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Pochodzenie oraz antropogeniczne przeobrażenia krajobrazów torfowiskowych w dolinie Kłodnicy
The origin and anthropologenically induced tranformations of peatland landscapes in the Kłodnica river valley
Wójcicki, Krzysztof J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
Kotlina Raciborska
analiza makroszczątków
Racibórz Basin
Niewielkie torfowiska występujące w dolinach południowej Polski są słabo poznane, a ich rola w kształtowaniu krajobrazów jest niedoceniana. W dolinie Kłodnicy torfowiska rozwinęły się w obrębie: starorzeczy, basenów powodziowych, najmłodszych teras aluwialnych oraz zbiorników antropogenicznych. W późnym vistulianie i starszej części holocenu, rozwój torfowisk nawiązywał do stadiów sukcesyjnych charakterystycznych dla procesu zlądowienia zbiorników wodnych (od zbiorowisk z klas Potametea lub Phragmitetea do zbiorowisk z klasy Alnetea glutinosae). W neoholocenie, pod wpływem działalności człowieka zachodziły procesy: zastępowania zbiorowisk lasu bagiennego przez zbiorowiska otwarte z klasy Phragmitetea, zaniku torfowisk w wyniku sedymentacji osadów mineralnych, degradacji torfowisk i złóż torfu na skutek melioracji. Z drugiej strony, obniżenia opuszczonych piaskowni i dawne koryto Kanału Kłodnickiego są obecnie kolonizowane przez roślinność torfotwórczą.
Small peatlands in valleys of southern Poland are poorly known and their role in landscape forming is underestimated. In the Kłodnica valley, fens have developed within: oxbows, flood basins, the youngest alluvial terraces, and anthropogenic reservoirs. In the Late Vistulian and older part of the Holocene, the development of fens was controlled by hydroseral succession characteristic for the processes of terrestrialisation of water bodies (a transition from the communities with the classes Potametea or Phragmitetea to communities with the class Alnetea glutinosae). Under human impact the following processes occurred in the Late Holocene: the replacing of swampy forests by open associations from the class Phragmitetea, the extinction of peatlands as a result of deposition of mineral matter and degradation of peatlands and peat deposits due to land melioration. On the other hand, depressions of the former Kłodnica Canal and sandpits are colonized by peat-forming vegetation recently.
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego; 2010, 13; 122-134
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Holoceńska historia roślinności siedlisk mokradłowych w dolinach rzecznych dorzecza górnej Odry
Holocene vegetation history of wetland habitats in the river valleys of the upper Odra River basin
Wójcicki, Krzysztof
Nita, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
analiza pyłkowa
analiza makroszczątków
równina aluwialna
Kotlina Raciborska
pollen analysis
macrofossil analysis
alluvial plain
Racibórz Basin
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań nad postglacjalną ewolucją roślinności siedlisk podmokłych w dolinach rzecznych Kotliny Raciborskiej. Scharakteryzowano w nim trzy, uznane za reprezentatywne, profile osadów niewielkich torfowisk starorzecznych w dolinach Osobłogi, Kłodnicy i Rudy. Wyniki analizy pyłkowej i makroszczątków wskazują na podobne uwarunkowania rozwoju siedlisk a w konsekwencji podobną historię roślinności mokradłowej w badanych dolinach i pozwalają wyróżnić następujące etapy ich rozwoju: (1) od późnego vistulianu po schyłek okresu borealnego – w zbiornikach wodnych rozwój zbiorowisk szuwaru właściwego (rzadziej wielkoturzycowego) przy współudziale roślin wodnych, zaś na siedliskach umiarkowanie wilgotnych – lasów łęgowych z udziałem wierzb i topoli; (2) okres atlantycki i subborealny – rozwój wielogatunkowych, klimaksowych lasów z dominacją olszy czarnej, w szczególności ols porzeczkowy na torfowi - skach; (3) okres subatlantycki – w warunkach antropopresji rozwój nieleśnych zbiorowisk turzycowo-mszystych, początkowo ze związku Magnocaricion, ewoluujących w kierunku zbiorowisk kwaśnych młak niskoturzycowych ze związku Caricion nigrae na torfowiskach oraz ponowny rozwój lasów łęgowych na glebach aluwialnych.
