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Non-technical complications predict 30-day perioperative mortality in abdominal surgery. A propensity score matched analysis
Powikłania nietechniczne prognozują 30-dniową śmiertelność okołooperacyjną w chirurgii jamy brzusznej. Analiza dopasowania tendencji
Vasavada, Bhavin B.
Patel, Hardik
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
hepatobiliary surgery
surgical critical care
chirurgia wątrobowo-żółciowa
chirurgiczna opieka krytyczna
Introduction: Surgical complications are a major cause of mortality and morbidity. Non-technical complications seem to be more dangerous than technique-related complications, however they are commonly neglected by surgeons. Aim: To study the relationship between non-technical complications and mortality after gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary surgery. Material and Methods: All gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary procedures performed over 3 years in one center were analysed. Non-technical postoperative complications were defined as perioperative complications related to patients’ physiological health or comorbidities, rather than surgical procedures or techniques. To avoid selection bias we conducted a 1:1 propensity score match analysis with non-technical complications as a dependent factor. The propensity scores were calculated using logistic regression. Preoperative confounding factors such as age, sex, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score and type of surgery were entered into our model as covariates. We used the nearest-neighbor protocol with a caliber of 0.2. The cases were not reusable after matching. The statistics were analyzed using SPSS version 23. Results: A total of 348 patients underwent gastrointestinal and HPB (Hepato Pancreatico Biliary) surgery in Hepatobiliary and Liver Transplant Department of Shalby Hospitals, India between April 2017 and March 2020. Twenty-four patients developed non-technical complications. ASA scores independently predicted non-technical complications (p=0.001, odds ratio 3.955, 95% C.I.: 1.774–8.813). After matching with 23 controls, non-technical complications were still significantly correlated with mortality (p<0.0001). Intraoperative factors did not predict non-technical complications. Surgery-related complications were not associated with mortality after matching. Conclusion: Non-technical complications are associated with a significant risk of mortality.
Wprowadzenie: Powikłania chirurgiczne są główną przyczyną śmiertelności i zachorowalności. Powikłania pozatechniczne wydają się być bardziej niebezpieczne niż powikłania techniczne, jednak chirurdzy często je zaniedbują. Celem pracy było zbadanie związku między powikłaniami niezwiązanymi z techniką chirurgiczną a śmiertelnością po rozległych zabiegach operacyjnych w obrębie przewodu pokarmowego, wątroby i dróg żółciowych. Materiał i metody: Przeprowadzono analizę danych wszystkich chorych leczonych w Hepatobiliary and Liver Transplant Department of Shalby Hospitals w Indiach w okresie 3 lat z powodu schorzeń przewodu pokarmowego, wątroby i dróg żółciowych. Powikłania nietechniczne zostały zdefiniowane jako wszystkie powikłania związane ze stanem ogólnym i chorobami współistniejącymi, niemające związku z samą techniką chirurgiczną. Aby zmniejszyć ryzyko błędu wynikającego z doboru chorych, przeprowadzono dodatkowo analizę porównawczą z odpowiednio dobraną pod kątem wszystkich innych cech grupą chorych, u których takie powikłania nie wystąpiły. W analizie wykorzystano regresję logistyczną. Przedoperacyjne czynniki, takie jak: wiek, płeć, wynik w skali Amerykańskiego Towarzystwa Anestezjologów (ASA) i rodzaj operacji, zostały wprowadzone do naszego modelu jako zmienne zaburzające. Użyto protokołu najbliższego sąsiada o kalibrze 0,2. Przypadki nie były wykorzystywane ponownie po dopasowaniu. Statystyki przeanalizowano za pomocą programu SPSS w wersji 23. Wyniki: Ogółem operowanych było 348 chorych w okresie od kwietnia 2017 r. do marca 2020 r. U 24 chorych rozwinęły się powikłania niechirurgiczne. Wystąpienie tych powikłań było związane z wyższym wynikiem oceny przedoperacyjnej w skali ASA (p=0,001, OR 3,955, 95% CI: 1,774–8,813). W analizie grup porównawczych stwierdzono wyższe ryzyko zgonu (p<0,0001) w grupie chorych z powikłaniami niechirurgicznymi. Powikłania techniczne związane z zabiegiem operacyjnym nie wpłynęły na zwiększenie ryzyka zgonu. Wniosek: Powikłania niechirurgiczne u chorych operowanych w obrębie przewodu pokarmowego, wątroby i dróg żółciowych wiążą się ze zwiększeniem ryzyka zgonu.
