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Otwornice bentosowe dzisiejszej Antarktyki Zachodniej
Modern benthic foraminifera of West Antarctica
Majewski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Przyrodników im. Kopernika
Po ostatniej dekadzie badań, Zatoka Admiralicji na Wyspie Króla Jerzego należy do najlepiej rozpoznanych pod względem występowania otwornic bentosowych akwenów Antarktyki Zachodniej. Opisano stąd kilka nowych dla nauki taksonów, w tym pierwszego żyjącego w Antarktyce przedstawiciela rodziny Elphidiidae, otwornic często spotykanych w Arktyce i uważanych dotychczas za nieobecne w Antarktyce. Znaczącą część żyjących zespołów stanowią dotychczas słabo poznane jednokomorowe otwornice nie posiadające twardych skorupek. Nie mają one szans zachować się w stanie kopalnym i do niedawna były przeważnie ignorowane przez badaczy. Prowadziło to do znaczącego zaniżania różnorodności i liczebności zespołów otwornic, szczególnie w najbardziej płytkowodnych i przybrzeżnych siedliskach. Dzięki stosunkowo szerokiemu rozprzestrzenieniu i wyraźnej różnorodności morfologicznej, najbardziej przydatne do badań środowiskowych są otwornice wielokomorowe. W Zatoce Admiralicji zaobserwowano wyraźne zróżnicowanie batymetryczne ich zespołów, jakkolwiek nie tak znaczące jak w innych obszarach, gdzie silna stratyfikacja wód idzie w parze z rozpuszczaniem węglanowych skorupek na większych głębokościach. Pomimo znacznej różnorodności siedlisk, zespoły otwornic bentosowych wykazują szerokie rozprzestrzenienie w obrębie akwenów przybrzeżnych nie tylko Antarktyki Zachodniej. Znaczące podobieństwo zespołów zaobserwowano pomiędzy skrajnie odległymi geograficznie regionami Antarktyki Zachodniej i Wschodniej, które znajdują się pod wpływem podobnych czynników oceanograficznych. W konsekwencji informacje dotyczące ekologii poszczególnych gatunków i całych zespołów mogą znaleźć szerokie zastosowanie przy analizie materiału kopalnego, co może przyczynić się do lepszego poznania historii środowiska Antarktyki.
After a decade of research, Admiralty Bay on King George Island stands among the most researched for benthic foraminifera areas throughout West Antarctica. In this area, several new taxa were established, together with the first living representative of the family Elphidiidae; foraminifera that are common in the Arctic, and so far have been considered absent throughout Antarctica. Monothalamous foraminifera with no mineral test constitute large portion of living foraminiferal assemblages. They have no chance to be preserved in fossil record and until recently they were ignored in most of studies. It lead to significant underestimating of foraminiferal diversities and total frequencies, especially in the most shallow-water and near-shore environments. Thanks to rather broad geographic distribution and distinct morphological variability, multichambered foraminifera are the most useful for environmental studies. In Admiralty Bay, a clear bathymetrical gradient in their assemblages has been observed. However, it was not as pronounced as in other regions where strongly stratified waters promote calcium carbonate dissolution at greater depths. Despite large differences between different habitats, benthic foraminiferal assemblages show broad geographic distribution beyond West Antarctica. Strong assemblage similarities were noted between very distant areas of West and East Antarctica, that are under influence of similar oceanographic conditions. These similarities enable extensive use of ecological data on foraminiferal species and entire communities for interpretation of fossil data throughout Antarctica, which may improve our understanding of its environmental history.
