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Główne nurty historiografii anglosaskiej wobec Narodowych Chin Kuomintangu
Anglo-Saxon historiography of Kuomintang Nationalist China (the main currents)
Polit, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Anglo-Saxon historiography concerning China ruled by the Chinese Nationalist Party (the Kuomintang, KMT) is very impressive. The content of official American documents United States Relations with China (Washington 1949) shows the common, primary critical viewpoint of that period. But during the 1950s and 1960s, the written records of some American authors (Chang Kia-ngau, Arthur N. Young, John K. Chang, Paul K.T. Sih), former co-workers of Chinese Nationalist Government, revealed impressive progress in educational, economic and financial aspects, which proceeded during the Nationalist era. This image was quickly tarnished. Another group of scholars, with the most eminent representative Lloyd E. Eastman, denounced Nationalist as militarily incompetent and anti-democratic. Hung-mao Tien, Suzanne Pepper and Hsi-sheng Ch’i emphasized the ineffectiveness, brutality, corruption and economic stagnation during the Nationalist rule. The reputed progress was, in their opinion, purely illusory and the KMT officials were not dedicated to the welfare of the society. In The Soong Dynasty (New York 1985), one of more readable books by Sterling Seagrave, the author exposed the ties of the KMT leaders with the Chinese criminal underworld. Since the beginning of 1980s, Robert Bedeski (Canada), Donald A. Gillin (USA), Brian Martin (Australia), Julia Strauss and Hans van de Ven (Great Britain) have played a major role in a partial rehabilitation of the KMT. They offered a new interpretation of the Chinese Nationalists, focusing particularly on their efforts to transform China into an independent and modern nation. They found evidence for the theory that the infamous corruption was a direct result of the War of Resistance against Japan; during the so-called Nanking Decade (1927-1937) central state organizations were surprisingly successful. Furthermore, the above mentioned researchers placed the War of Resistance in the context of KMT prolonged efforts to establish control over China and provided a critical reassessment of Allied policy. Finally, they accused the Western Allies of being disloyal to China.
Azja-Pacyfik; 2008, XI; 209-218
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Biblioteka Nauki
Japonia wobec rewolucji bolszewickiej w Rosji, 1917–1922
Polit, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
rewolucja bolszewicka
polityka zagraniczna
interwencja na Syberii
Bolshevik revolution
foreign policy
intervention in Siberia
Celem Japonii, jako jedynego alianckiego mocarstwa, nie była stabilizacja polityczna Rosji czy zmiana jej reżimu, ale osłabienie tego państwa i okrojenie go na Dalekim Wschodzie. Dążeniom tym sprzeciwiali się pozostali alianci, głównie Amerykanie i Brytyjczycy, co spowodowało fiasko japońskiej interwencji na Syberii.Japan was the only allied power that did not want political stability in Russia or a change of its regime, but weakening of this state and to eat into its territory in the Far East. Those aims were opposed by other allies, especially the Americans and the British, and in consequence this led to the failure of a Japanese intervention in Siberia.
Dzieje Najnowsze; 2017, 49, 4
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Dzieje Najnowsze
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Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy i tajemnice II wojny światowej w Azji, 1937–1945
Problems and mysteries of the World War II in Asia, 1937–1945
Polit, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
There are still many mysteries concerning World War II in Asia, especially its most forgotten chapter: the Sino-Japanese War. We still know very little about secret negotiations between Guomindang (Kuomintang, KMT) and Tokyo, end even less about British-Japanese negotiations 1939–1940, when, after the Nazi-Soviet Pact and during the Finnish (“Winter”) War the possibility of improvement in their relations (and even anti-Soviet cooperation), seemed to be open. New “revisionist studies” by some authors (as Jay Taylor, Rana Mitter, Peter Worthing) rehabilitate President Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) as combat commander, diplomat and military administrator. One of the most inexplicable campaigns of the entire war remains Japanese Ichigō off ensive (1944), which ruined KMT’s state and leave the field to the unattacked Communist armies in North China. Origins and real causes of this undertaking are still obscure. We know very little about relations within triangle Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) – Mao Zedong – Wang Jingwei (head of pro-Japanese puppet Government in Nanking, previously a close collaborator of Sun Yat-sen), but it is certain, that both Chiang and Mao maintained secret contacts with Wang regime. A fresh look, based on new sources, destroy the myth about immense American wartime support for fighting China. One has also bear in mind that the relations between CCP and Moscow, always complex and delicate, changed several times during the war. In theory CCP recognized hierarchical subordination to Moscow, although practice significantly differed and concrete benefits for Mao (in particular after the Yalta conference) constituted the key elements of concern. The last Chinese peace offer during the war, the so-called Miao Bin Mission in Tokyo (spring 1945) also remains mysterious. There are opinions that Japan and Nationalist China could both have been spared much destruction and victims if this operation had had a better fate. These are the most important problems, which the Author indicates as deserving to be solved.