Państwo i Społeczeństwo; 2020, 4; 37-47
Pojawia się w:
Państwo i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Open and laparoscopic approaches are associated with comparable 90-day morbidity and mortality following ERAS protocol.
Chirurgia klasyczna i laparoskopowa z zastosowaniem schematów ERAS wiąże się z podobnym ryzykiem powikłań i zgonów
Vasavada, Bhavin B.
Patel, Hardik
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS)
gastrointestinal surger
protokół kompleksowej opieki okołooperacyjnej dla poprawy wyników leczenia chirurgicznego (ERAS)
chirurgia jamy brzusznej
Introduction: The aim of this study is to compare 90-day mortality and morbidity between open and laparoscopic surgeries performed in one centre since the introduction of ERAS protocols. Material and Methods: All gastrointestinal surgeries performed between April 2016 and March 2019 at our institution after the introduction of ERAS protocols have been analysed for morbidity and mortality. The analysis was performed in a retrospective manner using data from our prospectively maintained database. Results: We performed 245 gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary surgeries between April 2016 and March 2019. The mean age of patients was 50.96 years. 135 were open surgeries and 110 were laparoscopic surgeries. The mean ASA score was 2.4, the mean operative time was 111 minutes and the mean CDC grade of surgery was 2.56. 40 were emergency surgeries and 205 were elective surgeries. Overall the 90-day mortality rate was 8.5% and the morbidity rate was around 9.79%. On univariate analysis morbidity was associated with a higher CDC grade of surgeries, a higher ASA grade, longer operating time, the use of more blood products, a longer hospital stay and open surgeries. HPB surgeries and luminal surgeries (non hpb gastrointestinal surgeries) were associated with 90-day post-operative morbidity. On multivariate analysis no factors independently predicted morbidity. On univariate analysis 90-day mortality was predicted by the grade of surgeries, a higher ASA grade, longer operative time, the use of more blood products, open surgeries and emergency surgeries. However on multivariate analysis only the use of more blood products was independently associated with mortality. Conclusion: The 90-day mortality and morbidity rates between open and laparoscopic surgeries after the introduction of ERAS protocol were similar.
Wprowadzenie: Celem pracy była ocena ryzyka powikłań i zgonów w ciągu 90 dni po zabiegach operacyjnych wykonywanych w jednym z ośrodków sposobem klasycznym i laparoskopowym z zastosowaniem schematu zdrowienia pooperacyjnego ERAS. Materiał i metody: Przeanalizowano wyniki leczenia wszystkich chorych operowanych w ośrodku w okresie od kwietnia 2016 r. do marca 2019 r., u których stosowano schemat ERAS. Analizę retrospektywną przeprowadzono na danych zbieranych w sposób prospektywny. Wyniki: Między kwietniem 2016 r. a marcem 2019 r. wykonano 245 zabiegów operacyjnych na przewodzie pokarmowym, wątrobie i drogach żółciowych. Średni wiek chorych wynosił 50,96 lat. Przeprowadzono 135 operacji sposobem klasycznym oraz 110 metodą laparoskopową. Średni wynik w skali ASA wynosił 2,4; średni czas trwania operacji to 111 minut, a średnia ciężkość operacji w skali CDC – 2,56. 40 zabiegów było wykonanych ze wskazań pilnych, a 205 planowych. Całkowity odsetek zgonów pooperacyjnych w okresie 90 dni wyniósł 8,5%, a powikłań 9,79%. W analizie jednoczynnikowej czynnikami wpływającymi na ryzyko powikłań były: wyższy wynik w skali CDC, wyższy wynik w skali ASA, dłuższy czas trwania operacji, większe zużycie produktów krwiopochodnych, dłuższy czas pobytu w szpitalu, klasyczny dostęp operacyjny, zabiegi w zakresie wątroby i dróg żółciowych. W analizie wieloczynnikowej nie stwierdzono czynników wpływających na zwiększenie ryzyka powikłań. W analizie jednoczynnikowej czynnikami wpływającymi na ryzyko zgonów w ciągu 90 dni były: wyższy wynik w skali CDC, wyższy wynik w skali ASA, dłuższy czas trwania operacji, większe zużycie produktów krwiopochodnych, klasyczny dostęp operacyjny i zabiegi ze wskazań pilnych. W analizie wieloczynnikowej jedynie zużycie preparatów krwiopochodnych wpływało na zwiększenie ryzyka zgonu. Wniosek: Ryzyko powikłań i zgonów w okresie 90 dni po zabiegach operacyjnych z dostępu klasycznego oraz laparoskopowego z zastosowaniem schematu ERAS było zbliżone.
