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Wyszukujesz frazę "Marcinkowski, J." wg kryterium: Autor

Pożądani/niepożądani lokatorzy remontowanych budynków
Marcinkowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polski Związek Inżynierów i Techników Budownictwa
dom mieszkalny
gniazdo ptaków
skrzynka dla jerzyków
residential house
nest of the birds
thermal retrofitting
box for swift
Przegląd Budowlany; 2013, R. 84, nr 3, 3; 95-98
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Budowlany
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Procesy logistyczne w organizacji imprez masowych na przykładzie rajdów samochodowych
Loogistical processes in mass events organization. A case study or car race events
Marcinkowski, J. M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne
proces logistyczny
rajd samochodowy
impreza masowa
logistical process
car race event
mass event
Głównym celem niniejszej publikacji jest przeprowadzenie analizy procesów logistycznych i dokonanie oceny ich wpływu na organizację rajdów samochodowych odbywających się na terenie Polski. Zwieńczeniem niniejszej analizy jest zaproponowanie autorskiej koncepcji usprawnień tych procesów mającej na celu poprawę skuteczności i efektywności ich realizacji. Za punkt wyjścia przyjęto charakterystykę imprez masowych, których szczególnym rodzajem są rajdy samochodowe. Autor dokonał podziału rajdów oraz zaprezentował ich charakterystykę. W dalszej części autor przeprowadził analizę systemu logistycznego i dokonał oceny wpływu procesów logistycznych na organizację rajdów samochodowych. Opisane procesy dotyczą przede wszystkim: zabezpieczenia rajdu, przygotowania infrastrukturalnego, usług medycznych, gastronomicznych oraz socjalno-bytowych. Założenia opisywane w literaturze przedmiotu autor uzupełnił własnymi propozycjami rozwiązań, które są wynikiem analizy i oceny rajdów samochodowych odbywających się w Polsce. Zasadnicze tezy niniejszej publikacji autor sformułował w poniższym brzmieniu: 1. Procesy logistyczne rajdów samochodowych cechują się złożonością i wzajemnym przenikaniem. 2. Wysoka jakość procesów przyczynia się do sprawniejszej, skuteczniejszej i efektywniejsze organizacji rajdów samochodowych. 3. Znaczna część procesów wymaga usystematyzowania i unowocześnienia.
The main goal of this publication is to analyze logistical processes and to evaluate its impact on car race events organization in Poland. The final result of this paper is the concept of processes improvements on the basis of effectiveness and efficiency. The starting point is the characteristics of mass events which car race events is the special type. Author indicates its classification and general characteristics. Further in the article, the analysis of the character and significance of the logistics system and logistical processes and its value for the car race events organization has been done. Those processes pertain strictly to race safeguarding, infrastructural preparation, medical services, gastronomical services and living services. All the assumptions characterized in the available literature have been supplemented by author’s own improvement proposals which are the result of actual analysis and evaluation of car race events in Poland. The main theses of this article are: 1. Logistical processes are characterized by complexity and interdependence. 2. High quality of logistical processes is contributing to skillfulness, effectiveness and efficiency of car race events organization. 3. Wide ranges of processes are needed to be systematized and modernized.
Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka; 2016, 8; 17-27
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Japanese and American approach to humanitarian logistics in natural disasters prevention
Japońskie a amerykańskie podejście do logistyki humanitarnej jako narzędzia walki z katastrofami naturalnymi
Marcinkowski, J. T.