The article presents the results of research on the post-glacial evolution of vegetation within wetland habitats in the river valleys of Racibórz Basin, southern Poland. Three sequences of deposits, representing small peatlands developed in the oxbow lakes of the Osobłoga, Kłodnica and Ruda Rivers, have been recognized. The results of pollen and macrofossil analyses indicate similar conditions for the development of habitats, and consequently a similar history of the wetland vegetation in the studied valleys. The following stages of vegetation changes can be distinguished: (1) from the Late Vistulian to the Late Boreal – the development of Phragmition (less frequently Magnocaricion) communities with the participation of aquatic plants in water bodies, whereas riparian forests with willows and poplars in moderately moist habitats; (2) the Atlantic and Sub-Boreal periods – multi-species, climax forests with the dominance of Alnus glutinosa, in particular communities of Ribeso nigri-Alnetum on swamps; (3) the Sub-Atlantic period – the expansion of non-forest, sedge-moss communities due to human impact, initially from the alliance Magnocaricion, evolving in acidophilic communities from the alliance Caricion nigrae on peatlands, whereas re-development of riparian forests on alluvial soils.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2016, 105; 93-105
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Makroszczątki roślinne w torfie w analizie paleośrodowiskowych uwarunkowań osadnictwa na przykładzie stanowiska Łane Małe w dolinie Kłodnicy
Peat macrofossils in the analysis of palaeoenvironmental conditions of settlement; the case of Łany Małe site in the Kłodnica valley
Wójcicki, Krzysztof J.
Kloss, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Results of archaeological studies from the territory of Poland show that prehistorical settlements were often founded on the banks of lakes and mires. Botanical composition of organic deposits allows reconstructing historical plant communities and palaeohydrological conditions of the settlement, the subject of research was a peatland situated in the neighborhood of the archaeological site at Łany Małe. The latter is located on hillslopes of the Kłodnica valley (Upper Silesia, southern Poland). Peat formation at the Łany Małe site took place in the Pre-Boreal Period as an effect of the valley floor paludification. In the Mesolithic and Neolithic Periods as well as the Early Bronze Age, swampy alder forests occupied the entire area of the peatland. At that time, the fen surface was relatively easily accessible for humans, especially for people of the Funnel Beaker Culture in the Middle Neolithic Period. It was then when, probably, the ground water level dropped down and peat decay processes took over those of peat production. In the Hallstatt Period, during the presence of the Lusatian Culture settlement, there was subsequent increase in biotope moisture. Forest communities became more open and trees were gradually displaced by grasslike plants, especially of sedge (Carex) genus. In the Fate Roman Period (the Przeworsk Culture settlement) and in the early Middle Ages, the peatland was subject to inundation due to frequent flooding, the peat accumulation was then halted by the delivery of fine-grained products of soil erosion.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2008, 6, 1; 449-460
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The identification of quality control methods used in the packaging production process
Górna, Justyna
Wójcicki, Krzysztof
Biegańska, Marta
Paliwoda, Beata
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
quality control
control methods
optical sensors
Internet of things
kontrola jakości
metody kontroli
czujniki optyczne
Internet rzeczy
Purpose: The aim of the article is to identify the quality control methods used in companies producing packaging and to obtain knowledge of the scope of the use of optical sensors. Design/methodology/approach: Enterprises located in Poland in the Greater Poland Voivodeship, producing paper, board, corrugated and plastic packaging. The triangulation strategy was used in the study in which Computer Assisted Web Interview (CATI), Individual In-depth Interviews (IDIs), and Case Study were applied. The subject of research was the identification of quality control methods at individual stages of packaging production and the responsibility for carrying it out, as well as the method of presenting the control results. In addition, the use of optical sensors for quality control was assessed. Findings: Digitalization of manufacturing leading to the Industry 4.0 concept provides novel tools for quality control and data storing. It enables real-time data collection and processing for even better even better management of the production process and quality control. However, the concept of Industry 4.0 (including Big Data Analysis, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks) is not new, still many companies find it difficult to implement it and benefit from its capabilities. The surveyed packaging companies are characterized by low use of the possibilities related to the use of more advanced methods of product quality control at individual stages of the production process. The potential for improvement is the area of process and product control through the use of optical sensors/actuators, etc., and the form of keeping records of the product quality checks carried out. Research limitations/implications: The results of this research are not representative, but they encourage the authors to carry out a broader and more in-depth analysis of the research subject on a national scale. Practical implications: Research indicates the need to improve the quality control process in the production of packaging and a wider use of modern solutions with the use of optical sensors. Originality/value: An article can be an element influencing the management to better select quality control methods at various stages of the production process.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2022, 162; 197--211
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Erosion and accumulation phases during the last glacial-interglacial cycle : a case study of the terrace system of the Odra and Osobłoga rivers (southern Poland)
Wójcicki, Krzysztof Jan
Pawelec, Halina
Malik, Ireneusz
Woskowicz-Ślęzak, Beata
Moska, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
fluvial processes
river terraces
Late Quaternary
southern Poland
In the Odra and Osobłoga River valleys in the vicinity of the town of Krapkowice, a system of morphological levels is present which is exceptionally extensive compared to other such systems in southern Poland. The extent, origins and chronology of these levels have been the subject of many controversies. In the light of current research, the terraces, which are situated on average 14.5-13, 12-10, 8-6, 6-4 and 3-1 metres above the river level, were formed in the post-Wartanian interval. The main factor driving their development was erosion, which compensated for the effects of large-scale aggradation that had occurred during the anaglacial phase of the Odranian Glaciation (MIS 8) dated to 261 ±15 ka. The impact of climatic conditions on the trends towards fluvial erosion or accumulation was only of secondary importance. According to OSL dating, successive phases of vertical stabilisation of the valley floor occurred ~118.8 ±8.3, 87.7 ±5.7 and 42.0 ±2.0 ka. In the meantime, erosion intensified, which resulted in the formation of lower terrace levels. During the climatic minimum of the Upper Plenivistulian (21.5 ±1.5 ka), under conditions of the delivery of sheet-wash-generated sediment, the aggradation of distal reaches of the Odra River valley was locally marked. During the Late Vistulian and Holocene, erosive tendencies continued, which were reflected by the fact that the surfaces of subsequent inset alluvial fills were situated ever lower. In the light of dating results, it can be concluded that during the colder periods correlated with the Rederstall Stadial (MIS 5b) and with the Hasselo Stadial (MIS 3), a braided river was present in the river valleys examined, which was most probably accompanied by permafrost. During the Eemian Interglacial (MIS 5e), during the Late Vistulian Interstadials and in the Holocene, it was a meandering river.
