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Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio and multimedia presentations - a marriage of beauty of art and the art of presentation
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio i prezentacje multimedialne - mariaż piękna sztuki i sztuki prezentacji
Szyłak-Szydłowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
In this paper, the evolution of the style of Caravaggio had been traced and, focusing on the selected images it had been proved that the methods used by that eminent painter can successfully be applied during the creation of modern, effective multimedia presentations. The strength of Caravaggio was in its simplicity and mundane. For indicated formal measures may be included, inter alia: the elimination of tonally extended second plan and replace it with a dark, uniform background. Caravaggio calmed down composition painting almost monochromatic paintings, which emphasizes the foreground, as well as the keynote message. In the paper it was emphasized that exactly the same objectives should be guided in the creation of multimedia presentations, extracted from unnecessary embellishments that irrupt to the fore dispersing attention. Based on the analysis of selected paintings, in the article, review of procedures associated with the colors of multimedia presentations, extremely important in creating multimedia presentations and highlighting media had been proposed. Several theories related to the psychology of color had been also presented, and also sought to answer the question of why we should not trust psychologists boundlessly.
W artykule, prześledziwszy ewolucję stylu Caravaggio i skupiwszy się na wybranych obrazach, dowiedziono, że metody stosowane przez tego wybitnego malarza z powodzeniem mogą zostać wykorzystane podczas tworzenia współczesnych, efektywnych prezentacji multimedialnych. Napisano, że siła tego wybitnego malarza tkwiła w prostocie i przyziemności. Do wspomnianych środków formalnych zaliczone mogą być między innymi: eliminacja rozbudowanego tonalnie drugiego planu i zastąpienie go ciemnym, jednolitym tłem. Caravaggio „uspokoił” kompozycję, malując niemal monochromatyczne obrazy uwypuklające plan pierwszy, przekaz i myśl przewodnią. W artykule podkreślono, że dokładnie te same cele przyświecać powinny w tworzeniu prezentacji multimedialnych, wyekstrahowanych z ozdobników wdzierających się niepotrzebnie na pierwszy plan, rozpraszając uwagę odbiorcy. Na podstawie analizy wybranych obrazów zaproponowano przegląd zabiegów związanych z kolorystyką w prezentacjach multimedialnych, niezmiernie istotną przy tworzeniu prezentacji multimedialnych i uwypuklaniu przekazu. Przedstawiono tu kilka teorii związanych z psychologią barw, a zarazem starano się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, dlaczego nie należy bezgranicznie ufać psychologom.
Chemistry-Didactics-Ecology-Metrology; 2014, 19, 1-2; 47-57
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena zmian toksyczności odcieków ze składowiska odpadów podczas ich biologicznego oczyszczania
Assessing toxicity variations in landfill leachates during biological treatment
Szyłak-Szydłowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Zrzeszenie Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych
odcieki składowiskowe
toksyczność ostra
sekwencyjny reaktor porcjowy
osad czynny
Daphnia magna
Lebistes reticulatus
Scenedesmus quadricauda
landfill leachates
acute toxicity
sequencing batch reactor
activated sludge
Określono możliwość zastosowania wybranych testów ekotoksykologicznych do oceny zmiany toksyczności odcieków ze składowiska odpadów podczas ich biologicznego oczyszczania w modelowym sekwencyjnym reaktorze porcjowym (SBR). W tym celu zbadano toksyczność ostrą (TUa) odcieków surowych, mieszaniny ścieków bytowych z odciekami oraz ścieków po procesie biologicznego oczyszczania. Analizę toksykologiczną przeprowadzono w odniesieniu do czterech przedstawicieli organizmów wodnych: larwy owadów Chironomus sp., skorupiaki Daphnia magna, ryby Lebistes reticulatus oraz glony Scenedesmus quadricauda. Przeprowadzone badania toksykologiczne wykazały, że w całym badanym zakresie obciążenia osadu czynnego ładunkiem zanieczyszczeń (ChZT) nastąpiło zmniejszenie toksyczności ostrej odcieków oczyszczonych w porównaniu z mieszaniną dopływającą do reaktora. Wykluczyło to możliwość powstawania bardziej toksycznych produktów pośrednich podczas oczyszczania odcieków osadem czynnym. Stwierdzono, że najbardziej wrażliwe na zanieczyszczenia występujące w mieszaninie ścieków i odcieków dopływających do reaktora biologicznego okazały się larwy ochotki (Chironomus sp.) (toksyczność ostra 8,0÷16,7), natomiast na działanie odcieków surowych - ryby Lebistes reticulatus (85,8). Wyniki badań potwierdziły możliwość zastosowania wybranych testów ekotoksykologicznych do oceny zmiany toksyczności odcieków ze składowiska odpadów podczas ich biologicznego podczyszczania.
