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Relacje genetyczne pomiędzy polskimi i referencyjnymi populacjami sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) z Europy w analizie polimorfizmu sekwencji nukleotydowych loci nDNA
Genetic relationships between Polish and reference populations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Europe based on nucleotide polymorphism study at nuclear loci
Wachowiak, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewa lesne
populacje roslin
sosna zwyczajna
Pinus sylvestris
podobienstwo genetyczne
zmiennosc genetyczna
polimorfizm DNA
nucleotide polymorphism
pinus sylvestris
Adaptation to local environmental gradients is one of main characteristics of living organisms. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is the most widely distributed conifer in the world and main forest forming component in Europe. Based on genetic, morphological and growth performance traits, several local ecotypes of the species were distinguished across the species distribution range. The existence of local ecotypes differentiated at many adaptive and phenotypic traits provides unique opportunity for addressing the questions about the genetic basis of local adaptation across the species distribution range. However, information about the underlying population structure between ecotypes is needed for efficient studies of adaptive variation at molecular level. The presented study focused on the genetic variation analysis between nineteen populations of Scots pine from across geographical locations in Poland and eleven reference samples from Northern, Western and Southern Europe. The pattern of nucleotide polymorphisms at 673 polymorphic nucleotide sites found across twenty nine nuclear loci was studied to determine genetic relationship and population structure of different geographical locations. Genetic relationships between populations were conducted based on Baysian assignment and conventional frequency based statistics at the within and between population level. The results indicate very uniform genetic background of Polish populations of the species that despite high phenotypic and ecological differentiation most likely share the same recolonization history. High genetic similarity was found between Polish and North European range of the species. In contrast, differentiation was found in relation to the reference populations from Scotland and Spain that in previous studies were shown to deviate from simple recolonization model after last glaciations and had unique mtDNA mitotypes not observed in continental continuous range of the species, respectively. Considering high differentiation at quantitative traits between northern and central part of the species range in Europe but very homogenous genetic background found in the presented study, it seems that this part of Scots pine distribution is particularly suitable for association genetic studies to find genomic regions that are involved in species adaptive and phenotypic variation.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 01; 53-61
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integracja podsystemów transportowych w węzłach przesiadkowych komunikacji publicznej Poznania w oparciu o kolejowe dworce miejskie
Integration of transport subsystems in transfer nodes of public transport in Poznań based on city railway stations
Wachowiak, W.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
transport zrównoważony
poznański obszar metropolitalny
Poznańska Kolej Metropolitalna
system transportowy
węzeł przesiadkowy
sustainable transport
Poznań Metropolitan Area
Poznań Metropolitan Railway
transport system
transfer node
Poznań jako jedna z najsilniejszych jednostek miejskich w kraju ma znaczną strefę oddziaływania (obszar funkcjonalny). Naturalną konsekwencją takiego modelu rozwoju są poważne problemy komunikacyjne spowodowane dynamicznym rozwojem strefy podmiejskiej. Za ich rozwiązanie przyjmuje się oparcie układu komunikacji publicznej na węźle kolejowym i stworzenie na jego podstawie Poznańskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej. Jednak dla sprawnego funkcjonowania takiego systemu zachodzi potrzeba integracji z innymi systemami transportowymi za sprawą węzłów przesiadkowych. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie potencjału na stworzenie policentrycznego systemu multimodalnych węzłów przesiadkowych, opartych na istniejących kolejowych dworcach miejskich (dworcach dzielnicowych). W badaniach skupiono się na perspektywie pasażera, a główną metodę badawczą stanowi wywiad pogłębiony. Pozwoliło to uzyskać opinię oraz zidentyfikować potrzeby pasażerów korzystających z badanych obiektów. W trakcie badań skoncentrowano się także na analizie zachowań komunikacyjnych pasażerów oraz analizie sposobu funkcjonowania samych dworców miejskich. Dodatkowo pozyskano informację o przybliżonym celu podróży pasażerów, co pozwoliło wyznaczyć hipotetyczne zasięgi oddziaływania poszczególnych dworców miejskich. Wyniki badań pozwoliły na opracowanie szeregu rekomendacji mających na celu optymalizację funkcjonowania wybranych kolejowych dworców miejskich zarówno w aspekcie technicznym, jak i organizacyjno-zarządczym. Mogą one stanowić podstawę do opracowania koncepcji zrównoważonego transportu publicznego o zasięgu metropolitalnym.