Azja-Pacyfik; 2016, XIX; 42-59
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Biblioteka Nauki
Mocarstwa wobec Rewolucji Xinhai
Great Powers and the Chinese Xinhai Revolution
Polit, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Before the Xinhai Revolution, no foreign power was interested in the overthrowing of the Manchu dynasty. The powers supported the status quo in China in order to advance their own trading and other interests. But the republican revolutionary movement was strongly pro-Western, being identified with various non-government, especially British, groups and institutions. After the Wuchang uprising Sun Yat-sen attempted to solicit the aid of the British in London. At the same time Japan, a British ally, was prepared to intervene on the side of the Manchus. Although some Japanese sympathized with the revolutionaries, the Saionji Kimmochi’s government wanted to establish a position of preferential influence in Manchuria and dreamt about a pro-Japanese constitutional monarchy. But these goals were impossible to achieve without British consent. Finally both the revolutionaries and the Manchus accepted general Yuan Shikai as a moderate and relatively progressive president of the new Republic of China. Britain’s role during the negotiations seems to be decisive. Sir John Jordan, His Majesty’s minister in Peking, who mediated and brought about a cessation of hostilities, felt that Yuan (his personal friend) was competent and could be expected to improve the situation. Jordan also overcame Japanese anti-Yuan sentiments. Britain and Japan, the two most powerful foreign powers in China, persuaded other powers (which adopted a wait-and-see attitude) to accept the republic.
Azja-Pacyfik; 2011, XIV; 87-106
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Biblioteka Nauki
Douglas MacArthur w historiografii USA
Douglas MacArthur in the US Historiography
Polit, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
historia XX wieku
Stany Zjednoczone
Douglas MacArthur
20th-century history
United States
Generał Douglas MacArthur, jedna z najbardziej kontrowersyjnych postaci w historii USA w XX w., do końca służby wojskowej (1951) był przeważnie wysławiany jako dowódca i orędownik demokracji. Następnie pojawiły się wątpliwości, a w dobie dominacji tzw. Nowej Lewicy odmówiono mu wszelkich osiągnięć na polu tak wojskowym, jak i militarnym. Ujawnienie nowych dokumentów u schyłku XX w. przyniosło stopniową i przynajmniej częściową rehabilitację.
General Douglas MacArthur, one of the most controversial figures in the twentieth-century history of the United States, was, until the end of his military service (1951), mostly praised as an army commander and champion of democracy. Then, doubts arose, and in the era of the dominance of the so-called New Left, he was denied all achievements in the military fields. The disclosure of new documents at the end of the twentieth century brought a gradual and at least partial rehabilitation of his person.
Dzieje Najnowsze; 2022, 54, 2; 177-195
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Dzieje Najnowsze
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Biblioteka Nauki
Spór o chińską republikańską rewolucję Xinhai (1911–1912) w zachodniej historiografii
The Dispute over China’s Xinhai Republican Revolution (1911–1912) in Western Historiography
Polit, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
historia XX w.
rewolucja republikańska Xinhai
twentieth-century history
Xinhai Republican Revolution
Chińska rewolucja republikańska z 1911 r. (zwana rewolucją Xinhai) była krytykowana jako „niedokończona” rewolucja burżuazyjna, jako rewolucja dynastyczna, która obaliła dynastię Qing, a nawet jako fikcyjna rewolucja. Od lat siedemdziesiątych XX w. wielu autorów zaczęło dostrzegać, że republikański ruch rewolucyjny w Chinach był słaby i podzielony, a także doceniać wagę i znaczenie reform wprowadzonych przez Qingów.
The 1911 Chinese republican revolution (called Xinhai Revolution) was criticised as a bourgeois ‘unfinished’ revolution, as no more than a dynastic revolution which toppled the Qing government, or even as ‘a sham’. Starting in the 1970s, several authors noticed that the republican revolutionary movement was weak and divided, and they appreciated the substantiality and importance of Qing’s reforms.
