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Military Security in the Baltic Sea during Cold War: Analysis Based on the Materials of the Naval Reconnaissance Unit of the Polish People’s Republic
Będźmirowski, Jerzy
Gac, Miłosz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
Baltic Sea
Cold War
Navy of the Polish People’s Republic
Warsaw Pact
The purpose of the article was to present, in the proverbial nutshell, the issues related to the military situation in the 1950s and 1960s during the so-called Cold War in the Baltic Sea, based on the materials of the Naval Reconnaissance Unit of the Polish People’s Republic. These materials were very important for analytical teams preparing concepts for operations in the Northern European Theater of Operations, as well as ensuring the security of the maritime borders of the Warsaw Pact countries. The 1950s and 1960s were characterized by a wide range of reconnaissance activities as a consequence of the changing reality in the Baltic Sea. The naval potential of both NATO countries, especially Denmark and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), was expanded, thus the other side began to create the People’s Navy of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), as well as to strengthen the combat potential of the naval forces of the People’s Republic of Poland. At the same time, the cooperation of allied fleets of the Warsaw Pact countries was improved, and for this purpose, staff exercises were conducted on maps and in the Baltic Sea. In retrospect, both NATO and the Warsaw Pact appreciated the military importance of the Danish Straits and the Baltic Sea. In the following years, efforts were made to improve the concepts of naval forces in these waters.
Historia i Polityka; 2023, 46 (53); 85-104
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska Marynarka Wojenna w działaniach dyplomatycznych na rzecz budowania bezpieczeństwa morskiego państwa w okresie międzywojennym
The Polish Navy in diplomatic activities aimed at building the maritime security of the state in the interwar period
Będźmirowski, Jerzy
Nawrot, Dariusz
Ziętarski, Mateusz
Kufel, Jakub
Gac, Miłosz
Data publikacji:
Fundacja PSC
Polish Navy
maritime security of a state
polish foreign policy between the years of 1919 and 1939
political cum military situation of Poland in the interwar period
The purpose of the article is to present the diplomatic activity of representatives of the Polish Navy, aimed at creating solid political and military foundations for the foundation, which was the maritime security of the state. Poland found itself in a new reality, becoming a coastal state. It had a maritime border and the company of states that were not satisfied with such a state, namely: the Weimar Republic and Bolshevik Russia. In addition to these countries, new countries have emerged in the Baltic Sea basin, such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland. One cannot ignore the eternal Baltic States, i.e., Denmark and Sweden. Poland decided that its foreign policy in the Baltic Sea basin should be based on good neighborly relations with countries that, like it, have regained their independence, as well as with Denmark and Sweden. Today, from the perspective of several decades, it can be said that this task was difficult to implement. This was influenced by many factors, which will be presented in the article. Unfortunately, one of them, independent of the Polish side, were the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, which were not able to prevent the revival of German power and the revolutionary Soviet Union. The Versailles order achieved neither legitimacy nor a balance of power. A key role in the foreign policy of coastal states is played by the navy, which is its most important component. The Navy is the only branch of the armed forces of a country that, through the sovereignty of the decks and their immunity, has a much greater diplomatic „potential” than the land forces or the air force. Therefore, representatives of the navy are participants in universally understood diplomacy and function as naval attachés. It is they who are responsible for maintaining „maritime” relations between the states with which international relations are maintained. It is they who prepare the visits of warships in a given country and take care of their proper setting. It was, it is, and it will be. Poland began to fit into this mechanism practically from the establishment of the Polish Navy and continues to this day. The presented article focuses on the diplomatic missions of PMI officers in the interwar period.
Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne; 2023, 3(15); 157-178
Pojawia się w:
Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aptekarnia – czyli dlaczego nie chcemy opieki farmaceutycznej?
Pharmacy shop – why we do not want pharmaceutical care?
