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Opinia na temat trybu ratyfikacji traktatu dotyczącego przystąpienia Republiki Chorwacji do Unii Europejskiej
Opinion on the choice of procedure for granting consent to ratification of the Treaty of accession of Croatia to the European Union
Piotrowski, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
treaty of accession
Republic of Croatia
The author examines the procedure for granting consent to ratification of international agreements in relation to the Treaty of accession of Croatia to the European Union. In accordance with the rule of systemic application of the Constitution, the procedure for granting consent to ratification of the Treaty should, to the greatest possible extent, respect the principle of state sovereignty and sovereignty of the nation and, therefore, the procedure specified in Article 90 of the Constitution should be applied.
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS; 2012, 3(35); 114-117
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Łącznościowa saga rodu Piotrowskich : rodzinna tradycja
Piotrowski, Ryszard.
Wojsko i Wychowanie 2002, nr 6, s. 106-109
Data publikacji:
Piotrowski, Ryszard.
Piotrowski, Jarosław
Piotrowski Ryszard biografia
Sztab Generalny Wojska Polskiego biografie 1967-1975 r.
Oficerska Szkoła Łączności (Zamość) kadry biografie 1944-1951 r.
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna (Warszawa) kadry biografie
Wojsko biografie Polska 20 w.
Organizator (1944) i wykładowca Oficerskiej Szkoły Łączności w Zamościu (1945-1951). Wykładowca taktyki łączności Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej w Warszawie. W l. 1967-1975 specjalista do spraw łączności i radiolokacji w Sztabie Generalnym WP.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Sędziowie i granice władzy demokratycznej w świetle Konstytucji RP
Judges and the limits of democratic power in the light of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland
Piotrowski, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
constitutional interpretation
judicial independence and independence of judges
władza sądownicza
wykładnia konstytucji
niezależność sądów i niezawisłość sędziów
The essence of the democratic power established in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland is to limit this power in order to protect the rights of the individual against threats that may be posed by the rule of the majority, especially when this majority seeks to impose its values and beliefs on others. This limitation is expressed both by the principle of the separation and balance of powers and by the principle of a democratic rule of law, and  above all by the principle of the inherent and inalienable dignity of man. In the light of the Constitution, the supremacy of the nation as a constitutional value is not of an absolute nature, especially in the context of the special status of human rights which is anchored in the concept of dignity. The current Basic Law, granting the supreme authority to the Polish nation, requires that the authority of that supremacy be exercised in compliance with the principles and in forms set forth in the Constitution. This means in particular, the constitutional legitimacy of the judiciary to restrict, pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution as the supreme law, the powers of other authorities, as well as the authority (sovereign) exercising its power directly. The existence of independent judiciary leads, on the one hand, to the rejection in the conception of a democratic state, of the assumption of an unlimited scope of power of the governing authority, and on the other hand, to the recognition as a determinant of democracy of only those manifestations of the will of the majority, which have a constitutional legitimacy and are therefore in line with the version of the culture of human rights as enshrined in the Basic Law and which are accepted by judges at the time of the ruling.
