprowadzonych przez autorkę wynika, że pomimo rozwoju internetowych biur podróży, znaczna część chicagowskiej Polonii korzysta z tradycyjnych biur podróży, a swoje podróże planuje ze znacznym wyprzedzeniem. Artykuł ma charakter badawczy.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica; 2016, 10
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Conditions for lawful shooting down a civilian aircraft in light of Article 3bis (a) of the Chicago Convention
Byczyński, Michał
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Instytut Nauki o Polityce
civil aviation
Chicago Convention
downing an aircraft
This study aims to review potential issues when applying Article 3bis (a) of the Chicago Convention. This provision sets a number of conditions that have to be fulfilled when using weapons against a civil aircraft in flight. The most controversial issue concerns the possible exception from the general prohibition of downing an aircraft pursuant to the UN Charter. There are some interpretative controversies linked to the possibility of invoking the right to self-defence by states (e.g., whether the state that is neutralizing the potentially rogue aircraft can act in anticipation of an armed attack) and these inaccuracies will be addressed by the author. All of these issues implicate the character of the prohibition enshrined in Article 3bis (a) as such and thus have a huge impact on states’ real abilities of protecting their people, for example in situations of terrorist threats.
Polish Journal of Political Science; 2021, 7, 1; 7-22
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Political Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The John Paul II Association of Polish Writers in Chicago: a Report on the Activities in the Years 2006-2013
Panasiuk, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
Polish literature abroad
Polish poetry
American poetry
21st century
The John Paul II Association of Polish Writers in Chicago
During his two-year stay in America Cyprian Norwid wrote one of the most beautiful hymns of longing: “ For the country where a piece of bread Is picked up from the ground with respect Due to a heavens’ gift... I am longing, my Lord...". The Polish Writers Association of John Pope II (PWA) was founded on 9th July 2006. Maciej Andrzej Zarębski, a guest from Poland and honarary member of the Board of PWA, was present at the first official meeting of the Association. Members of the Board of PWA in Chicago in the years 2006-2013 The Board of the Polish Writers Association was formed for the term of 2006-2010 and Alina Szymczyk was elected President of the Association, Elżbieta Chojnowska – Vice-President and Władysław Panasiuk – Secretary. Later, Janusz Kopeć and Andrzej Chojnowski were added to the Board as new members. Since February 2010 to March 2012 the PWA was directed by the President –Alina Szymczyk, the Vice-President – Andrzej Chojnowski, the Secretary – Robert Paweł Redliński, the Members – Janusz Kliś and Jan Kamiński, and the Man of Trust – Józef Maciasz Broda. Since 18th January 2012 to the election of 21st March 2012 the Board consisted of the following persons: President – Alina Szymczyk, Vice-President – Andrzej Chojnowski, Secretary – Anna Konarska, the Members: Janusz Kliś, Jan Kamiński, Man of Trust – Józef Maciasz Broda. On 21st March 2012 an election meeting took place and a new board was created: President – Alina Szymczyk, Vice-President – Andrzej Chojnowski, Secretary – Barbara Żukrowska, Financial Secretary – Maria Mili Purymska, Man of Trust – Józef Maciasz Broda, President of the Control Committee – Jan Żółtek, Delegate of ZKP (Związek Klubów Polskich, the Polish Clubs Alliance) – Robert Paweł Redliński. Members of the Polish Writers Association On 23rd June 2013 the John Paul II Polish Writers Association included the following members (names given in the alphabetical order; if not written otherwise - the country of residence is the United States of America): 1) Antoni Bosak, 2) Andrzej Chojnowski, 3) Leonard Gogiel, 4) Elżbieta Idziak, 5) Janusz Kliś, 6) Anna Marzena Konarska, 7) Józef Maciasz Broda, 8) Henryk Musa, 9) Wadysław Janusz Obara (Poland), 10) Elżbieta Oliwkiewicz-Alen, 11) Bogusław Pacer, 12) Eleonora Przybyło-Trzpit, 13) Maria Mili Purymska, 14) Katarzyna Murawska, 15) Robert Paweł Redliński, 16) Anna Waluś Sikoń, 17) Marianna Maja Soroborska, 18) Ewa Sporna, 19) Grzegorz Stefanek, 20) Alina