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki
humanitarian logistics
humanitarian logistics convergence
natural disaster
logistyka humanitarna
konwergencja logistyki humanitarnej
katastrofa naturalna
Background: The complexity of natural disasters is a fundamental aspect for coordination and integration activities from the public sectors' perspective. Tasks that are formally independent demonstrate a convergent and integrated character. Therefore, there is a justified need to synergic cooperation of public and private sector, NGOs, UN agencies, IFRC agencies, military and societies actions in the affected region. The main goal of the study was to identify similarities and differences in Japanese and American approaches to humanitarian logistics in the public sectors' perspective. Moreover, the second goal was to prepare an extended humanitarian logistics convergence procedure for national authorities. Methods: Critical analysis has been carried out in two highly developed countries of the global economy. Author indicates determinants which are conditioned by three different types of humanitarian logistics convergence. Results: The article describes the processes of concurrence at Japanese and American level in relation to humanitarian logistics. The characteristic of convergence factors has been followed by theoretical considerations concerning analyzed problem. Author indicates determinants with highest level of convergence as well as with the biggest differentiation. As a result, an extended procedure for national authorities that covers both outstanding approaches has been presented. Conclusions: Neutralizing, minimizing and eliminating of natural disasters' negative effects are not an easy task. The article highlights the importance of public sectors' activities which are fundamental aspects of humanitarian logistics actions. Their coordination and integration play a key role in efficiency. Hence, all authorities interested in the analyzed concept may follow the presented procedure. Nevertheless, there is a necessity to conduct an indicator analysis associated with natural disasters occurrence, economic growth, logistics ratios, risk indexes as well as other determinants that cover convergence.
Wstęp: Złożoność i problematyka występujących katastrof naturalnych stanowi istotny problem koordynacji i integracji działań z poziomu sektora publicznego. Zadania, które formalnie realizowane są w sposób niezależny, wykazują charakter zbieżny i zintegrowany. W związku z powyższym, istnieje uzasadniona potrzeba synergicznej współpracy sektora publicznego, prywatnego, NGO, agend ONZ, agend ruchu IFRC oraz oddolnych działań podejmowanych przez mieszkańców na terenach dotkniętych katastrofą. Celem badania było zidentyfikowanie podobieństw oraz różnic występujących w podejściu do logistyki humanitarnej z perspektywy sektora publicznego w Japonii oraz USA. Ponadto, drugim celem było opracowanie uniwersalnej procedury konwergencji logistyki humanitarnej dla sektora publicznego. Metody: Analizę krytyczną przeprowadzono w dwóch wysokorozwiniętych państwach go-spodarki światowej. Wskazano determinanty powstawania zbieżności, które są określane przez trzy odrębne rodzaje konwergencji logistyki humanitarnej. Wyniki: W artykule opisano procesy powstawania zbieżności na płaszczyźnie japońskiej oraz amerykańskiej w odniesieniu do logistyki humanitarnej. Charakterystyka czynników konwergencji została poprzedzona krótkimi teoretycznymi rozważaniami dotyczącymi analizowanego problemu. Wskazano determinanty cechujące się największym poziomem zbieżności, a także świadczące o znaczącym zróżnicowaniu. W konsekwencji, zaprezentowano uniwersalną procedurę dla zainteresowanych państw łączącą oba wyróżniające się podejścia. Wnioski: Przeciwdziałanie, minimalizowanie i eliminowanie negatywnych skutków katastrof naturalnych nie jest zadaniem prostym. W niniejszym artykule podkreślono istotność funkcjonowania sektora publicznego, który stanowi fundament projektowanych działań z zakresu logistyki humanitarnej. Koordynacja i integracja działań jest kluczowym aspektem warunkującym jej skuteczność. Stąd też, wszystkie jednostki administracji publicznej zainteresowane analizowaną koncepcją mogą wdrożyć zaprezentowaną procedurę. Niemniej jednak, autor artykułu wskazuje na konieczność przeprowadzenia analizy wskaźnikowej dotyczącej występowalności katastrof, wzrostu gospodarczego, mierników logistycznych, czynników ryzyka oraz innych wskaźników, które łącznie świadczą o postępującej konwergencji.
LogForum; 2017, 13, 2; 171-182
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quality of life and rural place of residence in Polish women - population based study
Zagozdzon, P.
Kolarczyk, E.
Marcinkowski, J.T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
life quality
rural area
residence place
rural residence
human population
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2011, 18, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Psychosocial factors and health status of employees at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Ziemska, B.
Klimberg, A.
