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Cechy rozwoju i zaniku lądolodu warciańskiego w środkowej Polsce
Development and degradation of the Wartanian ice-sheet in Central Poland
Krzemiński, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
środkowa Polska
lądolód warciański
The South Great Poland ice-sheet lobe representing the Warta Glaciation stretched from the Warsaw-Berlin pradolina that runs along the S2nd parallel (100 m above sea level) to the Wieluń Upland (272 m above sea level) in south (SI°N). The lobe was halted by topographic barriers of the Ostrzeszów Hills (284 m) and of the Łódź Upland (284 m) and left some signs of push moraines there. In central Poland the Wartanian ice-sheet spread southwards utilising the river valleys of the Prosna, Warta and Widawka (Fig. 1). The ice conserved the valleys, which is evidenced by 2-4 m thick till well preserved on the slopes of buried valleys older than of Wartanian age (Fig. 2). The southern portion (51O5O'N) of the South Great Poland lobe diverged into lower order lobes of Widawka, Warta and Prosna. The Widawka lobe, developed in the east, flew over the elevation of the Bełchatów Upland (200-220 m) and left signs of diffluence in the Piotrków Plain (Fig. 3). The Warta lobe crept up onto the northern edge of the Wieluń Upland (200-250 m) where the ice-sheet dissipated. The Prosna lobe reached the Wieruszów Upthrust at a similar altitude. Climatically induced process of the ice-sheet degradation began with the development of crevasses and cracks in the places of irregularities in the topography of the sub-Quaternary bedrock. This led to the formation of marginal zone delineated by the maximum extend of the ice-sheet and by its extent during the main stagnation phase, when the contact with the active ice mass was retained. Inside this zone the landforms associated with stagnant ice downwasting are found. These include kames, karne terraces, karne plateaux, kettles, post-glacial depressions, small outwash plains, latent fragments of pradolinas. Topographic watersheds separate former inward and outward meltwater flow directions. Four subsequent phases of the ice-sheet degradation and the corresponding zones: I - Dzialoszyn, II - Sieradz, III - Niemysłów and Kalisz zones comprise a similar range of landforms and the pattern of flow directions inherited from the areał deglaciation (Fig. 3 and 4). The formation of the zones can be related to the elevations of the sub-Wartanian base, mainly of Mesozoic and Neogene age. Groups of kames (Fig. 1 and 5) are also the evidence of the areal deglaciation. On elevations of the substratum elongated crevasses developed in the downwasting ice. They were then filled with gravel and sand - mainly of inglacial or supraglacial origin. The areas situated between subsequent deglaciation zones and the groups of karnes are usually build of till that forms low relief of undulating ground moraine.
Proces rozprzestrzeniania lądolodu warciańskiego w środkowej Polsce postępował ku południowi dolinami Prosny, Warty i Widawki. Udokumentowane jest to gliną zwałową, dobrze zachowaną na stokach dolin kopalnych starszych od zlodowacenia warciańskiego. W części południowej lobu południowowielkopolskiego (5I,30aN) wyodrębniły się loby niższego rzędu Prosny, Warty i Widawki. Klimatycznie uwarunkowany proces zanikania lądolodu rozpoczyna się przetainami i spękaniami na elewacjach podłoża podwarciańskiego. Prowadzi to do powstania stref brzeżnych ograniczonych każdorazowo linią maksymalnego zasięgu lądolodu i linią głównego etapu postojowego, zachowującego więź z żywym lądolodem. Kolejne etapy zanikania lądolodu warciańskiego w strefach: I działoszyńskiej, II sieradzkiej, III niemysłowskiej i kaliskiej mają podobny inwentarz form rzeźby i układ odpływu wód odziedziczony z deglacjacji arealnej (rys. l, 3 i 4). Obszary leżące pomiędzy kolejnymi strefami brzeżnymi zbudowane są przeważnie z glin zwałowych moreny dennej, która miejscami powleczona jest utworami pokrywowymi.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica; 1997, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fizjograficzne uwarunkowania obiegu i retencji wody oraz migracji zanieczyszczeń w małej zlewni strefy podmiejskiej Łodzi
The role of geographical conditions in water circulation, retention and migration of substances within a small drainage basin
Jokiel, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
obieg wody
małe zlewnie
środkowa Polska
W artykule omówiono kilka zagadnień dotyczących roli warunków fizjograficznych w procesie obiegu wody i migracji innych substancji w obrębie małej zlewni położonej w strefie podmiejskiej dużego miasta (Łodzi). Opisu dokonano w dwu zasadniczych aspektach: formowania odpływu i kształtowania retencji. Wyniki dotyczą w szczególności roli: rzeźby terenu (nachyleń stoków), przepuszczalności gruntu oraz podatności terenu w procesie formowania różnych form odpływu. W odniesieniu do retencji, omówiono problemy retencji powierzchniowej, w tym koryt i zbiorników wodnych, pojemności wodnej ryzosfery (strefy korzeniowej roślin) oraz zasobów wód podziemnych. Szczególnie dużo uwagi poświęcono zagadnieniom prezentacji i analizy zmienności przestrzennej wymienionych cech zlewni. Do ich zobrazowania wykorzystano mapy rastrowe oparte o siatkę pól elementarnych (rys. 3–11).