Geological Quarterly; 2020, 64, 1; 104--119
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Agregaty konstrukcji KOMAG przeznaczone do chłodzenia silników elektrycznych dużych mocy
Cooling devices designed by KOMAG intended for cooling the high-power electric motors
Nieśpiałowski, Krzysztof
Wójcicki, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG
maszyny górnicze
napędy elektryczne
układ chłodzenia
mining industry
mining machines
electric drives
cooling system
Powszechnie stosowane w krajowym górnictwie chłodzenie maszyn wyposażonych w napędy elektryczne dużych mocy wodą z magistrali ppoż. odprowadzaną po zużyciu do kanału ściekowego, generuje duże problemy technologiczne i ekonomiczne związane z jej ponownym odprowadzeniem na powierzchnię. W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję otwartego i zamkniętego układu chłodzenia górniczych maszyn dużych mocy. Stanowią one alternatywę dla metody powszechnie wykorzystywanej. Porównano wady i zalety omawianych układów w zależności od warunków zastosowania.
Cooling of the machines used in the mining industry, equipped with high-power electric drives, by water from the mine fire system generates technological and economic problems associated with re-transportation of water to the surface. The concept of open and closed system for cooling the high-power mining machines is presented. This is an alternative to the commonly use method. Advantages and disadvantages of the discussed systems are compared.
Maszyny Górnicze; 2019, 37, 4; 45-52
Pojawia się w:
Maszyny Górnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Identification of dynamic forces in the chain during the steady operation of a rescue scraper conveyor
Wójcicki, Mateusz
Wieczorek, Andrzej N.
Nieśpiałowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG
plain link chain
scraper conveyor
tests of dynamic forces
siły dynamiczne
przenośnik zgrzebłowy
The article presents a study of the dynamic forces occurring in the chain of a rescue scraper conveyor during its steady operation. It describes the characteristics of the test stand in the form of a scraper conveyor for investigating dynamic forces in the chain, moreover, the results of these tests are presented. Based on the values obtained during the dynamic tests, the characteristic parameters of the above mentioned measurements were determined.
Mining Machines; 2023, 41, 2; 119--131
Pojawia się w:
Mining Machines
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poszukiwanie i rozpoznawanie złóż ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego w Polsce : szósta runda przetargowa
Prospection and exploration of oil and gas fields in Poland : 6th tender round
Wójcik, Krystian
Zacharski, Jarosław
Łojek, Marcin
Wróblewska, Sara
Kiersnowski, Hubert
Waśkiewicz, Krzysztof
Wójcicki, Adam
Laskowicz, Rafał
Sobień, Katarzyna
Peryt, Tadeusz
Chylińska-Macios, Agnieszka
Sienkiewicz, Jagoda
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
ropa naftowa
gaz ziemny
poszukiwania ropy
obszary przetargowe
polityka otwartych drzwi
crude oil
natural gas
petroleum prospective
tender areas
open door policy
On June 30, 2021 the Polish Minister of Climate and Environment announced the boundaries of five areas dedicated for the next, 6th tender round for hydrocarbon concessions in Poland, planned for the second half of 2022. These are: Block 413-414, Block 208, Cybinka-Torzym, Zielona Góra West, and Koto tender areas. The main exploration target of these areas is related to conventional and unconventional accumulations of gas and oil in the Carpathian basement, Carpathian Foredeep and Outer Carpathians (Block 413-414), as well as in the Carboniferous, Permian Rotliegend, Zechstein Limestone, and Main Dolomite (Block 208, Cybinka-Torzym, Zielona Góra West) and in the Mesozoic of the Polish Lowlands (Koto). The other way of granting hydrocarbon concessions in Poland is the open door procedure, in which an entity may apply for concessions for any other area.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2022, 70, 5; 363--372
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-11 z 11

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