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Zipf Distribution Power AllocationAapproach for NOMA Systems
Himeur, Hanane
Meriah, Sidi Mohammed
Derraz, Fouad
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
wireless networks
power domain
Zipf distribution law
5G networks
Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has received tremendous attention for the development of 5G and beyond wireless networks. Power-domain NOMA works on the concept of assigning varying power levels to users within the same frequency and time block. In this paper we propose a novel power allocation approach that uses the Zipf distribution law that satisfies the basic condition of a NOMA system. The Zipf PA is characterized by the simplicity and ease of implementation that allows to extend the capacity of the system to support a large number of users. The numerical results show that the system achieves high throughput and energy efficiency without any parameter optimization constraints as well as improved capacity by increasing the number of users compared to the NOMA system with existing power allocation techniques.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2023, 69, 3; 559--564
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
LEES: a Hybrid Lightweight Elliptic ElGamal-Schnorr-Based Cryptography for Secure D2D Communications
Ambareen, Javeria
Prabhakar, M.
Ara, Tabassum
Data publikacji:
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
5G networks
D2D communication
lightweight cryptography
Device-to-device (D2D) communications in 5G networks will provide greater coverage, as devices will be acting as users or relays without any intermediate nodes. However, this arrangement poses specific security issues, such as rogue relays, and is susceptible to various types of attacks (impersonation, eavesdropping, denial-of-service), due to the fact that communication occurs directly. It is also recommended to send fewer control messages, due to authenticity- and secrecy related prevailing requirements in such scenarios. Issues related to IoT applications need to be taken into consideration as well, as IoT networks are inherently resource-constrained and susceptible to various attacks. Therefore, novel signcryption algorithms which combine encryption with digital signatures are required to provide secure 5G IoT D2D communication scenarios in order to protect user information and their data against attacks, without simultaneously increasing communication costs. In this paper, we propose LEES, a secure authentication scheme using public key encryption for secure D2D communications in 5G IoT networks. This lightweight solution is a hybrid of elliptic curve ElGamal-Schnorr algorithms. The proposed scheme is characterized by low requirements concerning computation cost, storage and network bandwidth, and is immune to security threats, thus meeting confidentiality, authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation-related criteria that are so critical for digital signature schemes. It may be used in any 5G IoT architectures requiring enhanced D2D security and performance.
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology; 2021, 2; 24-30
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Single Linkage Weighted Steepest Gradient Adaboost Cluster-Based D2D in 5G Networks
Varadala, Sridhar
Roslin, S. Emalda
Data publikacji:
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
5G networks
D2D communication
Minkowski single linkage clustering
Efficiency of data transmissions with minimum latency levels and better resource utilization is a challenging issue in 5 G device-to-device (D 2D) environments. A novel technique referred to as single linkage steepest gradient gentle AdaBoost cluster-based device (SLSGAC) is introduced to improve device-to-device communications with minimum latency. The proposed technique uses the ensemble clustering approach to group mobile devices by constructing a set of weak clusters, based on the Minkowski single linkage clustering technique. In the weak clustering process, residual energy, bandwidth and SINR are estimated, and mobile devices are grouped based on the Minkowski distance measure. Results of the weak clustering process are combined to provide the final ensemble’s clustering output by applying the steepest gradient function to minimize the error rate. For each cluster, a head is selected from among the group members to improve the data transmission rate and minimize latency. Simulations are conducted comparing the proposed technique with the existing methods based on such metrics as energy efficiency, data delivery ratio, packet loss rate, throughput and latency.
