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System nawigacji odruchowej dydaktycznego robota mobilnego
Reactive-based navigation for didactic mobile robot
Wiśniowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
robot mobilny
nawigacja odruchowa
mobile robot
reactive-based navigation
Artykuł dotyczy systemu nawigacji odruchowej dydaktycznego robota mobilnego Robot ten powstał w Instytucie Automatyki i Robotyki na Wydziale Mechatroniki Politechniki Warszawskiej. System sterowania pozwala na autonomiczną nawigację odruchową robota. Sposób podejmowania decyzji wzorowany jest na reakcjach organizmów żywych, które pobudzone bodźcem dokonują określonego odruchu. Robot uzyskuje informację o swoim otoczeniu, która staje się dla niego bodźcem do ruchu w odpowiednim kierunku. Specjalnie stworzony algorytm pozwala na poruszanie się wśród przeszkód statycznych oraz dynamicznych, omijanie ich oraz osiągnięcie, początkowo zadanego przez użytkownika, punktu docelowego.
This article refers to reactive-based navigation of didactic mobile robot, which was created at the Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics (Mechatronic Faculty, Warsaw University of Technology). Robot has an autonomous reactive-based navigation system. Decision making pattern imitates live organisms, which stimulated with impulse react in particular manner. Robot obtains environmental information and reacts with proper moves to avoid obstacle collision and to achieve destination coordinates. The navigation system needs only specified target, no environmental information such as: maps or technical description are required. This method is particularly effective in new and even not known surrounding. Example application of this system is autonomous search for explosives in dangerous areas, diagnostics in radioactive environment or exploration of hazardous buildings, caves or ruins. Reactive-based navigation is also useful in dynamic changing surrounding, like crowded corridors, when dislocating obstacles can not be described to robot a priori. System reacts to present state of environment and risk of any collision is less probable.
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka; 2010, 14, 2; 314-322
Pojawia się w:
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Application of Mobile Robots for Building Safety Control
Siemiatkowska, B.
Hrasymowicz-Boggio, B.
Wisniowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
mobile robot
In this article we propose the application of service mobile robots for control of building safety parameters. Indoor mobile robots are becoming a reality and their availability and applications are expected to grow rapidly in the near future. Such robots are usually equipped with cameras and laser range finders, which could be used to detect hazardous situations in their operating environment, such as evacuation route obstructions, emergency sign occlusions or accumulation of dangerous materials. We demonstrate how these safety-related augmentations of a mobile robot system can be achieved with few additional resources and validate experimentally the concept using an indoor robot for emergency sign and evacuation route control.
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems; 2016, 10, 2; 9-14
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Terenowa platforma mobilna RoMegAT
All terrain mobile platform RoMegAT
Chojecki, R.
Michalski, J.
Walęcki, M.
Wiśniowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
robotyka mobilna
mobile robotics
W artykule opisano nowoczesną platformę mobilną z elektrycznym napędem w wariancie 4 x 4 lub trójkołowym 2 x 3. Roboty mobilne tego typu mogą być stosowane w automatycznym dozorze dużych obszarów, wspomaganiu ekip ratowniczych i antyterrorystycznych, zdalnych inspekcji instalacji przemysłowych i wielu innych. Prace badawcze nad tego rodzaju systemami wymagają odpowiedniej platformy mobilnej, mogącej sprostać zarówno wymogowi poruszania się w terenie, jak i możliwością poruszania się w budynkach, w których mieszczą się laboratoria. Unikalna konstrukcja prezentowanego robota RoMegAT, opracowanego przez Materials Engineers Group, pozwala na stosowanie go zarówno w warunkach terenowych, jak i wewnątrz budynków.
This paper describes research towards electric mobile platform in two variants: 4 x 4 or 2 x 3. This class of robots could be used in autonomous patroling applications, remote visual inspection of industrial areas, helping rescue or anti-terrorists groups. Described mobile platform is designed for indoor and outdoor environment. Unique construction enables traversing terrain obstacles.
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka; 2012, 16, 2; 289-292
Pojawia się w:
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nieniszczące zrobotyzowane badanie spawów metodą TOFD
Non Destructive Mobile Robot System for Testing of Weld Joints
Chojecki, R.
Siemiątkowska, B.
Michalski, J.
Walęcki, M.
Wiśniowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
robotyka mobilna
nieniszczące badania materiału
system wizyjny
zdalne sterowanie
mobile robotics
nondestructive testing
vision system
remote control
W artykule opisano zrobotyzowany system automatycznego badania jakości spawów. W nowoczesnym przemyśle petrochemicznym lub gazowym jednym z najistotniejszych czynników jest niezawodność i bezpieczeństwo działania instalacji. Uszkodzenia rurociągów lub reaktorów wiążą się z wysokimi kosztami przestojów i napraw lub, w skrajnych przypadkach, z możliwością katastrofy. Badania wykonywane są zazwyczaj przez wykwalifikowanych specjalistów, jednakże wspomaganie poprzez automatyzację tego procesu redukuje koszty i ryzyko popełnienia błędu oraz poprawia jakość wykonanego testu. System opisany w artykule opiera się na robocie mobilnym, służącym do przeprowadzania nieniszczących badań spoin techniką TOFD, opracowanym i wykonanym przez zespół B+R Materials Engineers Group z Warszawy. System umożliwia wykonywanie w pełni automatycznych pomiarów odcinków spawów. Robot wraz z głowicą pomiarową przemieszcza się, śledząc spoinę dzięki wykorzystaniu informacji z systemu wizyjnego. Rozwiązanie zostało zaimplementowane i przetestowane w rzeczywistym środowisku.
This paper describes research towards the development of a robotic system for the automated welded joints testing. The tests are often carried out manually by skilled personnel. Automating the inspection process would reduce errors and associated costs. The system proposed in this paper is based on a mobile robot platform and is designed to carry ultrasonic sensors in order to scan welds for defects. The robot is equipped with vision system in order to detect the weld position. The fuzzy control system is used in order to control robot motion along the weld.
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka; 2012, 16, 2; 228-233
Pojawia się w:
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Planowanie trasy robota Kurier w środowisku dynamicznym z wykorzystaniem sieci komórkowych
Path planning in a dynamic environment based on CNN
Siemiątkowska, B.
Chojecki, R.
Różańska-Walczuk, M.
Przybylski, M.
Węclewski, P.
Wiśniowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
robotyka mobilna
planowanie trasy
otoczenie dynamiczne
mobile robotics
path planning
dynamic environment
Sterowanie robotem mobilnym jest podstawowym zagadnieniem w trakcie tworzenia projektu związanego z platformą mobilną. Najnowsze trendy wskazują, że w chwili obecnej najpowszechniej rozwijane są autonomiczne systemy sterowania ruchem. W artykule przedstawiono projekt naukowy, którego celem jest zbudowanie robota z zaimplementowaną całkowicie autonomiczną nawigacją. Końcowym założeniem projektu jest wdrożenie wyników badań do realnej aplikacji. Istotnym problemem, który dotyczy nawigacji jest planowanie trasy robota. Aby platforma mogła być wykorzystana w realnym środowisku z poruszającymi się obiektami dynamicznymi, należy je również uwzględnić w trakcie planowania trasy. W artykule dokonano porównania istniejących i proponowanych przez autorów rozwiązań planowania ścieżki. Projektując robota usługowego, który będzie mógł dzielić przestrzeń z ludźmi oraz obiektami dynamicznymi istotny jest także krótki czas reakcji na zmiany otoczenia. Problem ten rozwiązywany jest poprzez urównoleglenie mocy obliczeniowej komputera. Zaproponowaną technologią wykorzystaną w tym celu są obliczenia na procesorach graficznych GPU.
The control of mobile robot is a fundamental and basic task. Nowadays, the most actual trends focus on autonomous control systems. This paper describes a scientific project, which main goal is fully autonomous navigation system, designed for new construction of mobile robot. Final stage of the project is real application. The significant problem of robot navigation is path planning, especially when mobile platform is predestinated to be used in a real environment enclosed with dynamic obstacles. Dynamic objects should be considered in the path planning algorithm. The navigation system of mobile robot, moving among people, should response with short reaction time for fast environment changes. In this paper authors present parallel computing implementation, in this case - with use of graphic processors (GPU).
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka; 2012, 16, 2; 281-288
Pojawia się w:
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ohio State University – Institute of Aviation undergraduate and Phd student exchange
Wiśniowski, W.
