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Transformacje polityczno-ekonomiczne w Afryce: od kolonializmu do demokracji i rozwoju - przypadek Botswany
Political and economical transformations in Africa: From colonialism to democracy and development - the case of Botswana
Bichta, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
It is very unusual what happened in Botswana after the colonialism period. On a contrary to other African countries they managed to change the poverty into development and wealth. What's more important Botswana avoided wars, humanitarian catastrophes and internal conflicts. The country introduced democracy in 1966 and stayed democratic and multi-party till today. One may say: they discovered diamonds and that's the whole story. Not exactly, because that was not the only factor. Apart from this diamonds or gold were discovered in many African countries and they failed to move forward, get wealthier and more developed. So why did Botswana succeed? How they did it? What were the factors that affected such transformation? The article answers these questions and also describes the process of political and economical changes. It also introduces into country's party system and tries to forecast what will become in the future Botswana.
Forum Politologiczne; 2012, 13 - "Stare" i "nowe" mocarstwa w Afryce - stygmaty kulturowe, religijne, polityczne, ekonomiczne i społeczne; 677-699
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lithostratigraphic classification of the Tsodilo Hills Group: a Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic metasedimentary succession in NW Botswana
Wendorff, Marek
Świąder, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
siliciclastic shelf
The Tsodilo Hills Group strata exposed in the Tsodilo Hills are an association of meta-arenites, metaconglomerates, quartz-mica schists, sandstone, red siltstone and sedimentary breccia deposited on an open siliciclastic marine shelf between the Late Palaeoproterozic and Late Mesoproterozoic, and outcropping in NW Botswana. The succession is dominated by three micaceous quartzite units interlayered with subordinate lenses and wedges of other rock types. Facies gradients from S to N are expressed by: decreasing content of muscovite at all levels of metasediment organisation from thin wedge-shaped units to thick quartzite complexes, as well as a decrease in pebble content and increase in arenaceous matrix in some metaconglomerate beds, matching regional palaeotransport direction. Well-rounded pebbles of extrabasinal rocks are flat, suggesting redeposition from a beach environment. Lenticular conglomeratic bodies with erosional lower boundaries represent infills of local incisions in the sandy bottom sediments. The abundance of laterally discontinuous lithological units reflects shelf palaeotopography controlled and modified by deposition and migration of large bed forms, ranging from megaripple marks (or submarine dunes) to sand waves. Deposition was influenced by tides and two regressive events. The older regression resulted in a marker unit of tidal mudflat-related red-bed facies: mudstone, siltstone, channel-fill sandstone and sedimentary breccia. The second regression is indicated by a tabular conglomerate marker reflecting increased input of coarse terrigenous material.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2019, 45, 4; 305-318
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Outline of lithostratigraphy, sedimentation and tectonics of the Tsodilo Hills Group, a Neoproterozoic-Lower Palaeozoic siliciclastic succession in NW Botswana
Litostratygrafia, sedymentacja i tektonika grupy tsodilo hills, neoproterozoiczno-dolnopaleozoicznej sukcesji silikoklastycznej w nw Botswanie
Wendorff, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
siliciclastic shelf
Damara belt
The Tsodilo Hills Group is an association of meta-quartzites, meta-conglomerates and quartz-mica schists altered to kyanite metamorphic grade and outcropping in NW Botswana. The unit is a part of the regional Neoproterozoic–Lower Palaeozoic succession deformed during the Pan-African orogenesis and present in the Damara belt of Namibia to the west, in which the main orogenic event occurred at ca. 534–516 Ma, and in the Katangan suite of the Lufilian arc in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo to the north-east. Sedimentary structures, textures, mineral composition, facies trends and palaeocurrent patterns suggest that the deposition of the Tsodilo Hills Group strata took place on an open continental shelf influenced by tides and supplied with siliciclastic material derived from a source area elevated to the south of the depository. The ongoing sedimentation was punctuated by two regressive stages. The older one is reflected by an association of red mudstone, siltstone and sandstones/quartzites, and incised in them channel-fill sandstone bodies with bimodalbipolar palaeocurrent patterns, which are interpreted here as deposits of tidal mudflats intersected by tidal creeks. Enrichment of these rocks in phosphorous was probably caused by upwelling of deep ocean waters reflecting sea-level changes. The second regression was related to an increased input of terrigenous material and is indicated by a conglomerate marker bed. Numerous shear zones, a few small-scale reverse faults and one major thrust, displacing strata towards the south-west, deform the succession. The degree of deformation evolves laterally along the strike of this structure from a prominent thrust in the southern part of the Tsodilo Hills to a thin shear zone in the north.
