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„Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej” w świetle wybranych statystyk
“Problems of Polar Climatology” journal as presented in selected statistics
Styszyńska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
analiza bibliometryczna
analiza cytowań
Web of Science
Google Scholar
czasopisma geograficzne
badania polarne
bibliometric analysis
citation analysis
geographic journals
polar research
W pracy przedstawiono analizę cytowań artykułów opublikowanych w 24 tomach rocznika „Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej” w latach 1992-2014 opracowaną na podstawie bazy Web of Science i serwisu naukowo-informacyjnego Google Scholar. Przeprowadzono również kwerendę takich cytowań w polskich publikacjach zwartych z zakresu geografii fizycznej, ekologii i biologii. Analizy ujawniły dużą liczbę cytowań w czasopismach z tzw. Listy Filadelfijskiej (164) i bardzo dużą liczbę cytowań w czasopismach i wydawnictwach polskich.
The paper presents an analysis of citations of articles published in the yearbook ‘Problems of Polar Climatology’ for the period 1992-2014 developed on the basis of Web of Science and Google Scholar scientific- information service. A query of such citations in Polish shorted publications was also carried out in the field of physical geography, ecology and biology. The Journal is indexed by "Cold Regions Bibliography" and Polish "BazTech". 272 articles by 104 authors were published in 24 volumes of ‘Problems of Polar Climatology’. Research problems of vast majority of works related to the Arctic, including, in particular, Svalbard (133 articles), which was the focus of Polish scientists’ research activities. Issues relating to the Antarctic were discussed in 66 articles and focused mainly on the characteristics of different climatic elements and weather processes in the area of Arctowski Station in the South Shetland Islands. The analysis revealed a large number of citations (164) in journals indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (Table 1) and a very large number of citations in Polish journals (705) and publications (441) – Table 4. Taking into account very large number of citations, thematically narrow profile of journals and a relatively small group of authors dealing with issues of polar meteorology and climatology in Poland, it can be concluded that this magazine plays an important role in spreading research achievements in this field.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2015, 25; 105-118
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania polarne Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni
Polar research Gdynia Maritime University
Marsz, A. A.
Styszyńska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
historia badań polarnych
bibliografia polarna
lody morskie
Stacja Arctowskiego
Półwysep Antarktyczny
history of polar research
polar bibliography
sea ice
Arctowski Station
Antarctic Peninsula
W pracy omówiono tematykę badań prowadzonych przez pracowników Wyższej Szkoły Morskiej/Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni w wysokich szerokościach półkul północnej i południowej. W latach 1975-2015 pracownicy tej uczelni opublikowali łącznie 231 artykułów, komunikatów i sprawozdań oraz 14 pozycji książkowych o charakterze monograficznym dotyczących różnych aspektów badań polarnych. Wśród tych prac 142 pozycje dotyczyły Arktyki i 103 pozycje – Antarktyki. Podstawowa problematyka badawcza obejmowała zagadnienia zmienności i zmian warunków hydroklimatycznych w Arktyce i Antarktyce, kształtowania się warunków lodowych i problemów żeglugi w lodach oraz zagadnień uprawiania żeglugi w rejonach słabo rozpoznanych pod względem nawigacyjnym, w tym badań dotyczących batymetrii dna i geomorfologii wybrzeży. Artykuł zawiera jako załącznik bibliografię prac polarnych pracowników Wyższej Szkoły Morskiej i Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni.
The paper discusses topics of research conducted by the staff of the Gdynia Maritime University in the high latitudes of northern and southern hemispheres. In the years 1975-2015 the employees of the university have published a total of 231 articles, communications and reports and 14 books of monographic covering various aspects of polar research. Among the 142 works related to the Arctic positions and 103 positions – Antarctica. The basic research problems included issues variability and change hydro-climatic conditions in the Arctic and Antarctic, the formation of ice conditions and navigation in ice problems and issues of navigation in areas poorly recognized in terms of navigation, including research on the bottom bathymetry and geomorphology coasts. The article includes as an annex a bibliography of works polar employees Gdynia Maritime University.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2015, 25; 75-98
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Causes and course of climate change and its hydrological consequences in the Greater Poland region in 1951-2020
Marsz, Andrzej A.
