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Polskie sądy rodzinne w świetle badań empirycznych
Polish Family Courts in the Light of Empirical Research
Strzembosz, Adam
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
sąd rodzinny
badania empiryczne
family courts
empirical research
1. The idea of family jurisdiction is not new, yet it continues to raise animated discussion and controversy. Family courts which exist in many countries have miscellaneous and frequently rather narrow competence. Elsewhere, experiments have been made with family courts for many years now, consisting in taking observations of the works of a few family courts, the traditional orgnization of jurisdiction maintained in the entire country. The family jurisdiction, enforced in Poland on January 1st, 1978, was introduced in the entire territory, the competence of family courts outlined most broadly: all cases directly connected with family relations (affiliation of a child, alimony, nullification and dissolution of a marriage, adoption, limitation, suspension and deprivation of parental authority, institution of legal protection, etc.), cases connected with penal acts committed by juveniles, cases of compulsory treatment of alcoholics in closed hospitals, and offences against family, guardianship, and the youth, fell under competence of family courts.       Family courts which are departments of district courts, have assembled nearly half of the cases coming in a district court. At the same time, cases have been divided between the judges basing on the territorial principle: every judge hears all kinds of cases coming in from the territory he has been assigned. This way, all cases essentially connected with the functioning of a given family were always to be judged by the same judge. The broad competence of a family judge and the fact that he heard all cases concerning the members of a given family was to create conditions in which all problems appearing within that family would be treated on a broad basis in every case, to ensure that each particular pronouncement concerning that family be compact and complementary, to guarantee the correctness of decisions owing to the knowledge of the whole of conflicts which occur in that family, and to make preventive activities broader and deeper.       The creation of family courts caused the liquidation of juvenile courts, all their cases having passed to the family courts, as well as the transference of a considerable part of cases heard before by civil courts and a small number of cases from criminal courts.      Such a far-reaching reform of organization of common jurisdiction has justified the study of the effects of introduction of family courts, the more so as juvenile courts played an important part in the system of preventive measures against delinquency and other forms of social maladjustment. Therefore, it was the aim of the study to find out if family courts realize their function in practice, and what are the factors that determine difficulties or irregularities in case the courts fail totally or partially to fulfill their object.       The study embraced various sources of information about the functioning of family courts, i.e., first of all, statistical data on the jurisdiction in cases which now come within the scope of family courts from two periods: before and after they had been transferred to the family courts (years 1976-1977 and 1978-1981). Another extremely important source of information about the functioning of family courts was the analysis of cases of particular kind judged by juvenile, civil, and criminal couits, and then by family courts. Among the cases which provided a particularly great amount of information as to the way in which family courts fulfilled the goal they were planned to fulfill, were divorce suits, limitation of parental authority, penal acts of juveniles, and criminal cases of offences against family, guardianship, and the youth. Such cases require well-prepared materials before they are examined, comprehensive study of particular legal problems from the point of view of the interest of the family, first of all children that are brought up in it, and finally (apart from divorce suits) active execution of the sentence, as the method of execution determines the results of the entire preceding activity of the court.       A detailed study was made of a standard sample of cases now investigated by 8 family courts - small, medium, and large, each of the 4 family courts created on January 1st, 1978, matched with one of the 4 family courts which had been functioning before that day as experimental courts. In this way comparison could have been made between the functioning of new family courts and those which had been working for some years to find out if the lenght of the period of work of  the family court contributed to eliminating of various mistakes and dificiencies resulting from lack of experience during the first years of work of the family court. The standard of work of the "new" family courts emerging from the analysis of cases was also compared with that of juvenile courts, civil courts, and criminal courts which had been departments of the same district courts, by way of analysis of the same kind of cases judged before the reform of jurisdiction. This comparison was to provide information about changes which took place in preliminary proceedings, setencing, and execution of sentences, after family courts had taken over the cases which had been investigated before by other departments of district courts.       Another source of information was the examination on the spot of the conditions of work of the 8 family courts the files of which had been analysed, including their staff, the system of social probation officers, the number of different duties imposed, and the power to execute decicions.       Finally, the opinion on family courts was asked of family judges themselves, of professional probation officers of these courts, and of solicitors, whose experience in appearing before different courts in cases of the same kind seemed particularly valuable. A questionnaire examination also included the family judges who had judged in juvenile, civil, and criminal courts before the jurisdiction reform, so as to define their attitudes and opinions as regards various problems of family life. The aim of the questionnaire was to find out any differences between the attitudes of former juvenile court judges in comparison with other judges working subsequently in family courts.         