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O postrzeganiu prawa na przykładzie sprawy rolnej z ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego
On the perception of the law on the example of an agricultural case referred to in the Act on shaping the agricultural system
Truszkiewicz, Zygmunt
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
natural law
positive law
formation of agricultural system
transformation of commercial company
interpretation of law
prawo naturalne
prawo pozytywne
kształtowanie ustroju rolnego
przekształcenie spółki handlowej
wykładnia prawa
W artykule została ukazana zależność między postrzeganiem prawa a jego praktycznym stosowaniem. Wykorzystano w tym celu przypadek, w którym wystąpiły kontrowersje dotyczące stosowania ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego. Sprowadzały się one do pytania, czy regulacje zawarte w tej ustawie, odnoszące się do nabywania nieruchomości rolnych, powinny mieć zastosowanie także w przypadku przekształcenia spółki z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością w spółkę komandytową. Rozważania wykazały, że ocena prawna tej samej kwestii może być różna w zależności od tego, czy osoba dokonująca oceny będzie zwolennikiem pozytywistycznego czy prawnonaturalnego postrzegania prawa. Pierwsze z nich skłania interpretatora do opierania się głównie na literalnej wykładni, natomiast drugie – do odwoływania się do innych metod wykładni, w tym na wykładni funkcjonalno-celowościowej. Ta ostatnia zakłada nawet konieczność weryfikowania prawa pozytywnego i konkretyzowania norm prawnych w przypadkach nietypowych. Takie podejście pozwala uniknąć ocen prawnych, które prowadzą do następstw z jednej strony zgodnych z literalnie odczytywanymi przepisami, a z drugiej – nieracjonalnych, a tym samym niesprawiedliwych i niesłusznych.
 The article illustrates the relationship between the perception of the law and its practical application. For this purpose, a case was used in which controversies arose concerning the application of the Act on shaping the agricultural system. Those controversies boiled down to the question of whether the regulations contained in this Act and concerning the acquisition of agricultural real estate should also apply in the case of the transformation of a limited liability company into a limited partnership. The deliberations performed showed that the legal assessment of the same issue may differ depending on whether the person making the assessment adheres to a positivist or natural law perception. The former tends to lead the interpreter to rely mainly on a literal interpretation, while the latter tends to rely on other methods of interpretation, including a functional-objective interpretation. The latter even implies the need to verify positive law and to concretise legal norms in atypical cases. Such an approach allows to avoid legal assessments that lead to consequences that are, on the one hand, in line with the literal reading of the rules and, on the other hand, irrational and therefore unjust and wrong.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2023, 1(32); 179-203
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Regulacja prawna obrotu nieruchomościami rolnymi między żyjącymi – uwagi de lege ferenda
Truszkiewicz, Zygmunt
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
Broadly understood trading, especially trading of ownership rights to agricultural properties, as well as arable land forming a part of them, is subject to specific regulations in numerous countries. Poland is one of such countries. In the post–war period in Poland, it is possible to distinguish two basic stages of the State’s impact on the trading in arable land: until September 30, 1990 and after this date. In 1990, the trading of arable land inter vivos, regulated in the civil code, was significantly liberalised. It was only the Act on Shaping of Agricultural System of April 11, 2003 (Dz.U. No. 64, item 592) which entered into force on April 15, 2003 that introduced new restrictions into turnover of agricultural properties. In spite of the suggestive title of the above–mentioned act, it does not contain regulations whose purpose would be protection of agricultural farms from divisions detrimental from the point of view of correct agricultural economy. In Poland, work is currently under way on a new civil code. The task was entrusted to the Codification Committee of Civil Law established in 2002 by the Minister of Justice. Within the framework of work on the new code, the issue of restoring regulations which limit turnover in arable land to the civil code has emerged. This article was written by a member of the Task Team of the above–mentioned Committee. It contains remarks regarding the purposefulness and the scope of introducing limitations regarding trading in arable land into the civil code by means of contracts transferring the ownership right. The article also contains a draft regulation prepared by the article’s author.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2010, 8; 30-46
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Right of Pre-emption of Agricultural Property and the Right of Pre-emption of Agricultural Farm
Truszkiewicz, Zygmunt
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
agricultural property
agricultural farm
the right of pre-emption
nieruchomość rolna
gospodarstwo rolne
prawo pierwokupu
The application of the right of pre-emption in case of sale of agricultural farm is much more complicated than the application of the above-mentioned right in case of agricultural property. The sale of agricultural farm is complicated since the subject of sale is not one property right (as it does not exist) but many rights of access to tangible or intangible assets which form or may form the agricultural farm, however, only negotiable ones. In fact, the disposal of the whole agricultural farm is permitted only in case of universal succession, which is not always the case. However, in case of sale of agricultural farm, the right holder can exercise the right of pre-emption of sold agricultural farm and, thus, the whole negotiable assets covered by the sale contract.
