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The paediatric trauma patient profile from the perspective of the emergency medical team
Profil pacjenta pediatrycznego urazowego z perspektywy zespołu ratownictwa medycznego
Sholokhova, Daryna
Sviatoslav, Mazur
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Pomocy Doraźnej
emergency medical service
trauma patient
INTRODUCTION: Injuries are one of the main causes of mortality in the world. Emergency services should have appropriate knowledge and skills in the field of trauma research at the scene and proper therapeutic treatment. A special group of traumatic patients are children, which are often more difficult to assess and secure by medical personnel. The work aims to determine the profile of a paediatric patient after an injury secured by an ambulance. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The research tool was medical documentation in the form of 68,441 medical charts of rescue operations from 2016-2017, out of which 464 interventions were selected for children with injuries. The factors taken into account were: age and sex of the injured, a combination of hours of travel and months per year, the place where the injury occurred, the type of injury and the type of ambulance. RESULTS: At the scene, teams without a doctor were dispensed with 354 times, and teams with a doctor 110 times. The highest number of injuries in children occurred in educational institutions. The increase in the number of interventions was observed in the afternoon in the summer and autumn seasons. Trips to girls accounted for 39% (n=181), and 61% (n=283) were trips to boys. The average age of injured paediatric patients was 10.8 years (SD±4.84). The greatest number of injuries in children were head and neck injuries. CONCLUSIONS: Children with injuries usually have a medical emergency team without a doctor. Interventions are usually carried out at schools, in June and October, around noon. Typically, injuries are experienced by several-year-old boys. The dominant regions of injuries are head and neck and limbs.
WSTĘP: Urazy stanowią jedną z głównych przyczyn śmiertelności na świecie. Służby ratunkowe powinny posiadać odpowiednią wiedzę i umiejętności w zakresie badania urazowego na miejscu zdarzenia i właściwego postępowania terapeutycznego. Szczególną grupę pacjentów urazowych stanowią dzieci, które są niejednokrotnie trudniejsze w ocenie i zabezpieczeniu przez personel medyczny. Praca ma na celu określenie profilu pacjenta pediatrycznego po urazie zabezpieczanego przez pogotowie ratunkowe. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Narzędzie badawcze stanowiła dokumentacja medyczna w postaci 68441 kart medycznych czynności ratunkowych z lat 2016-2017, z których wyselekcjonowano 464 interwencje do dzieci z obrażeniami ciała. W wzięto pod uwagę takie czynniki jak: wiek i płeć poszkodowanych, zestawienie godzin wyjazdów i miesięcy w skali roku, miejsce zdarzenia w którym doszło do urazu, rodzaj urazu oraz rodzaj karetki. WYNIKI: Na miejsce zdarzenia 354 razy zadysponowano zespoły bez lekarza, a 110 razy zespoły z lekarzem. Do największej ilości urazów u dzieci dochodziło w placówkach oświatowych. Wzrost liczby interwencji obserwowano w godzinach popołudniowych w sezonie letnim oraz jesiennym. Wyjazdy do dziewczynek stanowiły 39 % (n=181) , a w 61 % (n=283) były to wyjazdy do chłopców. Średnia wieku poszkodowanych pacjentów pediatrycznych wyniosła 10,8 lat (SD±4,84). Największą liczbę urazów u dzieci stanowiły urazy głowy i szyi. WNIOSKI: Do dzieci z urazami najczęściej dysponowane są zespoły ratownictwa medycznego bez lekarza. Interwencje zazwyczaj są realizowane w szkołach, w okresie czerwca i października, w okolicach południa. Obrażeń doznają zazwyczaj kilkunastoletni chłopcy. Dominującymi rejonami urazów jest głowa i szyja oraz kończyny.