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology; 2023, 1; 60--65
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Two-Dimensional Drone Base Station Placement in Cellular Networks Using MINLP Model
Taghavi, Mina
Abouei, Jamshid
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
5G cellular networks
drone base stations
mobile base stations
node placement
Utilization of drones is going to become predominated in cellular networks as aerial base stations in order to temporary cover areas where stationary base stations cannot serve the users. Detecting optimal location and efficient number of drone-Base Stations (DBSs) are the targets we tackle in this paper. Toward this goal, we first model the problem using mixed integer non-linear programming. The output of the proposed method is the number and the optimal location of DBSs in a two-dimension area, and the object is to maximize the number of covered users. In the second step, since the proposed method is not solvable using conventional methods, we use a proposed method to solve the optimization problem. Simulation results illustrate that the proposed method has achieved its goals.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2019, 65, 4; 701-706
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona zdrowia ludności przed zagrożeniami elektromagnetycznymi − wyzwania wynikające z planowanego w Polsce wdrożenia systemu radiokomunikacji standardu 5G
Protection of the population health from electromagnetic hazards − challenges resulting from the implementation of the 5G network planned in Poland
Zmyślony, Marek
Bieńkowski, Paweł
Bortkiewicz, Alicja
Karpowicz, Jolanta
Kieliszek, Jarosław
Politański, Piotr
Rydzyński, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
pole elektromagnetyczne
zdrowie środowiskowe
zasada ostrożności
ochrona środowiska
standard 5G
electromagnetic field
environmental health
radio communication
precautionary principle
environmental protection
5G networks
Trwa dyskusja o zagrożeniach elektromagnetycznych w kontekście projektowania nowej technologii łączności bezprzewodowej piątej generacji – standardu 5G. Pojawiają się obawy o zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa i zdrowia wynikające z oddziaływania pola elektromagnetycznego (PEM) emitowanego przez projektowane urządzenia radionadawcze sieci 5G. W Polsce obowiązują wymagania ograniczające ekspozycję ludności na PEM powyżej częstotliwości 300 MHz do poziomu 7 V/m. Wynikają one z uwzględnienia działań ochronnych dotyczących nie tylko bezpośrednich zagrożeń termicznych, ale również zróżnicowanych zagrożeń pośrednich i długoterminowych. Wiele państw nie ustanowiło wymagań prawnych w tym zakresie częstotliwości lub wprowadziło je na podstawie rekomendacji dotyczącej jedynie ochrony przed bezpośrednimi zagrożeniami termicznymi (Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC), co odpowiada dopuszczalnym, zależnym od częstotliwości poziomom PEM rzędu 20–60 V/m. Niniejsza praca powstała w ramach interdyscyplinarnej współpracy inżynierów, biologów i lekarzy od lat związanych zawodowo z ochroną biosfery przed negatywnymi skutkami działania PEM. Przedstawiono w niej stan wiedzy na temat biologicznego i zdrowotnego działania PEM emitowanego przez urządzenia radionadawcze telefonii komórkowej (w tym planowanych do wykorzystania w sieci 5G fal milimetrowych) i na tym tle porównano zalecenia UE i obowiązujące w Polsce przepisy dotyczące ochrony ludności. Wyniki dotychczasowych badań nad biologicznym działaniem radiofalowego PEM emitowanego przez urządzenia nadawcze telefonii komórkowej o częstotliwościach do 6 GHz nie pozwalają na postawienie zdecydowanych wniosków, chociaż dowody naukowe uznano za wystarczające do zaklasyfikowania przez Światową Organizację Zdrowia takiego PEM jako czynnika środowiskowego potencjalnie rakotwórczego dla ludzi. Obecnie nie ma również adekwatnych danych naukowych pozwalających na ocenę skutków zdrowotnych ekspozycji na elektromagnetyczne fale milimetrowe, jakie planuje się wykorzystać w projektowanych urządzeniach nadawczych systemów 5G. Niemniej ze względu na to, że istnieją dane wskazujące na istnienie mechanizmów biofizycznych oddziaływania PEM mogących prowadzić do negatywnych skutków zdrowotnych, konieczne wydaje się stosowanie przy tworzeniu wymagań środowiskowych dotyczących budowy i użytkowania infrastruktury radionadawczej planowanego systemu 5G zasady ostrożności i zasady ALARA.
