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Miejsce podmiotu - podmiot jako miejsce. Kto wyprowadza podmiot z metafizyki?
The Position of the Subject - The Subject as Position. Who Leads the Subject out of Metaphysics?
Rewers, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
The Position of the Subject - The Subject as Position. Who Leads the Subject out of Metaphysics? Abstract in English The essay attempts to answer three basic questions. Who leads the subject out of metaphysics? Who occupies 'my' position? What passes through the position called the subject? The first of these questions concerns the current tasks of the philosophy of subjectivity; the second one addresses the subject's functions in different traditions with particular emphasis on the incommensurability of Greek and Judaic traditions; and the third question is concerned with the effects of poststructuralist de-re-constructions of the subject.
ER(R)GO: Teoria – Literatura – Kultura; 2000, 1
Pojawia się w:
ER(R)GO: Teoria – Literatura – Kultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pytania (nie tylko) jubileuszowe
The (not only) Jubilee questions
Rewers, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Narodowe Centrum Kultury
kultura poza kulturą
kryzys teorii
culture outside culture
crisis of theory
The authors and readers of “Kultura Współczesna” need to face the following questions: 1. Does the term “culture” still carry any distinctive meaning? 2. How does the diffusion (dispersion) of the subject of research affect one’s attitude to its theory? 3. Why has transdisciplinarity (in “Kultura…”) turned out to be impossible? With the concept of culture widely disseminated across a variety of research, a new “culture outside culture” is born which turns into the main subject of discussion. Its rise is further facilitated by the “crisis” of theory driven by intergenerational criticism and lack of interest in developing new theoretical languages. Lack of trust in theory translates into a declining interest in transdisciplinarity.
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka; 2018, 100; 82-91
Pojawia się w:
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestrzeń kulturowa: poszukiwanie nowych epistemologii
Cultural space: in search of the new epistomologies
Rewers, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
cultural space
spatial turn
trans-field research
przestrzeń kulturowa
zwrot przestrzenny
Przedmiotem artykułu są zmiany zachodzące w badaniach nad przestrzeniami kulturowymi wywołane kryzysem teoriopoznawczym w obszarze badań nad kulturą i przebiegające równolegle z dyskusjami dotyczącymi nowych teorii miejskich. W artykule postawiono cztery tezy: 1) nauka poznaje i performuje przestrzenie; 2) studia kulturowe rozwijają zwrot przestrzenny, zwrot topograficzny i zwrot geograficzny; 3) zwrot przestrzenny uaktywnia pułapki w badaniach transdziedzinowych; 4) urbanizacja jest planetarną praktyką kulturalizacji przestrzeni. Wychodząc z założenia, że przestrzeń stanowi nie tylko przedmiot poznania, lecz także konstrukt badań naukowych (zwroty: przestrzenny, geograficzny, topograficzny i ekologiczny), poszukuje się odpowiedzi na pytanie, jakie miejsce zajmują czynniki i przestrzenie kulturowe w nowych epistemologiach miejskości.
This paper explores and discusses the experimental, critical and self-reflexive changes in the fields of cultural spaces research such as cultural studies, cultural geography and urban studies. It seeks to contribute to current debates on space in the context of epistemological crisis in cultural studies and contemporary urban theory. The key thesis are: 1) Science explores and performs cultural spaces; 2) Cultural studies develop spatial turn, topographical turn and geographical turn; 3) Spatial turn activates trick questions in trans-field research; 4) Urbanisation is a planetary practice of culturalisation. Based on a review of epistemological search on urban space, this article considers how researches have attempted to situate knowledge by suggesting different concepts of space and of the urban. It is note that these concepts often struggle to provide meaningful estimates of important factors of urbanisation. This implies that whilst the study of cultural space remains difficult, epistemologies and methodologies of cultural urban studies can be infiltrate by set at variannce disciplines.
Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna; 2021, 56; 81-97
Pojawia się w:
Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Visual Methods in Cultural Urban Studies
Rewers, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
The emergence of cultural urban studies is in the 21st century a component of the global intellectual landscape. There are a few studies on cultural urban studies which reveal it as a new sub-discipline, but whilst it has a long tail, it also has a short body. In the historical perspective there are several studies on urban cultural studies in England and a few studies on cultural urban studies in Poland, but various emergences of this intellectual query can be seen from the beginning of the 20th century all over the world. Despite the inner differences, however, they transgress various disciplines which are interested in urban studies. Because of the ways cultural urban studies has developed, the distinctive differences are – firstly – the unavoidable articulations of theories of culture and – secondly – a question of methodology.
