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Duch Święty jako inspiracja twórcza w głoszeniu słowa Bożego a inspiracja artystyczna – podobieństwa i różnice
The Holy Spirit as a Creative Inspiration in Proclaiming the Word of God and an Artistic Inspiration – Similarities and Differences
Sikora, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Duch Święty
inspiracja artystyczna
głoszenie słowa Bożego
Holy Spirit
artistic inspiration
proclaiming the word of God
Porównując inspirację pneumatologiczną z artystyczną w głoszeniu słowa Bożego, wchodzimy na teren psychologii twórczości. Dotykamy zagadnienia procesu twórczego. Badamy w kaznodziejstwie związki między komponentem „ludzkim” a „boskim”. Na ambonie głosi się słowo Boga, a nie własne i dlatego Duch Święty jawi się jako inspiracja, a zarazem ontologiczna cecha głoszonego Słowa. Posiada moc ożywczą, a także uświęcającą. To inspiracja bardziej altruistyczna, wspólnotowa niż natchnienie artystyczne. Wprawdzie „Duch Święty wieje, kędy chce” (J 3, 8), jednak natchnienie Ducha Świętego – zwłaszcza wymodlone i wyproszone – jest więcej przewidywalne niż artystyczne. Sztuka może być podstępna, zachłanna, a nawet diaboliczna, o faustowskim obliczu. I natchnienie artystyczne może mieć takowe źródła, co oczywiście nie przystoi kaznodziei. Inspiracja artystyczna i inspiracja pneumatologiczna to raczej nie długotrwały stan, lecz szczególne momenty łaski. Jeśli na ambonie kaznodzieja nie potrafi być natchniony, powinien przyjąć i wypełnić rolę dobrego rzemieślnika.
Comparing pneumatological and artistic inspiration in proclaiming the word of God, we enter the area of psychology of creativity. We touch the issues of the creative process. In the preaching, we examine the relationship between the human and divine components. On the pulpit is preached the word of God, not the own, and therefore the Holy Spirit appears as an inspiration and an ontological quality of the proclaimed Word. It has an invigorating and sanctifying power. This inspiration is more altruistic, communal than artistic inspiration. Although „the Holy Spirit blows wherever it wants” (J 3, 8), the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is more predictable than artistic. The art can be tricky, greedy, even diabolical, about a Faustian face. And artistic inspiration can have such sources, which – of course – is not befitting for preacher. Artistic inspiration and pneumatological inspiration is not a long-term condition, but special moments of grace. If the preacher can not be inspired on the pulpit, he should accept and fulfill the role of a good craftsman.
Polonia Sacra; 2019, 23, 3(57); 123-133
Pojawia się w:
Polonia Sacra
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O błędnej interpretacji terminów i jej translatorycznych konsekwencjach w przekładach Kindżału Michaiła Lermontowa
Sikora, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Rusycystyczne
К ПРОБЛЕМЕ ОшИБОЧНОЙ ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИИ ТЕРМИНОВ И ЕЁ ПЕРЕВОДЧЕСКИХ ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯХ В ПЕРЕВОДАХ КИНЖАЛА МИХАИЛА ЛЕРМОНТОВА Резюме Статья пытается изложить вопросы, связанные с понятием стали дамасской. Во-пер-вых, автор проводит анализ лексикографических ошибок - переводов оригинального русского термина в польских и английских словарях и расшифровок термина, на основании самых популярных польских и английских энциклопедических источников, а потом указывает серьёзные ошибки и неправильное понимание значения этого термина. Во-вторых, на этой основе, автор анализирует переводы стихотворения Михаила Лермонтова Кинжал на польский и русский языки и доказывает, что такие ошибки имеют свои последствия в области интерпретации стихотворения и его понимания.  ABOUT MISINTERPRETATION OF TERMS AND ITS TRANSLATION CONSEQUENCES IN TRANSLATIONS OF THe DaGGeR BY MIKHAIL LERMONTOV Summary This article attempts to present problems relating to the concept of Damascus steel. First, the author analyses lexicographic errors - translations of the original Russian term in Polish and English dictionaries and definitions provided by the most popular Polish and English encyclopedic sources and points out serious errors and misconceptions concerning the meaning of this term. Secondly, on this basis, the author analyses translations of Mikhail Lermontov’s poem The Dagger into Polish and English and demonstrates the consequences of such errors for the poem interpretation and meaning.