Sobkowiak, Leszek
Styszyńska, Anna
Wrzesiński, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
rapid climate shift
cause of warming up
thermohaline circulation
water balance
North Atlantic
The paper presents effects of changes in climatic elements in the Greater Poland region (Poland), their causes and consequences for shaping the water balance of this area, copying with the most severe water deficit in Poland. The study period covers 70 years (1951–2020). The research identified an abrupt and significant change in the climate of Greater Poland, which started between 1987 and 1989, concerning not only air temperature but also a wider spectrum of climatic elements. The change in the state of the climate, which covers the entire Atlantic-Eurasian circulation sector, re-sults from a sudden change in the macro-circulation conditions in the middle troposphere (500 hPa). The reason for the change in the mid-tropospheric circulation is an equally abrupt and simultaneous change in the intensity of the ocean heat transport by the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation (NA THC). Climate change observed in Greater Poland is manifested in an increase in sunshine duration (SD) and air temperature, a decrease in relative humidity, a change in the cloud structure, and an increase in the degree of sky coverage. The main, physical reason for an increase in air tempera-ture is a rapid and strong increase in SD in the warm half-years, which began after 1988, and a significant increase in the frequency of positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) phases in winters. The ongoing climate change entails various effects, among which the most important is considered to be hydrological consequences. The water balance of Greater Poland is becoming increasingly unfavourable, mainly as a result of a rapid increase in field evaporation.
Quaestiones Geographicae; 2022, 41, 3; 183-206
Pojawia się w:
Quaestiones Geographicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Duże góry lodowe na SW Atlantyku (22 XI 2005 r.)
Large icebergs in SW Atlantic (22 XI 2005 r.)
Styszyńska, A.
Łochnicki, P.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
góry lodowe
Atlantyk Południowy
South Atlantic
Praca omawia wystąpienie 12 dużych gór lodowych na północ od konwergencji antarktycz-nej, w rejonie na wschód od Falklandów Południowych. Góry te zostały zaobserwowane 22 listopada 2005 r. z pokładu statku "British Purpose" będącego w rejsie z Chile do Angoli.
This work deals with 12 large icebergs located north of the Antarctic convergence in the region east from the South Falklands. These icebergs were observed on 22nd November 2005 from the vessel ‘British Purpose’ on the way from Chile to Angola. The positions of these icebergs have been presen-ted by Figure 1 and described in the text. The measurements of the largest iceberg (ö = 52°59.0’S, ë = 055°32.4’W) measured using ship’s sextant and radar are: 3.4 km in length, 1.5 km in width and 87m in height.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2006, 16; 161-165
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inercja rocznego odpływu całkowitego rzek Polski względem międzyrocznej zmienności przebiegu elementów klimatycznych
The inertia of the total runoff of Polish rivers in relation to the inter-annual variability of the course of climatic elements
Marsz, Andrzej A.
Styszyńska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk
river runof
climatic elements
The work discusses the formation of the annual total runoff of Polish rivers as a function of changes in the annual values of climatic elements. The results of the analysis show that in the years 1966–2015, 40–50% of the runoff variance in a hydrological year was determined by the variability of climatic elements that occurred in the preceding year, and 20–30% in the same year. This indicates the occurrence of much stronger inertia in the variability of the runoff in relation to the variability of weather conditions. The main elements influencing the variability of the runoff are the annual rainfall and the annual air temperature in the preceding year, and in the same hydrological year – the variability of annual rainfall, sunshine duration and air temperature. The runoff from the area of Poland shows a strong relationship (R = 0.82) with the de Martonne climate aridity indices, the variability of which in the preceding and the current year together explains ~66% of its variance.
Badania Fizjograficzne Seria A - Geografia Fizyczna; 2021, 12 (72); 159-179
Pojawia się w:
Badania Fizjograficzne Seria A - Geografia Fizyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intensywny dryf lodu w rejonie wyspy Wrangla, zjawiska z nim związane i konsekwencje dla bezpieczeństwa żeglugi
Intensive sea-ice drift near Wrangel Island, associated effects and consequences for the safety of navigation
Pastusiak, T.
Styszyńska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
dryf lodu morskiego
rzeka lodu
Północna Droga Morska
dywergencja lodu
zmiany pokrywy lodowej
sea-ice drift
ice jet
Northern Sea Route
divergence of ice
ice cover changes
Praca omawia zjawiska hydrometeorologiczne towarzyszące intensywnemu dryfowi lodu w rejonie Wyspy Wrangla w dniach 19-30 marca 2012 roku. Rezultaty badania związków pomiędzy parametrami hydrologiczno-meteorologicznymi wykazały silne zależności pomiędzy prędkością wiatru, prędkością prądu morskiego, prędkością dryfu lodu i gradientem poziomu morza. Oszacowana długość „koryta” rzeki lodu wahała się od 100 do 580 Mm zaś jego szerokość od 30 do 180 Mm. Można przyjąć, że długość „koryta” rzeki lodu jest wprost proporcjonalna do prędkości dryfu tego lodu, a szerokość „koryta” jest odwrotnie proporcjonalna do prędkości dryfu tego lodu.
