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Działalność Jana Plewińskiego w ruchu ludowym w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej i w konspiracji antyhitlerowskiej
Jan Plewiński’s activity in the peasants’ movement in the period of the Second Polish Republic and in the anti-Nazi conspiracy
Olejnik, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
historia najnowsza
ziemia sieradzka
ruch ludowy
Jan Plewiński
recent history
the Sieradz region
the popular movement
Jana Plewińskiego (1898–1970) zaliczyć można do grona najwybitniejszych w dziejach najnowszych działaczy ludowych ziemi sieradzkiej. Obecnie jednak jest raczej mało znany, jakby zapomniany. Od 1919 r. działał w ruchu ludowym w kole młodzieży swojej rodzinnej wsi Strzałki (gmina Majaczewice). Od 1923 r. związał się z PSL „Wyzwolenie”, a od 1931 r. działał w Stronnictwie Ludowym (SL), w którym wtedy skupili się członkowie trzech dotąd samodzielnie funkcjonujących ugrupowań chłopskich. Najsilniejszą pozycję Plewiński wypracował sobie w latach 30. XX w., zarówno w SL jak i ZMW RP „Wici”. Od 1934 r. wchodził w skład Zarządu Powiatowego SL, w rok później objął funkcję sekretarza powiatowego i piastował ją do wybuchu II wojny światowej. W 1936 r. wybrany został do Zarządu Wojewódzkiego SL w Łodzi. W latach 1935–1936 stał na czele powiatowych struktur ZMW RP „Wici”. W latach 1936–1938 był członkiem Zarządu Wojewódzkiego tej organizacji. Był związany ze środowiskiem młodych, radykalnych działaczy ludowych, którzy skupili się wokół wydawanego wpierw w Poznaniu, a następnie w Łodzi czasopisma „Chłopskie Życie Gospodarcze”. Był cenionym prelegentem i często występował na różnych zgromadzeniach publicznych organizowanych przez sieradzki ruch ludowy. Współorganizował wielki strajk chłopski w 1937 r. Za swą działalność przeciw władzy sanacyjnej był w okresie Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej kilkakrotnie więziony. Na początku okupacji hitlerowskiej (listopad–grudzień 1939) znalazł się w sieradzkim więzieniu (w ramach antypolskich represji okupanta). Po ucieczce z więzienia włączył się aktywnie w tworzenie struktur konspiracji ludowej. Należał do kierownictwa lokalnego tej konspiracji (wchodził w skład „trójki” a następnie „piątki” powiatowej SL „Roch”, w latach 1944–1945 – po aresztowaniu Adama Banacha stanął na czele konspiracji ludowej powiatu sieradzkiego). Był także żołnierzem „Chłostry”, a od 1941 r. Batalionów Chłopskich. Jego działalność w latach 1945–1972 w ruchu ludowym (w SL, PSL, ZSL) szerzej opisuję w szkicu biograficznym zamieszczonym w numerze 37 (2021) „Rocznika Historycznego Muzeum Historii Polskiego Ruchu Ludowego” w Warszawie.
Jan Plewiński (1898–1970) can be counted among the most outstanding people's activists in the history of the Sieradz region. Now, however, it is rather little known, as if forgotten. His activity in the years 1945–1972 in the people's movement (in SL, PSL, ZSL) is described in more detail in the biographical sketch included in issue 37 (2021) of the “Yearbook of the Historical Museum of the History of the Polish People's Movement” in Warsaw. From 1919, he was active in the peasant movement in the youth circle of his native village of Strzałki (Majaczewice commune). From 1923, he joined the PSL “Wyzwolenie” (“Liberation”), and from 1931 he was active in the Stronnictwo Ludowe – People's Party (SL), which then gathered members of three previously independently functioning peasant groups. The strongest position was achieved by Plewiński in the 1930s, both in SL and ZMW RP “Wici”. From 1934, he was a member of the SL County Management, a year later he became the county secretary and held it until the outbreak of World War II. In 1936, in 1936, he was elected to the Provincial Board of SL in Łódź. In the years 1935–1936 he headed the poviat structures of the ZMW RP “Wici”. In the years 1936–1938 he was a member of the Provincial Board of this organization. He was associated with the milieu of radical young people's activists, who focused on the periodical „Chłopskie Życie Gospodarcze” (“Peasant Economic Life”). He was a valued speaker and often performed at various public gatherings organized by the Sieradz people's movement. He co-organized the great peasant strike in 1937. At the beginning of the Nazi occupation (November–December 1939), he was imprisoned in Sieradz (as part of the anti-Polish repressions of the occupant). After escaping from prison, he actively participated in the creation of the structures of the people's underground. He belonged to the local leadership of this conspiracy (he was part of the “trio” and then the “five” of the poviat SL “Roch”, in the years 1944–1945 – after the arrest of Adam Banach, he headed the people's underground in the Sieradz district). He was also a soldier of “Chłostra”, and from 1941, of the Bataliony Chłopskie (Peasants' Battalions). During the period of the Second Polish Republic he was imprisoned several times for his activities against the Sanacja regime.
