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Mazovia Quo Vadis? : the Panel of International Experts
Mazovia Quo Vadis? The Panel of International Experts
Kukliński, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Mazowieckie Biuro Planowania Regionalnego w Warszawie
Quo Vadis
The article is an introduction to the international experts panel, that took place during the conference “World – Europe – Poland: the Future of the Mazovia Region” organized in May 27-28, 2009. Main questions and problems that the panelists were focused on are presented. Possible approaches to the Mazovia Region development, as the region functioning within the system of European Union regions, are outlined. There are also three trajectories of this region development suggested for research: trajectory of OECD, World Bank, and transnational corporations. An issue of development dynamics of regions like Mazovia was raised. It was suggested to look at the Mazovia Region as a classical region experiencing dual mode development. The concept of diagnosis of the Mazovia Region transformation in the period of 1990 – 2010 is proposed and the question about the impact of the global crisis on the Mazovia Region development conditions is raised. In the prospective dimension development scenarios for the Mazovia Region for the period of 2010 – 2030 are proposed to discuss. In the last part of the article remarks on internal and external factors that impact development processes are presented.
Artykuł jest wprowadzeniem do panelu międzynarodowych ekspertów, jaki odbył się w czasie konferencji Świat – Europa – Polska. Przyszłość Mazowsza, zorganizowanej w Warszawie w dniach 27-28 maja 2009 roku. Przedstawiono w nim główne pytania i problemy, które dyskutowali uczestnicy panelu. W artykule zarysowano możliwe podejścia do rozwoju Mazowsza jako regionu funkcjonującego w systemie regionów Unii Europejskiej. Zarysowano także problematykę umiejscowienia Mazowsza na scenie globalnej według perspektywy OECD, Banku Światowego i transnarodowych korporacji. W artykule zasygnalizowana została kwestia dynamiki rozwoju regionów takich jak Mazowsze. Mazowsze zostało także przedstawione do dyskusji jako klasyczny region o dualnym rozwoju. W artykule zaproponowana została również koncepcja przeprowadzenia diagnozy transformacji Mazowsza w latach 1990-2010 oraz postawione zostało pytanie o wpływ globalnego kryzysu na rozwój Mazowsza. W warstwie prospektywnej przedstawiona do dyskusji została kwestia scenariuszy rozwojowych Mazowsza w latach 2010-2030. W końcowej części znalazły się uwagi na temat wpływu czynników o charakterze endogenicznym i egzogenicznym na rozwój Mazowsza.
MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne; 2009, 3; 85-91
Pojawia się w:
MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quo vadis – poziomy recepcji w Bułgarii
Quo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz – Levels of Reception in Bulgaria
Daskałow, Nikołaj
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Quo Vadis
Bulgarian reception
The article deals with the different levels of reception of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s ‘Christian epic’ Quo Vadis in Bulgaria. It focuses on an issue which is of exceptional interest in the Bulgarian context: Quo Vadis is amongst the most widely read and translated novels of the world classics and yet has not been integrated in the ‘repertoire’ of Bulgarian literary science and thought. According to some research statistics its scale of reception is phenomenological, but it has not impacted our literary tradition of novel writing. This is a paradox, which can only be explained as a result of the specificity of the intellectual and religious experience of the Bulgarian people.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2013, 2(12); 137-162
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Эмотивно-оценочная лексика как средство выражения дихотомии „прекрасное / безобразное” в романе Генрика Сенкевича Quo vadis (оригинал - русский перевод)
Emotive and estimated vocabulary as a means of impression of dichotomy „beautiful / / ugly " in HenrykSienkiewicz’s novel „Quo vadis" (original-Russian translation)
Alimpijewa, Roza
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Quo vadis?
