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Utrata przynależności do stanu duchownego na podstawie specjalnych uprawnień przyznanych Kongregacji ds. Duchowieństwa
Stokłosa, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
La Congregazione per il Clero ha pubblicato il 18 aprile 2009 la lettera circolare indirizzata agli ordinari diocesani, informando su tre facoltà speciali che sono state concesse dal papa Benedetto XVI alla Congregazione stessa il 30 gennaio 2009. Queste facoltà riguardano la riduzione allo stato laicale di quei sacerdoti che si macchiassero di colpe particolarmente gravi o hanno abbandonato il loro ministero senza chiedere la riduzione allo stato laicale. Successivamente questo dicastero ha provveduto, il 17 marzo 2010, a inviare la seconda lettera a tutti gli ordinari, trasmettendo in allegato „le linee procedurali per la trattazione dei casi in oggetto, unitamente all’elenco dei documenti necessari al completamento dell’istruttoria nella fase locale”. Tra le facoltà speciali concesse dal Papa alla Congregazione per il Clero figura, innanzitutto, la facoltà di trattare i casi di dimissione dallo stato clericale „in poenam, con relativa dispensa da tutti gli obblighi decorrenti dall’ordinazione, di chierici che abbiano attentato al matrimonio anche solo civilmente e che ammoniti non si ravvedano e continuino nella condotta di vita irregolare e scandalosa; e di chierici colpevoli di gravi peccati esterni contro il sesto comandamento”. La seconda facoltà concede alla Congregazione autorità di intervenire „per infliggere una giusta pena o penitenza per una violazione esterna della legge divina o canonica”; mentre in casi veramente eccezionali e urgenti, e di mancata volontà di ravvedimento da parte del reo, si potranno anche infliggere „pene perpetue, non esclusa la dimissione dallo stato clericale, qualora le particolari circostanze lo richiedessero”. Infine, la terza facoltà riguarda la dichiarazione della perdita dello stato clericale per i chierici che abbiano abbandonato il ministero „per un periodo superiore ai cinque anni consecutivi, e che persistano in tale assenza volontaria e illecita dal ministero”. Queste facoltà non sostituiscono l’attuale normativa sulla perdita dello stato clericale stabilita dal can. 290 CIC, va vanno incontro – come ha spiegato nella radio vaticana il Card. Claudio Hummes, Prefetto della Congregazione per il Clero – alle „molte nuove situazioni alle quali la legge canonica non era in grado di dare adeguate risposte”. In questi casi, quando esiste la comprovata impossibilità di presentare da parte del sacerdote la richiesta per ottenere la dispensa dagli obblighi dello stato clericale e anche esistono gravi difficoltà nella celebrazione di un processo penale giudiziale, gli stessi ordinari possono avviare il processo amministrativo nei confronti di questi sacerdoti, salvo il loro diritto di difesa che deve essere sempre garantito. Però l’applicazione di questa procedura amministrativa non è automatica, ma deve essere approvata dalla Congregazione.
Prawo Kanoniczne; 2011, 54, 1-2; 43-75
Pojawia się w:
Prawo Kanoniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Le competenze del superiore provinciale di un istituto religioso riguardo ai beni temporali e della loro amministrazione
Competence of the provincial superior of a religious institute in the field of material goods and their administration
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
superiore provinciale
beni temporali
economo provinciale
amministrazione ordinaria
amministrazione straordinaria
provincial superior
temporal goods
provincial treasurer
ordinary administration
extraordinary administration
Each province of the religious institutes, as a legal person in the Church has the right to acquire, possess, administer and alienate their material goods. These acts are taken by the provincial superiors while maintaining the common law and of own institute. All activities related to the ordinary administration may be taken by those superiors, but respecting the roles and responsibilities of the Provincial Treasurers provided for by law in this regard. Hence, fulfilling the acts of ordinary administration of material goods we should avoid any conflict between the two offices. Between the superior and treasurer there should be a mutual trust and be kept a constant dialogue on the administration of the entrusted material goods. Any acts of extraordinary administration remain within the competence of the provincial superior, who in some cases provided by law, may/can delegate them to other members of the Institute, including treasurers. While the act of alienation of material goods can be taken by the provincial superior or general, depending on the value of alienated goods. If the value of the transaction exceeds the sum determined by the Holy See for the region, then the permission for the act of alienation shall be given by the Holy See.