Selected ecotoxicological tests were analyzed for potential use in assessing toxicity variations in landfill leachates during biological treatment in a model sequencing batch reactor (SBR). For this purpose, raw leachates, municipal sewage combined with leachates, and the effluent from the biological treatment process were made subject to acute toxicity analysis (TUa). Toxicological analyses were performed with reference to four representatives of water organisms: the insect maggot Chironomus sp., the crustacean Daphnia magna, the fish Lebistes reticulatus, and the alga Scenedesmus quadricauda. The results obtained have revealed that over the entire range of activated sludge loading with organic pollutants (COD) the acute toxicity of the treated leachate decreased as compared with the acute toxicity of the influent to the SBR. This finding excludes the possibility that more toxic intermediates may form during leachate treatment by the activated sludge process. Among the water organisms tested, the insect maggot Chironomus sp. (acute toxicity, 8.0 to 16.7) was most vulnerable to the pollutants in the sewage+leachate stream entering the SBR, and the fish Lebistes reticulatus (acute toxicity, 85.8) to the pollutants in raw leachates. The results of the study have substantiated the applicability of the ecotoxicological tests chosen to the assessment of toxicity variations in landfill leachates during biological treatment.
Ochrona Środowiska; 2011, 33, 2; 65-68
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sztuka prezentacji, czyli zastosowanie multimediów w dydaktyce
Art of presentation, alias using multimedia in teaching
Szyłak-Szydłowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
Przedstawiono przegląd technik, mających za zadanie zwiększenie efektywności prezentowanego pokazu slajdów. Opisano, jak powinno wyglądać planowanie prezentacji, oraz scharakteryzowano podstawowe błędy popełniane przez prelegentów. Pokazano, jak należy przygotować prezentację, aby audytorium skupiło się na przekazie, a nie rozpraszało „ozdobnikami".
In the paper the scope of techniąues which improve effectiveness of slideshow was presented. It was described, how the presentation planning should be, as well as main mistakes madę by the lecturers were characterized. The article shows, how to mąkę a presentation in order to listeners were focused on a message, not distracted by "embellishments".
Chemistry-Didactics-Ecology-Metrology; 2010, 15, 2; 197-199
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ obciążenia osadu ładunkiem zanieczyszczeń organicznych na wzrost wybranych grup bakterii podczas procesu oczyszczania odcieków ze składowiska odpadów w SBR 443
Influence of Sludge Loading with Contaminants on the Growth of Selected Groups of Bacteria During Landfill Leachate Pretreatment in SBR
Szyłak-Szydłowski, M.
Grabińska-Łoniewska, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
zanieczyszczenia mikrobiologiczne
biologiczne oczyszczanie ścieków
osad czynny
bakterie psychrofilne
bakterie sporowe
bakterie mezofilne
bakterie coli
Celem badań bakteriologicznych było określenie wpływu obciążenia osadu czynnego ładunkiem zanieczyszczeń organicznych (Bx) na rozwój w nim wybranych grup bakterii będących wskaźnikami stopnia rozkładu związków organicznych i zanieczyszczenia pod względem sanitarnym. Założeniem tych badań było ustalenie zakresu Bx, przy którym zachodzi eliminacja tych bakterii z odcieków połączona z ich akumulacją w kłaczkach osadu oraz oszacowanie stopnia zagrożenia sanitarnego dla środowiska przy jego ewentualnym wykorzystaniu do celów rolniczych. Wskaźnikami stopnia rozkładu zanieczyszczeń organicznych występujących w odciekach, była ogólna liczba heterotroficznych bakterii psychrofilnych (HBP) i bakterii sporowych (BS), a zanieczyszczenia pod względem sanitarnym: bakterie mezofilne (BM), bakterie z rodziny Enterobacteriaceae, termotolerancyjne bakterie grupy coli (TBGC) oraz Clostridium perfringens.
