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Importance of cut - off line in automotive headlamps aiming
Targosiński, T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
headlights aiming
cut-off line
road illumination
glare protection
The basic element of passing beam headlights is the "cut-off line". It was intended in European beam pattern as tool for correct adjustment of passing beam according good road illumination distance and oncoming drive eyes protection of excessive glare. Cut-off line was established on the one hand as a natural part separating bright and dark area in the conventional passing beam, on the other assigned its essential function of the visual aiming of headlights. It is used in laboratory practices as well as in vehicles factories and in services and technical periodical inspection. The most important is that cut-off line was defined visually and subjectively over 50 years ago. But needed aiming precision according guaranteed road visibility and glare protection is much higher than historically moulded practical cut-off performance. In paper is analysed definition of cut-off line, their performance and meaning, historical evolution and influence for technical development of headlamps design. Also, mathematical approximation and modelling of cut-off line visual perception is described. The important is analysis of practical examples of real cut-off lines, their connections with significant beam pattern characteristics and possible ambiguous aiming during type approval and during vehicle exploitation. Also, analyzed are perspectives of future cut-off line use, development or - may be replacement by other means better serving this very important task to guarantee correct adjustment beam pattern according good road illumination and protection against excessive glare.
Journal of KONES; 2012, 19, 3; 469-476
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Passing beam visibility distance - technical possibilities, legal requirements and road safety
Targosiński, T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
traffic safety
Night-time visibility is essential for road traffic safety. It depends mostly on quantity of light falling on the objects important to be seen to avoid collision. The relatively simple and easily understood criterion for quality of passing beam is visibility distance. In fact visibility distance of driver using headlamps is a much more complicated function of many factors such as design of headlamp, light source used, mounting height, aiming, change of beam pattern inclination during change of vehicle load. From point of view of legal requirements it is important to meet all requirements concerning all mentioned factors. But the problem is that there are separate legal requirements for light sources, headlighting systems and mounting conditions on vehicle. Final visibility distance is significantly influenced by coincidence of all this performances but also by visual possibilities of driver and road conditions. The process of requirements creation is complicated. A number of experts work on them for a long time. It is influenced by technical progress, market needs, level of knowledge and experience. . In this paper author describes influence of important factors for present state of possible and real visibility distances in dependence on technical design, kind of light source used and way of creation of type approval requirements and propose improved concept for aiming and levelling.
Journal of KONES; 2011, 18, 4; 511-517
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Objective tests of headlamps in exploitation conditions from traffic safety point of view
Obiektywne badania reflektorów samochodowych w warunkach eksploatacji pod kątem bezpieczeństwa ruchu
Targosiński, T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
oświetlenie pojazdów
wiązka świetlna
vehicle lighting
beam pattern
From many years the only exploitation activity regarding headlamps is visual aiming on the base of cut-off line. From one side there are many advanced headlamp designs with excellent performance including gas discharge devices or LED's as light source. In last few years there are many efforts towards to work out laboratory objective quality assessment methods. An example is works of technical committee CIE TC4-45. But in exploitation significant numbers of vehicles are equipped with low quality headlamps installed after repairs. Also many plastic lenses are scratched and tarnished and inside parts of headlamp are dusty. Results of this problems are not noticed during simple periodical technical inspection. In Motor Transport Institute headlight analyzer was worked out. It utilizes CCD camera and computer image analysis and allows test detailed characteristics of beam pattern in garage conditions in objective way. Using these device measurements of many vehicles in exploitation conditions was done. There was find out that significant percentage of headlamps in use does not meet minimum type approval requirements. In paper results of tests are presented and main factors responsible for difference between type approval and exploitation are described.