2. The analysis of statistical data concerning the 6-year period (including 4 years after family jurisdiction had been introduced) did not reveal any symptomatic difference which could be related to the creation of family courts. As regards divorce suits, for instance, neither the percentage of cases discontinued due to the reconciliation of the parties increased, not that of dismissed cases; in cases concerning parental authority, the structure of decisions did not change; in cases of penal acts committed by juveniles but a small increase of less radical sentences was noticed; finally, as regards cases of offences against family, guardianship, and the youth, the only change was a slight reduction of the number of sentences to the penalty of deprivation of liberty without conditional suspension of execution in favour of limitation of parental authority.        The results obtained through a detailed analysis of court files of cases formerly heard by juvenile, civil, and criminal courts were much the same as regards the contents of issued decisions. Nevertheless, in some spheres of activity of family courts some favourable changes occurred; unfortunately they were accompanied by a considerable regress in other spheres. In particular, family courts investigated the situation of children of divorcing parents more precisely than the civil courts, but on the other hand they neglected material problems, less frequently adjudging alimony amounting to a sum higher than demanded, less frequently deciding ex officio as to the means of using a common appartment by the divorced parties and adjudging eviction from the appartment of the party who particularly grossly disturbed the family peace. In all cases where the court's decision should be properly executed by the family court machine, a considerable deterioration of the way of execution took place. This resulted both from the lack of adequate interest in this problem on the part of family judges who were engaged mostly in jurisdiction, and from remissness of professional probation officers who were also burdened with many other tasks and whose work was supervised by family judges but in a minimal degree. In spite of their contact with many kinds of cases, family judges showed little interest in prevention. It was interesting to find out that also the former juvenile judges who had been accustomed to give a lot of attention to various preventive activities, now did not differ by any means in this respect from the former civil and criminal judges. Also the functioning of the "old" family courts was by no means superior to that of the "new”  ones, and it was even inferior in some spheres - therefore, the standard of work of the courts was determined by other factors and not by the lack of experience.        The analysis of decisions from the point of view of complexity of their approach to the whole of the problems existing within a given family gave no evidence as to any differences between decisions in the same kinds of cases issued by family courts on the one hand, and juvenile, civil, and criminal courts on the other. Also the anticipation that decisions of family courts would be more compact and complementary to each other if several different cases of members of the same family would be heard by the same court, came true but to a minimal extent. Firstly, the percentage of families towards which at least 2 decisions had been issued by a family court during its period of existence was considerably low, amounting to 25 per cent of families ever included in any legal proceedings. Even in the case of those family courts which had been functioning for 7 years, the percentage in question was not high, amounting to 32 per cent. Secondly, in spite of the principle of territorial division of cases among the judges, only in half of cases, all suits concerning a given family were heard by the same judge. Thirdly, due to the nature of a considerable number of cases, the material gathered for them during the proceedings was of no importance as regards the way of examination and the essence of decision issued in the next case (this concerns first of all suits for alimony). Eventually, only in every seventh case both the same judge had heard the former case as well as the present one, and in the former case material had been gathered which was valuable for the better knowledge of the family and the more relevant judgement. It should also be mentioned that in the case of many of the decisions, there was considerable probability that the verdict sentences would have been similar, had they been adjudged by another judge of the same court, or of civil or criminal court. Therefore, it was impossible to ascertain that the creation of family courts had considerably contributed to a greater complexity, compactness, and complementariness of judgements.            The opinions on the functioning of family courts gathered from judges, probation officers, and solicitors have confirmed a number of remarks made during the analysis of court files and the direct examination of the conditions of work of the selected family courts. In spite of the fact that the very idea of creating family courts has been estimated favourably by the majority of the examined persons (62 per cent), a considerable part of them pointed to the following defects: too wide range of tasks of family courts, the resulting overwork which hindered adequate preventive activities, the domination of jurisdiction as compared with other tasks of the family court. One third of the respondents could not see any advantage in the creation of family courts. Half of them was of opinion that the introduction of family courts failed to increase the protection of children and the youth against demoralization (this was most frequently the opinion of the family judges themselves).            The second questionnaire, concerning opinions and attitudes of family judges, revealed the statements of the former juvenile judges concerning family and its problems to be more complete and definite as compared with statements of the former civil and criminal judges, and to take into consideration more frequently the psychological, pedagogical, social in its broadest sense, and even medical, aspects of these problems. One should, however, bear in mind that, as revealed by the analysis of files, no evidence was found of better work of the former juvenile judges as compared with other family judges.          In the final part of the present article an attempt was made to draw conclusions from the results of the study. Having discussed different possible variants of changing the competence of family courts, a definite model of a family court was suggested, characterized by a different internal structure, narrowed competence and a better defined position in the system of prevention of social maladjustment of children and the youth.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1984, XI; 167-225
