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Rola katechezy w wychowaniu do pokoju w pięćdziesiąt lat po encyklice Pacem in terris
The role of catechesis in education fo reace on 50th anniversary of issuing Pacem in terris
Offmański, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
Pacem in terris
Educating for the virtue of peace is one of the key issues of the Church’s mission. It was also placed amongst the socio-cultural transformations of the XX century, becoming a leading theme after the issuing of two encyclical letters by Pope John XXIII – Mater et Magistra and Pacem in terris – dedicated to social problems. In catechesis related to the time of the Council one can find reflections of attempts to educate for pro-peace attitudes. Despite the fact that Vatican Council II did not issue any document directly related to catechesis, nevertheless the Council inspired numerous formulations and indications in catechetical literature which focus on existential concerns and finding a way to dialogue with the contemporary world. Parochial catechesis as well as the teaching of religion – after its return to Polish schools – undertakes the education for peace within the framework of axiological thinking. When referring to the teaching of the Counciliar and post-Conciliar popes, catechists look to accomplish the idea of peace presented in Pacem in terris by using four “pillars” or principles: truth, justice, love and freedom. It is important to underline at this point that the dialogue that aims at arousing a common concern for peace must respect the natural law and safeguard the dignity of every human being. In the post-modern world are not these values becoming rather “meaningless”? This is the leaning of the article’s author.
Sympozjum; 2013, 1(24); 113-135
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Katechizm Kościoła Katolickiego ostatnim z dokumentów odnowy soborowej
Catechism of the Catolic Church - last renewal of the conciliar documents
Offmański, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
The Second Vatican Council did not pay in full any instrument of catechesis, as it took place at the Council of Trent and Vatican I but many are expressed in the constitutions and decrees were the inspiration for catechetical renewal that Pope Paul VI called “green branch of a tree, which is Church”. The next Synod of Bishops in Rome were devoted to the issue of evangelization and catechesis in a changing world, and they issued the apostolic exhortations outlined principles of dynamic development of these processes. Bowing to the demands of the fathers of the Synod of 1983 on the development of the Catechism of the Church, John Paul II appointed editorial team, which, under the direction of Cardinal. J. Ratzinger, developed and the 30th anniversary of the Council issued the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Under the infl uence of inspiration and achievement preachers council and the catechism of the anthropological orientation Catechism was that on the day of promulgation of the pope declared one of the “most important events of modern history of the Church”. It quickly became a best-seller in many countries around the world and also a summary of the renewal of the Church of the twentieth century.
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana; 2013, 1; 41-56
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiara w centrum formacji i życia grup religijnych – twórczość s. Haliny Wrońskiej CMW
Faith in the Center of Formation and Life of Religious Groups – Works by Sister Halina Wrońska F.M.A.
Offmański, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
grupy religijne
twórczość s. H. Wrońskiej
religious groups
Sister H. Wrońska’s work
Shifting the stress from the service of the word to evangelization, and in this context showing the tasks of catechesis, faced the new Polish realities: on the one hand the presence of religion lessons at school, and on the other – cultural pluralism being suddenly created, questioning all the authorities. Hence, a catechetic problem appeared: how to form catechesis so that it could meet these threats? This is an important area of research done by Sister H. Wrońska. Theology and methodology of the functioning of coeval groups built especially on the basis of the catechetic documents of the Catholic Church and of the Church in Poland that are published have led the author to working out rules and norms of cooperation between catechetic groups and of various forms of catechization. Sister H. Wrońska’s work Katecheza a małe grupy szkolne i parafialne (Catechesis and small school and parish groups) appears to be an extraordinarily valuable and important book, not only for catechetics, pedagogy, but for all kinds of pastoral activities as well. It is the first work in Poland that comprehensively shows this pastoral-catechetic problem, and shows in an ordered and at the same time detailed way the character and significance of groups of children and young people for the development of catechesis. Documenting this issue is indeed invaluable for all those who will ever study the complementary correlation of educational circles and write anything about it.
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne; 2011, 3; 25-31
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie Soboru Watykańskiego II dla katechezy. Retrospekcja po pięćdziesięciu latach (1962-2013)
Meaning of the II Vatical Council for the catechesis. Flashback after fifty years (1962-2013)
L’importanza del Concilio Vaticano II per la catechesi. Retrospezione dopo 50 anni (1962-2013)
Offmański, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Sobór Watykański II
natura i cel katechezy
posługa słowa
komunikacja wiary
the II Vatican Council
the nature and the purpose of the catechesis
service of the word
communication of the faith
il Concilio Vaticano II
la natura e lo scopo della catechesi ministero della parola
la comunicazione della fede
W artykule poddano analizie wpływ Vaticanum wpływ II na rozwój współczesnej katechezy. Autor podkreśla, iż jest to wielowymiarowe działanie. Choć żaden soborowy dokument nie został poświęcony katechezie, to główne nurty Soboru przeniknęły do refleksji katechetycznej. Jak wykazano w artykule, w wizji natury i celu katechezy Sobór stanowił inspirację do samookreślenia katechezy jako posługi Słowa. Treść katechetycznego przepowiadania skupiała się na soborowej eklezjologii z personalistycznym i wspólnotowym ujęciem wychowania liturgicznego. Źródłem całego procesu katechetycznego są Pismo Święte i liturgia, zaś życie chrześcijańskie – ukazane jest jako realizacja powołania życiowego kształtowanego przez osobowe spotkanie Boga z człowiekiem. Od strony metodologicznej Sobór Watykański II wpłynął na ożywienie inkulturacji i poszukiwanie języka komunikacji wiary, który optymalizował by pogłębienie wiary we współczesnym świecie.