Assessment of the influence of activated sludge loading with organic contaminants (Bx) on the development in it of selected groups of bacteria, which are indexes of decomposition degree of organic compounds and sanitary contamination, was the aim of conducted biological investigations. Determination of Bx range, in which elimination from leachate of those bacteria connected with their accumulation in floccules of activated sludge takes place as well as estimation of level of sanitary threat for the environment when it is used in agriculture were aims was of these investigations. Indexes of degree of organic contaminants decomposition occurring in leachates were: general number of heterotrophic psychrophilic bacteria (HBP) and sporeforming bacteria (BS), and sanitary contamination were: mesophilic bacteria (BM), bacteria from Enterobacteriaceae family, thermotolerant bacteria of cola group (TBGC) and Clostridium perfringens. Leachate used in investigations were piped off with drainage system to cumulative well located near landfill of wastes other than inert and dangerous, so-called municipal situated in the south-east part of Otwock city. Landfill functions from 1998 and the planned end of exploitation is anticipated in the year 2012. Municipal wastes in the quantity over 20 Mg per day are deposited in it. Dominating group of bacteria both in leachates and activated sludge adapted to their pretreatment constituted heterotrophic psychrophilic (HPB) and mesophilic bacteria (MB). Less numerous were sporeforming bacteria (BS) and the bacteria from the class Enterobacteriaceae. The greatly lower numbers of thermotolerant coliform bacteria (TCB) and Cl. perfringens were stated. Among the studied groups of bacteria - HPB, BM, TCB and bacteria from class Enterobacteriaceae showed the most stable growth in activated sludge. The washing out of these bacteria occurred at the maximal studied Bx = 1.64 mgCOD mg-1 d-1. Less stable growth characterized Cl. perfringens (washing out at Bx = 0.96 mgCOD mg-1 d-1). Fast washing out of SB (Bx = 0.34 mgCOD mg-1 d-1) took place. The number of these groups of bacteria in activated sludge and effluent from SBR don't constitute a sanitary impedence for environment. Conducted investigations allow to state, that both leachates outflowing from SBR as well as excessive activated sludge coming into being in the process of treatment, taking into consideration size of investigated bacteria groups does not make up sanitary threat for the environment. However full distinguishing in this issue may be made just after executing investigations on occurrence and size in those biotopes of bacteria and microscopic fungi pathogenic for warm-blooded animals and human.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2008, Tom 10; 443-456
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Experimental research of properties of hydraulic drive for valves of internal combustion engines
Szydłowski, T.
Smoczyński, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
camless engine
hydraulic actuator
internal combustion engine
This paper describes a research stand and results of experimental research of single-acting hydraulic drive for valves of internal combustion engines. The research stand of the hydraulic valve drive was consisted of: typical valve drive for high-speed internal combustion engine, commercial hydraulic actuator, commercial hydraulic accumulator and electrically controlled hydraulic distributor, which controlled the flow of oil supply to the hydraulic actuator. Rexroth commercial servovalve was used as hydraulic distributor for this valve drive. Components of hydraulic valve drive were mounted to specially designed research sleeve. On this sleeve complete drive, which consisted of a hydraulic cylinder and servovalve, was mounted. Drive control was performed in an open loop with a use of rectangular control signal. Displacement of the valve was measured by an optical displacement sensor. Tests were performed for constant lift of the valve, supply pressure set in the range of 6 to 10 MPa and at fixed temperature of the working medium and different initial deflections of valve spring. The behaviour of the drive was researched for bipolar and a rectangular control signals. Such range of measurements was to determine inter alia: the impact of the supply pressure and the control signals values on the drive work. Obtained results were used to verify the simulation model in a wide range of variation of the characteristic parameters of the electro-hydraulic actuator. The results of experimental measurements like valve movement and pressures in the drive were shown and analysed in this paper. With a reference to the valve movement, a detailed calculations of the valve kinematics were performed. Special attention was given to the opening and closing velocities of the valve, depending on the servo control signal. Subsidence valve velocity during its return movement was calculated. This subsidence valve velocity is an important parameter in terms of the applicability of this drive for the internal combustion engines. Valve opening time delay in opposition to the current control signal was also specified and discussed. Obtained results allowed to conclude that the proposed drive provides acceptable kinematic parameters for high-speed engines at supply pressures of at least 8 to 10 MPa. During the measurements acceptable valve subsidence speeds were obtained. It was found that there is a possibility of adjustment of this parameter by setting the slider servovalve negative overlap. Results became the basis of development of the model of this type of the drive. Further simulation studies will allow to evaluate the applicability of such valve drive for internal combustion engines. Further simulation studies allow to compare the proposed solution with known literature hydraulic valve drives.