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Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Merytoryczne przesłanki orzekania kar i innych środków wobec wielokrotnych recydywistów
Penalties and other measures applied towards multiple recidivists
Janiszewski, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
wielokrotny recydywista
kodeks karny
środki karne
polityka karna
wymiar kary
kara pozbawienia wolności
badania empiryczne
statystyki sądowe
multiple recidivists
penal code
penal measures
criminal policy
case law
empirical research
court statistics
The aims of the present study have been: 1) to ascertain the actual conditions of the courts' decisions applying penalties and other measures towards multiple recidivists; 2) to determine the present penal policy towards this category of convicted persons; 3) to compare this policy with the assumptions included in the Penal Code in force. Punishment imposed upon multiple recidivists is regulated by the provisions of Art. 60, para. 2 and 3 Art. 61 of the Penal Code. Their formulation is as follows: on a perpetrator sentenced twice in the conditions specified in para. 1 (special basic recidivism), who has served altogether at leat one year of deprivation of liberty and in the period of 5 years after the serving of the last penalty commits again an intentional offence with the purpose of obtaining a material benefit or of a hooligan character, similar to at least one of the previously committed offencęs, the court shall impose a penalty within the limits of from three times the lowest sanction, but not less than 2 years, up to the highest statutory sanction increased by one half, and if the highest statutory sanction is not higher than 3 years: up to 5 years deprivation of liberty. The increase of the lowest statutory sanction provided in para. 1 or 2 shall not apply, when the offence is a serious offence; in this case the court shall consider the commission of the offence in the conditions specified in para 1 or 2 as a circumstance increasing the penalty. In particularly justified cases when even the lowest penalty imposed on the basis of Art. 60. paras 1 or 2 would be incommeasurably Severe by reason of the motives for the action of the perpetrator, his traits and personal conditions as well as his way of life before the commission and his behaviour after the perpetration of the offence, the court when imposing the penalty may refrain from applying the rules specified in Art. 60. paras 1 or 2; in these cases the court shall take into consideration the commission of the offence in the conditions specified in Art. 60, para 1or 2 as circumstances influencing increasing the penalty. With regard to a perpetrator sentenced in the conditions specified in Art. 60, para. 2 he court shall adjudge protective supervision; if adjudging this supervision is not sufficient to prevent recidivism, the court shall adjudge .the commitment of the sentenced person to a social readaptation centre. (Art. 62, para. 2). The present work has been based on the author's own research and to a minimum extent only on the analysis of the national statistical data. The point of departure for the study of the actual conditions of the courts decisions were the conditions specified in the Penal Code now in force. The conditions specified in Art. 61 of the Penal Code and related to the offender only have been assumed to form the ratio legis of special recidivism in the Polish penal legislation. If, however, when aplying this provision, the courts prefer the conditions related to the most recent act of the offender, this mignt be an indication of their different attitude towards the aim of punishment in the case of the discussed category of offenders. The existence of such divergences between the conditions of application of Art 61 of the Penal Code as included in the law on the one hand, and those applied by the courts on the other hand  has been one of the hypotheses verified in the present study.  The study has been based on the examination of court records. All the accessible records of criminal cases (230) have been included in it, in which Sentences were passed with regard to multiple recidivists (under Art 60. para. 2  and Art. 61 in connection with Art. 60, para. 2 of the Penal Code) in the District Court of the city of Poznań in the years 1975-1981. The question arised whether this could be treated as an equivalent to a random sample of the national population of convicted multiple recidivists. As shown by a comparison of distributions in question are highly convergent. A questionnaire to investigate the ourt records consisted of 41 questions concerning the convicted recidivist, his previous offences and criminal record, his last offence and the content of the last sentence. The impact of a number of variables on the application of Art. 61 of the Penal Code, on the length  of the prison sentence and on the decision of commitment to a social readaptation centre has been analysed in succession. Conclusions from the study are as follows: 1. In the application of Art.61 of the Penal Code ,the predominating part is played by the conditions connected with the degree of socil danger of the act and with its legal label. The conditions connected with the person of the perpetrator seem to have a much smaller effect. The reason of this state of affairs may be seeked in the fact that the court is obligated by Art. 60, para.2 of the Penal Code to impose long-term penalties of