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Subfossil shell margins and tail spines of Daphnia in Finnish lake sediments - is Daphnia underrepresented in cladocera analysis?
Sarmaja- Korjonen, Kaarina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
subfossil Daphnia remains
tail spines
shell margins
lake sediments
One of the short com ings of the analy sis of sub fos sil Cla do cera (wa ter flee) re mains is that pres er va tion of re mains is se lec tive. Of Daph nia spp. which are very com mon in zoo plank ton as sem blages of lakes, usu ally only postab domi nal claws and ephip pia are found. In the pres ent pa per I de scribe Daph nia shell mar gins and some tail spines from the Holo cene sedi ments of a lake in south ern Fin land where the mar gins were much more abun dant than the postab dominal claws, in di cat ing that postab domi nal claws may be un der rep re sented. Daph nia claws, shell mar gins and tail spines were found also in sur face sam ples of 17 Fin nish lakes and thus the abun dance of tail spines could be com pared with that of postab domi nal claws. The re sults showed that in most cases the tail spines are more abun dant than postab domi - nal claws and may give a closer es ti mate of the true abun dance of Daph nia. How ever, in some lakes claws were clearly more fre quent than tail spines. Ap par ently, there are dif fer ences in pres er va tion of dif fer ent types of Daph nia re mains be tween lakes, pos si bly con nected with wa ter chem is try. Over all, the re sults in di cate that proba bly Daph nia re mains are al ways un der rep re sented in lake sedi ments.
Studia Quaternaria; 2007, 24; 61-64
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sexual reproduction of chydorids (Anomopoda, Chydoridae) as indicator of climate in recent sediments of Lake Aitajärvi, northern Finnish Lapland
Sarmaja- Korjonen, Kaarina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
chydorid ephippia
Subfossil Cladocera
length of open-water season
Finnish Lapland
The pres ent work is a part of the de vel op ment of a method which uses the rela tive pro por tions of asexu ally and sexually re pro duc ing chy do rid fe males to re con struct the length of the open- water sea son. Sur face sedi ments (5 cm) of Lake Ai tajärvi, north ern Fin nish Lap land, were ex am ined for mod ern and re cent pro por tions of chy do rid cla do ceran ephip pia in sub arc tic cli mate near the pine limit. The to tal chy do rid ephip pium pro por tions (TCE) were stead ily 9.5–9.7% in the Ai tajärvi sedi ment but de clined to 8.4% in the up per most sam ple. The re sult was com pared with the sur face sedi ment TCE from four lakes in south ern Fin land where it var ied be tween 3–6%. It was also com pared with the TCE from two lakes in north ern most Fin nish Lap land above the treeline in very se vere cli mate, where it was 26–30%. These very high val ues sug gest that there might be a thresh old in cli mate con di tions be tween Ai tajärvi and the two north ern most lakes that al ters the re pro duc tion of chy do rids to wards an even more im por tant role of sex ual repro duc tion.
Studia Quaternaria; 2007, 24; 69-72
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Findings of Alona protzi Hartwig 1900 (Branchiopoda: Anomopoda. Chydoridae) in Finland
Nykänen, Mirva
Sarmaja-Korjonen, Kaarina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Alona protzi
Alona protzi is a rare spe cies of Cla do cera, oc cur ring in lake lit to ral through out Europe. How ever, lit tle is known about this ani mal, and so far it has not been in cluded in pro vi sional lists of spe cies found in Fin land. In this short re port we pres ent our find ings of Alona protzi, both re cent and sub fos sil ma te rial, as well as one pre vi ous, un pub lished finding site of the spe cies in Fin land. We found three sub fos sil shells of this spe cies in the bot tom sedi ments of two lakes. In a third lake we found in tact ani mals, an ephip pial fe male and a male, while sam pling stony bot tom of lake lit to ral.
Studia Quaternaria; 2007, 24; 73-77
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
First records of Alona werestschagini sinev in Finland - subfossil remains from subarctic lakes
Sarmaja- Korjonen, Kaarina
Sinev, Artem Yu.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Chydorid Cladocera
Alona werestschagini Sinev
northern Finnish Lapland
Sub fos sil re mains of a new spe cies of Cla do cera (wa ter fleas) of the fam ily Chy do ri dae in Fin land, Alona wer estschagini Si nev, were found in the sedi ments of four lakes above the treeline in north ern most Fin nish Lap land. The remains were found in sur face sedi ments of three lakes and in early Holo cene sedi ments of one lake where the spe cies was a pio neer which soon dis ap peared. The re mains of A. wer est schagini, ex cept the male postab do men, closely re sem ble Alona gut tata. In Eura sia A. wer est schagini has a wide but patchy dis tri bu tion in cold cli mates, sug gest ing that it is a post gla cial rel ict adapted to cold cli mate and oligo trophic lakes. Re cently it has been found also in Nor way and Kola Pen in sula. The early Holo cene finds in di cate that the spe cies spread to north ern most Fin land af ter the re treat of the Scan di na vian Ice Sheet. Since the spe cies has been found in lakes in very se vere con di tions it may be used as a palaeo lim no logi cal in di ca tor in sedi ment stud ies.