Szymczyk, 21) Izabela Trzaska-Przybylska, 22) Jan Żółtek, 23) Barbara Żubrowska. Natalia Poneta Piekarska and Maciej Andrzej Zarębski are the honorary members of the John Paul II Polish Writers Association. The Jesuits – spiritual guardians of the John Paul II Polish Writers Association Father Władysław Gryzło SJ became a spiritual guardian of the PWA when it was founded, i.e. in 2006. At the beginning he attended the literary meetings of the poets as a convivial guest. A little later Father Tadeusz Kukułka SJ replaced him as a mentor of the PWA, but shortly afterwards he was called back to join his congregation in Krakow. His replacement was Father Superior Stanisław Czarnecki SJ; at present the spiritual guardian of the Association is Father Jerzy Karpiński SJ. Secular poets and their spiritual guardians meet, become friends and then have to part when the mentors are transferred to other posts by their religious authorities, but a close connection between the Polish Chicago poets and the Jesuit Society is maintained. Activities of the John Paul II Polish Writers Association – poetry meetings Although the location of the Association was the building of the Polish Club Alliance, most meetings took place in the Jesuit Center in Chicago. At the beginning the group consisted only of nine persons, but new members were joining in and were added to the list. They represented various levels of the art of writing. On the one hand, among the members there were experienced writers, but on the other – there were many who were just beginners. The main aim of the Association has been to help all the writers, particularly those that are starting their careers. Evenings of poetry reading, organized by the Association, were getting considerable coverage in local media in Chicago. Many people came to the literary meetings, among them journalists working for the press as well as those working for radio and television, professional writers, people involved in culture and art. From the beginning the Association supported new writers, providing similar promotion for them regardless of their origin and previous work. The first poetry volumes were published which brought joy and satisfaction to their authors. Press reviews and interviews in local radio stations were helpful to the writers to reach their readers. Now only a few poets write for their own circles, whereas the members of the PWA write for the whole world making use of the Internet. It is an ambitious challenge, but the number of the readers is growing constantly, and, in fact, no one knows their exact number. The main force behind the organization has always been Alina Szymczyk, the other authors were only helping her. There were meetings with such writers as, for instance, Krystyna Nowobilska who spent the best years of her life in Syberia. Each month there are meetings organized for new poets and writers both the local ones from Chicago, as well as outsiders. (Teresa Kaczorowska, Natalia Piekarska-Poneta). Not all the members of the PWA are writers and poets and not all the poems meet the requirements for publication, but still the PWA has published and has helped to promote many new names. For some time now the PWA has been organizing workshops conducted by Wladyslaw Panasiuk. Poetry needs patience and time and is not an easy task. Alina Szymczyk, President of the Association, has organized two workshops led by Agnieszka Janik from Wrocław. All this has been done for the benefit of the writers as writing requires constant education and improvement of its skills. The Jesuit Center in Chicago regularly hosts such events as Poets’ Spring and Poets’ Fall which provide occasions for finding true poetic talents. It also has to be mentioned that the PWA has been supported by the local actors, radio announcers and television. Since 2009 the WPA has its own internet site ( where you can find the catalogue of the achievements of all the members as well as the news about the activities of the Association. Joint publications of the PWA The WPA has been publishing literary almanacs since 2006. The first publication of this kind was devoted to the patron of the Association – John Paul II. Every year the Regional Society in Zagnansk, the publishing house of Maciej Zarębski who is a traveler, a writer and a regionalist, issues one volume of poetry which includes some members of the WPA among its contributors. (see: bibliography). (...).