deprivation or liberty regardless of the degree of social danger (seriousness) of the offence which may be trivial in particular cases. Therefore, it is not to be wondered at that in these cases the courts apply Art. 61 of the Penal Code so as to impose a lower or more lenient penalty in order to make it commeasurable with the offence. The following conditions have been found to exert the greatest influence on the length of sentences to deprivation of liberty under Art. 60, para. 2: firstly, the legal appraisal of the offence and the related content of the instructions for meting out punishment specified in Art. 60, para. 2 of the Penal Code, and secondly, the degree of social danger of the offence. The character of the offence and the appraisal of its social danger influence the sentence too, including the type of penalty, when Art. 61 of the Penal Code is applied by the court. This is probably a further result of following the same conditions already when deciding on the application of Art. 61 of the Penal Code. When adjudging the commitment of convicted persons to a social readaptation centre, the courst were guided by the conditions connected with intense symptoms of demoralization of these persons and with a previous application of various penal measures towards them; thus the conditions were formally the same as those to be found in the Penal Code. At the same time, conditions connected with the recently committed offence were left out of account here. One should be particularly careful when interpreting the findings in this case aS the decisions in question may be conditioned by the courts' various attitudes towards the practical functioning of the centers, and by different purposes of their adjudgement in definite cases. The length of the perod for which commitment to a social readaptation centre was adjudged has appeared to increase with the length of the sentence to deprivation of libety. Admittedly, outright conclusions as to the need for amendments of the provisions of the Penal Code in its part concerning recidivists do not follow immediately from the findings of the present study. These findings have. however, demonstrated the degree to which the instructions for meting out, punishment specified in Art. 60, para. 2 of the Penal Code sever the relation between the offence and punishment, as  well as the fact that the corrective function of punishment imposed upon multiple recidivists - officially assumed by the legislator-has a fictious character in practice. In consequence, Art. 61 of the Penal Code is used in discord with its purpose; it is applied to adjust the adjudicated punishment to the seriousness of the offence committed.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1986, XIII; 109-139
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odstraszające oddziaływanie kary na sprawcę przestępstwa w świetle badań empirycznych
Deterrent Effect of Punishment on the Offender (a Review of Empirical Research)
Szamota-Saeki, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
sprawca przestępstwa
badania empiryczne
criminal offender
empirical research
The number of studies on specific deterrence is not large. Some data on this subject can be found in other studies aimed e.g. at evalution of effectiveness of diffrent penal measures, or analysis of criminal careers. One of the reasons of this lack of interest in specific deterrence is a belief,  rather common today and particularly marked in the 1960s, that punishment not only fails to deter the convicted person from futher offenses but – quite the contrary - increases the probability of his futher criminal carrer.  Another reason is probably the great difficulty in distinguishing for research purposes of the impact of specific deterrence from the other effects of punishment. Unfortunately, a statement made by J. Gibbs over twenty years ago still remains valid: there is no theory of specific deterrence, and the hypotheses concerning specific deterrence are vague and difficult to verify empirically. During the last twenty  years, there was a progress in the methodology of research into specific deterrence. New success criteria were introduced into the assessment of deterrent effect of punishment, and the method of random field experiment was used. Researchers started to compare the effect of punishment with the effects of escaning punishment, instead of limiting themselves to comparisons of relative effectiveness of some penalties as opposed to some other ones. The progress was less marked in the formation of the theory of specific  deterrence. It consists in attempts, on the one hand, at a new conceptualization of the problem of deterrence, and on the other hand, at integrating the deterrence hypothesis with other theoretical approaches. The paper consists of seven parts. The Introduction (I) contains analysis of the notion of specific deterrence, the criteria to distinguish between specific and general deterrence, tvpes of deterrence. Also discussed have the recent attempts at a new conceptualization of tne problem of deterrence through inclusion into that notion of not only the “direct costs of legal sanctions” but also “indirect costs”, or through the use of another criterion to distinguish between specific and general deterrence. Chapter II contains a brief discussion of early studies on specific deterrence; the findings have been discussed and numerous methodological flaws pointed out. The conclusion from those studies (that severe penalties involve a higher recidivism rate than lenient penalties) was generally seen as a prove that punishment has no specific deterrent effect on the futher behaviour of convicted persons. This conclusion was unjustified, though. And that for several reasons. The discussed studies often failed to distinguish between the mechanism of deterrence and the other effects of punishment. They also failed to solve the problem of selection bias in sentencing where specific types of penalties are imposed on specific categories of offenders; the difference between such groups of convicted persons is that even before the imposition of penalty, the probability of their relapse into crime was different. The studies examined but a marginal effectiveness of some  penalties as compared to some other ones. What they overlooked, instead, was that the