Kosmos; 2013, 62, 3; 287-295
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Benthic foraminifera from Pine Island and Ferrero bays, Amundsen Sea
Majewski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
West Antarctica
Pine Island Bay
faunal gradient
Circumpolar Deep Water
Polish Polar Research; 2013, 2; 169-200
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Benthic foraminiferal communities: distribution and ecology in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, West Antarctica
Majewski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
South Shetlands
Polish Polar Research; 2005, 26, 3; 159-214
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Lower Vistula and Its Ice Problems
Majewski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego PAN
Vistula river
Vistula catchment
ice formation
ice problems in rivers
ice floods on the Vistula
In many countries of the northern hemisphere during winter period ice forms appear on various water bodies, which results in significant changes of physical, chemical and ecological conditions. These changes are different in rivers, channels, lakes or once-through reservoirs. On the terrain of Poland ice always caused considerable problems affecting intensive inland navigation and other river use. These problems appeared especially on the Vistula River, which in 17th and 18th century was one of the most navigable rivers in Europe. The Vistula is the largest Polish river, which flows from the south in the Carpathian Mountains to the Baltic Sea in the north. It is the second largest river, after Neva, of the Baltic Sea catchment. The length of the Vistula is 1047 km and its catchment amounts to 194 thousand km2. The predominant part of the Vistula river basin (87%) is now on Polish territory and the remaining (13%) catchment is in Belarus, Ukraine and Slovakia. The course of the Vistula can be divided into three distinctly different sections: upper, middle and lower. These river sections have appropriate catchments with their tributaries. There are hydraulic structures on the main river course and on its tributaries which serve navigation, hydroenergy, flood protection, water supply and recreation. All over the Vistula catchment there are frequent floods during spring and summer time resulting from excessive precipitation but in winter caused by ice phenomena. Numerous flow problems appear especially along the lower Vistula course because of ice phenomena and they result very often in severe flood problems. The Vistula has a very variable time and spatial discharge, because of existing climate conditions over its catchment. The aim of the paper is to present hydraulic and hydrologic characteristics of the Lower Vistula river with special emphasis on the management of this river section for navigation, hydroenergy, flood protection and water supply in view of ice phenomena appearing there. Information concerning changes of water characteristics due to various water temperatures are presented as well as on the formation of various forms of ice in flowing water. Numerous ice studies were carried out in Poland and especially on the Lower Vistula section as it was very ice prone and where many ice jams and ice-jam floods occurred. A special hydraulic situation existed at the mouth of the Vistula, which caused important floods in the 18th century and resulted in the construction of a special direct channel to the sea (Przekop Wisły) solving flood problems in this area. Information is presented on changes in open channel flow due to the appearance of ice cover and other ice forms. The paper includes ample information on the run, consequences and studies connected with a very important ice-jam-flood on the upper part of Włocławek reservoir in 1982.
Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics; 2021, 68, 1; 41--83
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Benthic foraminifera from West Antarctic fiord environments: An overview
Majewski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
King George Island
Admiralty Bay
Polish Polar Research; 2010, 1; 61-82
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
2017 Rok rzeki Wisły. Wisła i jej dorzecze. Zagospodarowanie hydrotechniczne i wykorzystanie gospodarcze
Majewski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
22 czerwca 2016 roku Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej podjął uchwałę o ustanowieniu roku 2017 Rokiem Rzeki Wisły. Decyzja ta była podyktowana faktem, że 550 lat temu (w roku 1467) miał miejsce pierwszy wolny spływ Wisłą. Nastąpił po zawarciu pokoju toruńskiego, na mocy którego cała rzeka, od źródeł do ujścia, znalazła się pod panowaniem Polski. Pokój zawarty między Polską a zakonem krzyżackim, kończący wojnę trzynastoletnią, znosił wszelkie ograniczenia żeglugi na Wiśle. Od tego momentu rozpoczął się 300-letni okres gospodarczej świetności Wisły aż do 1772 roku, kiedy to nastąpił pierwszy rozbiór Polski. Bezpośrednim impulsem, skłaniającym do napisania tej monografii, była potrzeba wszechstronnego przedstawienia obecnego stanu Wisły oraz obiektów hydrotechnicznych i energetycznych powstałych na rzece i w jej dorzeczu, służących nie tylko gospodarce wodnej, ale stanowiących również źródło terenów rekreacyjnych i turystycznych. Społeczeństwo, a często nawet specjaliści nie zdają sobie sprawy z tego, jak wiele wysiłku i środków finansowych kosztowała ich realizacja, jakie funkcje pełniły zaraz po oddaniu do użytku, jakie pełnią teraz i w jakim stanie się znajdują. Istotną częścią monografii jest także przedstawienie zagospodarowania Wisły i jej dorzecza w kontekście wymagań Unii Europejskiej, jak również w stosunku do spodziewanych w najbliższych dekadach zmian klimatycznych. Temat ten budzi obecnie wiele kontrowersji i bardzo zróżnicowanych poglądów. Ekolodzy uważają, że rzeka powinna pozostać naturalna i w takiej postaci być przekazana następnym pokoleniom. Takiemu podejściu sprzyja niewątpliwie objęcie wiele obszarów w dolinie Wisły i jej dorzeczu programem NATURA 2000, co w znacznym stopniu utrudnia wszelkiego rodzaju inwestycje. Specjaliści gospodarki wodnej twierdzą natomiast, że Wisła jest rzeką zdegradowaną, co więcej, jej degradacja cały czas postępuje. W przeciwieństwie do innych rzek europejskich, Wisła nie przynosi korzyści gospodarczych, a każda planowana inwestycja hydrotechniczna budzi wiele sprzeciwów.