Istotą władzy demokratycznej ustanowionej w Konstytucji RP jest ograniczenie tej władzy po to, by chronić prawa jednostki przed zagrożeniami, jakie może stworzyć panowanie większości, zwłaszcza wtedy, kiedy dąży ona do narzucenia innym swoich wartości i przekonań. Ograniczenie to wyraża zarówno zasada podziału i równoważenia władz, jak i zasada demokratycznego państwa prawnego, a przede wszystkim zasada przyrodzonej i niezbywalnej godności człowieka. W świetle postanowień Konstytucji zwierzchnictwo Narodu jako wartość konstytucyjna nie ma absolutnego charakteru, zwłaszcza wobec zakotwiczonego w pojęciu godności szczególnego statusu praw człowieka. Obowiązująca ustawa zasadnicza, przyznając zwierzchnią władzę Narodowi, wymaga uznania za ustrojową przesłanką owego zwierzchnictwa sprawowanie go na zasadach i w formach określonych w Konstytucji. Oznacza to w szczególności konstytucyjną legitymację władzy sądowniczej do ograniczania – ze względu na postanowienia Konstytucji jako najwyższego prawa – pozostałych władz, jak też suwerena sprawującego swą władzę bezpośrednio. Istnienie niezależnego i niezawisłego sądownictwa prowadzi z jednej strony do odrzucenia w koncepcji demokracji założenia o nieograniczonym zakresie woli suwerena jako podmiotu władztwa państwowego, z drugiej zaś – do uznania za wyznacznik demokracji tych tylko przejawów woli większości, które mają legitymację konstytucyjną, a zatem zgodne są z wersją kultury praw człowieka zapisaną w ustawie zasadniczej i w czasie orzekania znajdującą akceptację sędziów.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2018, 80, 1; 215-229
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Democracy and the financing of political parties in view of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland
Piotrowski, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Political parties play an important role in the contemporary democratic system, whereby the authority of a majority is constrained by human dignity and human rights. Without parties, there would be no political pluralism, one of the basic legal and systemic principles of the contemporary democratic state. On the practical level, though, the statutory rules governing the financing of political parties – laid down in the Political Parties Act and in the Electoral Code – produce results which weaken Constitutional democracy. An argument for keeping, in principle, the present model – where political parties are financed out of state budget and from other statutory sources – invokes the immanent risk of the system’s oligarchization, which would come with the elimination of subsidies and its inevitable outcome, a “privatization” of political parties. Yet the present system of political parties’ financing is in need of a major revamp. Most importantly, the changes should make the financing of political parties fully and genuinely transparent and subject to public control – whether in respect of the spending of budgetary resources or funds from membership fees, donations and other sources. The auditing powers of the State Electoral Commission in respect of political parties’ financing should be widened and rendered more exercisable. The financing of political parties is supposed to consolidate the democratic system, advance political pluralism, foster the formation and growth of new parties, and promote equal chances in electoral rivalry – rather than servie to stabilize the electoral advantage of the parties with access to public money.
Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2014, 22
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi o prawnym znaczeniu konstytucyjnego zakazu nadmiernego zadłużania państwa
Piotrowski, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
national public debt
public finance
budget deficit
freedom of economic activity
państwowy dług publiczny
finanse publiczne
deficyt budżetowy
swoboda działalności gospodarczej
According to Article 216.5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland it shall be permissible neither to contract loans nor provide guarantees and financial sureties which would engender a national public debt exceeding three-fifths of the value of the annual gross domestic product. The method of calculating the value of the annual gross domestic product and national public debt shall be specified by statute. However, this provision co-establishing the principle of balance budget as constitutional value is not an absolute paradigm. It is limited by other constitutional values and principles, including the principle of common good, and should not be abused against the principle of diligence and efficiency in the work of state bodies.
Studia Iuridica; 2020, 86; 227-240
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Łącznościowa saga rodu Piotrowskich : rodzinna tradycja
Piotrowski, Ryszard.
Wojsko i Wychowanie 2002, nr 6, s. 106-109
Data publikacji:
Piotrowski, Ryszard.
Piotrowski, Jarosław
Piotrowski Jarosław (1952- ) biografia
Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej. Centralny Węzeł Łączności MON im. prof. Kazimierza Drewnowskiego biografie
Wojsko biografie Polska 20-21 w.
