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Kształtowanie wynagrodzeń w spółkach z udziałem JST : Członkowie organów zarządzających i nadzorczych
Remuneration in Companies with Self-Governments’ Share – Members of Managing and Supervisory Bodies
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
kształtowanie wynagrodzeń
członkowie organów zarządzających
członkowie organów nadzorczych
spółki z udziałem jednostek samorządu terytorialnego
ustawa o wynagrodzeniach
members of management bodies
members of supervisory bodies
companies with self-governments’ share
the act on remuneration
W artykule przedstawiono sposób wykonywania uprawnień z udziałów (akcji) spółek handlowych przysługujących jednostkom samorządu terytorialnego (JST), dotyczących ustalania wynagrodzeń członków organów zarządzających i nadzorczych tych podmiotów. Przybliżono obowiązki samorządów wynikające z przepisów ustawy o zasadach kształtowania wynagrodzeń osób kierujących niektórymi spółkami, z uwzględnieniem odmienności wynikających z wielkości ich zaangażowania kapitałowego. Zaprezentowano również wskazówki metodyczne i kluczowe obszary ryzyka, mogącego wystąpić w czasie kontroli tych zagadnień.
The article presents the execution of rights of local self-government units stemming from shares in trading companies, related to the remuneration of members of their man aging and supervisory bodies. It comprises two elements. The first element is fixed, and depends on a company’s average annual employment, annual net turnover on sales of goods and services, financial operations and assets. The other element is related to management objectives fulfilment, and it makes an obligatory, motivating element of the remuneration. In the article, the author discusses the responsibilities of local self-gov ernment officials stemming from the provisions on remuneration of persons managing some companies, considering differences resulting from their capital engagement vol ume. The author also presents methodological guidance and key risks that may arise when such matters are audited.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2021, 66, 4 (399); 134-151
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miejsce wykonywania pracy mianowanych kontrolerów - prawo, doktryna, regulacje wewnętrzne NIK
Workplace of Nominated Auditors – Law, Doctrine and NIK’s Internal Regulations
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
miejsce pracy kontrolera NIK
podróż służbowa
akt mianowania kontrolera
NIK auditor’s workplace
business trip
auditor’s appointment act
Miejsce wykonywania pracy jako element treści stosunku pracy ma doniosłe znaczenie dla ochrony praw pracownika. Prawidłowe jego określenie odgrywa istotną rolę w interpretacji przepisów regulujących na przykład przebywanie w podróży służbowej. Jest to zagadnienie skomplikowane, przede wszystkim ze względu na brak definicji miejsca pracy. Przepisy ustawy o Najwyższej Izbie Kontroli, podobnie jak innych pragmatyk, nie regulują jednoznacznie wszystkich kwestii z tym związanych. Artykuł przybliża dorobek orzecznictwa i doktryny dotyczący miejsca wykonywania pracy w znaczeniu prawnym. Prezentuje też poglądy na temat możliwych sposobów jego określenia w stosunku do mianowanych kontrolerów NIK, w zależności od rodzaju wykonywanej przez nich pracy. Jest próbą autorskiego ujęcia problemu, uwzględniającego wewnętrzne regulacje Izby.
