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Nomi delle organizzazioni non profit in Italia nella prospettiva crematonomastica
Names of the non profit organisations in Italy in the chrematonomastic perspective
Nazwy organizacji non profit we Włoszech w perspektywie chrematonomastycznej
Groblińska, Justyna
Miłkowska-Samul, Kamila
Sosnowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Książka Nomi delle organizzazioni non profit in Italia nella prospettiva crematonomastica [Nazwy organizacji non profit we Włoszech w perspektywie chrematonomastycznej] składa się z dwóch głównych części. Pierwsza jest o charakterze teoretycznym (początkowe rozdziały, rozważania na temat funkcji marketingowej nazw organizacji non profit oraz rozdział końcowy), a druga analityczna, stanowiąca centralną część monografii (rozdział Analisi del corpus), podzielona na 5 części (onomastyczną, formalną, retoryczną, semantyczną i tematyczną).
The book is based on doctoral thesis titled Nomi delle organizzazioni non profit in Italia nella prospettiva crematonomastica [Names of the non profit organisations in Italy in the chrematonomastic perspective] and written within the confines of cotutelle under the supervision of prof. UŁ dr. hab. Artur Gałkowski from the University of Łódź and prof. Carla Bagna from the University for Foreigners of Siena. Work on the book lasted between 2016 and 2022 and was realised at both the University of Łódź and the University for Foreigners in Siena, during queries at the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale and also at the Biblioteca di Area Umanistica “Giorgio Petrocchi” dell’Università Roma Tre in Rome. The decision to conduct research on this topic resulted from the authors’ education in both Italian and Polish philology, her onomastic academic interests and, above all, the intention to complement the field of chrematonomastic research with the possibly most extensive elaboration of the names of Italian organisations functioning in the non-profit sector. Few researchers in the area of Italian studies have paid attention to this topic so far. One of them was Artur Gałkowski who took an interest of this nomenclature in the article Socjoideonimy a chrematonimy – miejsce nazw organizacji i inicjatyw społecznych w dynamice onimicznej języka [Socioideonyms versus Chrematonyms – the Place of Names of Organisations and Social Initiatives in the Onymic Dynamics of Language] and in the monograph Chrematonimy w funkcji kulturowo-użytkowej. Onomastyczne studium porównawcze na materiale polskim, włoskim i francuskim [Cultural and Practical Functions of Chrematonyms. A Comparative Onomastic Study with Reference to Polish, Italian, and French Examples]. It is therefore a continuation of his studies. The book consists of two main parts – the theoretical one (the initial chapters, considerations about the marketing functions of the non-profit organisations’ names, as well as the final chapter) and the analytical one (chapter Analisi del corpus). The theoretical part begins with Introduzione and presents the subject of the study and synthetically indicates its most significant issues. In Oggetto della ricerca the basic data concerning the names of non-profit organisations is presented, i.e. sources from which they were obtained (regional and ministerial registers above all), the size of the corpus (counting 113 595 naming units), types of organisations described in the study. It is then followed by the description of the polymethodological approach to the proper names analysis (mostly synchronic, qualitative and interdisciplinary approaches), as well as editorial rules (formulated due to the heterogeneous character of the source material and intended to arrange and standardise the numerous onyms cited in the text). In Obiettivi the main objectives of this study are named: to complete the chrematonomastic research with the possibly most extensive elaboration of Italian non-profit organizations’ names in the chrematonomastic perspective, to define the onomastic, formal, rhetorical, semantical and thematic types of these proper names, to answer the question of the existence of the marketing function of these social chrematonyms and to prove the linguistic tendencies in this extraordinarily rich naming repertory that also reflects many known, but also the most recent, linguistic phenomena (which results from the almost limitless possibilities that chrematonymy provides). Stato attuale della ricerca consists of three sections in which the current state of research in Italy, Poland and other European countries is presented, as well as the status of the non-profit organisations’ names and their position in onomastic studies in the social chrematonymy group. One of the most significant issues in this part is to determine the Polish-Italian terminological discrepancy (in Italian literature it is possible to find marchionimi, nomi commerciali much more frequently than the chrematonimy which dominate in Polish publications) to evoke a theoretical discussion regarding the interpretation of the range of chrematonymy and to situate the research in an extensive approach represented by Czech and Slovak onomasts, as well as Polish researchers such as E. Breza or A. Gałkowski. Breve storia delle organizzazioni non profit is a chapter which creates a historical/realistic/administrative background and gives an opportunity to understand the essence of the functioning of these types of subjects better, formulating an important context for the analysis in the main chapter and in the chapter dedicated to the marketing function of the examined names. Briefly, it is attempted to point out the oldest archetypes of non-profit activity, according to some researchers dating back to the 17th-century Anglo-Saxon countries, and by other to the medieval Italian archconfraternities, hospitals