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Wokół propozycji zmiany górnej granicy kary pozbawienia wolności oraz rezygnacji z kary 25 lat pozbawienia wolności
On the proposal to change the upper limit on the penalty of deprivation of liberty and abandon the penalty of 25 years’ imprisonment
Melezini, Mirosława
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
kara 25 lat pozbawienia wolności
kara pozbawienia wolności
kara wyjątkowa
kara dożywotniego pozbawienia wolności
Przedmiotem opracowania są analiza i ocena propozycji zmian uregulowań dotyczących kary pozbawienia wolności, których istota polega na eliminacji z katalogu kar Kodeksu karnego punktowej kary 25 lat pozbawienia wolności oraz na podwyższeniu górnej rodzajowej granicy terminowej kary pozbawienia wolności z 15 lat do 30 lat. W tym zakresie przedstawiono stanowisko doktryny i judykatury na temat charakteru i funkcji kary 25 lat pozbawienia wolności i terminowej kary pozbawienia wolności, wskazano podnoszone w piśmiennictwie trudności praktyczne związane z wymierzaniem punktowej kary 25 lat pozbawienia wolności, powstające na tle wymierzania kar w wypadku sprawców współdziałających w popełnieniu przestępstwa, oraz przedstawiono propozycje zmian dotyczących uregulowań przez kolejne projekty nowelizacji k.k. począwszy od 2000 r. do chwili obecnej, a także zapatrywania doktryny na temat zgłoszonych propozycji. Artykuł ma charakter krytyczny wobec proponowanych zmian. Przeprowadzone w artykule rozważania prowadzą do konkluzji, że ani propozycja eliminacji kary 25 lat pozbawienia wolności, ani wydłużenie tak zwanej zwykłej kary pozbawienia wolności do 30 lat nie zasługują na aprobatę.
The article analyses and evaluates the proposal to amend the regulations concerning the penalty of deprivation of liberty that consists in the eradication of the fixed penalty of 25 years’ imprisonment from the catalogue of penalties laid down in Criminal Code and exceeding the upper time limit of the penalty of deprivation of liberty from up to 15 to up to 30 years. The article presents the opinions of the doctrine and the judicature on the nature and function of the penalty of 25 years’ imprisonment and other penalties of deprivation of liberty, points out practical difficulties indicated in the literature that are connected with the imposition of the fixed penalty of 25 years’ imprisonment in case of perpetrators cooperating in the commission of crime, and presents proposals to amend the regulations by means of successive CC amendment bills from 2000 up to now, as well as the opinion of the doctrine on the proposed changes. The considerations presented in the article lead to the conclusion that neither the proposal to eliminate the fixed penalty of 25 years’ imprisonment nor exceeding the so-called standard penalty of deprivation of liberty to 30 years deserves approval.
Ius Novum; 2022, 16, 3; 7-26
Pojawia się w:
Ius Novum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Warunkowe przedterminowe zwolnienie z reszty kary po nowelizacji lipcowej z 2022 r.
Conditional Early Release from the Remaining Part of the Penalty after the Amendment from July 2022
Przesławski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
conditional release
custodial sentence
life imprisonment
warunkowe zwolnienie
kara pozbawienia wolności
kara dożywotniego pozbawienia wolności
Artykuł omawia zmiany wprowadzone do Kodeksu karnego i Kodeksu karnego wykonawczego ustawą z dnia 7 lipca 2022 r. w zakresie instytucji warunkowego zwolnienia. Przedmiotem artykułu są regulacje związane z przesłankami formalnymi orzekania tego środka, jego odwołania, okresem próby, jak również aspekty wykonawcze dotyczące ponownego wniosku o warunkowe zwolnienie i objęcia skazanego dozorem. W publikacji przedstawiono wątki historyczne, a także rozwiązania na przyszłość, w wymiarze legislacyjnym i organizacyjnym dla dalszego rozwoju tej instytucji.
The article discusses the changes introduced to the Penal Code and the Executive Penal Code by the Act of 7 July 2022 within the scope of the institution of conditional release. The subject of this article are the regulations connected with formal conditions of adjudicating this measure, its appeal, the probation period as well as executory aspects concerning another petition for conditional release and placing a condemned person under supervision. The publication includes historical references as well as solutions for the future, in the legislative and organizational dimension for further development of this institution.
Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego; 2024, 19, 21 (1); 251-269
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie nadawane karze przez osadzonych w Zakładzie Karnym w Wołowie
Meanings given to punishment by recidivists from Prison in Wołów
Woźny, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
kara pozbawienia wolności
Kara jest pojęciem mocno powiązanym z więziennictwem. Wymiar sprawiedliwościnakłada karę na osobę popełniającą przestępstwo, by wywrzeć na niej zmianę i zniechęcićją do dalszego niewłaściwego zachowania. Mnie jako badacza zainteresowało, czy więźniowieodbywający karę pozbawienia wolności po raz kolejny (recydywiści), czyli osoby wielokrotnieukarane, w ogóle zdają sobie sprawę z procesów, którym podlegają. Próbowałam dowiedziećsię nie tylko jak rozumieją pojęcie kary, ale również co sądzą na temat jej skuteczności orazczy według nich kara pozbawienia wolności jest potrzebna i czy nie można by karać ludziw inny sposób. W części teoretycznej opisałam, jakie naukowcy wytyczają cele i funkcje kary,by móc później porównać teorię naukową z rzeczywistością. Wywiadów udzieliło mi dziesięciurecydywistów z Zakładu Karnego w Wołowie i każda z tych rozmów była inna, dlatego teżmoje wnioski nie są jednoznaczne i wymagają kolejnych badań.
Concept of punishment is strongly connected with penology. Justice system is punishingcriminals to make them change and discourage them from inappropriate behaviour. I asa scientist, was interested in question: what prisoners who reoffends repeatedly think aboutpunishment, effectiveness and necessity of this. In theoretical part of my publication I describedhow scientist write about purpose and functions of punishment. I did that becauseI want to compare scientific theory with reality. I was talked to ten recidivists from Prison inWołów and every conversation was different, so my conclusions are not ambiguous. Thereis a need to make more research.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2018, 16; 157-175
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Subiektywna wizja świata u osób skazanych na karę pozbawienia wolności a proces planowania swojej przyszłości
Convicts’ Subjective Worldview vs Planning One’s Future
Siemionow, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
kara pozbawienia wolności
regulacyjna teoria osobowości
The prison, as a place of detention, has a number of tasks to achieve, one of the crucial ones being to rehabilitate the inmates, i.e. habituate them to life in basic social groups and institutions. The pursuit of this mission makes it necessary to maintain, construct or reconstruct non-existent, broken or dysfunctional social ties, including family ones. The primary goal of the penitentiary rehabilitation process is for the activities that inmates are involved in while serving their sentences to be conducive to taking up appropriate social roles while satisfying their needs in accordance with accepted values, models and social norms. A permanent change of behaviour can only be brought about if preceded by a cognitive change in the inmate’s system of beliefs and mentality. According to the cognitive theory of human behaviour, man’s actions are conditioned by information, while the structure of the information people have internalised determines what aims they pursue and what they avoid. Information comes from two primary sources – from the individual’s environment and from experience. It makes up every person’s subjective worldview and to large extent determines his or her actions. The article presents the findings of research conducted on a group of nine inmates regarding how they planned their future in light of their subjective worldview. The research was conducted in the form of individual, unlimited (time) interviews with the prisoners. The overarching aim was to find out what factors shaped the inmates’ subjective worldview and how the latter translated into what they were planning to with their future after leaving prison. Family and family relationships are one of the key elements that determine how inmates perceive the world. It is with family in mind – as the findings indicate – that inmates formulate their future goals. It is worth noting that the inmates’ approach to planning had changed in the course of serving their sentences – they currently see planning as a value and a condition of a successful return into the open. They shift their attention from the past to the future, they no longer concentrate only on their ‘old’ experiences, traumas and hurts, but begin increasingly to focus on the future and the present. They are critical of their former (pre-imprisonment) lifestyle and the decisions made then. They also distance themselves from their former crime partners, who have abandoned them. Hence, basic therapeutic and psycho-educational work with inmates should be based on the principles of cognitive-behavioural psychology. Using