Studia Quaternaria; 2008, 25; 43-46
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Subfossil Chydorid taxa and assemblages from lake sediments in Poland and Finland with special reference to climate
Sarmaja-Korjonen, Kaarina
Szeroczyńska, Krystyna
Gąsiorowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
subfossil Cladocera
Finnish lakes
Polish lakes
redundancy analysis
In this study we compared chydorid cladoceran (Chydoridae) taxa and assemblages from sediments of 6 Polish and 6 sq Finnish lakes and investigated if the difference in climate of these two countries can be detected in the cladoceran data. The data were analysed in terms of I) average relative proportions of chydorid taxa during the history of each lake and by 2) redundancy analysis (RDA) to explain the present effect of environmental variables (altitude, area, maximum depth, mean annual temperature, mean summer temperature and length of the growing season) on species abundances. The redundancy analysis (RDA) enabled us to distinguish groups of taxa I) with a high thermal preference 2) associated with small, cold-water lakes and 3) associated with shallow lakes. There are clear differences in the dominant chydorid taxa and in the relative proportions of many other chydorid taxa between the two countries since the end of the last glaciation. Although these differences first of all appear to reflect the climatic difference, the influence of many other environmental factors, controlling the living conditions of particular chydorids have been raised and considered. Further studies with larger data are needed before the role of climate can be reliably separated from other elements of environment.
Studia Quaternaria; 2003; 25-34
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Holocene water-level changes in Lake Iso Lehmälampi, Southern Finland, reflected in subfossil Cladocerans and Chironomids
Nevalainen, Liisa
Luoto, Tomi P.
Sarmaja- Korjonen, Kaarina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
late Holocene
lake-level changes
Anal y ses of subfossil cladocerans (Crustacea: Cladocera) and chi rono mids (Diptera: Chironomidae) were ap plied to ex am ine wa ter-level changes in a small and oligotrophic lake in south ern Fin land over the past 2000 years. Ma jor changes in the in ver te brate com mu ni ties oc curred ca. 400 AD on wards when the lit to ral cladoceran Alonella nana started to re place the plank tonic Eubosmina as the dom i nant spe cies and chi rono mids Psectrocladius sordidellus group and Zalutschia zalutschicola in creased. These changes were most likely due to a de creas ing wa ter level and an en larg ing pro por tion of the lit to ral area, pro vid ing suit able veg e ta tive hab i tats, e.g. aquatic bryophytes (mosses), for these taxa. The low er ing wa ter level reached its min i mum just be fore the Me di eval Warm Pe riod, ca. 800–1000 AD, af ter which the lake level rose again and re mained high un til mod ern times. A prom i nent change in the chi rono mid as - sem blages oc curred dur ing the 20th cen tury when Ablabesmyia monilis and Chironomus anthracinus type in creased, pre sum ably due to changes in wa ter chem is try, caused by anthropogenic load of pol lut ants.
Studia Quaternaria; 2008, 25; 33-42
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Description of the subfossil head shield of Alona protzi Hartwig 1900 (Anomopoda, Chydoridae) and the environmental characteristics of its finding sites
Bjerring, Rikke
Nykänen, Mirva
Sarmaja-Korjonen, Kaarina
Sinev, Artem
Jensen, Karina
Nevalainen, Liisa
Szeroczyńska, Krystyna
Zawisza, Edyta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Subfossil Cladocera
Alona protzi
head shield
This pa per gives a de scrip tion of the head shield of Alona protzi, a rare spe cies of Cla do cera (wa ter fleas) whose separated head shield has not yet been de scribed in de tail. Sub fos sil head shields of A. protzi were found in sedi ment cores taken from lakes in Den mark, Swe den, Fin land, Es to nia and Po land. De spite the rar ity of the spe cies this sug gests a wide dis tri bu tion of A. protzi in north ern Europe. The ecol ogy of A. protzi is poorly known. The en vi ron mental spec -trum of the find ing sites was wide and ranged from rela tively nu tri ent poor clear wa ter lakes to eutrophic tur bid wa terlakes, in di cat ing that A. protzi is not nar rowly re stricted. Most of the lakes were, how ever, meso- eutrophic with neu tral to high pH, and with a rela tively low abun dance of sub merged mac ro phytes. How ever, we can not ex clude the pos si bility that A. protzi mainly lives in ground wa ter and is only oc ca sion ally trans ported into lakes.
Studia Quaternaria; 2008, 25; 47-53
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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