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Potato yield depending on ridge shape and harvest time Part I. Total and commercial tuber yield
Plonowanie ziemniaka w zależności od kształtu redliny i terminu zbioru. Cz. I Plon ogólny i handlowy bulw
Bombik, A.
Rymuza, K.
Stopa, D.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich. Wydawnictwo PB
This work presents the results of the study conducted in 2004-2006 at the Agricultural Experimental Station (RSD) in Zawady of the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce, concerning the effect of the ridge shape and harvest time, determined by the soil temperature, on the total and commercial tuber yield of potato. Analysis of results was carried out based on a three-year three-factorial (factor A – cultivar, factor B – soil temperature during harvest, factor C – ridge shape) field experiment established in split-split-plot design. Environmental conditions during the growing period played an important role in affecting the most of studied features of potato. The cultivar Sante gave the highest yields, whereas the cultivar Żagiel was characterized by the highest commercial yield. Ridge shape had a significant effect on the quantity of commercial yield. At growing potato in a typical ridge (20 cm in height) commercial yield was the highest. Another important factor was the time of harvest, which in parabolic way determined the total tuber yield.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w latach 2004- -2006 w Rolniczej Stacji Doświadczalnej (RSD) w Zawadach, należącej do Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo-Humanistycznego w Siedlcach, dotyczących wpływu kształtu redliny i terminu zbioru, określonego temperaturą gleby, na plon ogólny i handlowy bulw ziemniaka jadalnego. Analizę wyników przeprowadzono na podstawie trzyletniego, trzyczynnikowego (czynnik A – odmiana, czynnik B – temperatura gleby w trakcie zbioru, czynnik C – kształt redliny) doświadczenia polowego założonego w układzie split-split- -plot. Dużą rolę w kształtowaniu większości badanych cech ziemniaka odgrywały warunki środowiskowe w okresie wegetacji. Najwyżej plonującą była odmiana Sante, ale najwyższym plonem handlowym charakteryzowała się odmiana Żagiel. Kształt redliny miał istotny wpływ na wielkość plonu handlowego. Przy uprawie ziemniaka w redlinie typowej (o wysokości 20 cm) plon handlowy był najwyższy. Ważnym czynnikiem był również termin zbioru, który w sposób paraboliczny determinował plon ogólny bulw.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura; 2013, 12, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Potato yield depending on ridge shape and harvest time Part II. The yield of tuber fractions
Plonowanie ziemniaka w zależności od kształtu redliny i terminu zbioru. Cz. II. Plon frakcji bulw
Bombik, A.
Rymuza, K.
Stopa, D.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich. Wydawnictwo PB
This work presents the results of the study on the effect of ridge shape (the height of ridge) and harvest time, defined by the soil temperature, on the yield structure of three table potato cultivars. Analysis was performed based on three-year results (2004- -2006) obtained from the experiment established in the split-split-plot design at the Agricultural Experimental Station in Zawady of the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce. Irrespective of the cultivar, tubers with a diameter from 50 to 60 mm constituted the largest proportion in the total yield, while the smallest tubers of the fraction below 30 mm. Harvest time had a significant effect on the weight of small tubers fraction with a diameter to 30 mm and from 30 to 40 mm. ridge shape significantly modified the yield of tubers with a diameter from 50 to 60 mm. Significantly higher tuber yield was obtained from the typical ridge (with a height of 20 cm), than from the high ridge (24 cm). The yield of large tuber fraction, above 60 mm, depended only on the weather conditions prevailing in the growing season.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących wpływu kształtu redliny (wysokości redliny) i terminu zbioru, określonego temperaturą gleby, na strukturę plonu trzech odmian ziemniaka jadalnego. Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie trzyletnich wyników (2004-2006) uzyskanych z doświadczenia założonego w układzie split-split-plot w Rolniczej Stacji Doświadczalnej w Zawadach, należącej do Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo- -Humanistycznego w Siedlcach. Największy udział w plonie ogólnym, niezależnie od odmiany, stanowiły bulwy o średnicy od 50 do 60 mm, najmniejszy zaś bulwy frakcji poniżej 30 mm. Termin zbioru wpływał istotnie na na masę frakcji bulw małych o średnicy do 30 mm oraz od 30 do 40 mm. Kształt redliny istotnie modyfikował plon bulw o średnicy od 50 do 60 mm. Istotnie wyższy plon bulw uzyskano z redliny typowej (o wysokości 20 cm) niż z redliny wysokiej (24 cm). Plon frakcji bulw dużych, powyżej 60 mm, zależał tylko od warunków pogodowych panujących w sezonie wegetacyjnym.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura; 2013, 12, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przyrodnicze i agrotechniczne możliwości uprawy ziemniaka w rejonie Siedlec
Bombik, A.