their declared willingness to change, we can raise the effectiveness of rehabilitation. Strong unwillingness to take part in therapeutic programs is a widespread problem in rehabilitation work. Hence, diagnosing or analysing individual perceptions of reality, and particularly the factors that underlie their specificity, is a key factor in bringing about change. Making plans requires looking at one’s past and present life from a different perspective. Imprisonment provides such a new perspective which, in spite of the hardships of detention, can also inspire reflection. For this to happen, the staff needs to be engaged in new programmes and methods of working with inmates. Raising one’s professional competence and increasing the number of one-on-one meetings with a psychologist and/or therapist are only some of the possible solutions prison staff can undertake. Another important element in the process of planning is time: the time already spent in prison and the time remaining until the end of the sentence. The least planning, as research indicates, is done by people who have just begun serving their sentence or who still have a lot of time ahead until release. Of course this does not mean that they do not think about their future life upon leaving the penitentiary facility. It is too great an emotional strain for these prisoners, however, they therefore focus on adapting to the new conditions in the best way possible from the viewpoint of potential gains. In the studied group, planning also coincided with a marked tendency to change, which cannot be achieved without the active support of inmates’ families. Hence it is also important to get the family circle involved the rehabilitation process. It is no easy task, yet doable, as shown by numerous programmes implemented in penitentiary facilities (such as ‘Daddy behind the wall’) which particularly today need to be innovative and adapted to the present.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2017, XXXIX; 177-196
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Orzeczone kary pozbawienia wolności a długość faktycznego pobytu w więzieniu (na przykładzie skazanych za przestępstwa z użyciem przemocy)
Adjudicated imprisonment punishment and the length of actual detention in prison
Gruszczyńska, Beata
Kulma, Roman
Marczewski, Marek
Siemaszko, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
kara pozbawienia wolności
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2000, XXV; 193-223
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ procesu prizonizacji na readaptację społeczną skazanych
Wojciechowski, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
kara pozbawienia wolności
Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą zwrócenia uwagi na negatywny aspekt kary pozbawienia wolności oraz sposoby minimalizacji konsekwencji jej wykonania na przykładzie praktyk realizowanych w Zakładzie Karnym w Białej Podlaskiej. Artykuł jest podzielony na dwie części. Pierwsza zawiera teoretyczny opis dolegliwości i związanych z nimi następstw, z jakimi spotyka się osoba przekraczająca więzienną bramę. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono tu na problem prizonizacji. Kolejna część opisuje realizację celów wykonania kary pozbawienia wolności na przykładzie bialskiej jednostki penitencjarnej, opracowaną na podstawie sprawozdań komórek organizacyjnych zakładu za rok 2014. Na zakończenie sformułowano wnioski, których wdrożenie z pewnością usprawni proces readaptacji społecznej więźniów.
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny; 2015, 22; 74-86
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Indywidualna perspektywa czasowa osób skazanych na kary izolacyjne – implikacje dla oddziaływań resocjalizacyjnych
Individual Time Perspective of Convicts on Imprisonment Sentences: Implications for Social Rehabilitation Interactions
Gulla, Bożena
Tucholska, Kinga
Wysocka-Pleczyk, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
perspektywa czasowa
kara pozbawienia wolności
time perspective
prison sentence
Autorzy prezentują nowe spojrzenie na perspektywę temporalną, mogącą pełnić rolę uzupełniającą w resocjalizacji osób odbywających kary izolacyjne w warunkach zakładu karnego. Nieuwzględnianie w dotychczasowych koncepcjach resocjalizacji osobistych preferencji temporalnych skazanych może być przyczyną niepowodzeń podejmowanych oddziaływań. Indywidualizacja propozycji resocjalizacyjnych w odniesieniu do dominującej orientacji czasowej osoby osadzonej czyni je bardziej adekwatnymi wobec osobistych mechanizmów psychologicznego funkcjonowania, bardziej dostępnymi poznawczo dla skazanego, motywuje do większego zaangażowania w tak zaplanowaną resocjalizację i równocześnie sprzyja zrównoważeniu perspektywy temporalnej w przyszłości. Zbalansowana orientacja czasowa jest zasobem, który po opuszczeniu zakładu karnego przez skazanego będzie sprzyjał jego odejściu od przestępczości.