Poznań, being one of the strongest urban centers in the country, has a significant zone of impact (functional area). A natural consequence of this development model are significant communication issues caused by dynamic development of the suburban area. The solution of those issues is assumed to be basing the public communication system on a railway junction and, on its basis, creating the Poznań Metropolitan Railway. However, to ensure efficient functioning of such a system the need arises to integrate it with other systems of transport using transfer nodes. The aim of this article is to illustrate the potential of creating a polycentric system of multi-modal transfer nodes, based on existing city railway stations (district stations). The study focuses on the perspective of the passenger and the primary research method is the in-depth interview. This enabled to learn the opinion and identify the needs of passengers who use the facilities which are the subject of this study. The study also concentrated on analyzing thee communication behaviors of passengers and analyzing thee functioning of city stations themselves. Additionally, information was also acquired regarding the approximate destination of the passengers’ travel, which further allowed to specify the hypothetical impact range of individual city stations. Results of the study allowed to develop a range of recommendations intended to optimize the functioning of selected city railway stations, from a technical, as well as organization and management perspective. They have the potential to become a basis for developing a concept of sustainable public transport with a metropolitan reach.
Biuletyn Komitetu Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju PAN; 2018, 270; 82-106
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Komitetu Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju PAN
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowanie fenotypowe i zmienność tła genetycznego polskich proweniencji sosny zwyczajnej
Phenotypic differentiation and genetic background variation of Polish provenances of Pinus sylvestris L.
Hebda, A.
Skrzyszewski, J.
Wachowiak, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
drzewa lesne
sosna zwyczajna
Pinus sylvestris
proweniencje krajowe
zmiennosc fenotypowa
zmiennosc genetyczna
markery mikrosatelitarne
DNA mikrosatelitarny
polimorfizm loci
zmiennosc adaptacyjna
scots pine
phenotypic differentiation
neutral variation
microsatellite markers
environment correlation
local adaptation
We looked at the patterns of differentiation at a set of phenotypic traits of Scots pine populations derived from different environmental conditions of the species distribution range in Poland. The growth traits were tested over 47 years at the provenance trial experiment in the Carpathians. The phenotypic differentiation of the populations was compared to diversity estimates at a set of ten nuclear microsatellite markers. Scots pine populations were highly differentiated concerning diameter at breast high, stand volume, stem straightness and crown width according to the prove− nance and climatic zones. At the same time a low genetic diversity for microsatellite markers and no evidence of population structure was found among proveniences. Local populations from the Carpathian Mountains had lower genetic variation and weaker growth compared to lowland provenances. Among the tested populations Scots pine from lowlands were characterized by the great growth potential and good adaptation to the severe climate of the Carpathians. Populations that showed high quantitative traits differentiation were genetically homogenous at the neutral loci. The results indicate that there are some regions in the genome under selection that drive species adaptive variation.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 04; 277-286
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of titanium layer on counter electrode on electrical parameters of DSSC
Wpływ warstwy tytanu na przeciwelektrodzie na parametry elektryczne DSSC
Wachowiak, W.
Klein, M.
Skowroński, Ł.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich. Wydawnictwo PB
counter electrode
titanium layers
barwnikowe ogniwa fotowoltaiczne
przeciwelektroda TCO-less
warstwy tytanu
In this paper the influence of the Ti layer thickness at counter-electrode on electrical parameters of DSSCs was examined. The transparent conductive oxide – less (TCO-less) counter electrodes (CE) with titanium layers and platinum as catalyst on Bk7 glass were prepared. Thin metallic films were deposited by means of magnetron sputtering (titanium) and Pulsed Laser Deposition (platinum). The counter electrode with Pt layer on Fluorine doped Tin Oxide (FTO) were used as reference PV cells. The obtained results indicated that the Ti coated cathodes may be used in transparent conductive oxide – less (TCO-less) dye sensitized solar cells as an alternative for Pt/FTO system.