The work discusses the hydro-meteorological phenomena associated with intense ice drift in the vicinity of Wrangel Island in the days of 19-30 March 2012. The results of the study of the correlations between hydrological and meteorological parameters showed strong relationship among the wind speed, sea current rate, speed of ice drift and gradient of sea level. The observed length of the “bed” of ice jet ranges from 100 to 580NM and its width from 30 to 180NM. It can be assumed that the length of the "bed” of ice jet is directly proportional to the speed of the ice drift and the width of the "bed" is inversely proportional to the speed of the ice drift.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2013, 23; 191-204
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kompensacja Bjerknesa
Bjerknes compensation
Styszyńska, Anna
Marsz, Andrzej A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwa Geofizyczne
kompensacja Bjerknesa
temperatura powietrza
Bjerknes compensation
circulation indices
air temperature
Praca przedstawia związek między transportem oceanicznym ciepła i transportem atmosferycznym ciepła z tropików do Arktyki, znany pod nazwą kompensacji Bjerknesa (1964). W artykule zwraca się uwagę na konsekwencje klimatyczne kompensacji Bjerknesa dla obszarów Europy. Przy wykorzystaniu danych obserwacyjnych przedstawia się słuszność tej hipotezy odnośnie ujemnych korelacji między oceanicznymi i atmosferycznymi strumieniami ciepła oraz dodatnich związków między anomaliami oceanicznego transportu ciepła i intensywnością wiatrów zachodnich w szerokościach umiarkowanych.
The work presents the relationship between ocean heat transport and atmospheric heat transport from the tropics to the Arctic, known as the Bjerknes compensation (1964). Attention is drawn to the climatic consequences of Bjerknes’ compensation for the areas of Europe. Using the observational data, the validity of this hypothesis is presented regarding the negative correlations between oceanic and atmospheric heat fluxes and positive relationships between ocean heat transport anomalies and the intensity of westerly winds in moderate latitudes.
Przegląd Geofizyczny; 2022, 3-4; 99--118
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geofizyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O "arktycznych" i "atlantyckich" mechanizmach sterujących zmiennością temperatury powietrza na obszarze Europy i północo-zachodniej Azji
On "Arctic" and "Atlantic" mechanisms controlling the changeability in air temperature in the region of Europe and NW Asia
Marsz, A. A.
Styszyńska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
zmiany temperatury powietrza
zmiany temperatury wody powierzchniowej
Oscylacja Eurazjatycka
Arktyka Atlantycka
NW Azja
Atlantyk Północny
NW Asia
changes in pressure
changes in air temperature
Praca omawia wpływ zmian ciśnienia atmosferycznego w Arktyce Atlantyckiej (dalej AA) na kształtowanie zmienności temperatury powietrza na obszarze Europy (na N od 40°N) i NW Azji (do 120°E). Wpływ zmian ciśnienia w AA na temperaturę powietrza zaznacza się we wszystkich, z wyjątkiem czerwca, miesiącach roku, tworząc charakterystyczny cykl z maksimum siły oddziaływania zimą. Zimowe (01-03) zmiany ciśnienia w AA objaśniają od kilkunastu do ponad 60% zmienności temperatury rocznej (z maksimum na obszarze wokół-bałtyckim; 1951-2000). W pracy analizuje się współdziałanie zmian ciśnienia w Arktyce Atlantyckiej ze zmianami ciśnienia w Wyżu Syberyjskim w kształtowaniu zmienności temperatury powietrza na obszarze Europy i NW Azji. Dyskutuje się również kwestie związków zmian ciśnienia w AA z NAO, AO oraz frekwencją makrotypów cyrkulacji środkowotroposferycznej wg klasyfikacji Wangengejma-Girsa. Wyniki analiz wykazują, że o zimowych zmianach ciśnienia w AA decyduje wcześniejszy rozkład zasobów ciepła w wodach Atlantyku Północnego.
