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Flowering, nectar production and insects visits in two cultivars of Cucurbita maxima Duch. flowers
Kwitnienie, nektarowanie i oblot przez owady zapylajace kwiatow dwoch odmian Cucurbita maxima Duch.
Dmitruk, M
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Cucurbita maxima
Amazonka cultivar
Ambar cultivar
The study was conducted on experimental plots in the conditions of Lublin. In the years 1998–2000 flowering, nectar secretion and insect visitation of male and female flowers of two winter squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch.) cultivars: ‘Ambar’ and ‘Amazonka’, were studied. The plants flowered from July to October. The flower life span was within the range of 7–10 hours. Female flowers of cv. Ambar were marked by the most abundant nectar secretion (129 mg). The nectar sugar content can be estimated as average (25%–35%). Winter squash nectar contained 84% of sucrose as well as 8–9% of fructose and 7%–8% of glucose. Flowers of the studied taxa were frequently foraged by the honey bee (66%–98% of total insects) and bumblebees (1%–30%).
Badania przeprowadzono na poletkach doświadczalnych w warunkach Lublina. W latach 1998–2000 badano kwitnienie, nektarowanie i oblot przez owady kwiatów męskich i żeńskich dwóch odmian dyni olbrzymiej (Cucurbita maxima Duch.): ‘Ambar’ i ‘Amazonka’. Rośliny kwitły od lipca do października. Długość życia kwiatu mieściła się w granicach 7–10 h. Najobfitszym wydzielaniem nektaru odznaczały kwiaty żeńskie odmiany Ambar (129 mg). Zawartość cukrów w nektarze można ocenić jako średnią (25%–35%). Nektar dyni olbrzymiej zawierał 84% sacharozy oraz fruktozy 8–9% i glukozy 7%–8%. Kwiaty badanych taksonów były chętnie oblatywane przez pszczołę miodną (66%–98% ogółu owadów) i trzmiele (1%–30%).
Acta Agrobotanica; 2008, 61, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wanda – sarmacka amazonka w poezji łacińskiej w Polsce Od Jana z Wiślicy do Jana Kochanowskiego
Łukaszewicz-Chantry, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
królewna Wanda, Amazonka, virago, elegia ajtiologiczna, epyllion, epitalamium królewskie, samobójstwo, metamorfoza, aemulatio
Wanda – a Sarmatian Amazon in Latin poetry in Poland. From Jan of Wiślica to Jan KochanowskiThe aim of this paper is to show how Polish Renaissance poets reinterpreted the legend of Wanda and modelled the character of the princess depending on the chosen genre and the target readers. The author analyses the following source texts: Jan of Wiślica, Bellum Prutenum; Klemens Janicki, Vitae Regum Polonorum; Georgius Sabinus, De nuptiis Sigismundi Augusti et Elissae; Petrus Roysius, Hedvigis and Ad Proceres Polonos de matrimonio regio carmen; Joachim Bielski, Istulae convivium. In nuptiis Stephani Primi Regis Poloniae et Principis Annae; Jan Kochanowski, Elegiarum libri IV. In the canon of ancient rulers of Poland there is a woman called Wanda, daughter of Krak. This gallant virgin-king (in Poland a king could be male or female) who can be found in the oldest chronicles is also a character in Neo-Latin poetry. Jan of Wiślica in his epic poem Bellum Prutenum and Klemens Janicki in his cycle of historical epigrams Vitae Polonorum principium praise Wanda as a brave woman who equals Camilla, Semiramis and Tomyris in valour. In these two works the poets place the emphasis on Wanda’s heroic qualities as an excellent ruler and leader. On the other hand, Petrus Roysius looks disparagingly upon Wanda. In his poem Ad Proceres Polonos… he criticises her suicide as a sign of recklessness and concentration on her private life, which resulted in her shirking responsibility for the state she was entrusted with. Wanda’s story is a persuasive exemplum that was supposed to induce Sigismund August to consider a new matrimony that was crucial for reasons of state. In another poem, Hedvigis, Roysius reproaches Wanda for her exaggerated bashfulness, which drove her to such a desperate act. Wanda is also a character in royal epithalamia. Georgius Sabinus in his De nuptiis… presents Wanda as a beautiful, gallant and pure woman who lived the life of an Amazon. Her beauty attracted the attention of Istul, the god and king of Vistula. He kidnapped Wanda into the current of the river and made her his wife. In Istulae convicium… Joachim Bielski also depicted her as the unusually charming and refined spouse of the king of rivers. In both of these epithalamia Wanda does not commit suicide, but instead enters into matrimony. This is an innovation that departs from the canonical version of the legend. Jan Kochanowski dedicated one of his most beautiful elegies to Wanda, in which the Cracow Amazon becomes a responsible ruler and leader who acts according to the ethos of chivalry. The elegy is an aitiological epyllion that explains the origins of the name Mogiła upon Vistula. It is also in artistic rivalry with Propertius (IV 4). Here the brave Wanda becomes the opposite of the traitor Tarpei. For Renaissance authors the legend of Wanda is an opportunity to cleverly combine the ancient history of Poland with the tradition of ancient heroes, or a native legend with the legacy of Roman poetry, and thus to undertake emulation of the ancient poets.