Journal of KONES; 2013, 20, 1; 351-358
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Model of hydraulic double-acting drive for valves of internal combustion engine
Szydłowski, T.
Smoczyński, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
internal combustion engine
hydraulic actuator
camless engine
The article presents the idea and the model of electrohydraulic double-acting valve drive for internal combustion engine. In this solution to control the position of the engine valve used Rexroth's servovalve and the double-acting actuator. This drive should give free control of valve lift, valve open andvalve close time. In the article the principles of the operation and the mathematical model of the drive are described. Submitted model gives bases to the initial value definition of the main parameters of the hydraulic drive. It lets execute the analysis of the features of such drive and point necessary modifications for the correct realization of the process of the gas exchange in internal combustion engine. The first results from the simulation showed that proposed solution allows obtaining desirable run of lift of valve in the wide range of engine speed. Comparisons of valve lift proceedings driven hydraulically and mechanically by the use of harmonic cam, for two engine speeds, obtained from simulations are presented in the article. These comparisons show that at greatest engine speeds it is indispensable the use of pressures of the working liquid exceeding 10 MPa to obtain nearing results to the classical mechanical timing gear. Preliminary simulation test results indicate that it may ensure desired run of lift of valve in the wide range of engine speed
Journal of KONES; 2009, 16, 1; 487-494
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Simulation research of the hydraulic drive for valves of internal combustion engine
Szydłowski, T.
Smoczyński, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
camless engine
hydraulic actuator
internal combustion engine
This paper describes simulation research of single-acting hydraulic drive for valves of internal combustion engines. The proposed drive was composed of commercial servovalve and typical hydraulic single-acting actuator. Research was performed for the prepared and verified model of this drive. In the paper mainly analysed was the impact of control signals on course of valve lift and its characteristic parameters like: delay of start of valve movement in opposition to the start of the control signal, the time of opening and closing of the valve, the valve lifting time, the course of valve lift, fill factor of the area under the valve lift curve and velocity of the valve subsidence. Special attention was given to the closing movement of the valve. Drive control was limited to step control signal. In the final phase of closing the valve, the control method had to slow down and stop the valve, but without a significant influence on the valve closing phase. During research the fill factor of the area under the valve lift curve was calculated and compared with values obtained for the classic drive with cam. A number of simulations allowed to determine the optimal control signal for the course with deceleration of the valve. Based on simulation studies it was found that comparable fill factors of the area under the valve lift curve for cam drive and analyzed electrohydraulic drive were obtained up to over 4000 rpm speed. Above this speed the factor was significantly smaller for hydraulic drive. For low engine speeds the values of factor were acceptable and amounted to about 0.7. Unfortunately for the valve opening times for engine speed 6000 rpm, tested drive did not provide the full opening of the valve and the fill factor of the area under the valve lift curve was unsatisfactory. In this research, the frequency characteristics of the servovalve published by their manufacturers were used. It demonstrated that because of the delay and response speed of the valve is necessary to use units generating a control signal ahead in relation to the desired moment of opening the valve.
Journal of KONES; 2013, 20, 2; 385-391
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pierwsze krajowe pomosty wag samochodowych z betonu sprężonego
The first national platforms truck scales prestressed concrete
Szydłowski, R.
Ogrodniczek, M.