Journal of KONES; 2007, 14, 2; 493-504
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adaptive driving beam - new concept of vehicle front - lighting
Targosiński, T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
road illumination
traffic safety
Vehicle front-lighting is essential for road traffic sofety during night-time. It is a subject of continuous changes following the progress in technology. After the introduction of gas-discharge (xenon) light sources in 90-ties of the last century, in the recent years there were adaptive front-lighting systems (AFS) allowed to be used. This kind of front-lighting with significant complexity of functions and control, relatively limited lighting improvement and high costs, does not spread as quickly as it was predicted. For these reasons, the last two years saw automatic and adaptive driving beam offered, with electronic control based on the video camera image processing. It is done referring to the present in force, static technical requirements. But the automatic control o f these lights as well as reactions of other roads users could have wide spread implications for the night-driving comfort and safety. On one hand it should create much better road illumination, as it leads in many cases to road illumination closer to the standard driving beam, when at present the passing beam would be used. On the other hand, there is a significant risk of glaring other road users as a result of their improper recognition or erroneous activation/deactivation of these lights. It could be a result of imperfections in sensors, algorithm and devices controlling light beam changes. This could lead to lack of light reaction and glaring of improperly indentifled objects e.g. bicycles, pedestrians and to illumination deterioration in response to retro-reflectors (road signs). This paper describes most important issues concerning advantages and risks of introducing this kind of lights to the market and ways of defining requirements.
Journal of KONES; 2010, 17, 3; 453-460
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja pomiarów eksploatacyjnych oznakowania dróg
Conception of exploitation measurements retroreflectig road signs
Targosiński, T.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Elektrotechniki
materiały odblaskowe
znaki drogowe
bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego
Znaki drogowe to bardzo ważne źródło informacji w ruchu drogowym. Ich dostrzeżenie i rozpoznanie w odpowiednim czasie ma fundamentalne znaczenie dla bezpieczeństwa ruchu. Znaczenie to wzrasta w warunkach nocnych ze względu na znacznie gorsze warunki oświetlenia za pomocą reflektorów samochodowych. Znaki drogowe podlegają wymaganiom normatywnym, jednak wymagania te są stosunkowo proste, a ich sprawdzanie odbywa się w warunkach laboratoryjnych. W praktyce eksploatacyjnej są oceniane wyrywkowo i w sposób bardzo uproszczony. W artykule omówiono koncepcję szybkich pomiarów fotometrycznych i kolorymetrycznych oznakowania odblaskowego w warunkach drogowych bardzo zbliżonych do nocnej percepcji wzrokowej z wykorzystaniem urządzeń wideofotometrycznych i wideokolorymetrycznych z przetwornikami obrazu.
Road signs are important source of information for road traffic users. To see and recognize road signs at the right moment are fundamental safety issues in road traffic. Importance of see road signs increase during night-time driving, due to limited visibility delivered by headlamps. Approval requirements are based on a simple roles and ate tested during laboratory tests. In exploitation conditions, they are evaluated at random and in a very simplified way. In this paper is presented the concept of fast photometric and colorimetric measurements of the properties of reflective road signs under night-time conditions - using new method and equipment.
Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki; 2008, 237; 233-243
Pojawia się w:
Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pomiary oznakowania odblaskowego dróg w terenie za pomocą aparatury z powierzchniowymi przetwornikami obrazu
Measurements of retroreflective road signs by equipment using image analysers
Targosiński, T.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Elektrotechniki
materiały odblaskowe
znaki drogowe
W ramach projektu badawczego opracowano i wykonano aparaturę do pomiarów fotometrycznych i kolorymetrycznych odblaskowych znaków drogowych w terenie w nocy, wykorzystującą powierzchniowe przetworniki obrazu. Jakość oznakowania odblaskowego w warunkach drogowych wykazuje znaczne zróżnicowanie, a jej ocena dokonywana jest głównie wzrokowo oraz wyrywkowo pomiarowo w sposób uproszczony, za pomocą przyrządów symulujących pomiary laboratoryjne. Za pomocą opracowanej aparatury wykonano serię pomiarów oznakowania dróg w warunkach nocnych. Pomiary te pozwoliły na przetestowanie metodyki i aparatury oraz na wstępną ocenę zakresu występujących problemów. Wyniki pomiarów pokazały złożoność zagadnienia oceny jakości eksploatacyjnej oznakowania oraz unaoczniły wiele problemów, które umykają obecnym metodom badania jakości oznakowania odblaskowego.