The research on relations between climatic elements of Europe and the Arctic has indicated that there are significant correlations between changes in atmospheric pressure in the Atlantic part of the Arctic and air temperature in northern Europe and NW Asia. The strongest correlations are observed between changes in pressure over relatively small area of the Atlantic part of the Arctic (72.5 - 80.0°N, 10.0 - 25.0°E), in addition, the point over which changes in pressure explain most of changes in air temperature is located 75.0°N, 015.0°E. Pressure at this point is further referred as P[75,15] with an index denoting a month (e.g. P[75,15]03 denotes mean pressure in March and P[75,15]01-03 defines mean pressure at this point from the period January till March). Over the Atlantic part of the Arctic within the pressure area there is no marked climatic centre which could be regarded as the centre of atmospheric activity. The research made use of monthly series of SLP values (reanalysis: set NOAA.NCEP-NCAR. CDAS-1.MONTHLY.Intrinsic.MSL.pressure) and the values of monthly air temperature from 211 stations (Fig. 1). The observational period common for both elements covers 50 years, i.e. the period from January 1951 to December 2000. The character of correlations between P[75,15] and air temperature in the following months, from June to May, and their spatial distribution have been presented by isocorrelates maps (Fig. 2). Changes in the strength of correlations between P[75,15] and the temperature over Europe and NW Asia form a clear annual cycle interrupted in June. In June the correlations between P[75,15] and air temperature became very weak and not significant over the most of the area and not continuous in space. During the months after June these correlations got stronger and stronger reaching their maximum during cold season (from November to April). This maximum is located in the region adjacent to the Baltic Sea, where annual and winter (01-03) changes in P[75,15] explain from more than 60% to 50% of annual temperature variances (Fig. 3) The strongest correlation between P[75,15] and air temperature in Siberia is located N of Baikal, where winter (01-03) changes in P[75,15] explain 43-45% of annual temperature variances. At the end of the cold season a visible delay of the decrease in the strength of correlation is observed in the region of Siberia in relation to the European region (in Europe after March, in Siberia after April). Variability in winter and annual values of pressure at 75°N, 015°E also indicates relatively strong correlations with the changeability in temperature of the warmest month in the year in the west and central region of Europe. The annual variability in P[75,15] explains from 40% to 30% changeability of maximum temperature in the region extending from the Atlantic coast of France to central Germany. This belt extends farther east towards the Baltic Sea. The latter correlation has not been explained in this work. The analysis of correlations of changes in pressure at 75°N, 15°E with NAO indicates to the occurrence of statistically significant correlations during months of cold season in the year (October - March, May and June; Tab. 2). Similar analysis of correlations of changes in P[75,15] with AO index (Arctic Oscillation) shows strong and highly statistically significant correlations in all months of the year with maximum falling in January and February. Annual changes in P[75,15], i.e. in pressure at one point explain 73% annual changeability in AO index (r = 0.86) and the winter changeability in (December - March) P[75,15] explains 78% of winter changeability in AO index (r = 0.88) which is the first vector EOF of pressure field (1000 hPa) covering the area from 20°N to the North Pole (90°N), that is the most area of the Northern Hemisphere. This analysis shows that the changes in pressure at the point 75°N, 15°E result in intensification of cyclogenesis over west and central part of the North Atlantic and the consequent long waves (waves of W type following Wangengejm-Girs classification) cause that anticyclones formed over the Atlantic will direct towards Fram Strait through the region of Iceland. The above process has nothing or almost nothing to do with the form of changeability in polar strato-spheric eddy, as assumed by Tomphson and Wallace (1998, 2000, Thompson, Wallace, Hegerl 2000) to be essential for the Arctic Oscillation functioning. Occurrence of correlations between P[75,15] and air temperature over vast areas from 10°W to 130°E suggests that also changes in pressure in the Siberian High are engaged in this process. Theanalysis shows that in a yearly process, changes in pressure in the Atlantic part of the Arctic and in the Siberian High occur in opposite phases (see Tab.1). Barometric gradient between the Atlantic part of the Arctic and the Siberian High becomes extremely strong during the cold season of the year contributing to "pumping" air from eastern Europe to the far end of the Siberia. During