growth in recidivism rate cannot be estimated which would have taken place were no criminal penalties at all imposed on offenders. Chapter III discusses the findings of studies which tested two opposing hypotheses; i.e. that punishment either deters offenders (deterrence hypothesis) or amplifies offendling (amplification hypothesis). Both the conception of deterrence and that of labeling involve too one-sided and simplified an approach to the impact of punishment on the further conduct of offenders as they ignore the possibility of effects  other than the anticipated ones. This was reflected in these studies in which the researches posed instead of posing questions in the categories of “whether” (does punishment deter? does pinishment amplify affending?), instead of trying to define the conditions of emergence of each of those two effects. Analyzed in few studies only were mediating psycho-social processes between punisment and the punished pefsons’ further conduct. The findings of different studies are often inconsistent. Some seem to confirm the amplification hypothesis although researchers sometimes stress that this effect is not stable Other findings point  to the effect of deterrence. Still other studies showed that: punishment seems do not influence a pefson’s further criminal career. Finally, some of the latest findings also indicate the possibility of amplifijing offending under some conditions and of deterring effect on offending - under some other circumstances. Chapter IV discusses the implications of the criminal careers approach for methodology of studies on specific deterrence. What is particularly worthy of attention here is: 1) departure from the use of a sole success criterion in the evaluation of deterrent effect of punishment, and an attempt at grasping the impact of punishment on different dimensions of criminality such as the length of criminal career or fraquency of offenses; 2) investigation of the impact of punishment at different stages of a person’s criminal career. The success criterion  where success means a person’s abstention from further offenses is replaced with the before and after comparison criterion where the intensity of a person’s criminal career before and after punishment is compared; this replacement is of a great importance in studies of effectiveness of penal  measures imposed on chronic offnders. As suggested by the findings, certain penalties may in cessation of delinquency at the initial stage of the criminal career (on the occasion of the first and possibly also the second contact with the police). At further stages of that career, a decrease in the intensity of delinquency of the persons convicted is possible. Chapter V discusses attempts at including the hypothesis of  specific deterrence into the economic model of delinquent behawior, and studies carried out by economists. According to some economists, specific deterrence can be included into the theory of rational choice provided it is treated as a special case of general deterrence. In tlis approach, the experience of a sanction becomes a factor influencing the anticipated sanctions. Chapter VI is devoted to discussion of the results of a series of rondom field experiments conducted in selected cities of the United States. The purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of arrest as compared to other reactions to violence against a spouse (nearly all victims in the study were women). The obtained results were not uniform: in some experiments, deterrent effect of arrest was found out, while the rest showed an amplifying effect of arrest on the arrested person’s  further violence against his spouse. The authors explain this divergence of results with a different impact of arrest on different types of persons. Thus the results suggest that arrest has  a deterrent effect on permanently employed suspects; instead, suspects without a regular job tended to use violence more often after the  arrest incident. The last Chapter (VII) recapitulates the findings. They show that it was a premature decision to reject the hyphothesis of specific deterrence. Punishment has a different impact on different persons: in some situations it results in amplication of offending; in some other ones, it deters a person from further offenses; and  in still other situations it seems not to have any effect at all on furter offending. The findings point to a great importance in this respect of the first contacts with the law enforcement agencies. Moreover, the differentiated effect of punishment seems to depend on the offender’s age, sex, and attitude towards risk, and also on his permanent employment. It should be stressed that many studies use a broader definition of punishment, not limited to the penalties  imposed by court. Some researchers treat even a person’s contact with the police as punishment; others believe that this function is performed by arrest. These different working definitions of punishment make it difficult to interpret the findings that relate to absolute deterrence, that is assessment of the effects of imposing punishment as compared to those of escaping punishment. Nearly all studies dealt with recidivism and, first and foremost, the effectiveness of punishment in reducing a person’s further delinquency. To a slight extent only did they try to define the meaning of punishment for those punished, their subjective estimations of probability and severity of punishment. For this reason, interpretation of the findings in the categories of stating whether punishment has a deterrent effect is not always justified.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1995, XXI; 7-39
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Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Relevance of Error Analysis in Graphical Symbols Evaluation
Piamonte, D. P. T.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
videophone icons
empirical testing methods
badania empiryczne
symbole graficzne