Critical Care Innovations; 2019, 2, 2; 1-8
Pojawia się w:
Critical Care Innovations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Knowledge of CPR and first aid for children among pedagogy students
Sholokhova, Daryna
Michalak, Monika
Wejnarski, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Pomocy Doraźnej
First aid
INTRODUCTION: At home, the parents take care of the child's safety, but when the child is in school or kindergarten, it is the educator that takes care of the child. The awareness of dangers the child is exposed to at every moment of his or her activity during the day obliges educators to have up-to-date knowledge of first aid. The marked differences in anatomy, physiology and mechanisms of life-threatening conditions make the principles of first aid differ from those of an adult. First aid courses organised for both educators and pedagogy students should focus on highlighting these differences and learning how to deal with individuals of all ages. The aim of the study is to assess the level of knowledge and practical skills among pedagogy students and to identify aspects requiring adjustments to the curriculum of future teachers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted in 2022 at the Institute of Pedagogy at the University of Siedlce, Poland. Sixty-three pedagogy students participated in it. For the purpose of the study, a survey questionnaire covering the principles of first aid for children and a practical task evaluation sheet were created. Practical skills were assessed using the Resusci Junior QCPR simulator and a 0-15 point rating scale. RESULTS: The study included as many as 63 students of early childhood and pre-school pedagogy. The mean score achieved on the theory test was M=11.49 out of a possible 14 points (SD±1.24). The highest number of correct answers were given by students for the following questions: actions performed when assessing the child's breathing (n=63; 100%) and placing the child in the safe position (n=61; 96.8%). In contrast, the fewest correct answers were related to the rate of chest compressions (n=27; 42.9%). In the practical task, as many as 15 child CPR activities were considered. The average points scored by students on the practical task was M=6.73 out of a possible 15 points (SD±2.73). The average quality of compressions performed was M=28.59% (SD±30.41), breaths M=17.7% (SD±17.70) and chest compression depth was M=20.29% (SD±27.98). CONCLUSIONS: The level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of pedagogy students is clearly insufficient to provide effective first aid to children. Significant differences were observed among students taking first aid classes onsite versus remotely. Having theoretical knowledge does not translate into practical skills. It seems that it is necessary to modify the curriculum for training future educators in first aid for children.
Critical Care Innovations; 2023, 6, 4; 23-33
Pojawia się w:
Critical Care Innovations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Characteristics of emergency medical service (EMS) calls to mentally disabled residents of a social welfare home
Zdzieborska, Patrycja
Sholokhova, Daryna
Zalewski, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Pomocy Doraźnej
Mental disability
emergency medical service
medical interventions
nursing home
INTRODUCTION: The problem of disability in the modern world affects a significant number of people of different ages. Mental disability is a disorder characterised by limitations in a person's intellectual functioning, social, and adaptive behavior, appearing before the age of 18. According to a report published in 2022, there were 897 social welfare homes in Poland, of which there were up to 16,412 residents with disabilities. Interventions in emergency medical services for mentally disabled patients require an interdisciplinary approach. The purpose of the study is to attempt to outline the profile of a patient with mental disabilities from the perspective of the emergency medical services (EMS) team, as well as to indicate the characteristics of calls to social welfare homes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis included 125 patients who were treated by emergency services at the "Pomocna Dłoń" Social Welfare Home (SWH) in Wirów (central Poland). Data on the time of call, urgency code, type of team dispatched, and reason for call were analysed. The following data were extracted from all information about patients: age, gender, medical rescue procedures performed, supply of sedatives to patients, diagnosis, and destination of patient transport. In the statistical analysis, the significance threshold was established at p<0.05. RESULTS: During the period under study, the emergency services performed a total of 125 interventions. The highest number of interventions took place in the afternoon and evening (49.6%). 59.2% of the trips were made to men (n=74) and 40.8% to women (n=51). The mean age of the patients was 62.6 (SD ± 17.91) years. The most common reason for calling EMS was shortness of breath (n=16; 12.8%), while the most common diagnosis was cystostomy dysfunction (n=15; 12%). The final destination of transport for most patients was the hospital outpatient department (52.8%), the second place was the emergency department - ED (23.2%), and the third place was the psychiatric department (11.2%). 12.8% of the patients were helped at the scene, without having to be transported to hospital. CONCLUSIONS: A mentally disabled patient in a nursing home to whom EMS is called is usually a middle-aged man. The number of interventions increases in the evenings. The most common reason for emergency medical services calls is shortness of breath, which is not confirmed by on-scene examination. Every tenth patient did not require transport to the hospital, raising doubts as to the validity of calling an emergency medical team. Human resources and organizational solutions should be considered to improve the quality of medical care and the supply of emergency medicines in social welfare homes, without the need for emergency services.
Critical Care Innovations; 2023, 6, 3; 1-12
Pojawia się w:
Critical Care Innovations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The profession of a paramedic as a new specialty in the health care system - a prospective assessment of social awareness.
Zawód ratownika medycznego jako nowa specjalność w systemie ochrony zdrowia – prospektywna ocena świadomości społecznej.