In the article some problems connected with the role of physiographical conditions in water circulation process and migration of substances within a little drainage basin situated on the outskirts of a large town (Łódź) were discussed. The description was given in two basic aspects: runoff forming and retention shaping. The results referred especially to the role of relief of the Earth’s surface (inclination of slopes), soil permeability and ground susceptibility to shaping the runoff forms. As regards water retention, surface retention of channels and waterbodies, water capacity of the rhizoshpere, and groundwater resources were mentioned. Great attention was given to the presentation and analyses of spatial variability of the drainage basin characteristics. To illustrate it digital maps were used, which were based on elementary squares network (fig. 3–11). These maps are the most important results of the research.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica; 2014, 13
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ekstremalne stany wód podziemnych w środkowej Polsce w wieloleciu 1951-2000
Extreme groundwater levels in Central Poland in 1951-2000
Tomalski, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
stan wody
współczynnik autokorelacji
wody podziemne
środkowa Polska
W artykule omówiono skład fIzykochemiczny opadów atmosferycznych, wód gruntowych i roztworów porowych. Wody (roztwory) porowe uzyskano za pomocą metody ciśnieniowej z prób gruntów gliniasto-piaszczystych i piaszczystych, pobranych w regionie łódzkim i bełchatowskim. Ustalenie składu jonowego wód pozwoliło na określenie ich typów hydrochemicznych oraz wzajemnych związków między poszczególnymi rodzajami wód. Wskazano również na czynniki antropogeniczne wpływające na zmiany składu wód opadowych, porowych i gruntowych
The aim of this study is to present an analysis of sequence of extreme annual groundwater levels in central part of Poland. Data were obtained from 55 groundwater levels (Fig. I),which were monitored in Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. Every sequence has its own theoretically fitted distribution, counted autocorrelation and the number of statistically significant, subsequent coefficients (with shifts from I to 5).Annual minima are best approximated (Fig. 3) by Fisher's-Tippet's distribution (E3). Furthermore, in some cases log-normal, two- and three-parametric distributions (LN2 and LN3) were fitted. It is clearly seen in spatial distribution (Fig. 4) in Pilica river basin that the participation of Fisher's-Tippet's distribution is relatively smaller in this region than in the others. Mean autocorrelation of annual minima (Fig. 5) is equal to 0.59, which means that the levels have big inertia. Annual maxima are best approximated by (Fig. 6) log-normal, twoparametric distribution (LN2). Except this one, in some cases: Gumbell (El), three-parametric log-normal (LN3) and Pearson type III distribution (P3) are fitted. On the north of the investigated area in the spatial arrangement the concentration of LN3 distribution can be clearly seen. The sequences of maximum groundwater levels are characterized by much smaller inertia than sequences of minimum values. Looking at their spatial arrangements (Fig. 8) it cannot be omitted that high RaI values (> 0.8) concern the same region, but not the same wells as in case of minima. Low RaI values « 0.2) are rather evenly distributed. Basing on the approximated distributions, water levels of given probability (of 50% and 10%) of exceeding (for maximum values) and unreachables (for minimum values) were calculated. It allowed to create diagrams (Fig. 9) of the frequency of week-long floods and low flows during the long lasting period. After slightly dry 50s the shortages were supplemented and wet years began (late 60s to the beginning of 80s). Following years belong to a dry period with its apogee in 1990-1993. Afterwards we observe some years of supplementation of aquifers and the beginning of floody period just before the beginning of a new millennium. As in case of other hydrometeorological characteristics we can observe its cyclic nature.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica; 2008, 8
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przepływy ekstremalne wybranych rzek środkowej Polski w latach 1951-2000
Extreme discharges of selected rivers in Central Poland in 1951-2000
Jokiel, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
przepływ rzeczny
zmienność sezonowa przepływu
zjawiska ekstremalne
środkowa Polska