In an increasing number of modern tools and devices, small graphical symbols appear simultaneously in sets as parts of the human-machine interfaces. The presence of each symbol can influence the other’s recognis ability and correct association to its intended referents. Thus, aside from correct associations, it is equally important to perform certain error analysis of the wrong answers, misses, confusions, and even lack of answers. This research aimed to show how such error analyses could be valuable in evaluating graphical symbols especially across potentially different user groups. The study tested 3 sets of icons representing 7 videophone functions. The methods involved parameters such as hits, confusions, missing values, and misses. The association tests showed similar hit rates of most symbols across the majority of the participant groups. However, exploring the error patterns helped detect differences in the graphical symbols’ performances between participant groups, which otherwise seemed to have similar levels of recognition. These are very valuable not only in determining the symbols to be retained, replaced, or re-designed, but also in formulating instructions and other aids in learning to use new products faster and more satisfactorily.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 1999, 5, 4; 513-528
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wartości preferowane przez nauczycieli szkół sandomierskich. Raport z badań
The Values Preferred by the Teachers of the Sandomierz Schools (A Report of the Research)
Jusiak, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
hierarchia wartości
zawód nauczyciela
badania empiryczne
hierarchy of values
teacher's job
empirical research
The problems of the values preferred by teachers merits our attention, especially under the conditions of political, economic, social and cultural transformations in which Polish society has lived recently. From the social point of view, it is interesting to point the issue of the hierarchy of values approved by teachers. This issue has been shown on the basis of empirical research among the teachers in Sandomierz. All the analyses here tended to define the direction of the gradation of values which the teachers of the Sandomierz schools regarded as important. The analyses sought to determine the variables which condition the approved hierarchy of values. Detailed analyses pinpoint such variables as sex, age, and period of teachers' work, and they differentiate the approved hierarchy of values. The findings show that there is an interrelation between the independent variables under consideration and reveal their role in how the teachers under study rank particular values. A general characterization of the population under study has proved that the percentage of the believing teachers is high and reaches almost 85 per cent; it is, however, lower than the percentage from the research of religiosity in Poland (ca. 90 per cent). It is worth noting that almost 12 per cent of the teachers under study are religiously indecisive, but they are attached to Christian tradition. The ratio of teachers' attitudes towards religious practices points to a relatively high selectivity in their approach to religiosity. Only 42 per cent of respondents do practice systematically (in Polish research − 52.4 per cent, in the Włocław diocese 45 per cent), almost 40 per cent are not systematic, 15 per cent rarely practice, and 3.4 per cent do not practice at all. Out of religious truths the existence of God is most generally accepted (91 per cent), and the least the infallibility of the pope (31 per cent), the existence of hell (ca. 54 per cent). As far as the norms of the Decalogue are concerned, the population under study accepts most the norm you shall not kill, and honour your father; the respondents ranked as the third the commandment concerning the cult of God (75.6 per cent). Among the values in question family values were ranked as the last ones (family happiness and work and sacrifice for one's own children); the second place took values related to religious life (everlasting salvation; preservation of the faith in God). It follows from the research that the socio-political background, with the stress laid on the principle of democracy and freedom, has a clear impact on the fact how teachers appreciate of such values as freedom, dignity, one's own beliefs. At the same time, the same context seems to magnify the tendencies to the individualization of the values of religion. In their approved hierarchy of values the teachers rank very highly family, religion and the values of human life. These are the values for which they would lay down their life. Now in Poland a thesis about the devaluation of the value of human life is being put forward, stressing the widespread phenomenon of abortion, propagation of euthanasia, or else various forms of violence and crime shown in the media. It seems that the democratic context with its emphasis on freedom, pluralism and democracy, is conducive to the formation among teachers attitudes towards their own life and the life of the others. One can notice among the respondents a clear tendency to underestimate and ignore such values as solidarity and social equality. This fact may signal disappointment to this social category, or at least a considerable weakening of a hope that these values can be fully realized. Such hopes were awakened in the beginning of the transformations. After ten years of transformation, the respondents who experience various difficulties and are burdened with big costs of those transformations are able to asses the gap between the expectations and reality.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2001, 2; 29-62
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dokładność satelitarnej lokalizacji pojazdów transportu publicznego
The Precision of Satellite Localization of Public Transport Vehicles
Suda, J.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo AMSz
lokalizacja pojazdów
dokładność lokalizacji
badania empiryczne
systemy zarządzanie flotą pojazdów
localization of vehicles
precision of localization
empirical surveys
fleet management systems
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dokładności lokalizacji pojazdów transportu publicznego w obszarach o różnym stopniu urbanizacji. Omówiono również przesłanki tworzenia i typowe konfiguracje systemów zarządzania transportem publicznym. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono funkcjom lokalizacji pojazdów komunikacji publicznej w sieci ulic. Przedstawiono zasady lokalizacji autobusów przyjętych w koncepcji budowy takiego systemu dla Warszawy.
