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Cmentarzysko z okresu rzymskiego w Kucowie, gm. Kleszczów, woj. Piotrków Tryb. (stan. 7 )
Gräbelfeld aus der römischen Kaiserzeit in Kuców, Gemein de Kleszczów Wojewodschaft Piotrków Tryb.
Olędzki, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 1985, 7
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fibule z cmentarzyska kultury przeworskiej w Wólce Domaniowskiej koło Radomia
Fibulas from the cemetery of the Przeworsk culture in Wólka Domaniowska near Radom
Olędzki, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The fibulas found at the cemetery in Wólka Domaniowska make a large and highly diversified collection. It consists of 29 specimens (together with the ones preserved in fragments) belonging to 15 different types. The fibulas type M according to J. Kostrzewski are the most numerous and the oldest in the set. 11 specimens of these fibulas were found in 10 graves (Tabl. 1-4, 6-12). As it was revealed during the latest research by T. Dąbrowska, these forms should be dated back from the phase A2/A3 to A3 of the Younger pre-Roman period. The interesting fibula Írom the grave 57 (Tabl. I, 13) dates back to the transitory period from the Early pre-Roman to the Younger Roman period (the phase Aj/B,). The fibula can be classified as the type 0 according to Kostrzewski and it probably comes from the Marcomanic Bohemia. The fibula type A.67 (Tabl. I, 14) uncovered in the grave 106 presumably comes from the same territory as the above-mentioned one. This type, numerously appearing in the Roman Danubian provinces, are the basic determinant of the absolute chronology of the beginning of the Roman influences (phase B,J in the territory of the Central Europe Barbaricum. The exemplar unconvered in the grave 12, and known as the type A.68 (Tabl. II, 1) is a form developed from the type A.67. However it should be recognized as a local product (the Przeworsk culture craft). Two similar trumpet fibulas (the type 1 according to T. Liana) being a typical product of the Przeworsk culture workshops were found in the grave 22 (Tabl. II, 2) and 66 (Tabl. II, 3). They date back to the end of the phase B,. The fragment of the so called eye-shaped fibula (Tabl. II, 8) from the grave 54 is no earlier than from the subphase Bu. A large number of the fibulas (specimens) in the cemetery, such as the type: A.148 (Tabl. II, 9), A.38-39 (Tabl. II, 4-5) and the so called Leonów type (Tabl. II, 6) are representants of the fully-developed phase B2. The fibula deriving from the strongly profiled fibulas (Tabl. II, 4) found in the grave 40 is typologically younger. However its coexistence with the type A.38-39 which is precisely dated make us to accept the fact that it was contemporary with the latter. The interesting bronze fibula, being a Roman provincional import, was found in the cemetery (Tabl. II, 11). It is classified as a plated, enamelled exemplar of the group A according to S. Thomas, which she dates from the end of the 2nd to the beginning of the 3rd century AD. The Polish territory got this type of fibulas from the South, i.e. from the Roman Danubian provinces but they provenance may indicate some further lands situated at the Lower Rhine. Many enamel workshops are proved to have existed there. The exemplar type A.162 found in the rich cinerary grave 101 (Tabl. II, 13) is the youngest among the fibulas uncovered in the cemetery. The specimens of this type, i.e. having a cross-bow construction of their springs are well known from the Wielbark and the Čemjachov cultures territory, as well as, from the Lower Elbe. On the other hand they are scarcely found on the Przeworsk culture terrain, and if so, their chronology is limited to the beginning of the Late Roman period.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 1997, 21
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Grób podwójny z cmentarzyska Piaski, gm. Kleszczów, woj. piotrkowskie, a niektóre zagadnienia obrządku pogrzebowego kultury przeworskiej
Double Sepulchre from Piaski Burial Ground and Some Problems of Funeral Ceremony in Przeworsk Culture