During research project was made equipment for photometric and colorimetric measurements of road signs. Quality of retro-reflective road signs in real world is differentiated and it is assessed visually or by simplified laboratory equipment. A series of measurements was done using prepared equipment during night-time on the real roads. Results show complex matter of assessing road sign quality and its measurements.
Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki; 2010, 244; 17-33
Pojawia się w:
Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania brył fotometrycznych świateł mijania w warunkach eksploatacyjnych
Testing of beam patterns of passing beams in exploitation conditions
Targosiński, T.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Elektrotechniki
reflektor samochodowy
bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego
W artykule omówiono wyniki badań reflektorów samochodowych w warunkach eksploatacyjnych polegających na zarejestrowaniu ich bryły fotometrycznej komputerowym urządzeniem wykorzystującym przetwornik obrazu. Dokonano analizy ilościowej pod kątem spełnienia podstawowych wymagań homologacyjnych i eksploatacyjnych oraz analizy jakościowej charakterystycznych brył fotometrycznych.
In his paper are described results of measurements of beam patterns of headlamps in use. Measurements were done by computerized device with image sensor. Statistical analysis of type approval requirements meeting were done as well as qualitative analysis of characteristic beam patterns.
Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki; 2006, 228; 327-340
Pojawia się w:
Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Światła mijania a wypadki w nocy
Passing beam headlights and nighttime accidents
Targosiński, T.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Elektrotechniki
reflektory samochodowe
bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego
road traffic safety
W analizach przyczyn wypadków po zapadnięciu zmierzchu bardzo rzadko jako powód zdarzenia podawana jest zła jakość oświetlenia reflektorowego. Jednak gdy analizie podda się współczesne wymagania dla oświetlenia reflektorowego oraz możliwe zasięgi oświetlanej drogi i zestawi z dopuszczalnymi prędkościami ruchu, to widać wyraźną niespójność. Szczególnie zróżnicowane są odmienne interpretacje wypadków ze zwierzętami, które niespodziewanie wbiegły na drogę w zależności od miejsca takiego zdarzenia. W artykule poddano analizie kilka wypadków tego typu i zestawiono je z potencjalnymi i rzeczywistymi możliwościami oświetleniowymi współczesnych świateł mijania.
The analyzes of the causes of accidents during nightime very rarely show as a cause the poor quality of headlights. However, when subjected to analysis of contemporary lighting requirements and possible ranges of illuminated road ahead vehicle in combination with traffic speeds limits it shows a clear inconsistency. Especially varied are interpretations of accident reasons with animals that suddenly rushed on the way depending on where such an event happened. The article analyzes several examples of accidents of this kind and summarizes potential and actual capabilities of contemporary passing beam headlights.
Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki; 2015, 268; 153-160
Pojawia się w:
Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania porównawcze samochodowych żarówek reflektorowych
A comparative test of automotive headlamp bulbs
Targosiński, T.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Elektrotechniki
reflektory samochodowe
wiązka świetlna
filament lamps
beam pattern
Na rynku oferowanych jest wiele odmian samochodowych żarówek reflektorowych. Teoretycznie ich parametry są określone wymaganiami regulaminów homologacyjnych. W ciągu ostatnich lat wzrasta i poszerzana jest oferta żarówek określanych przez producentów jako dające "więcej światła" i oznaczane np. +30% +90% itd. Żarówki te posiadają homologację, jednak konstrukcyjnie nieco różnią się od żarówek typowych. W artykule opisano badania porównawcze tego typu żarówek i żarówek "podstawowych" różnych producentów oraz właściwości wiązki świetlnej reflektorów wytwarzanej przy wykorzystaniu takich żarówek. Badania wykonano za pomocą Analizatora Świateł, a dotyczyły one wybranych parametrów wiązki świetlnej reflektora, które zmieniały się wraz z badaną żarówką.