Workplace –as an element of employment relationship –is of great importance to the protection of employees’ rights. Its appropriate definition plays a significant role in the interpretation of the regulations setting out, e.g. business trips. It is a complex issue, mostly due to the lack of a definition of the notion of ‘workplace’. The provisions of the Law on the Supreme Audit Office, as well as those of the other labour regulations, do not regulate the issue precisely. In his article, the author presents the existing judicature and doctrine related toworkplace in its legal sense. He also refers tothe views on potential ways todefine it with regard tothe NIK nominated auditors, depending on the type of the work they do. It is an attempt on an original discussion on the issue, which takes into account the internal regulations of NIK.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2020, 65, 2 (391); 21-41
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podstawy prawne kontroli NIK u przedsiębiorców
Legal Basis of NIK Audits with Regard to Entrepereneurs
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
auditing of entrepreneurs
Law of Entrepreneurs
market economy
cohesion policy
business activity
On 30th August 2018, the act – Law of Entrepreneurs (u.p.p.) entered into force, whose Chapter 5: Limitations on Economic Activity Auditing comprises the basic regulations related to the principles and mode of entrepreneurs auditing. As a result, the need arouse to decide whether the provisions of the said chapter should apply to NIK audits, or whether the provisions of the Act on NIK of 23rd December 1994 should be applied. The dialogue in “Kontrola Państwowa” presents two opposing stances. Rafał Padrak is of the opinion that u.p.p. should be treated as superior in interpreting the individual provisions of the law related to entrepreneurs, while Elżbieta Jarzęcka-Siwik believes that the discipline stemming from the regulations of u.p.p. does not apply to audits conducted by NIK. This is because it cannot be reconciled with the constitutional and statutory provisions related to the status of a supreme audit institution, the subject matter of state auditing, its principles and objectives. It seems that the problems identified will be solved in practice, including judicature.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2018, 63, 4 (381); 25-44
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Posiedzenie wstępne w postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym - odpowiedzialność mianowanych kontrolerów NIK
Preliminary Session in Disciplinary Proceedings – Liability of NIK Appointed Auditors
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
posiedzenie wstępne w postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym
postępowanie dyscyplinarne w NIK
odpowiedzialność dyscyplinarna mianowanych kontrolerów
Komisja Dyscyplinarna
Odwoławcza Komisja Dyscyplinarna
preliminary session in the disciplinary proceedings
disciplinary proceedings in NIK
disciplinary liability of appointed auditors
Disciplinary Committee
Disciplinary Committee of Appeal
Instytucja posiedzenia wstępnego w postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym w Najwyższej Izbie Kontroli nie była dotąd przedmiotem odrębnego opracowania. Jego przebieg nie został unormowany w ustawie o NIK. Ustawodawca zastosował technikę legislacyjną polegającą na odesłaniu do odpowiedniego stosowania przepisów Kodeksu postępowania karnego. W artykule omówiono przebieg posiedzenia wstępnego, zarysowano też możliwe problemy związane z jego organizacją. Autor posiłkuje się literaturą prawniczą z zakresu postępowania karnego.
In Chapter 4a of the Act of 23 December 1994 on the Supreme Audit Office “Disciplinary Liability of Appointed Auditors”, the proceedings in front of the Disciplinary Committee of Appeal are regulated in a very general manner. The Act on NIK does not comprise provisions that would regulate preparations for the main trial. Since the disciplinary proceedings are not comprehensively regulated, Article 97p of the Act on NIK refers to respective application of the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure. In his article, the author presents the nature and scope of a preliminary session within preparations for the main trial in the NIK disciplinary proceedings conducted in front of the adjudicative panel of the Disciplinary Committee. The judicature has been presented that should be or can be made during such sessions. The author refers to literature on legal matters related to criminal proceedings.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2023, 68, 2 (409); 25-44
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postępowanie dyscyplinarne w Najwyższej Izbie Kontroli – orzeczenie o ukaraniu
Disciplinary Proceedings in NIK – Decision on Punishment
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
disciplinary proceedings
decision on punishment
diciplinary breach
Appeal Disciplinary Commission
The article attempts to discuss the contents that should be comprised in the most important decision issued by the NIK Disciplinary Commission, namely a decision on punishment. It provides for assigning the person accused in the disciplinary proceedings with a disciplinary breach, and a decision on punishment. Due to mistakes in the decision contents, the Appeal Disciplinary Commission, or the administrative court that hears the decisions of the Appeal Disciplinary Commission, may overrule the decision. Overruled decisions on punishment and consequent repeated hearing, negatively affect the image of NIK as a widely-recognised institution that performs its duties in a professional manner.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2016, 61, 3 (368); 22-36