Olędzki, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The article contains a presentation of the burial from Przeworsk-culture cemetery of Piaski near Bełchatów, which is interesting due to its form. The burial in question was richly equipped with objects, which for their most part can be easily dated (Tabl. III, IV, V, VI). They were submitted to careful typological and chronological analysis the result of which was presented in Table I. The burial equipment was fully of the so called male- -sex indicator character while the analysis of bone material would rather point that a woman and a man were buried in it. Such a situation is know from other Przeworsk-culture cemeteries in which similar burials containing fragments of both men and women were discovered. Many scholars would account for it as a form of offering from the life of widows for their diseased husbands. In turn, burials containings remains of adults and children were supposed to testify to offerings of children for their parents. The author, analyzing extensive data sources provided by burials from Przeworsk-culture cemeteries analyzed anthropologically (Tab. II), tries to prove that genesis of collective burials including double burials as the discussed grave at Piaski should not be sought in human offerings. An argument in this case may be among others, the type of eqipment having characteristics of the archeological sex indicator. Oftentime in burials with remains of women and men the equipment in its character points exclusively that a woman was buried there. That is also confirmed by the burial from. It was also discovered that in graves of adults and children the equipment is not connected with an adult at all. These and other arguments, such as e.g. differentiated combination of sexes and age of persons buried in collective graves (Tabl. III) make it necessary to seek for other causes than human offerings which led to development of collective burials.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 1984, 5
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historia i prahistoria nieistniejącej już dziś wsi Kuców
History and prehistory of the no longer existing village of Kuców
Nierychlewska, Anna
Olędzki, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
wieś Kuców
kopalnia „Bełchatów”
village of Kuców
“Belchatow” mine
Treść artykułu stanowi historia i prahistoria nieistniejącej już wsi Kuców, znajdującej się dawniej w gminie Kleszczów, nieopodal miasta Bełchatowa. Właśnie to sąsiedztwo z wielką kopalnią odkrywkową węgla brunatnego „Bełchatów” przyniosło jej zagładę. Rozrastający się areał kopalniany doprowadził bowiem do tego, że jeszcze przed 1991 r. trzeba było wywłaszczyć i ewakuować tamtejszych mieszkańców, a w 1993 r. wszelkie ślady materialne ich egzystencji bezpowrotnie zniknęły. Tym niemniej opisywana wieś kucowska mogła się pochwalić bogatą, sięgającą średniowiecza historią, a także wydobytą przez łopaty archeologów, nie mniej imponującą prahistorią. Wszakże miejsce to, z pewnymi, dłuższymi i krótszymi przerwami, eksploatowano rolniczo już od epoki neolitu, kontynuując tę działalność przez epokę brązu i okres rzymski. Tak też było do lat 90. XX w. Przesłanki badawcze, które o powyższym zaświadczają są niżej przez obojga autorów skrupulatnie analizowane.
The article discusses the history and prehistory of the no longer existing village of Kuców, formerly located in the Kleszczów municipality, near the town of Belchatow. It was the vicinity of a large opencast brown coal mine, “Belchatow”, that resulted in its destruction. The expanding area of the mine led to the fact that even before 1991 the local inhabitants had to be expropriated and evacuated, and in 1993 all material traces of their existence disappeared forever. Nevertheless, the described village of Kuców could be proud of its rich history dating back to the Middle Ages, as well as of its impressive prehistory excavated by archaeologists’ shovels. After all, this place, with some longer and shorter intervals, was exploited agriculturally since the Neolithic Age, while continuing this activity through the Bronze Age and the Roman period. The research evidence for this is analysed in detail by both the authors.