Marcinkowski, J.T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Introduction: New opportunities in the labour market, competition in services and globalization have contributed to the increase in load factors in the psychosocial work environment. Availability, readiness to help, work with the sick, the suffering patient – night shifts, overtime, workaholic (as a new form of addiction), and bullying – are becoming more pronounced causes of stress, fatigue and burnout in medicine. Thus, difficult working conditions are largely the cause of unhealthy lifestyles in the medical professions and foster the development of various types of addiction and physical illness. The negative effects of psychosocial factors – in the form of immune disorders, increased incidence of mental and somatic diseases, and metabolic and hormonal disorders – more often cause increase absence through sickness and the shortening of working life. Objective: The main aim of the presented study was to provide results concerning the health state of employees of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences (PUMS), and also to analyze relations between selected psychosocial risks factors and the state of health of PUMS employees. Material and methods: The results of research conducted in 2009–2010 which covered 2,468 employees of the PUMS and the results of studies using an anonymous own questionnaire survey, evaluating exposure to psychosocial factors, which included the 1,096th members of staff of the PUMS. Results: There was a clear effect of psychosocial risk factors for health workers. The greatest burden of these factors was observed among workers with higher education, mostly doctors. This occupational group also worked in several places of work more often than other employees of the university. These workers often complained of chronic fatigue, recurrent respiratory infections, hypertension, sleep disorders, neurotic disorders and depression. The complaints quite often diagnosed were immune disease, allergies, skin diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, and disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, which clearly intensified under stress. The clearest negative impact of psychosocial factors on the health of the workers were observed in those a with higher education, employed at several jobs, and complained about poor work organization. Conclusions: 1) It is necessary to implement prevention programs for the staff of the PUMS, aimed at the primary and secondary negative impact of psychosocial factors. 2) Psychological counseling is advisable for employees. 3) It is essential that the issue of voice training, and interpersonal communication techniques to teach and control the schedule of classes, in order to reduce the workload, and encourage physical activity and other forms of relaxation. 4) It is advisable to periodically check on the work conditions and organization of work to help eliminate stressors in the work environment.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2013, 20, 3
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Związek zaburzeń w układzie mięśniowo-powięziowym oraz objawów sugerujących kamicę dróg żółciowych - studium przypadku zaburzeń czynnościowych
Relationship between the myofascial system and symptoms suggesting cholelithiasis – case study
Chochowska, M.
Marcinkowski, J.T.
Wytrazek, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu; 2012, 18(47), 4
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Health policy and legal regulations concerning the functioning in society of individuals burdened with Huntington’s disease and other rare diseases
Zielonka, D.
Marcinkowski, J.T.
Klimberg, A.J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research; 2013, 07, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Differential diagnosis between fibromyalgia syndrome and myofascial pain syndrome
Chochowska, M.
Szostak, L.
Marcinkowski, J.T.
Jutrzenka-Jesion, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
fibromyalgia syndrome
myofascial pain syndrome
trigger mechanism
human disease
Introduction. Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and myofascial pain syndrome (MFPS) can be ranked among disease entities being difficult to diagnose clinically, manifesting themselves mainly through pain in specific hypersensitivity points. Aim. To present the current state of medical knowledge about pain spots appearing on hypersensitive points of soft tissue in the context of selected disease entities. Summary of the knowledge. MFPS is defined as sensory, motor and autonomic complaints, caused by the occurrence of trigger points (TrP). Yet the FMS is stated during the anamnesis on the basis of generalized pain, and pressure achiness of at least 11 out of 18 tender points (TP) of precisely determined location. Patients with FMS report numerous additional complaints – apart from the above mentioned ones; these are however highly non-specific and are not confirmed during routine medical check-ups. There are also no laboratory tests that can confirm presence of TrP being characteristic to MFPS and differentiating it from other muscles’ disease entities. Such points are identified only with the use of palpation. Unfortunately while examining a patient this way TrP – being symptoms of MFPS – can be quite easily confused with TP – being symptoms of FMS. Patients with MFPS which is developing in consequence of long-lasting global disorder of muscle tension balance and sensitivity of nociceptors as a result of chronically remaining pain, frequently suffer from achiness fulfilling the criteria of generalized pain. Moreover – in effect of static overload of soft tissues (especially of tonic muscles) – there occur hypersensitive palpable areas (points). Stimulating them cause lively reaction of the patient. Described symptoms can suggest a suspicion of FMS – the more so that making a diagnosis of MFPS does not exclude its coexistence. Having this in mind, there is a pretty large group of authors who raise a supposition that the differential diagnosis between TrP and TP should be observed in the quantitative rather than in the qualitative categories, despite the still binding definition and nomenclature. Recapitulation. Looking at the MFPS and at the FMS from the perspective of evolution of knowledge about them and from the point of view of period when scientific researches were conducted and their results published, it must be stated that during last years a considerable progress has been obtained in scope of better understanding of pathogenesis and pathophysiology of pain in specified points of soft tissue hypersensitivity, and the parallel clinical studies – confirming the hypotheses that were made – clearly increased the diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of clinical practice.