There is an ongoing discussion about electromagnetic hazards in the context of the new wireless communication technology – the fifth generation (5G) standard. Concerns about safety and health hazards resulting from the influence of the electromagnetic field (EMF) emitted by the designed 5G antennas have been raised. In Poland, the level of the population’s exposure to EMF is limited to 7 V/m for frequencies above 300 MHz. This limitation results from taking into account the protective measures related not only to direct thermal hazards, but also to diversified indirect and long-term threats. Many countries have not established legal requirements in this frequency range, or they have introduced regulations based on recommendations regarding protection against direct thermal risks only (Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC). For such protection, the permissible levels of electric field intensity are 20–60 V/m (depending on the frequency). This work has been created through an interdisciplinary collaboration of engineers, biologists and doctors, who have been for many years professionally dealing with the protection of the biosphere against the negative effects of EMF. It presents the state of knowledge on the biological and health effects of the EMF emitted by mobile phone devices (including millimeter waves which are planned to be used in the 5G network). A comparison of the EU recommendations and the provisions on public protection being in force in Poland was made against this background. The results of research conducted to date on the biological effects of the EMF radiofrequency emitted by mobile telecommunication devices, operating with the frequencies up to 6 GHz, do not allow drawing any firm conclusions; however, the research evidence is strong enough for the World Health Organization to classify EMF as an environmental factor potentially carcinogenic to humans. At the moment, there is a shortage of adequate scientific data to assess the health effects of exposure to electromagnetic millimeter waves, which are planned to be used in the designed 5G devices. Nevertheless, due to the fact that there are data indicating the existence of biophysical mechanisms of the EMF influence that may lead to adverse health effects, it seems necessary to use the precautionary principle and the ALARA principle when creating environmental requirements for the construction and exploitation of the infrastructure of the planned 5G system.
Medycyna Pracy; 2020, 71, 1; 105-113
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwarunkowania ekspozycji ludności na pole elektromagnetyczne związane z użytkowaniem radiokomunikacyjnych sieci w technologii 5G w Polsce
Conditionings of population exposure to electromagnetic fields associated with the rational use of 5G radiocommunication networks in Poland
Bieńkowski, Paweł
Zmyślony, Marek
Karpowicz, Jolanta
Politański, Piotr
Bortkiewicz, Alicja
Kieliszek, Jarosław
Rydzyński, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
zdrowie publiczne
pole elektromagnetyczne
zdrowie środowiskowe
zagrożenia elektromagnetyczne
sieci 5G
public health
electromagnetic fields
environmental health
electromagnetic hazards
5G networks
W 2017 r. w Polsce rozpoczęto przygotowania do zapewnienia wszystkim obywatelom dostępu do internetu o prędkości co najmniej 30 Mb/s, a 50% gospodarstw domowych – o prędkości co najmniej 100 Mb/s. Cel ten ma być zrealizowany dzięki sieci radiokomunikacyjnej standardu piątej generacji (5G). W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z założeniami konstrukcji sieci 5G oraz oszacowano poziom ekspozycji ludności na pola elektromagnetyczne związane z racjonalnym użytkowaniem tych sieci. Przeanalizowano również, czy z technicznego punktu widzenia implementacja sieci 5G może zapewnić dotrzymanie obecnie dopuszczalnego w Polsce poziomu natężenia pola elektrycznego (7 V/m), przy jednoczesnym uwzględnieniu występującego obecnie w środowisku narażenia powodowanego przez anteny stacji bazowych telefonii komórkowej. Jest to przyczynek do trwającej dyskusji nad koniecznością zmiany obowiązujących w Polsce wymagań ograniczających poziom ekspozycji ludności na pola elektromagnetyczne. Analiza teoretyczna ekspozycji środowiska na pole elektromagnetyczne emitowane przez systemy 5G, przeprowadzona na podstawie dostępnej dokumentacji proponowanych standardów technicznych, pokazuje, że przy racjonalnym gospodarowaniu mocą uzyskanie oczekiwanej (zgodnej ze standardami 5G) jakości połączeń za pośrednictwem stacji bazowych zainstalowanych na zewnątrz budynków i wykorzystujących inteligentne systemy antenowe o sterowanych wiązkach będzie można utrzymać natężenie pola elektrycznego i gęstość mocy poniżej aktualnych wartości dopuszczalnych w miejscach dostępnych dla ludności (<7 V/m, <0,1 W/m2).