W przedstawionej pracy zbadano wpływ grubości warstwy Ti na przeciwelektrodzie na parametry elektryczne DSSC. Przygotowano nieprzezroczyste przeciwelektrody typu Transparent Conductive Oxide – less z warstwami tytanu na szkle Bk7 oraz FTO i platyny jako katalizatora. Cienkie filmy zostały osadzane na przeciwelektrodach z zastosowaniem rozpylania magnetronowego (Ti) oraz metodą osadzania za pomocą impulsów lasera (ang. Pulsed Laser Deposition, PLD) (Pt). Ogniwa z przeciwelektrodą z warstwą Pt naniesioną bezpośrednio na FTO zostały wykorzystane jako układy referencyjne. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że przeciwelektrody z warstwą Ti mogą być stosowane w barwnikowych ogniwach fotowoltaicznych typu TCO-less jako alternatywa dla standardowego systemu Pt/FTO.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Elektrotechnika / Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy; 2014, 17; 33-43
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Elektrotechnika / Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Long-term growth performance and productivity of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations
Hebda, A.M.
Wachowiak, W.
Skrzyrzewski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
The phenotypic differentiation of 16 provenances of Scots pine originating from a wide variety of habitats that range from lowland to southern highland locations in Poland was assessed during 47 years of their growth and development in the Carpathian Mountains. The traits, including height, diameter at breast height, stem straightness, and crown width, were used to evaluate the differentiation of the provenances in their juvenile period and at maturity and were examined for patterns of local adaptation. The populations from northern Poland were characterized by the best growth and productivity, whereas provenances from central Poland had the best stem quality. There were some changes in growth between provenances observed during the experiment, but the stand volume (m³/ha) in juvenile trees was closely correlated with that in mature trees (r = 0.979). There was a positive relationship between the productivity and the environmental conditions of the geographical origin of provenances with increasing values for the trees’ productivity from south to north. Additionally, the elevation above sea level of the original populations was inversely correlated with the growth achieved by the progeny. In general, most populations from the species distribution range in Poland tested in the severe climate conditions of the Carpathian Mountains showed good growth performance under that environment, characterized by low temperatures and short growing periods. Provenances from climatic zones outside mountain regions demonstrated great growth and productivity, which proved to be the most important for competitively outperforming the local populations. Our study demonstrates good adaptive potential of the tested provenances, as selection will favor fast-growing genotypes under the predicted environmental change scenario.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2017, 86, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Species-specific chloroplast DNA polymorphism in the trnV-rbcL region in Pinus sylvestris and P. mugo
Wachowiak, W
Baczkiewicz, A.
Celinski, K.
Prus-Glowacki, W.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
Scotch pine
Pinus sylvestris
Pinus mugo
dwarf pine
DNA marker
trnV-rbcL region
DNA polymorphism
Four cpDNA regions were analyzed with the use of PCR-RFLP technique and nucleotide sequences of two mtDNA regions were characterized in order to find P. sylvestris and P. mugo species specific markers useful for studies of the species hybridization. The difference in the restriction fragment patterns of trnV-rbcL region after digestion with MvaI endonuclease was detected. The analyses of the species representatives from various geographic regions revealed that the observed polymorphism is species specific. No differences have been disclosed in the analyzed trnS-trnT, trnK1-trnK2, trnC-trnD cpDNA regions. The P. sylvestris and P.mugo mtDNA sequences of orf25 and coxI regions proved to be identical.
Dendrobiology; 2004, 51; 67-72
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Genetic evaluation of seeds of highly endangered Pinus uliginosa Neumann from Wegliniec Reserve for ex-situ conservation program
Lewandowski, A
Burczyk, J.
Wachowiak, W.
Boratynski, A.
Prus-Glowacki, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
mating system
Wegliniec Reserve
peat bog pine
Pinus uliginosa
conservation programme
genetic variation
Peat-bog pine Pinus uliginosa Neumann has become extinct or rare in many parts of Europe. We have investigated the levels of genetic variation and inbreeding in seeds collected from a highly endangered reserve of this species in Poland, using allozymes as genetic markers. Generally, a high level of genetic variation was observed. The mean expected heterozygosity was 0.376, while average (Na) and effective (Ne) numbers of alleles per locus were 2.45 and 1.67, respectively. Nevertheless, we have detected relatively low levels of outcrossing, and potential biparental inbreeding. The population-wide multilocus outcrossing rate was estimated to be 0.706 (±0.091), while the minimum variance mean of single-locus estimates was distinctly lower (ts=0.611). The estimates of outcrossing calculated for individual trees ranged widely from 0.051 to 1.017, indicating the complexity of outcrossing patterns. The investigated population of P. uliginasa from Węgliniec is small and surrounded by extensive forest stands of P. sylvestris. Our three-year records of phenological observations demonstrated that flowering periods for P. uliginosa and P. sylvestris overlap, allowing for cross-pollination. The possibility of P. uliginosa pollination by P. sylvestris creates a potential danger of genetic erosion of the P. uliginosa gene pool. Nonetheless, based on a species specific cpDNA marker we have found that among 533 seedlings of P. uliginosa there were only six seedlings carrying cpDNA marker specific for P. sylvestris, indicating that such hybridization seems to be rare.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2005, 74, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Are there any traces of Pinus uliginosa in the Stolowe Mountains Outside the Wielkie Torfowisko Batorowskie and Bledne Skaly?