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research; 2015, 09, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Estimation of physical activity and prevalence of excessive body mass in rural and urban Polish adolescents
Hoffmann, K.
Bryl, W.
Marcinkowski, J.T.
Strazynska, A.
Pupek-Musialik, D.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
physical activity
body mass
rural area
urban area
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2011, 18, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The evaluation of enamel matrix derivative on subgingival microbial environment in non-surgical periodontal therapy
Wyganowska-Swiatkowska, M.
Szkaradkiewicz, A.K.
Karpinski, T.M.
Marcinkowski, J.T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Introduction and objective: Recent in vitro studies indicate that enamel matrix derivative (EMD) could modulate the growth of periodontopathogens. The aim of the presented study was an analysis of the influence of EMD on the presence of Porphyromonas and Prevotella bacteria in the periodontal pockets of patients with chronic periodontitis in non-surgical periodontal therapy. Materials and Methods: The studies were conducted on 20 patients. The condition of the periodontium was evaluated by clinical indexes: API. SBI. PD. CAL before and 3 months after the therapy in two selected quadrants. The material was collected for investigation. The periodontopathogens were cultured and identified. Two days after EMD-scaling root planing (SRP) was applied into the pockets. Results: In the group of patients under investigation before the EMD application the presence of P. gingivalis was found in 6 patients and P. intermedia in 8 patients. After root planing and EMD application no periodontopathogens were identified in those patients either in the periodontal pockets treated with EMD or in the periodontal pockets free from EMD (control). In the statistical analysis of changes in clinical indexes, the application of SRP and SRP combined with EMD was proved to significantly influence the improvement of the clinical state. However, no significant differences between the individual parameters were found in either group. Conclusions: The SRP is an effective method of limiting the development of periopathogens in periodontal pockets. The non-surgical therapy with EMD does not change the clinical parameters significantly, compared with the SRP. Simultaneously, the application of EMD inhibits the development of periopathogens, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2013, 20, 3
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Acute collective gas poisoning at work in a manure storage tank
Zaba, Cz.
Marcinkowski, J.T.
Wojtyla, A.
Tezyk, A.
Tobolski, J.
Zaba, Z.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
acute poisoning
collective poisoning
storage tank
occupational disease
environment protection
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2011, 18, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden
Jakubowicz, O.
Zaba, Cz.
Nowak, G.
Jarmuda, S.
Zaba, K.
Marcinkowski, J.T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Heracleum Sosnowskyi was discovered in 1772 and described as a separate species in 1944 by I. P. Mandenova. Its name is derived from the surname of a botanist studying Caucasian flora, Prof. D.I. Sosnowski. In the area of the Caucasus foothills, the plant reaches approximately 1-1,5 m in height, whereas in Poland its size is significantly larger, up to 3-3.5 m. Heracleum blooms from mid-June to the end of July. The flowers are arranged in umbels and last for 2-3 weeks. In Central Europe, the species colonizes mostly neglected green areas, ruins and riversides. Heracleum poses a serious threat to the human population due to its photoallergic properties, resulting from the presence of intensely toxic furanocoumarin in its sap. Furanocoumarins are found in small hairs that cover the leaves and stem, and are the components of the essential oil. They may penetrate the skin through the epithelial layer, posing a direct threat to human health. Contact with the plant, followed by sun exposure, may lead to the development of large blisters and symptoms of burns. Heracleum, in the event of consumption, is also harmful to farm animals, causing, among others, internal bleeding and diarrhea. Although the toxic properties of Heracleum have been known for many years, every summer people who had contact with the plant present at physicians of different medical specialties.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2012, 19, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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