Stopa, D.
Rymuza, K.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Na podstawie danych z lat 1990-1997 dokonano analizy wpływu warunków przyrodniczych i agrotechnicznych na plonowanie ziemniaka w rejonie Siedlec. Analizowany obszar charakteryzuje się gorszymi warunkami glebowymi w stosunku do całego kraju, ale warunki te są dosyć korzystne do produkcji ziemniaka. Wskaźnik jakości rolniczej przestrzeni produkcyjnej dla rejonu wynosi 61,6, przy 66,6 dla całego kraju. Średni plon bulw ziemniaków w rejonie Siedlec w badanym okresie wynosił 17,7 tony z hektara i był nieznacznie wyższy od średniego plonu w kraju. Badany rejon charakteryzował się większym niż w kraju (12,2%) udziałem ziemniaka w strukturze zasiewów, wynoszącym 21,2%. Analiza regresji wykazała zależność pomiędzy plonem a warunkami termiczno-wilgotnościowymi w kwietniu oraz wrześniu. Wielkość plonu była dodatnio skorelowana z nawożeniem NPK. Nie stwierdzono zależności pomiędzy wysokością plonu a udziałem gleb kompleksów żytnich.
On the basis of the data from the years 1990-1997, was attempted to analyse the effect of the environmental and agricultural conditions on potato yielding in the Siedlce region. The analysed area is characterised by worse soil conditions when compared with the whole country but the conditions are quite favourable as far as potato production is concerned. The index of valorization of the agricultural productive area for the region is 61.6 when the average value for the country is 66.6. The average yield of potato tubers in the Siedlce region in the analyzed period amounted to 17.7 tonnes per hectare and was slightly higher than the average yield for Poland. The examined region was characterised by a higher potato share in the sowing structure, which was 21.2%, whereas for the whole country the share amounted to 12.2%. The regression analysis showed a correlation between the yield and thermal and moisture conditions of April and September. The yield level was positively correlated with the NPK fertilization. The correlation between the yield level and the share of the soil belonging to rye complex was not found.
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych; 2004, 500
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of potato ridge height and harvest date on tuber injuries
Rymuza, K.
Bombik, A.
Stopa, D.
Pawlonka, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
A potato experiment was conducted from 2004 to 2006 at the Zawady Experimental Farm. The farm is part of the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce, Poland. Tuber infection and injury by diseases and pathogens of three potato cultivars were assessed according to the potato ridge height and harvest date. The weight of mechanically injured tubers was also determined depending on the potato ridge height and harvest date. The weight of potato tubers infected by fungal and bacterial diseases was influenced by the cultivar, growing season, harvest date, and ridge height. Potatoes grown to their standard height and height ridges, were significantly less infected by diseases at the first harvest date. The weight of tubers in which the tubers were injured by soil pests, was affected by the cultivar and ridge height. Potatoes cultivated in a ridge which was 20 cm high, had tubers with significantly less mechanical injuries compared with a low (16 cm) ridge and high (24 cm) ridge.
Journal of Plant Protection Research; 2014, 54, 3
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Plant Protection Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienność i współzależność między niektórymi cechami jakości ziemniaka jadalnego w sieci handlowej Siedlec
Variability and relationship between selected edible potato quality characteristics in the trade network of Siedlce
Bombik, A.
Stopa, D.
Rymuza, K.
Markowska, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich. Wydawnictwo PB
cechy jakosciowe
cechy uzytkowe
obrot detaliczny
sieci handlowe
wartosc kulinarna
warunki przechowywania
wspolczynnik korelacji
zawartosc skrobi
ziemniaki jadalne
zmiany fizjologiczne
zmiennosc cech
edible potato
physiological change
Siedlce town
correlation coefficient
culinary value
quality trait
retail turnover
starch content
storage condition
trade chain
trait variability
utility trait
W pracy podjęto próbę określenia i scharakteryzowania niektórych cech jakości ziemniaka jadalnego oferowanego w sieci handlowej Siedlec. Materiał do badań stanowiły bulwy ziemniaka pochodzące ze zbiorów z trzech kolejnych lat (2002-2004), pobierane raz w miesiącu, od października do czerwca, w pięciu sklepach na terenie Siedlec. Oznaczono procentową zawartość skrobi i procentową wydajność przy obieraniu oraz dokonano oceny organoleptycznej zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych cech jakości bulw. Stwierdzono, że z wyjątkiem regularności zarysu kształtu bulw i głębokości oczek pozostałe cechy spełniały wymagania co do jakości, określonej w normach. Największą zmiennością charakteryzował się typ kulinarno-użytkowy, zawartość skrobi oraz średnia masa bulwy, co świadczy o dużej różnorodności odmianowej ziemniaków, oferowanych przez dostawców. Badania wykazały, że wiele istotnych i wysoce istotnych zależności między cechami jakościowymi bulw było determinowanych przez lata, miesiące, jak i punkty zakupu. Różnorodność zależności zachodząca między badanymi cechami ziemniaków zakupionych w poszczególnych miesiącach i sklepach, a także duża zmienność w latach były wynikiem różnic genetycznych (odmianowych) oraz zmian fizjologicznych bulw, modyfikowanych warunkami przechowywania.