Market offer many varieties of car headlight bulbs. Theoretically, the parameters are specified by type approval requirements. In recent years, increased and extended the offer of halogen bulbs defined by the manufacturers as offering "more light" e.g. +30%, +90% etc. These bulbs are type approved, but structurally slightly different from conventional light bulbs. This paper describes comparative tests of this type of bulbs of the various manufacturers and headlight beam characteristics produced using such bulbs. The tests was performer using the headlights analyzer AS, and they concerned the beam performance, which have changed with the tested bulb.
Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki; 2012, 256; 211-222
Pojawia się w:
Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Headlights type approval requirements and on field requirements - technical impact on safety
Targosiński, T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
type approval requirements
traffic safety
On field requirements for headlights are significantly dependent on type approval requirements. But the type approval requirements are described differently than exploitation requirements. They assume that basic photometrical requirements tested during type approval are met. But this assumption is not described and checked. Finally on field real headlamp photometric values could be significantly different than expected because depends on factors as light source geometry tolerance, headlamp design sensitivity for filament geometry, possible precision of aiming/levelling method. Moreover drivers and services awareness of this situation is not meaningful. As result safety during nighttime traffic is significantly deteriorated. In paper are described important factors concerned way of defining present type approval requirements. It concern the way of defining of photometric criteria for vertical measuring screen in fixed distance, choice of points and zones for assessment, limits and their restrictions. Also differentiation of requirement in dependence on light source used is analysed as well as some other important factors. The important issue is glare caused by headlights and their restriction in type approval requirements. It is also analysed influence on headlights performance on field conditions as result of lack of reference to imperfect but defined type approval photometric requirements. The visual aiming on the base of cut-off line and subjective judgement is the only way to allow use of vehicle. Moreover as well service as drivers believes that this is sufficient for safety driving at night with speeds allowed by common road traffic law.
Journal of KONES; 2012, 19, 4; 625-632
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Headlamp replacements’ comparison method
Targosiński, T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road illumination
performance comparison
There are many replacements of headlamps on the market. Offered replacements parts should be “identical” as original and type approved. In fact it means that should have similar to original outside appearance and mounting fixtures and external size allowing for replace original one. From legal point of view to be placed in vehicle replacement headlamp should be type approved. Most important aftermarket criterion is low price. They are often offered for half or even less of original components price. From the other side the replacements can have less performance than original. When final customer want to make comparison between original and aftermarket headlamp it is a problem because there is no standard procedure or information allowing to compare performance. Similar problem have components wholesalers or end sellers. It is also important for traffic safety because many of contemporary headlamps meet some type approval requirements with significant surplus. To try solve this problem was developed method on the base measurements done using “Headlights’ analyser”. This device allow for measurements of illumination distribution of beam pattern. Appropriate analysis of recalculated illuminance can give important information allowing for comparison beam patterns of different headlamps, especially replacement. This method is based on as much as possible identical aiming of each headlamp using analytical finding of cut-off line than comparing important characteristics of road illumination and glare.
Journal of KONES; 2013, 20, 4; 451-456
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lights during daytime in Poland
Targosiński, T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
traffic safety
daytime running lights
From 1992 in Poland was obligation to use passing beam headlights in automotive traffic during daytime in autumn and winter. From April 2007 was introduced extension of this obligation to spring and summer. This obligation caused controversies and discussions. In some, mostly European countries this obligation is present during part of year or during full year on all or selected roads. Known research shows that profits of this obligation understanding as decreased number of killed and injured people exceed costs understanding as additional fuel consumption and light sources replaced. This law in Poland is used till now some month more over one year. The results and differences can be observed only for few months of2007 in relation to adequate few months in 2006. It is to short period of time to reach final conclusions. Because in 2007 the total number of accidents increases comparing 2006 there is a pressure of part of mass media and public opinion to withdraw this law. Preliminary detailed analysis of accidents connected with using lights during daytime shows rather decreased number of daytime light-dependent accidents when is observed increased number of night accidents. It means that common feeling regarding using lights in daytime and nigh-time can be far from objective research results. The base is differences in perceptions between people and mistakes of subjective assessment. In this paper is presented preliminary analysis of problems and results of using lights during daytime in Poland in spring/summer period.