Stosowanie prawa pierwokupu w przypadku sprzedaży gospodarstwa rolnego jest o wiele bardziej złożone niż stosowanie prawa pierwokupu wobec nieruchomości rolnej. Sprzedaż gospodarstwa rolnego jest o tyle złożona, że przedmiotem sprzedaży nie jest jedno prawo własności do całego gospodarstwa rolnego, bo ono nie istnieje, lecz w istocie wiele praw do dóbr materialnych i niematerialnych, tworzących lub mogących tworzyć gospodarstwo rolne, ale tylko zbywalnych. Zbycie całego gospodarstwa rolnego jest w zasadzie możliwe tylko w przypadku sukcesji uniwersalnej, i to nie zawsze. Niemniej w przypadku sprzedaży gospodarstwa rolnego uprawniony może wykonać prawo pierwokupu całego sprzedawanego gospodarstwa rolnego, a więc w stosunku do wszystkich zbywalnych składników objętych umową sprzedaży.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2017, 26, 1
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adekwatność instrumentów prawnych kształtowania ustroju rolnego
Adequacy of legal instruments for shaping the agricultural regime
L’adeguatezza degli strumenti giuridici nella definizione del regime agricolo
Truszkiewicz, Zygmunt
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
compravendita di fondi agricoli
legge sul regime agricolo
valutazione del proseguimento dei fini contenuti nella legge in oggetto
trading in agricultural property
Act on shaping the agricultural system
evaluation of implementation of objectives of the Act
obrót nieruchomościami rolnymi
ustawa o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego
ocena realizacji celów tej ustawy
Ustawę z 2003 r. o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego przyjęto ze względu na obawy przed nabywaniem gruntów rolnych przez cudzoziemców z UE. Te same obawy przesądziły o zaostrzeniu ograniczeń w obrocie własnościowym gruntami rolnymi w 2016 r. Jednakże efektywność tych ograniczeń – z punktu widzenia celów o wiele szerzej wyartykułowanych w ustawie – jest znikoma. Trudno bowiem mówić o realizowaniu podstawowego celu, jakim jest poprawianie struktury obszarowej gospodarstw rolnych, skoro w okresie 15 lat działania ustawy państwo nabyło w skali kraju – na jej podstawie – tylko ok. 20 tys. ha gruntów rolnych. Powiązany z kolejnym celem ustawy (tj. z zapewnieniem prowadzenia działalności rolniczej w gospodarstwach rolnych przez osoby o odpowiednich kwalifikacjach) wymóg posiadania kwalifikacji rolniczych należy zaś uważać we współczesnych uwarunkowaniach społeczno-gospodarczych za nieracjonalny, a jednocześnie naruszający podstawowe wolności chronione konstytucją. Realnie ustawa umożliwia realizowanie trzeciego podstawowego celu, jakim przeciwdziałanie nadmiernej koncentracji nieruchomości rolnych, ograniczając nabywanie nieruchomości rolnych ponad 300 ha, aczkolwiek nie w pełnym zakresie.
La legge del 2003 sul regime agricolo è stata approvata come risposta al timore di vedere gli stranieri provenienti dall’UE acquistare terreni agricoli. Le stesse paure hanno determinato l’inasprimento delle restrizioni alla compravendita di terreni agricoli nel 2016. Tuttavia, la loro efficacia – dal punto di vista degli obiettivi articolati molto più ampiamente nella legge menzionata – è insignificante. È difficile parlare del conseguimento dell’obiettivo di base, cioè quello di ampliare la superficie delle aziende agricole, poiché nell’arco di 15 anni a partire dalla sua entrata in vigore, lo Stato polacco, su scala nazionale, ha acquisito – richiamandosi alla legge in esame – soltanto circa 20 000 ettari di fondi agricoli. In più, il requisito di possedere qualifiche agricole, correlato con un altro fine prefissato nella legge (ovvero assicurare, nelle aziende agricole, lo svolgimento di attività agricola da parte di persone con qualifiche appropriate) dovrebbe essere considerato, nelle odierne condizioni socio-economiche, irrazionale e allo stesso tempo come un requisito che viola le libertà fondamentali tutelate dalla Costituzione. In termini concreti, la legge menzionata consente comunque di impedire un’eccessiva concentrazione di fondi agricoli, vietandone l’acquisizione oltre i 300 ettari, sebbene non nella misura massima.