On 22 June 2016 the Parliament of Poland took the resolution to establish the current year THE YEAR OF THE VISTULA RIVER. This decision was legitimized by the fact that 550 years ago i.e. in 1467 the first free navigation flow along the Vistula took place after signing the Toruń Treaty, which established the whole run of the Vistula under the auspices of Poland. The treaty was signed between Poland and the Order of Teutonic Knights, which terminated the Thirteen Years war, which abolished all limitations of the navigation along the Vistula. From this moment 300-year period of economic excellence of the Vistula began till 1772 when the First Partition of Poland took place. Till the Partition of Poland the Vistula was the most navigable river of Europe, exceeding such rivers like Rheine, Danube, Rodin or Seine. Yearly, despite primitive means of water transport through the Vistula nearly quarter of million tons of raw materials and goods was transported between the Vistula catchment and the harbor of Gdańsk, which was our window to the world. Due to this situation an essential development of the whole region, which was under the influence of the Vistula and its catchment, took place. From the beginnings of Poland the Vistula fulfilled an important cultural role and very often defensive function. After Second World War, in the new geographical situation, central position of the Vistula provided a very important possibility for the comprehensive use of the river. The Vistula flows through the whole Poland from south to north and its catchment establishes over half of the territory of Poland. Along the Vistula and its tributaries there are located many important cities and industrial centers. Over the past years on the territory of Poland several hydraulic projects were constructed, which serve energy, navigation, water supply for agriculture, industry and people. These were dams, weirs, barrages, hydraulic power plants, navigation canals, water nodes and retention reservoirs. Very often these projects were utilized in a complex way, moreover the reservoirs created by these structures were used also for recreation and formed important features of the countryside. It is necessary to imagine that these constructions were created for the contemporary needs, which with run of time overcame important changes. Numerous hydraulic projects which were constructed in XIX and XX today lost its basic aim, mainly because of their magnitude and increase of needs. These projects, however, still exist, are exploited and very often are important elements of our technical cultural heritage. They also very often present tourist attraction. Examples of such structures can be Radunia Cascade or Elbląg channel. Numerous hydraulic projects completed at the end of XIX century can arise admiration and engineering esteem, as for example Direct Channel of the Vistula to the sea (Przekop Wisły). Poland is the country of very modest water resources and simultaneously their small utilization for economic purposes. Therefore rational use of available water resources was and still is extremely essential. One of the very important problems of our water resources is very small water volume in retention reservoirs, which significantly impedes rational water management. Poland is the country where very often we have to deal with floods and as well as droughts, which result in significant economic, social but also very often ecological losses. These extreme phenomena unfortunately become more intense as the symptom of climate changes. The management of the Vistula provides at present, as never before a lot of controversies and very differentiated opinions. Ecologists consider that the Vistula should remain a wild and natural river, and as such transferred to the next generations. Such approach is justified by establishing, in the valley of the Vistula and on its catchment, numerous areas of the program NATURA 2000 or other protection terrains e.g. as national parks or countryside parks, what in a large degree impedes all kind projects. Specialists of water resources are of the opinion that the Vistula is a degraded river and its degradation is progressing. The river does not bring suitable economic benefits as other similar European rivers. It is strange, that in many European countries hydraulic projects on rivers are executed, while in Poland every new hydraulic project results in numerous protests. These countries are subject to the same legislation as Poland. Solution of this problem will be very difficult and will need proper discussions and compromises from both sides. At present Poland initiated a wide program for the development of inland navigation, which is justified by the acceptance of the convention AGN concerning the international inland waterways. It is very important challenge for our country and this program should be realized in a comprehensive way during many subsequent years. The aim of this monograph which appears on the occasion of the YEAR OF THE VISTULA is a comprehensive presentation of the present state of the Vistula and hydraulic and hydro-energetic structures on the Vistula and over its catchment, taking into account their numbers, technical state, economic use as well as their influence on the environment. The characteristics of the Vistula catchment will be presented. The monograph will take into account this state in comparison with neighboring countries and with the global situation. Essential part of the monograph will be presentation of the Vistula and its catchment in relation to EU requirements as well as in relation to possible climate changes which can appear in the near decades.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Recent ostracods from Admiralty Bay, King George Island, West Antarctica
Majewski, Wojciech
Olempska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
King George Island
Polish Polar Research; 2005, 26, 1; 13-36
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Recent foraminifera from Goulden Cove of King George Island, Antarctica
Gaździcki, Andrzej
Majewski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
King George Island
Polish Polar Research; 2003, 24, 1; 3-12
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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