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Walka o tron polski po śmierci Jana III Sobieskiego w świetle literatury politycznej.
Niedziela, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
historia polityczna
stosunki polsko-francuskie w 2 poł. XVII w.
Jan III Sobieski
A long interregnum period following the death of Jan III Sobieski  contributed to the development of political writings. Letters, which were written then, reflected the moods of the Polish gentry and testified to the character of the epoch. To a degree, they also madę an impact on the outcome of the struggle for the Polish throne.The most serious candidates to succeed to the throne were Prince Jakub  Sobieski, son of the deceased ruler, and Francis Louis de Bourbon, nephew of Great Conde, Prince Conti, who was supported by the French diplomatic circles. The Polish nobility held the strong opinion that one of those  pretenders would take the highest position in the country. Conseąuently, the two were in the midst of a fierce political struggle.His supporters presented Jakub as a son of a powerful monarch and a warranty of good relationships with Poland’s neighbours. They emphasised the fact that it had always been kings’ sons who were the successors to the Polish throne until that time. The opponents accused the candidate of striving to obtain foreign military help and of a too strong attachmentto Austria. Prince Conti, as viewed by the supporters of France was an exquisite commander, who was in possession of great wealth and who was excellently prepared to be a ruler. Many sources, however, ąuestioned both his ruling talent and his fmancial promise. Some doubt was also expressed that the Republic of Poland would get involved in a conflict with the neighbouring states after his election on the instigation of Versailles.The “pen struggle” about the two pretenders tumed out to be rather destructive. It exposed their merits and faults and their satirical image. The Saxon elector, Frederick August I Wettin, who unexpectedly put forward his own candidature in 1697 managed to avoid the commotion. He was almost completely unknown by the Polish nobles, which paradoxically tumed out to his advantage. Before the political stmggle reached him, thanks to his determination, military power, and support of the Republic’s neighbours he succeeded to the throne and strengthened his mle soon afterwards.
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne; 2001, 1; 33-46
Pojawia się w:
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hrabina du Barry jako faworyta Ludwika XV (1768-1774)
Niedziela, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
countess du Barry
Louis XV
hrabina du Barry
Ludwik XV
COUNTESS DU BARRY AS A ROYAL FAVORITE OF LOUIS XV (1768-1774) Jeanne Bécu, countess du Barry, was the last favorite of King Louis XV of France. As a woman of the people, with no property, no name and an unclear past, she became the heroine of numerous satires and pamphlets. Contemporaries presented her as a debauched, vulgar, vain and spendthrift person. These accusations are repeated by many historians to this day. This article is an attempt to show the origins of these negative opinions and uncover the real picture of her life at the Versailles court between 1768-1774.
Studia Historyczne; 2022, 63, 1(249); 21-49
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Oto miasto nieustępujące w niczym Sodomie i Gomorze”. Obraz Paryża w korespondencji Denisa Fonwizina z 1778 roku
Niedziela, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Paryż, XVIII wiek, listy, Fonwizin
“Here’s a city which is a match to Sodom and Gomorrah.” The picture of Paris in the letters of Denis Fonvizin of 1778 Denis Fonvizin, one of the most eminent Russian writers of the 18th c. and at the same time secretary to minister Nikita Panin, visited Paris in the year 1778. He described his stay in the French capital in the letters addressed to his friends and relatives; in them he intimated that the city did not suit his taste. Among others, he complained about a lack of cleanliness and also a slackening of morals and excessive social stratification. He criticized the majority of the Enlightenment professors admonishing them for their egocentrism and arrogance. He did not like the saloon and cultural life in the French capital either (apart from the high level of the French comedy). He tried to dissuade his countrymen from visiting the French capital which reminded him more of Sodom and Gomorrah, rather than of the famous City of Lights which was so popular in contemporary Europe. Without a doubt, his opinions were slightly exaggerated, yet due to their expressiveness and uncompromising nature, it is difficult for a historian to remain indifferent towards them.
Prace Historyczne; 2013, 140, 4
Pojawia się w:
Prace Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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