Zeszyty Wiejskie; 2022, 28, 2; 163-189
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczność żydowska w Łodzi, w latach 1945-1950. Zarys problemu
Jewisch Community in Łódź 1945-1950. The outline of the problem
Olejnik, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Between 1945 and 1950 Łódź was the biggest city centre of Jews who had survived the Holocaust. In the second half of 1946 (alter the repatriation from USSR) about 20-30,000 Jews lived there (according various sources). Their population decreased later. About 10-15,000 Jews stayed there after a surge of the emigration to Israel (1949-1950) and their national separateness was emphasized more and more weakly. A main organization of this environment was Wojewódzki Komitet Żydowski (The Provincial Jewish Board), established in Februar 1945, which was under the authority of Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce (The Central Jewish Boaid of Poland). The Board was engaged in protective and cultural activity first of all. It organized kindergartens, day-rooms, pupils’ hostels and orphanages. The action for productiveness of Jews was also an important form of its activity. There were 11 Jewish political parties then and also many sociétés and other organizations, including Jewish national funds, supporting the fight for Jewish state m Palestine. The Jewish Religious Congregation was also active. Since 1945 Łódź was the main centre of Jewish cultural life. Headquarters of the most important Jewish organizations were established in Łódź as well as well-known cultural creators and activists settled there. The first after-var Jewish paper „Dos Naje Lebn” was published there (among more than 20 others). The Jewish Theatre was revived and existed actively under an artistic management of Ida Kamińska. Musicians, artists, cinema people had also great achievments. 2 Jewish schools existed. Since the end of 1940s these rich and various forms of activity of Jewish community were gradually limited.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica; 1997, 60; 125-147
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Po akcji „Wisła” . Ewolucja polityki państwa polskiego wobec ludności ukraińskiej w latach 1947-1958
After „The Vistula” Action. The Evolution of the Policy of the Polish State Towards the Ukrainians 1947-1958
Olejnik, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The underground structures of the Ukrainian nationalists in Poland were crushed as a result of the „Vistula” action which was carried out in 1947. Simultaneously over 140 thousands of Ukrainian people were expelled from the south-east part of Poland and dispersed on the west and north territory. During the following years the Ukrainian problem still absorbed the attention of the party and state governors, especially in a connection with the vivid tendencies of the deportees to return to their former places of settlement. In April 1952 Political Office of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party (KC PZPR) adopted a secret decision on the Ukrainian question. That act started the process o f changes in the attitude towards the Ukrainian minority in Poland. The results of the evolution of that policy were showed more clearly simultaneously to the increase of the political liberalisation in the country since 1955. In 1956 among the others the Ukrainian Socio-Cultural Association was created and the Ukrainian magazine „Nasze Slowo” started to be published. Even greater results were achieved in the fields of the cultural and educational life of that community and the considerable economic assistance was given to the Ukrainians as well. Still their most important claims (- the condemnation of the „Vistula” action and closely connected with that - a permission for the mass return to the former territory of their settlement) for various reasons were not fulfilled. This community obtained a formal equality of rights with the other ethnic groups. Still its situation was deeply influenced by the consequences of the decision which had been took up in 1947. A dispersion of the Ukrainians people limited the possibilities of the wider development of their cultural and religious life as well as their education.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica; 2001, 71; 159-188
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z dziejów prasy łódzkiej. „Kurier Łódzki” i „Echo” - wydawnictwa Jana Stypułkowskiego (1919-1939)
From the history of Łódź press. „Kurier Łódzki” and „Echo” - Jan Stypułkowski’s publications (1919-1939)
Olejnik, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