It was attempted to determine and characterize selected quality characteristics of edible potato sold in the trade network of Siedlce by means of the variability and relationship analyses. The research material consisted of potato samples of tubers harvested during three successive years, bought once a month from October to June in five shops in Siedlce. The starch content and peeling productivity (both expressed as percentages) were determined in all samples. Moreover, an organoleptic evaluation of outer and inner characteristics of potato tuber quality was done. It was found that, apart from the regularity of tuber shape and depth of eyes, all the characteristics met the quality requirements defined by the standards. The highest variability was characteristic of the culinary and usable type, starch content and average tuber weight, which proves that the potatoes provided by suppliers vary greatly. The research carried out showed that many significant and highly significant relationships found between the quality characteristics of potato tubers were determined by the years, months and purchase places. Variation in the relationships between the examined characteristics in individual months and shops as well as a marked variation in years resulted from genetic (varietal) differences and physiological changes taking place in tubers, being modified by the storage conditions.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura; 2008, 07, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integrated model of hydraulic fracturing and hydro-carbon production
Stopa, J.
Wojnarowski, P.
Janiga, D.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
hydraulic fracturing
reservoir simulation
efficiency estimation
The dynamics of discovering conventional hydrocarbon reservoirs has significantly dropped down in the World over the last ten years. Resources deposited in reservoirs having poor properties, where the production with economically justified yield is possible after prior enhancement (hydraulic fracturing in particular), become more important. Accordingly, proper designing of development works and hydraulic fracturing are decisive. Author's methodic and software for integrated modeling of hydraulic fracturing and production with the use of a3D fracture model are presented in this paper. This can be used for evaluating the efficiency of the fracturing treatment and its optimization. The results of hydraulic fracturing modeling were implemented in the reservoir simulator with the software written in C++. The designed fracture can be introduced into a numerical grid of a reservoir simulator. This tool can be a choice for a quick variant simulation for the best scenario of reservoir development selection. The practical implementation of this program was presented on the example of a ,tight gas' reservoir.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2014, 31, 1; 49-57
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The use of computer simulations to assess the effectiveness of the revitalization of mature oil fields using the selected reservoir as an example
Podsobiński, D.
Stopa, J.
Wojnarowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
mature fields
reservoir simulations
The decrease in new oil field discoveries over the years makes it necessary to return to the abandoned partially depleted oil fields. Due to remaining significant amount of geological resources, mature oil field can be important in the overall balance. The production rate can be increased using various recovery methods. This paper presents a method of revitalizing mature oil fields used in Poland and wide world as well as screening criteria were presented. This article indicate the role of computer simulation as a tool in planning process of revitalization works in case of mature oil fields exploration and management. A recovery methods would be proposed, using computer simulation for the selected reservoir in south – eastern Poland as an example. The effectiveness of the recovery method would be determined through forecast of future production. An preliminary economic analysis would be performed to determine the feasibility of the seletected method taking into account the initial investment costs and different oil prices.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2017, 34, 1; 67-80
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Microscale modeling of CO2-EOR process in coupling with laboratory measurements
Janiga, D.
Czarnota, R.
Stopa, J.
Wojnarowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
microscale simulation
relative permeability
Application of enhance oil recovery methods (EOR) as carbon dioxide injection (CO2-EOR) can increase technological or economical production indicators. For the evaluation of process effectiveness, full scale simulation model is used. Numerical models require large number of high quality geological and production data. However, the necessary data may be uncertain therefore microscale laboratory experiment and modeling can provide a knowledge to understand the fluid flow phenomena. In this paper the authors propose an integrated decision model coupling laboratory measurements of displacement with the numerical simulation of flow. First step consists of routine rock properties determination, after that core sample geometry, porosity and permeability were reconstructed in numerical reservoir simulator. Simple core model was combined with relative permeability measurements for oil - water and oil - carbon dioxide as well as fluid properties. Calibrated to laboratory measurements simulation model was used to analyze the process of CO2-EOR and evaluation of its effectiveness depending on technological parameters.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2017, 34, 1; 37-47
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Predicting relative permeability from experimental capillary pressure porous plate test for two phase flow
Czarnota, R.