emotive vocabulary
estimated vocabulary
The paper presents the study of the original and Russian translation of H. Senkevich’s novel Quo vadis? The postulates of early Christianity as opposed to moral postulates of the Neron Rome, the essence of „the beautiful // the ugly” dichotomy, which is one of the criteria of the veritable values are revealed, as well as the role of this aesthetic category in the author’s ideostyle and the ways of its language presentations, where the lexis with emotive charge plays dominating role, the nominators of the light as morals reforming outset among them.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2006, 1, XI; 257-266
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Literatura polska w Japonii
Polish Literature in Japan
Zajączkowski, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
literatura polska
Quo vadis
Polish literature
Literatura polska w Japonii zaczęła być znana szczególnie od lat dwudziestych XX wieku. Wiązało się to z odzyskaniem przez Polskę niepodległości, a tym samym zwiększeniem kontaktów między oboma krajami. Najbardziej znanym polskim pisarzem stał się Henryk Sienkiewicz dzięki Quo vadis, ale przed II wojną światową przetłumaczono też Chłopów Władysława S. Reymonta i fragmenty Popiołów Stefana Żeromskiego. W okresie międzywojennym przebywali w Japonii polscy artyści i duchowni (o. Maksymilian Kolbe). Po II wojnie światowej od 1957 r. wzajemne kontakty odżyły. Działalność na polu kultury wyprzedzała często kontakty polityczne. Na japoński przełożono prawie całą twórczość Stanisława Lema, Brunona Schulza, Witolda Gombrowicza i Witkacego. Znana w Japonii jest też polska literatura dla dzieci i młodzieży. Z literatury współczesnej czytelników znalazły zwłaszcza książki Małgorzaty Musierowicz. Wśród slawistów znany jest i coraz częściej komentowany Adam Mickiewicz. W stosunkowo niewielkim zakresie przełożono utwory Czesława Miłosza i Wisławy Szymborskiej. Brak tłumaczeń i fachowych opracowań historycznoliterackich powoduje, że obraz współczesnej literatury polskiej jest w tym kraju wciąż mocno ograniczony, choć powoli dokonuje się stopniowy postęp.
Polish literature in Japan began to gain notoriety, especially since the 1920s. It was connected with the regaining of independence by Poland, thereby increasing contact between those two countries. Thanks to Quo Vadis, Henryk Sienkiewicz became the most famous Polish writer, but before World War II, Peasants by Władysław S. Reymont and excerpts of Ashes by Stefan Żeromski were also translated. In the interwar period Polish artists and clergy (father Maximilian Kolbe) were staying in Japan. After World War II mutual contacts have been revived since 1957. The activity in the field of culture was often ahead of political contacts. Almost all works of Stanisław Lem, Brono Schulz, Witold Gombrowicz and Witkacy have been translated to Japanese. Also, Polish literature for children and youth is known in Japan. Among contemporary literature the books of Małgorzata Musierowicz have been particularly successful in finding readers. Among Slavists Adam Mickiewicz is well known and increasingly more commented on. In a relatively small range the works of Czesław Miłosz and Wisława Szymborska were translated. However, the lack of translations and professional historical and literary elaborations makes it so that the image of contemporary Polish literature in the country is still very limited, albeit there’s still gradual progress.
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze; 2016, 7, 3; 147-169
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obywatel Polski, obywatel Europy : być dziś patriotą -- to być obywatelem nie tylko Polski, lecz jednocześnie Europy. Mieć przed oczyma tę wspólną Ojczyznę, która przekracza narodowe zamknięcia : co to znaczy patriotyzm
Skarga, Barbara.
Gazeta Wyborcza 2007, nr 246, s. 20-21
Data publikacji:
Konferencja nt.: Quo vadis, Europo ? Quo vadis, Polsko ? Polska w Europie: debata o wartościach, tradycjach i społeczno-ekonomicznych wizjach przyszłości (29.09.2007; Poznań, woj. wielkopolskie)
Patriotyzm materiały konferencyjne
Referat wygłoszony 29 IX na konferencji "Quo vadis, Europo ? Quo vadis, Polsko ? Polska w Europie: debata o wartościach, tradycjach i społeczno-ekonomicznych wizjach przyszłości" zorg. przez Wyższą Szkołę Bankową w Poznaniu.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Quo vadis di Henryk Sienkiewicz nell’offerta delle case editrici italiane per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza
Italian editions of henryk sienkiewicz’s quo vadis for children and young adults
Biernacka-Licznar, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Italian publishing market
Quo Vadis
translation for children and
young adults
quantitative analysis
mercato editoriale italiano
Quo vadis
traduzione per l’infanzia
e l’adolescenza
analisi quantitativa
The paper outlines the publishing history of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s Quo Vadis in Italian editions for children and young adults in the 20th century. The research conducted so far has shown that Sienkiewicz’s novel was part of Italian publications for a young readership as early as at the beginning of the 20th century, and that the book was frequently republished and reedited by numerous publishing houses over the following decades. The paper aims to present the strategies applied by Italian publishers as they recast Sienkiewicz’s work into versions specifically targeting young readers. Sienkiewicz’s Roman narrative proved a source of easy revenue for many publishing houses. Discreditable translatory practices were, at least at the beginning of the 20th century, mainly the domain of Milanese publishers whose efforts also focused on reworkings of Quo Vadis for children and young adults after the Second World War. The paper discusses examples that vividly illustrate the commercialisation of literature and publishers’ responses to the changes of the Italian publishing market in the second half of the 20th century. The findings of a study that used quantitative methods to analyse the corpus of 18 Italian editions of Quo Vadis are presented as well.