the summer season the gradient becomes very weak as the about-turn takes place. The cooperation of changes in pressure in the Atlantic part of the Arctic and pressure in region located farther Baikal -- Mongolia results in very strong oscillation which partly can be identified with Euro-Asian Oscillation (Monahan et al. 2000). During winter season interannual changes in pressure in the Siberian High are relatively small and explain 10.4% variances of barometric gradient between P[75,15] and point 45°N, 110°E (the region of the centre of the Siberian High), whereas the interannual changes in P[75,15] explain 77.5% of variances in this gradient. This means that in the cold season of the year the intensity of air transfer from the west towards Asian land depends on variability in pressure in the Atlantic part of the Arctic. Because in the months of the cold season of the year NAO is the strongest and significantly correlated with changes in P[75,15] therefore, a two-element, with the same phase "conveyor belt" is formed, which during positive phases of NAO transfers the air from over the Atlantic to Europe (NAO) and then towards and into the Siberia (Euro-Asian Oscillation). P[75,15] during cold season months of the year (01-03) indicates statistically significant negative trend (-0.153 hPa/year; p < 0.006) which enables to state that the observed, over the years 1951-2000, increase in air temperature in the Siberia can be, in great extent, attributed to the activity of the above described circulation mechanism. The analysis of reasons for interannual changes in P[75,15] has indicated that there are strong and significant correlations between variability in P[75,15] and the earlier variability in the thermal conditions of the Atlantic Ocean. A very important role in this relation plays thermal condition of three sea areas, i.e. waters of the subtropical region of central part of the North Atlantic (characterized by SST anomalies in grid 34°N, 40°W from August and September), waters of the middle latitudes zone of the central part of the North Atlantic (characterized by SST anomalies from August and September in grid 54°N, 30°W) and waters of the North Atlantic Current from the approach to the Farero-Shetland Passage (characterized by SST anomalies from January and April in grid 60°N, 10°W). Thermal state of these three sea water areas (see formulas [1] and [2]) explains 58% changeability in P[75,15] which will be observed in the following winter (DJFM). The cause of the described correlation is attributed to the fact that the earlier thermal state of the above mentioned sea areas controls the occurrence of long waves, of W and E Wangengejm-Girs type during the following winter. Further, these waves influence the occurrence of low cyclones over the Atlantic part of the Arctic during winter resulting in adequate changes in mean monthly pressure. As a result, it can be stated that the interannual variability in air temperature over vast areas of Europe and over NW Asia is influenced by the processes observed over the North Atlantic and the Atlantic part of the Arctic. The research covers years 1971-2003 (ano-malies in SST taken from 1970-2002) due to the fact that the data have been not only accessible and reliable but also homogeneous with respect to climatological data of SST (CACSST data set (Reynolds and Roberts 1987, Reynolds 1988) and SST OI v.1. (Reynolds et al. 2002).
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2006, 16; 47-89
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oceanic control of the warming processes in the Arctic - a different point of view for the reasons of changes in the Arctic climate
Kontrola oceaniczna procesów ocieplenia Arktyki - odmienny punkt spojrzenia na przyczyny zmian klimatu w Arktyce
Marsz, A. A.
Styszyńska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
delta Golfsztromu
temperatura powietrza
temperatura powierzchni wody
czynniki naturalne
Gulf Stream delta
air temperature
natural factors
The paper describes the strong correlation between the sea surface temperature (SST) in the region of the Gulf Stream delta and anomalies in surface air temperature (SAT) in the Arctic over the period 1880-2007. This correlation results from the transfer of a variable amount of heat from the Atlantic tropics into the Arctic through oceanic circulation (AMO – Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation). Reaction of sea ice is the main mechanism controlling the heat content in water carried to the Arctic and influencing the SAT. Sea ice may either increase or limit the heat flow from the ocean to the atmosphere. The genesis of the ‘Great warming of the Arctic’ in the 1930s and ‘40s is the same as that of the present day. Both may be considered to be attributable to natural processes and are not demonstrably associated in any way with a supposed ‘Global greenhouse effect’. Changes in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere could only explain 9% of variations in the SAT in the Arctic.