and businesses charity activities. Then, the crucial phases of non-profit movement in Europe are enumerated and, at the end of the chapter, several changes which took place during the last decades in Italy are described. The last and decisively the most important fact described here is a reform of the third sector, which commenced during the work on this research and is considered a deep and significant transformation in the Italian social sphere. The central part of the study is Analisi del corpus divided into five parts, each of them being given a classification of linguistic material based on different criteria. The first of these is Tipi onomatisci, in which the examples of names are categorised by the transonymic criteria, i.e. depending on the onym used to create the name of a given non-profit organisation. Successively, the local (mainly in a locating function) and global toponyms, hydronyms and oronyms (surprisingly rarely used in a mountainous country as Italy) are described. Next, the discussion leads to anthroponyms (designating private people) in their official and hypocoristical forms, modern and historical public figures, and also agionyms with a particular and selected distinction of names of pope John Paul II, distinguished among other foreign figures, from the Italian perspective, and certainly dominating in the quantitative comparison with names of popes John Paul I and Benedict XVI. Other chrematonyms constitute another class transposed to social chrematonyms. At the end of this part, the ideonyms and other fictional names, divided into literary, musical and film titles, fictional anthroponyms and toponyms, as well as other fictional ideonyms and onyms are described. The second part, Tipi formali, discusses the foreign-language elements belonging to different language families, either with further or closer relation to the Italian language, depending on geographical, political and cultural factors, etc. Some dialects (or regional languages) as a particular element considerably different from the Italian standard are described. Next, neologisms, idiomatic expressions and acronyms are presented. Next there are phrasematic names which make the non-profit organisations’ names the microtexts which provide their dialogical values, e.g., onyms in the form of question or imperative. Some frequent uses of pronouns or adjectives, and rare adverbs are also demonstrated, except for one: insieme (‘together’) that appears 1338 times in the whole corpus. Regarding the word formation types, the diminutive forms and the hypocoristic appellatives were noted. Other phenomena in this category are also described: onomatopoeia, metalinguistic elements, and graphical alterations that transcend the linguistic character of onyms. The third part shows rhetorical types. Researchers point out their use in the language of advertisements; therefore, social chrematonyms in their marketing interpretation, as suggested and proven in the book, belong to this trend. The most common figures in the corpus are metaphor, metonymy, oxymoron and antithesis, euphemism, personification, comparison, paronomasia and intertextualisation. In case of metaphors, G. Lakoff ’s and M. Johnson’s cognitive classification is applied. In the context of non-profit organisations that often work for the ill and disabled, euphemisms seem to be of major significance; although they are ambivalently valued by researchers and linguists, they are willingly used by the authors of names. The most used expression is diversamente abile (‘differently abled’). Intertextual onyms appear to be significant, as well. They amplify ideonymic transonyms due to the fact that the other category consisted of names based on literary, film and other titles, whereas the names in this category are based on quotes. The next part of the analysis was developed using the semantic fields method, which allowed to extract four main semantic areas – cultural, nature-related, religious and man-related. Religion and man constitute indispensable parts of culture, however their essence and their names repertory imposed their distinction. Semantic types such as the cultural or the one related to nature and their subcategories show a lexical richness of chrematonyms and they follow the concept of teaching the Italian language as a foreign language on the basis of naming material – names of non-profit organisations fully provide the requirements of bringing it in as a didactic material in teaching vocabulary, but also grammar and other competencies. A very significant semantic type is the anthropocentric one – non-profit organisations often put human beings in the centre of their interest, and this is shown clearly in the numerous names which describe human relations, the construction and function of the body and, importantly, its dysfunction, mainly illnesses. The names of illnesses or the parts of the body affected by illnesses in the creation of social chrematonyms can at first seem surprising or can appear to negate the original concept of the marketing function; their use, however is highly justified – it is indeed a precise, transparent message as opposed to euphemism which in the case of rare illnesses or those with complex names may seem the best naming choice because of the ease in finding these types of names, for example on the internet, where most of the obtained information is collected. It is this part of the chapter which allows to prove the perlocutionary types of names which are easy to remember, easy to find or, on the contrary, which are not descriptive. The last analytical part offers the thematic approach, i.e. based on the information regarding the subject of activity explicitly stated in the name. A starting point is the model proposed by A. Gałkowski, who defined 31 thematic types of social