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przebieg rozprawy odwoławczej – postępowanie dyscyplinarne w Najwyższej Izby Kontroli
The Course of Appeal Trial – Disciplinary Proceedings in the Supreme Audit Office
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
disciplinary proceedings
appeal procedure
adjudicating trial
Supreme Audit Office
senior auditors
In the Act of 23rd December 1994 on the Supreme Audit Office, the appeal procedure has been regulated in a very general way, in the chapter entitled Disciplinary Liability of Appointed Auditors. With regard to the manner and course of the procedure, it has been stated that the adjudication team of the Disciplinary Committee for Appeals makes a ruling after the case has been heard. The Act on NIK does not contain provisions that would regulate the course of the adjudicating trial, but it rather refers to appropriate application of other regulations. In his article, the author discusses the stages of the appeal trial: initial proceedings, the disciplinary procedure, opinions of the parties. The article also presents the regulations related to a break and adjournment of the appeal trial applied in the disciplinary procedure at NIK.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2016, 61, 5 (370); 45-62
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Umorzenie postępowania dyscyplinarnego w NIK – procedura dotycząca mianowanych kontrolerów
Dismissal of Disciplinary Proceedings at NIK – Procedure for Nominated Auditors
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
disciplinary proceedings
Supreme Audit Office
dismissal of disciplinary proceeding
punishing of culprits
nominated auditors
The article attempts to discuss the reasons for dismissing disciplinary proceedings at the Supreme Audit Office and the contents of the ruling that the Disciplinary Committee should issue in this regard. Since the provisions of the Act on NIK of 23rd December 1994 do not regulate this issue, and Article 97p of the Act sets forth that the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Polish: k.p.k.) should be applied accordingly. The ruling on dismissal of disciplinary proceedings at NIK should include the contents listed in Article 413(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The provisions of Article 17(1) of the Code shall also be applied accordingly. The article presents a set of situations when criminal proceedings shall not be conducted or shall be dismissed. Since we should assume that a dismissal of disciplinary proceedings, similarly as is in the case of dismissal of criminal procedure, takes place when further proceedings are impermissible or pointless.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2017, 62, 5 (376); 27-49
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ustalanie opłaty planistycznej – procedura, przesłanki oraz propozycje zmian w obowiązującym prawie
Calculating the Re-zoning Fee – Procedure, Reasons, and Proposals for Changes in the Binding Law
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
re-zoning fee
spatial order
The re-zoning fee is one of the revenues of municipalities. Nevertheless, municipalities usually do not obtain the expected revenue from re-zoning fees. This should be, primarily, attributed to the fact that estate owners withhold the sale of land until the claims for re-zoning fees expire, and to the relatively high effectiveness of appeals against the decisions on the basis of which fees are set. Another important factors are the following: abandoning the calculation and execution of re-zoning fees as a result of poor organisation of work, tardiness in issuing decisions on the fee that sometimes results in expiration of the claim, as well as insufficient and ineffective vindication. Due to the above reasons, the Supreme Audit Office has examined the issue of calculating and settlement and execution of the re-zoning fees. The article is an attempt to present the most significant legal questions related to re-zoning fees, to identify faulty regulations and to list changes in the binding law that NIK has proposed.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2015, 60, 2 (361); 116-131
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wadium w postępowaniach o zamówienia publiczne : Zmiana przepisów od 2021 r.
Bid Bond in Public Procurement Procedures– Legal Regulations to be Introduced in the Year 2021.
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
formy wadium
zamówienia publiczne
Prawo zamówień publicznych
bid security
forms of a bid bond
public procurement
public procurement law
Wadium jest formą zabezpieczenia interesu prawnego zamawiającego. Ustanowienie go wzmacnia obowiązek zawarcia umowy przez wykonawcę, ponieważ gwarantuje zamawiającemu uzyskanie rekompensaty w razie wystąpienia przesłanek zatrzymania wadium. Stanowi ono również barierę finansową zapewniającą przystąpienie do przetargu jedynie podmiotom zainteresowanym zawarciem umowy i zdolnym do zrealizowania zamówienia. Od przyszłego roku zmienią się związane z tym przepisy.