Przegląd Rusycystyczny; 2010, 4
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Rusycystyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność fundacyjna Kazimierza Sprawiedliwego w świetle nowych badań
Foundational activity of Casimir II in the light of new researches
Sikora, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
In 1995 a Ph.D. dissertation of a historian from Poznań - Józef Dobosz (Działalność fundacyjna Kazimierza Sprawiedliwego, Poznań 1995) was published. The author reviewed scanty written sources and surveyed archaeological and architectural researches in order to lully reconstruct the foundational activity of the prince as well as the circle of magnates who cooperated with him. The above article is a kind of a comment on this work written from an archaeologist's point of view. Casimir II (since 1166 the prince of Wiślica, and since 1177 sovereign of the whole Little Poland, at the end of his life he also ruled the Łęczyca Land, the eastern Little Poland and Mazovia; died during an expedition to Prussia in 1194) pursuing his foundational activity he closely cooperated with clergymen and secular magnates who were gathered around him, including such personalities of the 12,b century as archbishop of Gniezno Piotr, bishop of Kraków Gcdko, Jaksa from Miechów, comes Radosław or knight Bałdrzych. Casimir’s activity in many cases was a continuation of his older brother’s Henry of Sandomierz foundational activity (after whom he came to power). The area of that activity was basically limited to the Little Poland region. On the grounds of analysis of historical sources and field investigations the mentioned circle of people can be connected with foundation of many objects that have been preserved to a different degree and submitted to (also to a different degree) archaeological and architectonic investigations. First of all, enlarged residential complex in Wiślica (site Regia), consisting of two arrangements of oblong buildings of palatio type that were connected on an axis with central chapels. Their distant analogies were found in imperial pfaltzs in Paderborn and Goslar. It can be presumed that Henry of Sandomierz started the building of the complex. In Wiślica also should be mentioned relics of the Romanesque collegiate church (so-called church I revealed under the floor of the present Gothic building) together with beautiful engraved gypsum floor in the crypt of the building. With Casimir's activity other foundations of collegiate churches are also connected - in Sandomierz, Opatów and St. Florian, on Kleparz in Kraków (their architectural shape, except the church in Opatów, is unknown). A. Tomaszewski suggested that it is possible that it was Casimir who constructed St. Nicolas church in Żarnowo, mentioned in a document from 1191 presenting properties of the collegiate church in Sandomierz. This assumption should be sustained at the present state of knowledge. Simultaneously, there is a possibility of connecting the following churches mentioned in the document with the prince - one of unknown architectonic shape in Świeże and tetraconchos of St. Maurice in Zawichost, revealed as a result o f archaeological excavations in 1994, 1996-1999, with many analogies in 12th century architecture in Czech and Moravia. Also a group of Cistercian monasteries in Little Poland from the 12th century in Jedrzejów, Sulejów, Koprzywnica and Wąchock attracts attention. Apart from disputably dated relics of a sacral building in Jedrzejów (so-called church I) and unclear results of investigations in Wąchock, the 12th century shape of these buildings is still unknown. Probably in the 12th century only wooden buildings were constructed which in the next century started to be replaced by classical, „Bernardine” basilicas and by gradually built claustrum buildings. The review of the foundational activity of the prince and his court are completed by church of commandery of the knights of St. John of Jerusalem in Zagość (unique because of rich, „Lombardian” archilectonical decoration) and by still unrecognised the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre in Miechów as well as an adaptation of St. Salvatore church in Zwierzyniec in Kraków into monastic Premonstratensian church (so-called 3rd church) and mysterious Romanesque wall elements in the area of the present monastery in Zwierzyniec. The review is ended by also unrecognised branch of this monastery in Skowieszynek near Kazimierz Dolny. Worth being noticed is special meaning of canonical foundations (collegiate churches) which, as a rule, got a rich architectonical programme contrary to monastic churches, where rather temporary wooden buildings which only during functioning of the convent (most often only in the next century) were gradually replaced by masonry ones in the late-Romanesque style. An attention has also been drawn to, not entirely clear, but probably great, role of Casimir’s wife, the princess of Znojmo Helen in the foundational activity of the prince.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 2004, 24
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Literackość kazań księdza Janusza Stanisława Pasierba
Literariness of sermons by Reverend Janusz Stanisław Pasierb
Sikora, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
composition and style of sermons
Janusz Stanisław Pasierb
kompozycja i styl kazań
Sermons of Reverend Janusz Stanisław Pasierb have a distinct literary character. This may be due to the fact that the preacher was both a poet and essayist. The first part of the paper contains a methodological reflection on literariness, with particular emphasis on the location of the sermon as a specific genre of expression in relation to other forms of literary expression. In the further part of the text, the style and composition of sermons of Reverend Pasierb and their relationship with the poetry of this author are examined. Also, homilies from the funerals of art people are presented – in these works Pasierb contained a particularly large literary component. Reverend Pasierb is fully aware of what the art of word is, including the preacher’s word. He works towards a greater linguistic reflection, drawing artistic attention to the style of preaching. His preaching, with a metaphysical depth and clearly eschatological perspective, and at the same time adding value to worldliness, often tends to an essay and meditation. We are dealing with the individualization of a preacher’s message and a partial remodelling of a typical preacher’s formula.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria; 2020, 20; 402-413