In this article the history of one of two biggest Lodz publishing houses in the 2nd Rzeczpospolita (Republic) was presented. The lawyer Jan Stypulkowski played the main role in it, although at first he had a few partners (1920-1923 ex-Prime Minister Leopold Skulski). Since December 1919 the company edited „Kurier Łódzki” newspaper which arose on the base of the paper of the same title, bought from the previous publisher - Stanisław Książek - and of „Straż Polska”. In 1925 Jan Stypulkowski started publishing his sensational afternoon paper „Łódzkie Echo Wieczorne” (1928-1939 - „Echo”). In the early 1930’s on the intersection of 195 Piotrkowska Street and 2 Żwirki Street a modem building, containing a printing firm and offices of both newspapers, was built. In the 1930’s basing on many local mutations of „Echo” the newspaper company owned by Jan Stypułkowski successfully competed for the readers’ market on almost the whole teritory of Poland. The newspapers of the discussed above company underwent in the interwar period a significant ideological and political evolution. Until 1922 „Kurier Łódzki” was connected with the National Peasants’ Union and then it represented the Christian-Democratic direction. From the close of the 1920’s both newspapers gradually passed on to pro-sanacional positions.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica; 1995, 52; 143-162
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ruch ludowy w powiecie sieradzkim w okresie „odwilży popaździernikowej” (1956–1958)
Peasant Movement in the district of Sieradz in the time of “October thaw” (1956–1958)
Olejnik, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
In the aftermath of the de-Stalinization processes (“political thaw”) the domestic peasant movement became markedly revived. The United People's Party (ZSL) was joined by genuine people’s activists who had been previously removed from active politics and accused for being in opposition to the communists. The district of Sieradz was also affected by the revival of the peasant movement. The ZSL activity was undergoing changes. The district management of the party fell into the hands of the activists who had been previously engaged in the structures of the opposition party of PSL, Polish People’s Party. The function of the district chairman of ZSL was at long last entrusted to Jan Plewiński in 1956, a dedicated people’s activist, a member of the people’s resistance movement during the Nazi occupation, and the leader of people’s party members in Sieradz. In the wake of the “October of 1956”, the members of the people’s party in Sieradz made an attempt of strengthening ZSL’s position in social and political life and increasing their independence of the governing PZPR (Polish United Workers Party). To achieve this goal they used political campaigns to the Seym and National Councils, among others. However, their endeavors remained ineffective as the PZPR policy, implemented with the aid of security agencies, put paid to the hopes of more profound political changes.
Zeszyty Wiejskie; 2016, 22; 697-712
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Zapamiętane z Brückstädt. Wspomnienia wojenne mieszkańców ziemi uniejowskiej”, pod red. Tomasza Wójcika, Uniejów 2014, ss. 438
Olejnik, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku; 2015, 15
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z chłopskiej zagrody na uniwersytecką katedrę. Karty z biografii prof. Stefana Banasiaka (1929–2018)
Olejnik, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
historia najnowsza
Uniwersytet Łódzki
historycy łódzcy
Stefan Banasiak
recent history
University of Lodz
historians of Lodz
W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze fakty z bogatej biografii prof. Stefana Banasiaka, historyka historii najnowszej i wieloletniego dyrektora Instytutu Historii Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Stefan Banasiak pochodził z ziemi łęczyckiej. Urodził się w Topoli Katowej w rodzinie chłopskiej. Kilka lat po drugiej wojnie światowej ukończył Uniwersytet Łódzki, uzyskując tytuł magistra nauk społecznych. Od 1953 r. rozpoczął pracę jako asystent na tej uczelni, kontynuując jednocześnie studia na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Po uzyskaniu tytułu magistra rozwijał karierę naukową i dydaktyczną na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Uzyskał kolejne stopnie zaawansowania naukowego: w 1961 r. został doktorem, a w 1967 r. doktorem habilitowanym. W 1978 r. został profesorem nadzwyczajnym, a w 1990 r. profesorem zwyczajnym. W latach 1968–1970 był zastępcą dyrektora, następnie w latach 1970–1978 dyrektorem Instytutu Historii Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Osiągnął znaczący dorobek w badaniach naukowych, zwłaszcza w zakresie problematyki powojennych przesiedleń ludności niemieckiej i działalności osadniczej na Ziemiach Zachodnich i Północnych. Specjalizował się także w historii regionalnej, pisząc wiele publikacji z zakresu historii społecznej i politycznej Łodzi i innych ośrodków regionu łódzkiego. Miał duże osiągnięcia w kształceniu kadry naukowej historyków (wypromował ponad 120 magistrów i 7 doktorów). Działał w wielu organizacjach i stowarzyszeniach. Pogrzeb profesora Banasiaka odbył się 4 IV 2018 r. na cmentarzu przy ulicy Ogrodowej w Łodzi.