Każda prowincja instytuty zakonnego, jako osoba prawna w Kościele, posiada prawo nabywania, posiadania, administrowania i alienacji swoich dóbr materialnych. Akty te są podejmowane przez przełożonych prowincjalnych przy zachowaniu prawa powszechnego i własnego każdego instytutu. Wszelkie czynności związane ze zwyczajną administracją mogą być podejmowane przez tychże przełożonych, jednak przy uszanowaniu zadań i obowiązków ekonomów prowincjalnych przewidzianych prawem w tym zakresie. Stąd też spełniając akty zwyczajnego zarządzania dobrami materialnymi należy unikać wszelkich konfliktów między tymi dwoma urzędami. Miedzy przełożonym a ekonomem powinno istnieć wzajemne zaufanie i być prowadzony stały dialog dotyczący administracji powierzonych dóbr materialnych. Wszelkie akty nadzwyczajnego zarządzania pozostają jedynie w kompetencji przełożonego prowincjalnego, który w niektórych przypadkach przewidzianych prawem może do ich wypełnienia delegować innych zakonników, w tym także ekonomów. Natomiast akt alienacji dóbr materialnych może być podjęty przez przełożonego prowincjalnego lub generalnego w zależności od wartości alienowanego dobra materialnego. Jeżeli wartość tej transakcji  przekracza wysokość sumy określoną przez Stolicę Apostolską dla danego regionu, wówczas zezwolenie na akt alienacji wydaje sama Stolica Apostolska.
Prawo Kanoniczne; 2016, 59, 3; 31-55
Pojawia się w:
Prawo Kanoniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Legalne przebywanie zakonnika poza wspólnotą zakonną
Stokłosa, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Uno tra i doveri della vita religiosa si riferisce all’obbligo di residenza nella propria casa religiosa nella quale i membri della comunità osservano la vita comune dell’istituto. L’oggetto proprio della norma canonica del can. 665 § 1 è la permanenza abituale del religioso nella propria casa religiosa. Tuttavia, per esigenze dello stesso istituto, come pure per motivi personali, il religioso può assentarsi dalla propria casa religiosa, però con l’autorizzazione del competente superiore. Questo allontanamento potrebbe essere trattato come una semplice uscita quotidiana, o può diventare una vera assenza di breve termine, o un’assenza prolungata. Tutte queste uscite quotidiane per ragioni tanto ministeriali, quanto personali, devono essere regolate dai superiori locali, non dai superiori provinciali, per mezzo di permessi concessi secondo le usanze della rispettiva comunità, che possono essere ad actum o abituali, espressi o taciti, o anche impliciti e presunti. Il diritto comune, dopo aver stabilito l’obbligo di risiedere nella propria casa di assegnazione, determina che spetta al superiore maggiore, con il consenso del suo consiglio, concedere, per una giusta causa, a un religioso, di vivere fuori delle comunità dell’istituto (“extra domum instituti”) per un tempo che non superi la durata di un anno, a meno che non si tratti di malattia del religioso, tempo dei suoi studi, o di apostolato svolto in nome dell’istituto. È da osservare il fatto che la suddetta norma del diritto comune fa tacitamente una distinzione tra assenza prolungata dalla propria casa per dimorare in un’altra casa dell’istituto, dall’assenza prolungata dalla casa dell’istituto in genere. Considerando che il primo tipo di assenza non viene contemplato dal diritto comune, il diritto proprio potrà stabilire norme applicative più particolareggiate. Il superiore maggiore, con il consenso del proprio consiglio, può concedere, a norma del can. 665 § 1, la licenza di assenza dalla casa dell’istituto per un periodo superiore a un anno per motivo di malattia, di studio o di apostolato svolto a nome dell’istituto.
Prawo Kanoniczne; 2010, 53, 1-2; 105-128
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Prawo Kanoniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawo do katolickiego pogrzebu w niektórych wyjątkowych okolicznościach
Stokłosa, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Il can. 1176 §1 dell’attuale CIC afferma che ai fedeli defunti vanno rese le esequie ecclesiastiche a norma del diritto. Si può dunque parlare di un vero diritto del fedele alle esequie cattoliche, di cui non può essere privato se non nei casi previsti dalla normativa del can. 1184. Essa indica alcune circostanze in base alle quali un cattolico è privato delle esequie ecclesiastiche, a meno che non abbia dato alcun segno di pentimento prima della morte. Fra queste abbiamo l’apostasia, l’eresia o lo scisma notori. Altre circostanze riguardano non tanto la professione di fede, quanto comportamenti che contraddicono la vocazione cristiana, tali da far ritenere le persone come peccatori manifesti, ai quali non è possibile concedere le esequie senza pubblico scandalo dei fedeli. Oltre queste situazioni ben definite dal Codice ci sono nel mondo di oggi le situazioni particolari che potrebbero sorgere il dubbio sull’opportunità della celebrazione delle esequie ecclesiastiche. Nell’articolo si è riferito ad alcuni casi problematici: i fedeli coinvolti in situazioni matrimoniali irregolari, i suicidi, l’eutanasia, i bambini morti prima di essere battezzati, i bambini nati morti o i feti abortivi. Si è cercato di indicare gli atteggiamenti da adottare in questi casi e nei confronti dei famigliari del defunto per non creare tensioni profonde all’interno della comunità cristiana.