Boratynska, K.
Golab, Z.
Labiszak, B.
Niemczyk, W.
Sobierajska, K.I.
Ufnalski, K.
Wachowiak, W.
Boratynski, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
genetic variation
morphological variation
Pinus mugo
Pinus uliginosa
Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) and taxa from the P. mugo (mountain pine) complex hybridize in contact zones producing morphologically-intermediate fertile hybrids. However, the hybrid specimens sometimes express only the P. sylvestris phenotype. Such cryptic hybrids were detected among P. sylvestris and P. uliginosa in the western part of Błędne Skały in the Stołowe Mountains, where the pines grow on the tops of sandstone rocks and phenotypically resemble P. sylvestris, P. uliginosa, and P. mugo. Hybrids with the P. sylvestris phenotype could be potentially present in other relic populations of this species in these mountains. During the present study, the hybrids were identified only in the area of Błędne Skały based on chloroplast and mitochondrial markers, morphological differentiation of various needle and cone traits, and phenotype assessments of the trees during sampling. these hybrids included three cryptic hybrids of P. sylvestris × P. mugo with the P. sylvestris phenotype and one displaying the phenotype of P. uliginosa. The other populations analyzed represented Scots pine with no evidence of hybridization with P. uliginosa and/or P. mugo. Biometric data on the cone and needle morphology also suggest possible hybridization within the P. mugo complex on Błędne Skały. The results indicate that hybridization takes place in this population but not in neighboring populations despite the possible connection by pollen-mediated gene flow.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2021, 90
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Natural monuments in the Srem county (Wielkopolska voivodship, Poland)
Antkowiak, W.
Wisniewski, G.
Wachowiak, D.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
natural monument
Srem town
protected species
plant species
Wielkopolska voivodship
The paper presents results of a survey of natural monuments in the Śrem county, Poland. The survey inventoried eight avenues, 30 tree clusters, six erratics, two localities of a protected plant species, and 85 trees-natural monuments. Among all trees the most numerous group comprised small-leaved limes (447 trees – 36.6%), horse chestnuts (372 Aesculus hippocastanum – 30.4%) as well as Acer platanoides and Quercus robur (with 99 trees each – 8.1%). Among single trees classified as natural monuments the greatest numbers belong to Quercus robur (34 trees – 40.0%) as well as Aesculus hippocastanum and Tilia cordata (with 8 trees each – 9.4%). In the area of the survey there are 30 clusters of trees registered as natural monument. These clusters comprise 99 trees belonging to eight species. Among them English oaks vastly predominate – 65 trees (65.7%). Eight avenues are composed of 1038 trees belonging to seven species. The avenue with the highest number of trees is situated in Przylepki (the Brodnica comune), extending for 1.5 km and composed of 265 Tilia cordata specimens. Former manor and palace parks in the Śrem county account for 33% trees-natural monuments and 63% tree clusters. Considerable differences were recorded in the numbers of natural monuments registered in individual decades – in the 1950’s nine natural monuments were established (6.9% total number of natural monuments), in the 1960’s – one (0.8%), the 1970’s – one (0.8%), the 1980’s – 41 (31.3%), the 1990’s – 73 (55.7%), while in the first decade of the 21st century six natural monuments were registered (4.6%).
Steciana; 2014, 18, 4
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fire properties of exotic wood species covered with protective oils on the basis of the oxygen ratio
Cechy palnościowe drewna gatunków egzotycznych pokrytego olejami ochronno-dekoracyjnymi na podstawie wskaźnika tlenowego
Grzeskowiak, W.l.