Terminus; 2014, 16, 1(30)
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Biblioteka Nauki
Procesy morfodynamiczne w zlewni gównej amazonki w świetle urzeźbienia powierzchni ziarn kwarcowych w mikroskopie elektonowym
Morphodynamic processes in the catchment area of the upper amazon in the light of the surface relief of quartz grains in the electron microscope
Makowski, J.
Mycielska-Dowgiallo, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych
procesy morfodynamiczne
rzeka Amazonka
ziarna kwarcowe
mikroskop elektronowy
Ameryka Poludniowa
The article concerns the results of investigations of the surface relief of quartz grains in two samples of deposits coming from the upper part of the Amazon catchment area, presented in conditions of the natural environment prevailing nowadays and in those of the Pleistocene epoch. The analysis of the greatly magnified sand grains surface was done in a scanning electron microscope of the ISM-25 Jeol type, in the Institute of Geology, Warsaw. The samples of deposits were collected during field investigations in Peruvian Amazonia, in the summer of 1980. The first of the samples comes from the Huallaga valley (right tributary of the Maranón) near the town of Tingo María. It is an area of a warm and humid climate (over 3000 mm of precipitation per year) with intensive processes of chemical weathering, especially among limestone mountain massifs strewn with caves. Even in close proximity of Tingo María the climate is much differentiated; in the neighbouring Huánuco valley, crossed by the Huallaga river, precipitation does not exceed 400 mm yearly and the mountain-slopes are not densely covered with vegetation. The bottom of the Huallaga valley, the mid-channel and coastal sand-banks are built of thick, ill-sorted material containing pebbles, gravel and various-grain sands. The same material may be observed in the exposures of the river’s gorge section (between Huánuco and Tingo María), where it forms high terrace horizons now intensively destroyed by stone-falls and landslides. A cold and humid climate prevailed in the Andes in the glacial epoch. The Central Andes were then glaciated twice at least, and the traces of glaciation such as moraines and post-glacial lakes are common in the upper sections of river valleys of that region. Glaciers developed probably also in the Huallaga valley (above Huánuco) and in the upper parts of the valleys of some of its tributaries. It was probably at that time that the valleys of the Central Andes were highly filled up and among them the Huallaga valley in its gorge section. The analysis of the surface relief of quartz grains in the scanning microscope, by 400-1500 x magnification, has allowed to recognize the character of grain-forming processes and the order of their action. Smooth surfaces have conchoidal breakage with bunches of steps and block relief (Pl. I, photo 4, Pl. II. photo 1). On weathered surfaces there occur fragments covered with a crust (Pl. II, photo 2) which is an indication of dry climate in which silica and other minerals could be precipitated on the grain surface. Other fragments show forms directed in accordance with the crystallographic lattice which points to chemical etching processes (Pl. II, photo 3). There occurs sporadic „lichen” - type chipping (Pl. II, photo 4) observed in areas of intensive mechanical weathering. If more magnified (1500-5000 X) the surfaces modelled by weathering processes display deep corrosive pits (Pl. III, photo 1) frequently having a crystal-directed form (Pl. III. photo 2) and secondary crystallization on the surface. The alternation of the relief types allows to infer on the order in which the processes acted. Three stages may be distinguished: 1) intensive weathering in changing climatic conditions (humid, dry; of high and low temperature); 2) mechanical destruction of the grains; 3) renewed processes of chemical weathering. The time interpretation of those facts presents many difficulties. It cannot be excluded that the glacial period is indirectly recorded in the stage of intensive disintegration of quartz grains, separating two periods of active weathering processes. Thus the glaciation period would be preceded by a period of very dry climate and by another - of great humidity and presumably of high temperature. Uncluckily it is impossible to infer on the succession of those processes by the remaining forms of relief. The post-glacial period was marked only by chemical weathering. However, another origin of the fresh structures preserved on grain surfaces cannot be excluded. In strongly dynamic rivers, carrying masses of pebbles, quartz grains may undergo grinding and trituration like in rock mills. Thus the sharp-edged forms preserved on grains may be as well as relict of the time of flow of fluvioglacial water as they may be shaped at present in highly dynamic rivers to which the Huallaga belongs. The other sample of deposits comes from the Amazon Lowland. It was collected from the edge of a mid-channel sand-bank in the Amazon valley, near Iquitos. The place of collection lies ca 130 km below the