Prawo Kanoniczne; 2010, 53, 3-4; 83-111
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Prawo Kanoniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bożena Szewczul, Działalność zakonodawcza Błogosławionego Honorata Koźmińskiego a nowe instytuty w Kościele katolickim. Studium prawno-historyczne, Warszawa 2008, ss. 565
Stokłosa, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
Honorat Koźmiński
Sympozjum; 2011, 1(20); 143-149
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przedawnienie skargi kryminalnej w prawie kanonicznym
The prescription of the criminal action in Canon Law
Stokłosa, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
 The common weal of a community of the People of God requires for all the faithful of the Catholic Church the keeping of the law of God and of the Church. The violation of this law may interfere in the rights of a physical or juridical persons or the legal norms issued primarily for the sake of the public good. Quite often, this violation constitutes an offense, as the perpetrator commits a forbidden criminal act, for which the juridical sanction is foreseen. The reaction for the violation of the rights of physical or legal persons are legal proceedings, which initiation is dependent upon the will of the victim. In the case of a violation of the norms of criminal law should be the initiation from the office (ex officio) of the criminal process to impose the appropriate punishment to the offender. This imposition aims at restitution of the scandal and of justice and the improvement of the offender. After having exhausted the means mentioned in can. 1341, the competent authority to initiate criminal trial is the Ordinary (Can. 1718 § 1.1º), who takes the decision to refer the matter to the court or administration. Initiation of the juridical proceedings involves presentation of the accusations to the suspect, which, however, can not be dragged on too long in time. When the specified period of time, since the offense was committed, has passed, then there is a expiration of the criminal complaint, and thus the lapse of the right to punish the offender. The legislature KPK/83 in can. 1362 § 1, depending on the weight of the crime, provides four different laps of time required for the existence of expiration. The essential complement to these regulations are Normae de gravioribus delictis of 2001, which have been modified May 21, 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI. These norms not only reserve for the CDF the most serious crimes, but also define the lapse of the expiration of criminal complaints for offenses that are reserved, along with the possibility of repeal. This means that criminal responsibility for serious crimes which cause great scandal, even after several decades, may not be time-barred.
Prawo Kanoniczne; 2013, 56, 4; 139-154
Pojawia się w:
Prawo Kanoniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Usunięcie z urzędu kościelnego według motu proprio papieża Franciszka Come una madre amorevole
Removal from the ecclesiastical office according to the motu proprio of Pope Francis’s As a loving mother
Stokłosa, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
papież Franciszek
motu proprio Come una madre amorevole
usunięcie z urzędu kościelnego
delicta graviora
nadużycia seksualne wobec małoletnich
biskup diecezjalny
pope Francis
motu proprio As a loving mother
removal from the ecclesial office
sexual abuse of minors
diocesan bishop
Papież Franciszek 4 czerwca 2016 roku ogłosił motu proprio Come una madre amorevole. W dokumencie tym precyzuje już istniejące normy dotyczące usunięcia osoby z urzędu kościelnego z poważnych przyczyn, które są zawarte odpowiednio w kan. 193 KPK/83 i kan. 975 KKKW. Zgodnie z jego postanowieniami przyczynę tę stanowią zaniedbania w sprawowaniu urzędu przez biskupów diecezjalnym i innych podmiotów wymienionych w motu proprio, które przyniosły poważną krzywdę osobie fizycznej lub określonej wspólnocie wiernych. Wśród tych poważnych przyczyn jest niedbałość sprawujących określone urzędy w reagowaniu na przypadki nadużyć seksualnych wobec małoletnich oraz osób dorosłych, które mają habitualne upośledzenie używania rozumu. Ponadto nowe przepisy regulują, w jaki sposób mogą oni zostać usunięci z zajmowanego stanowiska. Jeśli wystąpią poważne oznaki zaniedbania w sprawianiu powierzonego urzędu, to jedna z upoważnionych Kongregacja Kurii Rzymskiej, po otrzymaniu takich informacji, przeprowadza administracyjne dochodzenie zgodnie ze wskazaniami zawartymi w papieskim dokumencie. Po jego zakończeniu, w przypadku uznania usunięcia tytulariusza z urzędu za stosowne, Kongregacja może wydać odpowiedni dekret o usunięciu lub zachęcić piastującego urząd do złożenia rezygnacji w ciągu piętnastu dni. Jeśli zainteresowany nie przedłoży rezygnacji w przewidzianym terminie, to dykasteria będzie mogła wydać dekret o usunięciu. Decyzja Kongregacji o usunięciu z urzędu wymaga szczególnego zatwierdzenia przez biskupa Rzymu.