Przegląd Kulturoznawczy; 2013, 3(17); 191-192
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Kulturoznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Co studentyfikacja ma wspólnego z gentryfikacją?
What does studentification have to do with gentrification?
Rewers, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
urban culture
„kraina studentów”
kultura miejska
Studentyfikacja jest pojęciem nowym i rzadko wykorzystywanym w badaniach prowadzonych w Polsce. Wiąże się, a także proces miejski, który opisuje, z rewitalizacją miast i negatywną jej konsekwencją, czyli gentryfikacją. Przebieg studentyfikacji uzależniony jest od czynników: ekonomicznych, politycznych, demograficznych, społecznych, kulturowych. Przedmiotem artykułu jest tylko ta ostatnia, lecz jej pełne oddzielenie od pozostałych nie jest możliwe. Dotyczy to rozpoznania wkładu studentów w organizację nowych form i miejsc konsumpcji kulturowej skierowanych przede wszystkim, lecz nie tylko, do nich samych. Wynikiem takich działań jest coraz większa widoczność studentów w krajobrazie śródmiejskim oraz kształtowanie się nowej miejskiej kultury opartej nie tyle na wariancie gustu klasowego (P. Bourdieu), ile na bardziej płynnej kategorii, za jaką uważam gust studencki.
This paper explores the phenomenon of studentification in the UK and Poland. More specifically, the paper illustrates cultural base of conflicts and debates connected with studentification and methods of its researching. It is argued that there is a difference between geographers and cultural urban studies vision of student communities and the geographical, economic, social and culturaleffects of the promotion of higher education in the end of 20th century. Studentification generate gentrification, but it has also a positive impact on city dwellers and local communities. Enlarged student populations should be integrated into communities characterized by much the same styles of life, modes of consumption, inherited cultural capital and “good taste”. Students are dispersed to different parts of towns and cities. These new tendencies in student population may foster resentment and conflict between students and established residents. It is asserted that the impact of cultural factors could not be the most important for the residential geographies of students, however they are crucial for characteristic of such concepts like studenthood and studentland, closely tight with the very notion of studentification. They are a factor in the rise of studentification and the mobility of established communities. It is argued that these young communities signified lucid exemplars that the city-university relations seek to engender. The paper concludes by considering some possible issues of studentification in the field of cultural urban studies.
Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna; 2015, 31; 57-66
Pojawia się w:
Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zapomniane, wspomniane, zapomniane…
Forgotten, recollected, forgotten…
Rewers, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
memory traces
memory track
The experience of reminiscences/dreams lies at the roots of the theory of individual and social memory. The author compares childhood remembrance-pictures of the two important events of 28 June 1956 in Poznań with documental photographs collected in the Museum of Poznań Uprising 1956. These traces-documents are apparently different in comparison with tablets fitted on the pavement leading to the Museum. Memory is plural, and there are three main levels of recognition, memory and forgetting discussed by the author.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2016, 29; 55-70
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wspomnienie. Anna Zeidler-Janiszewska (1951-2017)
Memory. Anna Zeidler-Janiszewska (1951–2017)
Rewers, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Narodowe Centrum Kultury
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka; 2017, 95, 2; 291-292
Pojawia się w:
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Segregacja obcych ciał: porządek i wykluczenie
Segregation of Alien Bodies: The Order and Exclusion
Rewers, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Instytut Ameryk i Europy. Centrum Europejskich Studiów Regionalnych i Lokalnych (EUROREG)
porządek miejski
urban order
Autorka tego eseju poszukuje relacji między fragmentacją, segregacją i rekonstrukcją porządku w mieście. Aczkolwiek metafory zwartości są na ogół stosowane w odniesieniu do przeszłości, a fragmentacji do teraźniejszości, to sfragmentaryzowne miasto współistnieje dzisiaj z innym obrazem miasta – nostalgicznym miastem przedstawianym jako żywe ciało. Trudno byłoby ujmować to doświadczenie przy pomocy prostego przeciwstawienia prawdziwego doświadczenia fałszywemu; różnica tkwi bowiem w samej idei „dobrego życia” wprowadzonej przez Arystotelesa. Analizując pojęcie somatografii wprowadzone przez Edwarda Soję, uzasadnia się, dlaczego w wieku technologii informatycznych, mobilności i kultury konsumpcyjnej takie metafory miasta jak podzielone, martwe ciało oraz żyjące ciało stają się ważniejsze niż kiedykolwiek. Akty różnicowania, separacji i segregacji są ufundowane bowiem zarówno na miejskiej somatofobii, jak miejskiej somatofilii. Pytanie postawione w tym eseju dotyczy zatem sposobu rekonstrukcji miejskiego porządku w pierwszym sensie oraz rewitalizacji przestrzeni miejskiej – w drugim.