Benzakein, M.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Lotnictwa
Ohio State University
Institute of Aviation
For years the Ohio State university has been engaged in international academic and research activities. The Institute of Aviation decided to join the ohio State University in this endeavor. The Institute of aviation strongly believes that in order to provide world class research and laboratory services requires world class competitiveness, which is composed of employee knowledge, accredited laboratories, certified processes, modern organization of the workplace. The Ohio State University, and in particular the Propulsion and Power Center, for years, has educated young engineers for the United States Aerospace Industries, and graduates immediately find employment with industry leaders like General Electric, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, the Boeing Company, and others. The Institute of Aviation, in Warsaw, became also an important Ge business partner with the creation in 2000 of the Engineering Design Center. This position achieved by the Institute of Aviation brought OSU and the Institute to closer cooperation, which started with the jointly organized Polish American Conference on Science and Technology held in 2012 in olumbus, ohio and in 2013 in Washington, d.c. The Institute of Aviation has a long tradition in organizing Polish-American Conferences on Science and Technology. The first conference was held in Washington, d.c. in March 2002, organized together with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (cSIS), a famous Washington based think tank.
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa; 2014, 4 (237) December 2014; 7-12
Pojawia się w:
Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowe technologie wiertnicze stosowane w wierceniach inżynieryjnych
New drilling technologies used for engineering drilling
Wiśniowski, R.
Wójcik, M.
Toczek, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
technologia wiercenia
wiercenia inżynieryjne
drilling technology
engineering drilling
Zapotrzebowanie na wiarygodną informację geotechniczną oraz konieczność modyfikacji właściwości gruntów stworzyły w ostatnich latach warunki do modernizacji starych oraz rozwoju nowych technik i technologii wiertniczych. W artykule przedstawiono najnowsze rozwiązania konstrukcyjne i technologiczne, stosowane obecnie na świecie w wierceniach: obrotowych, obrotowo-udarowych i udarowych, formułując kierunki ich dalszego rozwoju. W publikacji skoncentrowano się na porównaniu, niejednokrotnie całkiem odmiennych technologii, umożliwiających odwiercenie i równoczesne orurowanie otworów wiertniczych. Dokonując analizy rozkładu sił w rurach okładzinowych, sprecyzowano warunki wytrzymałościowe, pozwalające na dobór właściwości fizycznych oraz parametrów geometrycznych rur
The necessity to have reliable geotechnical data and also to modify the ground qualities has recently created conditions for modernization of old and development of new drilling techniques and technologies. The newest design and technological solutions used worldwide for rotary, rotary-percussion and percussion drilling condition their further development. Attention was paid to the comparison of frequently different technologies enabling drilling and concurrent tripping of pipes. On the basis of distribution of forces acting in the casing, strength conditions were established, thanks to which the physical and geometrical parameters of pipes can be selected
Wiertnictwo, Nafta, Gaz; 2006, 23, 1; 543-556
Pojawia się w:
Wiertnictwo, Nafta, Gaz
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparative analysis of NEDC and WLTC homologation tests for vehicle tests on a chassis dynamometer
Gis, M.
Bednarski, M.
Wiśniowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
combustion engines
homologation procedure
NEDC test
WLTC test
exhaust emissions
In 2015, the number of vehicles in the world exceeded 1.1 billion units. In the coming years, it is expected that the largest increase in the number of vehicles will take place in developing countries. This is a problem in particular in terms of emissions of harmful substances from vehicles. Considering that all manufactured vehicle models have to undergo a detailed homologation and meet the exhaust emission requirements before placing on the market, it is necessary to refine test procedures, including test cycles, in which vehicle emissions are determined. At present, the NEDC approval test is valid in Europe. It is a cycle reproduced on a chassis dynamometer in steady conditions. It consists of an urban section repeated four times and an extra urban part. From 2019, a new test procedure will take effect, which uses the WLTC cycle, also reproduced on a chassis dynamometer in fixed conditions. It is much more complex and better reflects the real traffic conditions. For a better illustration of the differences that occur between the current NEDC cycle and the new WLTC, the article presents a comparative analysis of both driving cycles. This is to present the justifiability of using a new driving cycle and to present its complexity. The article presents own research of a vehicle with a spark-ignition engine, which has been tested both in the NEDC and WLTC cycle. On the basis of the obtained data, it was possible to determine the differences in the emission of harmful exhaust gas components and indicate how the new homologation procedure affects the emissions from the vehicle.
Journal of KONES; 2018, 25, 3; 189-196
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Correlation of parameters describing microstructure of hardened cement slurry for the purpose of increasing tightness of cement mantle
Kremieniewski, M.
Stryczek, S.