L’articolo abbozza la storia delle edizioni italiane per ragazzi e adolescenti di Quo vadis di Henryk Sienkiewicz nel XX secolo. Sulla base delle ricerche finora svolte, è stato accertato che l’opera di Sienkiewicz comparve nell’offerta editoriale italiana rivolta ai giovani lettori già dall’inizio del Novecento, e poi per molti decenni fu volentieri riproposta da numerose case editrici. L’obiettivo dell’articolo è quello di indicare le strategie degli editori italiani che, pensando ai giovani lettori, portarono alla realizzazione di nuove versioni dell’opera di Sienkiewicz. La trama romana del romanzo di Sienkiewicz si rivelò una fonte di facile guadagno per molte case editrici e in ambito di pratiche traduttive ingloriose si distinsero, almeno all’inizio del Novecento, gli editori milanesi, offrendo, soprattutto dopo la Seconda guerra mondiale, anche rifacimenti e riadattamenti di Quo vadis per il giovane pubblico. Gli esempi riportati nel testo illustrano anche il processo di commercializzazione della letteratura e le risposte degli editori all’evoluzione del mercato editoriale italiano nella seconda metà del XX secolo. L’articolo presenta anche i risultati della ricerca sul corpus di 18 edizioni italiane di Quo vadis con l’applicazione dei metodi quantitativi selezionati. Parole chiave: Henryk Sienkiewicz, mercato editoriale italiano, Quo vadis, traduzione per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza, analisi quantitativa
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2021, 12.2; 189-208
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Quo vadis" all’italiana: investigazione stilometrica sulle traduzioni milanesi del bestseller di Henryk Sienkiewicz
"Quo vadis" in Italian: A Stylometric Investigation of Milanese Translations of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s Bestseller
Biernacka-Licznar, Katarzyna
Rybicki, Jan
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
"Quo Vadis"
Milanese publishers
quantitative analysis
editori di Milano
analisi quantitativa
Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novel "Quo Vadis" made its way into Italy at the end of the 19 th century through the efforts of Neapolitan translator Federigo Verdinois. The first part of this paper outlines the history of the popularity of "Quo Vadis" by focusing on the operations of Milanese publishers that made the Polish novel part of their offer in a variety of ways (as translations, adaptations, reworkings, plagiarisms, etc.). Bibliometric methods are used to establish why so many publishing houses decided to publish Henryk Sienkiewicz’s Roman romance. The analysis of the bibliometric data of the published translations helped assess and describe the extent and the character of the popularity that the novel garnered among Milanese publishers. The second part of the paper relates the findings of a multi-method quantitative study of the same material. The number of word tokens was compared between the original and the translations. The lexical richness across the texts under study was compared by means of the moving average type-token ratio (MATTR). Sentence lengths were also compared, as was sentence length distribution as time series. Two different programmes ("WCopyFind and Tracer") yielded very similar results on the degree of the similarity of five-word phrases in pairs of translations, which was determined in network analysis.
L’opera "Quo vadis" di Henryk Sienkiewicz arrivò in Italia alla fine del XIX secolo grazie al traduttore napoletano Federigo Verdinois. Lo scopo della prima parte del contributo è quello di presentare la storia della popolarità del romanzo "Quo vadis" attraverso le azioni delle case editrici milanesi, le quali hanno introdotto l’opera del polacco, in varie forme, nella sua offerta editoriale (come traduzioni, adattamenti, parafrasi, plagi). La ricostruzione della storia delle traduzioni del romanzo romano di Henryk Sienkiewicz è stata possibile grazie al metodo biblometrico che è stato ustato nella prima parte dell’articolo. L’analisi dei dati bibliografici raccolti ha permesso di valutare e descrivere la grandezza e il carattere della popolarità di "Quo vadis" tra gli editori milanesi nella prima parte del XX secolo. Nella seconda parte del contributo per meglio far luce sulle complicate sorti milanesi dell’opera di Sienkiewicz abbiamo usato alcuni metodi d’analisi quantitativa. Abbiamo paragonato il numero delle parole in originale e nelle traduzioni descritte nella prima parte. La ricchezza del vocabolario di tutti i testi esaminati è stata misurata e confrontata usando il calcolo della media mobile del rapporto del numero di parole alla lunghezza del testo (MATTR). Abbiamo confrontato anche le lunghezze delle frasi come serie temporali. I due programmi diversi ("WCopyFind e Tracer"), utili per le analisi delle reti, hanno dato risultati simili per il numero delle somiglianze delle frasi di pentagrammi verbali tra le traduzioni di "Quo vadis".
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2020, 11.1; 31-64
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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