Państwo i Społeczeństwo; 2020, 2; 39-50
Pojawia się w:
Państwo i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Experimental investigation of recast layer formation on the surface of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy during EDM process (machining carried out at lower range of machining parameters)
Badania wpływu parametrów procesu cięcia elektroerozyjnego na warstwę przetopioną stopu Ti-6Al-4V (przy zastosowaniu małych wartości wyładowań elektrycznych)
Thesiya, D.
Patel, S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Ti6Al4V titanium alloy
recast layer
stop tytanu Ti-6Al-4V
warstwa przetopiona
The recast layer forms during the machining of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy carried out with a use of electrical discharge machining (EDM). The paper presents the description of EDM process carried out at lower range of machining parameters also the formation process of recast layer. The recast layer was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and 3D viewer image. The performed experiments involved application of copper and graphite electrode with positive polarity. In order to analyze the results, the authors used design of experiment (DOE) method – Taguchi technique (L18) with mixedlevel design. The influence of peak current (A), servo voltage (V), pulse on time (Ton) and pulse off time (Toff) on the recast layer was described in the article.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań mikrostruktury warstwy przetopionej stopu tytanu Ti-6Al-4V w wyniku cięcia elektroerozyjnego (EDM), w zakresie małych wartości wyładowań elektrycznych z zastosowaniem miedzianej i grafitowej elektrody spolaryzowanej dodatnio. Dokonano analizy badań mikroskopowych przeprowadzonych z użyciem skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego SEM, stosując zaawansowaną metodę DOE (ang. DOE – Design Of Experiments) wyznaczania wpływu zmiennych wejściowych na wynik analizowanego procesu. Wyznaczono wpływ parametrów prądowych – napięcia, czasu włączenia i wyłączenia układu na jakość warstwy przetopionej stopu tytanu.
Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology; 2014, 38, 4; 53-59
Pojawia się w:
Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Efficient Calculation of Low Energy Configurations of Nanoparticle Ensembles for Magnetoresistive Sensor Devices by Means of Stochastic Spin Dynamicsand Monte Carlo Methods
Teich, L.
Schröder, C.
Müller, C.
Patel, A.
Meyer, J.
Hütten, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
We present results of Monte Carlo and stochastic spin dynamics simulations of a magnetic nanoparticle model system based on experimentally produced samples. Thermodynamic investigations as well as spin dynamics studies show characteristic features, both resembling magnetic dipole glass behaviour. While spin dynamics studies at T=0 yield a multitude of low energy configurations, thermodynamic simulations show a clear transition between a paramagnetic and a frozen magnetic state. Moreover, we demonstrate the application of experimentally inspired demagnetization protocols to compute low energy configurations of the systems under consideration efficiently.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 2015, 127, 2; 374-376
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Experimental Investigation and Optimization of Machining Parameters in Turning of Aluminum Alloy 075-T651
Srivastava, Arpit
Verma, Mukesh Kumar
Niranjan, Ramendra Singh
Chandra, Abhishek
Patel, Praveen Bhai
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Menedżerów Jakości i Produkcji
metoda Taguchiego
siła posuwowa
siła skrawania
siła promieniowa
Taguchi method
feed force
cutting force
radial force
Aluminum alloy 7075-T651 is a widely used material in the aviation, marine, and automobile sectors. The wide application marks the importance of this material’s research in the manufacturing field. This research focuses on optimizing input process parameters of the turning process in the machining of Aluminum 7075-T651 with a tungsten carbide insert. The input machining parameters are cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut for the output response parameters cutting force, feed force, radial force, material removal, and surface roughness of the workpiece. For optimization of process parameters, the Taguchi method, with standard L9 orthogonal array, is used. ANOVA is applied to obtain significant factors and optimal combinations of process parameters.