The article presents the most important facts from the abundant biography of professor Stefan Banasiak, a historian of recent history and for a number of years the director of the Institute of History at the University of Lodz. Stefan Banasiak came from the Łęczyca region. He was born in Topola Katowa in a peasant family. A few years after the Second World War he graduated from the University of Lodz with a degree in social sciences. From 1953, he started working as an assistant at this university, while continuing his studies at the University of Warsaw. After obtaining a master's degree, he developed a scientific and didactic career at the University of Lodz. He obtained further levels of academic advancement: in 1961 he became a doctor and in 1967 he received a postdoctoral degree. In 1978, he was appointed an associate professor, and in 1990 became a full professor. In the years 1968–1970 he was deputy director, then in the years 1970–1978 the director of the Institute of History of the University of Lodz. He obtained significant achievements in scientific research, especially the problems of post-war resettlement of German population and settlement activity in the Western and Northern Territories. He also specialized in regional history, writing many publications on social and political history of Łódź and other centers of the Lodz region. He had great achievements in educating the scientific staff of historians (he promoted over 120 MAs and 7 doctors). He was active in many organizations and associations. The funeral of professor Banasiak took place on April 4, 2018 at the cemetery in Łódź in Ogrodowa Street.
Zeszyty Wiejskie; 2020, 26; 349-360
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Organizacje dziennikarskie w Łodzi (1916-1939)
The Journalist’s Organizations in Łódź (1916-1939)
Olejnik, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The first organization of journalists in Poland - the Association of the Mutual Help of the Polish Journalists - was created in Lwów in 1893. It was followed by the similar organizations in the other towns later. Still it was in Łódź not earlier but in August 1916 where the Association of the Polish Writers and Journalists was created and maintained its activity till 1919. The association of a similar character of mutual help was organized as well among the Jewish journalists in 1918 and was named the Association of the Jewish Writers and Journalists. The first full professional organization of the press editorial staff in Łódź was the Syndicate of the Polish Journalists, which came into being in April 1921. Its cofounder and the first president was editor Lucjan Dąbrowski. This organization has displayed its activity since 1924, when it became a part of the all-Polish journalist association. Since 1927 the journalists from the Jewish and German press in Łódź were also associated in that organization, which changed a name and then was called the Syndicate of the Journalists of Łódź (SDŁ). For many years (since 1924 till 1939) its president was editor Czesław Gumowski. The Syndicate dealt not only with the material and moral interests of its members. It also participated in the nation-wide actions, and spread wide cultural and entertainment activity as well (among the others the so called Press Reduts [Reduty Prasy] was organized - it ws a kind of the public press fetes). In Łódź in the years of the Second Republic of Poland (1918-1939) existed as well: the Union of the Sport Journalists of Republic of Poland and the Association of the Polish Journalists and Publicists of Economy.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica; 1999, 66; 65-86
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wywiad Polski na ZSRR 1921-1939
Pepłoński, Andrzej.
Misiuk, Andrzej (1958- ). Recenzja
Olstowski, Przemysław (1968- ). Recenzja
Olejnik, Karol. Recenzja
Jékabsons, Ériks. Recenzja
Piątkowski, Leszek. Recenzja
Wojtan, Mariusz. Recenzja
Data publikacji:
Warszawa : "Bellona"
Oddział II Sztabu Głównego.
Bibliogr. s. 376-381.
Wywiad polski na wschód w okresie międzywojennym: dwugłos.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
    Wyświetlanie 1-13 z 13

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