The paper presents the results of empirical study on the precision of public transport vehicles' localization in areas with different degrees of urbanization. The paper also discusses the premises for the creation of fleet management system for public transport and typical configurations of such systems. Particular attention is devoted to the localization of public transport vehicles in the street network. Finally, the paper presents the approach to city bus localization adopted in a project of the system for public transport management in Warsaw.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie; 2006, 11 (83); 287-296
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Izolacja spotęgowana – kilka pytań na temat oddziałów dla tzw. więźniów niebezpiecznych
Isolation Enhanced: Some Questions on Units for the So-Called Dangerous Inmates
Lasocik, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
więźniowie niebezpieczni
badania empiryczne
izolacja spotęgowana
system penitencjarny
dangerous prisoners
“N” unit
empirical research
penitentiary system
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2008, XXIX-XXX; 703-718
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ prawa karnego na przekonania moralne społeczeństwa w świetle wybranych badań empirycznych
Influence of Penal Law on Moral Beliefs of the Society in the Light of Selected Empirical Research
Szamota-Saeki, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
prawo karne
moralność społeczeństwa
badania empiryczne
penal law
morality of society
empirical research
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2008, XXIX-XXX; 203-214
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza efektywności wykorzystania opcji amerykańskich w inwestowaniu na rynkach pszenicy konsumpcyjnej
Analysis of American options efficiency in investing on markets of consumption wheat
Krawiec, M.
Data publikacji:
The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
analiza matematyczna
analiza oplacalnosci
badania empiryczne
efektywnosc wykorzystania
metody analizy
opcje amerykanskie
opcje sprzedazy
pszenica konsumpcyjna
rynek rolny
rynek zbozowy
Przeanalizowano efektywność zastosowania opcji amerykańskich na rynkach pszenicy konsumpcyjnej. Badaniem objęto trzy kraje: Polskę, Francję i Niemcy. W pierwszym etapie badań, na podstawie historycznych cen pszenicy konsumpcyjnej, ustalono parametry niezbędne do wyceny opcji. Następnie za pomocą modelu dwumianowego oszacowano wartości premii. W drugim etapie badań analizowano opłacalność wcześniejszego wykonania wycenionych amerykańskich opcji sprzedaży. Uzyskane wyniki odniesiono do analogicznych opcji europejskich.
In the paper there is analyzed efficiency of American options applications on markets of consumption wheat. The study focused on three countries: Poland, France and Germany. In the first step of research parameters necessary for options pricing were set on the base of historical wheat prices. Then, option prices were calculated by the use of binomial model. In the second step of research efficiency of early exercise of investigated American put options was examined. The results were related to analogous European put options.
Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu; 2009, 11, 5
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Instytucjonalizacja gospodarstw rolnych w świetle badań empirycznych
Institutionalization of agricultural farms in the light of empirical research
Kolodziejczyk, D.
Data publikacji:
The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
gospodarstwa rolne
badania empiryczne
koszty transakcyjne
instytucje lokalne
Przedstawiono determinanty oraz obszary współpracy użytkowników gospodarstw rolnych z instytucjami. Analizę oparto na badaniach ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród 400 gospodarstw rolnych prowadzących rachunkowość (FADN). Stwierdzono, że proces instytucjonalizacji gospodarstw mógłby być silniejszy, gdyby było większe zaufanie rolników do instytucji oraz lepsze dostosowanie świadczonych usług przez instytucje do potrzeb gospodarstw.
The process of institutionalization of agricultural farms was analysed in the paper. Analysis have been carried out in 4 areas of cooperation: market, agricultural and rural areas politics, civil society, implementation of new technologies into production. Institutionalization of the farms had particular importance for the agricultural and rural areas. The author analysed also the institutional barriers, that the face. The examination covered 400 farms in Poland in the year 2008. The research was run based on the PADN accountancy.
Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu; 2009, 11, 1
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Regionalne zróżnicowanie rolnictwa w Polsce w 2007 r.
Regional differentiation of Polish agriculture in the year 2007
Muszynska, J.
Data publikacji:
The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
badania empiryczne
poziom rozwoju
rok 2007
rozwoj rolnictwa
zroznicowanie regionalne
Artykuł dotyczy regionalnego zróżnicowania rolnictwa w Polsce. Ocenę poziomu rolnictwa i jego dyspersji przestrzennej opracowano na podstawie danych statystycznych gromadzonych przez Główny Urząd Statystyczny. W roli narzędzi badawczych zastosowano metody wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej. Na podstawie zmiennej syntetycznej, skonstruowanej w trakcie badania, utworzono ranking województw.
The paper present regional differentiation of agriculture in Poland. The study based on the data collected by the Central Statistical Office. In order to estimate the level of agriculture methods of multivariate statistical analysis were applied. On the basis of the synthetic variable, developed during the study, a ranking of regions (provinces) was constructed.
Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu; 2009, 11, 4
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stosowanie metod estymacji przedziałowej w badaniach przyrodniczych i ekonomicznych
An application of interval estimation methods in economie and nature study
Worobjow, L.
Wisinski, K.
Panfiorava, A.
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
badania przyrodnicze
badania ekonomiczne
estymacja przedzialowa
badania empiryczne
metody statystyczne
prace badawcze
The article the method of determining the confidence intervals for the average value in the population. There have been also given the methodological guidelines intended to correct application of this method in natural and economic studies.