Production Engineering Archives; 2021, 27, 4; 296--305
Pojawia się w:
Production Engineering Archives
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nematogenic Mesophase Induced from Two Nonmesomorphs and Determination of LTT for Common Nonmesomorphic Component by Extrapolation
Solanki, Ravindra
Patel, R. B.
Doshi, A. V.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Binary System
Eutectic point
Mixed melt
Mixed mesomorphism
Three binary systems (A+B1, A+B2, A+B3) consisted of both admixed components as nonmesomorphs induces mesomorphic property as nematogenic mesophase within definite range of concentration of component - A. The Isotropic- Nematic (I-N) transition curves of each binary systems are extra polated to 100 mole percent of nonmesomorphic component –A to determine its reliable latent transition temperature (LTT) and to derive the group efficiency order. The common component A is a Schiff’s base, P-tolal. P’- Phenetidine (109 °C), uncommon component B1 and B2 are also Schiff’s bases p-Chloro benzal P’- chloroaniline (M.P 111.0 °C) and p-Anisal p’-Toluidine (M.P 92.0 °C) respectively, whereas, component B3 is a chalcone α- 4 methoxy phenyl β 4’-pentyloxy benzoyl ethylene (M.P 91.0 °C). The reliable predicted LTT of common component –A are 99.5 °C, 99.0 °C and 101.0 °C from binary systems A+B1 ,A+B2 and, A+B3 respectively. The group efficiency order derived is B2>B1>B3 from range of mesomorphism.The melting point of common and uncommon nonmesomorphic components are confirmed with previously reported values. Suitable magnitudes of anisotropic forces of intermolecular attractions as a consequence of resulted molecular rigidity and flexibility through respective polarity and polarizabilities of nonmesogenic components of the mesogenic mixitures which play an important role in inducing mesomorphism.
World Scientific News; 2017, 74; 68-79
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bioremediation of melanoidin contamination in distillery effluent using Aspergillus brasiliensis
Singh, T.A.
Singh, T.
Singh, R.
Pandey, P.K.
Gaur, R.
Jamal, F.
Patel, S.K.
Bansal, S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
spent wash
The current investigation is the first report of utilization of Aspergillus brasiliensis for the decolorization of melanoidin in distillery effluent. The effluent generated from alcohol distilleries is one of the most complex wastewater with a high biological oxygen demand (BOD) and other organic, inorganic, and toxic constituents. The effluent contains melanoidin, a dark brown compound, which is difficult to remediate by using conventional technologies. The disposal of spent wash in the natural environment is hazardous and can deteriorate land and water resources. The decolorization of spent wash through physical and chemical methods remains unsuitable, and the only alternative to decolorize spent wash is biological treatment. In the current study, three fungal strains were isolated from the distillery waste and screened for their ability to decolorize melanoidin.The isolate RS2 exhibited maximum decolorization of 83% and was identified as Aspergillus brasiliensis. Its optimum growth temperature was 37EC, and the maximum efficiency was recorded after 120 h of incubation. Nutritional sources were investigated for the fungi showing the maximum decolorization of melanoidin, and starch and peptone were found to be the best carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. At 1.5% starch concentration and 1.5% peptone concentration, the decolorization level attained was 87.45% and 88.74%, respectively. A. brasiliensis exhibited a high potential to decolorize melanoidin. The decolorization percentage was high, which makes this fungus a potential candidate for use at the industrial scale for the bioremediation of spent wash.
BioTechnologia. Journal of Biotechnology Computational Biology and Bionanotechnology; 2020, 101, 3; 205-213
Pojawia się w:
BioTechnologia. Journal of Biotechnology Computational Biology and Bionanotechnology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Synthesis and in vitro antimicrobial evaluation of some new chalcones containing vinyl ester group and substituted alkyl chain
Sharma, Vinay S.
Patel, R. B.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Vinyl ester
A novel series of chalconyl vinyl ester based derivatives were designed and synthesized. The newly synthesized compounds were studied for efficacy against several bacteria (E.Coli, P.Aeruginosa, S.Aureus, S.Pyogenus) and fungi (C.Albicans, A.Niger, Clavatus) using the broth dilution technique. Chalcones were prepared by treatment of 4-iodo acetophenone with 4-hydroxy benzaldehyde by Claisen-Schimidt condensation reaction. Various chalconyl vinyl ester derivatives (C1-C8) were prepared by reaction of chalcone with 4-n-alkoxy cinnamic acids derivatives. Compound C8 shows the best bioactive desired antibacterial analogue with less MIC value against different tested strains. All the final synthesized compounds were characterized by IR, 1H NMR, and elemental analysis.