Journal of KONES; 2008, 15, 2; 501-507
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Passing-beam headlamps and the possibilities of assessment of road obstacles by a driver at night
Reflektory świateł mijania a możliwości oceny przeszkód drogowych przez kierowcę podczas jazdy w nocy
Targosiński, T.
Lin, Y.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz. Przemysłowy Instytut Motoryzacji
passing beam
road illumination
road traffic safety
światła mijania
oświetlenie drogi
bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego
In most cases, passing beam is used when this is required because of the current traffic conditions. Due to the necessity of limiting the dazzling effect, the passing beam is divided into two parts: the lower one (“light”), which is to illuminate the road correctly and over as long a distance ahead of the vehicle as possible, and the upper one (“shadow”), which is to inform about the presence of a moving vehicle on the road. The headlamps must be precisely aimed to obtain the maximum range of road illumination with limited dazzle. The minimum requirements for passing beam have been laid down in type-approval and operational regulations. Based on the maximum acceptable range of headlamp aiming tolerances as specified in UN ECE Regulation No. 48, the illuminated road length ahead of the vehicle may vary from 20 m to 200 m. If the operational tolerances (i.e. those applicable to vehicles during normal operation) are taken as a basis, this variability range may be even wider. On the other hand, the photometric characteristics of the light beam close to the road surface depend on the said requirements, on the photometric characteristics of the headlamps actually installed on the vehicle, and on the actual headlamp aiming and alignment. From the traffic safety point of view, a matter of great significance for a vehicle being in use is the actual distance to which the road is illuminated. This issue is also important in the case of a need for accident reconstruction. The factors that affect the road illumination range, which is critical for the detection of road obstacles, have been analysed herein, with taking into account the measurements and calculations carried out for real headlamps that can be found in vehicles as well as the possible values of the vertical inclination and horizontal deflection of the light beam. Conclusions drawn from an assessment of the current state of laws and technologies have also been presented.
Światła mijania są najczęściej używane ze względu na warunki ruchu drogowego. Z powodu konieczności ograniczenia olśnienia światła te mają podzieloną wiązkę świetlną na dwie części: dolną czyli „światło”, która ma za zadanie prawidłowo i możliwie daleko oświetlić drogę i górną czyli „cień” której zadaniem jest sygnalizowanie obecności na drodze pojazdu znajdującego się w ruchu. Światła te powinny być precyzyjnie ustawione w celu uzyskania maksymalnego zasięgu oświetlanej drogi przy ograniczonym olśnieniu. Minimalne wymagania dotyczące świateł mijania zawarte są w przepisach homologacyjnych i eksploatacyjnych. Przyjmując zakres dopuszczalnych tolerancji ustawienia określonych w regulaminie Europejskiej Komisji Gospodarczej ONZ nr 48 zasięg oświetlanej drogi może zmieniać się od 20 m do 200 m. Uwzględniając tolerancje eksploatacyjne ustawienia świateł przedział zmian jest jeszcze większy. Natomiast wartości parametrów fotometrycznych wiązki świetlnej w pobliżu drogi są pochodną tych wymagań oraz parametrów fotometrycznych rzeczywistych reflektorów zainstalowanych na pojeździe oraz rzeczywistego ustawienia świateł. W przypadku eksploatacji samochodu ważny jest rzeczywisty zasięg oświetlenia drogi ze względu na bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego. Jest on także istotny w przypadku potrzeby rekonstrukcji wypadków. W artykule przeanalizowano czynniki wpływające na zasięg oświetlenia drogi jako podstawowy czynnik zauważenia przeszkód z uwzględnieniem pomiarów i obliczeń dla rzeczywistych reflektorów spotykanych na pojazdach oraz możliwych wartości pochylenia i odchylenia wiązki świetlnej. Przedstawiono także wnioski wynikające z oceny obecnego stanu przepisów i stosowanych technologii.
Archiwum Motoryzacji; 2015, 67, 1; 83-112
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Motoryzacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 15

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