Praca wykazuje istnienie silnych związków między temperaturą powierzchni morza (SST) w rejonie delty Golfsztromu a przebiegiem anomalii temperatury powietrza w Arktyce (1880-2007). Związki te wynikają z transportu przez cyrkulację oceaniczną (AMO – Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation) zmiennych ilości ciepła z rejonu atlantyckich tropików do Arktyki. Głównym mechanizmem regulującym wpływ zasobów ciepła w wodach wnoszonych do Arktyki na temperaturę powietrza jest reakcja lodów morskich, zwiększająca lub ograniczająca strumienie ciepła z oceanu do atmosfery. Geneza wielkiego ocieplenia Arktyki w latach 30-40. XX wieku i współczesnego ocieplenia Arktyki jest taka sama. Oba epizody ocieplenia Arktyki stanowią rezultat działania procesów naturalnych i nie są związane z dzia-łaniem efektu cieplarnianego. Zmiany koncentracji CO2 w atmosferze objaśniają około 9% wariancji SAT w Arktyce.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2009, 19; 7-31
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oscylacja Północnego Atlantyku a opady na obszarze Polski
Oscilation of the North Atlantic and the precipitation in Poland
Styszynska, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych
Prace i Studia Geograficzne; 2001, 29; 233-241
Pojawia się w:
Prace i Studia Geograficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Porównanie przebiegu temperatury powietrza w Petuniabukta i Svalbard-Lufthavn (Isfjord, Spitsbergen) w latach 2001-2003
Comparison of the course od air temperature in Petuniabukta and Svalbard-Lufthavn (Isfjord, Spitsbergen) in the years 2001-2003)
Rachlewicz, G.
Styszyńska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
dobowa temperatura powietrza
daily air temperature
W pracy porównano dobowe wartości temperatury powietrza mierzonej w okresie 7 VII 2001 – 13 VIII 2003 roku w Petuniabukta położonej w głębi Billefjorden i Svalbard-Lufthavn leżącym na południowym brzegu Isfjordu. Średnia miesięczna temperatura latem (VI–VIII) jest w Petuniabukta o 1 deg wyższa, a zimą (XI–IV) o około 3 deg niższa niż w Svalbard-Lufthavn. W sezonach zimowych średnie dobowe wartości temperatury w Petuniabukta są przeciętnie o 2–4 deg niższe niż w Svalbard-Lufthavn, a latem o 1–2 deg wyższe.
This work presents values of daily air temperature measured in the period 7th July 2001 – 13th August 2003 in Petuniabukta located inside Billefjorden and in Svalbard-Lufthavn located at the southern coast of Isfjord. Mean monthly temperature in summer (June-August) in Petuniabukta was found to be 1deg higher and in winter (November – April) about 3deg lower than at Svalbard-Lufthavn (Tab.1). During winter seasons mean daily temperatures in Petuniabukta are about 2–4deg lower than at Svalbard-Lufthavn and in summer 1–2deg higher (Fig.6). The transition periods are characterized by great differences in temperatures. At the beginning of autumn, in September, thermal conditions in NE (Skottehytta) and S (Svalbard-Lufthavn) part of Isfjord are similar, later, the shorter the day is, the colder the inside of the Billefjorden becomes. In October the temperature at Skottehytta was already 1deg lower than at Svalbard-Lufthavn. In May 2002 it was 2.1deg warmer at Svalbard-Lufthavn and in 2003 it was 2.6deg warmer at Petuniabukta. Taking into consideration similar ice conditions observed during these two years in May both in the vicinity of the station and in the foreshore of the Isfjord, the observed differences in thermal conditions must be attributed to changes in cloudiness and to advection factor. In individual months significant differences in temperatures are noted at both stations. The greatest differences in temperatures between stations are observed from January to April (Tab.3, Fig.3 and 4). During the analyzed period the strongest correlations were noted in the months of the latter part of the year, i.e. from September to December (r >0.9) and the weakest were found in June (Tab.2, Fig.7). 134
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2007, 17; 121-134
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Porównanie wybranych elementów meteorologicznych w sezonie letnim 2011 roku między stacjami Calypsobyen i Akseloya (W Spitsbergen)
Comparison of some selected meteorological elements of the summer season 2011 between Calypsobyen and Akseloya stations (W Spitsbergen)
Styszyńska, A.
Siwek, K.
Gluza, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
temperatura powietrza
air temperature
W pracy przedstawiono zróżnicowanie warunków meteorologicznych jakie występuje latem w rejonie Bellsundu. Analizą objęto okres od 23 czerwca do 1 września 2011 roku. Długość serii pomiarowej wynika z terminu rozpoczęcia i zakończenia Wyprawy UMCS na Spitsbergen. W pracy przeanalizowano zmienność temperatury powietrza oraz kierunku i prędkości wiatru na stacjach Calypsobyen i Akseloya. W badanym czasie na stacji Akseloya dominuje wiatr NE, a subdominuje wiatr z SW, natomiast na stacji Calypsobyen odpowiednio wiatry z ENE i NW. Na obu stacjach średnie prędkości wiatru są zbliżone. Przy wszystkich kierunkach wiatru, poza sektorem SW, temperatura powietrza na stacji Akseloya jest wyższa niż na Calypsobyen. Największe różnice temperatury występują przy wiatrach z ESE (4,3 deg). Występowanie wyraźnego ocieplenia na stacji Akseloya przy wiatrach z sektora E – SSE wiązać należy ze zjawiskami fenowymi.