Bartkowiak, M.
Wachowiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Forestry and Wood Technology; 2014, 85
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Forestry and Wood Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mineralogiczno-petrograficzna charakterystyka utworów zubru brunatnego (Na3t) występujących w rejonie otworu M-34 w wysadzie solnym Mogilno
Mineralogical and petrographic characteristic of Brown Zuber deposits (Na3t) from the borehole M-34 of the Mogilno Salt Dome
Wachowiak, J.
Natkaniec-Nowak, L.
Smoliński, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Górnictwa Solnego
minerały solne
sole ilaste
zuber czerwony
górny perm
wysad solny Mogilno
salt minerals
clayey salt
Brown Zuber
Upper Permian
Mogilno Salt Dome
W profilu ewaporatów cechsztyńskich na Niżu Polskim utwory zubrowe występują w stropowej partii cyklotemu PZ3 (zuber Na3t) i w środkowej partii cyklotemu PZ4 (zuber Na4t) (Czapowski i in. 2008), gdzie w naturalnej, nie zaburzonej sekwencji tworzą kompleks skał iłowo-solnych o łącznej miąższości około 320–400 m (Wagner, 1994). W wysadach solnych, wypiętrzonych w wyniku procesów halokinetycznych z głębokości około 6000 m, miąższość ta jest bardzo zmienna. W wysadzie kłodawskim miąższość skał zubrowych ogniwa zubru brunatnego waha się od 80 do 140 metrów (Charysz, 1973). W profilu otworu badawczego M-34, odwierconego w wysadzie solnym Mogilno, skały zubru brunatnego stwierdzono w dwóch interwałach głębokości: 1063-1100 m oraz 1457- 1468 m (Wachowiak, Pitera, 2013). Są to utwory iłowo-solne o zmiennej proporcji udziału halitu w stosunku do minerałów ilastych. W badanych próbkach zawartość halitu waha się od 78,6% wag. do 88,4% wag. Zawartość części trudno rozpuszczalnych w wodzie zmienia się od 21,4% wag. do 11,6% wag. Nierozpuszczalne w wodzie residuum jest zbudowane z takich minerałów jak: anhydryt, kwarc, magnezyt, dolomit, piryt oraz minerały ilaste (illit, chloryt), które zidentyfikowano na podstawie analizy rentgenograficznej. W składzie chemicznym skał zubru brunatnego dominują jony sodu i chloru, których sumaryczny udział wynosi 79% i 86% wag. Pozostałą masę skały stanowią jony siarczanowe, węglanowe, wapń, magnez, glin, potas, żelazo, krzemionka oraz w minimalnej ilości inne pierwiastki występujące śladowo.
Brown Zuber rocks (Na3t) occur in the upper part of the PZ3 cyclothem, creating nearly 80-140 m complex of claysalt rocks in the normal deposit succession of the Zechstein (PZ) evaporite profile of the Polish Lowlands (Charysz, 1973; Czapowski et al., 2008). In the salt domes formed by the halokinetic processes, the thickness of this complex is variable. Brown Zuber rocks were found in two depth intervals: 1063-1100 m and 1457-1468 m (Wachowiak, Pitera, 2013) in the profile of exploratory borehole M-34, drilled in the Mogilno Salt Dome. Those were clay-salt formations with changeable proportions of halite and clay minerals. Halite is the main rock-forming mineral, and the samples analysis demonstrated that its content ranges from 78,6 to 88,4 wt.%. The proportion of poorly water soluble parts varies from 21,4 to 11,6 wt.%. The insoluble residuum is composed of such minerals as: anhydrite, quartz, magnesite, pyrite, and clay minerals (illite and chlorite), identified on the basis of X-ray analysis. Chemical composition of the Brown Zuber rocks is dominated by sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl). The total proportion of these elements amounted 79 and 86 wt.% by weight. Sulfate ion (SO42-), calcium, magnesium, aluminum, potassium, iron and silica (SiO2) equal the remaining wt.%. as well as a small amount of bromine was detected.
Przegląd Solny; 2014, 10; 25--38
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Przegląd Solny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Infrared Spectroscopic Identification of Chosen Dental Materials and Natural Teeth
Hędzelek, W.
Marcinkowska, A.
Domka, L.