Klepacka, Monika
Sholokhova, Daryna
Bakalarski, Paweł
Kupiński, Karol
Leszczyński, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Pomocy Doraźnej
professional qualifications
INTRODUCTION: The first fundamental law regarding the system of State Emergency Medical Services in Poland was passed in 2006. The basic scope of activities performed by paramedics, their rights and obligations as well as the functioning and financing of the system were determined at that time. The aim of the work is an attempt to assess the level of social awareness in the field of qualifications and entitlements of paramedics, as well as to determine the role of this profession in the rescue system in Poland. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study uses a authorial questionnaire made available via the Internet, which was directed to random people. The form consisted of ten questions assessing knowledge and the opinion of the respondents regarding the profession of paramedic. To the statistical analysis was used rho-Spearman and U Mann- Whitney tests. All results were considered significant at p<0.05. RESULTS: The study was attended by 296 people, and the average age was 29.13 (SD±9.08). The average of the test questions was 7.03 points (SD±1.85) on a scale from 0 to 9. The average level of professional qualifications of paramedics was amounted to 7.03 points (SD±1.85) on a scale from 1 to 10. Respondents showed the greatest knowledge in the scope of prescribers' prescription (95%, n=280), education (89%, n=264) and qualifications of rescuers to receive delivery (88%, n=260). And the smallest in terms of resignation from resuscitation (50%, n=148), activities that exceed the qualifications of paramedics (55%, n=162) and the right to perform selected procedures (76%, n=224). People who were patients of paramedics rated their competence higher than those who did not declare that experience (Me=7,83 SD±1,91 vs. Me=8,54 SD±1,5; rho-Spearman: 0,18 ; p=0,002). CONCLUSIONS: The study indicates that paramedics are highly evaluated in terms of their professional competences. In addition, people who in the past were patients of paramedics assess them higher than people who have not had contact with them before.
WSTĘP: Pierwsza fundamentalna ustawa dotycząca systemu Państwowego Ratownictwa Medycznego w Polsce została uchwalona w 2006 roku. Określono wówczas podstawowy zakres czynności wykonywanych przez ratowników medycznych, ich prawa oraz obowiązki, a dodatkowo funkcjonowanie i finansowanie systemu. Celem pracy jest próba oceny poziomu świadomości społecznej w zakresie kwalifikacji oraz uprawnień ratowników medycznych, a także określenie roli tego zawodu w systemie ratownictwa w Polsce. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Badanie przeprowadzono przy użyciu autorskiej ankiety udostępnionej przez Internet, która była skierowana do losowych osób. Formularz składał się z dziesięciu pytań oceniających wiedzę oraz opinię ankietowanych dotyczącą zawodu ratownika medycznego. W analizie statystycznej wykorzystano test rho-Spearman’a oraz U Mann-Whitney’a. Wyniki uznano za istotne przy p < 0,05. WYNIKI: W badaniu wzięło udział 296 osób, a średnia wieku wyniosła 29,13 lat (SD ± 9,08). Średnia wyników pytań testowych wyniosła 7,03 punktu (SD ± 1,85) w skali od 0 do 9. Średnia poziomu kwalifikacji zawodowych ratowników medycznych wyniosła 7,03 punktu (SD ± 1,85) w skali od 1 do 10. Respondenci wykazali się największą wiedzą w zakresie możliwości przepisywania przez ratowników medycznych recept (95%; n=280), wykształcenia (89%; n=264) oraz kwalifikacji ratowników do przyjęcia porodu (88%; n=260). Najmniejszą zaś w kwestii odstąpienia od resuscytacji (50%; n=148), czynności wykraczających poza kwalifikacje ratowników medycznych (55%; n=162) oraz uprawnień do wykonywania wybranych procedur (76%; n=224). Osoby, które były pacjentami ratowników medycznych oceniły ich kompetencje wyżej niż osoby, które nie deklarowały takiego doświadczenia (Me=7,83 SD ± 1,91 vs. Me=8,54 SD ± 1,5; rho-Spearman: 0,18 ; p=0,002). WNIOSKI: Badanie wskazuje, że ratownicy medyczni są wysoko oceniani pod kątem ich kompetencji zawodowych. Dodatkowo, osoby które w przeszłości były pacjentami ratowników medycznych oceniają ich wyżej, niż osoby które dotychczas nie miały z nimi styczności.
Critical Care Innovations; 2018, 1, 2; 11-19
Pojawia się w:
Critical Care Innovations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-4 z 4

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