In this essay the author explores the relation between fragmentation, segregation, and reconstitution of urban order. Although metaphors of cohesiveness are usually applied to the past, and fragmentations to the present, nevertheless the city of fragmentations coexists recently with another image of the city – a nostalgic city of lived body. It will be hard to speak in simple notions of true and false experience here; the difference is in the very idea of Aristotelian “the good life”. Dealing with Edward Soja’s concept of somatography she will argue that in an age of informational technologies, mobility, and consumer culture, such old metaphors like city as a fragmented dead body and city as a lived body are more important than ever. Acts of differentiation, separation, and segregations are based both on urban somatophobia and urban somatophilia. The question to be asked here is what is reconstitution of urban order in the first sense, or revitalisation of city space in the second.
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne; 2008, 2(32); 5-17
Pojawia się w:
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Segregation of Alien Bodies: Order and Exclusion
Rewers, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Instytut Ameryk i Europy. Centrum Europejskich Studiów Regionalnych i Lokalnych (EUROREG)
ład miejski
fragmentacja przestrzeni miejskiej
urban order
fragmentation of urban space
In this essay the author explores the relation between fragmentation, segregation, and reconstitution of urban order. Although metaphors of cohesiveness are usually applied to the past, and fragmentations to the present, nevertheless the city of fragmentations coexists recently with another image of the city – a nostalgic city of lived body. It will be hard to speak in simple notions of true and false experience here; the difference is in the very idea of Aristotelian “the good life”. Dealing with Edward Soja’s concept of somatography she will argue that in an age of informational technologies, mobility, and consumer culture, such old metaphors like city as a fragmented dead body and city as a lived body are more important than ever. Acts of differentiation, separation, and segregations are based both on urban somatophobia and urban somatophilia. The question to be asked here is what is reconstitution of urban order in the first sense, or revitalisation of city space in the second.
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne; 2009, numer specjalny / special issue; 23-36
Pojawia się w:
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transkulturowość czy glokalność? Dwa dyskursy o kondycji ponowoczesnej
Transculturalism or Glocalism? Two Discourses on the Postmodern Condition
Rewers, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Ewa Rewers "Transculturalism or Glocalism? Two Discourses on the Postmodern Condition" Following Lotman's position on the necessary coexistence and overlapping of two or more languages, Rewers argues that multiculturalism is not just a cultural or social postulate but a basic, primordial situation of the postmodern world. Alongside global isation it has become a key notion, used to describe what Rewers calls the ground level in the study of culture. Further, she explores Florian Znaniecki's approach to cultural space and Ronald Robertson's notion of glocalisation as a global perspective adapted to local circumstances and conditions. Rewers singles out urban spaces as the most interesting areas for the study of cultural space. She puts forward a project of transcultural and transdisciplinary studies focused on urban space, which should become part of what she describes as critical cultural studies.
Ewa Rewers "Transculturalism or Glocalism? Two Discourses on the Postmodern Condition" Following Lotman's position on the necessary coexistence and overlapping of two or more languages, Rewers argues that multiculturalism is not just a cultural or social postulate but a basic, primordial situation of the postmodern world. Alongside global isation it has become a key notion, used to describe what Rewers calls the ground level in the study of culture. Further, she explores Florian Znaniecki's approach to cultural space and Ronald Robertson's notion of glocalisation as a global perspective adapted to local circumstances and conditions. Rewers singles out urban spaces as the most interesting areas for the study of cultural space. She puts forward a project of transcultural and transdisciplinary studies focused on urban space, which should become part of what she describes as critical cultural studies.
ER(R)GO: Teoria – Literatura – Kultura; 2003, 6
Pojawia się w:
ER(R)GO: Teoria – Literatura – Kultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Sewn-Together Humanities
Pozszywana humanistyka
Rewers, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
myślenie asamblażowe
nowa humanistyka
zdecentralizowana podmiotowość
assemblage thinking
new humanities
decentralized subjectivity
The purpose of this paper is a straightforward one: to step back from the increasing use of assemblage in recent debates and to attempt to take stock of what assemblage thinking offers to humanities. I relate the answer to this question to the title concept of “sewn-together” humanities, which has a tentative and ad hoc character. The starting point is the analysis of the video installation realized by Angela Melitopoulos and Maurizio Lazzarato, entitled Assemblages, which relies upon the concept of assemblages proposed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Assuming that research practices and theories combine assemblages of ideas of both abstract and practical nature, I analyse examples of the application of assemblage thinking and action at the levels of a method, methodology, and onto-epistemology, tracing the goals that humanities achieve by means of this approach to research.