Wachowiak, R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
Studies using solid phase infrared spectroscopy in the range of 400 to 4000 wave numbers were conducted in order to quickly identify solid tooth fragments and differentiate them from dental materials used in the dental practice. The frequently employed dental materials were evaluated. Natural chemical structure of permanent teeth obtained from donors of various ages provided the reference material. The infrared vibrations detected in infrared transmission spectra depended on the chemical structure of examined compound. Comparable distinctive peaks in infrared spectra of natural teeth and inorganic dental materials (porcelain) were exhibited. Analogous infrared spectra of dental materials consisting of organic matrix with inorganic fillers were found. In the case of acrylic materials specific organic groups were enhanced. The prepared database of infrared transmission spectra included 23 dental materials, facilitating their appropriate identification. Application of infrared spectroscopy allowed for a quick differential identification of typical dental materials produced from organic compounds for inorganic restorations (porcelain) and of tooth structure-resembling hydroxyapatite and its contaminate forms with fluoride and carbonate ions.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 2008, 114, 2; 471-484
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena zmian odpływu w zlewni rzeki Widawki w roku hydrologicznym 2010 pod wpływem oddziaływania inwestycji górniczo-energetycznej w rejonie Bełchatowa
Evaluation of changes in runoff in the catchment of Widawka river in the hydrologic year 2010 under influence of mining and energy sectors investments in Belchatow region
Wachowiak, G.
Galiniak, G.
Jończyk, W.
Martyniak, R.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
górnictwo odkrywkowe
lej depresji
rzeka Widawka
open-pit mining
energy sector
depression cone
Widawka river
Jednym z ważnych elementów oddziaływania odkrywkowej eksploatacji węgla brunatnego i powiązanej z nią energetyki na środowisko naturalne są zmiany zachodzące w środowisku wodnym (wody powierzchniowe i podziemne). W niniejszym artykule autorzy charakteryzują (dla roku hydrologicznego 2010) wpływ Kopalni oraz Elektrowni "Bełchatów" na odpływ rzeczny w zlewni rzeki Widawki. Z jednej strony istnieje zwiększenie przepływu w ciekach powierzchniowych na skutek odprowadzania wód pochodzących z odwodnienia złoża, z drugiej strony wytworzony lej depresji oraz pobór wód dla potrzeb Elektrowni zmniejszają zasilanie i przepływ naturalny. Analizę zmian w odpływie wykonano w oparciu o wyniki stałego monitoringu prowadzonego w celu ustalenie przepływów rzecznych (rzeczywistych i odtworzonych jak dla warunków naturalnych) oraz wielkości czynników antropogenicznych.
Changes in water conditions (surface and groundwater) are one of the important elements of the impact of open pit lignite mining and associated energy production on the environment. In this article, the authors characterize (for the hydrological year 2010) the impact of the mine and power station "Belchatow" on the river runoff in the catchment of Widawka river. This influence is manifested primarily by providing the hydrographic network with drainage water coming from the mine; by flow-reducing influence of the depression cone, as well as by abstractions for the power station. The analysis of changes in the outflow was based on the determination of river flows (actual and reconstructed as in natural conditions) and on the size of anthropogenic factors.
Górnictwo i Geoinżynieria; 2011, 35, 3; 381-395
Pojawia się w:
Górnictwo i Geoinżynieria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Natural xidation of thin Fe films on V buffer layer
Dawczak-Dębicki, H.
Marczyńska, A.
Rogowska, A.
Wachowiak, M.
Nowicki, M.
Pacanowski, S.
Jabłoński, B.
Kowalski, W.
Grembowski, J.
Czajka, R.
Smardz, L.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
We have studied oxidation kinetics of Fe thin film under atmospheric conditions using the fact that metallic iron is a ferromagnet but ultrathin natural iron oxides are approximately nonmagnetic at room temperature. As a consequence, oxidation is associated with a loss in total Fe magnetic moment. Results show that the sample with an initial Fe thickness equal to 10 nm oxidize relatively fast (time constant τ=0.05 day), whereby a constant amount of 2.5 nm of metal is transformed into oxides. For lower iron initial thickness (d_{i}=4 nm) the time constant for oxidation significantly increases reaching a value of 2 days. Furthermore, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies performed after 144 days of oxidation revealed formation of hematite (α-Fe₂O₃) thin film on the metallic rest of iron.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 2017, 132, 4; 1272-1276
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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