World Scientific News; 2016, 54; 240-251
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Maximizing power output of a partially shaded total-cross-tied photovoltaic array
Shah, N. S.
Patel, H. H.
Data publikacji:
EEEIC International Barbara Leonowicz Szabłowska
current compensation
voltage equalization
partial shading
TCT configuration
Non-uniform conditions on the modules of the PV array, especially, partial shading reduces the output of the PV array to a large extent. The shaded module in a string limits the current of the entire string and hence, the output power of the string. The output power under such conditions is reported to be higher for total-cross-tied (TCT) configuration. This paper describes two different approaches, one based on current compensation (current equalization) and another based on voltage equalization, to extract higher power from the partially shaded total-cross-tied photovoltaic array. The TCT configuration is considered to minimize the number of converters, sensors, cost and complexity involved. The additional converters in the two distinct approaches evaluated here operate only when the partial shading occurs and are controlled to minimize the current and voltage miss-matches. The analysis and the control algorithm are presented. Simulation results obtained in MATLAB/Simulink are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of both methods and the relative merits and demerits of these approaches are highlighted.
Transactions on Environment and Electrical Engineering; 2017, 2, 1; 10-18
Pojawia się w:
Transactions on Environment and Electrical Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Optimal credit period and ordering quantity for credit dependent trended demand and deteriorating items with maximum lifetime
Shah, N. H.
Shah, D. B.
Patel, D. G.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN
trended demand
trade credit
default risk
maximum lifetime
In this paper, an inventory system is analyzed regarding a trended demand. The seller offers its buyer a credit period for settling the account, which attracts more buyers and enhances market demand. However, the offer of credit period leads to default risk for the supplier. The units in inventory are deteriorating continuously and also have definite maximum lifetime. The aim is to maximize the profit of the retailer. Numerical examples are given to validate the developed mathematical model. Sensitivity analysis is performed to obtain the critical inventory parameters and deduce the managerial strategies.
Control and Cybernetics; 2015, 44, 2; 311-320
Pojawia się w:
Control and Cybernetics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Synthesis, characterization and analytical applications of chelating resin containing orcinol
Shah, B. A.
Shah, A. V.
Patel, N. B
Shah, M.
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
separacja analityczna
żywice chelatujące
analytical separation
chelating resin
column operation
exchange capacity
A chelating resin based on Salicylic acid-Formaldehyde copolymer, containing Orcinol (SFO), has been synthesized and characterized on the basis of Elemental Analysis, Particle Size Distribution, FT-IR Analysis, XRD, SEM and Optical Photographs. The Physico-Chemical properties have been studied. This resin is highly stable in acidic and alkaline solutions and has been studied as a chelating sorbent for heavy metal ions and transition metal ions. The Exchange capacity order is Ni(II) > Cu(II) > Zn(II) > Cd(II) > Pb(II). The effect of nature and concentration of different electrolytes on distribution coefficient (Kd) for metal ions have been investigated. Separation of synthetic mixtures containing Cu(II)-Pb(II), Ni(II)-Cd(II) and Brass constituents has been carried out using a column prepared from the synthesized chelating resin. The developed procedure was also tested for the removal of Cd(II) and Pb(II) from natural water of Purna River near by Navsari, Gujarat, India. Keywords
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology; 2012, 14, 2; 88-96
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Design and Development of Cost effective Automatic Fertilization System for Small Scale Indian Farm
Savani, Vijay
Mecwan, Akash
Patel, Jayesh
Bhatasana, Piyush
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
electronics in agriculture
embedded system
Most of the developing countries economy largely depends on the agriculture. More than half of the population rely on agriculture related activities for their survival. In spite of dependency on agriculture, the technological development of agricultural work in developing country is not comparable to the countries like Australia or Israel. The main reason behind the lack of development is the small size of farms. Such farmers cannot afford expensive technology available in the market due to limited profit margins. The report describes an autonomous fertilization system that takes care of the fertilization requirements of the small scale farms at affordable rates. The system is divided in two parts namely User Interface and Control System. The user interface is designed using the state of the art Raspberry Pi board and a touch screen LCD. The control system is developed using the Arduino platform and can control five fertilizers at a time. The output of the system is the mix of the fertilizer, which is forced into the drip irrigation system of the farm. The system has built in data for the fertilization requirement for important crops and vegetation. The system also facilitates the customize fertilization requirements to be added in the system as per the user requirements.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2019, 65, 3; 353-358
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Synthesis, spectral and thermal study of (2E, 6E) 2,6-bis(4-hydroxy benzylidene)-4-R-cyclohexanone
Sankhavara, Dharmesh B.