Eastern Review; 2022, 11, 1; 33-53
Pojawia się w:
Eastern Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inkrustowane miecze rzymskie z Barbaricum i obszarów przylimesowych Imperium Romanum. Wybrane zagadnienia
Inlaid Roman Swords from Barbaricum and Limes Territories Areas of Imperium Romanum. Chosen Problems
Horbacz, Tadeusz J
Olędzki, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Authors discuss the group of swords of Roman origin the blade of which were inlaid with bronze, copper or brass with symbols understood exclusively in the context or religious and cultural changes of Imperium Romanum. The majority of these findings come from Barbaricum (Fig. 1). The set of motifs inlaid on blade is relatively poor and is limited to three groups of symbols (Fig. 6-8). The first one includes figural representations of Roman Gods connected with fighting, victory, purification and reversal of Evil (Mars, Victoria, Minerva). In the second group there are signa militaria in literal meaning (the eagle - the sign of the legion which is accompanied by emblems of smaller organizational units of the legion), the third group consists of images being the symbols of triumph (ornamenta/insignia/triumphalia): laurel wreath and palm of victory. The palmette of Piaski (Fig. 6, 6 b) being the stylized motif of the palm of victory and in such a shape as it is met on shields of Roman legionaries was included among the third group. The stylistics of inlaid works indicates on two lines of plastic solution of the symbol: realistic and schematic convention. In case of figural representation (Mars, Victoria) we face here "static" and "dynamic" canon of the presentation of the figure. The "static" canon is clearly related to realistic convention while the "dynamic" canon to the schematic one.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 1992, 17
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Naddunajska grupa kultury przeworskiej w świetle analizy materiałów archeologicznych
The Danubian group of the Przeworsk culture in the light of archaeological material
Olędzki, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
A considerable part of the materials of the Macromannic-Quadian culture circle, dated to the second century AD, can be unquestionably linked with the Przeworsk culture. Finds of Przeworsk character (Fig. 2) occur mainly in Moravia and in lesser numbers in southwestern Slovakia and north-eastern Austria (Fig. 1). Their presence in the areas in question has so far been interpreted (cf. footnote 1) as a result of far-flung intertribal exchange or as an effect of local (Marcomannic-Quadian) production inspired by Przeworsk models. According to this author, such interpretation is contradicted by the character and kind of the artifacts in question. Most of them (pottery, fibulae, spurs or parts of belts) are distinguished neither by the material they were made of nor by their esthetic qualities and thus they do not have attributes usually linked with „imports”. This concerns primarily pottery which is average and by its very nature not transportable. Moreover, the Przeworsk finds occuring in graves (cf. cataloque) form definite sets which are peculiar to the Przeworsk culture alone. From all this it seems reasonable to infer that the occurrence of the above mentioned artifacts on the Middle Danube could not have taken place without the participation of the „Przeworsk” human factor. Accordingly, the presence in the area in question of a considerable group of newcomers from beyond the Sudeten-Carpathian Mountains should be taken into account. The earliest Przeworsk materials discovered on the Middle Danube indicate that the newcomers appeared in the first two decades of the 2nd century AD, and stayed in their new homeland et least to the end of that century. Moreover, it should be noted that the earliest phase of the Danubian settlement of the Przeworsk culture (developed phase B2 - about 110/120-150/160 AD) is far better documented by archaeological materials that the later phase (phase Bj/C, about 150/160-200/210 AD). The latter is distinctly on the wane, this being doubtless due to the Marcomannic wars (166-180 AD), within the orbit of which the areas in question were located. An attempt is made to answer the question: which area of the Przeworsk culture could the human groups that settlet on the Middle Danube have come from? The survey of the categories of finds (eg fibulae - Figs. 3-5, parts of belts, spurs etc.) point fairly clearly to the western and central areas of the Przeworsk culture, and more precisely to the basins of the Upper Odra and Upper Warta as the starting point of the hypothetical migration.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 1996, 20
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Profil tematyczny periodyku „Eastern Review” (1997–2001) i sylwetka jego założyciela i redaktora Profesora Jerzego Kmiecińskiego
Klonowski, Michał
Olędzki, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Jerzy Kmieciński
Eastern Review
Międzynarodowe Centrum Badań Wschodnioeuropejskich Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Ośrodek Badań i Studiów Wschodu Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Eastern Review; 2012, 1
Pojawia się w:
Eastern Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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