The following study is an attempt to create a multiaspect statistical analysis of 50-years long sequences of monthly extreme llows of three rivers of central Poland: Warta in Sieradz, Bzura in Sochaczew and Pilica in Przedbórz (1951-2000). Those rivers play leading roles in water management of one of the poorest in surface water regions of country - central Poland. The knowledge of their regime and identification of its changes in time especially due to low and high flows is a basis for future planning and efficient water management in regional scale. Within this work functions of monthly extreme flow distributions were identified and distinct probability quantiles were calculated (fab. 1-2; Attachments I-VI). Looking at flow maxima it was noted that for snow-melt freshets months (lI, Ill, IV) the most characteristic were gamma and Weibull's distributions, while for the months of 'summer freshet (VI, VII, VIII) - gamma and log-gamma functions. In case of monthly minima was slightly different. The greatest number of sequences might have been described by Weibull's distribution, significantly smaller number by log-gamma, last two functions appeared very rarely. The biggest annual specific capacity of probability of exceeding l% characterize Pilica river. It was much bigger than analogous runoffs calculated for Warta and Bzura rivers. For Warta and Bzura annual low llows of probability of exceeding 99% were also 8 times smaller than their ecological discharges. In case of Pilica this difference was about 400% smaller. There were investigated the perennial and seasonal dynamics of extreme llows (attachments VII, IX), changeability of monthly llow amplitudes (Fig. 13, 14) as well the trends and their significance (Tab. 4). Long lasting maximum llow series for months of the same names from cold half-year were investigated in 3 rivers and characterized by negative trends (sometimes statistically significant) - Pilica (XI-IV); Bzura (II, III). The lowest flows period systematically moved from early summer (in 1951-1960) towards late summer or even early autumn (in 1991-2000). This trend was very pronounced and unambiguous. Perennial changeability of warm half-year minimum series was usually smaller than of parallel series in cold half-year. All monthly minima of Warta increased, Pilica's - decreased, while the observed tendencies for Bzura were variegated. Most of the obtained trend lines indicate on tendencies of decreasing in the series of monthly amplitudes, although statistically significant trends are characteristically arranged. Statistically significant trends occur during late winter and early spring (I-II), what is more they concern all studied rivers. The analysis indicate on a small decrease in changeability of flows in investigated rivers, which is characterized by slightly systematic increase of monthly minima and amplitude decrease. However, those phenomena are visible best during cold half-years and concern mainly month of freshets (II, III).
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica; 2008, 8
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fazy transformacji rzeźby środkowej Polski w warunkach antropopresji w świetle badań geosystemów eolicznych, stokowych i rzecznych
Twardy, J.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
transformacja rzeźby
geosystem eoliczny
geosystem stokowy
geosystem rzeczny
środkowa Polska
Landform Analysis; 2008, 9; 324-328
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kame or moraine? A sedimentological study of a glaciomarginal landform at Niedźwiedziny (Great Polish Lowland)
Ewert-Krzemieniewska, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
glaciomarginal zone
Middle Poland
strefa glacimarginalna
Środkowa Polska
A sedimentary succession in a gravel pit at Niedźwiedziny was investigated in order to determine its origin: kame or moraine. The gravel pit is located in an isolated hill of approx. 600 m long and 250–400 m wide. The succession is built of glaciofluvial deposits: a sandy/gravelly unit in the lower and middle parts, overlain by diamicton. Five lithofacies have been distinguished, which represent two facies associations: (1) a fluvial association evolving from a high-energy to a transitional to a shallow braided river on an alluvial fan, and (2) an association of cohesive deposits representing a glacigenic mass flow. The interpretation is based mainly on palaeocurrent data and differs from conclusions by earlier investigators. The ice-marginal zone is characterised by a large variety of glaciomarginal forms. Their sedimentology, morphology and palaeogeography are determined by successive phases of deglaciation. The results of the present study show that the character of the deglaciation in the study area changed with time from frontal to areal deglaciation.
Geologos; 2014, 20, 3; 167-181
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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