confluence of the Ucayali and the Maranón. In this part of the Amazonia a humid, equatorial climate prevails, the mean temperature being 25°C and the precipitation - 2500 mm yearly. It is a low-lying and relatively flat area. The small differentiation of relief is connected with a relatively simple geological structure. Vast plateaux are built of terrigenic formations of the Upper Tertiary (Pebas Formation) and of younger deposits dating from the end of the Tertiary and the beginning of the Quaternary (Iquitos Formation) filling the valley-like depressions cut in older formations. Quaternary and contemporary deposits fill the valleys and build terrace horizons. It is very difficult to define precisely the age of Quaternary acumulation horizons. The phase of intensive erosion in the Amazon valley which descended, along the section from the river mouth to Manaus (1500 km), much below the present-day sea level, is connected with the period of pre-Flandrian regression corresponding with the Vistula glaciation. The climate of the present-day Amazonia was then drier than nowadays. In place of the now existing forests (selva) there grew a savannah with small spots of forests in more humid habitats. At that time, in the Andes foreland, there may have occurred the accumulation of large cones and terrace horizons. The formation of the flood-plain terrace (3-8 m high) in the Ucayali and the Amazon valleys can be probably connected with that period. Similar conditions must have prevailed in the farmer glaciation (the Riss) and the above-floodplain terrace (10-12 m high) could have been formed then. The rise of the ocean level in the Holocene (Flandrian transgression) and a more humid climate caused the expansion of forests and the set-back of erosion. A negative balance of alluvia due to dense vegetation did not allow the deposits to fill the Amazon valley in its lower part; moderate erosion cannot be excluded in the river’s upper part. Among the present-day processes modelling the relief in the river valleys, beside fluvial processes, the activity of the wind should be mentioned, which makes the water wave. This process is favoured by the considerable width of rivers and the existence of numerous overflow arms. The results of waving, such as beaches and cliffs reaching 1.5 m of height, can be seen on both sides of the river bed. Strong waving is also caused by the movement of boats. The analysis of quartz grains of the second sample has shown essential differences in the character of the relief forms of the grain surface as compared with the sample from the Huallaga valley. By 400 X magnification monadnock relief connected with weathering processes, and smooth, rounded edges (Pl. IV, photo 3) may be observed. Larger magnification (2000-7000 X) allows to interpret the relief type in its genetic sense and to connect it with appropriate processes. The oldest process recorded on the grain surface was that of precipitation of amorphous silica forming crusts (Pl. IV, photo 4, Pl. V, photo 1). It may be the record of weathering processes in dry, continental climate of the last glaciation. Another type of forms occurring on all the grains under investigation are V-shaped cuts chaotically disposed (Pl. VI, photos 3, 4, Pl. VII, photos 1, 2), characteristic of beach environment. Some of the V-shaped forms have developed on crust-covered surfaces, some - on fresh surfaces. At times accumulations of V-shaped forms may be observed together with crescent-shaped cuts (Pl. VII, photos 3, 4) which might indicate beach environment where intensive processes of chemical weathering cooperate. It may be supposed that both types of forms (forms connected with chemical weathering and forms developed through abrasion caused by waving) develop nowadays in the region of the upper Amazon. Waving and great changes of water level over the year cause strong side-erosion of higher terraces. This may explain the occurrence, in the alluvia, of crust-covered grains which probably lie on a secondary deposit.
Prace i Studia Geograficzne; 1988, 09; 141-175
Pojawia się w:
Prace i Studia Geograficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola kobiet w dramacie Pentesilea Szymona Szymonowica
The role of women in “Pentesilea” drama by Szymon Szymonowic
Rał-Niemeczek, Roksana
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Badań Literackich PAN
role kobiet
Szymon Szymonowic
wojna trojańska
women’s roles
Trojan War
The purpose of the article is to analyze the roles of women described in the drama by Szymon Szymonowic entitled “Pentesilea” . Continuing on the topic of the Trojan War and the accession of Pentezylea as the main heroine of this drama, it begins with a reflection on the woman’s place in the world, her responsibilities, rights and privileges. The author describes the behavior of all women who appear in the text, shows the differnces xbetween them, their personalities and their opinions about gender. The conclusions from the article, in addition to the references on the situation of women from the previous centuries, also deal with the Szymonowic’s personal views.