In 2017, preparations were made in Poland to provide all citizens with access to the Internet at a speed of at least 30 Mb/s, and at a speed of at least 100 Mb/s for 50% of households. This goal is to be realized, among others, by means of the fifth generation (5G) radio-communication networks. This work presents the assumptions of the 5G network structure and estimates of the level of population exposure toelectromagnetic fields related to their rational use. It was also analyzed whether, from the technical point of view, 5G networks could be implemented while respecting the currently acceptable level of electromagnetic field intensity in Poland (7 V/m), taking into account the current environmental exposure caused by antennas of cellular base stations. This is a contribution to the ongoing discussion on the need to change the requirements in Poland in order to limit the level of population exposure to electromagnetic fields. Based on the available documentation of the proposed technical standards, the theoretical analysis of environmental exposure to the electromagnetic field emitted by 5G systems shows that, with rational power management, obtaining the expected (compatible with 5G standards) quality of connections via base stations installed outside of buildings and using intelligent antenna systems with controlled beams, it will be possible to maintain the electric field strength and power density below the current limit values in places accessible to the public (<7 V/m, <0.1 W/m2).
Medycyna Pracy; 2020, 71, 2; 245-253
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Performance Analysis of Empirical Radio Propagation Models in Wireless Cellular Networks
Rahul, Rahul
Bansal, Bajrang
Kapoor, Rajiv
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
5G Cellular Networks
Cell Coverage
Path Loss
Radio Propagation Models
This paper presents the performance analysis of different empirical radio propagation models used in wireless cellular networks. It particular, the parameters such as path loss and cell coverage area are studied for different cellular networks from second generation (2G) to fifth generation (5G). Accurate prediction of path loss and coverage area is highly desirable for planning of any wireless communication systems. Considering the urban terrain, the comparison is made between Hata model, Stanford University Interim (SUI) model, and modified SUI models. As a motivation for new millimeter wave (mm-wave) cellular systems, i.e., for 5G communication, the analysis is performed at 28 GHz. Considering -75 dBm as the desired minimum received power, it is observed that 2G communication (at 900 MHz using Hata model) experiences the lowest path loss and thus results into largest coverage area. The path loss is observed to be maximum for the future mm-wave systems (at 28 GHz using modified SUI model) that directly imply the smallest coverage area.
World Scientific News; 2019, 121; 35-41
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Design and Analysis of An Improved AODV Protocol Based on Clustering Approach for Internet of Vehicles (AODV-CD)
Ebadinezhad, Sahar
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing
internet of vehicles
vehicular ad hoc networks
quality of service
5G wireless networks
The Internet of Vehicles (IoVs) has become a vital research area in order to enhance passenger and road safety, increasing traffic efficiency and enhanced reliable connectivity. In this regard, for monitoring and controlling the communication between IoVs, routing protocols are deployed. Frequent changes that occur in the topology often leads to major challenges in IoVs, such as dynamic topology changes, shortest routing paths and also scalability. One of the best solutions for such challenges is “clustering”. This study focuses on IoVs’ stability and to create an efficient routing protocol in dynamic environment. In this context, we proposed a novel algorithm called Cluster-based enhanced AODV for IoVs (AODV-CD) to achieve stable and efficient clustering for simplifying routing and ensuring quality of service (QoS). Our proposed protocol enhances the overall network throughput and delivery ratio, with less routing load and less delay compared to AODV. Thus, extensive simulations are carried out in SUMO and NS2 for evaluating the efficiency of the AODV-CD that is superior to the classic AODV and other recent modified AODV algorithms.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2021, 67, 1; 13-22
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Instytut Łączności wobec wyzwań związanych z wdrażaniem sieci 5G w Polsce
The National Institute of Telecommunications in the face of challenges for the implementation of 5G networks in Poland
Krawiec, P.