Wiśniowski, R.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
hardened cement slurry
threshold diameter
threshold radius
threshold pressure
boundary effect
The results of laboratory experiments on fresh cement slurries are presented in this paper. The samples of hardened cement slurry were hydrated for 28 days in wellbore-like conditions and then analyzed for parameters describing their microstructure. The obtained results created a basis for a correlation analysis of parameters of microstructure of hardened cement slurries. The dependences having the big-gest effect on increasing the tightness of the cement mantle were also addressed to.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2014, 31, 3; 413-421
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparison of gas migration test and building structural strength of slurry in the aspect of limiting gas invasion
Kremieniewski, M.
Rzepka, M.
Stryczek, S.
Wiśniowski, R.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
gas migration
structural strength
cement slurry
hardened cement slurry
transition period
transition time
The problem of eliminating natural gas microflows through the cement slurry while bonding has been investigated by scientists in a number of scientific and research centers. Works have been undertaken to define the causes of gas migration and predict possibilities of interchannel communication in the hardened cement slurry. In the course of bonding cement slurry changes its state from liquid through gel to solid. Accordingly, the gas migration effects should be taken into account in the formation of these phases. The results of tests of gas migration in the course of binding and building structural strength have been presented in this paper. Both research methods have been compared and a high dependence of parameters defined by each of them has been found. The research works were conducted with the use of innovative apparatuses thanks to which the phenomena taking place in the course of binding can be observed. This gives the possibility of working out recipes of sealing slurries applicable to deposits where the risk of occurrence of gas migration is high.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2016, 33, 3; 595-608
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Improving the efficiency of cleaning annular space with a new flushing fluid
Kremieniewski, M.
Rzepka, M.
Stryczek, S.
Wiśniowski, R.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
flush fluid
buffer fluid
cementing casing columns
flushing annular space
surface active agents
annular space
One of the most important conditions to be met when cementing casing columns is obtaining appropriate tightness of the sealed interval, otherwise gas will have to be released from the annular space due to the dangerously high pressure in the upper part of the well. Gas migrating along the well in the annular space can penetrate directly the soil, groundwater or atmosphere. To counteract these unfavorable effects the casing columns are sealed and the annular space filled with appropriate cement slurry. During injection, the slurry displaces mud from the annular space. However mud residue left out in the wellbore walls may cause that the slurry does not bond the rock sufficiently well and consequently gas may flow on the hardened cement slurry/rock/casing contact. This effect can be eliminated by thorough cleaning of the annular space from mud cake with flush fluid, followed by its complete displacement with buffer fluid and cement slurry. Hence it is crucial for the efficiency of cementing to precede this job with thorough cleaning of the annular space with appropriate flush fluids. Laboratory experiments were undertaken to work out a new flush fluid with which the efficiency of removal of filtration cake from the wellbore walls and the cleaning of the annular space will be improved. Tests were performed for a group of agents, which appropriately selected as far as their quantity and quality is concerned, could create bases for a new type of fluid with very good flushing properties. The efficiency of mud cake removal was analyzed in a mud flow simulator. The analysis of the results revealed that the efficiency of removal of the mud cake on the rock surface can be improved by synergic operation of surfactants and surface active agent, when they are used in good concentrations. The influence of the injection volume and duration of contact of the flush fluid with the rock were taken into account as the main emphasis was on how to increase the efficiency of the designed fluid on the near well zone. The works on the new recipe of flush fluid and its efficiency were based on the measurement of adhesiveness of hardened cement slurry and the rock sample, from which mud cake was removed with the use of flush fluid. The analysis of the laboratory results shows that the efficiency of mud cake removal was considerably increased when the presented flush fluid was applied.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2018, 35, 1; 219-233
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of anti-sedimentation agents on the technological parameters of cement slurry
Kremieniewski, M.
Rzepka, M.
Stryczek, S.
