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Austriackie Kriegsmappe – zapomniane źródło do ikonografii polskich zabytków architektury – na przykładzie Galizien 1915 Luigiego Kasimira
Austrian Kriegsmappe – the forgotten source for iconography of the Polish architectural monuments – on the basis of Galizien 1915 by Luigi Kasimir
Marcinek, Roman
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
I wojna światowa
sztuka austriacka
straty wojenne
This article refreshes our memory on the graphic portfolios created and published during the World War I, exemplified by the work of Luigi Kasimir (1881-1962), Austrian graphic artist and landscape painter. In the years 1900-1905 he attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, gaining artistic education under the supervision of William Unger. In the following years, he improved his skills in lithography and colour etching. Soon he became one of the most recognized Austrian graphic artists and his works found their way to the largest world collections. In 1915, Kasimir was delegated to Galicia with a task of providing artistic documentation of the course of military operations, which resulted in a portfolio of 47 graphics presenting the architectural monuments of former Galicia upon passing of the Austro-Russian front in 1915. Portfolio depicts the views of sites from the following localities: Biecz, Glinik Mariampolski, Gorlice, Jarosław, Kraków, Otfinów, Nielepkowice, Pawłosiów, Przemyśl, Radymno, Sękowa, Sieniawa, Tarnów, Wiązownica, Wietlin, Wysocko and Zbylitowska Góra. Therefore, the analysis of portfolio provides us with a relatively comprehensive set of iconographic materials, presented in publications and conservation documentation sporadically or at all. From the total of 47 views, there are only 7 cases of sites, which have been not definitely rebuilt throughout the last century. Almost half of them did not survive. The author mentions also the portfolios of the other artists, which might be of documentary importance. Not all of them were published: materials to some of them rest in the Vienna and Budapest archives. Many works have been rejected as the relics of the Germanic military propaganda. Despite the above, it is worth to return to them, since in many cases, these are the only art representations of sites from villages and provincial small towns.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2014, 2; 5-22
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Barbarzyńcy w ogrodzie pamięci. Cmentarz rodziny von Lüttwitzów w Sobótce-Górce
Barbarians in the Garden of Memory. The von Lüttwitz family cemetery in Sobótka-Górka
Marcinek, Roman
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
krajobraz kulturowy
tożsamość miejsca
Dolny Śląsk
cultural landscape
identity of the place
Lower Silesia
Cmentarze ewangelickie należą do najbardziej zagrożonych grup zabytków rejestrowych. Tylko niewielką ich część objęto na Ziemiach Odzyskanych ochroną prawną. Przez dziesięciolecia przymykano oczy na dewastację, rabunek i niszczenie „poniemieckich” nagrobków czy elementów wyposażenia, na równanie nekropolii z ziemią i łamanie prawa dotyczącego pochówków. Stanu tego nie możemy, niestety, uznać za fazę zamkniętą. Analiza cmentarza rodziny von Lüttwitzów w Sobótce-Górce jest próbą pokazania, że można utrzymać pamięć tam, gdzie cmentarz w dawnej postaci nie istnieje; próbą historycznego „odtworzenia” pochowanych, wyrwania ich z anonimowości, z której wyrastają obojętność i zła wola. Pod skorupą asfaltu leżą kości współzałożyciela uniwersytetów w Berlinie i we Wrocławiu, kilku pruskich generałów, re¬formatora szkolnictwa w Bawarii czy skromnego oberleutnanta, który w 1916 r. poległ nad jeziorem Narocz, kiedy pułki śląskie powstrzymywały rosyjską ofensywę na Wilno. Przywrócenie pamięci, której ochrona jest nieodłącznym elementem ochrony zabytków, to krok w stronę rozwią¬zania problemu – przywrócenia rodowej nekropolii należnego miejsca w zespole pałacowo-parkowym bądź jej likwidacji, ale z szacunkiem dla ludzkich szczątków i obowiązującego prawa.