Mongay Batalla, J.
Gajewski, M.
Sienkiewicz, K.
Wiśniewski, P.
Latoszek, W.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
sieci mobilne
wdrożenie 5G
5G deployment
mobile networks
W artykule zaprezentowano korzyści gospodarcze płynące z wdrożenia nowej generacji sieci mobilnych, tzw. sieci 5G, oraz omówiono wynikające z nich efekty społeczne, w tym spodziewany wpływ na rozwój społeczeństwa informacyjnego. Następnie przedstawiono wyzwania związane z wdrażaniem 5G w Polsce. W głównej mierze wynikają one z obecności barier o charakterze technicznym, ekonomicznym i prawnym, które mogą spowolnić proces wdrażania 5G w Polsce. W artykule przedstawiono również inicjatywy mające na celu identyfikację barier wdrażania sieci 5G oraz potencjalne sposoby ich likwidacji. W tym kontekście przedstawiono działania Instytutu Łączności na rzecz wdrażania 5G w Polsce, w tym poprzez organizację prac w kierowanym przez Ministra Cyfryzacji Porozumieniu na rzecz Strategii „5G dla Polski” oraz uczestnictwo w projekcie 5G@PL realizowanym w ramach strategicznego programu badań naukowych i prac rozwojowych „Społeczny i gospodarczy rozwój Polski w warunkach globalizujących się rynków – Gospostrateg”.
This paper discusses the economic benefits experienced by implementation of new, the 5th generation of mobile network (5G), and associated social effects, including the expected impact of the 5G on the information society. In the light of the expected development of 5G system, the authors present challenges related to implementation of 5G in Poland. The challenges mainly derive from social, economic and legal barriers that have a negative impact on effective implementation of 5G in Poland. The article presents also initiatives for identifying and removing these barriers. In this context, the paper presents activities of the National Institute of Telecommunications (NIT) for the implementation of 5G in Poland, including the Agreement on the „5G for Poland” Strategy that is led by the Ministry of Digital Affairs and the work performed within the agreement is directed by NIT. Moreover, NIT participates in 5G@PL project under the strategic program of scientific research and development „Social and economic development of Poland in the context of globalization – Gospostrateg”.
Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne; 2018, 1-2; 38-52
Pojawia się w:
Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Selected aspects of non-orthogonal multiple access for future wireless communications – for IoT
Wysocki, Tadeusz A.
Flizikowski, Adam
Marciniak, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich. Wydawnictwo PB
IoT networks
This paper has provided an overview of selected IoT architectures, relevant requirements towards 5G (and beyond) systems as well as indication of NOMA techniques suitability as a multiple access technique and recent developments in the area of radio interface for IoT coexisting with 5G (and beyond) mobile networks. The authors assume that IoT networks in the future will be augmented with NOMA-capable sink-nodes (proxy or gateway) that can deliver aggregated data from multiple sensors for delivery to the cloud or other server. The main aim of this paper is to go beyond state of the art available nowadays and indicate directions for NOMA that make it even more attractive in combination with edge computing, cloud-RAN and especially AI/ML to improve future 6G networks.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Telekomunikacja i Elektronika / Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy; 2020, 24; 45-65
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Telekomunikacja i Elektronika / Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Energy Efficiency in 5G Communications – Conventional to Machine Learning Approaches
Shahid, Muhammad Khalil
Debretsion, Filmon
Eyob, Aman
Ahmed, Irfan
Faisal, Tarig
Data publikacji:
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
energy efficiency
wireless networks
Demand for wireless and mobile data is increasing along with development of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and extended reality (ER) applications. In order to handle ultra-high data exchange rates while offering low latency levels, fifth generation (5G) networks have been proposed. Energy efficiency is one of the key objectives of 5G networks. The notion is defined as the ratio of throughput and total power consumption, and is measured using the number of transmission bits per Joule. In this paper, we review state-of-the-art techniques ensuring good energy efficiency in 5G wireless networks. We cover the base-station on/off technique, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer, small cells, coexistence of long term evolution (LTE) and 5G, signal processing algorithms, and the latest machine learning techniques. Finally, a comparison of a few recent research papers focusing on energy-efficient hybrid beamforming designs in massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems is presented. Results show that machine learningbased designs may replace best performing conventional techniques thanks to a reduced complexity machine learning encoder.