Data publikacji:
Polski Związek Inżynierów i Techników Budownictwa
waga samochodowa
pomost wagi
konstrukcja betonowa
beton sprężony
cięgno bez przyczepności
obciążenie cykliczne
obciążenie zmienne
truck scale
scale platform
reinforced concrete structure
prestressed concrete
unbonded tendon
cyclic load
variable load
W Instytucie Materiałów i Konstrukcji Budowlanych Politechniki Krakowskiej opracowano pomosty wag samochodowych o nośności 60 ton, z betonu sprężonego. Zaprojektowano częściowo sprężone płyty o przekroju 1,0×0,28 m i rozpiętości 6 m. W celu redukcji ciężaru płyt zastosowano 4 kanały z rur PCV φ110×2,2 mm. Z uwagi na trudne do przewidzenia zachowanie płyt, pracujących w stanie zarysowanym, pod obciążeniem cyklicznym, 2 płyty poddano obciążeniom cyklicznie zmiennym w liczbie 1 000 000 cykli. W pracy przedstawiono podstawowe założenia, szczegóły konstrukcyjne płyt oraz program i wyniki badań. Sformułowano stosowne wnioski.
An attempt to construct the weighbridges platforms of 60 ton capacity made of prestressed concrete was initiated in Institute of Building Materials and Structures of Cracow University of Technology. The 6 m long slabs of cross-section dimensions of 1,0×0,28 m partially prestressed with unbounded tendons were designed. 4 PVC φ110×2,2 mm pipes were used to form inner cores to reduce the slab structural weight. The slabs were designed as cracked and for cyclic load. Two slabs were tested in cyclic load under 1 000 000 cycles in laboratory. The paper presents the main design assumptions, structural details as well as the test program and results. Based on obtained results some conclusions have been drawn.
Przegląd Budowlany; 2015, R. 86, nr 6, 6; 100-104
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Budowlany
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Experimental Verification of Storm Sewer Transient Flow Simulation
Szydłowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego PAN
transient flow
storm sewers
The paper focuses mainly on laboratory investigations of transient and transcritical flow in a single pipe of a sewer system. The aim of this paper is to present a comparison between pressure values calculated by an improved McCormack scheme and those measured at the hydraulic laboratory of the Gdansk University of Technology, which were observed inside a pipe in an experiment for water flow with pressurization. The analysis proves that the numerical approach applied to flow simulation is a sufficiently accurate and reliable technique for predicting the basic parameters of storm sewer flow.
Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics; 2014, 61, 3-4; 205--215
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Free surface flow modeling in numerical estimation of flood risk zones: a case study
Szydłowski, M.
Magnuszewski, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska
mathematical modeling
flood zones
Saska Kępa (Warsaw)
A case study of potential inundation of Saska Kępa in Warsaw is presented. The flood is a result of a hypothetical breach of a segment of the Vistula river embankment. The inundation's evolution is simulated numerically using a model of shallow water hydrodynamics. The finite volume method is used to solve the mathematical model of the flow. Digital models of the floodplain's relief and land cover, as well as a visualization of the simulation results, are prepared using the Geographical Information System. The computations may be useful in estimations of Warsaw's flood risk zones.
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk; 2007, 11, 4; 301-313
Pojawia się w:
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hydropower potential of the lower Vistula
Potencjał hydroenergetyczny dolnej Wisły
Szydłowski, M.
Gąsiorowski, D.
Szymkiewicz, R.
Zima, P.
Hakiel, J.
Data publikacji:
hydropower potential
cascade of dams
lower Vistula
energy production
potencjał hydroenergetyczny
kaskada stopni wodnych
dolna Wisła
produkcja energii
This paper presents an estimate analysis of the hydropower potential of the lower Vistula River from Warsaw to Gdańsk Bay. The calculations were made for a hydraulic model of the lower Vistula which takes into account potential development of barrages in a cascade system. Results obtained from the model simulations and from hydrological calculations were used to estimate the power of hydropower plants and the average annual energy output from the entire cascade system. The results of calculations indicate significant energy benefits resulting from the development of a cascade of hydropower plants in the lower Vistula. This study does not discuss the cascade project’s economic viability or other aspects of its development (inland waterways, flood control, etc.).