chrematonyms, confronted with 10 distinguished from the portal. The third variation of 16 types classification, created by the author of this book, is trying to balance the first two and to optimise them from the quantity and quality viewpoint. The comparison to A. Gałkowski’s classification over a period of 10 years allows to find some differences in the naming material, for example the development of ecological organisations or the description of the types of organisations’ names not mentioned before such as those related to cremation. After the analysis of the numerous chrematonomastic material comes the NONP e la funzione di marketing chapter that gives an opportunity to verify if the uncommonly diversified, practically unlimited naming material, i.e. the non-profit organisations’ names, paradoxically has a marketing function. In theory this function is attributed to marketing chrematonyms only. Nevertheless, four subchapters describe the essence of the marketing function, they also confront social chrematonymy with the marketing one and provide evidence with regard to social chrematonymy’s marketing character. Findings resulting from the discussion are utilised to formulate the determinants of the right composition of this type of chrematonymy. The most important conclusions presented in the last part of the book are the following: the confirmation of the marketing function of non–profit organisations’ names and, more generally, social chrematonyms, and their ensuing affinity to marketing chrematonyms; the confirmation of the chrematonomastic utility in foreign language didactics (at least on the basis of a wide variety of semantic types, as well as the formal ones); a rich repertory of naming and – more generally – linguistic creations made by authors of Italian non–profit organisations’ names compatible with present tendencies of the modern Italian language; the demonstration of general tendencies within the analysed material and quantitative data with frequent (e.g., those based on the adverb insieme or on the names of John Paul II) or rare uses (e.g., those evoking known and recognised women or the Appennini oronym); the formulation of significant determinants in the process of creating a new social chrematonym, in particular a non–profit organisation name; the proof of the significance of chrematonomastics, its equivalence in relation to anthroponomastics and toponomastics, particularly in the era of modern civilisation changes and the negation of the concept of chrematonomastic ‘rubbish bin’ in onomastic research. The book ends with the index of bibliographical and internet sources, the list of the acronyms used in the text (used mostly in the context of references to dictionaries), and also those used in the main attachment of the dissertation indicating Italian regions and types of organisations. Next, there is an index of illustrations, tables or diagrams and, lastly, the attachment consisting of over four thousand Italian non–profit organisations’ names being a representative sample of the general naming material prepared for this analysis. In the attachment the chrematonyms are classified analogically to the categories in the Analisi del corpus chapter, keeping the same categorial names and their alphabetical order. Abstract in English concludes the monography.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Ma come puoi non shipparli???? Sono canon!!!!: uno sguardo al linguaggio del fandom italiano
Miłkowska-Samul, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
fan studies
language variety
“How come you’re not shipping them??? They’re canon”: a look at the language of Italian fandom – The aim of this article is to examine a relatively recent phenomenon in the language of fandom, i.e. various communities of fans that form around a cultural event or artifact, such as a book, a TV show, a movie, etc. This research is located within fan studies, however, it mainly investigates the linguistic aspects of being a fan in Italian. The distinctive feature of the language of fandom as a specific variety, associated with a particular topic and activity and mediated by Internet communication tools, is a specialist lexicon, understandable only to community members. The article concentrates on loanwords from English which in the case of Italian primarily comprise the vocabulary of fandom.
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny; 2019, 2; 399-406
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Emocje a skandal polityczny. O sposobach wykorzystania emocji w dyskursie politycznym
Emotions and Political Scandal. On the Uses of Emotions in Political Discourse
Miłkowska-Samul, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
political discourse
symbolic capital
critical discourse analysis
Celem artykułu jest pokazanie, jakie emocje, w jaki sposób i w jakim celu są wyrażane w ramach dyskursu politycznego, w szczególnym kontekście skandalu politycznego. W świetle wciąż następujących zmian w sposobie uprawiania polityki – związanych w znacznym stopniu z wpływem mediów masowych, Internetu – wyrażanie emocji i kierowanie nimi stanowią jedno z podstawowych narzędzi życia politycznego. Personalizacja polityki, jej mediatyzacja i sensacjonalizacja sprawiają, iż rola emocji w walce o poparcie i władzę jest równie istotna, jak kompetencji i merytorycznej wiedzy. Skandal natomiast jest momentem, w którym dochodzi do szczególnej koncentracji emocji, dzięki czemu ogniskuje on pewne mechanizmy walki o władzę przy użyciu takich uczuć, jak: emocjonalizacja przekazu jako narzędzie perswazji politycznej, emocje w odbiorze, jak i w kształtowaniu wizerunku. Rozważania te oparte są na przykładzie życia politycznego współczesnych Włoch i skandalu związanego z premierem Silvio Berlusconim, który stanowi doskonałą egzemplifikację tematyki emocji w życiu publicznym.