The paper is to offer a  new look at temporal perspective, which might supplement resocialization of persons serving custodial sentences in prisons. The neglect of temporal aspects might cause failures in correctional operations. The individualization of resocialization proposals by referring them to the dominant temporal orientation of an inmate makes them more suitable for the convict’s psychological functioning’s mechanisms and more cognitively accessible for him/her. It motivates to larger commitment to participate in so planned resocialization and creates favourable conditions for time perspective to be balanced. Optimally, a balanced time perspective is a resource, which may increase the likelihood individuals will avoid engaging in criminal behaviour after being released from prison.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2015, 10; 41-54
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawo do praktyk religijnych osób osadzonych w areszcie śledczym i odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności w teorii i praktyce penitencjarnej
The Right of Inmates of Remand Prisons and Penitentiary Facilities to Religious Observance - In Penitentiary Theory and Practice
Sitarz, Olga
Jaworska-Wieloch, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
kara pozbawienia wolności
prawo do praktyk religijnych
tymczasowe aresztowanie
The article discusses the right to religious observance as one possible form of exercising one’s freedom of conscience for persons in temporary detention or serving a sentence of (unconditional) imprisonment. Detention involves a range of (usually justified) restrictions and deprivations, some of which apply to the sphere of religious practices. We must not forget that freedom of conscience and religion is not only internal to a person, but also relates to his or her actions in their semi-private and public space and, as such, must be regulated, particularly in conditions of detention. Importantly, the article does not focus on the influence of religious life on the rehabilitation of inmates but on whether their right to religious freedom is respected. The aim was not to find out whether inmates needed religious practices and services in prison, but to assert that they had a right to them, while the state had a duty to respect that right.We departed from the assumption that religious practices were a matter of public or private cult and included performing certain actions dictated or forbidden by the laws of a given religious community. The question was to what extent these practices were subjected to limitation, which practices were concerned and to what extent the observed limitations were justified. The answer drew on existing legal provisions and on the subjective feelings of inmates themselves. It should be recalled that in 1991, the Polish Ombudsman determined that the right of inmates to practice Catholicism was essentially ensured and properly implemented in prisons. The only shortcoming, as judged at the time, was the lack of a sufficiently high-level normative act regulating all matters pertaining to religious practice in detention in a comprehensive way. It seemed necessary to check whether these findings were still valid. Thus the first part of the article provides an overview of the existing legal provisions defining the scope of religious practices that can be undertaken by inmates, including international regulations, the Polish constitution, acts of law and other relevant regulations. Different groups of inmates were examined, including those in temporary detention, those serving sentences and considered particularly dangerous as well as those subjected to the disciplinary measure of being placed in an isolation cell for a period of up to 28 days. We found that not all restrictions on the exercise of religious freedom in prison, as provided for under the Polish law, were justified. Our assessment of the said restrictions, both when it came to law making and application, took into account the goals and purpose of imprisonment and temporary detention in light of the constitutional criterion of proportionality. In the second part, we present the findings of a survey conducted in two penitentiary facilities among inmates declaring themselves Roman Catholic. The aim was to find out how the inmates viewed their rights when it came to religious practices, to what extent those practices were available to them and whether they felt any deficits in this area. At the general level, we found that the inmates declared significant activity in the religious area and rarely attributed obstacles to the exercise of religious rights to legal provisions or the rules in a given penitentiary facility. The unavailability of particular religious practices was also reported to be low. There were more answers indicating lack of permission to take part in Church ceremonies outside the prison (for example the funeral of a loved one). This is probably the weakest area when it comes to ensuring the exercise of inmates’ religious freedoms. Our analysis of the legal framework and the survey carried out in penitentiary facilities allowed us to formulate certain tentative conclusions (including de lege ferenda). The normative provisions do not impose many legal limitations on inmates’ access to religious practices and services. Yet respecting the right to freedom of religion is not only about not creating unnecessary barriers; it also consists in defining a minimum set of rights conferred on each inmate, on which they can call the prison authorities to account if need be.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2017, XXXIX; 117-148
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poziom zadowolenia u skazanych odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności w zakładach karnych na terenie Polski
Level of life satisfaction of the convicts serving their sentences in prisons in Poland
Boruc, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
poziom zadowolenia z życia
kara pozbawienia wolności
zakład karny
W pracy dokonano analizy poziomu zadowolenia z życia skazanych odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności z zakładach karnych na terenie Polski. Do przeprowadzenia badania wykorzystano Kwestionariusz Zadowolenia z życia autorstwa J. Chodkiewicza. dodatkowo zamieszczono pytania odnośnie: płci, wieku, wykształcenia, bycia osobą nie karaną lub skazaną. Na podstawie danych uzyskanych od respondentów stwierdzono, iż występują różnice w poziomie zadowolenia z życia między osobami skazanymi odbywającymi karę pozbawienia wolności a osobami nie karanymi. Średni poziom zadowolenia z obszarów obejmujących kwestie materialne i sferę seksualną (praca, finanse, zdrowie, seksualność) jest wyższy u mężczyzn w porównaniu do kobiet. Średni poziom zadowolenia z obszarów obejmujących stosunki interpersonalne (dzieci, moja osoba, krewni, związek) jest wyższy u kobiet w porównaniu do mężczyzn.
