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Formacja kandydatów do kapłaństwa w świetle nowego Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis
Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood in Light of the New Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis
Selejdak, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis
Ratio krajowe
kapłaństwo powszechne wiernych
kapłaństwo służebne
tożsamość kapłańska
formacja integralna
formacja początkowa i permanentna
Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis
Ratio Nationalis
Ordo Studiorum
common priesthood of the faithful
ministerial priesthood
priestly identity
integrated formation
initial and ongoing formation
The last Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis was published in1970 and updated in 1985. In the meantime, and particularly under the effectof the rapid changes in the modern world, the historical, socio-cultural andecclesial contexts have changed, in which the priest is called to make manifest the mission of Christ and the Church. This has also led to significantchanges in related matters: the image or the view of the priest, the spiritualneeds of the People of God, the challenges of the new evangelisation, andthe languages of communication, to name just a few. In this situation, it seemed that priestly formation needed to be relaunched, renewed and returned to the centre. On 8 December 2016, therefore, the Congregation for the Clergy published the new Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis,a tool for the formation of priests. It has taken up the contents, methods andapproaches presented so far in the field of formation, updating them andintroducing new elements. The document restates the guidelines offeredin the Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis regarding an integratedformation of seminarians. In this formation, the formators and professors arecalled to demonstrate the close relationship between theology, the spirituallife and the pastoral ministry. This is so in order that the candidate for thepriesthood might become a good shepherd of the People of God and havea compassionate and merciful heart like Christ.
Collectanea Theologica; 2017, 87, 3; 97-133
Pojawia się w:
Collectanea Theologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Posługa liturgiczna diakonów stałych
Liturgical Service of Permanent Diacons
Selejdak, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Collectanea Theologica; 2015, 85, 2; 95-132
Pojawia się w:
Collectanea Theologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La figura e la missione del diacono permanente secondo ‘Direttorio per il ministero e la vita dei diaconi permanenti
The Figure and Mission of the Permanent Diaconate according to the ‘Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons
Selejdak, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
diakoni stali
obowiązki i prawa diakonów
diakonia Słowa
liturgii i miłosierdzia
misja kanoniczna
duchowość diakońska
formacja stała diakonów
Permanent Diaconate
Obligations and Rights of Deacons
Service of the Word
the Liturgy and of Charity
Canonical Mission
Diaconal Spirituality
Ongoing Formation of Permanent Deacons
On 22 February 1998, the Congregation for the Clergy published the Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons. The document, which is divided into four parts, presents the juridical status of the Deacon, together with his ministry, spirituality and ongoing formation. According to the Directory, the diaconate has its source in the consecration and mission of Christ, wherein the Deacon is called to participate. Through the imposition of hands and the prayer of consecration, he is constituted a sacred minister and a member of the hierarchy. This condition determines his theological and juridical status in the Church. At the moment of Admission to Candidacy, all prospective Deacons are obliged to clearly express, in writing, their intention to serve the Church for the rest of their lives in a given territorial or personal circumscription, or in an Institute of Consecrated Life, or a Society of Apostolic Life, who have the faculty to incardinate. Acceptance of this written request is reserved for the competent Ordinary of the candidate. Incardination is a juridical bond that has ecclesiological and spiritual value in that it expresses the ministerial commitment of the Deacon to the Church. By virtue of the Order received, Deacons are united together in sacramental fraternity. The status of Deacons also comprises specific obligations and rights, envisioned in cann. 273- 283 of the Code of Canon Law, where it speaks about the obligations and rights of clerics. The Directory recalls the tri-partite description of diaconal ministry given at the Second Vatican Council: service of the Liturgy, the Word and of Charity. Deacons can preside at the Liturgy of the Word, administer Baptisms, conserve and distribute the Eucharist, assist at and bless marriages in the name of the Church, bring Viaticum to the dying, read the Scared Scriptures to the faithful, instruct and exhort the People of God, preside at worship and prayer services, administer sacramentals, preside over funeral and burial rites, together with performing works of charity and support. The document by the Congregation for the Clergy underlines that diaconal spirituality has its foundation in the sacramental grace that is engraved in the Deacon’s soul, calling him to a