Bryła, Adrian
Harężlak, Tomasz
Chmielewska-Ignatowicz, Tomira
Świeczkowski, Damian
Dybek, Tomasz
Krysiński, Jerzy
Jaguszewski, Miłosz
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Farmaceutyczne
opieka farmaceutyczna
dokumentacja procesu
pharmaceutical care
process documentation
A pharmacist is an educated specialist working to provide patients’ with the highest level of care for who business goals should be a secondary aim. Due to an ethical attitude which is in line with the pharmacist code of ethics, a set of most important guidelines, regulating the pharmacist's profession, are them main stream of pharmaceutical care regulation implemented in daily practice. Pharmaceutical care by deploying variety of different pharmacy services, is an important element of the process of optimizing the use of medicines. To start providing pharmaceutical care by implementing a wide catalog of pharmaceutical services, a Polish pharmacist must change their attitude from the typical role of the “seller” or “shop assistant” to the role of a professional adviser to the patient who is using skills and references to provide the best possible advice. The term: "pharmaceutical care" used to refer to the understanding of the responsible action of a pharmacist, whose professional goal is to ensure the safety of pharmacotherapy and improve the patient's quality of life. The process of implementing this type of care is very difficult and this is due to the fact that most Polish pharmacies since the 90s of the twentith century operate mainly as business entities (discounts, loyalty programs, marketing campaigns). Due to the fact that the pharmacy market in Poland is constantly evolving, it seems reasonable to reflect on how to make contemporary Polish pharmacies unique medical facility, in which the patient will receive not only the prescription, but above all - substantive support from pharmacists, being specialist consultancy in the field of health and safety in taking medicines. The pharmacist, which is specialist advice on health and safety in admission drugs could start to build an authority and respect by step by step transferring the pharmacy from price only focused pharmacy to advance advice focused center of patient well being . It is a very simple process which can be start even from tomorrow. It only a matter of will, and eagerness to make a chance.
Farmaceuta to wykształcony specjalista pracujący nad zapewnieniem swojemu pacjentowi opieki na najwyższym poziomie, dla którego cele biznesowe powinny być wtórne. Dzięki etycznej postawie zgodnym z kodeksem etyki zawody aptekarza, realizowane są założenia opieki farmaceutycznej, będący ważnym elementem procesu optymalizacji użycia leków. Polski farmaceuta, aby rozpocząć sprawowanie opieki farmaceutycznej poprzez realizowanie szerokiego katalogu usług, musi zmienić swoje nastawienie z typowej roli sprzedawcy do roli profesjonalnego doradcy dla pacjenta. Pojęcie: “opieka farmaceutyczna” zwykło się odnosić do rozumienia odpowiedzialnego działania farmaceuty, którego zawodowym celem jest zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa farmakoterapii i podniesienie jakości życia pacjenta. Proces wdrażania tego rodzaju opieki jest bardzo trudny i to z uwagi na to, że większość polskich aptek od lat 90-tych XX w funkcjonuje głównie jako podmioty biznesowe (zniżki, programy lojalnościowe, akcje marketingowe). Ze względu na to, że rynek apteczny w Polsce stale się rozwija zasadne wydaje się poczynienie refleksji na temat tego, w jaki sposób współczesne polskie apteki uczynić wyjątkowymi placówkami medycznymi, w których pacjent otrzyma nie tylko realizację recepty, ale nade wszystko - merytoryczne wsparcie ze strony farmaceuty, będące specjalistycznym doradztwem w sprawach zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa w przyjmowaniu leków.
Farmacja Polska; 2020, 75, 12; 687-691
Pojawia się w:
Farmacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena poziomu satysfakcji pacjentów z etykietopiktogramów w aptece pilotażowej
Evaluation of the patients’ satisfaction on pharmaceutical pictogram provided in a Polish community pharmacy – pilot study
Narożny, Adrianna
Zdanowski, Szymon
Świeczkowski, Damian
Jaguszewski, Miłosz
Krysiński, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Farmaceutyczne
piktogramy farmaceutyczne
opieka farmaceutyczna
pharmaceutical pictograms
pharmaceutical care
Background: Pharmaceutical pictograms are useful tools aimed to improve patients’ understanding of medical information. They can be easily implemented into routine settings and can embrace various information, among others, about drug regimen, drug adverse reactions, and potentially harmful drug interactions. Since pharmaceutical pictograms can improve patients’ knowledge, they can also improve adherence to recommended therapy. Thus, it is wise to understand patients’ perspectives on pictograms, particularly due to the cultural discrepancies existing between populations in which pharmaceutical pictograms are used. Aim: The aim of the study was to collect patients’ perspectives particularly in terms of satisfaction on the pharmaceutical pictograms used in routine community pharmacy settings. Materials and methods: The study is immersed in a quantitative approach. The survey, based on an authorial questionnaire, was conducted in a single community pharmacy in the north part of Poland. Labeling was conducted by qualified professional staff according to validated recommendations provided via a computer system. 103 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. Only adult patients participated in the study. Results: Almost all participants (96.11%) acknowledged that such a labeling system could be helpful in following the physicians’ recommendations and can overall simplify the use of medicines. Additionally, 84.47% of patients stated that pictogram labels should be applied to both prescription and over-the-counter drugs. The vast majority (91.26%) also did agree that pharmaceutical pictograms should be available in every community pharmacy. Statistical analysis showed that patients who stated that pharmaceutical pictograms should be available in every community pharmacy and be provided on a patient demand were those for whom drug leaflets were not always understandable. Conclusions: Patients positively evaluated pharmaceutical pictograms. Further studies are warranted, particularly more representative in order to determine the most optimal direction for the development of pharmaceutical services in Poland.