Starting from 1st January 2021, the Act of 29th January 2004 Public Procurement Law will no longer be in force, and the Act of 11th September 2019 Public Procurement Law will come into force, which in a comprehensive way regulates the proceedings relat ed to public procurement. These proceedings may include the legal concept of a bid bond, defined as a set sum of money, or respective guarantee for its payment, being a prerequisite for a bidder to participate in the procurement proceedings. The reason for setting a bid bond by purchasers is to protect their interests. The notion of a bid bond was regulated in Article 45 and 46 of the currently binding act, and from the year 2021 the regulations related to bid bond will be set out in Articles 97 and 98 of the new Act. In order to facilitate the public procurement procedure, the Act of 2019 Public Procurement Law, to be in force soon, does not differentiate between an oblig atory and non-obligatory bid bond. The deadline for returning the bid bond, in other forms than monetary, has been clarified in the new law, too. New regulations have been also introduced with regard to the volume of bid bond, and the manner of its retaining. A single bid bond form was abandoned. In the new Public Procurement Law, a bid bond is non-obligatory only, and it lies with the purchasing party, whenever a bid bond is foreseen in the proceedings. If it is foreseen, the provision and retaining of a bid bond over the time of the proceeding is a prerequisite for entering and participating in the public procurement procedure. The obligation to provide a bid bond on time lies with the contractor, and it should be provided before the deadline for submitting the offer. It means that a bid bond can be foreseen only in those proceedings where the contractor submits the offer, which excludes a bid bond being set in free proceedings. The volume of bid bond depends, as set out in the Law on Public Procurement of 2019, on the value of the order. In the case of orders that are lower than the Union’s threshold, the volume of bid bond cannot exceed 1.5 percent of the purchase value, while in other cases – 3 percent. The reasons for returning the bid bond ex officio include: (1) expiry of the deadline until which the offer is binding; (2) concluding a public procurement offer; (3) an nulation of the proceeding, except for a situation when an appeal has not been set for annulation, or the deadline for appeal has not been exceeded. A bid bond repayment is possible if: (1) an offer has been withdrawn before the deadline for offers submission; (2) an offer has been rejected; (3) after the most beneficial offer has been selected – to the contractor whose offer has not been selected; (4) after the procedure has been annulled, except for cases when an appeal for annulation has not settled, or when the deadline for its submission has not expired. A bid bond should be returned no later than within seven days from the date of the circumstances listed above. A bid bond submitted in cash should be returned in cash, while non-monetary bid bonds – by pro viding the guarantor with a declaration of will about the bid bond release. A bid bond return is not possible if some reasons for its retaining exist, i.e.: (1) when the contracting party fails to provide appropriate documents or declarations required by the purchaser; (2) a consent for correcting mistakes in an offer has not been given, in the case of mistakes other than obvious spelling or calculation mistakes; (3) a refusal to sign a contract on public procurement; (4) a failure to provide the required guar antee to perform the contact by the contractor with whom the contract is concluded. Retention of a cash bid bond denotes that the money on their bank account becomes their ownership. In the case of a non-cash bid bond, a bid bond retention means that the guarantor demands the bid bond value to be aid.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2020, 65, 4 (393); 124-148
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zakaz reformationis in peius w postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym NIK – procedury stosowane wobec mianowanych kontrolerów
The Reformationis in Peius in the NIK Disciplinary Procedure – Proceedings Applied to Nominated Auditors
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
disciplinary procedure
reformationis in peius prohibition
right to defence
Supreme Audit Office
trial guarantee of the accused
In criminal proceedings, this prohibition is to ensure that a decision from a court of appeal is not amended to a worse one, if the ruling is in favour of the accused. The European Court of Human Rights is for respecting the reformationis in peius prohibition, and for not toughening the ruling by the appeal court. The Constitutional Tribunal has emphasised many times that “Due to the fact that the right to defence is ingrained in the constitutional principle of the democratic state of law, it relates not only to criminal proceedings, but also to other proceedings taking place in the area of responsibility that is of repressive nature”. Hence, the right to defence applies to those subject to disciplinary proceedings at NIK as well. In his article, the author discusses the regulations that allow for using the reformationis in peius prohibition in these proceedings.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2018, 63, 1 (378); 24-40
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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