complete gift of his person in the service of God in the Church. This spirituality is eminently Christological as it is intimately characterised by a spirit of service. With the diaconate, one seeks to imitate Christ who came to serve and not to be served. The Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons highlights the importance of ongoing formation for Deacons. Commitment is required here in continuity with the supernatural calling to a ministry of service in the Church, which together with initial formation, form part of a singular and organic Christian and diaconal journey. The document delineates four stages of formation: human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral. The ecclesiastical norms recall that ongoing formation has the following characteristics: obligatory, universal, interdisciplinary, profound, scientific and propaedeutic of apostolic life. Deacons themselves are the primary agents of their ongoing formation, along their perennial journey of conversion. By their side stand the bishop and his Presbyterate, who have the task of helping them overcome any dualism or rupture between their secular lives and their diaconal spirituality, whilst also aiding them to respond generously to the demands and the responsibilities that the Lord has entrusted to them through the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne; 2020, 33, 2; 46-69
Pojawia się w:
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formacja ludzka i intelektualna przyszłych kapłanów
Human and Spiritual Formation of Priests
Menschliche und geistige Bildung der Priester
Formation humaine et intellectuelle des prêtres
Selejdak, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
La formazione umana ed intellettuale dei futuri sacerdoti L’Esortazione Apostolica Pastores dabo vobis sottolinea, che nella formazione integrale dei futuri sacerdoti un ruolo molto importante ha la formazione umana ed intellettuale. I formatori dei Seminari, tramite la formazione umana, cercano di aiutare i seminaristi a diventare le vive immagini di Gesù Cristo Capo e Pastore della Chiesa. Perciò formano da loro le adeguate virtù, la coscienza morale, la maturazione affettiva, le capacità di relazione con gli altri, educano loro ad una vita nel celibato e ad una libertà ben compresa. Questa formazione costituisce il fondamento dell’intera formazione. Infatti, è difficile essere buon sacerdote, non essendo prima uomo buono e maturo. In una personalità inadeguatamente formata, in una persona priva della delicatezza e del carattere conflittuale, la grazia dell’ordinazione sacerdotale in molti casi diventa quasi deformata. Al contrario, nella personalità matura essa risplende in tutta la sua pienezza. Oltre all’adeguata formazione umana ai futuri sacerdoti occorre garantire una solida formazione intellettuale, dato che nei tempi di oggi il sacerdote è chiamato a proclamare il Vangelo all’uomo indifferente ai valori della religione e a risolvere i vari e complessi problemi umani. I professori dovrebbero aiutare i seminaristi nella formazione di una propria, piena, integra ed approfondita visione delle verità rivelati da Dio in Gesù Cristo. Inoltre, essi dovrebbero insegnare loro a coordinare la scienza teologica con la capacità di dare la testimonianza apostolica. E’ ovvio che, così formati i sacerdoti seguiranno più facilmente Gesù Cristo Buon Pastore.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2013, 51, 2; 125-143
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formacja intelektualna i pastoralna diakonów stałych w Kościele powszechnym
Selejdak, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Instytut Teologiczno-Pastoralny im. św. bpa Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
the permanent diaconate
permanent deacons
intellectual and pastoral formation
integral formation
Ecclesiastical Magisterium
the sacrament of order
theological disciplines
diakonat stały
diakoni stali
formacja intelektualna i pastoralna
formacja integralna
Urząd Nauczycielski Kościoła
sakrament święceń
dyscypliny teologiczne kryteria i cele dotyczące formacji intelektualnej
czas trwania formacji
aspekt teoretyczny i praktyczny formacji pastoralnej
This article addresses the two fundamental dimensions of an integral formation of future permanent deacons, namely intellectual and pastoral formation. The rapid change that has come about in the conditions in which the per- manent diaconate is exercised, social and cultural changes, the development of ecclesiastical and secular sciences and the development of Christian life in the various moments of its existence all demand of the deacon a solid formation. This is an essential condition upon which the fruitfulness of the perma- nent diaconate depends. For this reason it is of great significance. The intellectual and pastoral formation of candidates for the permanent diaconate are bound tightly together and complement one another. The programmes for the formation in question are found in the national Rationes institutionis diaconorum permanentium, prepared by the Episcopal Conferences and approved by the Congregation for the Clergy. Intellectual formation must embrace all of the disciples that belong to the ecclesiastical sciences and those connected with them. Pastoral formation, on the other hand, must present the theoretical and practical aspects of the ministry of future deacons so that they can carry out their pastoral duties effectively among the People of God.