Janiga, D.
Stopa, J.
Wojnarowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
capillary pressure
relative permeability
crude oil
multiphase flow
Relative permeabilities relationships as a function of fluids saturation are one of the most important parameters for describing multiphase flow processes in reservoir rocks. When direct laboratory tests are not available for investigating oil-water multi-phase flow in rocks, then indirect prediction techniques using relative permeability functions are widely used, e.g. from capillary pressure test. In this study the measurement of capillary pressure was performed on rocks plugs with different characteristics at reservoir conditions using porous plate method. During measurement semi-permeable membrane was used with 15 bar threshold pressure, what allowed to register formation water saturation, at changing differential pressures steps. Desaturation at each pressure stage was continued until no more produced liquid was observed. Water saturation point at maximum capillary pressure applied is assumed to be final irreducible water saturation. Application of porous plate method provides sufficient stabilization time, allowing to achieve uniform saturation distribution. In this research, Brook-Corey model was used to predict relative permeability from experimental measured capillary pressure data for oil-water phase flow in porous media. As a result, it is possible to obtain more accurate capillary pressure outcomes, and relative permeability curves for the two-phase system, than other methods used in practice. Performing capillary pressure measurements at reservoir conditions, allows to restore the processes occurring in the reservoir.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2017, 34, 2; 323-334
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oil production technology for unconventional reservoirs
Stopa, J.
Czarnota, R.
Wojnarowski, P.
Janiga, D.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
unconventional oil reservoirs
method of exploitation
hydraulic fracturing
Interest in the subject related to the oil production from unco nventional hydrocarbons has increased in recent years. Operation of such reservoirs requires the use of the state-of-the-art technology. Definitely, drilling horizontal and multilateral wells in conjunction with hydraulic fracturing and acidizing meet that requirement. This paper discusses the most important from the author’s view issues, including art ificial lift systems, connected with oil production from unconventional reservoirs around the world and its applica bility for Polish hydrocarbons reservoir.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2015, 32, 3; 581-587
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Możliwości zwiększenia wydobycia ropy naftowej w Polsce z zastosowaniem zaawansowanych technologii
Possibilities of production increases from Polish oil fields through the application of advanced technologies
Wojnarowski, P.
Stopa, J
Janiga, D.
Kosowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN
niekonwencjonalne złoża ropy naftowej
metody EOR
szczelinowanie hydrauliczne
unconventional oil reservoirs
EOR methods
hydraulic fracturing
Przyszłe działania krajowego przemysłu naftowego, w obliczu malejącej ilości nowych, konwencjonalnych odkryć, powinny koncentrować się na dwóch możliwych ścieżkach rozwoju: zwiększeniu produkcji z dotychczas eksploatowanych złóż dzięki zastosowaniu zaawansowanych metod wydobycia oraz rozpoczęciu eksploatacji ze złóż niekonwencjonalnych. Oba te kierunki rozwoju wymagają znacznych nakładów finansowych, a opłacalność realizowanych w ich ramach projektów inwestycyjnych uzależniona jest od warunków makroekonomicznych, w tym szczególnie cen ropy i gazu ziemnego. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono analizę możliwości aplikacji zaawansowanych metod udostępnienia i wydobycia z polskich złóż ropy naftowej. Zaprezentowano również możliwości zastosowania wybranych metod wydobycia z niekonwencjonalnego złoża ropy. Wyniki analizy pokazują, iż w warunkach polskich najszersze zastosowanie, jeśli chodzi o metody zaawansowane, znaleźć może zatłaczanie gazów w warunkach mieszania, a wśród nich zatłaczanie CO2. Dla złóż niekonwencjonalnych korzystnym rozwiązaniem może być zastosowanie wierceń kierunkowych połączonych z wieloetapowym szczelinowaniem hydraulicznym.
