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Evaluation of relations between body posture parameters with somatic features and motor abilities of boys aged 14 years
Lizis, P.
Walaszek, R.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2014, 21, 4
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Breast self-examination as a method for early detection of breast cancer based on literature review
Marszałek, A.
Walaszek, R.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
risk factors
breast examination
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among women. It is at present the most common cancer standing behind approx. 17.4% of all morbidity and approx. 22.2% of all deaths. Every year in Poland nearly 11,000 new cases of breast cancer are recorded and this number is constantly growing. The main reason for this state of affairs is seen in a small number of screening. It is therefore important to spread knowledge about breast cancer prevention, conducting training in currently available knowledge regarding risk factors as well as the promotion of healthy behaviours of women in the early detection of breast cancer. The simplest examination used to detect cancerous changes is breast self-examination. It helps to detect adverse effects in the breast and increases the chances of their recovery. In accordance with the recommendations of the Polish Gynecological Society regarding the prevention and early diagnosis of changes in the mammary gland, it is recommended that women over the age of 20 should regularly once a month carry out breast self-examination. Women menstruating should perform a test on the second or third day after menstruation, and pregnant women and post-menopausal women should conduct this always on the same day of the month. Breast self-examination should consist of a visual inspection and palpation. The aim of this study is to present the methodology of breast self-examination to detect cancer lesions at an early stage of their development and provide an overview of the results of Polish research on the knowledge of breast self-examination techniques, awareness of women surveyed regarding the age at which breast self-examination should be started, the frequency with which breast examination must be carried out, knowledge of risk factors for breast cancer or symptoms of breast cancer.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2015, 09, 4; 11-20
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The review of results of research on breastfeeding considering medicinal and prophylactic aspects
Przegląd wyników badań na temat karmienia piersią kobiet z uwzględnieniem aspektów leczniczych i profilaktycznych
Marszałek, A.
Walaszek, R.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
postnatal period
karmienie piersią
Breastfeeding is an irreplaceable, in biological and emotional aspect, basis of mother and child’s health. The aim of this paper was to present the review of research results on advantages of natural feeding and benefits of breastfeeding, presentation of breast massage technique as a way of supporting natural feeding, as well as contraindications to breastfeeding. In spite of the propagation, the number of mothers who feed their children in natural way is still considerably low. At present, the American Academy of Paediatrics recommends nursing for 6 months, and continuing it until first year of child’s life (or longer, depending on mother or child’s needs), introducing, at the same time, supplementary food. The issue of breastfeeding should be widely spread among women mainly by midwifes, who should propagate nursing with commitment and provide proper information, emphasising its positive influence on the health of mother and child.
Karmienie piersią jest niezastąpioną biologicznie i emocjonalnie podstawą zdrowia matki i dziecka. Celem pracy było zaprezentowanie przeglądu wyników badań dotyczących zalet naturalnego karmienia i korzyści wynikających z karmienia piersią, przedstawienie metodyki masażu piersi jako środka wspomagającego naturalne karmienie oraz przeciwwskazań do karmienia piersią. Mimo propagowania karmienia piersią, odsetek matek karmiących naturalnie nadal jest niewysoki. Najnowsze rekomendacje Amerykańskiej Akademii Pediatrii zalecają wyłączne karmienie mlekiem matki przez 6 miesięcy życia i kontynuowanie go przy wprowadzaniu produktów uzupełniających do 1 roku życia dziecka lub dłużej, zgodnie z życzeniem matki lub dziecka. Problematyka karmienia piersią powinna być szeroko rozpowszechniana wśród kobiet, głównie przez położne, które z zaangażowaniem powinny propagować karmienie piersią i dostarczać odpowiednich informacji, podkreślając tym samym pozytywny wpływ tego sposobu karmienia na zdrowie matki i dziecka.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2016, 10, 1; 39-45
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Medical cups and their therapeutic use
Bańki medyczne i ich terapeutyczne zastosowanie
Kasperczyk, T.
Marszałek, A.
Walaszek, R.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
cupping therapy
manual therapy
acupuncture points
vacuum therapy
bańki lekarskie
terapia manualna
punkty akupunktury
terapia vacuum
Cupping therapy belongs to methods of natural medicine. Cups have been used since ancient times, with the first mentions of cups coming from excavations in Mesopotamia dating to around 3300 BC. The primary mechanism of cup action is related to blood function, known as autohemotherapy. The aim of this work was to present the different types of medical cups used today, techniques for placing them on the skin and their mechanisms of action for various medical conditions as well as in regenerative sports medicine and cosmetology. Methods of placing cups on the skin depend on the type of cup used, the purpose for which they are being used for and the experience level of the therapist. Cupping is a safe form of therapy support, provided that the treatments are performed according to a strictly established procedure and take into account contraindications. This work is a review based on a query of the literature on the subject, as well as the experience and results of research studies conducted by the authors. An important component of the work involves the demonstration of the use of cups as part of physiotherapeutic procedures and regimens using manual therapy (mobilization) and acupuncture points. The discussion presents a review of publications that highlight the therapeutic effects of cup use for various pathological conditions. The therapeutic effects of medical cups largely depend on several factors, mainly vacuum pressure, but also skin temperature under the cup and other forms of energy/indicators, which depend on the specific elements or components involved in the cupping procedure (i.e. heat, acupuncture needles).