Wiśniowski, R.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
sealing slurries
rheological properties
rheological models
cement slurries
Recently, the intensifying development of shale drilling has contributed to the more numerous realization of directional and horizontal boreholes. Moreover, such boreholes are more advantageous as they provide about 4 times higher production than in their vertical counterparts, give access to poorly drained areas, or production of already developed reservoir, where only a new borehole has to be introduced to the network. It should be stressed that the sealing of the casing columns is a challenge because of the restrictions set before drilling fluids used for sealing horizontal boreholes. Slurries play a special role while sealing horizontal boreholes and therefore their technological parameters and density should be adjusted to the geological-reservoir conditions. At the stage of designing slurries for sealing horizontal boreholes, the most important parameters are: sedimentation stability, zero water settling water settling and low filtration. Meeting these requirements was possible by selecting proper admixtures and additives, which in turn, is a guarantee of the uniform and homogeneous structure of fresh and hardened cement slurry. Thus formed cement sheath of bounded slurry should be impervious to gas and have good mechanical properties over the length of the sealing without any trends of anisotropy of the medium in particular points. Modification and designing specialist recipes for definite technological conditions lie, among others, in choosing proper slurry additives and admixtures. However, obtaining appropriate parameters for given conditions may be connected with a change of other parameters deciding about the efficiency of the sealing of a given horizon. Therefore while working out a new recipe for a slurry, the designer should account for the analytical results and influence of the applied agents on all of the parameters of slurry. This is the subject matter of the paper.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2017, 34, 4; 945-957
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Microstructure of porous space in cement sheath used for sealing oil wells
Kremieniewski, M.
Rzepka, M.
Stryczek, S.
Wiśniowski, R.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
cement slurry
oil wells
The effect of cement slurry modification on the microstructure of the annular space in a wellbore is presented in this paper. An admixture of macromolecular copolymer GS was used, which is usually applied in cement slurry technology to counteract gas migration by the binding cement slurry. The copolymer addition also results in sealing up the cement matrix at the stage of the binding and formation of hardened cement slurry. The modification of a slurry composition with this admixture results in the fact that the cement matrix has low porosity and is strongly compact. Consequently, a significantly higher number of micropores with small diameters are formed than those with larger micropores in the analyzed hardened cement slurry sample. An admixture of a macromolecular copolymer (7 wt.% of the cement) was added and 10% of the latex was removed from the recipe to show the influence of the modified recipe on the microstructure of the cement sheath. Thanks to this modification, the microcement participation could be reduced by 50% with the simultaneously improved quality of the most important technological parameters of fresh and hardened cement slurry. The basic and modified recipes were analyzed. The following parameters of the slurry were determined: rheology, filtration, water settlement, and time of densification. The influence of the modified slurry on the parameters describing the microstructure of the hardened slurry was analyzed for the hardened slurry (i.e., porosimetric porosity and microtomographic porosity). The microstructure of a sample fracture was also investigated. The analyses were conducted for recipes of slurries to be used for sealing wells at a temperature of 40°C and pressure of 10 MPa.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2018, 35, 3; 433-442
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Linear swelling test (LST) of clay formation under the influence of newly developed drilling fluids with the addition of cationic polymers
Wysocki, S.
Wiśniowski, R.
Ryznar, D.
Gaczoł, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
drilling mud
This paper shows research of Linear Swelling Test (LST) of shale rocks under the influence of three drilling muds with different cationic polymers. Tested polymers have been synthetized at the Drilling, Oil and Gas Faculty of AGH UST Krakow. Research findings indicate that synthesized polymers as well as developed on its base drilling fluids effectively inhibit hydration and prevent the disintegration of clay formation.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2015, 32, 4; 693-701
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wellbore trajectory impact on equivalent circulating density
Wiśniowski, R.
Skrzypaszek, K.
Kiebzak, P.
Kański, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
drilling fluids
Undermentioned article presents how wellbore trajectory changes may impact mud flow pressure losses in wellbore annulus and overall Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD) value. In order to investigate this topic, there were conducted two series of tests. In the first round actual, field data from six previously drilled wells was used to recreate real wellbores conditions in Halliburton Landmark Drilling Software and to calculate ECD values. In order to check and confirm the results accuracy, the outcomes were compared with pressure while drilling (PWD) equipment surveys’ results made during drilling operations. Next it was analyzed how ECD parameter's values change in particular sections of vertical and horizontal wellbores, due to trajectory angle modifications. With aim of expanding scope of the work, the second group of tests was made in Drilling Fluids Laboratory at Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas. Using Grace Sagging Tester M8500 Ultra HPHT it was examined how in wellbore conditions (high pressure and temperature) wellbore trajectory angle modifications may impact solids sedimentation process and fluid density changes in the annulus thus ECD value as well. The results indicate that there is a relationship between wellbore trajectory angle changes and ECD value shifts. In addition there are included field tests outcomes prepared by K&M Technology Group which confirm presented assumption.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2017, 34, 1; 181-202
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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