Chopda, Jalpa V.
Patel, Jignesh P.
Parsania, P. H.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
heat of melting
kinetic parameters
thermal stability
(2E,6E) 2,6-Bis(4-hydroxybenzalidene)-4-R-cyclohexanone (BHBC, R = H and MBHBC, R = CH3) was synthesized by condensing cyclohexanone/4-methylcyclohexanone with 4-hydroxy benzaldehyde using mixture of boric acid and hydrochloric acid as a catalyst at 60-70 ºC for 1 h. The structures of BHBC and MBHBC are supported by FTIR, 1HNMR, 13CNMR and MS techniques. DSC endothermic transition at 282.48 ºC (BHBC) and two endothermic transitions at 214.66 and 224.83 ºC and assigned as melting transitions. The compositions of the two isomers of MBHBC were determined from their corresponding peak areas and observed compositions are 81.5% and 18.5%, respectively for Isomer-I and Isomer-II. BHBC and MBHBC are thermally stable up to 305 ºC and 285 ºC, respectively and followed three step degradation kinetics. Both the compounds followed apparently first order degradation kinetics and were completely degraded into low molecular mass hydrocarbons.
World Scientific News; 2019, 123; 141-160
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of tunicamycin on the biogenesis of hepatitis C virus glycoproteins
Reszka, Natalia
Krol, Ewelina
Patel, Arvind
Szewczyk, Boguslaw
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
glycosylation inhibition
hepatitis C virus
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects humans, with a prevalence around 3% of population, causing acute and chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. We studied the effect of inhibition of glycosylation on the assembly of the HCV particle. HCV possesses two envelope glycoproteins E1 and E2 that are highly modified by N-glycans. These glycan residues are crucial for viral entry and maturation of the progeny. Here, we examined the influence of inhibition of N-glycosylation on expression of E1 and E2. Since the propagation of HCV in cell culture is limited, we used a recombinant baculovirus producing viral-like particles in insect cells. Our data showed that blocking of N-glycan transfer to the nascent polypeptide chain with the antibiotic tunicamycin resulted in the loss of E1 and E2. We also found that a dose of tunicamycin that did not influence the cell viability significantly reduced the E2 level in infected cells. The results indicate that blocking of glycosylation at an early step efficiently reduces the assembly of HCV virions. Thus, we suggest that derivatives of tunicamycin that preferentially block glycosylation of viral proteins may become potential therapeutic agents against HCV.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2010, 57, 4; 541-546
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
XRF analysis of Pongamia pinnata stem of semi arid region of Kachchh
Ram, V.R.
Patel, M.G.
Ram, P.N.
Khatri, T.T.
Dave, P.N.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
The objective of the present investigation was to study the chemical composition of stem of Pongamia pinnata is a species of tree native to India growing in semi-arid region of Kachchh district, Gujarat, India. The stem of Pongamia pinnata were subjected to Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) and were analyzed for different mineral composition. As the X-ray Fluorescence is one of the most reliable and accurate, as well as it is also a consistent and nondestructive method for analysis of major and trace elements using a single pressed pellet. During the study it was found that Potassium, Chloride, Calcium, Silicon, Sulfur, Aluminum, Phosphorus were noted in higher amounts, compared to that of other elements like Manganese, Iron, Nickel, Copper, Zink, Bromide, Rubidium, Strontium, Stannous, whereas the elements which were not detected in stem of Pongamia pinnata are Titanium, Cobalt, Hafnium and Tantalum.
International Letters of Natural Sciences; 2015, 40
Pojawia się w:
International Letters of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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