Terapia z wykorzystaniem baniek należy do metod medycyny naturalnej. Bańki wykorzy- stywane były już w starożytności, pierwsze wzmianki o bańkach pochodzą z wykopalisk od- krytych w Mezopotamii ok. 3300 roku p.n.e. Główny mechanizm działania baniek związany jest z funkcją krwi – autohemoterapią. Celem pracy było przedstawienie wykorzystywanych współcześnie typów baniek lekarskich, technik ich stawiania oraz mechanizmów działania w odniesieniu do różnych stanów chorobowych, a także w odnowie biologicznej sportowców i kosmetologii. Sposoby stawiania baniek zależą od ich typu, przeznaczenia i doświadczenia terapeuty. Stawianie baniek jest bezpieczną formą wspomagania terapii pod warunkiem, że za- biegi są wykonywane według ściśle ustalonej procedury i z uwzględnieniem przeciwwskazań. Praca ma charakter przeglądu narracyjnego dokonanego na podstawie kwerendy światowej literatury przedmiotu oraz doświadczeń i rezultatów eksperymentów badawczych przepro- wadzonych przez autorów pracy. Ważną składową pracy jest ukazanie zastosowania baniek w algorytmie postępowania fizjoterapeutycznego z wykorzystaniem środków terapii manualnej (mobilizacji) i punktów akupunkturowych. W dyskusji dokonano przeglądu publikacji dotyczących efektów terapeutycznych stosowania baniek w różnych stanach patologicznych organizmu. Można stwierdzić, że efekty terapeutyczne bańki lekarskiej zależne są od kilku czynników, głównie podciśnienia, ale także od temperatury skóry pod bańką i innych postaci energii w zależności od zastosowanego czynnika fizycznego (np. ciepło, igły akupunkturowe).
Health Problems of Civilization; 2021, 15, 1; 68-77
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Types of leisure time activities among Lajkonik snacks company employees in Skawin
Walaszek, R.
Kasperczyk, T.
Gołąb, G.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
leisure time
Aim of study. The aim of this study is to evaluate the size and the types of leisure-time activities with special regard to health-oriented behaviors among blue-collar and white-collar workers of the snacks company “Lajkonik” in Skawin. Research material and methods. Questionnaire survey using original survey questionnaire was conducted among 60 people: 30 blue-collar and 30 white-collar workers of both sexes. The age of the respondents ranged between 18 and 65 years. The survey questions concerned: amount of leisure time, preferred types of health-oriented leisure activities, people (friends, family) who join respondents in leisure activities, most frequent leisure places and activities performed by respondents during leisure time. Chi-squared test was used to compare employees’ preferences and leisure time habits.Findings. The survey showed that leisure time is seen as desired by employees –a decided majority of respondents felt the want of leisure time. It was observed that there was a difference between leisure time activities preferred by blue-collar workers and white-collar workers –white-collar workers preferred physical activities. Conclusions. In comparison with blue-collar workers, white-collar workers more frequently chose active leisure pursuits, in particular qualified tourism and physical recreation whereas blue-collar workers participated in parties and social gatherings more.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2014, 08, 3; 29-38
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The assessment of the relationships between body posture indices and the Y-Balance Test results in the adolescents
Walaszek, R.
Chwała, W.
Walaszek, K.