W artykule przedstawiono szacunkową analizę potencjału hydroenergetycznego dolnej Wisły na odcinku od Warszawy do Zatoki Gdańskiej. Obliczenia wykonano, przyjmując model hydrauliczny dolnej Wisły, w którym uwzględniono potencjalną zabudowę stopniami wodnymi pracującymi w układzie kaskady zwartej. Uzyskane wyniki symulacji z modelu wraz z przeprowadzonymi obliczeniami hydrologicznymi posłużyły do oszacowania mocy elektrowni wodnych oraz średniej rocznej produkcji energii całego układu kaskady. Otrzymane wyniki obliczeń wskazują na znaczące korzyści energetyczne wynikające z budowy kaskady elektrowni wodnych na dolnej Wiśle. W pracy nie podjęto ekonomicznej kwestii opłacalności wykonania analizowanej kaskady, jak również innych aspektów istnienia kaskady (żegluga śródlądowa, ochrona przeciwpowodziowa i inne).
Acta Energetica; 2015, 1; 18-32
Pojawia się w:
Acta Energetica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Illumination for chatter mark detection using machine vision
Szydłowski, M.
Powałka, B.
Berczyński, S.
Data publikacji:
Wrocławska Rada Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych
chatter detection
image processing
wavelet transform
Authors of this research present a new method for image acquisition using special illumination for milled surfaces. The presented method uses special light and camera setup to reveal chatter marks on processed surfaces. After the acquisition the images are digitally processed using a method based on Continuous Wavelet Transform. A milling experiment has been preformed for validation of the methods. The biggest advantage of this method is that it doesn't have to be manually set like other image processing methods used in chatter detection.
Journal of Machine Engineering; 2014, 14, 2; 38-46
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Machine Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Implicit versus explicit finite volume schemes for extreme, free surface water flow modelling
Szydłowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego PAN
general scheme implicit in time
finite volume method
extreme flows
One explicit and three implicit finite volume method schemes of the Roe type are presented in the paper. The properties and applicability of these methods for modelling unsteady, rapidly varied, open channel flow are investigated. The schemes are used for numerical simulation of one-dimensional extreme flow described by de Saint-Venant equations. The computational results are compared with each other and an analytical (exact) solution to an idealized dam-break problem. The classical versions of general scheme implicit in time - fully implicit and trapezoidal scheme - are not restricted by a stability condition, like an explicit one, however they add some numerical diffusion and dispersion errors to the solution. The modification of parameter , originally proposed for a box scheme of finite difference method, has improved computational properties of the general one-step implicit scheme. This version of finite volume scheme of the Roe type implicit in time can be recommended for modelling and simulation of transient flows in storm sewers and open channel networks.
Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics; 2004, 51, 3; 287-303
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neutron and fast ion emission from PF-1000 facility equipped with new large electrodes
Szydlowski, M.
Scholz, M.
Karpinski, L.
Sadowski, M.
Tomaszewski, K.
Paduch, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
fast ion beam
neutron emission anisotropy
neutron yield
plasma focus
A PF-1000 facility was operated for the first time at an energy level of up to 1 MJ. The maximal emission of 2×1011 neutrons/shot was registered. Relatively low emission anisotropy was observed. Fast ion beams were generated only from shots performed at a low filling pressure (1-2 Torr).
Nukleonika; 2001, 46, suppl. 1; 61-64
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Numerical investigation of flooding of real-topography developed areas following river embankment failure
Szydłowski, M.
Twaróg, B.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska
numerical simulation
river embankment failure
developed area
The paper concerns numerical simulations of flood wave propagation in an urban area resulting from a river embankment failure. Simulations have been performed to predict and analyze the parameters of flash and catastrophic flow in a developed area with the aim of presenting numerical calculations useful for identification of inundation zones. The shallow water equations were assumed as the mathematical model of free-surface unsteady water flow. A numerical scheme of the finite volume method was applied to solve the model equations and the Roe method used to approximate the mass and momentum fluxes. Two test cases of embankment failure are investigated in the paper. The aim of one experiment is to simulate a flood in a model city area, where a group of buildings representing a simplified urban configuration was introduced. In order to verify the calculations, numerical results were examined against experimental data available from laboratory measurements. An experiment of the model city's flooding event was carried out at the hydraulic laboratory of the Gdansk University of Technology. The other test case concerns flash flood simulation on an embanked developed area of real topography.
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk; 2006, 10, 3; 321-338
Pojawia się w:
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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