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Późnośredniowieczna ceramika naczyniowa z gródka stożkowatego w Giecznie, gm. Zgierz, pow. zgierski, woj. łódzkie
Late medieval pottery from motte in Gieczno, commune and county Zgierz, Łódź voivodship
Nierychlewska, Anna
Sikora, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
późne średniowiecze
Polska centralna
Late Middle Ages
central Poland
A Late medieval motte-and-bailey timber castle in Gieczno was recognized by an analysis of the LiDAR derived Digital Terrain Model in 2014. The stronghold’s remnants are situated in the Moszczenica River valley, on a small hillock – most probably the residual terrace. It is preserved as a small mound, elevated no more then 1,5 m above the surrounding floodplain in the bottom of the valley. The mound has dimensions of 31 x 33 m and an area of about 890 m2. It is surrounded by a moat, about 8 to 10 m wide, and an adjacent low rampart not exceeding the height of 0.5 in relation to the bottom of the moat. The course of the rampart is interrupted in the south-eastern part. Another small, oval hillock with dimensions of approximately 23.4 x 37.9 m is noticeable there. This find should be interpreted as remains of a motte and bailey castle with an economic area which supplemented the mound. In 2015, a field investigation was run by Jerzy Sikora from the Institute of Archaeology of University of Łódź. During two weeks of field work, two trenches were explored: Trench 1 (with dimensions of 1,5 x 35 m) cut the mound from its center to the South through the moat and the outer rampart in order to obtain a cross section of the feature. Trench 2 (with dimensions of 12 x 1,5 m) was situated on the hillock (supposedly – motte) with the aim to recognize its stratigraphy. During the excavation, a collection of Late Medieval potsherds was obtain (1472 pieces) together with a small number of metal finds, bones, slag pieces and a carved wooden artefact – a part of the Late Medieval furniture piece. An analysis of the collection helped to establish its chronology to the 14th and first half of 15th centuries. The collection was distinguished by a significant number of potsherds made with the use of traditional methods and a relatively low amount of potsherds fired in a reducing (oxidizing) atmosphere. This indicates ties with the local, rural workshops rather than with the advanced manufacturing known in towns. The excavations of the Gieczno stronghold revealed two phases of the feature: • Phase I – the timber ringwork, protected with a small inner rampart, a palisade, a moat and an outer rampart can be dated by the radiocarbon analysis supported by an analysis of the finds to the 1st quarter of the14th century.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 2018, 33; 113-151
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Knowing Without Digging? Non-invasive Research of the Krzczonów Earthwork and its Surroundings
Wroniecki, Piotr
Brejcha, Roman
Sikora, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie
non-destructive archaeology
motte-type castle
Late Medieval Period,
Early Modern Period
The topic of this paper is a non-invasive research case study of a protected monument mound in Krzczonów, Świętokrzyskie voivodeship in Lesser Poland. It explores the possibilities of noninvasive methodological approaches in the recognition of archaeological sources by asking whether it is possible to procure relevant information without conducting excavations. A new interpretation of the mound’s function and chronology is based on data derived from multimethod field surveys including remote sensing (satellite imagery, UAV, light aircraft, ALS), geophysical (magnetic gradiometry, earth resistance), total station measurements and analytical field walking prospection along with comparison of archival field-walking data. We would like to hypothesize that, contrary to the protected monument list, the Krzczonów earthwork is not a prehistoric feature but could be related to the end of 14th up to the beginning of the 16th century. In this case it could be understood as a remnant of a motte-type castle
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia; 2017, 12; 177-198
Pojawia się w:
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy hiperhomocysteinemia może stanowić przyczynę nawracających poronień?
Could high concentration homocystein in blood serum provide to recurrent miscarriages?
Magnucki, Jacek
Sikora, Jerzy
Machalski, Tomasz
Kobielska, Lucyna
Partyka, Robert
Białas, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
witamina b12
kwas foliowy
przepływ krwi regionalny
poronienie nawykowe
vitamin b12
folic acid
regional blood flow
abortion habitual
A high level of homocysteine can be one of potential causative factors of habitual miscarriages. As it can be viewed from the press review, despite numerous examinations of different negative effects of the high level of homocysteine in the human organism, up till now no specific critical concentration values of this amino acid in blood serum have been determined, above which pathological vascular changes can be caused and in consequence pregnancy loss. Very significant for pregnancy growth is also the appropriate concentration of folic acid and vitamin B12 in the pregnant woman organism. Among the results of hyperhomocysteine there are changes in endothelium of the blood vessels, with accompanying irregularities in blood coagulation system.