Burdacki, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
postawa ciała
metoda fotogrametryczna
stabilność postawy
body posture
photogrammetric method
postural stability
Y-Balance Test
The purpose of this work was to assess the differences of the values of body posture indices, measured with the Moire’s method, between girls and boys aged 13 and the relationships of these values with the results of the Y-Balance Test. Methods: The study involved a group of healthy volunteers attending junior high schools in Cracow. The group consisted of 20 girls and 35 boys. Basic somatic parameters were measured within this work: body height and weight. Body posture was assessed according to the general methodology of the Moire’s technique and 14 body posture indices were obtained as a result: 6 in the sagittal plane, 1 in the axial plane and 7 in the coronal plane. Postural stability was assessed with the Y-Balance Test (YBT). Results: The studied girls and boys had practically the same body posture – statistical differences were found only in 3 out of 14 assessed indices measured with the Moire’s technique. Scoliosis was found in as many as 51% of the subjects, however, mean values of deviations from the C7-S1 line were not large. Conclusions: In the group of girls, the set of blades (below – above) was statistically significantly correlated with the global YBT result for the right inferior extremity, and in the group of boys – the set of the waist triangles (below – above) was statistically significantly correlated with the global YBT results for the right and left inferior extremities.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2018, 20, 2; 149-157
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena efektów odległych zabiegu operacyjnego i postępowania usprawniającego u pacjentów po rekonstrukcji zerwanego ścięgna Achillesa materiałem węglowym
Evaluation of remote effects of operative procedure and rehabilitation treatment of patients who have undergone reconstruction of ruptured Achilles tendom with carbon material
Walaszek, R.
Kasperczyk, T.
Chwała, W.
Staszków, E.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Polskie Towarzystwo Biominerałów
materiał węglowy
rekonstrukcja ścięgien Achillesa
rehabilitacja ruchowa
ocena narządu ruchu
carbon material
reconstruction of Achilles tendom
research of the Motor System
W pracy dokonano oceny efektów odległych zabiegu operacyjnego i postępowania usprawniającego u pacjentów, u których dokonano zabiegu zszycia przerwanego ścięgna Achillesa nićmi i taśmami wykonanymi z materiału węglowego. Stosowano metodę Łukasika w modyfikacji dr. Staszkowa (szwy kotwiczące pojedyncze + pięć szwów ciągnących). Od lutego do września 2008 roku udało się przebadać 16 z 37 uprzednio operowanych osób. Wiek pacjentów obojga płci mieścił się w zakresie od 43 do 69 lat. Badania obejmowały: pomiary zakresów ruchów czynnych i biernych wyprostu grzbietowego i zgięcia podeszwowego w stawach skokowych kończyn operowanych i nieoperowanych, pomiary obwodów kończyn dolnych oraz pomiary grubości ścięgien Achillesa. Po wielu latach od operacji zerwanego ścięgna Achillesa badanym pacjentom nie udało się odbudować w pełni masy mięśniowej mięśnia trójgłowego łydki w kończynach operowanych.
This paper aims to assess the remote effects of operative procedure and rehabilitation treatment of patients whose ruptured tendon has been reconstructed with sutures and tapes made of carbon material. Dr. Staszków's modification of Łukasik's method has been used (single anchoring suture + five pulling sutures). During the period from February to September 2008, 16 of 37 operated patients were examined. The patients were both male and female, aged between 43 and 69. The examination included: measurements of active and passive mobility of dorsal extension and plantar flexion in ankle joints of operated limbs and non-operated limbs, measurements of circumference of both Iower limbs and measurements of thickness of Achilles tendons. Even many years after the reconstruction of a ruptured Achilles tendon with carbon material, patients did not manage to rebuild the muscle mass of the triceps calf muscle entirely in operated limbs.
Engineering of Biomaterials; 2009, 12, 87; 13-23
Pojawia się w:
Engineering of Biomaterials
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of the accuracy of the postural stability measurement with the Y-Balance Test based on the levels of the biomechanical parameters
Walaszek, R.
Chwała, W.
Walaszek, K.
Burdacki, M.
Błaszczuk, J.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
staw kolanowy
stabilność postawy
motor control
postural stability
Y-Balance Test
structure test
The testing of dynamic balance involves tests that assess the muscle control of spatial changes of the position of the centre of gravity over the base of support. The purpose of this work was to determine the structure of the Y-balance test and its accuracy based on the measurements of strength performance of the muscles acting on the knee joint, as well as the flexibility and balance in boys aged 14 years. Methods: The study included 43 schoolboys regularly participating in physical education lessons. The examination of postural stability was conducted with the use of the Y-balance test. The measurements of muscle strength and of resistance to fatigue of the extensors and flexors of knee joints in isometric contraction were performed on a measurement stand in a standard position with the use of tensometric sensors. The measurement of mobility range of the lower extremity joints was performed according to the SFTR. The examination of balance was performed with the use of the modified ‘Flamingo balance test’. Results: The factor structure of the Y-balance test results for the left and right lower extremities is similar and includes five principal independent factors that characterise the structure of analysed variables. They explain 76% and 74% of communality in total for the left and the right extremity, respectively. Conclusions: The extracted factor structure points to a hybrid structure of the Y-balance test and shows its accuracy in the measurements of the lower limb joint mobility and strength performance of knee joint extensors.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2017, 19, 2; 121-128
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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