The Act of 2003 on shaping the agricultural system was adopted following the concerns about potential acquisition of agricultural land by citizens from EU Member States. The same fears determined the tightening of restrictions on the ownership of agricultural land adopted in 2016. However, the effectiveness of these restrictions – from the point of view of the objectives articulated much more widely in the Act can hardly be noticed. The basic objective, which was to improve the area structure of agricultural holdings, has not really been achieved since during the 15 years of the operation of the Act, the State purchased only about 20 thousand hectares of agricultural land pursuant to its provisions. Further, the requirement underlying another objective of the Act (i.e. ensuring that agricultural activity is carried out in agricultural holdings by persons with appropriate qualifications) seems unreasonable in contemporary social and economic conditions and, what is more, it violates fundamental freedoms protected by the Constitution. Realistically, the Act has successfully albeit only partially achieved its third basic objective, which was to counteract excessive concentration of agricultural land, limiting the acquisition of agricultural land of an area exceeding 300 ha.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2019, 2(25); 69-89
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O własności rolniczej w kontekście zmian w obrocie własnościowym prywatnymi gruntami rolnymi
About agricultural property in the context of changes pertaining to ownership trading in private agricultural lands
Truszkiewicz, Zygmunt
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
concept of ownership
agricultural property
function of ownership
shaping of agricultural system
family farm
It is difficult to imagine socio-economic relations without property. Ownership can be understood differently: narrowly – as a right within the meaning of civil law and broadly – as in fact any right belonging to a person that together with other rights forms property of this person. Therefore, ownership is of interest to almost all branches of law, including constitutional law. As a consequence, ownership can be regarded as a single right, especially within the meaning of the Civil Code, or as institution that includes ownership rights and associated obligations. Nowadays, these obligations become more and more important because property is regarded as a social function and not only as an absolute right of the owner. The social perspective of ownership makes the property differentiated by its object. In this way various legal regimes of ownership are created, including agricultural property of great social significance. Agricultural property is a basic element of the agricultural system that is constitutionally based on a family farm. The state, shaping the agricultural system in the assumed way, regulates the agricultural system accordingly. This is done, among others, by the Act of 2003 on the shaping of the agricultural system that also defines a family farm. However, the Act, contrary to its title, regulates only the transfer of ownership of agricultural lands and farms. The provisions of the Act raise serious objections both in terms of assumptions and in terms of applied legal solutions. The source of these defective regulations, after the transformation of the political system at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, is a fact that in Poland the model of the agricultural system has never been developed.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2017, 15
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aspekty konstrukcyjnoprawne podziału nieruchomości
Selected aspects of the division of property as a legal construct
Truszkiewicz, Zygmunt
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
division of property
local land use plan
land property.
Space is a joint interest that requires legal protection ensured through administrative (authoritarian) legal instruments. The value of this interest is incalculable, thus the instances of restriction of land ownership are not an infrequent occurrence. The main legal instrument affecting space development is the local land use plan adopted by the competent municipal or rural council. This document underlies a variety of decisions (administrative and judicial) involving land use. One of them is the decision approving the property division plan. The solutions adopted in the plan must be in line with the aforesaid land use document. If the divided property is not covered by a land use plan, the conformity of property division is determined based on the location decision or, if the latter is absent, pursuant to the specific provisions governing land use. Polish regulations on the rules and procedures for property division were laid down as early as in 1928. These rules and procedures have been altered several times ever since. Currently, the effective law is Articles 92–100 of the Act of 21 August 1997 on Property Management (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2010, No. 102, item 651 as amended). The measures adopted in the new law differ from previous solutions. By and large, the new regulation stipulates the control of divisions of land lots and not the divisions of larger property that may consist of many lots. This may come as a surprise since the manner of using land property in accordance with the local land use plan or other documents is contingent upon the area and shape of the property rather than the area and shape of a parcel being part of that property. This paper aims to assess the adopted solutions on the division of property against the modifications made and from the viewpoint of legal risks that arise from these new regulations. The currently binding arrangements regarding the division of property have been assessed positively in principle although they narrow the scope of property division control. With regard to the specific regulations, they are not entirely consistent, which is the source of certain legal risks associated with property transactions.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2012, 10; 105-122
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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