Meluzyna. Dawna Literatura i Kultura; 2019, 2, 11; 53-76
Pojawia się w:
Meluzyna. Dawna Literatura i Kultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ fertygacji kroplowej oraz okrywy foliowej w uprawie dyni olbrzymiej odmiany 'Amazonka' na występowanie owadów
Influence of fertigation and plastic covering in cultivation of winter squash 'Amazonka' on the insect occurence
Lamparski, R.
Rolbiecki, R.
Piesik, D.
Weltrowska-Medzinska, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Stowarzyszenie Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich PAN
warzywa dyniowate
dynia olbrzymia
uprawa polowa
fertygacja kroplowa
nawozenie azotem
okrywanie folia
folia czarna
odmiany roslin
dynia Amazonka
owady zasiedlajace
pluskwiaki rownoskrzydle
pluskwiaki roznoskrzydle
Badano występowanie owadów fitofagicznych i pożytecznych zasiedlających dynię olbrzymią ‘Amazonka’, uprawianą w warunkach zróżnicowanej fertygacji kroplowej azotem oraz okrywy foliowej. Doświadczenia entomologiczne przeprowadzono w latach 2006–2007. Pluskwiaki równoskrzydłe, pluskwiaki różnoskrzydłe i przylżeńce stanowiły najliczniejszą grupę, która zasiedlała dynię olbrzymią ‘Amazonka’. Najwięcej owadów o kłująco-ssącym aparacie gębowym występowało, gdy fertygację stosowano raz w tygodniu. Najmniej natomiast w kombinacjach w których stosowano nawożenie posypowe z nawadnianiem kroplowym. Uszkadzające rośliny dyni owady zaliczane do Homoptera reprezentowane były przez kilka rodzin, jak: skoczkowate, szydlakowate i mszycowate. Najliczniejszym przedstawicielem Cicadellidae był skoczek ziemniaczak – Empoasca pteridis Dahlbom. Skoczek sześciorek – Macrosteles laevis Ribaut oraz skoczek czarnoplamek – Eupteryx atropunctata Goeze wystąpiły w mniejszym nasileniu. Owady pożyteczne stanowiły kilka procent całości oznaczonej entomofauny i były to dziubałkowate – Anthocoridae, dziewięciorkowate – Aelothripidae i zażartkowate –- Nabidae. Stosowanie w uprawie polowej dyni olbrzymiej ‘Amazonka’ zróżnicowanej fertygacji kroplowej azotem i okrywy foliowej wpływało na liczebność fitofagicznych pluskwiaków różnoskrzydłych z rodziny tasznikowatych: zmienika lucernowca – Lygus rugulipennis Popp. i wysmułka paskorogiego – Trigonotylus coelestialium Kirk. Wymienione dwa gatunki tasznikowatych chętniej żerowały na roślinach bez czarnej okrywy foliowej. Stosowanie w uprawie dyni okrywy foliowej powodowało zatrzymywanie wody w glebie, nie dopuszczało do rozwoju chwastów oraz prowadziło do zmniejszenia wilgotności w łanie roślin uprawnych.
Beneficial and phytophagous insects of winter squash ‘Amazonka’ cultivated under various fertigation regimes and plastic cover were investigated. The entomological experiments were conducted in 2006 and 2007. The largest group of insects were Homoptera, Heteroptera and Thysanoptera. Number of these insects was significantly larger on plants with fertigation conducted once a week. The least of all insects were in combinations with topdressing nitrogen fertilization and drip irrigation. Homoptera were represented by: Cicadellidae, Delphacidae and Aphididae. From Cicadellidae the most abundant was Empoasca pteridis Dahlbom. Macrosteles laevis Ribaut and Eupteryx atropunctata Goeze were significantly less numerous. Beneficial insects appeared as less abundant in comparison to pest insects and were represented by Aelothripidae, Anthocoridae, and Nabidae families. The usage of fertigation and plastic covering in open field cultivation of winter squash ‘Amazonka’, affected on numerous of phytophagous insects such as: Lygus rugulipennis Popp. and Trigonotylus coelestialium Kirk. The two species mentioned above willingly raven on the plants from the black plastic covered plots. The usage of the black plastic covering in open field cultivation of squash, influenced on accumulation of water in the soil, reduced of weed infestation and decreased humidity in plant canopy.
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich; 2009, 06
Pojawia się w:
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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