The aim of this paper is to show which emotions, how, and to what end are expressed in political discourse, especially in the context of political scandal, in the framework of critical discourse analysis. The changing methods of political battle, related to the influence of mass media and the Internet, have increased the role of emotions as a means of politics. The personalization, mediatization, and sensationalism of political life have led to the recognition of the importance of emotion control and management. Political scandal, which involves extreme emotions and consequently highlights certain mechanisms of political struggle, seems exemplary as far as the study of emotions in politics is concerned. The analysis of emotionalization as a persuasive means, the role of emotions in the reception and interpretation of political messages, and emotions as key factors in creating a positive self-image are based on the example of Italian political scene and scandals surrounding Silvio Berlusconi.
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej; 2013, 9, 2; 164-183
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
L’insegnamento della cortesia come elemento della competenza comunicativa nei manuali d’italiano LS: sfide e soluzioni
Teaching politeness as a component of communicative competence in textbooks of Italian as a foreign language: challenges and solutions
Miłkowska-Samul, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
communicative competence
The aim of this paper is to address the issue of teaching politeness in textbooks dedicated to learners of Italian as a foreign language. It is assumed that in today’s ever-changing world, full of conflicts and challenges of various kinds, polite communication has become of increasing importance as it helps overcome differences between the participants of the act of communication and promote a peaceful coexistence. Politeness is a phenomenon particularly sensitive to the situational context: the forms considered appropriate vary according to the parameters such as place, channel, age or status of the interactants. Since the complexity of politeness and the variability of its exponents make it difficult to teach, the purpose of this research is to analyze if and how the current textbooks of Italian deal with this aspect of communicative competence. The paper examines which aspects of politeness are taught and with what methods. The analysis is based on the selected textbooks of Italian published in Italy and Poland, in order to compare their approaches.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia; 2020, 47, 2; 81-92
Pojawia się w:
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
L’uso strategico della comicità nel discorso politico di Silvio Berlusconi
The strategic use of humor in political discourse of Silvio Berlusconi
Miłkowska-Samul, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
political discourse
political struggle
The aim of this article is to illustrate some of the mechanisms existing in political discourse which employ emotions and humor as a persuasive means. The study is based on authentic texts produced by Silvio Berlusconi. The importance of emotions and humor in political speech is viewed in the light of changes taking place in public communication due to the development of mass media and Internet, leading to, among others, ever more frequent use of the comical aspect of communication as a method of gaining and maintaining political power. That is why the use of emotions and humor in Berlusconi’s speech is analyzed as a strategic choice and a powerful instrument of political struggle. The article highlights the role of emotions and humor in creating a positive self-image of the politician.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia; 2013, 40, 3; 43-53
Pojawia się w:
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Media jako wróg: o retoryce Donalda Trumpa
Media as an enemy: on Donald Trump’s rhetoric
Miłkowska-Samul, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Katedra Italianistyki. Polskie Towarzystwo Retoryczne
idiolekt polityka
idiolect politics
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie jednej ze strategii retorycznych Donalda Trumpa, opartej na konstruowaniu wroga w postaci mediów. Zebrany materiał językowy analizowany jest z perspektywy koncepcji ramowania E. Goffmana, co pozwala na rozpoznanie wprowadzonych przez Trumpa sposobów kategoryzowania i interpretowania elementów rzeczywistości w celach perswazyjnych. Uruchomienie i narzucenie w dyskursie odbiorcom ramy wroga (podział my-oni wraz z jednoznacznym wartościowaniem i emocjonalizacją przekazu) oraz językowe wykładniki pozwalają na uznanie języka Trumpa za populistyczny, a obsadzenie mediów w roli wroga jest przemyślaną strategią polityka.
The aim of this article is to present one of Donald Trump’s rhetorical strategies, namely constructing the press as an enemy. Trump’s linguistic production is analyzed in terms of E. Goffman’s frame analysis, which allows us to recognize how Trump categorizes and interprets the elements of reality with evident persuasive intentions. Activating and imposing the enemy frame in discourse (distinction us-others with unambiguous values assigned to these categories, emotionalization of the message) together with its linguistic exponents may lead to the conclusion that Trump’s discourse is of populist character; moreover, framing the press as an enemy definitely can be seen as the politician’s deliberate rhetorical strategy.