Folia Pomeranae Universitatis Technologiae Stetinensis. Oeconomica; 2009, 57
Pojawia się w:
Folia Pomeranae Universitatis Technologiae Stetinensis. Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O istocie badan empirycznych w doskonaleniu konstrukcji i eksploatacji wyrobow techniki rolniczej
About essence of empirical research in improving of construction and exploitation of agricultural technique products
Pawlowski, T
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Maszyn Rolniczych
technika rolnicza
Przemyslowy Instytut Maszyn Rolniczych
badania empiryczne
badania podstawowe
badania przemyslowe
prace badawczo-rozwojowe
W pracy opisano zakres i możliwości prowadzenia badań podstawowych, przemysłowych i prac rozwojowych w Przemysłowym Instytucie Maszyn Rolniczych. Zamieszczono przykłady z realizacji tego typu prac. Omówiono polskie uwarunkowania rynkowe prowadzenia takich badań. W podsumowaniu wskazano istniejące ograniczenia i trudności w realizacji badań oraz możliwości finansowania.
Thepossibilities andrangeofresearch(includingbasic,industrialanddevelopmentalresearch)were presentedi nthepaper.Asthe exampleswere showedresearch,which were realizedin IndustrialInstitute of Agricultural Engineering.The marke t conditions, as a background theses works were discussed. In the summary were indicated existing problems and confines, which appea r during realizationthesesresearch,and fromtheotherhand,werediscussedpossibilitiesofobtainingfinance forthese
Technika Rolnicza Ogrodnicza Leśna; 2010, 01; 2-7
Pojawia się w:
Technika Rolnicza Ogrodnicza Leśna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nurty badań empirycznych kulowskiej katechetyki (1970-2010)
Currents of Empirical Studies of Catechetics at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (1970-2010)
Kulpaczyński, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
badania empiryczne
promotorzy prac
empirical studies
promoters of dissertations
With reference to General Catechetical Directory (14, 30, 32) currents of studies from 1970 to 2010 are shown. The current of empirical studies of catechetics at the CUL was begun by Professor Stefan Kunowski. Next, Rev. Mieczysław Majewski studied the following issues: realization of catechetical revival of the Vatican Council II; acceptance of moral-religious values by young people; the level of religious knowledge in the catechized young people with mild mental disability; young people’s views of catechesis; conflicts in young people; the sense of meaning of life; catechesis in various milieus. Rev. Stanisław Kulpaczyński’s currents of research, on the other hand, are the following: catechesis in young people’s awareness; conflicts in young people and attempts to overcome them at catechesis; educational aspects of friendship, comradeship and love; catechetic formation in the catechists’ awareness; the parents’ cooperation in catechization; catechization preparing for marriage; catechetic notebooks; young people’s personal models; young people’s Eucharistic attitudes; drawing in catechesis; assessing at catechesis; the image of the catechist in young people’s opinion; conscience in young people’s awareness; the prayer of the catechized ones; catechetical methods in the catechists’ opinion; the meaning of life; religious-moral values in pupils with mild mental disability; angelology and demonology; knowledge of Jesus Christ; reception of religious symbols by pupils; the sacrament of penance and reconciliation in young people’s opinion; young people’s attitude towards their coevals’ alcoholism; drug addiction in the catechized ones’ awareness. Master’s and doctoral dissertations as well as books and articles are the effect of many studies. Among the 209 masters and 61 doctors Rev. M. Majewski has promoted 15% wrote dissertations based on empirical studies, among the 330 masters and 57 doctors Rev. S. Kulpaczyński has promoted – 51%, and in the case of Sister H. Wrońska – empirical studies were the basis for 44 master and 1 doctoral dissertations. These studies should be appreciated and continued.
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne; 2011, 3; 279-306
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współczesne ukierunkowania niemieckiej pedagogiki religijnej
Modern Tendencies in German Religious Pedagogy
Chałupniak, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
niemiecka pedagogika religijna
lekcja religii
nauczanie interreligijne
integralność treści
badania empiryczne
korelacja w nauczaniu religii
German religious pedagogy
religion lesson
interreligious teaching
integrity of the issues
empirical research
correlation in religion teaching
Analyzing German pedagogical-religious publications that appeared in 2009, the author answers the question about the direction, in which modern German religious pedagogy is heading. Tendencies dominating in the works by German religious educationalists are subjected to assessment from the Polish perspective, among them being: understanding of religious pedagogy, the issue of interreligious teaching of religion, the integrity and correlation of the issues taught at school, or empirical research in religious pedagogy.
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne; 2011, 3; 155-165
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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