Przegląd Pedagogiczny; 2014, 2; 235-246
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kara śmierci w trybie doraźnym (sprawa IVK dor. 24/83 w Sądzie Wojewódzkim w Warszawie)
Capital Punishment in Summary Proceeding
Rzepliński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
kara śmierci
kara pozbawienia wolności
procesy sądowe
capital punishment
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2008, XXIX-XXX; 905-943
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jaworska, Anetta
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
sens życia
kara pozbawienia wolności
meaning of life
The paper examines the role of art (creativity) in the development of the sense of life of inmates. The goal of this study is to show the relationship between creative activity of prisoners and their understanding of the meaning of life. The study was conducted on the set of natural groups: from the group of 41 men, 19 qualified for the experimental group (active creatively) and 22 qualified for the control group (uncreative activity). The two groups did not differ in terms of age, marital status, length of sentence, education, criminal record, or a sense of loneliness. The results show that men undergoing imprisonment and exhibiting interest in some form of active participation in the arts were characterized by a higher level of search for the meaning of life in comparison with the prisoners having no creative activity. The results are consistent with the other studies carried out among the socially disadvantaged.
Ars inter Culturas; 2014, 3; 215-225
Pojawia się w:
Ars inter Culturas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pełnoletniość więzienna – strategie adaptacji do długoterminowej izolacji na podstawie analizy przypadków trzech kobiet najdłużej odbywających karę dożywotniego pozbawienia wolności w Polsce
The ‘Penitentiary Age of Majority’: Strategies of Adapting to Long-Term Imprisonment – The Case of Three Female Inmates Serving Life Sentences Longest in Poland
Ejchart-Dubois, Maria
Markowska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
długoterminowa izolacja
kara dożywotniego pozbawienia wolności
According to Polish Penitentiary Service statistics, there were 2131 women serving sentences in Polish prisons as of January 2016, 400 of whom had been convicted for homicide. 13 were serving life sentences. The article describes our research on three women who were the first to be sentenced to life imprisonment in Poland and have already served 19 years of their sentences. During this time, each was transferred to another penitentiary facility at least a couple of times, and changed cells and cellmates several times. Each encountered several dozen educators, psychologists, wardens, and prison directors. This long period also saw significant changes in their family status. The places where they were confined and the people they had met impacted the way each functioned in prison. Our research consisted in an analysis of court records: the sentences, expert, psychiatric and psychological opinions, as well as other documents produced during the course of criminal proceedings, including media reports and prison records (personal file B). Open interviews with the women were a vital component of the study – we met with each inmate at least once and conducted a three-hour interview at her place of detention. The study was carried out between May 2015 and February 2016.By analysing the material collected, we created a criminal profile of each of the women, who had spent the last 19 years in prison. We described the evolution of their attitudes towards the crime and the trial, as well as their outlook as it had evolved throughout their time in prison; their life goals, and the influence of external circumstances (such as their place of confinement and the type of contacts each had with the outside world) on their lives and life plans. It proved extremely difficult to say who these women are. They have not confessed to the crimes for which they were sentenced and have spent a great part of their lives in prison, living without the prospect of being released at any specific time. Their functioning in prison does not match any of the adaptation strategies described in the literature on the subject. The aim of our research was also to determine the purpose of life imprisonment. The question becomes particularly important as the date approaches when these women, the first to be sentenced to this extreme form of punishment, will acquire the right to apply for parole. Our analysis of the way these women have been serving their life sentences shows that Prison Service officers consider the main purpose of life imprisonment to be isolation. This view is not surprising, yet one must ask whether after 20 years in prison one would not do well to reconsider the hierarchy of goals that are to be served by imprisonment. It is beyond doubt that the way the women have been serving their sentences has been influenced by their attitude to the crime and by the fact that none of them had ever admitted her guilt. At