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology; 2020, 4; 1-9
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Political and Economic Contexts of Implementing 5G in Poland and in Selected European Countries
Soler, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
5G technology
mobile networks
The technology race to achieve the position of an economic leader is a phenomenon that has been taking place all over the world. The 5G technology has become a vital component of this race over the recent years. The technical capabilities it offers and the role it may play in the economy have become the subject of political debate and are at the very core of the “war for technology” between two superpowers: China and the United States. The European Union is aware of the fact that the position Europe enjoys on the international arena depends, to a large extent, on how quickly European countries will develop and implement 5G. Are individual European member states capable of seamlessly implementing the assumptions of strategies and plans concerned with the development of 5th generation technologies? Will the security of 5G networks be ensured in Europe? These are just some of the issues that are analyzed in this article with their economic and political context taken into consideration. A broader perspective is presented, with primary focus on the global geopolitical situation and on the conflict between China and the United States. The study was conducted by relying on an in-depth analysis of strategic state documents, reports drawn up by institutions tasked with implementing and monitoring the development of 5G technology, as well as literature on the subject and online resources.
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology; 2021, 2; 38-42
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Renewable energy electric sources as a support for multilevel cellular communication networks in various environment conditions : case study
Cuiñas, Iñigo
Znajdek, Katarzyna
Sibiński, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich
cellular networks
energy resources
mobile communication
solar energy
Cellular mobile communication networks are experiencing an important evolution with the emerging deployment of 5G networks and the successive decline in the use of previous generations in the years to come. In parallel, policies promoting ecological transition are gaining social impact and economic interest and this seems to be the trend in the near future. In the telecommunications market, the shift between two dominant generations could be an important opportunity to introduce renewable energy sources to green the sector, reducing the carbon footprint of the world-wide extended activity. This work analyses the current situation and provides an insight into the possibilities to incorporate renewable energy supplies, specifically photovoltaics (as it seems to be the most promising among clean electric sources), perhaps combined with small wind turbines in off-grid systems. Paper also compares the characteristics of standard facilities in Spain and Poland, two different European countries in terms of weather and insolation hours.