Zadanie tego artykułu jest proste: zdystansowanie się od wzrastającego na sile stosowania pojęcia asamblażu we współczesnych debatach i próba podjęcia kwestii co myślenie asamblażowe ma do zaoferowania humanistyce. Odpowiedź na to pytanie wiążę z tytułowym konceptem "pozszywanej" humanistyki, który ma charakter roboczy i doraźny. Punktem wyjścia jest analiza wideoinstalacji zrealizowanej przez Angelę Melipoulos i Maurizio Lazzarato pod tytułem Assemblages/Asamblaże, wykorzystującej koncepcję asamblaży Gillesa Deleuze’a i Félixa Guattariego. Przyjmując, że praktyki badawcze i teorie  łączą zespoły idei o charakterze abstrakcyjnym i praktycznym, analizuję przykłady zastosowania myślenia i działania asamblażowego na poziomie metody, metodologii i onto-epistemologii, śledząc cele, jakie osiąga  dzięki takiemu podejściu badawczemu humanistyka. 
ER(R)GO: Teoria – Literatura – Kultura; 2023, 47; 45-63
Pojawia się w:
ER(R)GO: Teoria – Literatura – Kultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Antropologia punktów. Rozważania przy tekstach Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego
Kunce, Aleksandra
Rewers, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Śląski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
"The anthropology of points. Deliberations on texts by Ryszard Kapuściński" outlines a research perspective of an anthropology of points. A point is a notion orientating in an epistemological, and not subject way. By means of this key-word, one can read cultural spaces, but also "rewrite" the motives constituting texts by Kapuściński. Cultural experience and literature stand here in a mutual link so it is a research way which follows not only the question on how experience is expressed in literature, but, basically speaking, allows for thinking about what a cultural experience demanding a literary description and reportage diagnosis is. The arrangement on how the point is filled in the space of Maths, Physics or Humanities make it possible to take out the notion contours and thought style organized in a point way. However, it is only a combination of a theoretical interpretation with a textual description by Ryszard Kapuściński that allows for an exemplification of the way man's experiences picture in the culture. A combination of thoughts with texts by Ryszard Kapuściński allows for asking the question on what point thinking is, and why it is important for man's experience. The anthropology of point concentrates mind on the point, measures a distance from one point to another, marks special, orientating and extreme points, records density of point placement, regularity and irregularity of points, finds the points of fastening in observation and recognized figures of thoughts and man's activities. At the same time, it provokes the questions on how to conduct a point description which matches the point matter of experience. Anthropology is an entrance into the insight of things, and, thus, it has to direct at what an already-outlined etymology of punctum indicates - something that moves one thoroughly, pierce and hurt, and has a bitter taste. The point becomes a stigma, a sign and takes on a concrete figure carved on the body. It is a bundle of relations, something that pierces one thoroughly. It is a culmination, a destination of an anthropologist journey to the ends of the world, a turn towards the other and itself, a beginning and an end, the alpha and omega. It constitutes an axis mundi, present itself in stations, borderline pole, unimportant and stable places which give support and de-orientate, is in the places of coincidence and junction of the things, is in the immobilized and dynamic. The research optics placed in the point opens a space around man - according to the treaty of geometry and picture which make the point a perfect potential. It is sudden. The picture, though, closes because a line is already the end, a clear outline of things, whereas it just the point that opens the world. The point is a place in which life pulses. It opens itself to other points, creates networks of references and is active. It opens the world - including the orders of nature, social life and metaphysical existence. The anthropology of points explores this dynamics and allows for an interpretation of the human space via an epistemologically derived notion of point. The extraction of an anthropology of points takes place in several areas. The first of them covers the spaces of thinking around the point, which is well-examined both in the mathematical and natural sciences, in the functional usage of thinking about the point, and in the humanities. Outlined spaces of science and social organization allow for an indication of the affinity of thoughts organized by means of a point, but also allow for an establishment of point parameters and environment. The next space that underwent interpretation is a textual space in Kapuściński which serves the field of exemplification. The second field is the praxis sphere, which is an exploration of man's experiences in culture. Essayistic considerations make use of a point exemplum derived by Kapuściński during his journey and outlined via the world and picture. An orientation determined by an epistemologically-derived point leads to an interpretation of the following thematic motives placed in notes by Kapuściński: intimacy, submission to strangeness, distance, cultural body, silence, place, closeness to the rhythm, suspected whole, micrology charm and apocalypsis.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-12 z 12

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