Pope Francis proclaimed motu proprio As a loving mother on the 4th of June 2016. In the document, the Pope specifies the already existing norms for the removal of a person from the Church office for serious reasons, which are contained in can. 193 CIC/83 and can. 975 of the CCEO. According to the document, this failure is seen in the negligence in exercising the office by diocesan bishops and other subjects mentioned in the motu proprio, which have caused serious harm to the physical person or specific community of the faithful. Among these serious causes is the negligence on the part of those who exercise certain authority to respond to cases of sexual abuse of minors and adults who have a habitual impairment in the use of reason. In addition, the new regulations govern how they can be removed from their posts. If there are serious signs of negligence in the performance to the assigned office, one of the authorized Congregations of the Roman Curia, upon receiving such information, shall carry out administrative inquiries in accordance with the indications contained in the papal document. Upon its conclusion, if the removal of the titular from the office is considered appropriate, the Congregation may issue a suitable decree of removal or encourage the one who holds the authority to resign within fifteen days. If the person concerned fails to submit the resignation within the prescribed time, then the dicastery will be permitted to issue a decree of removal. The decision of the Congregation to remove one from the office requires a special approval of the Bishop of Rome.
Sympozjum; 2017, 2(33); 231-247
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwolnienie penitentów z kar kościelnych w zakresie wewnętrznym sakramentalnym
Exoneration of penitents from the Church’ penalties in the internal sacramental range
Stokłosa, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
kary kościelne
uwolnienie z kar kościelnych
canonical delicts
penal sanctions
In the sacrament of reconciliation a penitent through the service of an authorized priest receives the forgiveness of sins through the mercy of God and consequently is reconciled with the Church. One of the fundamental elements of this sacrament is confession of sins in the presence of an authorized priest. Minister of this sacrament, a priest, needs to be delegated to administer this sacrament through the proper licensing. It is given through the power of the law itself or by the attachment to the office or alternatively by the designated church power. In the individual and integral confession penitent could confess the grave sin to the authorized priest which in the Church’ legislation has been defined as offense. In that situation not every priest who is able to listen to confession will have the capacity to give absolution due to the gravity of that sin. In order to release the penitent from the incurred censure the minister needs the adequate power which is given by the legislator in CIC/83 or by the competent power. The power of the confessor is subjected to some restrictions because he is unable give absolution from the Church’ punishments in all cases and release the penitent from all the sins committed. The source of these restrictions, is among others, the division in the Church’ punishments between censures and expiatory punishment and between punishments latae sententiae and ferendae sententiae as well as eventual declaration of the punishment latae sententiae. Moreover, another source of the restrictions applicable to the power of a confessor is the reservation made by the Holy See which applies to some excommunications latae sententiae. The common law this kind of power, with some limits, allocates to the following ministers of that sacrament: 1) bishop; 2) the ordinary; 3) canon penitentiary; 4) a chaplain of a hospital, prison or a sea trip; 5) any confessor in an emergency situation (casus urgens). Additionally the permission to give absolution in some limited range of internal sacramental punishments might be given by the Holy See and by the competent ordinary.
Sympozjum; 2016, 2(31); 97-120
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formacja w świetle Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego (1983)
Formation in the light of Codex Iuris Canonici (1983)
Stokłosa, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego (1983)
The main stages of a religious formation are: a postulate, a novitiate, a period of time after the temporal vows and after the perpetual vows until death. All stages are equally important. The formation of members of Religious Orders preparing to receive Holy Orders also is specific. The first stage of initial formation is a postulate. It take its course under the proper law of a Institute. The novitiate is a period of a more intense formation. Its rules are strictly regulated by common law. If after a period of novitiate a competent superior recognizes a novice as suitable for, and he himself wishes to continue his life at the institute, he is admitted to temporal profession. Perpetual vows may be made no earlier than after three years of temporal vows. Usually, after the novitiate and temporal profession the candidates continue their formation in preparation to the Holy Orders including the completion of philosophical and theological studies, while others professed held their initial formation in accordance with the guidelines of the proper law of their own Institute. This period of formation in different institutes have common features as well as differences, arising from the charisms of specific congregations and religious orders. Differences also arise from the types of institutes (female, male, clerical, secular). At the time of perpetual profession, the formation of a religious does not end... After perpetual vows begins ongoing formation that lasts... until death. The Ongoing Formation is the way of the whole life, of both personal and communal. During this time personal qualities, evangelical witness and strengthening in the vocation shall be the subject of a continued development, according to the charism and mission of ones own Institute.
Sympozjum; 2014, 1(26); 133-147
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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