Podwyższony poziom homocysteiny może być jednym z potencjalnych czynników sprawczych powtarzających się poronień u kobiet. Jak wynika z przeglądu piśmiennictwa, pomimo licznych badań poświęconych różnorodnym negatywnym skutkom podwyższonego poziomu homocysteiny w organizmie człowieka, dotychczas jednoznacznie nie ustalono granicznych wartości stężeń tego aminokwasu w surowicy krwi, powyżej których może dochodzić do patologicznych zmian naczyniowych, a w konsekwencji do utraty ciąży. Istotne znaczenie dla prawidłowego rozwoju ciąży przypisuje się również właściwemu stężeniu kwasu foliowego i witaminy B12. Wśród następstw hiperhomocysteinemi wymienia się zmiany w śródbłonku naczyń krwionośnych, z towarzyszącymi nieprawidłowościami w układzie krzepnięcia krwi.
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis; 2009, 63, 1; 84-92
Pojawia się w:
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions for the Neolithic pile-dwelling Serteya II site case study, Western Russia
Warunki paleogeograficzne rozwoju neolitycznej osady palafitowej Serteya II (zachodnia Rosja)
Mazurkevich, Andrey
Dolbunova, Ekaterina
Kazakov, Eduard
Mroczkowska, Agnieszka
Pavlovskaia, Elena
Piech, Wiktor
Płóciennik, Mateusz
Sikora, Jerzy
Teltevskaya, Yulia
Wieckowska-Lüth, Magda
Kittel, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
obszar młodoglacjalny
systemy paleojeziorne
dolina rzeczna
osadnictwo palafitowe
recently glaciated area
palaeolake systems
river valley
pile-dwelling settlement
The article presents the results of recent archaeological and geomorphological research conducted on Middle to Late Neolithic site Serteya II in the Serteysky microregion of the Dnepr-Dvina region (NW Russia). The interaction of archaeological and multidisciplinary palaeoenvironmental research allowed for the reconstruction of the natural environment transformations and the natural conditions of the activity of the ancient communities in the lower Serteyka River valley, the left-bank tributary of the Western Dvina River. The terrain relief of the area was formed after the recession of the Weichselian (Valdai) Ice Sheet. The present day Serteyka River valley occupies a subglacial channel that was earlier occupied by a few lake basins of almost two generations. The water basins of the first generation existed within glacial crevasses and between blocks of dead ice, and second generation lakes developed after the melting of dead ice in the Late Valdai. Throughout the entire Holocene, the Serteyka River drained several lake basins as a result of headward river erosion. The Neolithic Serteya II site occupied the surface of a kame terrace and biogenic plain within the palaeolake basin. The pile-dwelling settlement functioned there in a period when palaeolakes existed and were affected by transgression and regression of the water table. The main phase of pile-dwelling development is dated to ca. 4200–3800 cal BP and existed for almost 140 years. It was part of a wider settlement structure in the period of domination of a hunter–gatherer economy and the beginning of agriculture.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki ostatnich badań archeologicznych i geomorfologicznych środkowo- i późnoneolitycznego stanowisku Serteya II, zlokalizowanego w międzyrzeczu Dniepru i Dźwiny, w obrębie mikroregionu Sertejskiego (NW Rosja). Połączenie wyników badań archeologicznych i multidyscyplinarnych analiz paleośrodowiskowych pozwoliło na odtworzenie środowiska naturalnego i warunków przyrodniczych działalności dawnych społeczności w dolinie dolnej Sertejki, lewego dopływu Dźwiny. Rzeźba terenu została uformowana po ustąpieniu zlodowacenia wisły (wałdajskiego). Współczesna dolina wykorzystuje rynnę subglacjalną, w której wcześniej funkcjonowało kilka basenów jeziornych dwóch generacji. Zbiorniki pierwszej generacji rozwinęły się w szczelinach lodowych i w obniżeniach pomiędzy martwymi bryłami lądolodu. Jeziora drugiej generacji powstały po wytopieniu brył martwego lodu w późnym vistulianie. W trakcie holocenu rzeka Sertejka, w wyniku erozji wstecznej, zdrenowała kolejne jeziora. Osada neolityczna Serteya II zajmowała powierzchnię terasy kemowej oraz wkraczała na równinę biogeniczną w obrębie basenu jeziornego. Osadnictwo palafitowe funkcjonowało podczas okresów transgresji i regresji paleojezior. Główny okres jej rozwoju przypadał na 4200–3800 cal BP i trwał ponad 140 lat. Osada stanowiła część większej struktury osadniczej rozwijającej się w okresie przechodzenia lokalnych społeczności od gospodarki łowiecko-zbierackiej do prymitywnego rolnictwa.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2018, 107; 191-213
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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