Kwartalnik Historyczny; 2022, 129, 1; 81-116
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Historyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pokój czy wojna? Bitwa o Szanghaj w 1937 a strategia narodowych Chin w wojnie chińsko-japońskiej 1937–1945
Peace or War? Battle of Shanghai in 1937 and China’s National Strategy in the Sino-Japanese War 1937–1945
Polit, jakub
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
the Second World War in the Far East Sino-Japanese War
Operation Shanghai
II wojna światowa na Dalekim Wschodzie
wojna chińsko-japońska
operacja szanghajska
Stoczona w sierpniu–grudniu 1937 r. bitwa o Szanghaj i Nankin, która pochłonęła (wraz z cywilami) może nawet milion ofiar po obu stronach, była jedną z najkrwawszych operacji rozpoczętej 7 lipca 1937 r. wojny chińsko-japońskiej. Była także największą Operacją tego typu od czasu I wojny światowej. Czang Kaj-szek, przywódca rządzącego Republiką Chińską Kuomintangu (KMT, Chinese Nationalist Party), zdecydował się na jej stoczenie w Szanghaju, choć miasto to (3,5 mln mieszkańców w 1937 r.) stanowiło główne zaplecze gospodarczo-finansowe jego rządu, było zaś jasne, że w razie klęski zostanie ono utracone. Co więcej, zaangażowanie w bitwę nielicznych dywizji modernizowanych przy pomocy doradców niemieckich (główną rolę odgrywał gen. Alexander von Falkenhausen) oznaczało niemal nieuchronne zniszczenie tych kadrowych oddziałów. O decyzji przeważyły jednak względy polityczne: chcąc uzyskać polityczne i gospodarcze wsparcie Związku Sowieckiego i mocarstw anglosaskich, niezbędne dla prowadzenia wojny długotrwałej, Czang musiał od samego początku zademonstrować twardą wolę oporu. W pierwszej fazie bitwy (13–23 sierpnia) ofensywa chińska niemal zepchnęła do morza obecne w Szanghaju nieliczne siły japońskie. Lądowanie 23 sierpnia tzw. Armii Ekspedycyjnej, której dowódcą był gen. Matsui Iwane, zapoczątkowało przewlekłą fazę zmagań, w czasie której obie strony poniosły olbrzymie straty. Rozstrzygnięciem stał się desant (z 5 listopada, w zatoce Hangzhou) 10. Armii Japońskiej. Zwycięscy Japończycy nie potrafili jednak wykorzystać ogólnego rozprzężenia cofających się wojsk chińskich. Dokonali natomiast rzezi zdobytego 13 grudnia Nankinu, stolicy Chin. Operacja szanghajska, w której obie strony poniosły straty sięgające jednej trzeciej stanów, stała się początkiem długotrwałej wojny na wyniszczenie.
Fought in August-December of 1937, the battle of Shanghai and Nanking, in which perhaps even a million victims perished on both sides (including civilians), was one of the bloodiest operations of the Sino-Japanese war, which began on 7 July 1937. It was also the biggest operation of this kind since the First World War. Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the Kuomintang (KMT, Chinese Nationalist Party) that ruled China, decided to fight it based in Shanghai, although the city (a population of 3.5m in 1937), was the main economic and financial provider of his Government and it was clear that it would be lost in the event of defeat. Moreover, the military involvement of the few divisions modernised with the help of German advisers (General Alexander von Falkenhausen played the main role) meant almost inevitably that these troops would be wiped out. In the end, the decision was made on political grounds; gaining the political and economic support of the Soviet Union and the English-speaking powers required fighting a long-term war, and Chiang had to demonstrate a strong will from the very beginning. In the first phase of the battle (13–23 August), the Chinese offensive almost pushed the few Japanese forces present in Shanghai to the sea. The landing, on 23 August, of the so-called Expeditionary Army under the command of General Matsui Iwane began a lengthy phase of combat, during which both sides suffered huge losses. The resolution came with the attack (5 November in the Hangzhou Bay) of the 10th Japanese Army. However, the victorious Japanese were unable to utilise the general laxity of the withdrawing Chinese troops. Nevertheless, they engaged in the massacre of Nanking, the capital of China, conquered on 13 December. The Shanghai operation, in which both sides suffered losses up to one third of their resources, was the beginning of a long-term war of extermination.
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2019, 34; 95-128
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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