Res Rhetorica; 2018, 5, 2; 2-13
Pojawia się w:
Res Rhetorica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O retorycznych aspektach tęczy: od konstruowania tożsamości do strategii marketingowej
On the rhetorical aspects of the rainbow: from identity construction to marketing strategy
Miłkowska-Samul, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego
retoryka wizualna
wizerunek marki
visual rhetoric
brand image
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie użycia motywu tęczy na elementach otaczającej nas rzeczywistości materialnej, takich jak ubrania, akcesoria, meble, dekoracje, ale przede wszystkim w komunikacji marketingowej firm i marek. Analiza ta wyrasta z przekonania o roli rzeczy jako czynników kształtujących rzeczywistość społeczną zgodnie z teorią aktora-sieci Bruno Latoura. Wytwory materialne będące nośnikami motywu tęczy nabierają niekiedy waloru retorycznego, gdy tęcza jako symbol staje się narzędziem przekonywania. Te właśnie sytuacje, a szczególnie użycie tęczy jako symbolu środowisk LGBTQ+ w celu kształtowania wizerunku marki, znane jako tęczowy kapitalizm oraz tzw. rainbow washing zostaną zbadane w artykule za pomocą narzędzi retoryki, a zwłaszcza retoryki wizualnej. Perswazja nie odbywa się tu bowiem za pomocą kodu werbalnego, lecz głównie przez kod wizualny. Do wyjaśnienia tych zjawisk zostaną wykorzystane narzędzia retoryki, takie jak koncepcja identyfikacji oraz dwa elementy z triady środków perswazyjnych: ethos i pathos. Także rozróżnienie perswazji i manipulacji okaże się przydatne w analizie omawianego zjawiska.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the use of the rainbow motif on the elements of material reality that surrounds us, such as clothes, accessories, furniture, decorations, but most of all in case of marketing communication of companies and brands. This analysis is based on the belief that things are important factors shaping social reality, which stems from Bruno Latour’s actor-network theory. Material products that transmit the rainbow motif sometimes acquire rhetorical value when the rainbow as a symbol becomes a means of persuasion. These situations, especially the use of the rainbow as a symbol of LGBTQ+ communities to shape the brand image, known as rainbow capitalism and rainbow washing, will be examined in this paper with the help of rhetorical concepts, especially from the point of view of visual rhetoric. This is because persuasion in this case does not take place through the verbal code, but the visual one. Rhetorical means such as the concept of identification and two elements from the triad of persuasive devices: ethos and pathos, will be used to explain these phenomena. The distinction between persuasion and manipulation will also prove useful in the analysis of the phenomenon discussed.
Nowoczesne Systemy Zarządzania; 2023, 18, 1; 61-76
Pojawia się w:
Nowoczesne Systemy Zarządzania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Soprannomi nell’antroponimia criminale sul materiale italiano e polacco
Przezwiska w antroponimii kryminalnej na przykładach włoskich i polskich
Miłkowska-Samul, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
soprannomi criminali
przezwiska przestępcze
L’obiettivo di questo contributo consiste nell’esaminare un tipo specifico di nomi propri, ossia i soprannomi dei criminali italiani e polacchi contemporanei. Collocata nell’ambito dell’onomastica, e in particolare dell’antroponimia, questa ricerca mira a presentare, dopo brevi considerazioni terminologiche, una panoramica dei soprannomi criminali sotto l’aspetto semantico e pragmatico. Si analizzano soprattutto le loro motivazioni e i campi semantici a cui si riferiscono, cercando di identificare delle tendenze antroponimiche principali ed esaminare il rapporto tra la forma e la connotazione di un soprannome e la sua funzione in quanto elemento del gergo criminale.
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest specyficznemu rodzajowi nazw własnych, jakim są przezwiska współczesnych polskich i włoskich przestępców. W ramach niniejszego badania – mieszczącego się w zakresie onomastyki, a konkretnie antroponimii – przezwiska przestępcze zostały poddane analizie z punktu widzenia semantyki i pragmatyki w celu wyodrębnienia ich głównych motywacji oraz pól semantycznych, do których się odnoszą. Pozwoliło to na przedstawienie wstępnej typologii przezwisk, z uwzględnieniem relacji pomiędzy formą językową a konotacją, a także ich funkcji w slangu przestępczym.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura; 2017, 9, 3; 65-77
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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