Opto-Electronics Review; 2023, 31, 1; art. no. e3145436
Pojawia się w:
Opto-Electronics Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
MIMO Beam Selection in 5G Using Neural Networks
Ruseckas, Julius
Molis, Gediminas
Bogucka, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
context information
MIMO beam orientation
machine learning
neural networks
In this paper, we consider cell-discovery problem in 5G millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication systems using multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) beam-forming technique. Specifically, we aim at the proper beam selection method using context-awareness of the user-equipment to reduce latency in beam/cell identification. Due to high path-loss in mmWave systems, beam-forming technique is extensively used to increase Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). When seeking to increase user discovery distance, narrow beam must be formed. Thus, a number of possible beam orientations and consequently time needed for the discovery increases significantly when random scanning approach is used. The idea presented here is to reduce latency by employing artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) algorithms to guess the best beam orientation using context information from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), lidars and cameras, and use the knowledge to swiftly initiate communication with the base station. To this end, here, we propose a simple neural network to predict beam orientation from GNSS and lidar data. Results show that using only GNSS data one can get acceptable performance for practical applications. This finding can be useful for user devices with limited processing power.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2021, 67, 4; 693--698
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Security Verification in the Context of 5G Sensor Networks
Remlein, Piotr
Stachowiak, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
automated symbolic analysis
Internet of Things
security protocols
sensor networks
In order to develop reliable safety standards for 5G sensor networks (SN) and the Internet of Things, appropriate verification tools are needed, including those offering the ability to perform automated symbolic analysis process. The Tamarin prover is one of such software-based solutions. It allows to formally prove security protocols. This paper shows the modus operandi of the tool in question. Its application has been illustrated using an example of an exchange of messages between two agents, with asynchronous encryption. The scheme may be implemented, for instance, in the TLS/DTLS protocol to create a secure cryptographic key exchange mechanism. The aim of the publication is to demonstrate that automated symbolic analysis may be relied upon to model 5G sensor networks security protocols. Also, a use case in which the process of modeling the DTLS 1.2 handshake protocol enriched with the TCP SYN Cookies mechanism, used to preventing DoS attacks, is presented.
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology; 2021, 2; 107-119
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Europejskie społeczeństwo gigabitowe
The European Gigabit Society
Grabowska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Centrum Europejskie
European Gigabit Society;
Gigabit Society;
European Union;
Electronic Communications Networks;
The aim of the paper is to present the European gigabit society which is perceived by European Union’s leaders as a model of the future European society and economy. It is based on new digital technologies of the XXI century and on new, very high capacity mobile telecommunications networks. The rapid growth of information being processed and transmitted through electronic communications networks needs new high-speed and highly reliable broadband networks essential to economic growth, competitiveness and innovation as well as better quality products, services and the citizen’s satisfaction. The 5G communications network is the solution which is perceived as a type of network which should resolve these problems. In the paper the concept of the European gigabit society is clarifi ed, the 5G technology and its level of development in the European Union and in its Member States are described including Poland vis-à-vis the rest of the world. The European gigabit society is already under development and the 5G communication network is crucial to its success. It should be widely available in Europe including Poland. The paper is based on the analysis of official documents of the European Union and its Member States including Poland, official reports of the most active electronic telecommunications companies providing and implementing 5G technologies and on talks with representatives of some of the ones which are active on the Polish market.
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs; 2020, 24, 1; 151-172
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of Latency-Aware Network Slicing in 5G Packet xHaul Networks
Klinkowski, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
radio access networks
packet-switched xHaul
latency-sensitive network
network slicing
traffic prioritization
network optimization
Packet-switched xHaul networks are a scalable solution enabling convergent transport of diverse types of radio data flows, such as fronthaul / midhaul / backhaul (FH / MH / BH) flows, between remote sites and a central site (hub) in 5G radio access networks (RANs). Such networks can be realized using the cost-efficient Ethernet technology, which enhanced with time-sensitive networking (TSN) features allows for prioritized transmission of latency-sensitive fronthaul flows. Provisioning of multiple types of 5G services of different service requirements in a shared network, commonly referred to as network slicing, requires adequate handling of transported data flows in order to satisfy particular service / slice requirements. In this work, we investigate two traffic prioritization policies, namely, flowaware (FA) and latency-aware (LA), in a packet-switched xHaul network supporting slices of different latency requirements. We evaluate the effectiveness of the policies in a networkplanning case study, where virtualized radio processing resources allocated at the processing pool (PP) facilities, for two slices related to enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC) services, are subject to optimization. Using numerical experiments, we analyze PP cost savings from applying the LA policy (vs. FA) in various network scenarios. The savings in active PPs reach up to 40% − 60% in ring scenarios and 30% in a mesh network, whereas the gains in overall PP cost are up to 20% for the cost values assumed in the analysis.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2023, 69, 2; 335--340
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
ICT in the Polish Railway Industry
Gago, S.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Kolejnictwa
broadband ICT networks
5G technologies
ICT in the railway industry
Internet of Things (IoT)
Physical Internet (PI)
szerokopasmowe sieci teleinformatyczne
technologia 5G
Internet Rzeczy
Fizyczny Internet
The article intends to discuss the impact of the development of IT and logistics systems on the development of ICT networks in the context of practical application in the area of transport, especially in the area of railway transport in Poland. At present, PKP PLK is involved in the construction of a teletransmission network, to be used mainly with ERTMS. According to the author, development of the network should be planned in such a way that this network is able to satisfy the current and future needs of all railway companies in the area of data transmission, making it possible for such railway companies to extend their range of ICT services to include other forms of transport. Systems of railway traffic control should be established within a physically isolated fibre-optic network (isolated fi bres in fibre-optic cables).