the same time none of them denies her responsibility as a participant of the event. Because none of the women studied had ‘killed someone with her own hands’, they are in a convenient psychological position. They do not have to come to terms with having deprived another human being of life, although they do not deny their complicity. Their attitude to the committed crimes might prove decisive when applying for parole. Our research does not provide unequivocal answers to the questions we set out to answer, yet it proves that serving very long sentences should involve planning. The way the women function shows that they themselves largely organise their time in prison, seek work as well as educational, cultural and sports opportunities. The restraint shown by the prison authorities in offering such activities comes from the fact that a life sentence means that working with this category of inmates can always be put off till later. This was evidenced by the vague and general formulation of the goals each of the female inmates had in her individual programme. The place of detention is another important factor when it comes to quality of life in prison. Penitentiary facilities differ in terms of their architectural arrangements, the conditions of imprisonment, but also in terms of the types of activities offered, the possibility of taking up work and study, and the relations between prison staff and inmates. By observing their attitude today, we can conclude that each woman has put her time in prison to a different use. We don’t know what the prison administration and penitentiary court will make of this when the convicts apply for parole. To assess whether the inmates have changed it will not be enough to examine their behaviour and the number of times applications were put in to reward or punish them. We need intensive work with the inmates, in-depth observation and an examination of their personalities, which should be carried out by a qualified psychologist. Yet such opinions are lacking in the penitentiary records of the studied inmates. It is difficult to plan an adequate course of action without assessing the inmates’ current deficits and needs. The studied women each chose a different path for herself. M.R. is succumbing to unconscious degeneration and resignation. She is calculating; she knows how to survive in prison, yet she deeply resents this place. M.O. is the most uncertain and emotionally unstable, one doesn’t know what to expect of her, but as long she does not absorb the attention of the prison staff, they show little interest in her. M.Sz. is the ‘safest’ from the standpoint of the Prison Service; her attitude often evokes surprise that one can be doing so well in prison with a life sentence. One might get the impression that she is acting, but is it possible to pretend for almost 20 years?Because life imprisonment has no fixed term, it seems rational to treat it as a chance to improve one’s life, even if one never leaves the prison walls. This task requires making the inmates feel responsible for every possible area of their lives. Each of the examined women put the opportunities available to her to a different use. The quarter century after which they will be able to apply for a court review of their punishment is a long time, which they, for most part, have not taken full advantage of.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2017, XXXIX; 249-272
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współczesne problemy resocjalizacji
Contemporary problems of resocialization
Kopczyńska-Wisz, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
penal institution
kara pozbawienia wolności
zakład karny
Zagadnienia dotyczące współczesnych problemów resocjalizacji wskazują, że proces resocjalizacji jest bardzo złożony. Czynniki egzogenne i endogenne w dużym stopniu utrudniają podejmowanie działań zmierzających do ponownej socjalizacji osób dotychczas niedostosowanych społecznie. Podkreślić należy, że mimo to resocjalizacja się odbywa i niejednokrotnie przynosi pożądane efekty. Osoby resocjalizujące dokładają wszelkich starań, by pomimo utrudnień, osoby, które są poddawane działaniom resocjalizacyjnym zrozumiały, że tylko życie zgodne z normami prawnymi prowadzi do rozwoju, zadowolenia i sukcesów.
Issues related to contemporary problems of resocialization make us realize that the process of resocialization is very complex. Exogenous and endogenous factors make it very difficult to undertake actions aimed at re-socialization of people who have not been socially adapted to date. It should be emphasized that despite this, rehabilitation takes placeand often brings the desired results. Resocializing persons make every effort to ensure that despite impediments, people who are subjected to rehabilitation activities understand that only living in accordance with legal norms leads to development, satisfaction and successes.
Roczniki Pedagogiczne; 2019, 11(47), Numer specjalny; 257-270
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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