Przedmiot badań: Piktogramy farmaceutyczne są przydatnym narzędziem ułatwiającym zrozumienie informacji medycznej przez pacjentów. Poprzez wzrost wiedzy pacjentów piktogramy farmaceutyczne mogą zwiększać stopień przestrzegania zaleceń terapeutycznych przez pacjentów. Poznanie perspektywy pacjentów jest istotne z uwagi na różnice kulturowe między populacjami, w których stosowane są piktogramy farmaceutyczne. Cel badania: Celem badania było zbadanie perspektywy pacjentów na piktogramy farmaceutyczne w szczególności satysfakcji pacjentów z usługi piktogramów farmaceutycznych dostępnych w aptece ogólnodostępnej. Materiał i metody: Badanie ankietowe zostało przeprowadzone w aptece ogólnodostępnej z udziałem pełnoletnich pacjentów (n=103), którzy otrzymali opakowania produktów leczniczych oznaczone piktogramami farmaceutycznymi. Leki były znakowane przez wykwalifikowany personel apteczny z użyciem oprogramowania komputerowego. W badaniu zastosowano autorski kwestionariusz. Wyniki: Prawie wszyscy badani (96,11%) uznali, że system etykietowania leków może być pomocny w realizacji zaleceń terapeutycznych oraz ułatwić korzystanie z leków, a 84,47% stwierdziło, że piktogramy farmaceutyczne powinny być naklejane na wszystkie leki dyspensowane w aptece. 91,26% respondentów wskazało, że taki system powinien znajdować się w każdej aptece. Zdania, że system etykietowania powinien wchodzić w zakres usługi apteki oraz że powinny być one udostępniane w każdej aptece na żądanie pacjenta były przede wszystkich osoby, dla których ulotki leków były nie zawsze zrozumiałe. Wnioski Piktogramy farmaceutyczne zostały ocenione przez pacjentów pozytywnie. Konieczne jest przeprowadzenie dalszych badań dotyczących piktogramów farmaceutycznych na liczniejszej grupie pacjentów w celu optymalizacji rozwoju opieki farmaceutycznej w Polsce.
Farmacja Polska; 2020, 76, 4; 185-194
Pojawia się w:
Farmacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oral cavity diseases in HIV infected patients
Łanowy, Patrycja
Bichalski, Miłosz
Dzindzio, Jakub
Blaszkowska, Maria
Jaroszewicz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
HIV infection
HIV manifestation
Kaposi’s sarcoma
hairy leukoplakia
oral lesions
Oral cavity lesions are amongst the earliest manifestations of HIV-infection. Thorough examination of oral cavity as well as awareness of associations between specific symptoms and HIV-infection can lead to early diagnosis of this life-long disease. Consequently, early diagnosis of HIV infection allows for prompt introduction of antiretroviral therapy allowing to improve patients’ quality of life, their life expectancy but also reducing the risk of transmission. Therefore, raising awareness on oral cavity disorders suggestive of HIV-infection among general physicians and dentists is of a great importance. In this article we described the most common oral cavity manifestations associated with HIV infection including: oral candidiasis, hairy leukoplakia and Kaposi’s sarcoma in detail.
World Scientific News; 2018, 107; 84-96
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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