Praca prezentuje w zarysie nowe wyniki badań nad grupą Tsodilo Hills, odsłaniającą się w północno-zachodniej części Botswany. Jednostka ta reprezentowana jest przez zmetamorfizowane skały terrygeniczne: kwarcyty, piaskowce, zlepieńce i łupki muskowitowe będące cześcią sukcesji deponowanych od neoproterozoiku, a następnie zdeformowanych we wczesnym paleozoiku podczas orogenezy panafrykańskiej, której maksimum w orogenie Damara w Namibii, bezposrednio na zachód od dyskutowanego obszaru, przypada na okres ok. 534-516 Ma. Skały te reprezentują kyanitową fację metamorficzną. Grupa Tsodilo Hills leży w obrębie pasma orogenicznego Damara, które ciągnie się z Namibii poprzez Botswanę. Jego przedłużenie ku północnemu wschodowi znane jest jako orogeniczny łuk lufilianski (“Lufilian arc”) rozciągający się pomiędzy Zambią na południu a Demokratyczną Republika Konga (DRC) na północy. Struktury i tekstury sedymentacyjne, systemy paleoprądów oraz kierunkowe zmiany facjalne sugerują iż depozycja grupy Tsodilo Hills przebiegała na obszarze otwartego szelfu pozostającego pod wpływami pływów i zaopatrywanego w materiał terrygeniczny dostarczany ze strefy źródlowej położonej na południe od obszaru sedymentacji. Postępująca depozycja została przerwana przez dwa epizody regresywne. Świadectwem pierwszej regresji jest kompleks czerwonych mułowców, pyłowców i piaskowców/kwarcytów erozyjnie rozciętych przez kanały wypełnione piaskowcami o dwukierunkowym warstwowaniu skośnym, interpretowane tutaj jako osady równi pływowych. Wzbogacenie tych skał w fosfor spowodowane było prawdopodobnie przez ‘upwelling’ głębinowych wód oceanicznych wywołany eustatycz nymi zmianami poziomu morza. Druga regresja, której odbiciem jest poziom zlepieńcowy, wywołana była wzrostem intensywności dostawy materiału klastycznego. Sukcesja osadowa jest zdeformowana przez liczne fałdki ciągnione, małoskalowe uskoki wsteczne oraz jedno nasunięcie. Stopień deformacji zmienia się stopniowo wzdłuż biegu tej struktury tak, że wyraźna strefa nasunięcia w południowym sektorze Tsodilo Hills ewoluuje lateralnie w cienką strefę skał nieznacznie zdeformowanych przez ścinanie w obszarze północnym. Kierunkowe struktury tektoniczne wskazują, iż lokalne ruchy nasuwcze skierowane były ku południowemu zachodowi.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2005, 75, 1; 17-25
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modelling of distribution and geometry of lithological complexes of the Ecca Group (the Karoo Supergroup) in SW Botswana
Wendorff, M.
Radwański, L.