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 3(3); 161-166
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Hughesian Legacy: William Shaffir—A Principal Interpreter of the Chicago School Diaspora in Canada
Low, Jacqueline
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Herbert Blumer
George Herbert Mead
Georg Simmel
Everett C. Hughes
William Shaffir
Symbolic Interactionism
Fieldwork Method
The Chicago School
The Chicago School Diaspora
In this paper, I discuss the invaluable role played by William Shaffir, my mentor and doctoral supervisor, who shaped my approach to interpretive fieldwork and deepened my understanding of symbolic interactionist theory. Known affectionately as Billy to his colleagues and students, Shaffir is a gifted educator and one of the finest ethnographic researchers of his generation. My focus is on how the scholarly tradition that flows from Georg Simmel through Robert Park, Herbert Blumer, and Everett C. Hughes, passed from Billy on to me, is illustrative of what Low and Bowden (2013) conceptualize as the Chicago School Diaspora. This concept does not refer to the scattering of a people, but rather to how key ideas and symbolic representations of key figures associated with the Chicago School have been taken up by those who themselves are not directly affiliated with the University of Chicago. In this regard, while not a key figure of the Chicago School himself, Shaffir stands at the boundary between the Chicago School of sociology and scholars with no official relationship to the School. As such he is a principal interpreter of the Chicago School Diaspora in Canadian Sociology.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2020, 16, 2; 14-26
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A short note on the origins of the International Civil Aviation Organization on its 65th anniversary
Kraśnicka, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Civil Aviation, Chicago Convention, International Civil Aviation Organization, air services
In December 1944 the International Civil Aviation Conference took place in Chicago, USA. Representatives of 50 states met to discuss new approaches toward the challenges of civil aviation in the post-war era. This article aims to present a historical note of the event, different interests and attitudes of the participants involved in the discussion, as well as the outcomes of the conference including the establishment of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2012, 11; 301-314
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czechs and Poles in Chicago: Pan-Slavism and the Origins of the Cermak Demecratic Machine, 1860-1931
Pacyga, Dominic A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
While Poles rejected Pan-Slavic ideas in Europe, especially those that saw Russia as the protector of the Slavs, in Chicago a type of Pan-Slavism quickly emerged in the years after the Civil War. Polish and Czech immigrants forged a working relationship based on their common Slavic identity and on the realities of immigration, social class, and shared space in the city’s neighborhoods. These two groups also confronted anti-immigrant and anti-working class biases in the city. Their relationship with the German American community, a politically and culturally powerful group in Chicago, often proved to be problematic. During World War One, the Slavic coalition actively attacked Chicago’s Germans in an attempt to gain more political power. This coalition eventually resulted in the creation of a political machine under the leadership of Anton Čermak, an immigrant from Bohemia, who became the city’s only foreign-born mayor in 1931.
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny; 2015, 41, 4 (158); 55-68
Pojawia się w:
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polish Immigration to Chicago and the Impact on Local Society and Culture
Polska imigracja do Chicago i jej wpływ na społeczność lokalną i kulturę
Mello, Caitlin
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Chełmie
Polish Americans
polscy Amerykanie
Imigracja polska do Stanów Zjednoczonych odbyła się w trzech rzutach przypadających na lata 1880-1920, późne lata czterdzieste (1940-) i w latach osiemdziesiątych (1980-). Wówczas, emigranci ci osiedlali się na terenie całego kraju ale większość zdecydowała się na Chicago, gdzie wielu Polaków osiedliło się już we wczesnych latach osiemdziesiątych XIX wieku. Żyjąc w Chicago i innych większych miastach, polscy imigranci i polscy Amerykanie zaczęli w znaczący sposób wpływać na różnorodna formy egzystencji. Z biegiem czasu, tym imigranckim grupom udało się wpłynąć na zmiany w policji federalnej, w języku polskim używanym w miastach amerykańskich a także zmienić stosunek do religii wyznawanej przez społeczność wywodzącą się w znacznej mierze z kościoła katolickiego w Polsce. Niniejszy artykuł omawia trzy główne fale imigracji, skupiając się na wpływach każdej z grup na Chicago i okolice.
Language. Culture. Politics. International Journal; 2020, 1; 183-193
Pojawia się w:
Language. Culture. Politics. International Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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