Evangelical cemeteries belong to the most endangered groups of registered monuments. Only a small part of them was covered by legal protection in the Recovered Territories. For decades, people turned a blind eye to the devastation, robbery and destruction of “post-German” tombstones and pieces of equipment, to the destruction of the necropolis and to the violation of burial laws. Unfortunately, we cannot say this is a finished phase. The analysis of the von Lüttwitz family cemetery in Sobótka-Górka is an attempt to show that one can maintain the memory of a place even if the cemetery does not exist in its previous form; an attempt at a historical “reconstruction” of the buried, bringing them out of anonymity, which gives rise to indifference and bad will. Under the layer of asphalt lie the bones of the co-founder of the universities in Berlin and Wrocław, several Prussian generals, a school reformer in Bavaria or a modest oberleutnant who died on Lake Narach in 1916 when the Silesian regiments stopped the Russian offensive on Vilnius. Restoring the memory, the protection of which is an inseparable element of monument protection, is a step towards solving the problem – restoring the family necropolis to its proper place in the palace and park complex or its liquidation, but with respect for human remains and the applicable law.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2019, 1; 171-204
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Barokowy portal w romantycznym pałacu Dzięki – okoliczności transferu XVII-wiecznego detalu do Wiązownicy-Kolonii
Baroque portal in the romanticist Dzięki Palace — circumstances of the transfer of a Seventeenth-Century detail to Wiązownica-Kolonia
Marcinek, Roman
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
detal architektoniczny
kamieniarka barokowa
translokacja obiektu
architectural detail
Baroque stonework
object translocation
Podczas XIX-wiecznej przebudowy dworu starostów w Podzamczu Chęcińskim usunięto elementy XVII-wiecznej kamieniarki, wykonanej w lokalnych zakładach kamieniarskich; zostały one rozproszone i w znacznej mierze zniszczone. W roku 2019, podczas prac dokumentacyjnych pałacyku Dzięki w Wiązownicy- Kolonii, autor rozpoznał marmurowy portal pochodzący z Podzamcza, wtórnie osadzony w romantycznym obiekcie. Artykuł opisuje okoliczności przeniesienia obiektu, będącego wynikiem porozumienia carskich dygnitarzy, którym Mikołaj II nadał w Królestwie Polskim dobra ziemskie. Inspiratorem przejęcia marmurowego portalu z herbem Gryf oraz innych detali kamieniarskich mógł być Adam Idźkowski, domniemany projektant obiektu. W 1997 zdewastowany pałac Dzięki, opuszczony przez administrację Lasów Państwowych, odkupił Aleksander Pietrow, potomek pierwszego właściciela. W 2005 zespół pałacowo-parkowy wpisano do rejestru zabytków, a w 2008 rozpoczęto remont – trwa on do dziś, ze względu na skalę zaniedbań, do jakich doszło pod państwowym zarządem.