Problemy Kolejnictwa; 2018, 179; 75-81
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Kolejnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Security aspects of strategic co-operation of Ukraine and EU with regard to network and information systems
Aspekty bezpieczeństwa strategicznej współpracy Ukrainy i UE w odniesieniu do sieciowych i informatycznych systemów
Olijnyk, Danyila
Ilyash, Olha
Konizhai, Yurii
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
security of network and information systems
global information infrastructure
electronic communications
Internet of Things
next generation networks
bezpieczeństwo sieci i systemów informatycznych
globalna infrastruktura informacyjna
komunikacja elektroniczna
internet rzeczy
sieci nowej generacji
internet szerokopasmowy
On the basis of an analysis of the EU regulatory framework on network and information systems security, the authors share the opinion that the geopolitical and economic factors of development, Ukraine may apply for inclusion in the global information infrastructure intended to connect all telecommunication and computer networks in globally, and is emerging to address complex issues such as security, privacy, hardware and software compatibility, identity management, digital rights management, and more. It is a European vector of integration of Ukraine for the creation of next-generation digital networks. However, it requires not only the proclamation of these directions as a priority but also the political will of the authorities and the establishment of a mechanism of interaction between public authorities and civil society institutions with the involvement of Ukraine’s strategic partners. The development of balanced interaction with the global digital infrastructure, strategic programming of digital preservation development and data processing, including energy and telecommunications infrastructure, creation and implementation of macro models inclusive development of Ukraine as a guarantee of information security.
Na podstawie analizy ram regulacyjnych UE dotyczących bezpieczeństwa sieci i systemów informatycznych autorzy podzielają opinię, że geopolityczne i ekonomiczne czynniki rozwoju Ukrainy mogą ubiegać się o włączenie do globalnej infrastruktury informacyjnej, mającej na celu połączenie wszystkich telekomunikacyjnych i komputerowych sieci w skali globalnej i coraz częściej pojawia się ten postulat w celu rozwiązania takich problemów, jak bezpieczeństwo, prywatność, zgodność sprzętu i oprogramowania, zarządzanie prawami cyfrowymi. Europejski wektor integracji Ukrainy został wybrany w celu tworzenia sieci cyfrowych nowej generacji. Wymaga to jednak nie tylko ogłoszenia tych priorytetowych kierunków, ale także woli politycznej władz i wyboru mechanizmu interakcji między władzami publicznymi a instytucjami społeczeństwa obywatelskiego przy zaangażowaniu strategicznych partnerów Ukrainy. Rozwój zrównoważonej interakcji z globalną infrastrukturą cyfrową, strategiczne programowanie rozwoju ochrony zasobów cyfrowych i przetwarzania danych, w tym infrastruktury energetycznej i telekomunikacyjnej, tworzenie i wdrażanie makropoleceń – stanowią gwarancję bezpieczeństwa informacyjnego Ukrainy.
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy. Seria Ekonomia; 2019, 10, 34; 89-106
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy. Seria Ekonomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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