W Centralnym Węźle Łączności MON im. prof. Kazimierza Drewnowskiego.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Remarks on the Dispute over the Constitutional Tribunal in Poland
Ryszard, Piotrowski,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
democratic state ruled by law
Constitutional Tribunal
Where a system of constitutional judicial review is in place, the concept of democracy is understood as rejecting claims about an unlimited will of the sovereign as the source of state authority, and confining democracy to such manifestations of the majority will which enjoy Constitutional legitimacy – meaning that they are in compliance with the version of a human rights culture that has been inscribed in the Constitution and which is embraced by Constitutional judges when delivering their adjudication. Following the recent parliamentary and presidential elections, the political significance of the Constitutional Tribunal has increased enormously. Only the Constitutional Tribunal is capable of preventing the centre of political power (which governs over the legislative and executive branches) from pursuing its plans. According to parliamentary majority in order to change Poland and fulfil commitments to the electorate, the ruling party had to see to it that the Tribunal’s make-up is pluralistic. Otherwise, all their efforts would be exposed to destruction by the Constitutional Tribunal. This way of thinking, though, implies that the Constitutional Tribunal can be changed in an ordinary law in such a way as to render it incapable of opposing the ruling majority. Regarding the ongoing Constitutional crisis over the Constitutional Tribunal, a scenario involving the observance of the basic law does not appear to be a likely one – unless such scenario leads to the expectation, however mistaken, that political gains can thus be scored and that the operation of the Constitutional Tribunal will no longer pose a threat to plans of the parliamentary majority.
Studia Iuridica; 2016, 68; 279-292
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New technologies or new human rights: the right to a government by humans and the right to one’s own thoughts?
Ryszard, Piotrowski,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
new technologies
human rights
artificial intelligence
right to privacy
the right to a government by humans
the right to one’s own thoughts
nowe technologie
prawa człowieka
sztuczna inteligencja
prawo do prywatności
prawo do rządu sprawowanego przez ludzi
prawo do własnych myśli
The rapid development of information and communication technology has made it imperative that new human rights be spelled out, to cope with an array of expected threats associated with this process. With artificial intelligence being increasingly put to practical uses, the prospect arises of Man’s becoming more and more AI-dependant in multiple walks of life. This necessitates that a constitutional and international dimension be imparted to a right that stipulates that key state-level decisions impacting human condition, life and freedom must be made by humans, not automated systems or other AI contraptions. But if artificial intelligence were to make decisions, then it should be properly equipped with value-based criteria. The culture of abdication of privacy protection may breed consent to the creation and practical use of technologies capable to penetrate an individual consciousness without his or her consent. Evidence based on such thought interference must be barred from court proceedings. Everyone’s right to intellectual identity and integrity, the right to one’s thoughts being free from technological interference, is as essential for the survival of the democratic system as the right to privacy – and it may well prove equally endangered.
Studia Iuridica; 2018, 76; 283-296
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, and the Limits of Popular Sovereignty: Rethinking the Polish Experience
Ryszard, Piotrowski,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
separation of powers
checks and balances
rule of law
the Constitution
human rights
new technologies
podział władzy
kontrola i równowaga
prawa człowieka
nowe technologie
The principle of checks and balances counts among the most fundamental constitutional values, as it is connected with the recognition and guaranteeing of human rights – in other words is the very essence of the Constitution, an act that limits the majority rule to allow for the rights and freedoms of the individual. Also of key importance is the connection of this precept with the essence of the democratic system, understood as one where the majority rule is constrained by human rights. The principle of checks and balances could function in full only in correspondence with culture of respect for human rights. The status of the sovereign needs legitimacy, which derives from the sovereign’s subordination to the Constitution. Being sovereign means being unsubordinated to anybody. It is thus fair to conclude that the attribute of sovereignty actually belongs to the values that have been shaped by culture and linked to the timeless moral rules and principles corresponding to humanity’s eternal dilemmas – the values that create the constitutional culture, i.e. a community’s set of values. The sovereign does not exercise the supreme authority over values, and the values are embodied in the Constitution, which is inseparably linked with the people and their sovereignty. The Constitution of the Republic of Poland reflects the precepts of liberal democracy, or such kind of democracy where the sources of human rights do not stem from the will of the majority. The model of governance adopted in the Constitution could be described as consensual democracy. Constitutional practice has taken a course where the system of consensual democracy – as laid down in the Constitution of Poland, with the power of the majority being constrained by rights of the minority – is turning into a system of a majority democracy, based not on a dialogue between the majority and the opposition, but on the power of a parliamentary majority who disregards the systemic role of the opposition.
Studia Iuridica; 2019, 79; 78-91
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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