In the article they made the flashback examining the Vaticanum II influence to the development of the contemporary catechesis. It is multidimensional action. Although no conciliar document was devoted to the catechesis, however mainstreams of the Council found their reflection in different transformations of the catechesis. In the vision of the nature and the purpose of the catechesis the Council constituted the inspiration for the self-determination of the catechesis as services of the Word. Contents of predicting religious education was focused on conciliar ecclesiology, with her peculiar frame of the liturgical upbringing. The Bible and liturgy are the source of the whole religious education process. The Christian life is portrayed as the completion of appointing practical God shaped by the personal meeting with the man. From the methodological side the II Vatican Council affected on the revival of inculturation. He influenced also on seeking language of the transport of the faith which would optimize deepening the faith in contemporary world
L’articolo analizza influsso del Concilio Vaticano II sullo sviluppo della catechesi moderna. L’autore sottolinea che questa influenza è multidimensionale. Anche se nessuno dei documenti conciliari è stato dedicato alla catechesi, le principali tendenze del Concilio penetrarono riflessione catechetica. Come si è mostrato in questo articolo, il Concilio – nella sua visione della natura e dello scopo della catechesi –, è stato un’ispirazione per l’autodeterminazione della catechesi come ministero della parola. Il contenuto della predicazione catechetica s’è concentrata sull’ecclesiologia conciliare ovvero sia sul suo riconoscimento di educazione liturgica in chiave personalista e comunitario. La fonte di tutto il processo di catechesi sono la Scrittura e la liturgia; e la vita cristiana si presenta come il compimento della vocazione plasmata da incontro personale tra Dio e l’uomo. Dal punto di vista metodologico Concilio Vaticano II ha contribuito alla rinascita dell’inculturazione e alla ricerca di linguaggio della comunicazione della fede il quale farebbe sì che la fede si approfondisca nel mondo moderno.
Studia Katechetyczne; 2014, 10; 71-87
Pojawia się w:
Studia Katechetyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Płaszczyzny kształtowania postaw pokuty i pojednania
Shaping attitudes of penance and reconciliation
Offmański, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
mercy and grace of repentance
the sacrament
łaska nawrócenia
Kształtowanie postaw pojednania się z Bogiem opiera się na wierze i jej dojrzałości. Im wiara jest dojrzalsza, tym bardziej chrześcijanin odkrywa swój związek z Chrystusem, który pełen miłosierdzia przychodzi i objawia człowiekowi, iż łaska Boga jest umocnieniem jedności z Bogiem Ojcem i prowadzi do jedności miłosiernej z każdym człowiekiem. Ustanawiając sakrament pojednania, Chrystus pragnie, by ta jedność z Bogiem była przez chrześcijanina odczuwana jako stan naturalny, a grzech stanowi naruszenie tego naturalnego stanu człowieka. Stąd sakrament pojednania grzesznika z Bogiem dzięki łasce nawrócenia powinien budzić stan poczucia doskonałego żalu i nawrócenia, prowadzących do przemiany postaw i rozsiewania wokół siebie czynów miłosierdzia. Do odnowy przeżywania pokuty – pojednania należałoby podjąć katechumenat pochrzcielny zanurzony w ewangelizację, ukazującą osobę Jezusa Chrystusa wchodzącego w życie człowieka i zatroskanego jego problemami. To w miłosierdziu świat znajdzie pokój, a człowiek szczęście.
Shaping the attitudes of reconciliation with God is based on faith and its maturity. The faith is the mature Christian finds his relationship with Christ, which is full of mercy comes in and reveals to man that God’s grace is strengthening the unity with God the Father and leads to unity merciful with each man. In instituting the sacrament of reconciliation, Christ desires this unity with God was felt by Christians as a natural state, while sin is a violation of this natural state of man. Hence the sacrament of reconciliation of the sinner with God through the grace of conversion should arouse a sense of the state of perfect contrition and repentance leading to change attitudes and spread around her acts of charity. To the renewal of experiencing health penance – reconciled should be taken post-baptismal catechumenate immersed in the evangelization of showing the person of Jesus Christ entering into force of man and worried its problems. The world will find peace and human happiness only in the mercy.
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana; 2016, 2; 93-110
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowa ewangelizacja w służbie wiary
New evangelization in the service of faith
Offmański, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
problems of the present
problemy współczesności
Rok Wiary był szczególną okazją do refleksji także katechetycznej nad drogami, po których winna dzisiaj zdążać katecheza, by spełnić swój podstawowy obowiązek „czynienia świadków Ewangelii aż po krańce świata”. W sytuacji przemian kulturowo-społecznych konieczne wprost staje się zdynamizowanie nowej ewangelizacji, opartej na kerygmacie eklezjalnym przepajającym całe życie chrześcijanina, który z wiary czerpać będzie moc apostolskiej posługi.
Year of Faith was a special occasion for reflection on the catechetical ways that catechesis must try to fulfill its primary obligation “to deal with the witnesses of the Gospel to the ends of the world”. In the case of social – cultural changes it is necessary to activate new evangelization, based on the ecclesial Kerygma in Christian life to draw power from faith for apostolic ministry.
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana; 2014, 1; 75-100
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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