The paper presents a variation of meteorological conditions that are observed during summer in the region of Bellsund. The analysis covered the period from 21 June to 1 September 2011. The length of the measurement series results from the date of commencement and completion of UMCS Expedition to Spitsbergen. The paper examines the variability of air temperature and wind direction and speed at the Calypsobyen and Akseloya stations. In the analyzed period, NE wind dominates at the Akseloya station and SW wind sub-dominates there whereas at the Calypsobyen station winds from ENE and NW respectively. The average wind speeds at both stations are similar. For all wind directions, outside the SW sector, the air temperature at the Akseloya station is higher than at the Calypsobyen station. The largest temperature differences occur when winds from ESE (4.3 deg) are observed. The presence of visible warming at the Akseloya station during winds from the E-SSE sector should be associated with the phenomenon of foehn winds.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2013, 23; 157-168
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przebieg wartości wskaźnika oceanizmu na Szetlandach Południowych według zweryfikowanych danych połączonego ciągu Deception-Bellingshausen (1944-2000)
The course of oceanicity index in the South Shetlands on the basis of verified data of the 'syntetic' Deception-Bellingshausen series (1947-2000)
Styszyńska, A.
Zblewski, S.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
Szetlandy Południowe
temperatury powietrza
South Shetland Islands
air temperature
This article presents the characteristic of the course of oceanicity index (Oc) in the region of the South Shetlands and its correlation with ENSO. The research made use of reconstructed by Lagun and Marshall (2001) series of monthly air temperatures at Bellingshausen station (1947-2000). The values of Oc have been calculated both for a calendar and hydrologic years (May - April) with a formulae given by Marsz (1995). Series of Southern Oscillation indexes (SOI) obtained from CRU has been used to examine correlation between Oc and ENSO. Periods of smaller and greater changes in Oc index were observed to take place one following another in the said period (Fig. 1) and a good proportion of the years was marked by ultraoceanicity. A posotive trend appearing in the series turned to be not statistically significant (Fig. 3). The analysis showed 2-year and 6-year periodiciy in the series of Oc index. Correlation between oceanicity index and mean annual air temperature (Fig. 2) and minimum temperature is characterised by high statistical significance. The fact that most significant correlation occurs in winter may prove that changes in ice condition have great influence on the increase in the frequency of occurrence of fresh sea air masses. The obtained results point to a tendency that the increase in air temperature in the region of the South Shetlands and the northern coast of the Antarctic Peninsula is followed by the increase in the transport of heat from the ocean to the atmosphere, represented by the increase in oceanicity index. At this stage we obtain quite paradoxical picture, i.e. the increase in the transfer of heat from the surface of the ocean should be accompanied by great rise in air temperature in winter, that is in the period when the intensity of heat transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere reaches greatest values. However, the analysis of trends indicated that the greatest rise in temperature was observed in the warmest month and in summer temperatures, that is in the periods when the heat transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere was least intensive. This means, that a possible cause ? effect sequence relating the increase in air temperature to the intensity of ocean influence observed in this area must be more comlicated than it is usually observed. Quite clear correlations may by noted here, although occurring with a long, 2-year time shift between the Oc and SOI. Such a great time shift suggests that the correlation between those variables cannot by governed by direct atmospheric circulation but there must be an in direct inertion linking element that retards the effect of temperature increase. The only possible link of this type ocean. The mechanisms that cause the shift of the maximum increase in the transfer of heat from the ocean to the air in winter to the increase in air temperature in summer are not clear. The co-author research results obtained so far seem to indicate that the mechanism responsible for the shift may be attributed to large scale changes in sea surface temperature reflected in changes in sea ice cover extent and its concentration.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2002, 12; 21-32