The development of the domestic oil industry, faced with the declining number of new conventional discoveries, should focus on two possible paths: increasing production from currently operated fields through the use of advanced methods of extraction or the start of production from unconventional reservoirs. Both of these ways require substantial capital expenditures, and their profitability heavily depends on macroeconomic conditions, especially the price of crude oil and natural gas. This paper analyses the possibility of the application of advanced recovery methods which are applicable to Polish oil reservoirs. It also shows the applicability of selected methods for the extraction of unconventional oil. The results show that under Polish conditions, when it comes to conventional reservoirs, the widest prospects can be found for gas injection in mixing conditions, among them especially CO2 injection. In the case of unconventional reservoirs, the preferred solution may be the application of directional drilling combined with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing.
Polityka Energetyczna; 2015, 18, 4; 19-28
Pojawia się w:
Polityka Energetyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Optimization of well placement and control to maximize CO2 trapping during geologic sequestration
Stopa, J.
Janiga, D.
Wojnarowski, P.
Czarnota, R.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
CO2 sequestration
numerical simulation
The CO2 injection into geological formations such as saline aquifers can be effective method of sequestration enabling efficient immobilization of gas by surface and capillary forces. The main objective of presented method of optimization was to determine optimal well position and injection rates that maximize residual trapping. This would mitigate the risk of the CO2 leakage outside of storage zone. A genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization have been developed and coupled with reservoir simulator to optimally examine various placement and injection control strategies for vertical as well as horizontal well. Optimization was carried out in 3D heterogeneous real field model with water-CO2 -formation rock relationship. Numerical examples confirm that developed algorithm can find a promising optimal solution effectively within a partial number of simulation runs.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2016, 33, 1; 93-104
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Laboratory measurement of wettability for Ciężkowice sandstone
Czarnota, R.
Janiga, D.
Stopa, J.
Wojnarowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
Ciężkowice sandstone
rock wettability
oil fields
The type of reservoir rock wettability is one of the most important factors affecting flow of formation fluids in rock pores. It impacts on the characteristics of capillary pressure curves and residual oil saturation, what result in final recovery factor. There are generally, four differ states of wettability for hydrocarbon fields. These are: water wet, oil wet, mixed and fractional. For determination of wettability both quantitative and qualitative methods are implemented. In presented work, the results of wettability laboratory measurement for Ciężkowice sandstone by Amott–Harvey has been shown. Obtained outcomes underline the influence of wettability phenomena on the recovery factor for Carpathian hydrocarbon fields, where Ciężkowice sandstone is the oil bearing formation. The proper understanding of the wettability of reservoir is essential for determining the most efficient way of oil production.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2016, 33, 1; 167-172
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The role of capillary trapping during geologic CO2 sequestration
Knapik, E.
Janiga, D.
Wojnarowski, P.
Stopa, J.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
capillary trapping
CO2 sequestration
relative permeability hysteresis
Capillary trapping is thought to be one of the primary CO2 fixing mechanisms in a porous medium when it is stored. While CO2 is injected, gas displaces formation water (brine) in the process called drainage. In the case of the rock mass wetted by water, formation water remains adsorbed in wall pores and micropores. Once the injection process has been completed, gas is displaced by the natural water in the process referred to as imbibition. In that way CO2, being a non-wetting phase, is held in the form of dispersed bubbles as an immobile phase. The process occurs fast and allows for a regular storage of large amounts of CO2. The process is dependent upon numerous parameters, including capillary pressure and contact angle, but such measurements cannot be easily taken for rock cores in reservoir conditions. Another problem is the fact that it is difficult to separate the impact of such mechanisms as dissolution and mineral trapping. So far capillary trapping has been deeply analyzed in terms of hydrocarbon recovery and contaminant remediation. The goal of this article is to:– present a physiochemical basis of capillary trapping in CCS context,– simulate the impact of relative permeability hysteresis on geological CO2 storage.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2015, 32, 4; s. 657-669
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intelligent control of CO2-EOR process
Mikołajczak, E.
Stopa, J.
Wojnarowski, P.
Janiga, D.
Czarnota, R.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
production optimization
intelligent control
artificial intelligence
One of the enhanced oil recovery methods, which enables to recover an additional 15–20% of oil resources is the CO2-EOR method based on carbon dioxide injection into partially depleted reservoirs. Determination of the optimal process control facilitates effective use of natural resources. The idea of this paper is to develop an algorithm that optimizes the CO2-EOR process. This algorithm is based on the combination of artificial intelligence, control theory and computer simulation of hydrocarbon reservoirs. The effect of the proposed solution is the CO2-EOR process control, which is optimal in the case of the adopted objective function expressing the economic value of the project. The obtained results suggest that the use of artificial intelligence methods in the hydrocarbon production allows to improve the process efficiency by an additional 31% compared to the project carried out with the use of engineering knowledge.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2018, 35, 1; 235-243
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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