Papiernik, B.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
Karoo Supergroup
Ecca Group
deltaic sedimentation
SW Botswana
The Ecca Group, a subdivision of the Karoo Supergroup (Upper Carboniferous - Lower Jurassic) in SW Botswana is a sequence deposited as marine deltaic bodies considered to have been supplied from a cratonic source elevated north of the basin. The Karoo strata in this region are covered unconformably by sands of the Kalahari Beds (Upper Cretaceous - Recent). Therefore the bedrock outcrops are extremely rare, limited in size and a low number of boreholes drilled in this vast area (ca. 340 x 540 km) provide the only insights into the succession of the Karoo Supergroup. Very long distances between individual boreholes make correlation, interpolation between localities and interpretations of geometry of lithological bodies that would provide clues supporting basin analysis by traditional means problematic. To achieve the first approximation of the space-time relations between lithologically complex Ecca Group lithofacies associations modelling of these sediments using Petrel software was performed. These relations in turn suggest evolutionary trends of the basin during deposition of the Ecca Group strata. The model suggests two main zones of supply indicated by two distinctly different patterns of deltaic lithofacies associations, and their evolution controlled by post-Dwyka palaeotopography and its subsequent modifications by local subsidence in the centre of the depository. Initially rapid southward progradation of relatively fine-grained delta body located in the west of the area was followed by subsidence-induced aggradation interrupted by stages of abandonment and marine transgression. Such variations, emphasised by the presence of sandy clinoforms of the delta lobes separated by basinal "fines", imply significant interplay between rates of supply and subsidence. On the other hand, the delta formed in the east contains relatively high proportion of coarse-grained sandstone facies overlying prodelta fines as laterally extensive tabular body formed most probably by lateral migration of distributary channels and delta-front mouthbars, and devoid of abandonment stages. Proximal litofacies of the "western delta" fill the subsiding depocentre and grade distally into synchronously deposited prodelta fines towards the south. By contrast, distal fine-grained prodelta facies fill basin depocentre in the eastern area and are overlain by proximal facies of the "eastern delta".
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2013, 39, 1; 55-70
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mapping of Surface Deformation and Displacement Associated with the 6.5 Magnitude Botswana Earthquake of 3 April 2017 Using DInSAR Analysis
Thomas, Abraham
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR)
Botswana earthquake
The DInSAR analysis was performed for mapping surface deformation and displacement associated with the 6.5 magnitude Botswana earthquake of 3 April 2017 using Sentinel 1 data and SNAP. The analyses involved: coregistration of SAR images, interferogram formation, debursting, merging of sub swaths, topographic phase removal, phase filtering, phase unwrapping, orthorectification and calculation of vertical displacement for two situations (unmasked and masked with a layer of coherence ≥0.6). The vertical displacement for the unmasked situation ranged from −122 mm to +136 mm whereas in the masked layer it ranged from −84 mm to +122 mm. Negative surface deformation (subsidence) is seen in the epicentre region and eastern, north eastern, northern areas of the image whereas major positive surface deformations (uplift) are seen in the south western, western and north western corner part. Comparison of displacements with geology revealed that major deformation occurred in the Karoo basalts and lesser surface deformation has occurred in the Lebung Group rocks of the northern, NE and SW region. The elongated shape of deformation near the epicentre and positive vertical displacement seen towards the SW of the epicentre and negative vertical displacement seen towards NE of the epicentre reveals that the region has undergone uplifting and subsidence on either side of the area close to the epicentre (similar to faulting in a NW or SE direction). The boundaries of the uplift and subsidence regions inferred as long lineaments were digitised as faults. Comparison of the deformation with existing seismotectonic map revealed the existence of some north westerly faults seen in the region.
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering; 2020, 14, 4; 81-100
Pojawia się w:
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relacje pomiędzy rządami a NGOs w afrykańskich państwach surowcowych : przypadek Botswany, Ghany i Zambii
Polus, Andrzej.
Oficyna Wydawnicza Atut, Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe. pbl
Data publikacji:
Wrocław : Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT - Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
Instytucje nonprofit Afryka od 1989 r.
Bibliogr. s. [209]-237. Indeksy.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
A case of cutaneous larva migrans syndrome found in group of Polish citizens after coming back from Botswana
Kotlowski, A.
Olszanski, R.
Rejewska, B.
Mayer, L.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Parazytologiczne
Mediterranean zone
South America
Polish citizen
cutaneous larva
Ancylostoma braziliense
climatic zone
Annals of Parasitology; 1998, 44, 3
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Parasitology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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