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej; 2014, 21; 337-360
Pojawia się w:
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Il concetto dei seminari minori alla luce del decreto conciliare "Optatam totius" e dellinsegnamento ecclesiastico post-conciliare
The concept of minor seminaries in the light of the conciliar decree "Optatam totius" and of the post conciliar teaching of the Church
Koncepcja niższych seminariów duchownych w świetle dekretu soborowego "Optatam totius" i kościelnego nauczania posoborowego
Selejdak, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
niższe seminarium duchowne
wyższe seminarium duchowne
powołanie kapłańskie
wskazania pedagogiczne
formacja religijna
etapy w formacji duchowej
nauczanie szkolne
wzrost dojrzałości ludzkiej, chrześcijańskiej, społecznej i apostolskiej seminarzystów
towarzyszenie powołaniowe
minor seminary
major seminary
vocation to the priesthood
teaching methods
religious formation
progression in spiritual formation
teaching of the Church, the human, Christian, social and apostolic development of seminarians
vocational accompaniment
Niższe Seminaria Duchowne są ukazane przez Dekret soborowy Optatam totius i kościelne nauczanie posoborowe jako instytucje założone w celu pielęgnacji zalążków powołania, które przejawiają się w odpowiednich przymiotach ludzkich i wierze alumnów, prowadzących do rozeznania życiowego powołania i pewnej fascynacji kapłaństwem służebnym. Seminaria te stanowią środowisko sprzyjające dojrzewaniu u młodego człowieka powołania, którym obdarzył go Bóg. Środkami wychowawczymi są w nich specjalna formacja religijna oraz właściwe kierownictwo duchowe. Niższe Seminaria Duchowne powinny być wspólnotami prawdziwie wychowawczymi. Styl życia i proces wychowawczy, który proponują trzeba dostosować do młodzieńczego wieku alumnów, ich mentalności, poziomu umysłowego, etapu rozwoju i wskazań psychologii. Nie powinno się też zaniedbywać nabywania przez nich odpowiedniego doświadczenia w sprawach ludzkich ani utrudniać im kontaktów z własną rodziną. Nauczanie, jaki mają otrzymać, tak należy zaprogramować, aby mogli naukę kontynuować bez przeszkód gdzie indziej, jeśli obiorą inny sposób życia. Wychowawcy Niższych Seminariów Duchownych winni być wybierani przez Biskupów spośród najlepszych kapłanów diecezjalnych, odznaczających się pobożnością, gruntownym wykształceniem, odpowiednim doświadczeniem duszpasterskim, gorliwością i dobrym wykształceniem pedagogicznym. Ich zasadniczym zadaniem jest pomaganie alumnom we właściwym i roztropnym rozeznaniu życiowego powołania.
Minor Seminaries are presented in the conciliar Decree Optatam totius and in the post conciliar teaching of the Church as institutions established to cultivate the seeds of vocation, which express themselves in the human qualities and a faith directed towards a serious approach to vocational discernment and a particular attraction towards the priesthood. These Seminaries are established as a setting for vocational growth. The educational means applied are a special religious formation and appropriate spiritual direction. Minor Seminaries must be truly educational communities. The way of life which they offer should be appropriate to age, mentality, development and to the criteria of a healthy psychology, without neglecting a suitable experience of human life and family relationships. The studies should be arranged in such a way that they do not created difficulties for those who intend to follow them, in the event that they leave the Minor Seminary. The educators of Minor Seminaries must be chosen by the Bishops from among the best diocesan priests and must be recognised for their devotion and sound doctrine, appropriate personal experience, zeal for souls and a particular aptitude for formation and teaching. Their principle task is to help seminarians in their fitting and prudent vocational discernment.
Liturgia Sacra. Liturgia - Musica - Ars; 2016, 22, 47; 5-24
Pojawia się w:
Liturgia Sacra. Liturgia - Musica - Ars
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Connotazione giuridica e teologica del diaconato permanente alla luce del Nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico, del Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica e del Motu Proprio ‘Omnium in mentem’
Juridical and Theological implication of the Permanent Diaconate in the light of the New Code of Canon Law, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the 292 Motu Proprio ‘Omnium in mentem’ .......
Selejdak, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
Code of Canon Law
Word of God, Sacrament of Holy Orders
Grades of the Sacrament of Holy Orders
Diaconate, Presbyterate, Episcopate
Common Priesthood
Acting in the person of Christ the Head
Permanent Diaconate
Diaconal Functions
Diaconal service of the Liturgy
Word and Charity, Diocesan Bishop
Extraordinary Minister
Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Code of Canon Law (1983), the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992; 1997) and the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem (2009) of Pope Benedict XVI, seek to give a clearer definition of the juridical and theological implication of the Diaconate, specifically that exercised in a permanent way. Prior to the modifications brought about by the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem, the Code (cann. 1008-1009), aligns the diaconate to the priesthood and the episcopate, without sufficiently highlighting the nature of their distinctiveness. Canon 1008 affirms thatthrough the Sacrament of Holy Orders, some among the faithful are constituted sacred ministers in the Church, are marked by an indelible character and deputised to fulfil, in the Person of Christ the Head, the pastoral munus of Christ, subdivided by the now traditional terminology of the Second Vatican The Code of Canon Law (1983), the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992; 1997) and the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem (2009) of Pope Benedict XVI, seek to give a clearer definition of the juridical and theological implication of the Diaconate, specifically that exercised in a permanent way. Prior to the modifications brought about by the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem, the Code (cann. 1008-1009), aligns the diaconate to the priesthood and the episcopate, without sufficiently highlighting the nature of their distinctiveness. Canon 1008 affirms that through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, some among the faithful are constituted sacred ministers in the Church, are marked by an indelible character and deputised to fulfil, in the Person of Christ the Head, the pastoral munus of Christ, subdivided by the now traditional terminology of the Second Vatican Council, into the 150 triple munus of teaching, sanctifying and governing. Canon 1009, §1, limits itself toCouncil, into the 150 triple munus of teaching, sanctifying and governing. Canon 1009, §1, limits itself to
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne; 2020, 33, 1; 122-151
Pojawia się w:
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-7 z 7

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