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przebieg wskaźnika oceanizmu w eurazjatyckim sektorze Arktyki i Subarktyki w XX i na początku XXI wieku
Course of oceanity index in Euro-Asian sector of the Arctic and Sub-Arctic in the twentieth and early twenty-first century
Styszyńska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
zmiany klimatu
temperatura powietrza
Arktyka Syberyjska
Subarktyka Eurazjatycka
climate change
air temperature
Siberian Arctic
Euro-Asian Arctic and Subarctic
Praca omawia zmienność wskaźnika oceanizmu (Oc) na lądowym obszarze eurazjatyckiego sektora Arktyki i Subarktyki w latach 1935-2014. Wskaźnik Oc stanowi miarę stopnia oceaniczności i kontynentalizmu klimatu. Analizy wykazały relatywnie niewielkie zróżnicowanie przestrzenne rozkładu Oc. Obszary występowania klimatu oceanicznego lokują się na zachód od wybrzeży Spitsbergenu i Skandynawii, klimat suboceaniczny obejmuje wybrzeża kontynentu i wyspy w rejonie Morza Barentsa i wąskim językiem sięga po Wyspę Wrangla, pozostałe obszary i akweny objęte są domeną klimatu kontynentalnego. Analiza zmian wskaźnika Oc w kolejnych dziesięcioleciach wykazała dużą stabilność domeny klimatu kontynentalnego. Największa zmienność przestrzenna Oc występuje w rejonie Morza Barentsa. Obszar położony na zachód od Gór Czerskiego znajduje się pod wpływem ma powietrza napływających znad północnego Atlantyku. Głównym czynnikiem wymuszającym zmienność wskaźnika Oc są zmiany ciśnienia w Arktyce Atlantyckiej związane z występowaniem makrotypu cyrkulacji środkowotroposferycznej W Wangengeima-Girsa. Zmiany powierzchni lodów morskich w Arktyce wywierają bezpośredni skutek na zmienność oceanizmu tylko w strefie przybrzeżnej.
The work discusses variability of oceanity index (Oc) on land area of Euro-Asian sector of the Arctic and Sub-Arctic in the years 1935-2014. The Oc index is a measure of the degree of climate continentality and oceanity. The analyses showed a relatively small variation of Oc spatial distribution. Areas with oceanic climate are located west of the coast of Spitsbergen and Scandinavia; sub-oceanic climate includes coast of the mainland and the islands in the Barents Sea and a narrow passage that reaches Wrangel Island. Other land and sea areas are mainly covered by the continental climate. Analysis of changes in Oc index in the consecutive decades showed high stability of the continental climate domain. The greatest spatial variability of Oc occurs in the Barents Sea. Area west of Chersky Mountains is influenced by air masses advection from the North Atlantic. The main factor forcing the variability of oceanity index (Oc) there are pressure changes in the Atlantic Arctic, associated with Wangengeim-Girs W macro-type of mid-tropospheric circulation. Changes in the area of sea ice in the Arctic have a direct effect on the oceanity index only in the coastal zone.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2014, 24; 51-72
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Role of internal variability of climate system in increase of air temperature in Wrocław (Poland) in the years 1951–2018
Marsz, Andrzej A.
Styszyńska, Anna
Bryś, Krystyna
Bryś, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
air temperature trend
macro-circulation conditions
sunshine duration
radiative forcing
In the course of analysing the annual air temperature in Wrocław (TWr), a rapid change of the thermal regime was found between 1987 and 1989. TWr increased by >1°C, a strong, statistically significant positive trend emerged. The analysis of processes showed that strong warming in the cold season of the year (December–March) occurred as a result of an increase in the NAO intensity and warming in the warm season because of increased sunshine duration in Wrocław (ShWr). Multiple regression analysis has shown that the winter NAO Hurrell’s index explains 15% of TWr variance, and the ShWr of the long-day (April–August) period 49%, whereas radiative forcing 5.9%. This indicates that the factors incidental to the internal variability of the climate system explain 64% of the TWr variability and the effect of increased CO2 concentration only ~6%. The reason for this rapid change of the thermal regime was a radical change in macro-circulation conditions in the Atlantic-European circular sector, which took place between 1988 and 1989. The heat, which is the cause of warming in Wrocław, comes from an increase in solar energy inflow (April–August) and also is transported to Europe from the North Atlantic surface by atmospheric circulation (NAO). These results indicate that the role of CO2 in shaping the contemporary temperature increase is overestimated, whereas the internal variability of the climate system is underestimated.
Quaestiones Geographicae; 2021, 40, 3; 109-124
Pojawia się w:
Quaestiones Geographicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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