During the nineteenth-century reconstruction of the starosts’ manor house in Podzamcze Chęcińskie, among others, elements of the seventeenth-century stonework, made in local stone factories, were removed; they were scattered and largely destroyed. In 2019, during the documentation work at the Dzięki Palace in Wiązownica - Kolonia, the author recognized a marble portal from Podzamcze, which was re-embedded in this romantic building. The paper describes the circumstances in which the object was transferred, which was the result of an agreement between tsarist dignitaries, who were granted some land in the Kingdom of Poland by Tsar Nicholas II. The person, who initiated the takeover and implementation of the marble portal with the Gryf coat of arms and other stone details, may have been Adam Idźkowski, the alleged designer of the building. In 1997, the devastated Dzięki Palace, abandoned by the administration of the State Forests, was bought by Alexander Pietrov, a descendant of the first owner. In 2005, the palace and park complex were entered into the register of monuments, and in 2008 the renovation began - it has been in progress until today, due to the scale of negligence under state management.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2020, 63; 125-136
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dwadzieścia lat działalności ośrodków regionalnych
Twenty years of activity of regional centres
Marcinek, Roman
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Państwowa Służba Ochrony Zabytków
Generalny Konserwator Zabytków
Ośrodek Dokumentacji Zabytków
ochrona dziedzictwa
służby konserwatorskie
oddziały terenowe
Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe Pracownie Konserwacji Zabytków
Akademia Nieświeska
Since their foundation on the 1st of July 1991 until now, the Regional Centres and their founding body – the Centre for Documentation of Monuments have been subject to changes and transformations. On the 29th of July 1998, the Minister of Culture and Art approved the existence of 11 Regional Centres for Studies and Protection of Cultural Environment. At the beginning of 2003, CDM was transformed into the National Centre for Research and Documentation of Monuments, and the RCSPCEs into Regional Centres for Research and Documentation of Monuments. Yet another change of the name of the Regional Centres into Local Divisions of the NCRDM occurred in 2010. Since the 1st of January 2011, these institutions have been operating as the Local Divisions of the National Heritage Board of Poland. The idea of the interdisciplinary nature of the Centres’ personnel remains unchanged. Collecting, processing, and sharing information about the region’s heritage and cultural environment had and still has a permanent and fundamental value. In the beginnings of the Centres’ existence, it was important to make the local administration aware of the significance and value of cultural property for the development of local communities. In the mid-1990s, the Regional Centres became partners of local governments in the implementation of tasks related to the protection of monuments and the cultural environment. They cooperated with conservation services and nature conservation institutions. In 2001, a programme of field verification of the register of monuments was prepared, which was resumed thanks to directors M. Gawlicki and P. Florjanowicz, and is still being carried out presently. Modern forms of documentation were introduced. After 1995, the Regional Centres received the records and resources of the former PP PKZ (State Enterprise Monument Conservation Studios). The archives became available for the circle of researchers and students. In 2002, the Centres began cooperating with Marshal Offices creating web portals which featured verified information about cultural heritage. Cooperation with local governments resulted in the implementation of the “Programmes for the Guardianship of Monuments” and the creation of a methodological guide on the subject, among others. Problem-based conferences organised by the Centres were and still are very significant. A new form of monument protection – cultural park, was created partly thanks to the experiences of the employees of the Regional Centres. The Centres’ activity is visible when drawing up applications for monuments of history and inscriptions on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Archaeological research, and gathering knowledge about archaeological sites and finds have all the time been included in the orbit of the Centres’ tasks and interests. Since 1993, the Centres have organised the European Heritage Days. This activity results in the engagement of local governments, regional societies, PTTK (Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society), and the media in the preparation of the EHD. For years, publishing activity in the form of cyclical publications, periodicals, and books has been carried out on a large scale. The Centres have initiated and developed projects of cultural trails, including the wooden architecture trail. Since 1992, the Centres have established cooperation with heritage institutions in Slovakia, Lithuania, and Germany (the inscription of the Muskauer Park on the UNESCO World Heritage List). The Regional Centres have cooperated with international organisations, and helped with organising international activities of the headquarters. In the 20 years of their existence, the Centres have carried out enormous work related to the documentation of the Polish cultural heritage. They have significantly contributed to hundreds of conferences, symposiums, and trainings. They have convinced local authorities that the cultural landscape and monuments attract tourists and investments. The verification of the register of monuments, which is being carried out right now, is an attempt at a systemic review of the resources and the state of protection of monuments in Poland. The Centres make up a network of the most deeply settled field agencies of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, providing access to up-to-date information from the regions, the monitoring of monuments, and the possibility to directly communicate the state politics in the regions.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2012, 1-2; 81-93
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działania Stowarzyszenia Konserwatorów Zabytków
Marcinek, Roman
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
Polski Słownik Biograficzny Konserwatorów Zabytków
Andrzej Kadłuczka
Association of Monument Conservators
Polish Biographical Dictionary of Monument Conservators
Jubileusz 80. rocznicy urodzin profesora Andrzeja Kadłuczki
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2023, 73; 168--172
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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